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  • Anyone have any idea how an exactly matching keyword (using the "" register) will compare against an almost matching keyword in the Google .ie search engine. (assuming that on and off page SEO will be the same). eg,    against Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | peterds

  • What are some things to consider or things to evaluate when deciding whether you should focus resources on creating new pages (to cover more related topics) versus improving existing pages (adding more useful information, etc.)?

    On-Page Optimization | | SparkplugDigital

  • What's a good Text To HTML ratio for a website?

    Content Development | | blackrino

  • What is you opinion about scrapebox? I recently used scapebox ... are there any negative effects? My site is more then 1 year old...

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Alexsmenaru

  • We have a client that provides 5 different services all under one brand and one site.  The challenge is getting good web popularity to each major brand.  It looks like this: Brand ( No real Internet traffic to Brand keywords) Service A Service B Service C Service D Service E All the services are displayed on the home page.  The SEOmoz scores are now (in general) as high or higher than the competition in the service keywords, but, of course, we are only ranking on the top for one of the services.  It's a local business. We are just finishing a re-design of the site so that each service has an internal "micro site" within the domain.  Each of the services is linked from the home page to its micro sites Anchor page.  The anchor page is linked to 2 to 4 other pages all directly related to that services information. SO my question is,  should we continue to work on building the home page popularity, or focus a mix between the Home page (Brand)  and the Micro sites Anchor pages. or just go for popularity of the Internal Anchor pages for the services? Hope this makes sense.  And thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MBayes

  • SEOMoz returns a Duplicate Page Content error for a website's index page, with both and isted seperately. We had a rewrite in the htacess file, but for some reason this has not had an impact and we have since removed it. What's the best way (in an HTML website) to ensure all index.html links are automatically redirected to the root domain and these aren't seen as two separate pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ContentWriterMicky

  • Has anyone else seen different google organic results for a site when viewing on an Ipad compared to computer browser ? I've just checked a site and were no1 on google when searched on the Ipad 2 but when searched on my Macbook we are page 2 ? Could this just be different data centers or do google serve up different results to the 2 devices ? Would be really interested to know if anyone else has seen this. JP

    Algorithm Updates | | Prongo

  • My website - - has 26 articles and when the SEOmoz did a crawl it only found 13 articles.  Can someone please give me some insight as to why not all pages are being crawled.

    Moz Pro | | CohesiveMarketing

  • A vendor who has high domain authority;  with a platform that is social media integrated, can provide a backup database, has advanced navigation options, is designed to be SEO savvy among other things... And basically anything that I can make look similar to the SEOmoz Forum!

    Social Media | | gravityseo

  • Hello, I was wondering if there is a good tool or method to pull the new Google Analytics Site Speed data into excel and use this document to track site speeds on a weekly basis for multiple clients? Any good articles or how-to's would be awesome!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Hakkasan

  • I'm currently using OSE to find out where some of my competitors are getting links.  The intention is to find new link opportunities. What i'm finding is A LOT of directories. It seems like for every 1 good link opportunity I'm getting 9 directories. These directories are easy links, but my main worry is quality. Should I be obtaining these links or skip over them?

    Link Building | | Hyrule

  • When I use Open Site Explorer to look at our competitor's link profile, I notice that is getting lots of valuable links from their videos on Youtube. We have a lot of videos on Youtube as well and are not receiving links back. What is the secret? Our website address is fully shown in the profile and we seem to match them - what are we missing? Thanks

    Link Building | | dahnyogaworks

  • For some of our keywords, we rank on page one in google, but the page is an individual product and not the catelgory page? Any idea why this is happening? Thanks for your Help!

    On-Page Optimization | | MRabidoux

  • Sorry if it is obvious, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'd like to be able to run a report that will list all of the back links on every page of my site.

