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  • I am starting up an Adwords campaign that is set to run in the Display (content) network only.  In the past I have meshed search and content together, but after reading Brad Geddes book I see that I need to separate them. I can't see my quality score for my keywords - it just has a dash in place of QS.  Is this normal? Additionally, I can't see how much I am paying per keyword. I only have one text ad and it is still pending approval.  I have several image ads that have so far had a good CTR. I'm assuming that I can't see QS because my text ad is not running yet.  But, if this is the case, then how do you optimize your campaign for image ads?  I'm currently paying about 45 cents per click.  (Previously when I had a poorly optimized quickly thrown together campaign I was paying twice that), but I believe that I could get this down significantly. Any help is greatly appreciated! You guys rock!

    Paid Search Marketing | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi Seo Moz Team, I'm looking for some tips to optimize my site. The site is from mid 2009 and I'm targeting a bunch of keywords around a specific topic. One mainkeyword is a two phrase, let's say "keyword one". Since the beginning I built a lot of keyword anchor links with exact "keyword one" to my homepage. The key was climbing week to week until I reached number two on google. This place I could hold for round about 4 month. Until then it was going down to number 18 to number 14. The keyword "keyword one" was used most of all and it is the far most used key in the bunch of the other keywords. My first question is: I don't know what to do. I started building some brand links in order to mix the anchortext up. Should I built some new links to "keyword one" until I'm in the tops again although I have so much of them already? Could it be, that I have a keyword penalty one year now? In the meantime I worked with other keywords, deeplinks with total different keys and brand links. Smaller keys are ranking good and are very stable on positions 1-3. But especially this key is a little bid tricky. Other sites in the serps have roundabout 5-10 links regarding "keyword one" and they are ranking better than my site with 30-40 exakt anchor. My other idea was, that some links with anchor "keyword one" could be devalued. In this case it should be ok to build some new with exact anchor? The second keyword, lets say "key word two" is a three word combination. I have 60 good and editorial links on this special page and mixed up since I was optimizing for this key. Url mentions, exact anchor, variations and so on. With this key I'm on number 3. Number two is a very week site with no exact anchor backlink but a three word "keyword Domain". Regarding to this, my second question: There is no other site on my project, that is stronger than this three key combination page, but I can't reach to number 1-2 in google. The incoming links are very good regarding to all the other sites in the serps. Should I have patience? Building more and more links? I'm afraid that it is unnatural this way. For your information: There is one site in the serps from 2004. Everything this site does is to build lnks with "keyword one" and two other keywords. No variations, no brand. I think 85% of the time. This guy is ranking on positions 2-3 with this combinations since 3 years now, but smaller keys are week and foundable in comparison. Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | Whipeout77

  • We have done some work on the Google Place entry for this website: We have spent a lot of time ensuring we have consistent address information, to make sure we have a good number of citations, and have worked with the staff at the hotel to ensure that there is a regular stream of reviews coming into a variety of websites  that we know are used by Google. However.... Our target searches are 'Isle of Wight Hotels' and 'Isle of Wight Hotel'. If you do a Google map search for 'Isle of Wight', it drops a pin in the middle of the Island, which is 30 miles by 20! The main areas for hotels on the Isle of Wight (dictated by tourism), are about 15 miles from where Google percieves the Isle of Wight is, in the coastal towns. So it seems that no matter how hard we try, in terms of citations and reviews, GP is always going to prioritise those close to the middle of the area. Anyone got experience of a similar issue, or got any suggestions?

    SERP Trends | | MatrixCreate43

  • We have thousands of pages on our website; news articles, forum topics, download pages... etc - and at present they all reside in the root of the domain /. For example: /aosta-valley-i6816.html
    /what-is-best-addon-t3360.html We are considering moving over to a new URL system where we use directories.  For example, the above URLs would be the following: /images/aosta-valley-i6816.html
    /forums/what-is-best-addon-t3360.html Would we have any benefit in using directories for SEO purposes?  Would our current system perhaps mean too many files in the root / flagging as spammy?  Would it be even better to use the following system which removes file endings completely and suggests each page is a directory: /images/aosta-valley/6816/
    /forums/what-is-best-addon/3360/ If so, what would be better: /images/aosta-valley/6816/ or /images/6816/aosta-valley/ Just looking for some clarity to our problem! Thank you for your help guys!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Peter264

  • Like in the SEOBook toolbar where you can click the information button and get the number of links to the domain and specific page for .edu and .gov sites. Thanks, Daniel.

