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  • For my informational site I have a lot of urls that are way too long.  When I first created the site, I wrote a script that takes out the common words of a post and fashions a url.  So, for example, if the first few words of a question were: Hi there, I have a question about back pain. I'm wondering what drugs would be good for relief and how I can get some help? then my url may be: Once I got learning about seo I realized that these urls were too long but I never did anything about them.   Should I be shortening these, or is my time best spent doing something else?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • I'm assuming it wasn't targeted at just me... I certainly hope not anyway lol: ................................................................................................ RE: Message sent by sarah4u on Yesterday, 04:25 Hello i am sarah udah, i saw your profile to day at ( and became in trested in you,i will also like to know you more and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am my email address is ( (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) please contact me here .................................................................................................... It appears inbox spam knows no bounds, even on this sacred of grounds 😜

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SteveOllington

  • One of the top guys here is a friend of Matt Cutts and makes sure your links meet quality tests, etc. Also helps you find quality sites to get links from. I'm sure a lot of you manage links for your clients and and your own site.  Any users out there or know of someone who uses it and gives you feed back/ Thanks

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • I'm helping out a friend with his legal blog, and in checking OSE I found scores of backlinks that appear paid, but he says they've done no link buying at all.  Here are a couple of examples: They don't look like the typical paid link sites because of the number of links on the page, and the fact they're not all hyperlinked and anchor text.  Almost looks like hacked sites.  Stranger still, they point to the non-www version of the site, and they have non-www redirected to www. Anyone seen this before? Thanks --

    Link Building | | 540SEO

  • Hi Actually im running a web shop in several languages: english, french, spanish, italian, russian, german, japanese, korean and japanese ! lol Im trying to optimize my web site for SEO so i changed URL rewriting rules for example French example:                                                                                                                          From: ->çais.html Japanese example: (i use UTF8 encoding)                                                                           From: ->私は日本人です.html So i get something like wikipedia (url with accents, ideogramms in several languages) Do you think wikipedia and me are doing wrong ?

    Technical SEO | | nipponx

  • But I have had some luck with bookkmaRKING DEMON, and understand the pitfalls of massive submission, but I deal in facts not generalities. If the goal is to mix your links accross the pages in your site, and mix the DA quality, or pr of the links, and have them contextual as well as comments, directories, etc. who cares how it is done as long as it appears natural 1. Linkvana claims to be a posting service for you. you put text in with your link and it posts to relevant sites, the same as you would do manually. For my context links I see this as a better way than begging people to give me a link, or wasting time kissing butt of reporters (kike i did in the past). Anyway there is good and bad with everything. I want to know if anyone knows of anyone who used linkvana and what their experiences is ? And more importantly.... WHAT DOES EVERYONE USE AS A COMPLETE BACK LINK STRATEGY? Thanks

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • Hey, I have a website about "coffee machines". Since a few months I added a vBulletin forum with vbSEO installed. The keywords Google found before I added the forum where highly related to the topic of my website (e.g. "coffee", "machine" etc), which I checked through the webmaster tools. However, I recently checked again and noticed that Google finds mostly keywords like "post", "forum", "thread", "share" etc. with high significance. Those "keywords" only appear on the forum. Now I'm a bit worried since Google states "These should reflect the subject matter of your site." Any advice how to solve that issue? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | netminds

  • Rand yoou mentioned soon we will be able to list the root domain and be able to track subdomains also in the same campaigne. I could not find the article again now, do you have a ETA?

    Moz Pro | | AlanMosley

  • I've been told by PR Web that anchor text in their press releases will add SEO value and increase our page rank. They even charge more for releases that include the ability to link specific keywords to specific pages (anchor text keywords). So - do such press releases really add any page rank to our site? Here's our press release: Thanks, Alex

