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  • I have seen some competitors using the nofollow tag as well as canonical on all refinements and sorts on their ecommerce pages. Example being if you went to their hard drive category page and refined by 500gb hard drives then that page would have a canonical element to send it back to hard drives page without the refinement. I see how this could be good for control indexation and the amount pages Google crawls, but do you see problems in using the canonical tag this way? Also I have seen competitors have category page descriptions (describing what that type of product is) on all pagenation and refinements (the exact same block of text on all of the pages). Would this be a duplicate content problem or is it not that big of a deal since the content is only on their site so they are only competiting with themselves. Thanks for your help

    Technical SEO | | Gordian

  • Guessing I need to put something in functions.php file to remove site wide the "Comments Rss" link under "Meta" in sidebar?

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • Debating registering new domain or spending bucks for old domain, both with equivalent keywords. Normally old is better, but is this true even if the old name was just parked? In other words, is it worth spending $ for a domain that is not indexed or not ranked, just to get the aging? Options... [Keyword] - new, cheap [Keyword] - old, not indexed, $ [Keyword] - old, indexed but not ranked anywhere (i.e., only found with exact match search), $$

    Technical SEO | | draymond

  • Hi, Is using keywords in different orders considered keyword cannibalization? for example, if I my client has a catering business based in mississauga, Ontario, should I create separate 2nd tier pages on the following keywords? 1. mississauga catering 2. catering mississauga 3.  catering in mississauga Is that keyword cannibalization? The reason I ask is because it's often hard to find a good # of diverse keywords for local businesses that are also used more than a few times each month in the search engines. thanks, Martin

    Keyword Research | | RogersSEO

  • How can I make the a new report for the Competitive Link Analysis? My report has a date from two weeks ago and I would like to see an update.

    Moz Pro | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • There are 2 parts to my question, Part 1 - Does anyone have any advice on how to optimize for google places and do you know of any good links to any resources on this topic? Part 2 - Is there a way to optimize feed submissions to shopping search engines like google base, shopzilla etc. Thanks

    SERP Trends | | gregster1000

  • We purchased the existing domain two years ago to promote local businesses.  While individual pages within the site are ranking well, we can't get the home page to rank at all in Google.  Would there be anything in the history of the domain that could be standing in the way?  Or, what else could we check? Our other regional websites are ranking really well.  Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | GordyH

  • so I was wondering if you think a bit of software such as bookmarkingdemon (or similar) would be worth investment, or just a couple of "proper" accounts on digg, stumble, etc is a better route? As an agency would you create an account for each client, or just have one for your own agency and tag your clients within? Im not sure even how much impact it will have on SERPs? thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOwins

  • Hi, I wonder how many labels we can have  to manage keywords ? Thanks a lot

    Moz Pro | | EuropeanSEOguy

  • Hi, Google Analytics does not provide IP addresss of the visitors. What if i develop some in-house tracking mechanism to do so? Is it allowed or will Google penalize me if it comes to know about it? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | IM_Learner

  • Hello all, We are using a tool called backlink booster that works in the following way: you view a page with a backlink to your site click on a boost link saved in favourites the link is pinged to rss directories and web 2.0 sites The idea is to get your links indexed faster. Has anyone used this or something like this and had any benefit from it? Thanks Shehzad.

    Link Building | | Gareth_Cartman

  • A lot of SEO is focusing on content these days and having unique blogs and articles. I understand how this would be great for a search engine, but doesn't that leave out businesses that are not there to make content but only want to advertise their services?

    Content Development | | musillawfirm

  • Hello everybody, first of all please excuse my bad english. I'm from Germany - I try my best. 😉 The case: I have a Wordpress SEO project which rankings very well. A this moment I have all "archive sites" like "archive", "category" und "tags" indexed. I use the more-Tag for every archive/category/tag site -  so duplicate content ist not really a problem, but in view of the Panda Update, which surely arrives in Germany soon, I wonder if all this Tag/Archive/Category Sites in the index maybe seen as low quality und can hurt the ranking of my whole site. Low quality because: With using the more-tag the site are just a list of internal links with content snippets. I have 500 articles und 700 Tag Site (all in the index). So my fear is when google (with Panda Update) looks at my site und sees all this (maybe) low quality tag-sites in the index I get penalised because there is not a good proportion between my normal (good quality) Articles und the archive/tag sites. I hope you guys can understand my thoughts. Do I have a legitimate fear that the mass of tag-site in the index could be problem? Are there any data from the USA, how blogs mit Tag-Site in the Index rank after the Panda Update or if sites which contains of internal Links mit content snippets - like these tag site - are low quality in Google eyes? Or I'm worring to much? Thank you very much! Oliver

