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  • Hello, and are listed under an error for having a duplicate page. They are in fact the same page. I'm wondering how I can remedy this. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | benfirth

  • Hi, For some reason every week or two I am changing the title tag of my main page. Each change takes place because I find new version better than the old one. Does this have any impact on my SEO results (I'm keeping the main keywords each time) ? If it has an impact is it positive or negative ? And should I stick to one title and not change it under any circumstances for long periods of time ? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | lolskizz

  • I have just had a page start ranking well in key SERP's and I would like to change the meta description and add a price as we are extremely competative in that line. Could changing the meta description now a page is ranking negatively impact the SERP placing? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hello there, we are creating the new content for a website. For each web page we have created a “Pages file” to have the advantage of the spell checker. For each page, in the “Pages file” we have written the title tag (70 characters) and the meta description (155 character), so we have a kind of “template” like this in every page: title tag meta desciption text content (included the alt of the images inside the text) Every page is optimized for a single keyword/keyword phrase. What we wanna know from you guys if does exist a kind of “best practice” to test keyword density to avoid keyword stuffing penalities. In our case we opted to use “Pages” as editor, does exist a “standard Numbers/Excel spreadsheet” to understand if a keyword is over optimized in a page and so might look spammy? And in your opinion guys, what’s the best way to standardize the process of creating optimized content? Take care and thank you in advance for sharing your experience. YESdesign guys.

    On-Page Optimization | | YESdesign

  • Hi everyone We are currently building some non-advertorial based mini sites the link to a main "money site", these mini sites are all run off wordpress or similar and have different designs, however all the WHOIS data remains under one company. So therefore I dont know if really you need different Class C IP's anymore as google et al will just look at the whois records and link the websites up that way? Is this tactic still worth doing? Thanks for any input!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOwins

  • How do I redirect this url:" width="114" height="50" alt="image"/></a> </div> <div class="c0 r"><a href="/m/imgres?q=short+holiday+treatments Thank you for your help.

    Technical SEO | | petrakraft

  • I have to change the permalink structure in wordpress, as using /%postname%/ in conjunction with a couple thousand pages triggers verbose rewrite rules, which further triggers about 5,000 requests per page load. The permalink structure must change as wordpress development probably won't change this in the near future. Now, changing the permalink structure worries me quite a bit, as about 25% of my traffic is attributed to my blog posts -- the rest is covered through CMS-like-use of pages (75%). blog posts will change permalink/url structure, pages won't The website is very respected in my niche and has quite a few links going to most of my posts and pages, as well as the homepage I've noticed in the last year that anything I post starts ranking on page 1 of Google for very competitive kws in 1-3 days, often with top 3 rankings PR4 / decent Alexa / Moz ranks not too shabby either / quality content / decent social media linking (mainly Facebook) / no penalties I provided the factors as to not gloat, but rather to get the best answer from those who have fairly established websites and perhaps had to change their URLs and noticed some or no changes to their rankings. How long of a hit am I going to take / how much my posts might drop down in SERPs if I change the permalink structure, properly 301 them, and implement all changes in one swoop? Info for WordPress users Benefits of changing the permalink structure to /%post_id%/%postname%/ -- for example -- include: way faster load times, not having 5,000 requests per page load, avoiding verbose rewrite rules trigger, finally modify the site without worrying about crashing the website and using a local server to make changes on thousands of pages (the database backups, the ritual of changing the settings in the local database, changing the post/page, saving the local database, loading the locally saved db on live server, and crossing fingers and pray it works -- just takes so darn long.) Ahh..yes, huge time saver. ** this issue occurs when using WP as a CMS with several hundred pages + and using the /%postname%/ or /%category%//%postname%/ or /somethingstatic/%postname%/ -- IF USING the date based way /%year%/%postname%/ or /%post_id%/%postname%/ you should be fine.

    Algorithm Updates | | pepsimoz

  • Hi Guys, Hope your all well and business is good. I have been going through and changing page titles for my site which is currently huge attracting massive amounts of traffic. However from my pro membership i have notice a lot of the rankings in Google search engine has decreased. I have been using a strategy that i read on SEOMoz which is; example Keyword | Page heading | company name Is this why? if so what is the best method? I have changed nothing else so far.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wazza1985

  • Does anybody know if there's any easy way to use the On-Page Optimisation tool on intranet or not publicly accessible pages? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | neooptic