    Link Building | | tennisround

  • You sell a great selection of books but your site always ranks in the SERPs at Position #2 - right below  You will probably never rank higher than their PR8 domain. But you can still beat them..... How?  With a value proposition that you SHOUT in your title tag. ================================== <title>Mysteries of Atlantis only $(kickass price)</p> <p>You will take all of their sales because they sell everything at MSRP.</p> <p>==================================</p> <p><title>Mysteries of Atlantis | Download or Immediate Shipping</p> <p>Everybody wants fast service</p> <p>==================================</p> <p><title>Mysteries of Atlantis | Free Shipping</p> <p>Everybody loves free shipping</p> <p>==================================</p> <p>The examples above will help you deal with a stodgy retail company.  But what if you are stuck at #2 below a site like Wikipedia or WebMD?  You don't have price or shipping to use as a weapon.   Now you have to get clever at eliciting the click.  Here are a few title tag samples for eliciting the click..... </p> <p>Wikipedia has a sleepy title tag that reads <em>"Atlantis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"</em></p> <p>You can beat that!  Here are some ideas....</p> <p><title>Atlantis:  Why the Mystery is a Pile of Baloney</p> <p><title>Atlantis:  The Evidence that Convinced PhD Skeptics</p> <p><title>Secrets of Atlantis Discovered in the Ruins of Pompei</p> <p>==================================</p> <p>Next time you are stuck at #2 decide how you can put up a fight!</p> <p>Think about your value proposition, a catchy question, an easy solution, something seductive or even provocative....</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Best Selection on the Web!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Lowest Prices that We Have Seen!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets ! Every Size and Shape Imaginable!</p> <p><title>Brass Widgets | Free Beer with Every Purchase!  :)</p> <p>===================================</p> <p>OK... you probably can't deliver on the Free Beer... but you are probably getting the idea.  Those are some of the tricks that I have used.</p> <p>Remember to test and watch your analytics!</p> <p>What ideas do you have?  How have you kicked ass from Position #2?</p> <p>Actually, these methods can work from any position in the SERPs... but the #2 probably pulled in your click.  ;)</p></title>

    Competitive Research | | EGOL

  • I know how to make my you tube videos rank better on their site. My question is specific to....Does  it benefit your videos to show up better on google to have back links pointing to the page its on?

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • What exactly does it do and does anyone know someone who got in trouble using it? With linkvana and bookmarking demon and manually posting to blogs would anyone need this/

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • With Google's updates we know they want to clean out duplicate content. i have been seeing the same crap spit out even word for word on different sites. Anyway how do you experienced SEO people test for dups on your own site as well as other sites. The only thing i can come up with is paying copyscape 5 cts a test. There has to be other ways. Advise/

    On-Page Optimization | | joemas99

  • Is the keyword "filme online gratis" self-cannibalization on this site in the seomoz tool "On-Page Keyword Optimization" it shows that it is a self-cannibalization keyword ... i made some changes (big changes) and its still remaining the same

    On-Page Optimization | | Alexsmenaru

  • Site just crawled  and report shows many duplicate  pages but doesn't tell me which ones are dups of each other. For you experienced duplicate page experts, do you have a subscription with copyscape and pay $.05 per test? What is the best way to clear these? Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | joemas99

  • Im currently doing a research for a low-medium competitive keyword (SEO Moz Keyword difficult Tool it showed 36% competition, its a one word keyword) in my country. That keyword had a Google AdWords Broad Match of 368.000 searchs and a Google AdWords Exact Match of 33.100 searchs in April. The currently number one site for that keyword have an exactly match for that keyword, and nothing else. Then I ran and advanced report to that keyword and heres the initial result: This number one site has a domain authority of only 11 and a page authority of 25. The second site have the following domain name -> (its in Brasil, so theorically and .br should worth more than a .com domain right?) Anyway the second site have a domain authority of 37 and a page rank authority of 45. So after this link all the others are like that, and the domain and page authority is according to how it suposed to be (higher domain and page are ranked better). The exactly same thing happen when I search for a more long tail of this keyword (wich are 2 words) happen. The exactly match are ranked 1st with a very low page and domian authority while the others come first. Some more info about that number 1 ranked site- The layout is terrible and not user friendly. The site took more than 10 seconds to load Have not a single inpage SEO optimization. According to alexa the bounce rate is around 50% Now follows the data from Linkscape data between the 1st and 2nd ranked pages Overal Score - 19% x 38% Page mozRank - 2.04 x 3.95 Page mozTrust - 4.92 x 5.45 External mozRank - 2.04 x 3.95 Subdomain mozRank - 1.81 x 3.45 Domains Linkin - 4 x 163 External Links - 8 x 265 So, looks like that only two things should be 90% of the focus from a SEO perspective. Have an old exactly keyword match domain and youre good to go 😄 Edited 1: About the linkbacks to each page The 1st page in rank biggest page authority linking back (dofollow) have an authority of 36 from a domain authority of 49 The 2nd in the rank the highest dofollow linkback have a page authority of 40 and domain of 85 Edit 2: 1st in rank were created in 2000 2nd in rank were created in 2007

    Competitive Research | | bemcapaz

  • A client just brought them to my attention, seem to be making some ridiculous promises...

