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  • I read a lot of advantages by using Thesis as a platform for blogging, but I like the themes and other plugins from Tumblr. Are there equivalents at Tumblr to the Thesis benefits so I can go a head and go with Tumblr?

    Technical SEO | | HyperOffice

  • Hi mozzers, Anyone know how to do a yahoo search to return results that meet have a specific URL For example, say I wanted to search for the keyword finance and I only wanted it to return results with the word "business" anywhere in the URL. I have done in the past, but I just cant remember how to do it! Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterM22

  • Hi There, We're promoting an ecommerce site that has a very high authority and very good rankings for many different products but the thing is that the site doesn't appear on google shopping. What do we need to do to make it appear there and have good rankings in the google shopping engine?

    SERP Trends | | liors

  • I've been reading up on this subject, but I still can't clearly decide which is better. Your insights will help me a lot. I work for a client with 1 powerful corporate website and many small dedicated websites to individual projects. Which strategy would I focus on? The powerful corporate or the small individual websites? As I see it: Which is better? One powerful domain with lots of pages dedicated to a single subject PRO: more inbound links, more pages, sometimes URL exact match CON: less focused on a single 'theme' Different domains dedicated to different subjects PRO: more focus per domain to a subject CON: less inbound links, less pages... less power Thanks in advance.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Partouter

  • Could someone please tell how Google treats the use of anchor text from a single page when using different keywords that all point to the same URL. So for instance I am doing a blog post and use the following anchor text which all point to the same URL: Cool Widget >> Awesome Widget >> Mighty Widget >> I have read that Google will only take noticeof the first one? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | blagger

  • Something I have not come across before, but hope others here are able offer advice based on experience: A client has independently created a series of mini-sites, aimed at targeting specific locations.  The tactic has worked very well and they have achieved a large amount of well targeted traffic as a result. Each mini-site is different but then in the nav, if you want to view prices or go to the booking page, that then links to what at first appears to be their main site. However, you then notice that the URL is actually situated on the mini-site.  What they have done is 'framed' the main site so that it appears exactly the same even when navigating through this exact replica site. Checking the code, there is almost nothing there - in fact there is actually no content at all.  Below the head, there is a piece of code: <frameset rows="*" framespacing=0 frameborder=0> <frame src="[](view-source:" frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> <noframes>Your browser does not support frames. Click [here]( to view.noframes> frameset> Given that main site content does not appear to show in the source code, do we have an issue with duplicate content?  This issue is that these 'referrals' are showing in Analytics, despite the fact that the code does not appear in the source, which is slightly confusing for me. They have done this without consultation and I'm very concerned that this could potentially be creating duplicate content of their ENTIRE main site on dozens of mini-sites. I should also add that there are no links to the mini-sites from the main site, so if you guys advise that this is creating duplicate content, I would not be worried about creating a link-wheel if I advise them to link directly to the main site rather than the framed pages. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | RiceMedia

  • Hi We are pulling in content snippets from our product blog to our category listing pages on our ecommerce site to provide fresh, relevant content which is working really well. What I am wondering is if we are going to get penalised for dupicate content as both our our blog and ecommerce site are on the same ip address? If so would moving the blog to a separate server and / or a separate domain name be a wise move? Thanks very much

    Algorithm Updates | | libertybathrooms

  • My question is about long url titles, my client is using wordpress and the rankings are going well apart from two, which for some reason just wont move. After using some of the tools available on SEO moz which i have found very helpful I have spotted a re-occuring warning throughout the site, the titles, in word press you have this setting (below) page title : %page_title% | %blog_title% My question is my client has quite good brand online but I done want to impact this. The problem I have is that I have a Keyword in the title then the clients company name which is three words and takes up a lot of space. I am thinking about removing this but in two minds so i was kinda hoping for a bit of advice as this looks like a standard in wordpress. Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TomBarker82

  • Hi, since posting a few threads here and following instructions (post more unique content, link building etc) my website traffic has dropped by around 25% My SERPS rremain pretty much unchanged. I'm posting tons more unique content. Am I just being penalised slightly because I've made drastic changes to my site (301 .com -> etc or am I doing something wrong?