  • Hi, I run - we also put out a print magazine every 2 months (the biggest disability magazine in Britain) This means we have loads of unique content (around 30 feature stories and 30 news stories every 2 months) Just wondering how I can use this to my advantage? I've been social bookmarking the feature stories (reddit, etc) and a link to all my unique stuff on facebook/twitter. Just wondering if there's anything else I should be doing? Thanks

    Content Development | | craven22

  • Looking at the Competitive Link Analysis report shows my domain outperforming my competitors on Domain MozRank, Domain MozTrust, total links, linking root domains, followed linking root domains, and linking c-blocks. But Domain Authority scores are very similar across all four sites with one competitor actually scoring higher than my domain. How should I unpick this result? I'm assuming that there must a problem with my link profile. Is that a valid assumption? Thanks, Tom fc7Ez.png

    Moz Pro | | trbaldwin

  • I got seomozpro so I could see a full list of backlinks for various websites. Not the top 25 most important etc, as I have different ideas on which are the most important. Is this possible?

    Moz Pro | | sjc

  • Hello, My site URL is and our site was ranked first page for over hundred keywords before March, 30. But all of a sudden, all the keywords on first page dropped to 5th or 6th page. When we search for our site name without ".com", the results appeared on first page are all from other sites. And our page can only be seen on 6th page. We think we have been penalized by Google. But we don't know the exact reason. Can anyone please help? Some extra info on our site: 1. We have been building links by posting blog, articles and PR. All the articles are unique, written by the writers we hire. It has been working fine all the time. We also varied the anchor text a lot. 2. We didn't make any change to the website. But one real problem with our site is that the server is very slow recently and when google crawl our website, many errors were found, mostly 503, 404 errors. And the total number of errors have reach to over 50,000. Do you think this might be a problem for Google not displaying us on first page? Our technicals are working hard to solve server problem. And if it is solved, shall our rankings be back? Please advise. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Milanoocom

  • Hi Mozers. WHat do you think, after panda-update, which is the best strategy to build links on Content, or blogspots, and it to website with a minimum PA40 and DA30  . . in which place is better to place, at the begining of article, or at the end of article, tell us some tips, if you are experiences on this section! Thanks,

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • I have a insurance wordpress blog that is not getting any visibility in Bing/Yahoo!  It's roughly 2 years old and has been indexed in all three major search engines.   It's doing alright in Google and actually showing some promising rankings.   But it's nowhere to be seen on Yahoo!/Bing for any insurance related phrases. Any ideas what's wrong?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Chadwickc2

  • After going through numerous post-algo update articles I find one price comparison site to have gone though unscratched - Question: What contributed to their success? Was it sheer domain authority, content quality, unique toolset... or something else?

    Algorithm Updates | | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hello, I'd like to redirect all versions of my homepage to so I force Google to see only one page. Is the below rewrites all I need? rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc] RewriteRule ^index.(htm|html) [R=301,L]RewriteRule ^(.*)/index.(htm|html)$1/ [R=301,L] Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Looked in the FAQ in the Keyword Difficulty tool but it didn't mention whether or not a higher % or lower % is better. I'm assuming that a higher % means that the keyword is more competitive, is that correct?

    Keyword Research | | kylesuss

  • So I am curious as to what benefits to each of these plugins would outweigh one or the other. I began using the Tweetmeme plugin for our main blog because it offered the option to use our own pro short code. +1 for branding. Plus I think there is some value in having your site and link on tweetmeme, but  I overheard that Twitter's own Tweet Button for blogs offers better SEO than the Tweetmeme for blogs. I am out of my area of expertise. Any thoughts?

    Content Development | | Thos003

  • Once you do an optimise / make some (hopefully positive!) changes to pages re keywords etc - how long does it take for you to move up the rankings  - if indeed you do actually  move up... I made some changes last week and see some slight movement this monday - can I expect more of a movement over a period of a few weeks?  Or does it take longer? Maybe tricky question to answer  but hopefully you know what I mean...

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • After getting the crawl diagnostics report for the first time my boss and I looked over it and we have tried to fix the problems but we are stumped.I have tried and watched videos , read books, etc.. but have found nothing to help. I need assistance getting started on improving my website. Can you help?

    Moz Pro | | WVInjuryLawyer

  • Hi there, I have chosen a keyword for a bunch of my top pages based on relevance, traffic, competition etc, and am tracking in the Tool - so far so good. The issue I am having is with picking a keyword or phrase for the home page - all the suitable keywords I seem to have been allocated to 1 particular sub pages - basically product pages... Anyone come across this issue?  Basically any keyword or phrase that I think might be suitable for the home page, I find a more precise page beneath the home page.... Help gratefully accepted!

