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  • Hi All, We are redesiging our ecommerce site and product page is bothering us. We want to tidy up. We want to hide some of the description with jquery script. Visitor will be able to view first 30 words and there will be a "read more" text link just after that content. If they want to read more (which we think most will do) they will have to click the text link and rest of the content will slide open in the same page. The whole content is visible from source code. Would this be ok as far as Google and SEO concerned? I hope I explained it well 🙂

    Web Design | | Jvalops

  • I want organic keywords. I'm going to create a blog. What is better: to use WordPress on subdomain or to write blog myself using CodeIgniter (considering that my website is already on CodeIgniter)

    Keyword Research | | sarenausa

  • I have a site which provides forum sections for various languages. When foreign characters are used in the post title, each letter is replace by a three character replacement such as %93. This conversion makes the URLs long. The site's software automatically uses the thread's title in the URL. It is never a problem except in these instances. Any suggestions on how to handle this issue?

    Web Design | | RyanKent

  • Hi everyone, I have a client that re-launched his site and it's gone from 100 pages to 1000 (new languages/increased product pages etc) We've used 301's to map the old site to the new database driven site. BUT the new site is creating extremely long URL's: e.g. Obviously I want to change these URL's: THE PROBLEM..... I am worried about the Chain Redirects. I know two 301 redirects is okay (although it's not great), but I wonder if there is an alternative: When I've implemented the new URL structure the chain will look like this: 301 redirects to which then 301 redirects to Seeing as the new site has only been live for a month, and hasn't really gained many external links, should I: 301 from the original site ( straight to the new site ( If so, what would I do with the pages that I have not redirected? Let them 404? OR Leave the 301 chain in place? Your advice, and any other suggestions would be much appreciated Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jamesjackson

  • Q : can i have chance to rank higher than official website in google local domains ? for example : rank higher than microsoft,kaspersky,nokia etc... in google italy or google germany or any other local domain for google

    Competitive Research | | activeacts

  • I would think it would make the most sense to optimize the homepage for 'NYC apartments'. Then have two pages, one for 'apartment rentals' and another for 'apartment sales' directly underneath in the site's hierarchy.  Is this is how you would do it? The competition for these keywords mostly have 'NYC Apartment Rentals' and 'NYC Apartment Sales' bunched together on their homepage. Is it possible to have 3 separate pages from the same domain rank on the first SERP? Also, the company I work for is called Platinum Properties. If we fail to include 'Platinum Properties' in the title tag would that negatively effect our current position for 'Platinum Properties' in the search results? What would be an effective way to get listed for both the keyword and company name?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | platinumseo

  • On this site the keyphrase "filme online gratis" its auto-cannibalizating?

    On-Page Optimization | | Alexsmenaru

  • Hi There, I am in  the process of formulating a listing policy for my site and I'm not sure whether I should add something in there for swear words. My site is an adult site and swear words come with the territory, unfortunately. Will user generated content with swear words affect my ranking? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • What SEOMOZ tool or other resource should I use to find a list of Google's most popular keyword searches. The "Keyword Difficulty" tool will allow me to check out information about a particular Keyword. For example if I want to check out the top 1000 most popular Keyword Searches in the area, irregardless of industry. Thanks Peter

    Keyword Research | | peterds

  • Hello! All of my campaigns have the box 'Weekly crawl completed for campaign ...' unticked under Campaign Settings, yet for all of them I still receive an email regularly with the subject 'New crawl completed for ...'. How do I stop this?  Is there a bug here? Adam Bishop

    Moz Pro | | arbishop

  • I'm currently starting to optimize about 30 area specific pages for a property maintenance company and was wondering, what's the best way to link build multiple pages at once? Should I link build for all of the 30 the pages at once, or maybe focus on 5 individual pages - get them ranking well, then focus on the next 5 and so on?

    Link Building | | guy_andrews

  • Hi Mozzers! I'm really interested to get some opinions on whether a guest post on a blog that is far outside your niche could be a risky tactic. For example if your blog is about a technology product and you get a guest post published on an Elvis blog, will this appear manipulative or similar to a purchased link? Suppose your guest post is about Elvis, but at the end of the article is a link to a technology product with the anchor text "customized PC adapters". Won't that look manipulative to a search engine algorithm?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Hello, I read an statement somewhere which stated: "2 identical URLs linked to 2 different popular key phrases next to each other (on the same website/domain) will lead to a Google penalize. Google knows, that both terms are popular. This means, Google will ignore the links to your site (you'll not have any benefit) and the site you have your links on loses authority." What are your thoughts on this statement? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | micfo

  • I just joined SEOmoz and I have enjoyed all the information. I currently outsource link building to an agency that charges $50 per link. For this, they handle the anchor text creation, the surrounding text and solicitation, acquisition and monitoring.  I know they send the actual work to their independent contractors. How do you find those independent contractors so that I can build my own network of contractors and save the client money?