    Technical SEO | | craven22

  • Please let me know if I have this all wrong ... 500 people search for "ham" My client is #1 SERP w/clean SEO I have provided. out of the 500, half click on the SERP the rest got to ads, or to the bathroom, etc. 250 click to website, half go through.... the rest bail (50% bounce, I know this is bad, but just for demo purposes) Leaving 125 as potential Ham buyers. I have a feeling this final # should be much smaller...thoughts, insights? Thanks Mozzers!

    Keyword Research | | Giggy

  • So I need to get this page cached: It's been 4-5 months since uploaded. Now it's linked to from the homepage of a PR5 site. I've tweeted that link 10 times, facebooked, stumbled, linked to it from other articles and still nothing. And I submitted the url to google twice. Any thoughts? Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • So I have spend around a month or so with on page optimization on 25 -30 or so pages and keywords/phrases, with some half decent results…still hoping there is more to come… I reckon now it’s time to look at getting more inbound links with Open site Explorer… Every time I look at it though I get a bit of a head ache…! Can anyone say or point me in the right direction how I should really start using Open site Explorer ?  (I have the PRO tool) Thanks, sorry its such a simple question!

    Link Building | | inhouseninja

  • Our client has a site, we'll say it's (That's an example.) Their brand name, however, is PowerSky. (That's an example, but the point is that it's the name of a technology, and has NOTHING to do whatsoever with being a drink. Someone would never guess what the product was, by the brand name.) The client has this domain name for a long time. The domain name itself is a top keyword for their product. We are building a new site for the client and have planned to use the brand name (PowerSky) as the primary domain, so, with the product page being And we are planning to redirect to However, we are concerned about the SEO hit the site is going to take. What recommendations can you make in this situation?

    On-Page Optimization | | grayloon

  • our google base klicks went down from 100 to 2.3 clicks per day. there has nothig changes. we did tests over tests, there is really nothing wrong. is there a way to find out if there is apenality?

    Image & Video Optimization | | kynop

  • I once read there is a way to use google adwords to see the REAL demand for a specific keyword, google adwords tool and other tools seem to be not-so-accurate. I just don't remember the exact method, can you please remind me?

    Keyword Research | | jest

  • Hello, If you get bad websites as affiliates through share a sale can that hurt your seo? Thanks Tyler

    Affiliate Marketing | | tylerfraser

  • Hello, I am having difficulty getting my robots.txt file to be configured properly. I am getting error emails from Google products stating they can't view our products because they are being blocked, and this past week, in my SEO dashboard, the URL's receiving search traffic dropped by almost 40%. Is there anyone that can offer assistance on a good template robots.txt file I can use for a Magento eCommerce website? The one I am currently using was found at this site here: - However, I am getting problems from Google now because of it. I searched and found this thread here: - But I felt like maybe I should get some additional help on properly configuring a robots for a Magento site. Thanks in advance for any help. Please, let me know if you need more info to provide assistance.

    Technical SEO | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Dear Mozers, I start promoting my website on a daily basis now. I would like to know, how many links would you seed per day. As far as I understood, it is important to stay constant in the number of links to seed every day. But isn't there a danger of going to the sandbox, if the number is to high? The domain has no ibound links yet and although it is 2 years old was only parked until now. Thank you for your advice and kind regards
    TImon Michael

    Link Building | | ie4mac

  • Hi seomozzers I have a question regarding metrics on a site I am looking at. Basically the homepage has the following: DA 33, PA41 mR 5.09, mT 5.84 PR 1 I have also checked an internal page and that has similar mozrank and moztrust and PA 37 but has PR 0. Can anyone shed any light on the possible reasons (other than a Google penalty) why there should be such a difference between PR and mR as I understood that in general the difference is more likely to be 0.5 to 1. As I do not believe that the site has had any 'help' from black hat tactics and is 9 years old I'm a little perplexed. Anyone else experience such a discrepancy? Thanks in advance. Trevor

    Technical SEO | | TrevorJones

  • Is anyone here a channel partner with Localeze or has subscribed? Any thoughts? They want a yearly fee and to me this doesn't make sense as all it is doing is sending information to the local listing sites and this should be a one-time deal.