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • I presently have a number of whitepapers that bring traffic to our site.  If a visitor elects to download the whitepaper they are taken to a lead form with an abstract of the whitepaper.  The abstract is present because the visitor may or may not have come to the lead form directly. I imagine this would be a "no no," but how do you feel about placing a canoncial tag on a whitepaper that points to the lead form w/ abstract? The obvious idea being to take the umph of a whitepaper to direction search visitors directly to the lead form.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | shoffy

  • Hello, I've been trying to figure out the best way to track traffic and sales for a subdomain mobile site and would appreciate any feedback or guidance. I've set up an advanced segment but have found that I'm not able to source traffic since the segments get disabled when trying to view top content pages. I've also setup an additional sub-profile under the main domain profile in google analytics and have set up an advanced filter using the following guildelines In the Profile Settings page, click the Add Filter link. Choose Add New Filter and provide the filter a name. Choose Custom Filter and select Advanced on the Filter type settings. Under Advanced settings: FieldA should be set to Hostname FieldB should be set to Request URI Set the values for both Field A and Field B to (.*), which is an expression that captures all characters. Set the Output To --> Constructor option to Request URI and provide $A1$B1 as the value for that choice. I'm unsure if I've set up the profile / filter correctly, the traffic stats are different than the segment.  The mobile profile is also tracking all ecommerce transactions instead of just mobile. Here's the code I have in place. we're using the Traditional code Thanks, Jamie

    Reporting & Analytics | |

  • I'm trying to set concrete goals around link building and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on what is reasonable to expect. If we are reaching out to 10 sites a day in a non-spammy, relevant way, is it reasonable to think that we'll get 5 links back, 2 links? I just don't know. Tips and tricks are welcome too!!

    Link Building | | ehorndahl

  • Let's say you operate a laptop review website.  After several years, the individual product review URL's (like aren't receiving much traffic, they may have a few links here and there. In general and considering the panda update, would the best option be to 301 the old URL's back to the category page ( just keep them where they are? Any potential issues like having excessive 301's which could slow down the site or appear fishy to search engines?

    On-Page Optimization | | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • I've had problems with a client that is a local medical center with multiple sites/addresses. We've created a Place Page for each location and linked it to the location page on the client's website that matches the address on the Place page.  But that means we're not linking to the medical center's home page -- and Google Places doesn't like that. I know this because after we'd owner-verified each Place Page, Google went in and just changed the website link that was a deep link to a location page and replaced it with a link to the home page. But now there's not an address match. How should we handle this? Related question:  Does it make sense to claim a separate listing in Yelp and other local directories for each of the separate locations since they each have a unique address?  Will Yelp & other local directories allow for links to non-home pages on the client's website?

    Image & Video Optimization | | DenisL

  • Why on earth did you say you could get a quality template designed and coded for a few hundred bucks?  Im a professional designer, I expect to make 75 an hour which is actually low. And you think I should be able to design and code a high quality wordpress site in a few hours. You are killing my business and encouraging people to hire low quality developers or take work out of America.  Im very offended by your comments.  Why dont you try living on 5 bucks an hour !! You just spit in the face of all good designers.

    Web Design | | compasslocal

  • I have a questions regarding I realize this ecommerce site is needs a lot of seo help. There’s plenty of obvious low hanging seo fruit.  On a high level, I see a very large SEO issue with the site architecture. The site is a full page flash experience that uses a # in the URL. The search engines pretty much see every flash page as the home page. To help with issue a HTML version of the site was created. Google crawls the Home Page - Marimekko category page (flash version) Marimekko category page (html version, need to have flash disabled) Here is the example of the issue. This site has a great post featuring Helen Marimekko shoes The post links to the flash Marimekko catagory page ( as I would expect (ninety something percent of visitors to have the required flash plug in). So the flash page is getting the link back juice. But the flash page is invisible to google. When I search for “converse marimekko” in google, the marimekko landing page is not in the top 500 results. So I then searched for “ marimekko” and see the HTML version of the landing page listed as the 4<sup>th</sup> organic result. The result has the html version of the page. When I click the link I get redirected to the flash Marimekko category page but if I do not have flash I go to the html category page. ----- Marimekko - Converse All Star Marimekko Price: $85, Jack Purcell Helen Marimekko Price: $75 ... - Cached So my issues are… Is converse skating on thin SEO ice by having a HTML and flash version of their site/product pages? Do you think it’s a huge drag on seo rankings to have a large % of back links linking to flash pages when google is crawling the html pages? Any recommendations on to what to do about this? Thanks, SEOsurfer

