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  • Hi.. I'm running a theme on wordpress called "The Morning After" (not sure that matters). Right now it seems to be adding my site title to each page title, making it well over the recommended 70 characters. I only see this in my crawl results on SEOmoz so I'm not sure if that's how other bots see it, but wonder if anyone else has had this problem and if so, how do I fix it? Thanks! SJ

    Moz Pro | | modhop

  • So... I have a fairly new wordpress blog at, but the ultimate goal is to drive traffic and increase rankings for With the rise of twitter/facebook influences do you think best to migrate the blog to a directory within aka  and then 301 direct all the existing pages to the new pages created or is it better to keep the 2 domains seperate and then just have links in the navigation of both sites to each other? My initial thoughts are to incorporate it within but not 100% sure? Quick follow up question.. Is there an easy code snipit to add to the .htaccss file to 301 direct to Thanks for any help and thought on this! John

    Social Media | | JohnHerrigel

  • Assume a brand new blog being designed and all other things equal. What are the pros & cons between using the url structure /blog/content-title vs. /category/content-title? Note:
    Both scenarios would be using categorical archiving.

    On-Page Optimization | | JasonJackson

  • Hi Guys & Gals, There are a couple of already registered domains i'd like to get my hands on, but i'm coming up against a brick wall. I have already tried contacting the domain owners directly if there contact info is available through whois and tried using a domain brokerage service from the likes of SEDO to try and acquire the domain on my behalf...but they seem to only work they have solid whois contact info to use. My problem is that where do I turn now after the above routes failing? Are there any good domain brokerage services you are aware off or any other approach I could try to aquire such domains?? Thanks James

    Branding | | cewe

  • Hi there, I run a content affiliate website where I introduce products in articles and then link to merchants where the user can buy the respective product. Currently I am using regular affiliate links here with the "nofollow" attribute. With growing size of the site, I would like to switch to masked affiliate links, so instead of a link like "" I want to use "". My question here is: When switching to masked affiliate links, does it makes sense to also convert all the older unmasked affiliate links? If yes, what would be the best way to do that - Convert all old links at once or convert them over time (e.g. over a few month)? Currently about 2/3 of my site's outbound links are unmasked, external affiliate links. So I am afraid that changing this relatively large share of links from unmasked external affiliate links to masked links doenst look natural at all... Thank you for your advice!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FabRag

  • I've read that the Bots only count the first link on a page.  My navigation has 2 links to my homepage - 1 from the logo keyword.png alt txt=keyword & 1 text link 'keyword.'  Now in my content does it have any seo value to link relevant pieces of text back to the homepage? Thanks Jason Jackson

    On-Page Optimization | | JasonJackson

  • There is a lot of talk about this all over this site (and other's), but just about every solution mentions using the .htaccess file, which is only a solution for Apache.  My sites are in a shared windows environment, so that won't work for me.  I have access to the IIS manager for the server, and have several page-level redirects in place. My issue is that I cannot find a clear and easy way to re-direct my root ( domain, to my preferred specific domain (  I found a few articles online relating to a URL re-write module for IIS, but am not sure if I will be able to install that on a shared web server.  Is there another way to accomplish my goal of not having 2 indexable versions of my site?  I have rel-canonical tags on every page, but would prefer a more trustworthy and established solution. Thanks for any help you can offer. -Dave

    Technical SEO | | dschapira

  • Hi I'm working on a real estate agents web site which has a lots of links coming from paid listings in real estate linstings sites (this in France so I'm not sure examples will mean anything but basically the agents have 900 house listings in each site and each listing has a backlink) In analytics these are classified as referals and that's fine for the moment But because sites provide different types of links, we are considering tagging all paid links with analytics utm codes. Mainly to learn which ads are actually providing qualified traffic (providing contacts). I'm guessing that currently these links, there are thousands, bring seo value to my client's web site and are not considered as paid links. Will adding the analytics codes to these links cause a loss of their value by clearly indicating to Google that we paid for them? What's the current thinking on this? I'm tempted not to be worried about being honest about the origin of these links but I'm worried that there is a real danger of loosing current ranking Any arguments FOR tagging paid links ? Thanks for you help Neil

