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  • Or will those sources be discounted by google then similar to how google discounts link exchanges? I have noticed some pages, like mapquest, don't really have a directory, so google might not be aware of their content unless it is linked too??? In this type of a case, would it help to link to mapquest's search results? then the citation will get picked up by google? Example:

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • I just hired an agency to build quality backlinks and articles....should I worry about the new webhost? Should I wait? Ill assume if the page names are the same, all will be good. What if they change? Newbie Help! Thanks Mozzers.

    Link Building | | Giggy

  • Is it better to have an error page return a 404 or 200? If I change it to 200, will I still be able to see reports of 404's and/ or broken links? Is there a valid SEO reason that Google would have for not wanting error pages to return 200? In other words, is there any SEO reason to absolutely change it to return a 404? I would rather let it return 200 if no priority reason to change. [title edited by staff to provide clarity]

    Technical SEO | | cindyt-17038

  • I have been debating this with a few others within my office and we would like an outside opinion on this issue. This screenshot is of a new product grid I have been designing. I have decided to try something new for SEO that I have seen elsewhere. (see attached image) The page-content below the last products on the page, now have a small paragraph that contains all the products "titles" that are visible on the page. The intention is to capitalize on multiple search terms by using modifiers to replace special character sets within the title. For example: 46" 3 Seat Perforated Square Picnic Table = 46 Inch 3 Seat Perforated Square Picnic Table Not only does this give a secondary search term that could convert but increases the number if instances of "Table" within the page. Suggestions or Thoughts? Thanks! GviGn.jpg

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Highland

  • I'm looking for a reputable firm that builds high quality links to a high quality site. These links should be located on a page with high Page Rank/Page Authority and should also have high quality links pointing to the page. I am not looking for forum posts/blog comments or directory listings. Can anyone recommend a firm that they use personally who specializes in this? I've had a look through the SEOMoz directory, which is great, but if anyone could provide some recommendations to go along with that, it would be appreciated! Thanks.

    Link Building | | torontojon

  • The majority of our images are not optimized for search. Specifically, the alt text and image title are blank. The image filenames are also not using descriptive keywords. We publish content quite frequently and this issue will be addressed within the production work flow for all images moving forward. As for the images currently existing on our site, what are some ways to scale the optimization for thousands of images that need to be optimized for alt text, title and filename? We're thinking about mechanical turk, but the problem is that we are a business magazine and have a lot of head shots of entrepreneurs that the mainstream might not recognize. Any insights would be appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • A client is debating housing two websites under one URL. The sites would offer similar services at different price points. For example, if a user was coming from a San Fran IP they would be presented with the "high-end" packages while another user coming from Dallas would get the "low budget" content. What are the SEO implications? I know that auto geo-targeting can sometimes be risky. It seems like IP locators aren't accurate all the times (especially from a mobile device). Advise?  Basically, the client wants to make sure that a Dallas user will be presented with the "right" keywords in the SERPs. What would you recommend?  Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | lhc67

  • We have a page that is optimized for the keyword "job scheduling". A search on the keyword "job scheduling" results in this page not ranking at all, while our home page ( ranks third. Could you provide some ideas/suggestions as to why this would be the case and how to make our job scheduling page rank higher? Thanks, claudia

    On-Page Optimization | | claudmar

  • I have been trying to gain some position in our local O-pack results and have used whitespark to hunt for citations and aquire as many as possible, but even after 4-5 months google has still not detected many of the citations we have added.  What are you favourite citation sources? which ones really help? i.e. what are some quality canadian citation sources?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Does anyone know how google selects the news articles it displays in google trends? EX: See how dubstep has a couple posts that show up when searched in google trends? these are different than regular SERPS as far as i can tell.  Does anyone know how google selects them?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adriandg

  • WE are using the best keywords all over our eStore: Furnace Filter and Furnace Filters. Is it abusing when we list items like: 10x20x1 furnace filter 10x20x2furnace filter 10x20x4 furnace filter and so on... we have almost 100 different filters on sale. see example: Thank you for your help BigBlaze

    Keyword Research | | BigBlaze205

  • we do eCommerce on BigCommerce platform, I'm using the top navigation menu for: home about policy faq and other standard informations all my products are list in the left navigation Categories menu. What is your advise about this? Should we have the products at the top? The top menu are web pages, not categories. Also, if you have a better ideas about our site archetecture, you are welcome to comment. domaine is: Thank you, BigBlaze

    On-Page Optimization | | BigBlaze205

  • Hello all. If I have 10 links on a menu linking to 10 different pages, and 10 links on the footer linking to the same pages, does PageRank get divided by 10 or 20?