    Link Building | | TRCCommunications

  • Hi SEOMOZers, We have a fairly large retail client with both .COM and .CA domains.  Each of the sites are almost identical in design and, in most cases, content (these would be product pages).  The .US site has been live for nearly 2.5 years while the Canadian probably over a year younger or so.  Both sites are hosted in the US. What we're starting to see as of the last few months are searches that used to rank .COM product pages now rank the Canadian page above the US page on  We've checked Webmaster Tools for each site and they target the appropriate country.  With nearly all examples we've seen, we haven't noticed any more links pointing to the Canadian page, and where this is becoming a widespread occurence we're not convinced it's a linking issue. My question is why Google might see both versions but rank the Canadian page above the US page on for a search being performed in the US?  Does anyone have any ideas on why this may be happening?

    Technical SEO | | HarborOneBank

  • Is there a way to find out if inbound links that have been pointing to my site for a year or more are still offering value to my site. I know the value decreases over time (especially press release and blog article links), but it would be nice to know how much value bring to a site.

    Link Building | | BradBorst

  • I saw an intense drop in non-branded organic search for major pages on my site on April 1st this year. The homepage wasn't affected and it's not an annual thing. I've attached a screen shot showing the drop. I'm new to the company and recently learned that they had hired a pretty black hat company last year and I'm worried that this is Panda...although the timing seems wrong. Has anyone experienced panda effects between the two updates? I'd love to get some feedback!! 1ry2a.png

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | CIEEwebTeam

  • Hi SEOMOZERS, We are planning to do a relaunch (new content, new design) + a domainname change (because it contains a keyword). Some of my team members think it is best to do the domain change already on the old-version to see if there might be some problems. Whereas I think it would be best to implement the domainchange on the new version because otherwise it can be suspected we did the domainchange only for SEO purposes. What are you guys thinking? Thanks Gregor

    Technical SEO | | GregorHendrych

  • I have a property website, for each property are 4-5 tabs each with their own URL, these pages include the overview page which is content rich, and auxilliary pages such as maps, availability, can I use a canonical tag to merge the tabs with very little content to their corresponding overview page which is content rich? I.e. This page has tabs for map, town info, availability which all have their own url i.e. Because these auxilary pages do not contain much content can I place a canonical tag in them pointing back to the content rich overview page at

    Technical SEO | | assertive-media

  • When reviewing our competitors links in Open Site Explorer I noticed that many of them have directory links.  We are an online retailer of gourmet food gifts. So should we focus some of our link building efforts on directory submissions?

    Link Building | | agolomb

  • I've been using spreadsheets to track my link-building efforts and am looking for a better way to do this. Does anyone have suggestions?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi All, In relation to this thread I'm still getting whipped hard from Google, this week for some reason all rankings have gone for the past few days. What I was wondering though is this, when Google says- Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations? I assume my site hits the nail on the head- [removed links at request of author] As you can see I target LG Optimus 3D Sim Free, LG Optimus 3D Contract and LG Optimus 3D Deals.  Based on what Google has said, I know think there needs to be 1 page that covers it all instead of 3. What I'm wondering is the best way to deal with the situation?  I think it should be something like this but please correct me along the way 🙂 1. Pick the strongest page out of the 3 2. Merge the content from the 2 weaker pages into the strongest 3. Update the title/meta info of the strongest page to include the KW variations of all 3 eg- LG Optimus 3D Contract Deals And Sim Free Pricing 4. Then scatter contract, deals and sim free throughout the text naturally 5. Then delete the weaker 2 pages and 301 redirect to the strongest page 6. Submit URL removal via webmastertools for the 2 weaker pages What would you do to correct this situation?  Am I on the right track?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mwoody

  • My client has a classified ads website with hundreds of thousands of classified ads. These ads expire quite fast. When the ad expires it gets removed. At the moment this results in a 404 page and thus hundreds of thousands of 404 erros in Webmasters Tools. From what I know this damages SERP results due to slow indexing of important sites and 404 being just plain bad SEO. I suggested doing a 301 from the expired ads to a upper category but this feels like cheating. The content hasn't actually moved, it has been removed. What would you suggest?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PanuKuuluvainen

  • I have been experimenting with SVG images for SEO in the last 7 months. I can definitely get pages indexed using embedded links within SVG images but have not had much success measuring link juice. Have you tried anything along similar lines? How much link juice does an SVG image pass?

