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  • hi mozzers, I have a website made in dreamweaver. Right at the very top of all of my pages is a text advert with a link to an affiliate in the ad. This link is very lucrative and gets a lot of sales, but i'm concerned it may have some negatives from an SEO perspective. As it's the first text on every page, i'm guessing bots will read it first. Could this potentially cause problems? If so, is there a best practice that would allow me to keep it there and keep the bots happy? Cheers, Peter

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • Hey Mozers, I was conducting competitive research for a client of mine and I discovered one of their competitors has over 50,000 backlinks! After removing my heart from my stomach I realized that 99.9% of the links came from a single website that doesn't have nearly that many pages. Has anyone experienced this in the past? And if so what exactly is going on? C

    Competitive Research | | calindaniel

  • Say you have for example three (in this case) clients, and: Client A sells red widgets Client B is a doctor Client C sellls blue widgets With some research, you find that: Red widgets (A) can make the process of blue widget creation (C) even more effective. Red widgets (A) can protect you from harmful things that doctors (B) are qualified to recommend that you stay away from. Furthermore, there are things that doctors (B) recommend that you do in order to maximize the benefits of red widgets (A) Blue widgets (C) carry with them certain potential health risks, which according to doctors (B) can be minimized using the following means Sometimes blue widgets (C) can be used to effectively repair red widget (A) factories ...and so forth. Sure you're really writing these articles to generate links and exchange authority, and frankly you started with "how can I find synergy between these clients?" rather than a with a great article subject that needed a citation which luckily happened to be another client, but the citations are legitimate and the clients are qualified to speak on the subjects where their expertise and interests overlap. Would you consider going ahead with this? Does anyone have any experience doing it? I could see potential pitfalls if clients were to interact with each other, but keeping yourself as the intermediary might well work and overall it seems like a decent way to grab low-hanging fruit as they say. What do you guys think?

    Link Building | | PathMarketing

  • Let's say I have a page on my site with the url Let's say it can be accessed by the url And let's say that the second example is what I have set as my rel-canonical. I wondered what would happen when people submitted the non-canonical url to twitter.  We know that Twitter shares count for something in SEO.  I didn't want things to go to waste if people were landing on my short urls and sharing them on Twitter. Well, tonight, I shared one of my own urls on Twitter.  I was accidentally on the short one (not the canonical), but when I shared it via addthis the long one was shared.  So, Addthis must read the canonical and use this to share. Very cool.  At least to me.  I may possibly be the only person on the planet that understands what I just wrote, but this is a neat discovery for me.

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • I've been wrestling with this one for a while. Take a standard small web site navigation with nav links for: Products Solutions Support Learning Center I believe having drop downs to show the sub-pages of each category provides a better user experience, but it also bloats my links per page in the navigation from 4 to 24. Most of the additional links are useful for user experience, but not search purposes. So, 2-years after Google's changing of how it treats nofollows (which used to be the easy answer to this question), what is considered best practice? A) Go ahead and add the full 24 nav links on each page. The user experience outweighs the SEO benefits of fewer links and Google doesn't worry too much about nav links relative to main body links. B) Stick to only 4 nav options. Having 20 additional links on every page is a big deal and removing them is worth the user experience hit. I can still get to all levels of this small site within 2-3 clicks and do cross category linking to mitigate silos. C) Use some technical voodoo with js links or iframes to hide the nav links from Google and get the best of both worlds. D) Do something that is not one of the first three choices. Does anyone feel strongly about any of the above options or is this a user-preference type of situation where it doesn't make much difference which option you choose on a small 100-200 page site? I'm really looking forward to everyone's thoughts on this. -DV

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dvansant

  • I'm enjoying seeing my reports filter in for my campaigns.  One of the things that I am noticing is that there are many keywords that I have top ten rankings for, but 3rd or 4th page on Bing and Yahoo. I know most traffic comes from Google, but I'm wondering if I should put some effort into optimizing for Bing and Yahoo.  Any tips on how to make my site more attractive to these search engines?

    Moz Pro | | MarieHaynes

  • I have initial content that is dislayed for 10secs and then collapsed and replaced by a div that was hidden (display:none). Will the hidden text be used by Google or will they consider it as page stuffing? If so, is there any recommendations on how to handle this. The goal was to maxamize screen real estate for the human visitor without adding clutter.

