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  • I found a domain that I'd really like to buy.  It's currently active but has just a single image on it (that links to an affiliate product).  I'd like to see if the owner would like to sell it to me.  But, when I emailed the address that's listed with the whois info it bounced back. Any ideas on how else I can buy this domain?

    On-Page Optimization | | MarieHaynes

  • Just when I think I'm starting to get it . . . info comes in that blows my mind. I'm using several tools at SeoMoz and others trying to keep track of my link building success, which has been largely me registering at related industries bulletin boards and forums and posting as well as making sure we are listed properly in any and all sites listing companies in our industry etc. I have to say I was a little frustrated with the results.  I had seen SOME increase in the back links, but almost no move in the number of linking domains. NOW I just logged into googles webmaster tools . . . and their data says I have more than DOUBLE the number of linking domains as any other sites are suggesting. What's going on here?  I can understand slight discrepancies due to when they crawl the data etc . .. but 22 linking domains compared to 9-10 from everyone else?  What the heck?

    Reporting & Analytics | | damon1212

  • I'm getting this message "We were unable to grade that page. We received a response code of 403. URL content not parseable" when using the On-Page Report Card.  Does anyone know how to go about fixing this?  I feel like I've tried everything.

    Moz Pro | | Sean_McDonnell

  • Hello I want to create a new web site, I have to choose between: 1/ using one of my former domain name that dates  about 10 years ago, which has a lot of backlink (PageRank 4) but without the anchor text of the new area of activity that I want to launch ... 2/or purchase a new domain name with two keywords which I want to be positioned in the first place: P Which method is better for good and quickly results ? Thank you for your help

    Technical SEO | | Moncer

  • I'm changing title and description several times throught 1-2 months...  will Google penalize me? I'm worried that testing several title and description ideas would affect the site rankings on google. Anyone had a problem with that... or can i continue testing as many titles and descriptions as i want?

    Technical SEO | | mosaicpro

  • The title of the question asks it all. One site I currently work on has a handful of blog posts that rank really well in the SERPS for certain "long-tail" searches. Would it be worth the time to, when I have it, to go back and edit the blogs little by little to help with SEO and building some links throughout the site to get people where we need them to go? Basically "sprucing" up the blog posts to make them more readable, more engaging and help some link building efforts within the domain. Thoughts?

    Link Building | | TKIGWebTeam

  • I am working on removing unnecessary meta tags that have little impact on SEO and I have read so many mixed reviews about using the Meta 'Cache' tag. I need to informative information on whether or not this tag should be used.

    Technical SEO | | ImagetecLP

  • having issues with every media (photo) we upload creating an additional page on the blog that is being indexed in Google. ie. post: creates this for the photo used:

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • I never thought of this question before. Maybe because i didn't focus myself on content but only on optimizing existing content from clients. So how do you measure the content on a specific page?

    Technical SEO | | mosaicpro

  • I came across a website that at first looks like an informational site, but they also have a directory. On their directory page, it says that if you would like a link placed in our directory email Do you think Google would consider this a purchased link or a directory link? Can people get away with selling links on your site if you framed it as a "directory"?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • What are the pros and cons of these two types of URLs and what type of weight does this hold. It doesn't seem to be a big issue in regards to ranking. Any qualified clarity would help.

    On-Page Optimization | | Romancing

  • Anyone have a good local search "best practices" resource for advising a client who is changing business addresses (aside from cross your fingers). For example, order of updating local citations (website first, google places, others). Time frame for update to take effect? Other issues folks have faced in updating addresses? I regularly follow David Mihm, Mike Blumenthal, & Andrew Shotland, I was just curious what the Moz community might be able to add. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gyi

  • My company will undergo a domain change in the next few months. Other than implementing 301 redirects, what else can I do to help the search engines realize the site has moved? What kind of impact on rankings can I expect to see? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | raylau