    Link Building | | SEOtrojan

  • Hi, this is a simple question, many ccTLD look like this: .es 1.What is the difference from one another regarding SEO? 2.Does the has any advantage? Like targeting the "world" and "Spain" 3.Is there one better than other? 4.Will a or any other domain like that be able to rank globally? or just in Spain? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | andresgmontero

  • Hi guys, wanted to get some input and thoughts here. I'm analyzing many competitor links for a specific client (even other clients actually as well) and come across a pretty heavy directory backlink profiles. has anyone here had success with directory listings? Seem many of the competitors backlinks are coming from directories. What say you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulDylan

  • If i give a self serve banner ad to someone on my blog or a image with a link and they give me a text link ad is that in googles eyes a link exchange or a one way link.

    Technical SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • The idea, examples persons to follow.... well, I need to read about it:)

    Web Design | | brioman

  • I get a lot of form submissions through my website that are clearly not actual people (unless they are insane . .  ).  It fills out stuff nonsensically, has an email address, and usually some stupid snippet of text that makes no sense. Does anyone know why people do this?  Clearly there can't be any SEO benefit to submitting to someones web form. I guess if I added a "captcha" option it would put a stop to this . .

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | damon1212

  • Hello, My site is about personalized cards, and I have optimized (rank A) each sample page to the main topic of the card (eg: sapo pepe). So when people search for that keyword (sapo pepe), my page ranks high. Now, if instead of checking the optimization for "sapo pepe" I check for "cards sapo pepe" I get an F, because the keyword is not there. Thing is that people search for different tier 2 keywords, like "cards, models, examples, etc" and I cannot put that many keywords in the page... My question is: does Search Engines rank you high if you optimize your page  for a subset of the keywords people search for? I understand that if someone optimizes for "cards sapo pepe" they would get higher than my site. Hope I was clear, any comment is appreciated! Thanks, MAriano

    Keyword Research | | regalatufoto

  • I have been working with Magento over the last few weeks and I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the way it is setup. If you go to a product page and remove the sub folders one by one you can reach the same product pages causing duplicate content. All magento sites seem to have this weakness. So use this site as an example because I know it is built on magento, As you remove the tees then the clothing and men sub folders you can still reach the product page. My first querstion is how big an issue is this and two does anyone have any ideas of how to solve it? Also I was wondering how does google treat question marks in urls? Should you try and avoid them unless you are filtering? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | gregster1000

  • Hi, We have a directory of 25,000 odd companies who use our site. We have a strong PR site and want to rank a page for each company name.  Some initial testing on one or two company names brings us to #2 after the company's own web site in the format:  "Company Name Reviews and Feedback" - so it works well. We want to do this for all 25,000 of our members, however we do not wish to make it easy for our competitors to scrape through our member database!! e.g. using: unfortunately with the above performing a search on google for would bring up all records. Are there any tried and tested ways of achieving what we're after here? Many Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sssrpm

  • Which techniques are "SEO-Friendly" for creating a sub-menu when you have to go hover a menu to discover the sub-menu? Best regards, Jonathan

    Technical SEO | | JonathanLeplang

  • Hi there, I have asked you guys this question already, but nobody has got back to me.. Can you tell me please how to best use your tools to build links to help with SEO? You seem to have a few tools for links, but which one is the best and how do i best use them..?? Can you alos provide me with some link building tips??? Please can you help and repsond,  I would be very gratful.. Thanks Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Hi, I need to optimize a multi-language site. It's an hotel chain website and has 4 languages. Each language version of the site must be optimize for a diferente Google Engine. The english version of the web must be optimized for Google United States, an so on. Do I need to create a new Campaign for each language? or can I use more than 4 Engines in one campaign. Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | Dragut-Comunicacion

  • Hi, I had "x1", "x2","x3" keywords ranked for my websites internal page that is "" i was fairly doing well for my keywords mostly in top 5, but now the case is from last couple of weeks, my internal page url is gone & replaced with home page. And I don't see internal page anywhere mostly in top 1000, is that penalty to internal page ?If yes how can i troubleshoot this ? I see my other pages in top 20-30 but that specific page is not anywhere. Please let me know. -Sunny.

