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  • Hi guys I have been building custom facebook pages using fbml but now i see talk of using iframes....can you guys please tell me what is best practice at the moment to build custom facebook pages and if there is a tut you can direct me to......i would prefer the iframe method but want to be clear on the process. thanks for your time cheers

    Social Media | | nomad-202323

  • I am previewing this software and am getting a little lost in its features. I am really looking for something that will help me identify  link prospects, filter out the low-authority domains, and organize this information into an actionable list. Can anyone point me to resources (tutorials, etc.) on how to do that with this software?  Which tools should I be using and how can I use them to reach these goals?

    Link Building | | Falconberg

  • I'm helping a client redesign their website and they want to have a home page that's primarily graphics and/or flash (or jquery).  If they are able to optimize all of their key sub-pages, what is the harm in terms of SEO?

    Technical SEO | | EricVallee34

  • Hi mozzers I have 2 domain names, and and but have a question related to web vs print marketing on deciding which domain to use or redirect. We already have established unique content first on the site over the last 6 months and it has started to climb well in google rankings. But now we'd like to do some print advertising and think it would make more sense to use when refering to our website. So the 2 question are: Should I 301 redirect to (preferred as all content and rankings on or vice versa, as I realize I can only have one site to avoid duplicate content. And is it possible to use domain name masking on if redirecting to to avoid risking our rankings, or is masking bad for seo? Thanks!

    Branding | | emerald

  • Could anyone recommend a plugin for creating wordpress post descriptions.  There is a confusingly large selection of choices in the wordpress plugins directory.

    Technical SEO | | catherine-279388

  • We are looking into amending a website we are working on to try and combine 2 or 3 current pages onto one page. This site is similar to an estate agents site and currently has images, map, floor plan sub pages etc. Can anyone tell me, if we were to combine these pages and include the above details on one page, how that would affect the current search engine rankings?

    Web Design | | SoundinTheory

  • I have a new domain name starting its SEO have added it to Pro Dashboard campaign of my ac. Started doing is Research with competitiors backlink analysis as well. 1. If i do i say 10-30 back link requests in a day for 1 domain name using research of the analaysis tools will it be ok or it will be high numbers to start with ? 2. Shall i in start itself of SEO start doing blog commenting or not recommended. 3. Having same email id and name for 3-5 blog comments  day for new domain with same email di and same name cannot it hit to any spam issue ? Asking however i read blogs and then only do good post of comment to ensure that it also contribute something in name of fresh good content to the comment box area to get good approval rate as well. I want to know the basic numbers to start with SEO for fresh new domain and how shall it be progressive in numbers etc. Will wait for reply of the community members...

    Link Building | | anand2010

  • Hi Guys, i want to know what you think about solution which i have to switch content in tab on my page. Here:  i have some important content in tabs, which are switching via javascript. So when you click there on O produkte next to Ceny  it will show you product description. My problem is that in source code when page is loaded i have this: Product description.. And after user click on O produkte javascript remove that display:none and show content. But Google will see only display:none as i think. Can i get penalty from Google? Will it index this text? Thanks for your suggestions how to resolve this.

    On-Page Optimization | | xman87

  • We have a pagination issue, which the developers seem reluctant (or incapable) to fix whereby we have 3 of the same page (slightly differing URLs) coming up in different pages in the archived article index. The indexing convention was very poorly thought up by the developers and has left us with the same article on, for example, page 1, 2 and 3 of the article index, hence the duplications. Is this a clear cut case of using a canonical tag? Quite concerned this is going to have a negative impact on ranking, of course. Cheers Martin

    Technical SEO | | Martin_S

  • I recently faced issue of Google recent algo update on my main website. I found my ranks were all of 5th to 7th page even with website name without .com at end we have 5th page shown our biz website. It was a news portal and behind in subdomain i was running my web hosting website. 1. I removed all news content from my website since i thought the news agency send me content send same content to others may cause in the issue so i removed the NEWS AREA 2. I am turn off all of my old subscriptions or membership of blog networks etc. to make sure i get proper good backlinks with good research etc. Is there anybody who can suggest me what shall i take more action ? Mean any kind of further good suggestion i will highly appreciate if anyone can help me with any suggestions of SEO. I know there are many people who knows lots about it thus i thought to ask to community.. I am also unsure its a Google panelty or a Google recent update negative changes to my website ? However i have already filled reconsideration request as an possible alternative by explaining google that we are no more NEWS CONTENT Website. Will wait for responses...