  • I'm looking at a site for a potential link and am trying to find the most linked to page. The SEOmoz toolbar tells me the root domain (DA) is linked to by 660 root domains but the main URL (PA) is linked to by 38 root domains. I used open site explorer and got the same # of 38 root domains in the result. From the Top Pages tab, I clicked on the 2nd page down and the SEOmoz toolbar gives me 189 root domains linking to that page (PA). Then I ran a Linkscape report to see what that would say and I get 146 linking root domains. 1. Is this 2nd page down on OSE the most linked to page? 2. a. Is something off in these numbers?
        b. How come OSE/Linkscape doesn't report the 660 root domains in the DA?

    Moz Pro | | Motava

  • Hello Seomoz team, i'm french and so my english is not very good ;-). I work for a brand site and we publish content about our products. The problem is : as a brand site, many sites that sell our products, copy our content. And we have duplicate content. And since these sites have worked SEO, they put in place rel canonical tag. as a brand, how to avoid being accused by Google duplicate content? tanks for you answer. I hope it's clear. Take care Denis

    Content Development | | android_lyon

  • We're hoping to restructure the Past Issues pages for the online version of our twice-monthly medical journal.  Right now the Current Issue page (sort of a truncated table of contents) gets replaced twice each month, when a new issue is available. The current location of for our past issues page is shown below: Home Page > News & Journals > Journals > American Family Physician > Past Issues Under Past Issues, there is a page for each year. 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - etc (back to 1998). Is there an advantage to putting all of the Past Issues on a single page? This would be 24 issues per year, which is just over 250 links on a single page and it would grow by 24 each year. I'll attach a couple of screen shots of ideas I'm considering. One is an expandable navigation using jQuery for each year, listing all Past Issues on a single page. The other is making the links to the 3 most recent issues available in the left nav across all Past Issues pages. Do you have other suggestions for how we might structure this? cydxG.png PDXT9.png

    Link Building | | aafpitadmin

  • Hi, Mozzers- I have a client that has a bunch of pretty nice keyword-rich domain names. Their traffic and rankings are good. They provide legal services in the Chicago area. I have lots of good content that I could use to start a blog using a domain like keyword, Good idea? Currently I have a resources area on their website but feel like this area could be getting a little bloated and some news-related stuff isn't really appropriate. 2 Questions: Should I use one of the decent domains for a blog and build up the rankings, traffic, and link to the main site?  Or is this lots of work for little payout? Both sites would be hosted in the cloud. Some of the domain names are related to their name, others are keyword or geo-targeted. Would it be wise to setup 301 redirects going to their website? Pros/cons? If you need additional info, please PM me for details. Thank you, friends! LHC

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lhc67

  • If a keyword get 50% difficulty on the keyword tool what would it be if it was an exact match domain. Would it go down to 30% What if it was just one character off an exact match or one word? Thank you in advance!

    Competitive Research | | OxzenMedia

  • I've recently added a campaign within the SEOmoz interface and received an alarming number of errors ~9,000 on our eCommerce website. This site was built in Magento, and we are using search friendly url's however most of our errors were duplicate content / titles due to url's like: domainname/shop/leather-chairs.html?brand=244&cat=16&dir=asc&order=price&price=1 and domainname/shop/leather-chairs.html?brand=244&cat=16&dir=asc&order=price&price=4. Is this hurting us in the search engines? Is rogerbot too good? What can we do to cut off bots after the ".html?" ? Any help would be much appreciated 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MonsterWeb28

  • Along with the current crawl notices (canonical links, 301s, etc) you should add "meta refresh". Those are tricky to catch via the human eye unless you are paying very close attention and they definitely effect your SEO if not done properly. Thoughts?

