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  • When syndicating content, I have heard/read that even if the piece you syndicate has a link back to your site (original post), the engines should be able to tell your post is the original because of the link that is pointing back. Is this the case when the links are "nofollow"? I think not, but I just would like to get someone else point of view. I think that if they don't want to follow the links, they should at least add noindex meta robots tags to the post so it doesn't create duplicate content... Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Link Building | | bonnierSEO

  • I have a really hard time wrapping my head around the use rel canonical.  I just watched WBF and it brought up a question that I had. I had a situation where some of my pages could be accessed a couple of ways: www.mydomain/question1.php?id=24-keyword-rich-url, or www.mydomain/question1.php?id=24 I used rel canonical to tell the search engines that the keyword rich url was the one to index. Now, we all know that shares on Twitter, FB, etc. can add value to my site's SEO.  So, if someone happens to be on the non-keyword-rich url and they click a button to share, do I still get the same seo benefit? Which brings me to a related question...if someone shares your content via a bitly or other shortened domain, is there any difference to the benefit you would get as compared to them sharing the full domain name?

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • I'm offering content in return for contextual links to a number of website owners in my niche, and the up-take seems to be there. My concern is that the written piece generally won't be linked to from the homepage (i.e. blog post, featured article, etc), and so over time there's the risk that it will be lost deeper and deeper in the site's hierarchy. Is this a big issue given (I'm assuming) my content's value will diminish over time, etc. Most of the webmasters, are however happy for me to supply content sporadically. Ot is it still definitely worth progressing? Thanks.

    Link Building | | newstd100

  • I'm working on a series of guest posts to help promote a site.  These are competitive, high quality posts from a well-respected resource in the industry. I placed the author introduction at the front of the posts, with anchor text for the keywords we are targetting (e.g., "This is a guest post by John Doe, a [keyword] who ... and writes about [keyword]."). I understand that having the anchor text in a prominent location - such as near the front of the post - will probably be more authoritative than a sentence at the very end.  My question: how significant is this difference? The blog that I am posting on wants to include author information at the end only and only have one link using the site name (which doesn't contain keywords). The post I sent had two deep links using keyword-rich anchor text, placed at the beginning. I am trying to decide whether to walk away and keep shopping the material around.

    Link Building | | Falconberg

  • What does it take for results to show up above Place Page results.  It seems like Google Local gets a lot of emphasis .  Any thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | musillawfirm

  • Is it dangerous to have your H1 tag and your title the exact same thing?  My thought was that it's not be the best use of space, but that it couldn't cause harm. What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • On our real estate site we have our office listings displayed.  The listings are generated from a scraping script that I wrote.  As such, all of our listings have the exact same description snippet as every other agent in our office.  The rest of the page consists of site-wide sidebars and a contact form.  The title of the page is the address of the house and so is the H1 tag. Manually changing the descriptions is not an option. Do you think it would help to have some randomly generated stuff on the page such as "similar listings"? Any other ideas? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • I'm building a steady link profile to one of my websites and the new links still haven't shown up in open site explorer even after 2 months. How long does it take OSE to recognize new backlinks?

    Technical SEO | | C-Style

  • I used Open Site Explorer and found a link to our site on  The link was setup to go to an important, deep page on my website, but the structure of our urls changed and the url no longer exists. The link (anchor text 'National Hospitality Supply') does direct to our homepage, My question is, am I receiving full link juice? Or would I be better served to create a 301 redirect to the revised / new page url? In case it matters, if I had my choice I'd prefer the link to go to the intended deep page. Thanks in advance for your insight. -Josh Fulfer

    Technical SEO | | mhans

  • A while back I created a new website.  Somehow my "scratch" copies of the site got indexed even though I didn't have links built to them.  (In the future I will use noindex tags when I am playing around with designing). Now, I have three versions of the site online...let's call them and and and now rank #1 for their main keyword.  (It's a relatively uncompetitive niche). is somewhere lower than page 20 despite having an exact keyword match domain name.  I'm assuming that Google considered it duplicate content as it is the exact same thing as Practice1 and 2. I had considered simply removing Practice1 and 2 from the server, but I was worried that if I did that, I would lose my #1 rankings if TheRealSite didn't recover. So, what I've done is 301 redirect Practice1 and Practice2 to TheRealSite.  I'm guessing that over time TheRealSite will come back to #1 and then I can just remove the files from Practice1 and Practice2. Is this the best way to handle this situation?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • Hello, I was wondering what can be the causes of pages desindexation by Google? A poor quality pages,...? Thank you for your answers, Jonathan

    Technical SEO | | JonathanLeplang

  • Has anyone used this tool? Thoughts on accuracy etc Cheers

    Competitive Research | | CraigAddyman

  • HI, We've got a German e-commerce site on an .at domain and would like to have a copy on a .de domain as we expect higher conversions for German users there. The idea now would be to make use of the cross-domain canonical tag, create a "duplicate" on the .de domain and add a canonical tag on all sites and refer to the original content on the .at domain. That would mean the .de won't rank, but German users could see the .de domain, Austrian users the .at domain in the address bar and everybody could feel "at home"  ... that's the theory. What do you guys think? Valid strategy?