    Industry News | | sunny.popali

  • Trying to use the saturation report suggestion with no luck for,and looking for away to benchmark either Pagerank or page authority to figure out how many links are required to overr take competitors from diversified sources. What is the process to do this to get the best results for the client.

    Competitive Research | | bmcfarlane

  • Hi there! I have tried my best to get quality back links to my site but I feel like I have hit a wall. I have searched my competition to see what links they are getting and have been successful with some. Some websites just don't respond. Are there any valuable resources I am missing? Or ideas? My biggest concern is ranking well for the search term "vet las vegas" and "las vegas veterinarians". So far I have managed to get to the second page on Google. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Link Building | | PMC-312087

  • I am getting a lot of "302 (Temporary Redirects) = True" on many of my product URL's.  What does it mean?  Is it a bad thing to get these redirects?  And how to fix them? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | SEOish

  • Trying to see DA vs. mozrank and why things don't match the definitions given by seomoz. I'm comparing my site w/ I have more root sites linking to me and more links. I can see that the mozrank for me is 4.96 which is higher. But their mozrank is higher. How are they more popular based on how the domains, rather than the pages link to each other. That is real confusing? Please help me understand what this means, and yes i know that right now they have better quality links, but that's not what the definition says. I'm I not understanding the definition? mozRank of the page mozRank shows how popular a page is on the web. The more links to a page, the more popular it becomes. Links from important pages increase your popularity, and your mozRank, even more. 4.64 out of 10 4.64 Links to the page The total number of links to this page, counting links from and links that don’t increase the mozRank. 606 links 2 Root domains linking to the page The number of different websites with links to this page. When compared to the number of links to this page, it can reveal how the links might be distributed across the web. 279 domains 5 mozRank of the subdomain Domain mozRank is a link popularity score based on how the domains, rather than just pages, link to each other. It is an indicator of a how popular is among domains 5.12 out of 10 5.12

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • I know a site that has a DA51 but the mozrank is like 5.95   I thought the same components made up those rankings? Can someone explain the difference?

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • OK I'm looking to try and generate traffic for people looking for accommodation.  I'm a big believer in the quality of the domain being used for SEO both in terms of the direct benefit of it having KW in it but also the effect on CTR a good domain can have. So I'm considering these options: Build a single site using the best, broad KW-rich domain I can get within my budget.  This might be something like Advantages: Just one site to manage/design One site to SEO/market Better potential to resell the site for a few million bucks Build 5 sites, each catering to a different region using 5 matching domains within my budget.  These might be domains like, etc Advantages: Can use domains that are many times 'better' by adding a geo-qualifier. This should help with CTR and search Can be more targeted with SEO & Marketing So hopefully you see the point.  Is it worth the dilution of SEO & marketing activities to get the better domain names? I'm chasing the longtail searchs whetever I do.  So I'll be creating 5K+ pages each targeting a specific area.  These would be pages like or to target search terms targeting hotels in Paris So with that thought, is SEO even 100% diluted? Say, a link to the homepage of the first option would end up passing 1/5000th of value through to the Paris page.  However a link to the second option would pass 1/1000th of the link juice through to the Paris page.  So by thet logic, one only needs to do 1/5th of the work for each of the 5 sites ... that implies total SEO work would be the same? Thanks as always for any help! David

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OzDave

  • "Domain mozRank is a link popularity score based on how the domains, rather than just pages, link to each other. It is an indicator of a how popular is among domains" 5.12 out of 10 Just how exactly are the domains supposed to link to each other to obtain the highest possible mozrank?  Thanks

    Competitive Research | | joemas99

  • I've been exploring setting up pages on these type of sites. When searching for key words I've discovered the following... If a sites DA id let's say 83, the root domain you create is also an 83 (not 100% but most I've looked at) The PA starts at 1, but there seem to be a lot of these blog sites that rank for my key word searches even though the PA is a 1. So... I was wondering the value of attempting the get the PA of mine greater than one with back links.  The blog page will link to the corresponding page on my main site. Is it worth the time, or PA in this case is not really much of a ranking factor in creating link juice? What I'm asking is that will a page on let's say (whatever) get more link juice to the page i link it to if the PA was 25 and not 1?