    Technical SEO | | anand2010

  • Can anyone recommend an outsourced link building service they have used with success in addition to their own higher effort link building? (I'm not talking about 1,000 automated directory link submission services.) Thanks.

    Link Building | | WCR

  • Suppose you create a great resource that links to the top 50 blogs in your industry. The blogs in your industry love it and many of them link to that page. How valuable are those inbound links? I would think some factors hurting the value of these links are that they are not pointing to an important page on your site like the home page or main category page, and the 50 links on the page dilutes the linkjuice that is passed back to the homepage. Or is the main value in making the domain's link equity stronger?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi Panda update,tickled, slapped and then punched us. I'm now weeding through crawl errors, one of them is">paper airplane flight I tried 301 this to it's proper page using Redirect 301 /26226-paper-airplane-flight.html">paper airplane flight but the server starts spitting out 500 errors. How does one add that rule into htaccess ? thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Flapjack

  • I was wondering about which people in the industry you'd like to ask a question the most in the q&a? On my list is Matt Cutts (obviously), Marshall Simmonds, Jimmy Wales and Biz Stone.

    Industry News | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I don't see a lot of talk on here about using testimonials to build good content.  From what I have seen, the search engines love client testimonials. I haven't found a good service provider for this yet.  I'm thinking something combined with Twitter or FB that also allows you to show the content on your site would be great.  Can anyone recommend a service like this? I'm checking out a service called, "Quick Vouch" but I haven't tested it yet.

    Content Development | | BradBorst

  • I have, but I also own 10 other country code specific domains. I am short on links (i'm actually still setting up the website) and wondered that until i have country specific content, should I 301 redirect these websites to the homepage of my main site, or could I use them as links which would mean I have more linking root domains? Sorry if this is a beginner question, but it would be good to know so I can sort this.

    Technical SEO | | jcarter

  • I'm tracking two of my sites and, both sites were done in wordpress however by different web designers.  the Minnesota short sale site has gotten high rankings for several key terms without doing any link building or really any other off site optimization.  I'm getting ready to have another site built and I'm wondering if there is something simple in the basic architecture of the site that is superior with the minnesota short sale site vs the site.  If you could take quick glance and point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.  Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | jjwelu

  • What have your experiences been? Short Term? Long Term? There isn't a lot written about it, and I'm wondering where it falls in the order of things. I was very hesitant to jump in, but have launched a few campaigns, both for local geo targeting phrases, and national accounts. Surprisingly, I've seen a surge in rankings, but also wonder how short lived they will be. I've noticed the links still don't come up in tools like open site explorer, but I'm able to find them when searching for the unique username I used while building the profiles. The sites I'm listing on have no relevance to industry, unless by chance, although the PR's I'm using are all 4 or higher. Is this considered gray hat?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | skycriesmary72

  • As we add PDF documents to our website, I want to take it up a notch. In terms of seo and software price, is Adobe Acrobat the only choice? Thanks! No Mac here. I should clarify that I can convert files to PDFs with Microsoft Word and add some basic info for the search engines such as title, keywords, author, and links. This article inspired me: I can add links back to the page when I create the PDF, but we also have specific product PDFs that suppliers let us copy and serve from our server--why use their bandwidth. Much as you would stamp your name on a hard copy brochure the vendor supplies, I want to add a link to our page from those PDFs. That makes me think I should ask our supplier to give me a version with a link to our page. Then there is the question: is that ok to do? In the meantime, I will check TriviaChicken's suggestions and dream about a Mac, Allan. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | zharriet