    Reporting & Analytics | | NeilInFrance

  • Hi, My client purchased a domain which based on the seller "promising lots of traffic". Subsequent investigation showed it was a scam and that the seller had been creative in Photoshop with some GA reports. Nevertheless, my client had redirected the acquired domain to their primary domain (via the domain registrar). From the period on which the acquired domain was redirected to the point when we removed the redirect, the web log files had a high volume of spider/bot 404 errors relating to an online pharmaacy - viagra, pills etc. The account does not seem to have been hacked. No additional files are present and the rest of the logs seem normal. As soon as the redirect was removed the spider 404 errors stopped. Aside from the advice about acquiring domains promising traffic which I've already discussed with my client, does anybody have any ideas about how a redirect could cause the 404 errors? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | bjalc2011

  • I'm trying to help a client understand the importance of having a well-organized HTML site map as a method of helping usability.  As part of this process, I spent some time searching for good examples of well-organized HTML site maps, and found that many sites don't offer one (including SEOmoz).  I'm wondering if webmasters and/or SEOers think they aren't valuable any longer?

    Web Design | | EricVallee34

  • My HTACCESS FILE IS AS FOLLOWS: rewriteengine on
    rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    rewriterule ^mydomain/(.*)$ "$1" [R=301,L] #4d864805b49b5 I want to move ONLY specific pages from this domain to a new domain How do I edit my HTACCESS (which redirects http:// to www.) to move specific pages from old domain (which I have to delete) to new domain.... I.e. needs to move to Where i can delete the original domains

    Technical SEO | | askthetrainer

  • I have a eCommerce site, what if we open a Amazon account or eBay account to sell over those store and link our eBay&Amazon about us page to our eCommerce site, will it help? Thank you Jean Nichols Furnace Filters Canada

    Link Building | | BigBlaze205

  • If I use the same image all over my site, do I need to change the file name to avoid duplicate? Different alt text will be use on those images

    On-Page Optimization | | BigBlaze205

  • Pretend that USA Today has a section of their site where the sell electronics, which they locate at  The subdomain is powered by an online electronics store called NewCo via a white label.  Many of the pages on this subdomain have relatively high PageRank.  But few, if any, external sites link to the subdomain--the PageRank of the subdomain is largely due to internal links from the root domain. USA Today's deal with NewCo expires and they decide to partner with my startup instead.  But, unlike NewCo, we won't be providing a white-label solution; rather, USA Today will be redirecting all of the electronics-related links on their root domain to my site instead of the subdomain.  They also agree to direct all of the pages on to me. Ideally USA Today would add 301's to all of their pages on that direct to the corresponding pages on my site, but they don't have the engineering wherewithal or resources to do this.  Therefore, what is the best way to pass the PageRank from the pages to my site?  Would it work to have USA Today change the CNAME for to my site and then create pages on my site that mimic the USA today URL structure?  For example, let's say there was a page located at  Could we give a CNAME form my site and then create a page on my site located at that 301'ed to the ipod page on my site?  Would that preserve the PageRank?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jack78907890

  • I'm doing local SEO for a chiropractic clinic that has four chiropractors. On InfoUSA and therefor on CitySearch, Insiderpages, Healthgrades, etc, there are individual listings for each chiropractor with the clinic's name, address and phone number.  Google places pulls reviews from those other sites and I don't think they will make the connection on the listings. The tricky thing is that health-care review sites such as have reviews for doctors and not for clinics necessarily. What's the best way to organize this?  Should I get all of these listings consolidated into one listing for the clinic in general that has the same info as the Google Places listing?  Should I get the individual chiropractor listings deleted?

    Technical SEO | | jargomang

  • As I write blog articles for my site I often come across a situation where I'm quoting something from another site, or using a piece of data from that other site to make a point. I know it's nice and courteous to link to the source when I do this but from a pure SEO point of view, does it matter? Is there any benefit to linking from my site to other sites that are related and authoritative on the subject I'm discussing? I know I'll bleed off a little link juice to that external site that would otherwise go towards my internal links on the same page, but are there other benefits to linking out to known good sites? Is that any kind of signal to Google that I'm playing in a good neighborhood?