    Moz Pro | | iSenseWebSolutions

  • My nofollow link is showing as a 302. Is this OK? Not looking to pass any juice along but don't want to be penalized either. Thanks Buhrly

    On-Page Optimization | | Buhrly

  • I've looked at most of the question in the Q&A who speak about pagination but didn't find a clear answer to my concern. So here is my question : On the website i work for, we have list of recipes with this info for each recipe : picture, title, type, difficulty, time and author. 10 recipes per pages and X pages for each list. Would you use link rel canonical on page X with first page as value ? (i've seen this answer in one question here)
    Or canonicalize to page X keeping each page of the list in the index ?
    Would the content be seen as duplicate if we don't use rel canonical and just add page X in the title? Or would it be unique enough with all the infos? Thanks for your help on this !

    Technical SEO | | kr0hmy

  • I am monitoring two domains; a .com and a in quite a competitive sector (men's underwear online sales) last month the .com site completely dropped from rankings sight in Google International SERPs but, the site is actually ranking (quite respectively too) in the International/US Google SERPs. I have no idea how, when or why but it's now been the case for two months. Help please?

    Technical SEO | | Vovia

  • On the "On Page Repord Card", in the "Page Analysis Detail" section, I can click "Read More" for each factor and see a "Recommendation" on how to fix the page to meet that factors criteria. Are these recommendations the same everytime or will they vary depending on the page itself? Can get a copy of each recommendation that would appear if none of the criteria were met? Thanks, Daniel.

    Moz Pro | | iSenseWebSolutions

  • Its the same old story, we all know it well.  I have a client that has a site with 20k+ pages (not too big) and traffic levels around 450k/month. Now we have identified 15 pages with various conversion points/great backlink metrics etc. that we are going to explicitly target in the first round of recs.  However, we are looking at about 18,000 dup title tags that I'd like to clean up. The site is not on a CMS and in the past I've had the dev team write a script to adopt the h1 tag or the name of the page etc as the title tag.  This can cause a problem when some of these pages that are being found in long tail search lose their positions etc.  I'm more hesitant than ever to make this move with this current client because they get a ton of long tail traffic spread over a ton of original content they wrote. How does everyone else usually handle this?  Thoughts? Thanks in advance Mozzers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MikeCoughlin

  • My site is showing a 301 redirect or a forward to . I had done a 301 redirect long before from my site to this domain, but i removed that after 2-3 days. Please help me to solve this problem. I attached a screen shot seomoz1.jpg

    Moz Pro | | riyas_

  • I added facebook comments to many pages on my site.  Does anyone know how you can moderate (or even see) what comments have been left? If I go to for my website it tells me that I have had 15 comments this month.  But, if I go to "popular pages" it shows me 1 page.  If I click on that page I can see that one comment.  But where are the other 14? I really like the idea that when people leave a facebook comment on my page it goes on their friends' news streams and then my site gets more exposure.  But, if I can't moderate my comments that would not be good!

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • I am watching a SEOmoz webinar: Future of Link Building.At 13 minutes into the move an example search is shown where the search term is -seomoz. Rand explains this search will show the results of all pages which mention but do not offer a followed link. I tried that search for one of my sites: -terapvp. It doesn't work at all. It shows a list of sites discussing "tera pvp", none of which have links to me at all. That leads to two questions: how does the linkdomain: query work? how would I ask Google to show a results page of sites with nofollow links and/or citations to my site?

    Competitive Research | | RyanKent

  • One (in fact a couple) of my sites is built using Wordpress so I could take advantage of things like Related Posts widgets, etc. However, the layout and navigation of the site is set up more like a traditional website rather than a blog and from the beginning I removed the comment box from the template. I am wondering now whether allowing comments would actually be a good idea for SEO, or if I should leave it as it is. The content of the site doesn't really offer opinions (aside from a few product reviews) so to my mind comments dont really fit. Thoughts or opinions readily welcomed...

    On-Page Optimization | | Jingo01

  • how heavily do the list of keywords in google's webmaster tools reflect your ranking for those keywords?  For example see this screenshot: shot 2011-06-04 at 7.22.31 PM.png we are a self storage company, and our first two keywords in google's webmaster tools are storage and self.  the problem is nobody searches for self storage (from my keyword research). most people search for "storage +cityname" like "storage toronto" for example. so i guess my question would be this: would it be effective to change all the instances of "Self" on our website to "Toronto" or other city names to try to push the city names higher in google's webmaster tools keywords rank?