  • Although most newspaper comment sections are a no-follow zone, I have noticed that some comments I have posted with links end up being followed.  The comments are participatory and the links relevant and even add to the conversation.  My theory is that some comments are monitored and if the editors are looking to encourage discussion and don't feel like your spamming, why not take the no follow off.  I do plan on doing some testing with poor, spammy comments on the same papers but am encouraged and would like to know what other people have found.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | phogan

  • Hi, i have a site that I optimized for the keyword "filme online gratis" witch is in romanian and im not satisfied whit the results because im just on page 2 place 4 in the i was on the first page 2 moths ago and i dont know whats happend... i fall down in the google results dramaticly  .. my website is

    Link Building | | Alexsmenaru

  • Hi everyone, I am looking for find high quality web designers that are affordable. I am open to many options. There are several things I have looked into. 1. I have looked for designers via CSS galleries, but I don't really know how to get in touch with designers or find them. Rand recently talked about this in a webinar, but if anyone has specific insights on how to find people this way, please let me know. 2. I have also looked into website design contests from sites such as: I haven't used these services and I was wondering if anyone has experience with design contests. 3. I have looked into the option of hiring a freelancer on oDesk or a similar freelancer site. I don't really know the cost, how to find a good designer, how to avoid inexperienced but cheap designers and all the other such roadblocks that come along with freelancers. If anyone could provide insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Web Design | | alexhoug

  • Hi, My client just had there website redeveloped within wordpress. I just ran a crawl errors test for their website using Google Webmasters. I discovered that the client has about six hundred, 404 pages. Most of the error pages originated from their previous image gallery. I already have a custom 404 page set-up, but is there something else I should be doing? Is it worth while to 301 redirect every single page within the .htaccess file, or will Google filter these pages out of its index naturally? Thanks Mozers!

    Technical SEO | | calindaniel

  • I have noticed that there are a bunch of questions in the Q&A about people are concerned about allowing blog post comments or linking out in general. My question is: do you avoid linking out to other websites, even though they have good content? I am not talking about direct competitors here, but just linking to other websites in general.

    Link Building | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I have about 50 internal pages on my site that I want to add a "Do it yourself tutorial" to in an effort to build the quality of the pages.  Is this going to de-value the content if I put it on all 50 pages?  It's difficult to write similar content 50 different ways.

    On-Page Optimization | | BradBorst

  • We have just created a program where we list the customers that use our software and a link to their websites on a new "Customers" page. We expect to have upwards of 100 logos with links back to their sites.  I want to be sure this isn't bordering on gray or black hat link building. I think it is okay since they are actual users of our software.  But there is still that slight doubt. Along these same lines, would you recommend adding a nofollow or noindex tag? Thanks for your help.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | PerriCline

  • Re.  External Links (link-juice) - I really need to know what this reflects.Ie. divides the PR by external link factors to get an idea of link juice or power - how does Moz calculate this scoring?

    Moz Pro | | Turkey

  • Hi everyone, I have a small 8 page website I launched about 6 months ago. For the life of me I can not figure out why google is only indexing 3 of the 8 pages. The pages are not duplicate content in any way. I have good internal linking structure. At this time I dont have many inbound links from others, that will come in time. Am I missing something here? Can someone give me a clue? Thanks Tim Site:

    Technical SEO | | fasctimseo

  • Recently I keep hearing "Flickr" and "SEO" pop up together. For example, this mashable article said it was good for seo. I don't understand since it's a no follow. Are there seo benefits to using Flickr. Thanks for your help!