    Image & Video Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • Hi there guys, 2011 will not doubt bring new changes to how Google look at links, I heard that there have been complaints because a lot of poor websites rank really high because of the vast amount of links they have acquired! Can any one please provide me some pointers for sucesful white hat link building tips? I would be very grateful!! Thanks guys G

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Hi there, I would be very grateful if you can provide me with an explanation to the following so I understand it better - what do these heading mean? Domain Authority: (out of 100) Domain MozRank: Domain MozTrust: Total Links: Ext. Followed Links: Linking Root Domains: Followed Linking Root Domains: Linking C-Blocks: Thanks very much guys, much apprciated. Thanks Gareth

    Technical SEO | | GAZ09

  • Hello, Currently We are running an A/B test on a few pages, the footer and the header on our site. I was wondering what is the proper way to do an a/b test so that our google rankings won’t fall and that Google will only index one version at this time? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Tonyd23

  • Hello fellow mozzers, Our in-house CMS - which is usually good for SEO purposes as it allows all the control over directories, filenames, browser titles etc that prevent unwieldy / meaningless URLs and generic title tags - seems to have got itself into a bit of a tiz when it comes to one of our clients. We have tried solving the problem to no avail, so I thought I'd throw it open and see if anyone has a soultion, or whether it's just a fault in our CMS. Basically, the SEs are indexing two identical pages, one ending with a / and the other ending /index.php, for one of our sites ( We have gone through the site and made sure the links all point to just one of these, and have done the same for off-site links, but there is still the duplicate content issue of both versions getting indexed. We also set up an htaccess file to redirect to the chosen version, but to no avail, and we're not sure canonical will work for this issue as / pages should redirect to /index.php anyway - and that's we can't work out. We have set the access file to point to index.php, and that should be what should be happening anyway, but it isn't. Is there an alternative way of telling the SE's to only look at one of these two versions? Also, we are currently rewriting the content and changing the structure - will this change the situation we find ourselves in?

    Technical SEO | | themegroup

  • Hi, i am deciding to buy a domain name for a air ticket search engine. i want to target australia first and then worldwide in the future. most of the names with my keywords "cheap flights" are already been registered. I have tried many combination but could not find a proper name. One question is does keywords rich domains (not exact) helps a lot? also i was thinking if i can an keyword rich domain i could easily get links with the desired anchor text links. would it be a lot harder to get a domain name e.g. while targeting the term "cheap flights" or "cheap fares". Also i was thinking if i get a domain with "A" at the beginning i will be listed on top of directories. below are a list of domains i am able to register. any other suggestions? thanks ray

    Branding | | usaccess608

  • I need to signon with a hosting/design company that is both cheap and has a nice partner package. Any ideas?

    Web Design | | christinarule

  • In my site there will be a lot of pages that have a short life span of about a week as they are items on sale, should I nofollow the links meaning the site has a fwe hundred pages or allow indexing and have thousands but then have lots of links to pages that do not exist. I would of course if allowing indexing make sure the page links does not error and sends them to a similarly relevant page but which is best for me with the SEarch Engines? I would like to have the option of loads of links with pages of loads of content but not if it is detrimental Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | barney3012

  • A couple of years ago I used to receive a lot of traffic via my category pages but now I don't receive as much, in the past year I've modified the category pages to canonical. I have 15 genres for the category pages, other than the most recent sorting there is no sorting available for the users on the cat pages, a recent image link added can over time drop off to page 2 of the category page, for example = 100 image links per page with numbered page navigation, number of cat pages 1-23. New image link can drop off to page 2. = 100 image links per page with numbered page navigation, number of cat pages 1-53. New image link can drop off to page 2. = 100 image links per page with numbered page navigation, number of cat pages 1-2. New image link can drop off to page 2. Now on the first page (eg I've set this up to rel= canonical = One thing that I have noticed is the unique popup short description tooltips that I have on the image links only appears in google for the first pages of each category page, it seems to ignore the other pages. In view of this am I right in applying canonical ref or just treating it as normal pages.? thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Flapjack

  • Hi, Any suggestion which is the best FREE keyword ranking tool. I know digital point offers one but they will install some script in the site which might slow it down... Is there any alternative?

