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  • Hi, I manage a property listing website which was recently revamped, but which has some on-site optimization weaknesses and issues. For each property listing like there is an equivalent PDF version spidered by google. The page looks like this my question is: Can this create a duplicate content penalty? If yes, should I ban these pages from being spidered by google in the robots.txt or should I make these link nofollow?

    Technical SEO | | multilang

  • Hi! I run a backlink building company. Recently, we had a customer who had us build targeted backlinks to certain subpages on his site. Then something really bizarre happened...all of a sudden, their subpages that were indexed in Google (the ones we were building links to) disappeared from the index, to be replaced with their home page. They haven't lost their rank, per se--it's just now their home page instead of their subpages. At this point, we are tracking literally thousands of keywords for our link building customers, and we've never run into this issue before. Have you ever run into it? If so, what's the best way to handle it from an SEO company perspective? They have a sitemap.xml and their GWT account reports no crawl errors, so it doesn't seem to be a site issue.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ownlocal

  • What is the lag time for changes to a site to be reflected in Google webmaster tools Diagnostics section? They pointed out some duplicate titles which I fixed a week ago and yet they still show up as an HTML Suggestion. What has your experience been with making changes and then seeing them reflected in the HTML Suggestions section? My site is crawled every day, including the pages I have updated with new titles. Seems like it takes a while for the data to trickle into Webmaster tools, no?

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • I am working on a website that all of its primary contents are videos. They have an assortment of free videos, but the majority or viewable only with a subscription to the site. If you don't have a subscription, you can see a 2 min video clip of the contents of the video. But all the videos can be anywhere from 10min to 1.5 hours. When I am auto-generating the sitemap.xml, can I put the full length of the videos for paying members in the XML in the video:duration property? Or because publicly only 2 minutes is available (unless you pay for a membership) is that frowned upon?

    Technical SEO | | nbyloff

  • I've been optimizing the website for a few keywords we're targeting and I'm looking to improve the quality score for my Adwords landing pages. My on-page scoring is great, but my scores in Adwords are low. Ideas?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Bombbomb

  • I need to redirect a windows-hosted domain with permanent (301) redirects so as to preserve most of the link juice. I would be using asp page-level redirects, as there are only about 50 relevant pages. Are these as effective as linux-based 301 redirects in conserving link juice?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • When selecting which Keywords to optimize for, should I choose all words that I want us to move up for? Like that my company appears ranked for 5, 10, 42, 44, etc.? Or should I select a mix of some that rank well (top 1-2 pgs in Google) /rank near pg 5/ and some that aren't showing up in the top 50 yet? I don't want to waste my time optimizing for words I don't need to. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | aircyclemegan

  • For a classifieds web site with medium/high turnover for the various listings: How would you deal with pages of removed listings? a) would you be "honest" and return a 404 since the listing is not available anymore? b) would you maintain historical data about deleted listings so that you can try and 301 redirect to a relevant search results page? c) would you keep the page alive (maybe add a noindex meta tag?) and show links to multiple relevant search results pages in an effort to strengthen internal linking?

    On-Page Optimization | | seo-cat

  • I have a website with lots of traffic and sometimes the backends fail. I want to use lighttpd to show that the website is under mantenence and should be back up shortly. I was thinking of using Soft 503 errors or doing a 302 for every page to /maintenance.html. What would you do (besides fixing the backends, we are already doing that :P) to avoid hurting your SEO efforts? Thanks in advance Mariano

    Technical SEO | | marianoSoler98

  • A key competitor of mine has just purchased a link on, my question is should I follow them in? We’re close in terms of Domain Authority and little things can make the difference in our case. Also does the farmer update (which is yet to hit the UK) influenced your answer? As we’re yet to see the effect of this update should I exercise caution?

    Link Building | | RodneyRiley

  • I'm trying to get a page ranked for a niche phrase. There are a few established players in the industry but no competition for this phrase beyond that. Open site explorer reports that main competitor for the phrase this page points to has 538 links but they are all internal with no extermal links. DA is 45 and PA is 25 My client has25 links for the phrase this page points to from 10 unique external domains in addition to internal links. Domain is only 3 months old. DA is 20 and PA is 30. Right now I'm buried in back pages and feel I should be higher. Should my strategy be to build trust and authority or concentrate on more keyword specific links?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • hi everyone i wondered if googlebot explores facebook comments and if not, what are the seo benefits of facebook comments module? As you can see below, techcrunch has added facebook comments in pages So is it useful for SEO purposes?