    Image & Video Optimization | | DevonIntl

  • I just got an unusual comment on one of my blog posts on our real estate site.  The article was about a particular street that is getting renamed after a historical figure.  The comment is seven paragraphs of information about this person. The comment is an obvious attempt to get a backlink in my opinion.  The site that it is linking back to is an architect's site.  So, this is probably the work of an SEO. I've searched and can't find duplicate content online.  I thought perhaps it was from wikipedia but there is no entry on this person and I've searched several phrases from the comment and it doesn't appear to be duplicated. So, would you approve it?  My gut instinct is "yes" because it would add to the content on my site...but there's this little thing in the back of my head that is saying "Don't do it!!!!" EDIT: I just checked and the architect's site has 3 backlinks, none of which are blog comments.  So, perhaps it is legit.  Maybe someone is just fanatical about this historical figure. EDIT AGAIN: Very cool.  I just checked their about page and the owner of the business has the same last name as the historical figure.  OK.  I'll stop being super paranoid now.  LOL!

    Link Building | | MarieHaynes

  • Could changing one's physical address for a domain or going from public to private registration have a negative affect on rank? Other factors? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | 94501

  • A family friend asked me to take a look at her website. First thing i noticed is what seemed a 301 redirect or a forward to So her site is hosted with what it looks like, in his site(funktonaldesigns).  What does this means in terms of how google sees her site and in terms of SEO. My thought is that he is boosting his domain name.  He is getting the link juice. Thanks for the insight and help.

    Web Design | | QualityHosting

  • I run a site where I answer questions.  As I answer each question I choose a title for the page.  I have been trying to get good keywords in my titles, but now I am wondering if I have been keyword stuffing them and perhaps I should be more succinct. So, let's say I had a question about a sore back.  Here would be the title tag I would use: Why is my back sore? I have spinal pain and need relief and help.  | My Main Keyword That's a fictitious example, but the idea is that I would be trying to get the keywords "back", "sore", "spinal", "pain", "relief" "help" and my main website keyword into the title. As I'm writing this I'm seeing the folly in this.  I think it would likely be much better to simply have a title of Why is my back sore? So, I have three questions: 1. Is it better to have a succinct title targeting one keyword/keyword phrase than to get lots of keywords in my title? 2. Should I be putting my main keyword after each of my title?  Shortly after doing this on 1700+ pages I was #1 for my main keyword.  But, I was also doing other things as well to boost my presence for this keyword. 3. If I decide to do more succinct titles, how would you suggest I go about running a test to see which is better? Looking forward to your responses!  Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • We are starting a corporate blog and were discussing the best place to put it in terms of the URL. Would be OK, or is another structure better? Like

    Content Development | | KnutDSvendsen

  • I moved a site earlier on in the year to a better server, my main keywords being equity release - equity release calculator  and equity release schemes. Since this happened the ranking have gone down and the schemes and calculator terms and have hit positions 7-8 when they were 2-3. basically my question is open to all, i am looking to see what the problem is with these pages as it is driving me nuts. All tools on SEO moz show the pages are doing well, however i must be missing something. Mike

    Technical SEO | | TomBarker82

  • Recently i have found that the data in the trifecta report is becoming less complete. For the last few sites i found that the report returned about half of the metrics it was looking for. For instance, it mentioned that one of the domains did not have a dmoz or wikipedia link/page even though they had both? Also, it rarely returns the Yahoo Site Explorer metrics even though when clicking to see the source the data is there? Are you guys planning on phasing out this tool, if not it seems like some work needs to be done on cleaning it up. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | kchandler

  • One of our websites has two languages, English and Italian. The English pages are available at the root level:   English homepage The Italian pages are available under the /it/ level:   Italian homepage When an Italian visitor first visits we'd like to redirect it to but we don't know if that would impact search engine spiders (eg GoogleBot) in any way... It would be better to do a Javascript redirect? Or an http 3xx redirect? If so, which of the 3xx redirect should we use? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Damiano

  • So we are building out on some of our Ecommerce sites, and expanding and adding .ca domains to our already established .com.  What techniques have you used to generate success in similar launches to this one.  I will reply to each response with thoughts and questions 🙂 Enjoy the discussion 🙂

    SEO Learn Center | | Blargh123

  • Hi, I found that one of my competitors have zero backlings in google, zero in yahoo but about 50.000 in Bing. How is that possible? I assumed that all search engines would finde the backlinks. Besides that he ranks fair well and better than I do with only a single site and with only one article of content while I have a lot of content and sites. I do not undersdtand why he is ranking better in google, while google assumingly does not see any backlinks of the 50.000 bing is finding. Thx, Dan