    Content Development | | scanlin

  • Two of my urls point to the same site.  For example: and  Because the pages have two separate url's and the same content, my Google Webmaster Tools account is showing this as Duplicate Meta Descriptions.  Is there a way around this?

    Technical SEO | | BradBorst

  • I'm trying to figure out if the lift in our traffic has anything to do with a new backlink. Is there a way to get an alert anytime a new site links back to us our pull a backlink report by date.

    Search Behavior | | M.Seals

  • I just don't understand.  If a question or an answer is decent, I give people a thumbs up.  I don't think I've really seen anyone else give a thumbs up.  Why not?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alhallinan

  • I manage multiple websites in Wordpress and the idea of managing them all under one Wordpress install is very attractive. Are there any dangers SEO-wise to doing so? I know that all of the sites would live under the same IP address, but that's not something I'm really concerned with anyway because I don't do a lot of inter-linking between the sites. Thanks for your help! -El Juano

    Web Design | | JonathanFashbaugh

  • I recently took over administration of my site and I have 2 XML sitemaps for my main site and 1 XML sitemap for my blog (which is a sub-page of the main site).  Don't I only need 1 sitemap for my site and one for my blog?  I don't know which one to delete - they both has the same page authority.  Also, only 1 of them is accessible by browser search. - accessible in browser - regularly updated in Google Webmaster Tools but not accessible in search browser.  I don't have any error messages in Webmaster tools.

    Technical SEO | | BradBorst

  • Can anyone recommend any? Thanks in advance.

    Affiliate Marketing | | christinarule

  • My current website has had most pages indexed for more than a year. However, I tried cache a few of the pages, and it looks the only one that is now indexed by Goggle is the homepage. Any thoughts on why this is happening?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | abernatj

  • Hello all. This is my first post to seomoz. My group is in the process of creating a website for a newspaper client which will have stories in two languages Spanish and English. Basically visitors will receive the Spanish version and have an option to read the story in english. I have never optimized a website for multi-languages/foreign languages. The newspaper is located in the USA so I'm not sure how this is going to work, which is were you come in. They would like to show up in both and Spanish versions of Google. My questions are: Do I need to worry about ranking for both versions? How should I go about optimizing the website for multiple languages? How do I need to configure my pages to be indexed so duplication is not an issue? (Canonical URL Tag?) Do I need to use special tags besides the news Google news tags for index, etc? I have more questions but as you can see I'm looking for a starting point on how I should apply my knowledge of english only websites to a website that has the same content just in different languages. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    International SEO | | cubictulsa

  • (please ignore ridiculousness of hypothetical situation) Lets say Amazon had a food division which was at I partnered with Amazon's food division and now will point to my website ( Amazon adds a CNAME record so resolves to If has built up significant page rank / domain authority, will be getting those benefits? Also, lets say has a lot of PR / authority -- will benefit from the value of those internal pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chadburgess

  • Hello, I'd like to create a new category for my store. All products will be from other categories, no new products will be added. So this is really content that is already on my site. I will add cateogry specific text in this page with unique title, etc. But the products are all already on my site.Is this duplicate content, will this be a bad move? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • I am not an SEO expert by any means, just trying to improve the ranking of my own personal real estate site. Are directory links good for backlinks, or are they a waster of time?

    Link Building | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • What can you do to increase your domain authority?

    Technical SEO | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • Site: simpsonelectricnc dot com I'm working on a Joomla website for a local business that isn't ranking at all for any relevant keyword - including the business name. The site is only about six months old and has relatively few links. I realize it takes time to compete for even low-volume keywords, but I think something else may be preventing the site from showing up. The site is not blocked by Robots.txt (which includes a valid reference to the sitemap)
    There is no duplicate content issue, the .htaccess is redirecting all non-www traffic to www version
    Every page has a unique title and H1 tag.
    The URL's are search-engine friendly (not dynamic either)
    XML sitemap is live and submitted to Google WM Tools. Google shows that it is indexing about 70% of the submitted URL's. The site has essentially no domain authority (0.02) according to Moz - I'm assuming this is due to lack of links and short life on the web.
    Until today, 98% of the pages had identical meta descriptions. Again, I realize six months is not an eternity - but the site will not even show up for "business name + city,state" searches in Google. In fact, the only way I've seen it in organic results is to search for the exact URL. I would greatly appreciate any help.