    On-Page Optimization | | gmellak

  • Im running a small businness and not in a really competitive keyword niche so, im not sure if the U$ 299 anually is worth it or not.

    Link Building | | bemcapaz

  • About 3 weeks ago google created a duplicate listing for our law firm on google maps. In building links I have tried very hard to ensure that our address and company name was always listed identically. Our correct firm name and address is Feldman Feldman & Associates, PC 2221 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 201 inevitably somehow the new listing stated Camino Del Rio S, Ste 201 All of our reviews moved over to this new profile, I claimed it, changed it to make it the same reported it to Google. Google merged them. Now Google has created another profile this time the firm name and address matches ours exactly (South and Suite both spelled out), but all of the reviews have moved over except for the most recent one(s). I have claimed it again and reported it to google, changed the address. Google then created another listing. Our page rank for keywords has been hurt by this. any idea why this keeps happening suggestions? Here are the two pages. This is our original listing This is the new one google self created that stole all our reviews, but is ranked very poorly for the keyword searches.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jfeld222

  • I am considering paying for a listing on the legal directory on, at a cost of $300 per month. This includes 5 deep links back to our site. I think the value of the listing and profile is next to 0 other than the SEO benefit to obtain a competitive position on the first page of the google map. But I am having a hard time ascertaining the SEO value.  They have a page rank of 7 (at times 8 in the past). I have already done many of the other directories, dmoz, BOTW, yahoo! and have a regular blog on my site and lots of content. Will this contribute any noticeable SEO difference? Any thoughts? recommendations?  If this will contribute a noticeable SEO difference, then imo it is definitely worth it.

    Image & Video Optimization | | jfeld222

  • I apologize first if this comes across as extremely novice, but I realized I really didn't know the answer and so - here I am. 🙂 Is anyone familiar with tracking google place traffic in google analytics? Is it possible? I'd love to know how many of our visitors are coming from our google place listings (we have several locations throughout the state.) Much gratitude in advance ~ Alicia

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Aaronetics

  • Hello Mozzers, We're currently evaluating a client site where the previous web developer redesigned the site and got lazy, 301 redirecting hundreds of pages to the home page instead of to their respective new URLs. Ugh. In any case, we will probably fix this for the sake of implementing best practices. But I am curious how search engines treat 301'd URLs, as they are supposed to be permanent redirects. Will search crawlers ever visit the old URLs again to find that we've re-redirected them? Or have they written them off as moved to the home page for good, meaning that there's no way to direct the authority of the previous URLs to their rightful targets? Thanks!

    Web Design | | SEOTeamSF

  • hi all we recently took on a new client, asking us to improve there google ranking, under the term letting agents glasgow , they told us they used to rank top 10 but now are on page 14 so it looks like google has slapped them one, my question is can google block you permanently from ranking under a keyword or disadvantage you, as we went though the customers links, and removed the ones that looked strange, and kept the links that looked ok. but then there ranking dropped to 21, is it worth gaining new links under there main keyword even tho it looks like google is punishing them for having some bad links. the site is www. all one word cheers

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | willcraig

  • When looking at the Duplicate Page Title report, the Other URLs column has various numbers that presumably indicate the number of pages that share the same title. When I click on one of these numbers, say a URL that shows 4 in that column, the next page reports "No sample duplicate URLs to report". Why isn't it showing me the other 3 URLs with the same page title?

    On-Page Optimization | | jkenyon

  • Does a mobile site need backlinks to rank? Or are onsite factors the one and only here? And what are the most important "onsite" factors for mobile seo?

    Image & Video Optimization | | jameda

  • Recently two of my clients purchased a listing in the Yahoo Directory, but they don't show up in the SEOmoz campaign analysis.  Is there a reason why?

    Link Building | | thriveseo

  • Which would you chose? Link on PA56  with 88 OBL's and 80  IBL's or a link on a PA75 with 225 OBL's &  40 IBL (Same Domain) Pretty self explanatory. I want to know what metrics SEOMozzers rely on most. If you are not an expert at evaluating links for large scale development please don't muddy the waters on this question with a thin and vague answer.