    Technical SEO | | seosurfer-288319

  • As we work with more local businesses, I'm looking for an efficient way to manage their information across all of the different local databases. site is

    Image & Video Optimization | | ScottFasser59

  • Hello , readers. I have been making a website and trying to promote it now. I have  these questions: Are Linkwheels still a good thing to do? Are they good to do for a new domain site? Thanks in advance

    Link Building | | voitenkos

  • I am trying to concentrate on high quality directory link building as part of my search for quality one way followed links. My usual criteria is: Domain rank of at 70+ Page ranks of 20-30+ on the actual link pages. Human edited I have been finding them using loads of different resources and have occasionally used Directory Critic. (Obviously I have used the SeoMoz directory list but as we are all aware this is past it’s prime..) Any resources or techniques other people use?

    Link Building | | JohnW-UK

  • Hi guys: What is the best way to keep Google from crawling certain urls with parameters? I used the setting in Webmaster Tools, but that doesn't seem to be helping at all. Can I use robots.txt or some other method? Thanks! Some examples are: <colgroup><col width="797"></colgroup> <colgroup><col width="797"></colgroup> <colgroup><col width="797"></colgroup>
    | |
    | |
    | | | |

    Technical SEO | | DanaDV

  • Hi! I don't have any idea about how many keywords is appropiate to include at a photograph's title, alternative text and description and how much does it affect to SEO. Could you help me? Thanks.

    Content Development | | juanmanolo

  • I'm getting a duplicate content error for: I searched for the Q&A for the solution and found: Access the.htaccess file and add this line: redirect 301 /default.htm I added the redirect to my .htaccess and then got the following error from Google when trying to access the page: "This webpage has a redirect loop
    The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer." "Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects." How can I correct this? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Joeuspe

  • I'm working on a site with a great deal of video content. We also have a youTube page.  I've recently created a site map and submitted to Google. I really want for our videos to show up in our search results, but so far, nothings happening. Site: Any advise to what's missing? Thanx in advance! annular-tear.php

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Aaronetics

  • Our Dreamweaver/manually coded website is becoming unwieldy at 100+ pages and is now being translated into four other languages, so clearly we need to move to a CMS. Given that some of us have a little experience with Joomla, that's what we're considering. My question:  with Joomla, or probably most other CMSs, I am assuming our url's will change.  Surely that will impact our google ranking, plus external links and so on. What can we do about this?

    International SEO | | databoroughseo

  • Hi - I run a hobby related niche new / article / resource site ( which has been heavily impacted by the Panda update. Honestly I have no idea why my Google rankings dropped off. I've hired 2 different SEO experts to look into it and no one has been able to figure it out.  My link profile is totally white hat and stronger then the majority of my competitors, I have 4000+ or so pages of unique, high quality content, am a Google News source, and publish about 5 new unique articles every day. I ended up deleting a 100 or so thin video pages on my site, did some url reorganization (using 301s), and fixed all the broken links.  That appeared to be helping as my traffic was returning to normal. Then the bottom dropped out again.  Since Saturday my daily traffic has dropped by 50%.  I am really baffled at this point as to what to do so any help would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks, Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MikeATL

  • My first YOUMoz post was published the other day and I got some pretty good feedback in the comments. I was wondering what topic, tip or insight would people like to see from a YOUMoz post? I want to start a new one but have some writer's block, if there's anything out there someone would really like to see, I would love to run with an idea.

    Industry News | | DanDeceuster

  • We are getting ready to add a WordPress blog to our established website.  Our plans are to place it in a subfolder on our website to maximize rank.  My question is...Do we need to utilize a Meta Robots WordPress plugin by Yoast or similar so that noindex,follow robots meta tags will prevent search engine indexing of search result pages, subpages and category archives? We want to avoid the dreaded Duplicate Content Error and penalty. Any other great SEO WordPress plugins? Thank you for your time. Brian

    Content Development | | gw3seo

  • Rands slide deck titled 10 Steps to Effective SEO & Rankings from InfusionCon2011 on slide 82 recommends content syndication as a method for building traffic and links.  How is this any different than article marketing?  He gave an example of this using a screenshot of this search result for "headsmacking tip discussion." All of those sites that have republished SEOmoz's content are essentially autoblogs that post ONLY content generated by other people for the purpose of generating ad clicks from their organic traffic.  We know that Google has clearly taken a position against these types of sites that offer no value.  We hear Matt Cutts say to stay away from article marketing because you're just creating lots of duplicate content. Seems to me that "syndication" is just another form of article marketing that spreads duplicate content throughout the web.  Can someone help me understand the difference? By the way, the most interesting one I saw in those results was the syndicated article on!.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | summitseo

  • Out of habit, I've always put a "-" or dash to separate items in the title tag. However, I've noticed that more and more sites are using either a ":" or "|" in the title.  Is there one that is better to use than the other?