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • Suppose you have a resource page of the Top 50 Awesome Sites in your niche. Since there are about 50 outbound links, then I would think there will be less Page Rank being passed to internal pages from internal links on the resource page. Since you are getting less PR passed to internal pages, are there other ways the inbound links can be beneficial, such as increasing the diversity of links of your domain? Sites like SEO Optimise seem to create a lot of Top 30 Resources lists and I have read that they think it is a strong tactic.

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • In the Crawl Diagnostics Summary, it says that I have two pages with duplicate content which are: I read in a Dream Weaver tutorial that you should name your home page "index.html" and then you can let automatically direct the user to index.html.  Is this a bug in SEOMoz's crawler or is it a real problem with my site? Thank you, Dan

    Web Design | | superTallDan

  • My friend's website is for a local business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but the MOZbar shows that his server is located in Canada.  Will this be detrimental to his SERP rankings?  The site was just launched a week ago. I saw various opinions in other forums and I could not find similar questions in this forum.  Thanks in advance. -Dan

    Technical SEO | | superTallDan

  • The first result "Bankruptcy on IRS" is the search term. Why does the first url rank higher in google. The second one, the page beats them in PA, DA root domains links. The title meta has bankruptcy near the front. unclefed does have the IRS keyword in the title, but an I missing something here? What are the other factors, that are most obvious. Sure one can have bad links, and other negative criteria, but these are pretty decent sites that probably don't engage in much in seo, let alone bad SEO. Sure link text and mix of links can help, but am I missing something here? Actually what I think I really need IS A CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO CHECK IN WHAT ORDER WHEN COMPARING WHY ONE PAGE RANKS BETTER THAN ANOTHER. Appreciate all discussions. Thanks in advance.,,id=98701,00.html

    Competitive Research | | joemas99

  • I've noticed nofollow links showing up in my Google Webmaster tools "links to your site" list. If they are nofollow why are they showing up here? Do nofollow links still count as a backlink and transfer PR and authority?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NoCoGuru

  • I just started a new contract with a Fortune 50 client that is using Akamai Ghost.  Makes sense because they are truly a global presence.  The problem is I am having a hard time using anything to crawl the site, even Seomoz only comes up with one page when pointed to the home page. It really worries me that Gbot is having the same problem. We are indexed really well but I fear its only because of internal deep linking and the bot is getting stuck in different places and not crawling the whole site or passing “Link Juice” like it should. At first I thought it was a cookie issue due to language selection but that was ruled out and Google Webmaster tools is throwing up an intermittent Akamai error when a crawl test is done. (sometime it stops at the first page and wont crawl) Has anyone here worked with Akamai had the same problem or found a solution? I want to get a handle on this before I write up a business case and call Akamai in for a meeting.

    Moz Pro | | SEMSEOManager

  • If the purpose of constructing a site or blog is for SEO ie a linking microsite, is it better to keep as a subdomain or to register on its own domain. The question is how much of the Domain Authority of that site will flow through the subdomain to linked site. I note that these subdomains have PA of 1, does this answer my own question?? Thanks eg or

    Technical SEO | | seanmccauley

  • A recent review of all client and personal websites showed a strange correlation. Traffic was coming in from Pelotas Brazil. The real clue was that some of my personal sites shouldn't see any traffic at all. So when I started getting traffic from Brazil I did some further research. It turns out Google is well aware of these events as seen in this forum post. Referral spam - one week online and is using my google site Further reading lead me to this article: Stop Google Analytics Referrer Spam My question is: Why? Since the articles state referrer spam doesn't negatively affect search engine ranking then why bother in the first place? How is this spammer gaining anything by doing this? After reading both the Google Support Forum and the related article I'm still scratching my head trying to understand the method for this madness.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JonathanGoodman

  • I am wondering if someone can please advise on link acquisition. I have the opportunity to acquire a few good backlinks that will bring both traffic and some potential link juice. All things aside, if we are strictly comparing Page Authority with Google PageRank which will provide the most benefit to my SERP ranking? 1. Google PageRank 4 and Page Authority of 25 or 2. Google PageRank 2 and Page Authority of 35 We are strictly talking about SERPs!

    Link Building | | initialeffort

  • Are there any advantages of dis-advantages to running a static homepage as opposed to a blog style homepage. I have be running a static page on my site with the latest posts displayed as links after the homepage content. I would like to remove the static page and move to a more visually appealing homepage that includes graphics for each post and the posts droppping down the page like normal blogs do. How will this effect my site if I move from a static page to a more dynamic blog style page layout? Could I still hold the spot I currently rank for with the optimized index content if I turn to a more traditional blog format? cheers,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NoCoGuru

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