    On-Page Optimization | | MiamiWebCompany

  • Hello All, A client's site was recently redesigned and since the redesign the ® is not displaying as such in the search engines when created using Option+R on a Mac. If it is created using ® it works fine. I suspect it has something to do with the programming or the CMS. Other sites on this CMS seem to not have this problem from what I have seen so far. stevenson calgary realtor&aq=0&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=23c2bd992ac36d9d&pf=p&pdl=3000 As more time goes on, title tags and descriptions that are months or years old are also digressing to the 0. I have cued up a few tests and once crawled will have narrowed down whether it is a CMS issue or not. Won't have completely done so, but much closer. The CMS says they have made no changes that would have caused this. The programming gang on my end says they did nothing different on this site then on others so it can't be on us. The classic 'no way it can by us, it  has to be them' from all angles. I am stuck in the middle trying to find the solution. Has anyone else ever come across this problem? Thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | kyegrace

  • Hi, Do you think an alt image tag on an image as a link is going to impart the same juice or targeting as a link with a text anchor? So, for example, if one made a clickable image link with the alt image tag of "bowling balls" would that do as much for you as the text "bowling balls" as the anchor link? Thanks! Best...Michael

    Link Building | | 94501

  • Hi. New here to SEOmoz and also somewhat new to SEO in general. A friend has asked me to help do some onsite SEO for their company's website. The company uses Drupal Content Management System. They have a couple product pages that contain a tabbed section for features, accessories, etc. When they built their tabs, they used a Drupal module called Quicktabs, by which each individual tab is created as a separate page and then pulled into the tabs from those pages. So, in essence, you now have instances of repeated content. 1) the page used to create the tab, and 2) the tab that displays on the product page. My question is, how should I handle the pages that were used to create the tabs? Should I make them NOINDEX? Thank you for your advice in advance.

    Technical SEO | | aprilm-189040

  • Hi Guys, I have launched my website in october and it has already been indexed by google. Now I'm going to launch my redesign which comes with a new structure, content, links, etc. So the question is, do I have to resubmit my website to google to get rid of old links? Onsite Explorer shows links to my forum which has been spammed with p* stuff which has been already indexed as well. The forum is off now. I want to use SEOmoz to track my new website but I guess this could be a hard thing as old links etc will be shown as well. Is there any tool to let Google know about my changes? Does it affect my SEO in any way? Thank you for your help. Nick

    Web Design | | NickITW

  • Our home page (and 1400 of our other pages) have well over 100 links, going beyond the recommend amount.  Our competitors have less on page links (to other pages on their site) and way more link popularity so we are trying to figure out the best solution for this without hurting our sites conversions and usbaility.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • We're trying to use a flash video as a product image, so the size increase will be significant. We're talking somewhere around 1.5 - 2mb on a page that is about 400kb before the video. So the increase is significant. There is SEO concern with pages peed and thinking perhaps having the flash video inside an iframe might overcome the speed issues. We're trying to provide a better experience with the video, but the increase in page size, and therefore speed, will be significant. The rest of the page will load, including a fallback static image, so we're really trying to understand how to mitigate the page load speed impact of the video. Any Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO-Team

  • Hi There, Just wondering what has happened to my rankings as I cant seem to understand it. In the past week we've dropped from page 1 to page 10 for a certain keyword. The URL is also different that google displays - instead of displaying the individual page it now just links to the main domain. All the other keywords have remained consistent and some have improved. The page is still in the Google Index if I manually search for it. There hasn't been any dramatic change to the page except I've created a few links to it. Have we been penalized by Google and is there anything I can do?

    Link Building | | danielmckay7

  • Hi Guys, I really could do with some gudienace or answers to the following questions: Are the any specific web design or technical issues that are different in Australian search engines compared to the UK? Are there any web design issues that are different to the UK? Are there any useful things I should consider from an SEO point of view if I am launching a website in Australia compared to the UK? Any helpw ould be much apprciated! Thanks Gareth

    Technical SEO | | GAZ09

  • I have this new client new domain new website, when seo moz crawls the site it says it has 24 million links mozrank of over 7, looks amazing but impossible can someone as seomoz have a look please

    Moz Pro | | francesco-285016

  • Hello SEO brethren - I've got a mystery I'm trying to solve. I work in house SEO at Our home page is a Pagerank 5. All of our sub-pages are Pagerank 0. Even this one below which has 276 links from 57 domains: Any clue what is going on here? Is a PR 0 typical for a page with this many links / linking domains? Thanks! -Zack

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • What is the exact difference of "Page Level Keyword Usage" and "Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features"?