    Web Design | | oznappies

  • What I can do to avoid the duplicate content on the index and in the categorys, I cant block my categorys, cause are pages with big autorithy, so what i can do ?

    On-Page Optimization | | nafera2

  • Hello, I have an ecommerce store where we offer many similar products, and  the main difference could be the color or memory storage. Due to this reason my main problem appears to be be duplicate page title and content.  What is the best way to correct this issue? I cant make them different neither. I always include this particular difference in title or description. I guess it is not enough? any way to fix it? thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | tolyadem1

  • We are preparing to launch a newly designed (and much improved) website in the next few months. I want to be very careful to ensure we do not mess up any rankings (and hopefully actually improve rankings) when switching over the site. I'm particularly concerned about one key phrase that our homepage currently ranks on. After the redesign it would be more appropriate for our of our subpages to rank for that term, but I'd rather have our homepage rank (less relevant for this keyword than the subpage) then nothing at all. I know about 301 redirects, and we are planning on creating a few comprehensive diagrams to ensure we redirect old pages to the correct new pages. Beyond that, what can I do to preserve our rankings? Thanks! -Ryan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RyanD.

  • Where i can get strong links, to my website easily, and with quality ? blogs with dofollow it helpfull ? and how i can find this blogs ?

    Link Building | | nafera2

  • Is it okay to create a landing page with a different url to get additional traffic to my site with ppc?  The purpose would not be for link building; I would only use it for direct marketing with ppc and people would click through to my main site via a no-follow link.  Is there anything wrong with doing this?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BradBorst

  • I'm attempting to find users to follow and receive reciprocal follows for a client on twitter. Through the company's newsletter database, I have a CSV file of somewhere in the range of 20,000 email addresses and names. I've been importing them 250 at a time into an empty Gmail account then connecting that with twitter each time to find some of them. However, a lot of the PEOPLE using the email addresses on the mailing list are not on twitter but their COMPANY is. To find the company, I can obviously drop the name@ part of the email and just search by the domain but this becomes tedious real quick since it has to be one by one and cannot be bulk imported/searched. Are there any tools/ideas out there to more easily find twitter users based on a larger set of keywords and/or domain names?

    Social Media | | Motava

  • We have taken over a site and now find our self looking at the homepage of the site which has hidden scrolling text. A old school way of adding text without leaving loads of paragraphs. I have also removed all links to the index.htm page but somewhere visitors are still coming to this page in there droves. I am considering using a canonical url code but I would rather nip it in the bud. Would love some feedback from some other experts here is the site - You never stop learning in seo and maybe we can all learn from this example. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hello, As of 04/24/11 I have lost rankings for my top 10+ keywords in an extremely competitive market. I was ranking on page 1 in Google for keywords like: iphone app reviews, ipad app reviews, iphone app videos, ipad app videos, and more. Since 04/24 I have fallen off the first 10 pages + in Google for all major keyword & keyword terms. I have identified that I have 1,359 articles from prmac, which contain links to customers who published press releases through prmac. We are in the process of removing these pages, but creating a list of urls to prove to Google the possibly offending blog posts are gone. Beyond that I am not sure what else to do, please help. URL: thank you Mike

    Algorithm Updates | | crazymikesapps

  • Hi, i have a competitor that is creating profiles in sites that passes ranks in links and putting some links with good anchor text in the bio field. This can be considered a black hat seo? This competitor is getting good rank up with these pratices and i dont know if i can use these same sites too. link to profile: There are a lot of more sites with profiles with no content and just a link to the site. Thanks in advance, Denis

    Link Building | | de.tierno

  • Hi All, My site has been losing traffic since the last month. I have no actual reason as to why this may be, I have not changed anything on the site either so I am totally baffeled. Can one of you awesome experts pl let me know why this may be? Thank you so much in advance, Vijay

    Technical SEO | | vijayvasu

  • I am getting flagged for duplicate content, SEOmoz is flagging the following as duplicate: These are obviously meant to be the same path so what measures do I take to let the SE's know that these are to be considered the same page.  I have used the canonical meta tag on the Index.asp page.