    On-Page Optimization | | channelplus

  • Is it better to set up a blog using a sub folder on the website's domain or by using a subdomain:

    Content Development | | yourspares

  • Hi there, A linkbuilding company that has been building links for us has not gained any sustained results. They have advised that our domain may be toxic, and that we should consider permanent redirecting from to another domain extension in order to remedy this. Is this a recommendation worth considering?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Maximise

  • Does anyone know of a page template or code I might want to base a blog on as part of an eccomerce website? I am interested in keeping the look (includes) of the website and paying attention to Source Ordered Content helping crawlers index the new great blogs we have to share. I could just knock up a page with a template from the site but I would like to investigate SOC at this stage as it may benefit us in the long run. Any ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • Does paying for 1cent low quality clicks give you more traffic that can be used to increase your search engine rankings?

    Paid Search Marketing | | nutworkweb

  • I've heard it said that Google may choose to stop following links after the first 100 on a page. The landing/category pages for my site's product catalog have earned quite a respectable PR and positioning in search results, and I'm currently paginating their product listings (about 200 products in a category) so that only a couple dozen products are shown on the first page, with links to "next page" and "previous page" being accomplished via query string (i.e. "?page=3"). An alternative option I have is to link to 100% of the contained products within the category's landing page (which would increase my on-page link count to ~300) and use CSS/Javascript to allow the user to simulate browsing between pages on the client side. My goal is to see as many of my product pages indexed as possible. Is this done better using my current scheme (where Googlebot would have to navigate to, say, Landing Page -> Page 6 -> Deeply Buried Product Page) or in the alternative method above, where all the links are in a single page? Since my landing pages are currently treated pretty well by search engines, would that "trust" cause them to follow more links than might normally be done? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | cadenzajon

  • Hi there, my e-commerce platform (Magento with "Mageworx SEO Enterprise" plugin) is generating an sitemap.xml that mix text (links) and images, and the result is something like that: <url><loc></loc>
    image:imageimage:loc lustre_mantra_0030_grande.jpg</image:loc></image:image></url> WebmasterTools accepts it, but recognize it as an image sitemap. Have you seen that kind of sitemap, and most important, do you think that's a problem ? Full file:

    Technical SEO | | e-Lustre

  • For some client domains, I've tried to do a CSV export from the OSE Linking Domains page, I get a CSV that contains the typical OSE header text, but no output records.  Before I click the CSV link I always choose "show domains with links to All pages on the Root Domain". It doesn't happen with every domain I've tried this with, and when I've had the time/patience, some of the time if I try hours later, I get data.  The problem though is I rarely have the luxury of running reports a second time during the audit cycle. Has anyone else experienced this?  Is it a bug, or just an export fail due to system resources or something?

    Moz Pro | | AlanBleiweiss

  • Quite often when I'm using OSE and perform a CSV export, it looks like the total inbound link count and many phrases come from internal links for the domain in question.  I haven't had the time to try and figure this out and don't know exactly how to go about figuring it out. So the initial question is does OSE's anchor text distribution CSV include internal links or are they external only?  And alternately, how do I test for this?  I deal with sites that have tens or hundreds of thousands of pages and hundreds of thousands or millions of links...