    Technical SEO | | petrakraft

  • I'm trying to work out the best way to resolve an issue where Google is seeing duplicate versions of a homepage, i.e. and The site runs on Windows servers. I've tried implementing redirects for homepages before (for a different site on a linux server) and ended up with a loop, so although I know I can read lots of info (as I have been doing) and try again, I am really concerned about getting it wrong. Can anyone give me some advice on the best way to make Google take just one version of the page?  Obviously link juice is also being diluted so I need to get this sorted asap. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | travelinnovations

  • What's the current opinion of adding do-follow links under video embed codes? Like what Vimeo does. Is this allowed, or does Google/Matt Cutts suggest always no-following these links?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DojoGuy

  • I realize that links from low quality directories aren't of much value. Having said that, can doing this kind of linking actually penalize a site?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • According to google 'On average, pages in your site take 4.6 seconds to load (updated on Apr 3, 2011). This is slower than 71% of sites. These estimates are of low accuracy (fewer than 100 data points). The chart below shows how your site's average page load time has changed over the last few months. For your reference, it also shows the 20th percentile value across all sites, separating slow and fast load times.' My website: I've installed Cache plugins, Minify plugins, reduce the amount of posts on my main page. But my website is still taking too long to load and I'm afraid I'm being penalised for it. Any tips?

    On-Page Optimization | | craven22

  • Hi guys. I have a client that has one main site, with the domain IMOWOOD.PT (Portugal), and then we have the domain IMOWOOD.COM (redirecting to .PT). The problem is (that i verify using in Google, apeears that the domain .COM have a lot of indexed pages! This will penalize the 2 pages right? Because the duplicated content (?). What i want to know is... if i have 1 domain (the one i want to be index) what should i do, to do a proper redirect from the .COM to the .PT, making the .COM not indexable? Right now the .COM only redirects @ index page. Dont know why... I've used the domain redirect @ my cPanel. So... whats the best practise for domain redirect? Thanks!

    Content Development | | comercialroldao

  • Hi i changed my page titles for a competitive keyword last week and noticed it has dropped 9 search engine ranking positions. Was ranking 37 and now it 46. Would you guys leave it and see if it starts creeping back up or change again? the page title i used was across my pages for example was Primary keyword | secondary keyword | Heading on page thanks for you help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wazza1985

  • I'm currently trying to develop a clear understanding and policy for my company on how we deal with Google place pages, specifically where we stand on places pages being created by our agents. We run a business in the travel industry with a number of locations around the world.  Our services are sold via travel agents.  Naturally, we set up places pages for each of our locations but recently we've noticed agents setting up places pages for these locations with different titles & their own contact details (same address though). In one case we've received verification postcards which we've been asked to pass on. The pages are set up in 'good faith' to promote business in the agents respective countries and languages but i'm concerned that we are ending up with multiple pages for the same location, hurting our brand, losing our own pages through being buried and ending up with our account being suspended at some point down the line. There are a number of terms on Google guideline page, in particular, this one: "Do not create more than one listing for each business location, either in a single account or multiple accounts." I contacted my Adwords account manager but didn't get a very clear response on this. What i'm looking for is some 3rd party, definitive advice/opinions on this scenario.  Should we be asking agents not to create place pages? Why should they list.. could it end up hurting both of us? Are there pros and cons to this or is it a clear cut case?

    Branding | | seoec

  • Wordpress offers Canonical URLs in the "All in one SEO" settings.  I know that canonical tags for page content will cause the search engine to ignore the content, but I don't understand this setting in Wordpress.  The Canonical URLs box for my blog had been checked until a couple weeks ago.  I unchecked it (removing the canonical tag) and now I have about 300 duplicate content pages acccording to my SEOMoz reports.  It appears that it's just the blog tag in the url now that is causing the confusion.  Here's an example of the same url with two tags: Should I activate the canonical URL setting in Wordpress again.  If not, how can I fix this? Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Regards, Brad