    Technical SEO | | IPIM

  • Looks like the Juicy Link Finder isnt working good with hebrew characters, after typing the keyword in and refreshing the page first the keyword appers in ???????? (question marks) and second the finder works for ages w/o getting any results. thanks

    Moz Pro | | maddogx

  • Is it possible to view keyword statistics from previous months. I'm interested in analyzing the trend of particular keywords from the beginning of this year up until the present.

    Moz Pro | | DigitalHills

  • Does anyone have experience of how Google deals with slight character variations, e.g. Facade v Façade? From an SEO perspective, are these treated as two completely separate words or is Google clever enough to determine the intent of the searcher & the site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bjalc2011

  • Hi mozzers, For my website I use various affiliate programs on commission junction. Some of the text ads are in javascript. Will google read the text ads or not? Cheers, Peter

    Technical SEO | | PeterM22

  • Question about a sites most important keyword term. So lets say you have a website and your most important keyword term is "Blue Widgets", you also have a page named "blue-widgets.htm". What do we do with our index page in this instance? Especially for the title  tag? Should I put "Blue Widgets" in the title tags of both pages? I'm guessing this would be a duplicate meta tag error? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Keyword Research | | TRICORSystems

  • Hi everyone.  I'm sure this falls under novice seo question.  But how do i remove duplicate pages from my site.  I have not created the pages per say.  Their may be a an internal link on a page that links to the page causing the duplication.  Do i remove the internal link here is a sample of a duplicate page I know the url is way too long.  working on it Thanks for your feedbacks.

    Technical SEO | | ticketplatform

  • I just noticed that I have the exact same page showing up separately in my Google Analytics reports. One has a "/" at the end and the other does not. Otherwise, these are the exact same URL's. Is this something I need to be aware of from a duplicate content perspective? If so, how do I go about fixing this? I thought the SE's would automatically see that a URL with a "/" at the end is the same as one without, but if that is the case, why is it showing up in my reports as two separate pages?

    Technical SEO | | Blockinc

  • What has been the best Link Bait you have seen for Low budgets? All Ideas welcome!

    Link Building | | DavidKonigsberg

  • I am in the process of trying to get google to follow a large number of old links on site A to site B. Currently I have 301 redirects as well a cross domain canonical tags in place. My issue is that Google is not following the links from site A to site B since the links no longer exist in site A.  I went ahead and added the old links from site A into site A's sitemap. Unfortunately Google is returning this message inside webmaster tools: When we tested a sample of URLs from your Sitemap, we found that some URLs redirect to other locations. We recommend that your Sitemap contain URLs that point to the final destination (the redirect target) instead of redirecting to another URL. However I do not understand how adding the redirected links from site B  to the sitemap in site A  will remove the old links. Obviously Google can see the 301 redirect and the canonical tag but this isn't defined in the sitemap as a direct correlation between site A and B. Am I missing something here?

    Technical SEO | | jmsobe

  • Hey all, The idea is that whenever i post a new article on my blog on my "money site" would it be OK to syndicate the same article to all of my other blogs like wordpress, tumblr etc? So for example the exact same content that is on my website will be on and but with a URL at the bottom pointing to the original source. (the money site article URL) Are there any foreseeable problems with this? The objective being having the content distributed across the web as much as possible I apologise if this has been asked before, i could not find the answer. Regards Greg

    Technical SEO | | AndreVanKets

  • My site has the rel canonical tags set up for it.  The developers say that it is set up correctly.  Looking at the source code myself, it looks (to my untutored eyes) to be set up correctly.  However, on the On Page Report Card for every page I have checked, it says that it doesn't point to the right page.  I'd really like to change all my 'B's to 'A's, but I simply can't see what the issue is.

    Technical SEO | | Breakout

  • How can i create a parasite hosting? I that one good

    Link Building | | Alexsmenaru

  • As we all know Google Local Business/Places now has significant real estate for many searches.  What I find hard to understand is what makes the difference between the different positions.  Is it solely based on the content in Google Places itself or is it regular ranking factors. I am (like everybody) on a hell for leather search to try and rank above my competition but having studied their Places information I do not think there is much I more I can do. Suggestions hat have actually worked for you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kdaly100

  • Hi, I have a really quick question, which is seeming impossible to find out the answer for. Could only point me in the right direction? I need to find out: How many iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 users there are in:Europe, North America and Global. The more I can break down the better really. Many Thanks Sean

    Search Behavior | | Yozzer

  • Hey Guys We just got our selfs this domain: Is it possible for google to take out the two keywords "Surfcamp" + "Portugal" if someone is searching for it? as on this domain it can: Thanks in advance... Simon

    Link Building | | Rapturecamps

  • I know that for best results with search engines, tables should not be used.  However as I look to redesign our older e-commerce site, I find that not only our website but many other e-commerce sites use tables. Is it acceptable to use tables in e-commerce or am I just viewing outdated e-commerce sites.  Could you recommend a good shopping cart solution? We currently use volusion. Thanks for your time and see you in Boston next week!