    Social Media | | FranckNlemba

  • Hey All, question for you. What is your favorite tool/method for scanning a website for specific tags? Specifically (as my situation dictates now) for canonical tags? I am looking for a tool that is flexible, hopefully free, and highly customizable (for instance, you can specify the tag to look for). I like the concept of using google docs with the import xml feature but as you can only use 50 of those commands at a time it is very limiting ( I do have a campaign set up using the tools which is great! but I need something that returns a response faster and can get data from more than 10,000 links. Our cms unfortunately puts out some odd canonical tags depending on how a page is rendered and I am trying to catch them quickly before it gets indexed and causes problems. Eventually I would also like to be able to scan for other specific tags, hence the customizable concern. If we have to write a vb script to get it into excel I suppose we can do that. Cheers, Josh

    Moz Pro | | prima-253509

  • My client has a small site with about 340 links pointing to it. About 60 of them stem from one domain, a directory listing that posts new entries on almost every single site of their domain. My question now is: This obviously isn't a really clever link profile. But I can live with that as long as it doesn't HURT rankings or attracts some kind of penalty. Is there a rule of thumb how many (maybe percentage) links can safely stem from one domain without getting penalized?

    Link Building | | jfkorn

  • Hi All, Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on the following. If I was ranking number 1 for a term, what would the effects be of creating another site, hosted on the same server / IP, same whois info, same URL but a different TLD, and trying to get this to rank for the term also. Does G restrict search results to one IP per page or is this perfectly possible? (The term is fairly uncompetitive) Thanks, Ben

    Technical SEO | | Audiohype

  • Hello, I want to know how to implement 503 status for a website hosted on Windows server? Will this code trigger automatically as per some specific condition or is it done manually? THanks & Regards

    Technical SEO | | IM_Learner

  • Hi All, Our dev team have just asked me a very interesting question........ Within the context of an HTML5 page, where it is supported and encouraged to use multiple H1 tags, will the use of multiple H1 tags be detrimental to SEO? or does Google fully understand how HTML5 works and therefore not penalise a website for using multiple H1 tags? I have an opinion on this that if it helps usability and user experience then it is likely that it will be good for SEO. It would be really good to hear views of people who have tried this or have decided against it! Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | A_Q

  • We have several dynamic Servlets on our Website which help Users to calculate Mortgages: Example: Until now these Servlets are blocked via robots.txt to avoid "stange results being in the Googleindex". Problem / Question: These Servlets are used from lots of external Affiliate Websites, and i like to know how to optimize these inbound Links? Thx.

    Technical SEO | | BerndAngermann

  • Hi, can anybody tell me if it is useful to optimize the following keyword in all 3 Versions?
    As I know google separates the 2 words as if using a hyphen - so it would be the same as if just using a space between the words.
    But if you search for the different Versions in google there are different SERPS for every of this versions? Not many users will search using a hyphen between the words I guess - butt I saw some few keywords tipped in with hyphen in my google analytics report. And I want to be on top 😉 Piloten Ausbildung Piloten-Ausbildung Pilotenausbildung thx!

    Keyword Research | | mbase22

  • How do I put something below description, the search box within the website, and map in SERPs of Google? For example, when I enter ‘mit’ as the keyword in Google, the description of MIT is shown more. Many thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | OSO

  • I know there is value having lots of unique content on our websites, but I'm wondering how long it should be kept for, and if there is any value in 301 redirecting it? So, for example we have a number of pages on our website that are dedicated to single products (blue widget x, blue widget y, red widget x, red widget y). Nice unique content, with some (but not many) links. These products are no longer available though and have been replaced. So I'm faced with three choices: 1. Leave it as it is, and hope it adds to the overall site authority (by value of being another page), and also perhaps mop up a few longer tail keywords. Add a link to the replacement product on these pages; 2. 301 redirect these pages to the replacement products to give these a bit of a boost, and lose the content; 3. 301 redirect these pages to the replacement products and move all the old content to a new 'blue widgets archive' and 'red widgets archive' page? Would appreciate everyones thoughts!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BigMiniMan

  • Hello All Nice easy question! I've made some on page changes to page titles, content, H1s etc but wanted to know if there was a way to check if Google has reindexed the page since the changes were made? I appreciate the different factors that will help improve your crawl rate like new content, external links, domain authority etc. I made these changes around 2 weeks ago. Google has cached the pages since I made the changes but not picked up on the new page titles in the search results. Cheers Todd