    Technical SEO | | beeneeb

  • Hi!! I am launching a newly recoded site this week and had a another noobie question. The URL structure has changed slightly and I have installed a 301 redirect to take care of that. I am wondering how Google will handle my "old" pages? Will they just fall out of the index? Or does the 301 redirect tell Google to rewrite the URLs in the index? I am just concerned I may see an "old" page and a "new" page with the same content in the index. Just want to make sure I have covered all my bases. Thanks!! Lynn

    Technical SEO | | hiphound

  • One of my clients has an odd domain redirect situation. See if you can get your head round this: Domain A is set-up as a domain alias of Domain B Entering domain A or domain B takes you to default.asp on domain B. The default.asp includes VB script to check the HTTP_HOST variable. It checks whether the main doman name for domain A is present in the HTTP_HOST and if so redirects it to domain A/sub-folder/index.htm. If not present it redirects to domain B/index.htm. In both cases the redirect uses a response.Redirect clause. I think what is trying to be achieved is to redirect requests to Domain A to a sub-folder of Domain B. It works but seems extremely convoluted. Can anyone see problems with this set-up? Will link juice be lost along the redirect paths?

    Technical SEO | | bjalc2011

  • Hello, Do you know if there is anything you can do against a copycat website? By copycat I mean a website which uses our brand / domain name to steal our brand traffic. The reason I ask is a new site recently launched with which is optimised to take some of our brand traffic: Site tile -<ourbrandname></ourbrandname> Description - For when I need <ourbrandname></ourbrandname> They gave no physical address or email addresses to funnel customers through an enquiry form which got me suspesious so when I checked the IP address in the MOZ Toolbar and did a WhoIs check on the IP address it brought up one of our main competitors websites. Anyone got an experiences of this and know what can be done?

    Branding | | RikkiD22

  • While I've seen a lot of news about Google cleaning up content farms, link farms, and similar spam, I've also seen some companies start ranking very well for niche terms using these same practices. Question: Does Google completely discount links from content farms and similar sites or simply give them low value? Observation: I've seen a company start ranking well (top 3) for several terms when they used be on page 2. When I looked at their links, they are from article farms, directories, do-follow blogs and similar low-vale sources.  Relative to others, they have about 10x the volume of links with the precise anchor text they are targeting. I wonder in absence of other information that these spammy links still count for something.  Given the low competition for the term, this is enough to boost their rank. Just thoughts some thoughts as we are working on long-tail strategies for some key terms.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | |

  • I have read through the many articles regarding the use of Meta Noindex, but what I haven't been able to find is a clear explanation of when, why or what to use this on. I'm thinking that it would be appropriate to use it on: legal pages such as privacy policy and terms of use
    search results page
    blog archive and category pages Thanks for any insight of this.

    Technical SEO | | mmaes

  • I have a nice simple question to ask all you mozzers out there, specifically if you work for a web design/digital agency. Does your agency get any new business clients through your SEO and CRO efforts? I'm asking this to try and build up a qualitative data set. I am responsible for all SEO and CRO at our agency for all clients along with our own website. Having increased traffic by over 200% in the last 12 months, and obtaining page one of Google for all our targeted keywords, we are still without any new business or ROI. We are fortunate enough to get a lot of great clients via word of mouth, a great sales team and client retention, I'd really like to know what the bigger picture is here? If I get enough data back, I'll make it into my first Youmoz post and share all the data with everyone :¬) I've now added a survey so you answer anonymously: There are only 5 questions in all, your time is greatly appreciated. Any feedback gladly welcomed. Regards Sean

    Industry News | | Yozzer

  • Hello, Im gathering data to complete the spreadsheet found here (using Ben's). A lot of the data can be gathered from open site explorer, the moz tool bar or via the key previded but where is the quickest place to gather the below info or is a lot of it manual gathering? Lk RDs KW Usage LDA Score Xct Anc. Txt Links Xct Anc. Txt RDs Part Anc. Txt Links Part. Anc Txt RDs Domain # Linking RDs Tweets FB Shares Blog Links

    Competitive Research | | RikkiD22

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