    Industry News | | mjcarrjr

  • Most of my internal pages have their best links from within our site (of course we are trying to change that). Is it worth the effort to sculpt the link text to show varied text instead of most all showing the same link text? Or is that only important from external links?

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • I can see the link text and where they are coming from and i can use that to steer where i want to get links from, and how i want to get links. Am I missing something? Does raven tools or other software have anything more to offer me in managing my back links? I'm not talking about where and how to get them, just in viewing the structure to help fine tune it so as not to appear unnatural to Google. All responses wecomed

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • Hey everyone, I have been working in business dev for just over 3 years in seo/sem. Needless to say I was hooked right away and I think I am finally ready to start something on my own. I have started some work for a client who does not  want to spend lot of money(what else is new). They manufacture watches and handbags and have over 2 hundred retailers across Canada. They currently have no online presence with with the site they have now.On top of that they have decided they want to start selling their products online. Also they want to target retailers as well as the general public. So I started thinking how can I use  keyword phrase that would attract both retailers and end users I thought a good keyword phrase "buy stylish cheap watches and handbags online in Canada" that has a lot of opportunity because it has several keywords in the phrase, and can be broken down to target several 3 word key phrases. I have checked out Google's Keyword Suggest as well as WordTracker, and found that the phrase as a whole has very little traffic value.However there is tons of traffic when broken up.An example would be. Buy stylish watches online, buy affordable watches online and so on and so on. How do I know If I have chosen the right keywords if my client doesn't have the funds to test them all using PPC? This is my first client and I really don't want to mess this up.They are really good people and I would like to do right by them. Can anyone give me some advice. Great know my keyboard wont let me put in a question mark lol, thankfully its the weekend.

    Keyword Research | | chucky_boy

  • How harmful can be a keyword cannibalization? And what is the solution to this problem?

    On-Page Optimization | | Alexsmenaru

  • Hi, there is something puzzling us about the rel=canonical reports... On the general report that is generated after the system crawls our site, we have blue flags on the rel=canonical tag, but the flags don't actually specify exactly what is wrong, they just say: "Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical." so we presumed that we should take the rel=canonical tag out of our pages, and after we did so, we noticed that the on-page-report-card (the one that shows up when you run the keyword page optimization tool from the research tools) says (close to the bottom of the report) that we should have 1 canonical tag on each page. So right now we're confused, the general website crawl report flags the rel canonical as being bad and then the on page report flags not having them, we don't really know what to do, should we keep the rel=canonical or not? We are using wordpress to power our site, wordpress has a built-in system for generating the rel canonical for each page, I've checked that and the tags are being generated properly, but we have no idea why the general website report flags them in blue, the error message is not too comprehensive. Any help or information you could provide would be much appreciated. Our website is thanks.

    Moz Pro | | joemas99

  • In what order do you carry out your SEO? do you start with keyword research or competitor analysis or is it on-page and then on to link building, do you concentrate on article submissions and then move on to social networking? List your step by step process here.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IPIM

  • Everyone loves a good list. If you could only submit your site to 10 directories which 10 would you choose and why?

    Link Building | | IPIM

  • This is probably going to sound a bit strange but I'd like it if I could "opt out" of the 200 MozPoints in a month giving a free months worth of membership. The reason being that I am enjoying using the forum but feel like every time I click on a thumbs up for my stuff to get MozPoints, it's like I'm trying to take advantage of the offer... when in actual fact I have no interest in that. Don't get me wrong, I want MozPoints because I want an SEOmoz t-shirt lol, and maybe one day I'll get to find out what the "something really special" is (I don't want to have one of whatever it is, I just want to know what it is.... the curiosity is killing me!) Anyway, what I'm saying is that I would feel more free to use the forums without having this kind of uncomfortable feeling that it may look like I'm just in it for the points to skimp on cash lol. I use the service, I love the service, and so I am happy to pay for the service... not only that but the forums are part of the benefit of the service, so I'd rather not worry that every comment I make may look like I'm doing it for reasons of greed, rather than reasons of interest. So, can we have a thing where we opt out?