    Moz Pro | | AlanBleiweiss

  • Has anyone seen evidence of rankings improvement from leaving do-follow comment links or is it a waste of time?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • The more I improve my site and the more links I try to get it seems that my site is just ranking worse and worse. Any ideas?  domain name: Top Keywords wanting to rank for: Melbourne FL DUI lawyer Melbourne FL immigration lawyer cocoa FL DUI lawyer cocoa FL immigration lawyer

    Link Building | | musillawfirm

  • hey, someone I want to know why this page or blog post of my competition website ranking better.. I've many tools to spy & analyze domain name, but personalty I want to spy just one page of this or that website or blog.. I hope you could help me and share some tools or the best once for this job. thnx again

    Moz Pro | | akitmane

  • hey A very quick question...after analyzed my wp blog I've found "34" 404 (Client Error) Errors and I don't know how to fix it, do you know how?? *I renew html code of 404 of my wordpress blog.

    Technical SEO | | akitmane

  • Hello, I have been researching search volumes for awhlie now for key terms related to my industry, as well as working towards better rankings for those terms that have higher search volumes using on-page optimization, external link anchor texts, etc. The only tool I use for this research is the Google keyword tool. Today when I was looking at the keyword difficulty for a particular term (first time I
    had used this tool in my SEOMOZ account), I saw how the search volumes are listed for both broad and exact match from Google's API.  As I said I've based my strategies around results from Google's keyword tool, but now I see that, for a particular term that I have been focused on, there are 15,000 searches for "broad" match and 91 for "exact" match.  I just checked the keyword tool at Google and there is apparently no way to set a keyword up to search for its "exact" match search statistics.  Is this only available using their API? I'm on the floor here.  Does this mean I've been optimizing for a term that has less than
    a hundred searches a month as opposed to 15,000?  If so, can anyone here reccommend any search volume tool that can deliver a higher degree of accuracy so I can make better
    judgements regarding how I will spend my time and effort regarding SEO (and in fact,
    to some degree, my budget for PPC)? Any help provided will be much appreciated. Mike

    Keyword Research | | mreisbeck

  • hey, I made a test & got backlinks to 2 youtube videos of mine and saw what should happening in next few days..but nothing got! I didn't get update or change in my videos even if the keywords are low competitions.. but when I read many posts & experts say that getting backlinks to your youtube video or VSEO count by google and we should doing it! the only way I've found to improve your youtube video ranking in google is to add it in blog & use video sitemap! but I'm also use video to direct affiliate link & there where I think backlinks should work to help me. I would to know from your experience is that worth to do or not or if backlinks for youtube are link ping we should do it directly when we upload video? PS: any info or idea you've it can be a very helpful solution for all! thnx

    Image & Video Optimization | | akitmane

  • I am working on a site with over 30 million pages. Every time I get about  One Million indexed I get a Message in the Google Webmasters Tools saying "Googlebot encountered extremely large numbers of links on your site" The indexing then starts dropping like a Rock. I need to get the site indexed. Please Help!

    Reporting & Analytics | | GlobalFlex

  • Just wondering about this SEO company that promises submissions to 65 000 web directories?
    Is this even possible? Are many of the links going to be low-quality or worthless? What do you guys think?

    Link Building | |

  • Does anyone know if there are websites that have recovered from the Panda update?

    Algorithm Updates | | dirkla

  • I am a little bit confused about buying expired Domain Names because i have got mixed advice over the internet. Some Say That They Lose Their Page Rank And Some Say That They Don't. So I would really love to hear what PRO Members have to say about it! Also is it a Good Idea to use Expired Domain names for Link Building ? Rishi

    Link Building | | RishiSeo

  • Google webmaster tools site performance is reading out at 2.8 and still raising (Going further into the slow pale area) this was in the green fast area for a while until now. Is this something to be worried about?

    On-Page Optimization | | BobAnderson

  • Hi All, I don't understand the metrics for this website :!metrics There is 0 internal followed links, is it normal? because there are internal followed links for this website. Or there is something I dont understand. It is penalizing for the website? how do we correct this? does it come from the robot text file? Thanks a lot for your help Anne

    Moz Pro | | ahernoux

  • I have developed a successful portal based website but would like to grow my portfolio of sites by expanding into new niches and sectors. I would like to use the same source code to fast track new sites but I'm not sure of the dangers involved. Content, meta details etc. will all be unique and the only similarity will be the html code. Another example of how I want to use this is that my current site targets the UK but I want to target a global market with a .com domain and this would involve using the same source. Is this possible without a penalty or am I overlooking something?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mulith