    Moz Pro | | kchandler

  • We currently have 3 different versions of our State Business-for-Sale listings pages - the versions are: **Version 1 -- Preferred Version: ** Title = California Business for Sale Ads - California Businesses for Sale & Business Brokers - Sell a Business on Business Broker Version 2: Title = California Business for Sale | 3124 California Businesses for Sale | Version 3: Title = California Businesses for Sale at - California Business for Sale While the page titles and meta data are a bit different, the bulk of the page content (which is the listings rendered) are identical.    We were wondering if it would make good sense to either (A) 301 redirect Versions 2 and 3 to the preferred Version 1 page or (B) put Canonical Tags on Versions 2 and 3 labeling Version 1 as the preferred version.    We have this issue for all 50 U.S. States -- I've mentioned California here but the same applies for Alabama through Wyoming - same issue. Given that there are 3 different flavors and all are showing up in the Search Results -- some on the same 1st page of results -- which probably is a good thing for now -- should we do a 301 redirect or a Canonical Tag on Versions 2 and 3?     Seems like with Google cracking down on duplicate content, it might be wise to be proactive. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!    Thanks. Matt M

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MWM3772

  • I have two links from hosted tumblr blogs which are not on So, website1 has a tumblr blog: And another site also uses the a record/custom domains option from tumblr but not on a subdomain, which is decribed below: Does this mean that all links from such sites count as coming from the same IP in google's eyes? Or is there value in getting links from multiple sites because the a-record doesn't affect SEO in a negative way? Many thanks, Mike.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | team74

  • Our site (a niche financial publication: requires some more room in the sidebar. We're considering removing the categories (we call them topics) sidebar block, or cutting down the number of items displayed within it. My concern is that we'd be removing a direct link to landing pages for important keyword terms from our most powerful page (the index). Sure, we have the terms listed in the footer, but I am worried that the position change will lower the value of the links. Our users don't really use these links for navigational purposes, which is why it comes up as a potential removed item. Am I wrong to worry about this? Would we be crippling our category pages by doing this?

    On-Page Optimization | | insideARM

  • Hi, Recently I've been trying to tackle an issue on one of my websites.  I have a site with around 400 products and 550 pages total.  I've been pruning some weaker pages and pages with shallow content, and it's been working really well. My current issue is this:  There are about 20 store brands of 6 products on my site that each have their own page.  They are identical products just re-branded.  Writing content for each of these pages has been difficult, as it's a fairly dry product too.  So I have around 120 pages of dry content that is unique but not much different from one another.  I want to consolidate but I am not sure how yet.  Here is what I am thinking: 1. 301 - I pick one product page as the master, 301 all the other duplicate products to it and then make one page of great content that encompasses all of them.  If the 301 juice gets diluted over time I might miss out on some long tails, but I could also gain a lot more from a great content page with 500+ words of really good content as opposed to pages with 150-250 words of just so so content. 2. Canonical - Similar to above.  I pick a master page and canonical the other pages to it.  Then I could use the great content on all the pages, and still have pages for the specific products.  The pages might not show up in search engines but would still be searchable on my site. 3. Coded solution - In my CMS I could always make a workaround where the  products still appear on the brands page (just their name with a link to the product page) but all the links direct to a master page. I realize all the solutions are fairly similar, although I am not sure which is ideal.  Option 3 is the most expensive/time consuming but it would drop my page total down to around 450 pages.  For a while now (dating back to before Panda) I've been trying to get rid of the low quality and outdated product pages so I could focus on the more popular and active pages.  Dropping my page total would also help in the SEO efforts as the sheer volume of pages that need links right now is high, and obviously the less pages I have the more time I can spend on each page (content and link building). So what do you think?  Should I do any of the 3, a combination of the  3 or something different? Cheers, Vinnie

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vforvinnie

  • I use a social media plugin to link my blog to my social media profiles, and there is an option to make these links nofollow. I'm not worried about losing link juice to my social profiles. Is there any advantage in this case to using nofollow?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • What are your thoughts about the contacting process itself. I am targeting sites in relevant industries, with domain authority over 50, asking to be added to resources or comparison pages 1-How long do you wait before sending a second/reminder email? 2-Do you have a template for follow up emails?  "Hi, I contacted you a week ago about...." 3-If domain authority is decent (50-60), how many times do you follow up before giving up?