    Image & Video Optimization | | rmteamseo

  • Hi everyone, I'm driving myself insane trying to figure this one out and am hoping someone has more technical chops than I do. Here's the situation... I'm getting duplicate canonical tags on my pages and posts, one is inside of the WordPress SEO (plugin) commented section, and the other is elsewhere in the header. I am running the latest version of WordPress 3.1.3 and the Genesis framework. After doing some testing and adding the following filters to my functions.php: <code>remove_action('wp_head', 'genesis_canonical'); remove_action('wp_head', 'rel_canonical');</code> ... what I get is this: With the plugin active + NO "remove action" - duplicate canonical tags
    With the plugin disabled + NO "remove action" - a single canonical tag
    With the plugin disabled + A "remove action" - no canonical tag I have tried using only one of these remove_actions at a time, and then combining them both. Regardless, as long as I have the plugin active I get duplicate canonical tags. Is this a bug in the plugin, perhaps somehow enabling the canonical functionality of WordPress? Thanks for your help everyone. Robert Dempsey

    Technical SEO | | robertdempsey

  • What are current SEO Treads to improve your ranking and increase the website Au What are the factors impacting SEO and how?
    How do you win over these Factors to ensure you get good results?
    How do you measure these Factors (tools you use)?

    Social Media | | diyawards

  • We had optimized internal pages, targeting specific geographic markets.  The pages used the keywords in the url title, the h1 tag, and within the content.  They scored well using the SEOmoz tool and were increasing in rank every week.  Then all of a sudden today, they disappeared.  We had added a few links from to test them out, but that's about the only change we made.  The pages had a dynamic url, "?page=" that we were about to redirect to a static url but hadn't done it yet.  The static url was redirecting to the dynamic url.  Does anyone have any idea what happened?  Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | h3counsel

  • And lets say I wanted to do this over an extended period of time.  And for bonus credits... is there any program that would notify me of each new tweet as it happens.

    Social Media | | Thos003

  • Dear SEOmoz team, I’m an in-house SEO looking after a number of sites in a competitive vertical. Right now we have our core site translated into over thirty different languages, with each one sitting on its own country-specific TLD (so,,, etc…). Though we’re using a template system so that changes to the .com domain propagate across all languages, over the years things have become more complex in quite a few areas. For example, the level of analytics script hacks and filters we have created in order to channel users through to each language profile is now bordering on the epic. For a number of reasons we’ve recently been discussing the cost/benefit of migrating all of these languages into the single domain. On first look this would appear to simplify things greatly; however I’m nervous about what effect this would have on our organic SE traffic. All these separate sites have cumulatively received years of on/off-site work, and even if we went through the process of setting up page-for-page redirects to their new home on, I would hate to lose all this hard-work (and business) if we saw our rankings tank as a result of the move. So I guess the question is, for an international business such as ours, which is the optimal site structure in the eyes of the search engines; Local sites on local TLD’s, or one mammoth site with language identifiers in the URL path (or subdomains)? Is Google still so reliant on TLD for geo targeting search results, or is it less of a factor in today’s search engine environment? Cheers!

    International SEO | | linklater

  • When I design sites for clients I try to keep the homepage clean and simple.  As a result, I usually end up with very little actual content. For SEO purposes.  What is the minimum # of words that I should have on any given homepage to avoid being penalized by Google? Does it have to be at least 150 or something like that?  Even though my internal pages have plenty? thanks, Martin

    Technical SEO | | RogersSEO

  • So Google Shopping has finally landed in Australia so we've got some work todo hooking it up to our client ecom sites. Right now we have a handful of clients who are setup, the feed is getting in their ok but all products are sitting in "disapproved" status in the dashboard and clicking into each individual product the status says awaiting review. I logged a support ticket with Google to get some more info on this as it doesn't look right to me (ie the disapproved status in dashboard) and got a useless templated answer. Seems that if I switch the country destination to US the products are approved and live in shopping search within the hour. Switch back to Australia and they go back to disapproved status. Anyone having the same issue/seen this before? I simply don't trust Google support and wondering if there's other factors at play here.