    Technical SEO | | CGR-Creative

  • Hi, I have lots of duplicate stuff and I need a better site architecture. We are selling furnace filters. All furnace filters are sold in 50 different sizes, each sizes comes in 3 different qualities, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Total: 150 products. Right now I have created many categories and subcategories for furnace filters sizes. When the client pickup is sizes, he will end-up to the products page with 3 different options, Bronze, Silver and Gold. They can then compare the filter a select the one he wants to purchase. The problem is, it is not possible to provide different content for each filters, Gold has a description, Silver has another one and also Bronze. The only text that will change in the descriptions, is the filter size. This makes Duplicates text description. Not good when you what to index your site. The positive things to 150 different products, is the page title. example 16x25x4 furnace filters. Those exacte tem get search in Google. A new site architecture with 3 categories, Gold, Silver and Bronze & 50 variables by products (filters sizes) might not be the best options, because no filter size will be index. Can you please help me to find the best architecture in a SEO point of view? Also what about the top navigation bar menu, what is the best options in using it? Right now it is use for Legal, Contact, Policy and I fill it is a wast, those page only get less then 1% clicks. It might be more convenient to use those for categories for example, what is your recommendations in a SEO point of view? Can I create a information page in the left navigation menu and includ all the standard page, like: Policy, Legal ... If I do, will I get penalize by Google? Thank you for your help. We have puts lots of money in AdWords before, but now the next step is to come home organics. I'm using SEOmoz tools, read there new book, and I want increase traffic. I just need your help. Thank you, BigBlaze

    On-Page Optimization | | BigBlaze205

  • OK - First of all, thank you to those of you who view and take the time to answer our question. We are currently in the middle of re-designing our golf packages website, and we're trying to decide the best way to structure our Main Navigation for maximum SEO benefit while keeping user experience in mind. The top key phrases we are currently targeting: 1) Myrtle Beach Golf     2)  Myrtle Beach Golf Packages You can find the current navigation structure we have come up with here: So our question is this: We have subdivisions of:  Golf Packages, Accommodations, Golf Courses Is it in our best interest to: A) Get rid of the subdivisions and consolidate them to one page? or B) Simply "NoFollow" the subdivisions within the Main Navigation? We are concerned about the subdivisons for 2 reasons: Too many internal links in Main Navigation The "first link only" rule with Google affecting our additional internal links on existing pages. THANK YOU again to those of you who take the time to answer this question. We really appreciate any clarification on this issue.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamesO

  • Hey Friend, I am having sort of a problem. I currently have a subpage with the url of: /musclecars/ I also have a subpage at /muscle-cars/muscle-car-restoration.html Obviously my main url is not listed here. My problem is I am trying to rank for the term Muscle Cars but the first URL does not have the keywords seperated so I rank no where. If I type MuscleCars into google I rank though (but nobody types the keyword in like that). So my question is can I create and rank well with that? Or is it better to just use even though that second term I am ranking for already has that in its url?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shandaman

  • Those keywords are the one that will bring the most traffics. They are the one I should use, what will be your recommendations for bring more traffic to home page, using furnace filters or furnace filters? These are the results from Keytools Google: furnace filter (broad local search local): 12,100 furnace filter (exact mach local search) 390 furnace filters (broad local search): 5,400 furnace filters (exact mach local search): 880 After selecting one keyword, should I optimize one page for the other keyword? Thank you for your help. BigBlaze

    Keyword Research | | BigBlaze205

  • Is anyone aware of a website that has a PHP Spinner with a built in thesaurus? I've looked all over the web. Would be handy to be able to drop snippets of articles in there, have it spun - then I can just fix the broken english and post it.