    Reporting & Analytics | | krishru

  • I only link to my privacy policy page from the homepage, but the privacy policy page has a pr4, while the main domain has a pr5. Using site:domain name the policy page is at the top of the 2nd page of google so it ranks high. I was thinking of either nofollowing the link or adding a (noindex,follow) directive on the policy page, until I saw some seo professional sites using rel=canonical on their policy pages that points to their policy page itself. Am I better off using the (noindex,follow) or rel=canonical = policy page ? thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Flapjack

  • How can I view/download all my backlinks in google webmaster ? Currently when I try to download or view it shows only "Top 14 domains linking to" information and not ALL the links.. Any thoughts?

    Reporting & Analytics | | krishru

  • hi, I have a client who has an e-commerce business. My client does not want to fill the pages with too much content and has set up a www1 version with the same domain-name as the www. The plan is to create a lot of content and push www1 in ranking and then sending users (via links) to the www for ordering. Although there will be no duplicate content published on www and www1 this seems like an odd strategy, especially since the www already has a good page rank, and I'm not sure about how engines view a and situation even with unique content in each. Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | vibelingo

  • Our office has a number of people performing analysis and research on keyword positions, volume, competition etc. We have 1 external static IP address. We installed the static IP so we can filter out our visits in Google Analytics. However by 10 AM we get impssible CAPTCHA's or even get blocked in Google. Do you have any experience with such an issue? Any solutions you can recommend? Any help would be appreciated! SXI5A.png

    Web Design | | Partouter

  • SERP "French Furniture" in The URL thats started to be returned P7 is <cite>  categories.asp?cat=</cite> The meta description is relevant however our CMS system 'ecommerce templates' has some code in it to return a dynamic meta description dependant on what catergory is being searched. It seems that the meta description is being populated from our french furniture category but the URL is not dynamic.. This has only started happening this past week. usually the url is returned. in WMT is is nicely indexing with 5 links... on it's own... Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi All OK i have an ecommerce store and there is a load of duplicate content which is pretty much the norm with ecommerce store setups e.g. this is my problem so all the above lead to the same product
    I also want to keep the breadcrumb path to the product Here's my plan Add a canonical URL to the product page
    This way i have a short product URL Noindex all duplicate pages but do follow the internal links so the pages are spidered What are the other options available and recommended? Does that make sense?
    Is this what most people are doing to remove duplicate content pages? thanks 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChriSEOcouk

  • Obviously all my indexed links have changed. How can I avoid loosing page rank?

    Reporting & Analytics | | HeadlandMachinery

  • I run a boating site and its been live since early February. Most of my traffic comes from direct traffic or google, keyword "trawler blogs". However, I am trying to rank highly for the generic keyword "trawler" or "trawlers" and I've had very little success.  My homepage just got an A from the on-page analysis for keyword trawler. I've also reached out to several other trawler sites to try to get a link from them, or a reciprocal link. Haven't had much traction. However, our site is listed on a bunch (10-12) trawler related blogs (mostly blogspot) in their blogrolls, although these don't show up in backlinks. Any advice would be great. Thank you!

    Link Building | | jacobr217

  • I got some backlinks in quality sites, and google crawled this sites something like couple days ago, but until now i did not see any results, im stuck in second page, i got backlinks with the exact keyword. Do i have to wait a little more? Do i have to worry bout it? Thanks

    Link Building | | Ex2

  • My client is in the clothing, apparel tshirt industry geared toward a specific music icon. They have a few competitors, my spider senses tell me I will be able to get them great SERP standing, and place them in a very competitive position. Their company has been around for a while but has never written a press release. I had them craft a PR on the subject of cotton prices and how it has affected their business. A local paper will pick this up no prob. Where is the best place to go? It is not like it is breaking news, I dont want duplicate content, and I need an experts advice. I will provide more details if needed. Thank Mozzers!

    Link Building | | Giggy

  • Hi Mozzers! So the dilemma I am facing right now is getting links to deep pages on our site. One possible idea is guest posting on blogs with good domain and page authority. However, what if the blogs have good domain and page authority but they are off-topic or not really related to your site's main topic. How much will these links be devalued and could this hurt you by appearing manipulative? Thanks!

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

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