    Keyword Research | | adriandg

  • SEOMoz creates transcripts of videos, but would you recommend creating a text transcript if you create a podcast that is 15 minutes or longer?

    Content Development | | SparkplugDigital

  • I consult in the dental industry.  Many professionals in this industry are operating in the dark ages when it comes to marketing. Any ideas about using research tools data to create client interest in dedicating marketing spend on SEO services vs their other current antiquated marketing methods? I am approaching potential clients to pitch SEO.  They aren't necessarily seeking SEO services currently but have a strong marketing budget.  I would like to use seomoz tools data about their site and competitors as way to show possibilities/potential of SEO services to gain interest in further discussion of SEO benefits.

    Moz Pro | | cody_baird

  • I am planning to write an article that refutes some claims made in another article.  The original article is a 20 page pdf.  What I plan to do is to take quotes from this PDF and then under each quote write my arguments for or against the quote. If I take direct quotes from the article, is Google likely to see this as duplicate content?

    Content Development | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi there! My client has a webpage It's a lottery in the Internet. We are trying to dominate keyword "lotto". It's a high volume keyword that has over 135 000 local searches (exact) per month. However, it seems that there aren't much competition out there. We have only one competitor - The issue: We usually have first page ranking only for 2 days max, then we got dropped to third page. Two days later we have first page ranking again. Then we got dropped again to third page. This happens all the time. the odd thing: when we are in the first page, there are a date in the beginning of the META description. When we got dropped to third page, the date disappears. I know this has something to do with crawling. Can you give me some answers considering this issue? I'd be VERY VERY grateful 🙂 BR, Teemu Kinnunen

    Keyword Research | | TeemuKinnunen

  • Hi I'd like to know if there has been any research into citation (brand mentions on external sites) and how it has / hasn't effected ranking, particularly Google Search? If any body can point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thanks

    Branding | | NeilPursey

  • Hello everyone, I am sure most of you guys know how to do this.  I am finding that when my posts are listed in google, my blog title is added to my post title. 2 questions. 1. Is this hurting my rankings because the blog title is diluting my keywords making it look like I have a huge title? (the on page optimizer is dinging me for this. 2. I use a self hosted wordpress blog with the all in one seo plugin.  Does anyone know how to remove the blog title from being appended to the post title? I thought I could do that in all in one seo by checking the rewrite title box and just having it say %post_title% but that didn't fix it.  Also it was doing it before I checked that box as well. Any other ideas to try?  Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | FastLearner

  • Hi all, I have been working in online marketing for a while, predominantly working on the affiliate marketing and business development side. Over the last year I have decided to focus my energies on getting to understand SEO and have picked up some actionable tips and strategies to put together an SEO strategy for the business I work for whilst at the same time broadening my skillset in online marketing. I would like to think I now have a good understanding on key areas of the SEO framework such as keyword research, on page optimisation and link building and look to put my learinings into practise as well as continue to play around through my personal blog An area that I see as more and more important so to get a full understanding is the technical side, getting a decent understanding on the learnings of HTML and CSS and putting this into practise. Can anyone recommend a detailed tutorial, powerpoint that provides insights and learnings on how to best understand this side of SEO? Thanks Simon

    Technical SEO | | simonsw

  • Meaning, if you have a lot of bad quality links (directories, blog comments) that are giving great rankings for some terms (on a homepage of a site), could the low quality of these links negatively affect the crawling frequency of interior pages or perhaps even give interior pages a ranking penalty?

    Technical SEO | | qlkasdjfw

  • Three tools to render a site as Googlebot would see it: SEOMoz toolbar.
    Lynxviewer ( )
    Fetch as Googlebot. I have a website where I can see dropdown menus in regular browser rendering, Lynxviewer and Fetch as Googlebot. However, in the SEOMoz toolbar 'render as googlebot' tool, I am unable to see these dropdown menus when I have javascript disabled. Does this matter? Which of these tools is a better way to see how googlebot views your site?