    Moz Pro | | DavidWolf58

  • When the crawl diagnostics came back for my site its showing around 3,000 pages of duplicate content. Almost all of them are of the catalog search results page. I also did a site search on Google and they have most of the results pages in their index too. I think I should just disallow the bots in the /catalogsearch/ sub folder, but I'm not sure if this will have any negative effect?

    Technical SEO | | JordanJudson

  • I have a page that is listed in, but when I run an OSE Link Analysis, that link doesn't show up. I'm currently doing the free trial for SEOMoz Pro and I'm concerned that other links might not be showing up as well. Has anyone had any similar experiences and/or do you know why DMOZ links specifically might not appear in the results?

    Moz Pro | | JoyceScott

  • whats the best way to separate Google Shopping from regular organic traffic in analytics?

    Reporting & Analytics | | DavidKonigsberg

  • HI, I'm looking for a tool that'll generate a URL list for a site. I looked at this thread here which came up when I searched for sitemap generator. However, I don't need a sitemap per se, and I don't need to submit it to Google - just a list of pages is what I need.If it updated automatically, that would be useful as well. Anyone know of a tool, on or offline? Or anyone used Xenu and know if it's what I'm looking for? Or is there a simple solution that I'm missing? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | 5225Marketing

  • We're working with a client to create and submit a video site map. All of their videos are on separate pages, with unique copy, etc. The problem is that the videos may have to be within an iframe. Will this be an issue with regards to being included in video and universal search results? Or will the video site map take care of it? While we're on the topic of video site maps, does anyone know conclusively what the best thumbnail size is? Google has conflicting information, one resource says 160 x 120, and another says 120 x 90. Thanks in advance!

    Image & Video Optimization | | RedDoor58

  • Hi Would googles indexing of flash content count towards page content? for example I have over 7000 flash files, with 1 unique flash file per page followed by a short 2 paragraph snippet, would google count the flash as content towards the overall page? Because at the moment I've x-tagged the roberts with noindex, nofollow and no archive to prevent them from appearing in the search engines. I'm just wondering if the google bot visits and accesses the flash file it'll get the x-tag noindex, nofollow and then stop processing. I think this may be why the panda update also had an effect. thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Flapjack

  • Let's say I have a company that has its main business in Europe for thefollowing languages: English German Portugese French Italian And let's say some other markets (e.g. the Portugese one in south america) is also important. The question now is how should we structure the Domain if we want onlyone top level domain ( a) By using subdomains to target users with Google Webmaster Tools for the relevant country: (same content) (same content) etc. or b) by using virtual folders
    etc. or c) something completely different I do not know about? What do you reckon is best? I appreciate all suggestions!

    Industry News | | imsi

  • I'm just starting to provide paid consultation to a few clients who have approached me for SEO help. As I've not completed a lot of projects, I'm looking for guidance on how to set expectations.  I get the feeling that one of my clients is going to expect that once our initial work (keyword research, addressed their primary technical issues, fixing on-page issues) that they will automatically appear on the first page of Google. In a project with 50 keywords, I believe this may be true for a few keywords where there isn't a lot of competition.  However, I believe that for many of the keywords, we won't be able to achieve ranking on the first page unless we do an on-going link-building program.  Is this assumption accurate?

    Technical SEO | | EricVallee34

  • Okay so I keep on seeing stuff like this, I know it's been going on for ages but it seems to be increasing in intensity. Anyway, thanks to Facebook knowing I click on their ads to do with SEO it shows me pretty much just those ad types now. I'll get to the point. I saw an ad for the "Search Marketing Business Academy", or "SMBA" so I was curious and clicked. There's a chap who professes 12 years experience in internet marketing and has a bunch of companies and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, he's offering himself up as basically an expert of experts, one that can show other search marketers how to make it. There's a few things that look fishy though. The testimonials have common names and no business names There's no mention of what these companies he runs are There's no work to see in the form of case studies or a portfolio Under "Meet Lee Gilbert" it states that they've been supporting other SEM companies since 2004, yet a quick Google of the company and the name shows little to support this. Googling the chaps name just gets you his own website which professes more of the same and just a bunch of products Of just a few pieces of advice given for how to rank on Google it includes keyword density The chap seems to still place a lot of importance on Page Rank (As in the old PR that we all know means nothing now, and his blog about this is only a month old) From searching, it doesn't seem that there is any history at all, let alone this history of mass success There doesn't appear to be any social presence for the company or the man, except that ad. It seems just like an average SEO (albeit one that's a bit behind on the times) who knows an average amount, trying to say he can tell other SEO's how to master the arts. He's not even a member on SEOmoz, that's the biggest give away haha. So, could I be wrong? Am I being too harsh?