  • The number of my total links (internal+external) is always equal to the number of Ext followed links. How come? and what could be the issue? Thanks, Eddie

    Moz Pro | | F-D

  • I signed up to the 30 day trial last Saturday, however, as of yet, the crawl diagnostics page still says 'First crawl in progress'. Is this normal? Many thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | danzspas

  • So I have this client who's got a killer blogger blog—tons of inbound links, great content, etc. He wants to move it onto his new website. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't a single way to 301 the darn thing. I can do meta refresh and/or JavaScript redirects, but those won't transfer link juice, right? Is there a best practice here? I've considered truncating each post and adding a followed "continue reading…" link, which would of course link to the full post on the client's new site. It would take a while and I'm wondering if it would be worth it, and/or if there are any better ideas out there. Sock it to me.

    Technical SEO | | TheEspresseo

  • This question is entirely in the whitehat realm... Let's say you've encountered a great blog - with a strong blogroll of 40 sites. The 40-site blogroll is interesting to you for any number of reasons, from link building targets to simply subscribing in your feedreader.  Right now, it's tedious to extract the URLs from the site.  There are some "save all links" tools, but they are also messy. Are there any good tools that will a) allow you to grab the blogroll (only) of any site into a list of URLs  (yeah, ok, it might not be perfect since some sites call it "sites I like" etc.) b) same, but export as OPML so you can subscribe. Thanks! Scott

    Moz Pro | | scottclark

  • Hi There. I have a client in the real estate law services business. Which is better for long term search traffic? 1. A single domain ie. smith and smith with pages focussing on each neighbourhood they operate in ie. .com/real estate law manhattan.php, .com/real estate law brooklyn.php etc or 2. multiple domains each focusing on one neighbourhood the business operates in ie: real estate law, real estate law etc Thanks for the help, Josh

    On-Page Optimization | | dreadmichael

  • Having problems with this question, old edits get saved as copies of the question, even this one had to be edited twice, originally an old version of an edited question. How do I DELETE a question I authored (like this one) I see no button for it.

    Moz Pro | | AspenFasteners

  • We have just run our first campaign for our site and have found over 5,335 errors! It would appear that the majority of which are where the crawl has duplicated the product page with the "write a review - Tell a friend page"...hence a large number of errors. In addition we also have over 5,000 302 warnings for the following URL: URL: Please bear in mind we are fairly new to this type of go easy on us. In short, will these errors have a significant bearing on our rankings etc and if so how do we rectify? Many thanks. Tony

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | collar64

  • Hi, We use Kayako Supportsuite (help desk and FAQ software) installed on our site and it's causing about 80% of all our SEO errors/issues. I've googled a lot and I can't seem to find a FAQ software (we need the ability to maintain and constantly update a large # of questions) that doesn't have duplication (print version, pdf version of each question, etc.), terrible URL structure and an overall very cheesy look. We don't need the helpdesk part, just FAQ functionality. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | mynewco

  • I'm looking into website tools that will open connections up between my company and our customers, and provide a good platform to support customer empowerment. Any feedback would be appreciated!

    Industry News | | JeanieWalker

  • Does anyone know a good plugin for connecting facebook and twitter to your wordpress blog? I’d like it so when i make a new post on my blog it automatically displays on my facebook/twitter

    Content Development | | christinarule

  • I'm having an issue with 301 redirects: Let's see if I can verbalize my thoughts on this one... So we just recently moved our site to Wordpress. One of our new 301 commands is redirecting to . However there are other links from our previous site that look like and the issue is that, because wordpress structures its links differently, that URL is not equivalent to Instead, it might look something more like or something. Does that make sense? The issue is that when I find an old link of ours on google that looks something like "" or "" it is automatically replacing "news" with "blog". When I try to go in manually and redirect anything that says "/news/XYZ" to "/blog/yaddayadda/XYZ" it still doesn't work. It still just replaces "news" with "blog." Wow I realize that might not make sense to anyone but if it does - please advise!! Thanks!!!!

    Technical SEO | | EntrustSEO

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