    Technical SEO | | Brendo

  • For seo purposes Looking to register a new double (keyword based) domain were popular domains are not available. Keyword difficulty rated for exact keyword is 49% For example, www.(name1)(name2).com (is not available) www.(name1)-(name2).com (is not available) (single space between keywords) What is the next best alternative? www.(name1)--(name2).com (Double space between keywords) www.(name2)(name1).com (reverse keywords with no spaces) www.(name1)s(name2) (adding the letter s to the end of both keywords) or is there a better alternative)

    Keyword Research | | peterds

  • My duplicate pages went up 50 plus in the past week, and my duplicate page titles went over more then 100. We recently redesigned the website, but it has been up for several weeks now.  The only change I made specifically last week or late the week before was to get my 301 redirects done to get the www. version and the non www version pointing to the same place (as well as a couple other sites that point to it). I'm sure this is not enough info to figure out what went wrong . . . I'd love some help in figuring this out though.

    Moz Pro | | damon1212

  • I have a prospective client looking to do SEO- they are a charity and have a fixed one time budget. (The budget is surprisingly high) They are looking to have their site ranked for "charities in (our city)" and "dental charities" and any keyword variations. Adwords shows significant search volume and ranking difficulty is moderate per SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool. On page will be fairly simple and well handled, but am looking more towards the authority and link building. I am going to tackle 3 top quality directories, Yahoo, BOTW, and (as well as DMOZ but i've never had luck). But was wondering if there were any other nationally recognized sources that mozzers know about that would be a good place to start to get some links to the site. The organization is a clinic that provides free dental work to veterans. I have never handled SEO for a charity before, and my first instinct is that getting a link to the site will be much easier to get than if I ask them to give money to the foundation, so they would be glad to do it. Any other guidance would be appreciated. And I can give more details if necessary. Any other tips and insight would be appreciated. Thank you! Ian

    Link Building | | itrogers

  • Hiya fellow SEO's I have been working on a site -  and I must say it has become difficult due to flaws with the content management system . We are speaking with the web site makers to be able to add a unique title, description to all pages. I know what is wrong but I would also like some 2nd opinions on this and welcome any suggestions for the site. A burnt out seo 🙂 thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • I'm thinking about purchasing .. $300 It's showing a PR5, but I'm not seeing many backlinks in Y! site explorer or open site explorer. Has anyone been successful in absorbing the PR from older domains / domains without current content? I know sometimes people can fake PR by 301'ing from a high PR site, to sell the domain and then cancel the 301, leaving you with a dud. Can someone shed some light on this please? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CareerBliss

  • I know that duplicated content is a touchy subject but I work with multiple franchise groups and each franchisee wants their own site, however, almost all of the sites use the same content.  I want to make sure that Google sees each one of these sites as unique sites and does not penalize them for the following issues. All sites are hosted on the same server therefor the same IP address All sites use generally the same content across their product pages (which are very very important pages) *templated content approved by corporate Almost all sites have the same design (A few of the groups we work with have multiple design options) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again Aaron

    On-Page Optimization | | Shipyard_Agency

  • Is there a way to attach a transcript to a video so that it is searchable without cluttering up the page with the full text?  Occasionally you have a video where visitors are entertained and don't need or want a transcript, but it would still be useful to have it indexed as it is an accurate representation of the video.

    Technical SEO | | SEMPassion

  • I'd like to know for which search terms competitors appear in the top 10, but I haven't found an efficient way to do so. Any help is appreciated...thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | actionagainsthunger

  • I want to find out what all the report's correct definition and when I see improving or going down what does it mean for eg. Organic search report? Keywords? or non-paid keywords?

    Moz Pro | | ITWEBTEAM

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