    Industry News | | SteveOllington

  • We are working on a site that has 50+ pages that all have duplicate content (1 for each state, pretty much). Should we 301 all 50 of the URLs to one URL or should we just completely get rid of all the pages? Are there any steps to take when completely removing pages completely? (submit sitemap to google webmaster tools, etc) thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Motava

  • I've got a campaign set up here in SEOmoz and it appears that it just started picking up data for a site that is not mine. Our site is and i noticed that SEOmoz has begun including and is showing 20,000 302's from this site.  The site is in no way related to our business and should not be tracked in our campaign.  Has this happened to anyone else?

    Moz Pro | | WP_SEO

  • What is on everyones to do list when starting SEO work on a brand new site that has had no SEO work done in the past?

    Link Building | | MediaBazooka

  • I'm running text ads in Google's Display/Content network, and these ads are targeted only to display in GMail. I'm getting a rather low CTR, but this is to be expected? Then again, how low is too low? What's a good CTR for GMail ads?

    Paid Search Marketing | | monetize-266006

  • Mozzers: We have a instance where a client is looking to 301 a to                                                                                                                  I know of several issues with this but wondered if anyone could chip in with any previous experiences of doing so, and what outcomes positive and negative came out of this. Issues I'm aware of: The root domain URL is the most linked page, a HTTP 301 redirect only passes about 90% of the value. you'll loose 10-15% of your link value of these links. navigational queries (i.e.: the "domain part" of "domain.tld") are less likely to produce google site-links less deep-crawling: google crawls top down - starts with the most linked page, which will most likely be your domain url. as this does not exist you waste this zero level of crawling depth. robots.txt is only allowed on the root of the domain. Your help as always is greatly appreciated. Sean

    Technical SEO | | Yozzer

  • I realize there are some aspects of what I'm asking that only I can answer. With that said, I'm looking for some discussion about the pros / cons of each, and what are the most important factors that will push me one way or another. Let's say I have a company that has three products. One big brand, three little brands. Each of the little brands is focused on a particular sub-niche, all of which are in the general health & wellness niche. Either, I could create a large site for the big brand, with subsections for each product, and work hard on turning that domain into a goto site, with lots of articles, etc. The domain name for this one would be a made up word so I can fully control the search results. Or, another strategy would be to create smaller, "sniper" sites for each product, maybe even sites for each major search term that is interested in that product. These sites would have fewer articles. Descriptive, exact match domain names. Which is the best strategy? #1, #2, or a mixture of both? #1 seems legitimate, #2 seems a bit spammy. What are the pros and cons to each? Can anyone speak from experience about both these practices?

    Branding | | monetize-266006

  • Our company just went through a rebranding and this includes the web sites. We have a new website (same domain) hosted on a new sever. We implemented 301's for outdated domain names and urls. The content has been overhauled to be simpler and we are building this from ground up with SEO in mind.I have canonical tags, being mindful of follow and no follow, with out trying to page sculpt) and ensuring the urls are descriptive and free of auto generated cms trash. To prepare for the launch, I captured all the analytics and adword campaigns before the switch. and began making lists of where we need to change the name around the web. We were performing pretty well, on SERPS before hand and now we want to try to keep the momentum speeding up with a cleaner newer site. Does anyone have any more suggestions on what more I should be doing to start off on the right foot.

    Industry News | | KJ-Rodgers

  • Just finished reviewing the first crawl of my first SEOmoz campaign for a site that I am working on.  The site I"m working on uses Wordpress as a CMS, and most if not all of the warnings and notices have to do with author, category, and tag pages. Should I block these from being indexed? Why or why not?

    Technical SEO | | Falconberg

  • We recently changed our CMS from php to .NET. The old CMS did not allow for folder structure in urls so every url was www.mydomain/name-of-page. In the new CMS we either have to have .aspx at the end of the url or a /. We opted for the /, but now my page rank is dead and Google webmaster tools says my existing links are now going through an intermediary page. Everything resolves to the right place, but looks like spiders see our new pages as being 302 redirected. Example of what's happening. Old page: www.mydomain/name-of-page New page: www.mydomain/name-of-page/ What should I do? Should I go in and 301 redirect the old pages? Will this get cleared up by itself in time?

    Technical SEO | | rasiadmin1

  • We have a summer intern we need to give a handbook/guide on social media strategies, best practices, etc. Any recommendations? It can be free or paid, as long as it is accurate and up-to-date!

    Social Media | | AdamThompson

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