    Technical SEO | | qlkasdjfw

  • Hi, Are there any facts, opinions or anecdotal evidence to suggest that a video on YouTube has to have at least x length to rank as a result in Google? Everything else being exactly equal, is a 20 second video about as likely to rank as 2 minute video? Thanks! Best...Mike

    Algorithm Updates | | 94501

  • Something I've never been a fan of is having a blog as the home page of a site. I've always thought that it's a bit like walking into someone's house through the kitchen out back.
    If it's a vistors first time, it can be a little disconcerting or ackward even if they are not familiar with the writers style. But something just dawned on me, and I'd love a second opinion on this. For websites that focus on multiple keywords (in my most of my client's case it's usually a mix of Wedding Photography, Engagement Photography, Portrait Photography, Family Photography, etc). A lot of these clients will include the photos in a blog post along with a snippet of text that may talk about the people they're photographing and maybe a bit about where they photographed. But they're usually optimizing for the overarching keyword (Wedding... Portrait..., etc as per above). Now I'm wondering if having three or 5 posts on the home page, where most of them are focusing on a specific keyword like New York Wedding Photographer, is actually diluting the keyword they are trying to rank for. My theory is that if I have them move their blog to a, and solely focus on the desired keyword on the home page, that they would do substantially better in the SERPs. Can anyone subtantiate this? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | WilliamBay

  • Its works on my (virtual) Window based machine in FF. And when I open that same file on my Mac OS, it works! However, when downloading the overlay data to csv on my Mac OS in FF, i get a super long file name & then the file won't open? Shows -5000 error? Both in Excel and Open Office. Any ideas? Both new version of Excel & Mozbar.

    Moz Pro | | josey

  • A client wants to relocate the majority of his niche news site,, into a c-level domain on the same domain ( Right now, almost all the articles are populating in Google News and generating traffic, thanks to the site's age, content and its newsmap. With the relocation, 80% of the files pulled into Google News, will now be, as opposed to how they have been historically, Will that break Google News auto submission process, hurt their google news positioning, and require them to reapply for consideration? Secondly, a good chunk of landing pages (30+) and articles (3-4k) will be relocated to the new domain. Everything after the .com/ will of course remain the same, but the c-level will be new so essentially, a new URL. I know that redirecting will lose some pagejuice, but since its a c-level, its going to be basically like moving the urls to a brand new domain?

    Technical SEO | | EricPacifico

  • I've seen some good threads developed on this topic in the Q&A archives, but feel this topic deserves a fresh perspective as many of the discussion were almost 4 years old. My webmaster tools preferred domain setting is currently non www. I didn't set the preferred domain this way, it was like this when I first started using WM tools. However, I have built the majority of my links with the www, which I've always viewed as part of the web address. When I put my site into an SEO Moz campaign it recognized the www version as a subdomain which I thought was strange, but now I realize it's due to the www vs. non www preferred domain distinction. A look at shows that Google is indexing both the www and non www version of the site. My site appears healthy in terms of traffic, but my sense is that a few technical SEO items are holding me back from a breakthrough. QUESTION to the SEOmoz community: What the hell should I do? Change the preferred domain settings? 301 redirect from non www domain to the www domain? Google suggests this: "Once you've set your preferred domain, you may want to use a 301 redirect to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain, so that other search engines and visitors know which version you prefer." Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JSOC

  • Is video marketing an effective link building strategy-has anyone had any luck with it?  By video marketing I mean using a video distribution service like TubeMogul to atuo distribute videos to many different video sites, and including a link to my website in the Video Title section.

    Social Media | | MyNet

  • I have come to realize that several SEO companies are basing their entire link strategy on paying bloggers to write a review about their client's website that also includes a link back to their website.  I am thinking about adding this as part of my link building campaign.  I am thinking about acquiring approximately 15 links a month from PR 2-5 blogs that pertain to my industry and target audience.  I am thinking of using the network to find good blogs. First question: Does this type of link building work well? Second question:  Is 15 links a month from PR 2-5 blogs (writing on my subject matter) enough to help out?

    Link Building | | MyNet

  • I am working on trying to get backlinks. We are currently redirecting a few Domains to our current domain name. One of the Domains that is redirecting is the main Domain, we will be advertising in the near future. Can I send backlinks to the redirected URL or does it only carry link juice if it is to the main Domain?

    Link Building | | hfranz

  • The company I work for had an old SEO company that did a lot of reciprocal links with websites that are not what we want to be associated with. Does anyone know of a tool that might be able to tell us if there are still reciprical links to our site? I want to try and find them, but the old pages we had with links going out have been deleted.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | b2bcfo

  • We have a new hire and want to teach her twitter marketing any great resources to recommend?