    Web Design | | Lael

  • Hey SEOMoz I have been spending a bit of time in the Q&A of late and have noticed lots of questions never get answered. I also had a question of my own that I left open for ages and I figured it maybe a good idea to add some kind of email nag or on screen notification for people to close old questions. There are some that have had plenty of answers but that either never get closed & really, it takes away from the fun of participating if things are never closed off & searching shows the same old tired, answerd but not closed questions lingering around like a bad smell. 🙂 Not really a question, but a little tweak suggestion. 🙂 Cheers

    Moz Pro | | Marcus_Miller

  • I have a page indexed > ( and also The same post shows up twice, one with /tag/ one without when I search site:
    Is this a duplicate content?? Can I get penalized for this? In the All in one plugin should I check Use noindex for Tag Archives to avoid this or doesn't matter.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vinner-280241

  • Hi I have a question My site is hosted on a server in the city of my target audience Should i use a Content Delivery Network anyway? Even if the closest edge location of the cdn is in the neighbor country? Thank you Paulo

    Technical SEO | | paulogoncalves

  • Hey everyone SEOMOZ is telling us that there are to many onpage links on the following page: Should we stop it from being indexed via Robots.txt? best regards and thanks in advance... Simon

    On-Page Optimization | | Rapturecamps

  • When I look at my Analytics using any of my segments, they don't work. It shows zero visits for the segment until April 30th, then the visitors for the segment shoots up to above the number for all visits! Anyone else experiencing this bizarre data?

    Reporting & Analytics | | mascotmike

  • Hello. Are the breadcrumb links valued more over other links ? (google searches for them specificaly to display them in the results)

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • Hey everyone, In the last hour I was doing some SEO referral reportingin Google Analytics and discovered that my April data was completely gone (flat lined to zero).  Specifically, if i select a date range for any point in april and select search from the advanced segments area I am seeing this issue. This is happening for ALL of my active clients... anyone else seeing this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | dpeddle

  • What have been your most proudest moments in SEO ? What would you consider as being you best achieved job and in what industry was it achieved it. What are the reasons you have this down as your biggest achievement ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • I've created Google Places entries for the business' 25 locations in 8 countries. It's been 7 weeks and Google hasn't validated my bulk upload yet. Which of the following would you say might do the trick? URL: I have pointed to for every location. Should I point to http://site? I've created categories in English, but being this about local I guess I should do it in the local language of each country... Should I cancel the bulk upload and do one country per country? My list of countries include Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia so I don't know if manual verification is done by google centrally and that might be a problem. Otherwise the entries are (IMHO) well written, detailed and all. But I'm kind of desperate now because it's 7 weeks already... thanks for you help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TIBA

  • I am working on a language teaching site for Chinese speakers learning English. I consider myself above average when it comes to basic SEO issues, but all I know here is that Google doesn't like multiple languages on a single page. Without getting into too many details, both Chinese and English text will appear on the same page with links, tags, phonetic spellings, etc. I'm hoping someone here knows the science about using the lang="zh" xml:lang="zh" attributes within text and the effects on ranking for text within the declarations. And it'd be great if there was clarification on the link juice passed using the hreflang attribute for both internal and external links. Also, of course, any info on using both English and Chinese characters in the URL would be most helpful. A heads up on any other language specific SEO issues would also be much appreciated. My goal is to get the most out of both languages per page in terms of ranking.

    Technical SEO | | kwoolf

  • Hi I am considering using M2 Newswire, a press release distribution services. I am just wondering if anyone knows if M2 Newsire is a good PR distribution site for SEO? I.e. will i get many backinks from using the service? Cheers Mik

    Link Building | | increation

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