    Technical SEO | | BradBorst

  • I have a site, called SiteB that has 200 pages of new, unique content. I made a table of contents (TOC) page on SiteB that points to about 50 pages of SiteB content. I would like to get SiteB's TOC page crawled and indexed by Google, as well as all the pages it points to. I submitted the TOC to Pingler 24 hours ago and from the logs I see the Googlebot visited the TOC page but it did not crawl any of the 50 pages that are linked to from the TOC. I do not have a robots.txt file on SiteB. There are no robot meta tags (nofollow, noindex). There are no 'rel=nofollow' attributes on the links. Why would Google crawl the TOC (when I Pinglered it) but not crawl any of the links on that page? One other fact, and I don't know if this matters, but SiteB lives on a subdomain and the URLs contain numbers, like this: Yes, I know that the number part is suboptimal from an SEO point of view. I'm working on that, too. But first wanted to figure out why Google isn't crawling the TOC. The site is new and so hasn't been penalized by Google. Thanks for any ideas...

    Technical SEO | | scanlin

  • does it still help to pay for inclusion in Yahoo's link directory ?

    Link Building | | sanomagames

  • Has anyone typed in a phrase in Google and seen their listing on the SERP, but the page title on the Google SERP  is not what the CMS is set to ? Ie the page title in the SERP is not what is expected?  Something related to the company, but not what is set on the CMS… Very odd – has anyone seen something like this before?  What could be causing it?  Is there a way to change it?

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • Hi folks any idea why the above returns Err 500 ? Seems to pertain to the domain - it works on other sites just not Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | jimbo_kemp

  • Over the last 2 months, my company has had almost 10 articles placed on very established websites. When I search for my company's backlinks on Google Advance Search, its not picking them up. Why?

    Link Building | | BYSM

  • Hello, I am kinda looking for experts who have dealt with the issues of Bounce Rates. Site : Problem : High Bounce Rate SOLUTION : PL HELP FELLOW SEOMOZZERS 🙂 thank you all in Advance. I love our community! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you - esp in design /branding/ PSD conversions etc 🙂 best regards, Vijay

    Web Design | | vijayvasu

  • There's a ton of directories. Has anyone had success with a program that will take your info for a site and submit it to all of them at once? Bonus points if you can vary the anchor text and description. Paid or free. And whether there is anything like that, which actually works, I am wondering if there is some relatively authoritative, relatively comprehensive list of non-spammy directories. Any other directory advice would be awesome! Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | TheEspresseo

  • With Google placing so much relevance on title tags, it seems to help if you mention local cities within your title tag.  I'm wondering if the positive of having more keywords in a title tag outweighs the negative of having too long of one?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TLSNET

  • After the Google Algorithm was updated my site took a week hit in traffic. The traffic came back a week later and was doing well a week AFTER the algorithm change and I decided that I should do a 301 redirect to make sure I didn't have duplicate content (www. vs. http://) I called my hosting company (I won't name names but it rhymes w/ Low Fatty) and they guided me through the supposedly simple process.. Well, they had me create a new (different) IP address and do a domain forward (sorry about bad terminology) to the www. This was in effect for approximately 2 weeks before I discovered it and came along with a subsequent massive hit in traffic. I then corrected the problem (I hope) by restoring the old IP address and setting up the HTACESS file to redirect all to www. It is a couple weeks later and my traffic is still in the dumps. On WMT instead of getting traffic from 10,000 keywords I'm getting it only from 2k. Is my site the victim of some penalty (I have heard of sandbox) or is my site simply just lower in traffic due to the new algorithm (I checked analytics data to find that traffic only in the US is cut by 50%, it is the same outside the US) Could someone please tell me what is going on?

    Algorithm Updates | | askthetrainer

  • I am looking to justify to a pubilsher the cost outlay to hire an agency to do white hat link building for me as we do not have time.  (the site is fully optimised but we lack the inbound links our competitors have) - is there a way I can explain in terms of numbers ie page impressions that if we build for eg 10k high quality anchor text links into our site we will get x thousand more page impressions as our rankings in the search engines will increase?  Just need a justification before the budget is allocated.

    Link Building | | Pday

  • Hi, For those who have followed my previous question, I have a similar one regarding dynamically generated urls. From this page the user can make a selection according to various criteria. 6 results are presented and then the user can go to the next page. I know I should probably rewrite url's such as these: but since all the results presented are basically generated on the fly for the convenience of the user, I am afraid google my consider this as an attempt to generate more pages as there are pages for each individual listing. What is my solution for this? Nofollow these pages? Block them thru robots txt?

    On-Page Optimization | | multilang

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