    On-Page Optimization | | todd7585

  • Hi, I'm working for an apartment rental agency.The agency is based in one country/city and naturally the Google Places listing is shown when people search "apartments + location", but what to do when we expand abroad? Naturally we want to have a Local Business listing for "apartments + location 2" as well. Is it sufficient to have a "local office"? I see competitors have urls: www.domain/paris and www.domain/london that are listed in local search when searching " apartments + paris" and "apartments + london". Basically, the same site, different locations. I'm wondering if the solution is that simple?

    Image & Video Optimization | | vibelingo

  • Hi, i am getting this error most of the time in linkscape since last month. Sorry dude, no inlinks found matching this criteria. Pl guide is this a bug and the sites I am trying to use linkscape for were having lot of pages crawled earlier by SEOMOZ. Thanks, Preet

    Moz Pro | | PreetSibia

  • We're unhappy with the meta descriptions google is picking up for our links in SERPs so have started using AJAX to stream in the content google was previously picking up for meta descriptions. This worked and it doesn't seem to have impacted traffic coming to our site, however since the day of that change our bounce rates have gone up significantly, even for pages that we did not push this change to. Is it possible that doing this caused Google to treat our site differently site wide? Is there anything we should be cautious of when doing this? I know the bounce rates could be impacted by users being better prepared by the google meta descriptions, however it doesn't explain what's happening to parts of our site that we didn't do anything to. -Billy

    On-Page Optimization | | RealSelf

  • I have a lot of websites and they are all fitness related. Some are affiliate sites and some are blogs. I've made some great relationships with some big players in the fitness space and it has worked out well for both of us. Is anyone here in the fitness industry? Are you open to building new relationships? Do you know other websites or blogs in the industry open to creating new relationships? I don't mean a simple link exchange, I mean a real relationship where sites try to help each other out more than an arbitrary link in a list on some resource page.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • They have a couple listings of us with screwy info but i can't actually use their website, all the buttons that say "join" or "write a review" "uplaod an image" etc, are just an href="#" and don't actually do anything??? I figured maybe they have some broken javascript so i tried using different browsers (firefox & chrome in mac, and IE in windows.) Here's our listings in there: Are you able to click anything on this website and it actually functions as advertised? am i just using the wrong browser, or is this some kind of tool competitors use to blackhat our local listings into oblivion?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • If a keyword works really well for two pages on your site, is it OK to optimize both pages for that keyword?  Is it possible that Google will rank both pages? For example, one of the companies I've worked with is a software developer.  They want to use the keyword phrase “simple project management software” for both the home page and for the product page  (I’ve got other alternatives that I can use, but optimizing both pages for the same keyword would be the path of least resistance).

    Keyword Research | | EricVallee34

  • With page size being a big factor in Google’s algorithm what’s the best way to implement a flash file without jeopardizing rankings? What’s your thoughts on embedding the video in an IFrame?

    Image & Video Optimization | | SEO-Team

  • We need to conduct a SEO analysis for a website that is on a private, password protected development site -- is there anyway for SEOMoz tools to access and analyze a PW protected site? Thank you, Sara Merten

    Technical SEO | | kev11

  • When you perform a search in Chrome, click through to a result, then hit "back", you get a nice little option to "Block all results" listed next to the result from which you backed out. I am assuming Google collects this information from Chrome users whose settings allow them to? I am assuming this is a spam signal (in aggregate)? Anyone know? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | TheEspresseo

  • I have several keywords that are on the first or second page, with a couple main ones that we are targeting. Around 9million results for the main keyword we are trying to rank for. We have been writing articles on various high PR sites, posts on various forums with 1-2 signature links, already have been listed in DMOZ/google directory/etc for 8+months, 6 year old domain name, BOTW directory listing and various other directories. We write 1-2 blog posts weekly, and then post the URL on twitter and other social networking sites. 1-2 months ago we re-coded our website to load faster. So, what else should we be doing that we already aren't to make the jump from page 2-3 to page 1? I see a lot of recommendations to reach out to related websites and ask to guest post on their blog or come up with a link. In our industry it is very hard to do this, since most related sites are competitors who are selling a commercial product.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | demarini

  • I have written nofollow, follow links, issued a press release, and submitted to the Universal Business Listing.  None of these links are showing in the Yahoo index.  I did a nofollow bookmark with delicious and it disappeared the next day.  The people that built the website will not grant FTP access and modded the HTACCESS file incorrectly to point to a WWW. version of the site.   I had them remove the index.html duplicate content problem. What is going on?  Why are no links showing in the index for this site?