    Moz Pro | | SteveOllington

  • Hi Which url should i use for my web site ? and why ? 1 : 2 : are you.html thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nipponx

  • What's up guys! We run a site for tennis players and courts in the whole country - People use the site to find a tennis partner at their skill level and send each other invites to set up matches, it's also used to find local tennis courts. The question is - Which keyword(s) should we optimize the site for and how? Cheers, Alex 7h1HKYL_jJ0 sYaQH 7h1HKYL_jJ0 sYaQH 7h1HKYL_jJ0

    Keyword Research | | tennisround

  • I know this is always a contentious issue and that the official, or shall we say semi-official line is that you can't be penalized for incoming links, as you can't control who links to you (aside of course from link buying, and other stuff that Google feels it can work out). I was wondering if anyone had any recent discoveries or observations on this? Obviously there's the problem that is usually brought up where you could damage a competitor buy link building to them with spammy links, etc... hence the half denial of it being an issue... but has anyone seen or hear anything on it recently, or experienced something relevant?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SteveOllington

  • What back link management software do you guys use or recommend? Need to manage types of links on each page. Thanks

    Link Building | | joemas99

  • I found a link directory with good PageRank and MozRank. The page I would be featured on has good page authority of about 41. Their editorial guidelines appear sound. However, I just discovered that they have a family of directories (about 7-8) that all look very similar in site appearance. I suspect that they are all hosted on the same servers and run by the same company. Would this family of directories be at risk of being flagged by Google as a link network and have all their links devalued? Thanks Mozzers!

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • The SEOMoz keyword reports show week-to-week changed in keyword positions, but what report can I run to see trends over time so that I can evaluate the effectiveness of our SEO efforts?

    Moz Pro | | mhkatz

  • Just noticed my google search results page has changed. Anyone else seeing this? Screenshot

    Industry News | | JohnTurner79

  • We have a site based in Australia that has been using the .com domain. Recently the became available and we purchased it and use a 301 redirect. Does having a site hosted off-shore and a .com rather than for a company affect the ratings in for Australian traffic?

    Search Behavior | | oznappies

  • We recently revived a slew of industry-specific widgets that we had created on largely for SEO purposes. The widget is remote-hosted and just a static HTML cache page showing information, so all Widgetbox does is wrap that HTML page in javascript to show it. However, I realized that when Javascript is disabled there's no link back to our website, just 4 or 5 back to Widgetbox. When Javascript is enabled we have a simple link back to our website at the bottom of the widget. I know Google has the ability to crawl Javascript now, but what do you think about this, will these links count? I could find virtually 0 information about it elsewhere. I'm thinking I may just add several widgets to another website to see if Google picks up the links.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ACann

  • I am finding it a real uphill task with a few of our clients with there either product or category pages competing against other sites on main keywords. The sites either categories or product specific pages are in direct competition with other sites homepages and I am finding it increasingly more difficult to break into positions. What are other peoples experiences with this ? Do you feel the way the pages are ranked within the xml sitemap with priority could also be a factor.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hello good people. Quick question about the Keyword Difficulty Tool (which is great by the way).  I am wondering specifically about the "keyword difficulty score" If I were to type in "blue widget,"  the tool returns a diffiiculty score of 51%. "red widget" on the other had returns a score of 40%. My question is how much more difficult is the term, "blue widget" when compared to "red widget?" 20% harder? more, less? I just don't know.  I'm sure the info is somewhere on the seomoz site, but I have searched high and low and cannot find it. Thanks a lot, Joe

    Moz Pro | | sawa0019

  • Ok, I posted two images showing that my Google Adwords search settings are to receive clicks only from google's search engine, as we are doing testing on keyword behavior with a few specific keywords. The second image will show that we have somehow 7 total search clicks, but not for any of our specific keywords. I'm confused. . . and hungry. . . I'm 'confungry'. 😉 jk any thoughts are welcomed. search-1.jpg search-2.jpg

    Paid Search Marketing | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Why does a search for "" show no results, but when there is a space before it shows results? The same happens for "" (nothing shows up), but when I search for "" it returns results. Is there a problem I am missing? Thanks so much!