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | docschmitti

  • Hi, I have used a simple php redirect for one site that it used for an affiliate link. Always used it, cant remember the exact reason I did but most likely to make the url pretty 🙂 On the crawl stats of this domain it shows as a 302 redirect - does this have any issues? What do people recommend for affiliate links? Cloaking? Tracking? There are a number of wordpress plugins available that seem to be aimed at affiliate links, any recommendations? I assume that they will still be classed as 302's. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks Jason

    Affiliate Marketing | | JasonBrown65

  • Hi, I have noticed a competitor of mine is using 302 redirects to his website. It seems to me that he is buying a huge amout of domains and linking to his own website though this. I have never noticed anyone else do this before and wondered what people's views are on this?

    Link Building | | Tinderbox

  • We recently fixed a redirect issue in a website, and although it appears that the redirection is working fine, the url in question keeps on getting crawled, indexed and cached by google. The redirect was done a month ago, and google shows cached version of it, even for a couple of days ago. Manual checking shows that its being redirected, and also a couple of online tools i checked report a 301 redirect. Do you have any idea why this could be happening? The website I'm talking about is and its being redirected to

    Technical SEO | | dim_d

  • Hi! I am not specially good at super fast link building campaign in the UK. My company has launched a website for a special event which is going to be held in a month and I have to boost it super fast. Luckily,the 2-3 keywords we are trying to rank for are not super competitive. Would you recommend any agency which would do this? Thanks!

    Link Building | | jorgediaz

  • I can't seem to work this one out. Basically I want to make a very simple rank checker tool something similar to where a user simply type in a domain and a keyword and in return is shown the position within the results. The problem is I can’t work out which API's I need in order to build it, does anyone know what I need to poke about with? It must work with Google and ideally with Bing and the rest

    Moz Pro | | therealmarkhall

  • I have noticed that since the so-called 'Panda' updates my website has been moving up and down the Google SERPs in a kind of 'block' alongside other unrelated websites for certain keyword phrases. Whenever there is upwards or downwards movement it happens in tandem with the other websites in those blocks and it is very frustrating. Why is this and has anybody experienced anything similar? The website - The search engine - Google, US The keyword phrase - First phrase of website meta title Sorry for being so cryptic I just don't like openly giving out certain information - think it's a bad hangover from the Google Webmaster help forums where everything you post is indexed for Joe nobody to read at his leisure. If anybody would like to mention anything else related to any on or off-page factors on the website then your time would be much appreciated. One thing I am a bit concerned about, for example, is the repition of 'monitors' on the 'monitor shop' dropdown on the top navigation menu and also the sidebar. This would put a localised high density of the keyword in these navigation areas and I am slightly concerned about that. I have no malicious intent and it is appropriate for the user but perhaps the manufacturer names alone would suffice? Thanks in advance.

    Algorithm Updates | | teebus

  • I've recently been spending some time going through all the content on our website,, adding internal anchor text links to product copy with the link following back to the product's generic catagory. I've been focusing on the search term 'hen party accessories', but have also been using 'hen do accessories' and 'hen night accessories'. I know that internal linking has value when it comes to SEO and rankings, but was keen to find roughly at what point usage of a certain search term for anchor links is seen as spam by the engines. Is there a certain formula to follow when it comes to internal anchor text links? You can see some examples at: Many thanks Oli

    On-Page Optimization | | RobertHill

  • I have a URL that when searched for shows up in the Google index as the first result but does not have any title or description attached to it. When you click on the link it goes to a 404 page. Is it simply that Google is removing it from the index and is in some sort of transitional phase or could there be another reason.

    Technical SEO | | bfinternet

  • I ma looking to produce a list of the top 100 websites in a list format from any given keyword. Bascially a process or ftool that will generate a list so i dont have to copy and paste all of them.....any ideas guys and gals

    Image & Video Optimization | | raytax

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