    Link Building | | eddie404ATL

  • Hi there, I was just wondering if there was a way to go back to previous results of keywords I was tracking for a site? My HDD crashed and lost the reports and was hoping to download the old reports. Please let me know if this is possilbe. Thanks in advance!

    Moz Pro | | Greg80

  • The front page of our site dropped in late March from PR4 to PR1.  Yes, I know toolbar PR isn't terribly reliable, isn't much of an indicator of overall SEO, etc. - however, upper management will want to know what happened and what is being done to fix it. Of course, the answer is obvious: go build links.  But what might the cause be?  As I mentioned in a past Q&A, the site is entirely encrypted and as a result may be causing us to leak some juice (http backlinks of course make up the vast majority of our links).  We're planning to fix this once the site is ported over to a CMS, but that's still months off.  Other than that, what might be the problem?  Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | ufmedia

  • (By Google Traductor) Hi, within our community we have developed a news service ( where we had about 30 sourcesrss. News grouped into categories and generate an internal link to see the details (and also a link to see the full story in the appropriate media). It is our first experience with a news site and wanted to know:
    1. We keep track of all news from all media? (would be creating agreat sitemap in the future:)
    2. We must clarify in the sitemap that are sources of news?
    3. Google may consider it duplicate content?
    4. We're taking data from different source types (html, video andpodcast), we must differentiate this content to index? Any other suggestions would be welcome.

    Content Development | | romaro

  • Some one emailed last month with: Be warned – with the latest google algorythm changes – article marketing since two weeks ago is a thing of the past, read these below; 1. 2. Just wanted others opinions and the way forward. Thanks

    Content Development | | blagger

  • Hi Mozzers! I was wondering if there is a way to determine if a specific directory is passing Page Rank or if the links have been devalued by Google. Thanks!

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Total Links : 15,967 Ext. Followed Links : 2,078 Linking Root Domains : 177 Followed Linking Root Domains : 125 Linking C-Blocks : 117 Simple question, answers in English please. What are these?

    Reporting & Analytics | | GeniusGoodsInc

  • If you use the link LAA to do a google search for directories to submit to, is there any correlation to how high they show up on google and how much they will help your site? Peter

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • I've got two questions really.  First, is there anyway to compare your current Linkscape updates with previous updates?  Second, I've made a concerted effort to gain accumulate links in strong performing domains over the past 3 months.  However, Linkscape does not seem to be finding those links.  Some of them are pretty straight forward, like Yahoo Directory (this went live last month).  Is there a lag time between when I link to a page and when Linkscape picks up. Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | vinnyb2000

  • If our pages are to have roughly 30% of non-original textual content, can we be penalized by Google? Or are we OK as long as this non-original content is relevant to the pages?

    Content Development | | Quidsi

  • a buddy of mine is running a niche job board and is having issues with expiring URLs. we ruled it out cuz a 301 is meant to be used when the content has moved to another page, or the page was replaced. We were thinking that we'd be just stacking duplicate content on old urls that would never be 'replaced'. Rather they have been removed and will never come back. So 410 is appropriate but maybe we overlooked something.  any ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | malachiii

  • Hi there, In a week or two I'll give my first internet marketing presentation to a local business club. Ill walk them through the basics of what is happening online, and how both B2B and B2C business can use their online assets as marketing tools. I want some basic statistical data to back up my story, like: Current web usage distribution (social/search/media etc) Growth of Mobile vs Desktop Search Engines distribution (google bing yahoo msn) Online retail numbers To top it all off, I would also like to be able to show both worldwide and The Netherlands data. What is my best bet for some serious datamining ;)? Thanks in advance for helping me out!

    Industry News | | rickdronkers

  • My client has an existing domain, domain A. They recently purchased and absorbed another company with their own domain, domain B. For marketing purposes company B will be rebranded as company A. They want to redirect domain B to domain A. The problem is that company B has by far the more visible domain, with 4x the number of inbound links. If I redirect domain B to domain A, what will happen to these links? I'm thinking their value will be lost.

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

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