    Link Building | | SeekEO

  • Does anyone know of a tool which can check the cache date of each page of a site? i can get each page of the site into a .csv or xml file

    Technical SEO | | Turkey

  • Your feedback here is definitely appreciated, but I'm also doing a public study and would be honored and humbled if you answered the 5 questions in my survey as well. For those who do not wish to participate, I'd appreciate your general feedback on permalink structure best practices based on what and have done to their URLs in recent times. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stevewiideman

  • For a link profile to look natural what percentage of all root domains should link to your homepage compared to deep pages? Thanks

    Link Building | | gregster1000

  • Dear Sir/Madam, We are white label classified platform providers and recently we marked canonicals on all the partner sites pointing to our home site as authority because we thought that Search Engines might penalize us for duplicate content as the classified ads are similar on all site, only theme and layout is different but now we are witnessing a huge decrease in our partner`s classifed section organic traffic. Can you please advise that is it because of canonicals , if yes than what should we do? like should we take canonicals off and if we take it off than how can we handle it legally.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | razasaeed

  • We run a network of three local web sites covering three places in close proximity. Each sitehas a lot of unique content (mainly news) but there is a business directory that is shared across all three sites. My plan is that the search engines only index the business in the directory that are actually located in the place the each site is focused on. i.e. Listing pages for business in Alderley Edge are only indexed on and businesses in Prestbury only get indexed on - but all business have a listing page on each site. What would be the most effective way to do this? I have been using rel canonical but Google does not always seem to honour this. Will using meta noindex tags where appropriate be the way to go? or would be changing the urls structure to have the place name in and using robots.txt be a better option. As an aside my current url structure is along the lines of: Would changing this have any SEO benefit? Thanks Martin

    Technical SEO | | mreeves

  • Every summer for the past 4 years one of our customer's competitors suddenly has a big jump in Google's ( rankings for some of the main industry phrases, particularly "air conditioning". We were always under the impression that they bought links before the busy summer season, as they have these strange massive jumps in the rankings. (for the rest of the year they often drop down) I recently checked out some of the back-links going to their site and noticed something I'd not seen before.  Of the (approx) 480 links that showed up, around 80% of the SourceURL's ended with "?Action=Webring" (see 1st attached image). To me it doesn't look natural at all and I'm surprised that Google hasn't picked up on. Their site is It had been mentioned to me that this may be to do with link sharing sites (which I assume is black-hat) but I'm not 100% sure that they are doing this. They also have an identical long spammy-looking footer at the bottom of every page which is clearly only for search engines to see. We reported it to Google a year ago but no action was taken. Do you think that it is acceptable to have it on every page? (see 2nd attached image) I would be interested to know your thoughts on both of these, and whether this would be a dangerous tactic to try and emulate? Gc5MU.png iXGA9.png

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | trickshotric

  • A client owns around 10 different domains, each a slightly different version of their company name.  The main site is itself a new domain, therefore they'd like to know what the implications of redirecting the 10 other domains to the main one would be. Any thoughts?  I have never done this before, so interested to know whether a) there's any benefit and b) if there is a penalty for implementing too many domain 301s. Thanks.

    Link Building | | RiceMedia

  • Hey guys, I'm doing some on page SEO for a few clients and I've always wondered about this question. I have read tons of articles on the perfect <title>tag, but they don't often mention this.</p> <p>So my titles, like most others follow this format:</p> <p>Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 - Company</p> <p>So say for example I am trying to rank for 'life insurance' and 'life insurance quote' for 'axa sunlife'.</p> <p>It's my assumption that the title should be:</p> <p>Life Insurance Quote - Axa Sunlife</p> <p>rather than:</p> <p>Life Insurance | Life Insurance Quote - Axa Sunlife</p> <p>Am I right in thinking that putting it twice has no added value, and could in fact have an adverse effect?</p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>Lewis.</p> <p> </p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | SEOMyGod

  • I have read that if a Company issues a press release via a third part service (e.g. PR Web) it is best not to place the release on the company’s own website due to negative SEO effects. Is this the case? I‘d really appreciate others thoughts on this.