    Content Development | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hello Friends, I have been pondering a question that I bet Ben or some of the other clever folks this list will know. Do the search engines give a preference to sites hosted and served from larger companies like Amazon? With an Amazom Webstore, it would have our domain name but Amazon would supply much of the structure and back end like card processing and check out. Could having amazon as the server be an indicator of better results in the SERPS similar to having a stronger Domain Authority? Are there any draw backs for optimization when using an Amazon Webstore? Thank you. QP

    Web Design | | QuietProgress

  • I was using OSE and noticed all the backlinks to one of our competitors is there other domain name, which is the EXACT SAME website. You can enter both url's and they display the same content. They are not useing any canonical tags either. Why are they not penalized for duplicate content? And for using there own website for backlinks ? We try to do everything right, but still cannot beat them. Any thoughts on this?

    Competitive Research | | hfranz

  • I'd like to know what I can do to get the correct title tag + meta description that I have on the page for to actually show up in the SERP's on Google? It's currently just showing my main keyword and the domain name, nothing else. See attached and thanks in advance for you help. Much appreciated. SERPS.png

    Technical SEO | | afranklin

  • Is it possible to get a subdomain that is on tumblr to count toward I hoped I could point it in webmaster tools like we do www but alas no. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | oznappies

  • Hello, We are designing a very large site with hundreds of landing pages that will need to get some of the Pagerank and trust our homepage has, so we are trying to make sure our navigation architecure is well set up correctly from the beggining. I'm curious though if I need to have left side CSS dropdown navigation (I know no javascript) like or if we can just use the top style dropdown like has? I know straight HTML links would be best but unfortunately our site will be too large and complex for that. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Google is using a secure version of a page (https) that is meant to be displayed using only http.  I don't know of any links to the page using https, but want to verify that.  I only have 1 secure page on the site and it does not link to the page in question. What is the easiest way to nail down why Google is using the https version?

    Technical SEO | | TheDude

  • I've been doing various searches today and I keep hitting this error: We're sorry, but something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. I've filed a support request but I'm wondering if its just me?

    Keyword Research | | Seaward-Group

  • Is it possible to see backlinks to a particular site with the parameters: only .edu backlinks page updated in the last 3 months I've tried using the yahoo advanced search at but it just redirects me to yahoo site explorer and doesn't give the results I ask for. Cheers, Peter

    Competitive Research | | PeterM22

  • Have a Twitter account and theres much confusion over Twitters use of planting keywords into posts and have some SEO benefit from this. Wondering if anyone has come accross an effective use of promoting keyterms on by twitter posting and how often is deemed okay? Generally see some twitter users who are obvioulsy promoting keyterms for their buisness or company who put in as much as five to ten posts in any one day for the same keyword, or keyphrase. while this looks spammy surely this is liable to be flagged by the search engines? Appreciate any insights on this.

    Social Media | | callassist

  • I've been partaking in an extensive trial study and will be releasing the results soon, however I do have quite a strong indication to the answer to this question but would like to see what everyone else thinks first, to see where the common industry mindset is at. Let's say is PR5 and links out to This of course would count as a valuable backlink. Now, what would happen if, which is also PR5, links out to ? The link from SiteA is coming from a different page, and is also pointing to a different deeplink on SiteB, however it will contain the same IP address. What would the benefit be for having multiple deeplinks in this way (as outlined above, please read it carefully before responding) as opposed to having just a single deeplink from the domain? If a benefit does exist, then does the benefit start to become trivial? This has nothing to do with sitewide links. Serious answers only please.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | stevenheron

  • Hello, Our site used to rank for a specific keyword - "eco products", with a link going to the homepage. However, in the last few weeks, we've noticed that the home page no longer ranks for this keyword, and instead the second result on the page is a link to a catagory page on our blog. I'd be very grateful if anyone had any information about why this might have happened, and what possible steps I could take to remedy the situation. Many thanks, Sophy

    On-Page Optimization | | sophycolbert

  • I have spotted that some countries in South America generate lot's of traffic on my site and  I don't want to sell my service there. Can I be penalized for blocking IPs from certain counties? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Xopie

  • Hi everyone, A few weeks ago i purchased a .nu TLD, it's a really nice domainname but i'm wondering if it's possible to rank with this domain in Google? I've heard several times that it doesn't matter for Google which TLD a site has, but i normally never see .nu's high in the SERP's, what are your opinions about this? Is it possible for me to get this site high in google with good links and quality content? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | iwebdevnl

  • Hi, Just wondering if anyone can explain for me why it seems every tag that is entered in WP blog posts on a site creates a duplicate page (identified by ROGER and friends in SEOmoz crawl)? Obviously if you can offer a solution (apart from the extremely obvious "don't use tags") I would be immensely grateful. Thanks so much,

    Technical SEO | | ShaMenz

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