    Content Development | | craven22

  • Hi everyone: A site I'm working with until recently was ranking page 1 for its primary keyword. For the last month, they've dropped to page 4. One thing we've noticed is that the page that is ranking is an internal page ( and at this point, everything ranking above us is ranking based on the root domain ( We've eliminated Panda, penalties, and any other obvious causes for the drop in rankings. We have similar or better page rank, external links, domain trust, etc. in comparison to the sites still ranking page 1. We think this may be part of our problem. Has anyone else dealt with this? What did you do to change it and how did it work? We're considering eliminating the existing internal page and 301'ing to the home page. The keyword in question is the core of the business, so this is a natural change, but we're loath to lose years of investment in promoting the internal page. Also, the site was originally optimized with the primary keyword throughout (appears in META tags, headers on multiple pages). How important is it to clear these out to make Google see the home page as most relevant? Thanks!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kdcomms

  • Hi, I like to ask the mozers. Write here, the link building methods, the most natural way, with 0% spam. Tell us, i make an example, on a small competition on the internet, i see competitors with 100 - 120 backlinks from root domains. Tell us, the best tips, to use and to build 50 - 80 backlinks for a month, on the most natural way, nothing is too much, so write here, demonstrate!

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • I'm hoping this is a quick and simple question. Sometimes when using the open site explorer or the keyword difficulty tool i find that some pages have a higher "page authority" than the "domain authority." That seemed odd to me, is there a correlation between the two? You would think by default as you grow your page authority the domain authority increases as well? So i guess my question would be, what happens on a page to give it a higher page authority than domain authority?

    Moz Pro | | kchandler

  • Good morning! I'm new to the SEOmoz community. This morning, I spot checked a couple pages using the Term Extractor. When looking at the results, I noticed that we're ranking for many of the terms contained in our privacy policy. Our privacy policy is set up in the footer of our page templates and appears as a light box that pops up over the page you're viewing, so it looks like every page (from a search engines perspective) contains every word of our 900-word privacy policy. Since several of our legal terms are showing up as "targeted terms" within the tool, would it benefit me to change the privacy policy link from a light box to something else? Perhaps a link to a static page that contains our privacy policy instead? Are the search engines smart enough to see the repeating text and ignore it from page to page, or am I just diluting all of my SEO efforts here? I'm after big wins here, and don't want to be too nitpicky, but concerned this could be a big SEO no-no that I might want to correct. Thanks in advance for your expertise! Ben Culbert

    Web Design | | SheriGolla

  • We have a client who has two sites for different countries, 1 US, 1 UK and redirects visitors based on IP. In order to make sure that the English site is crawable, we need to know where the googlebot searches from. Is this a US IP or a UK IP for a UK site / server?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AxonnMedia

  • Hi guys, To put a long story short we have had to make a copy of our site and put it on another domain so in essence there are 2 copies of our site on the web.What we have done is put a username and password on the homepage - now i just want to be 100% sure that the search engines cannot crawl this? Thank you Jon

    Technical SEO | | imrubbish

  • Hi, Our site has, for language reasons, 2 redirects So : is redirected with a 301 to and is than redirected 301 to My question is; is this bad for our SEO? Recently we've been doing a lot of linkbuilding and SEO copywriting, but in comparison with our competitors were lagging behind. So I'm looking for other bottlenecks. Kind regards, Dennis Overbeek My email: ACSI

    Competitive Research | | SEO_ACSI

  • Hello guys, our site is nearly perfect - according to SEOmoz campaign overview. But, it shows me 5200 Errors, more then 2500 Pages with Duplicate Content plus more then 2500 Duplicated Page Titles. All these pages are sites to edit profiles. So I set them "noindex, follow" with meta robots. It works pretty good, these pages aren't indexed in the search engines. But why the SEOmoz tools list them as errors? Is there a good reason for it? Or is this just a little bug with the toolset? The URLs which are listet as duplicated are (edit the IDs to see more...) (edit the IDs to see more...) The crawling picture is still running, so maybe the errors will be gone away in some time...? Kind regards

    Moz Pro | | mdoegel

  • Hey guys, A client of mine will be doing a rebranding exercise, this include changing their brand name and their domain name. They are considered a well known brand within their industry (Their brand name shows up in Google's "Search Related to..." section) My question is: Apart from making sure all 301 are put in place,changing all the links to point to the new domain and doing PR exercise, is there anything else I should keep in mind / be aware of to ensure a smooth transition? Also can anyone come up with possible issues we might encounter during the move? Apart from having a significant drop in traffic and rankings? Thanks, Clement

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NextDigital51

  • So if you are AB testing two pages: index.html and indexB.html Shouldn't I nofollow indexB.html? It has all the same content, just a different design.

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

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