    Branding | | E2E

  • I was wondering what would be the best way to drive traffic to a posting that will only last 30 days.  I didn't think linking would be the answer, but wanted to get opinions. I was thinking pinging and social media (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter)... What would your strategy be?

    Social Media | | RaginCajun

  • Google and Yahoo have very little market penetration in the Korean markets. Instead, the popular search engines are Naver and Daum. Naver seems to like keeping traffic within its own network of sites. Does anyone have tips for what things might work to increase search visibility in Korea?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | art-boy

  • I would like to suggest the ranking changes be broken into two categories, You and Competition, right now it seems everything is lumped in together... Screen shot attached. Thanks. A24tp.jpg

    Moz Pro | | CouponCactus

  • I'd like to get everyone's thoughts about the minimum quality/authority thresholds that you look for in link-building. What is the minimum PA/mR/mT/DA/DmR/DmT that you like to see before investing time in acquiring a link? At what point is the link not worth the effort (or, in the case of a directory listing, the cost) of acquiring it?

    Link Building | | Falconberg

  • After having answered quite a lot of questions here, I figured it was about time to ask one of my own. Can anybody point me to decent (experimental) research articles or blogs that actually show variations in meta descriptions influence the Click Through Rate (CTR) of searchers? On dozens of websites on the internet it is stated that 'meta descriptions affect CTR', but (good scientific) sources for those statements are nowhere to be found. The only research I can find that comes closest to providing any evidence is a translated study by, which states that searchers LOOK a lot at the meta description, but this study (atleast in the translation) mentions nothing of searchers actually CLICKING it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Search Behavior | | Theo-NL

  • I am getting this warning in the Pro Report Card, my site is which seems to have Children's and not Childrens in the title. Is it my site that needs to html encode in the title or is Report Card slightly broken? Exact Keyword Usage in Page Title Easy fix <dl> <dt>Page title</dt> <dd>"Personalized Childrens Books Kids Music CDs Baby Books & Gifts."</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Search engines consider the title element to be the most important place to identify keywords and associate the page with a topic and/or set of terms. SEOmoz's correlation research has also shown that rankings are heavily influenced by keyword usage in the title tag.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Employ the keyword in the page title, preferrably as the first words in the element.</dd> </dl>

    Moz Pro | | DineshMistry

  • Does registering or renewing a domain name for more than a year improve search as a result of a more trusted site and company that will seem to be around for longer than just a year?

    Technical SEO | | Motava

  • So today I was taking a look at page and saw that the AddThis page is currently at the position 19. I think the main reason for that is because their plugin create, through javascript, linkbacks to their page where their share buttons reside. So any page with AddThis installed would easily have 4/5 linbacks to their site, creating that huge amount of linkbacks they have. Ok, that pretty much shows that Google doesn´t care if the link is created in the HTML (on the backend) or through Javascript (frontend). But heres the catch. If someones create a free plugin for wordpress/drupal or any other huge cms platform out there with a feature that linkbacks to the page of the creator of the plugin (thats pretty common, I know) but instead of inserting the link in the plugin source code they put it somewhere else, wich then is loaded with a javascript code (exactly how AddThis works). This would allow the owner of the plugin to change the link showed at anytime he wants. The main reason for that would be, dont know, an URL address update for his blog or businness or something. However that could easily be used to link to whatever tha hell the owner of the plugin wants to. What your thoughts about this, I think this could be easily classified as White or Black hat depending on what the owners do. However, would google think the same way about it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bemcapaz

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