    Reporting & Analytics | | EmilyP

  • Whenever the homepage of my client's homepage appears in Google results, the search engine is not showing our URL as our domain, but instead a partner domain that is linking to us.  (The correct title and meta description of our homepage is showing.) I believe this is caused by the partner website (with a much higher pank rank) linking to our homepage from their footer to a URL with it's own domain that 302 redirects to our homepage. Example: Link: 302 redirects to: The simple fix would be for the client to ask for removal of the 302 hijacking link - but they are uncomfortable with  this request since they had requested it prior, and their relationship is not the best. Is there any other way to fix this?

    Technical SEO | | Conor_OShea_ETUS

  • I want to target a set of keywords but I want to know which type of Title tag structure or  wording is most effective? Here are my target keywords: CMMS, CMMS Software, EAM Software, Maintenance Management Software Do you think using exact keywords terms are most effective? For example: Title tag: CMMS, CMMS Software, EAM Software, Maintenance Management Software Or: Title tag: CMMS Software, EAM Maintenance Management Software Same goes for keyword use for content and H1 tags. Your thoughts? Thanks, John

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VizionSEO99

  • We are redesigning our website and looking at our large data in the viewstate hidden field. Our thoughts are to move to bottom of page but our developers are stating this is an old myth and no resent documentation if it improves our SEO. Does ViewState (big data in hidden fields ) effect SEO in any way? If ViewState (hidden field) is present at the end of HTML document instead of near the start of HTML document then will it increase our ranking in search engines? Does Google or any other engine read the hidden fields? or do they ignore them? Can you point me to some valid documentation to back this up? Feed back is appreciated. Cathy

    Technical SEO | | SEO-Team

  • For content syndication, let's say I have the choice of (1) a link back or (2) a cross domain rel canonical to the original page, which one would you choose and why? (I'm trying to pick the best option to save dev time!) I'm also curious to know what would be the difference in SERPs between the link back & the canonical solution for the original publisher and for sydication partners? (I would prefer not having the syndication partners disappeared entirely from SERPs, I just want to make sure I'm first!) A side question: What's the difference in real life between the Google source attribution tag & the cross domain rel canonical tag? Thanks! PS: Don't know if it helps but note that we can syndicate 1 article to multiple syndication partners (It would't be impossible to see 1 article syndicated to 50 partners)

    Technical SEO | | raywatson

  • This has been bugging me for awhile. I am trying to build up some great evergreen/cornerstone content for my site. It's basic stuff that just needs to be there. This problem is affecting me already, and I fear that when I get the main content done I will run into the problem when I start blogging for fresh content. The best way to explain this, is to use an example. Imagine a Jewelry store in a major metro. They are already ranking for a few "city + keyword" combos but are looking to expand their keyword reach and get some better rankings. They might have a page on diamonds, and target "city + diamonds." Then, lets say they are writing about Jewelry and you target a page on "city + jewelry" and on this page, it can be hard to write normal sounding content without saying diamond. AKA "We make shopping for "city + jewelry" super easy. You select a diamond, select your "setting, city + jewelry, or something"" What I would like to know, is if I should go crazy with the targeting and just write about "city + jewelry" on one page, for instance, and make sure not to just mention "diamond" and then make a sub-page or something to target "city + diamond + jewelry" Does any of that make sense? Edit for clarity - targeted keyword phrases bolded - I left my ramble above for historical and comedic purposes. It is hard to talk about jewelry without including some really (basic terms/keywords) that I am targeting on other pages. Is this going to be a problem? I might have a page on engagement rings, and another on diamonds probably targeted to the local area. Later, I might decide to write a blog titled "10 Reasons you need to buy an Engagement Ring" Should I alter that blog to be called "10 Reasons you need to buy a Diamond Engagement Ring" and try not to mention just the word diamond(s) or engagement ring(s) so that I don't confuse the almighty Google? Please advise

    Keyword Research | | steven88

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