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  • Hello everybody, For some reason, both the google crawler and the SEO Moz crawler are not picking up a twitter account I am using with my site. Maybe I am doing something wrong? My website is and the twitter account is!/compare4me Thanks in advance.

    Social Media | | compare4me

  • This page has not been crawled for five months: 1/2 that time it was linked to from the homepage of a pr5 site: Why is this the case?

    Reporting & Analytics | | tylerfraser

  • I was wondering if the location of our domain registrar still play a role in SEO. The thing is that one of our domains are registered with a registrar in another country. It is a national TLD (.no). Could this have any influence on our rankings? The reason for asking is that i came across this article at Search Engine Journal: saying: "
    Hosting is not the only variable Google may look at when determining search relevance for a site, here is a look at hosting, domain registrar information and geographic location." I was wondering if what is said here, still is valid (article is from 2007). Hope you guys can help me out.

    Technical SEO | | AndersS

  • Hi guys! You must get many questions about external links... This is mine. If I get an external link with good authority ranking in google, but it is not relevant to the site (for example, my site is about marquees, but we could get links from schools, which are our main clients, or any type of client) Does that affect negatively somehow to the rankings? or there is good value on it even is not related? Thanks! Adriana

    Link Building | | extrememarquees

  • I use wordpress as CMS on a few sites and I noticed that word press automattically places 301s if I change a url etc. I believe it does it by having the following in the .htaccess file: BEGIN WordPress<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Should I use this? I feel like it limits my control over the 301s.

    Technical SEO | | mmaes

  • My on page report card gives me an "A" in every category but "link cannibalization". The key word is I am targeting is "home care". It says my links to "home care blog" and "in home care agency locator" are cannibalizing my home page. Am I indeed causing problems by using these modified versions of the keyword? Also is it okay to have the link "home care" for the home link in the main navigation bar? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | mmaes

  • We have several sites on the same server. On the weekend we relocated some servers, changing IP address. A client has since noticed something freaky with the meta tags. 1. They search for their companyname, and another site from the same server appears in position 1. It is completely unrelated, has never happened before, and the company name is not used in any incoming text links. Eg search for  company1 on Google. appears at position 2, but at position1 is   The words company1 don't appear anywhere on the site. I've analysed all incoming links with a gazillion tools, and can't find any link text of company1, linking to school1. 2. Even more freaky, searching for at Google. The results at Google in position 1 for the last three days has been: Meta Title for school1 (but hovering/clicking actual goes to URL for company1)
    Meta Description for school1
    URL for Clicking on the cached copy of result1, it shows a cached version of school1 taken on March 18. Today is 29 March. Logically we are trying to get Google to spider both sites again quickly. We've asked the clients to update their home pages. Resubmitted xml sitemaps. Checked the HTTP status codes - both are happily returning 200s. Different cookies. I found another instance on a forum: Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | ozgeekmum

  • Hi there, When searching my keyword I found the "same page" twice in the SERP's. The URL's look like this: Page 1: Page 2:**?ss=facebook** The ?ss=facebook is caused by a bookmark button inserted in some of our product pages. My question is... will the canonical tag do to solve this? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Nobody1556552953909

  • I've noticed the sites that rank above me for certain phrases are much larger than I am. Here are the results of the 'site:' command for the top 6 results for a phrase I want to rank for (yes, I know that 'site' is not exact): 32,600 pages 8,760,000 pages (wikipedia) 684 pages 148 pages (domain name equal to search phrase) 1400 pages 120 pages (my site) Now, I appreciate that larger sites have more stuff to link to, and therefore have more juice flowing to them from external links. BUT, is it also true that they are generating lots of internal juice by having so many pages? I've looked at the PageRank algorithm and understand that the max page rank for a site (with no external links) is based on the number of pages of that site and how well linked they are). My question is: based on all the experts here, is number of pages in the site an important factor (assuming good on-page SEO), or does it really come down to number of external links (from relevant sites with appropriate anchor text, of course)? Can a small site with tons of external links rank above much larger sites? Has anyone beaten Wikipedia for a phrase they were targeting? How did you do it? Thanks!

    Link Building | | scanlin

  • I recently began working at a company called Uncommon Goods.  I ran a few different spider emulators on our homepage ( and I saw a 404 Error on as well as URL errors on Summit Media's emulator and SEOMoz's crawler. It seems there is a serious problem here. How is this affecting our site from an SEO standpoint? What are the repercussions? Also, I know we have a lot of javascript on our this causing the 404? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks! -Zack

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • Dear folks, I will start link building for my all new site and would greatly appreciate your opinion about some questions: 1.) How many links would you in my place seed per day? I plan to start with directory links and sincere, useful contributions in blogs and forums, with my URL in the signiture. 2.) Natural anchor text distribution:
    My brand ist the same as my main targeted keywords "Buy Hosting". However, I also want to have a natural looking link profile, so I would seed links like "Click here" or "Windows Hosting" or "Webhosting" as well. How would you distribute die Anchor Text Precentage ?
    E.g. (60% Buy Hosting - 10% Windows Hosting - 10% Click here - 10% Joomla Hosting - 10% Hosting Reviews)? Does that make sense or is that already spammy? 3.) How many No-Follow links would you seed (in %)?
    4.) How many links (in %) would you seed to subpages, instead of the main page? Are there larger margins for Keywords, that eqal the Domain/Brand Name, without being conted as spam? Is there a good article about the natural distribution of anchor texts? Your input is greatly appreciated and thoroughly considered.
    Thank you and kind regards

    Link Building | | ie4mac

  • Has anyone demonstrated measurable value from routinely tagging your posts? I am of the mindset that what is good for a user/reader is good for SEO and therefore the posts should be tagged. I wanted to see if anyone else had specific experience to the positive or negative.

    Content Development | | SWKurt

  • I am curious to know if adding a rel = "canonical" tag to the end of a link element will affect its purpose?

    On-Page Optimization | | Sharecare

  • Google analytics shows me that this: is my "top content page" This page doesn't redirect to my root domain: IT tells me that "/default.aspx" can not redirect to my domain. I am told: "You can only redirect deeper into the site." We have had an ongoing issue with duplicate content (that we are in the process of correcting). Anyone with experience in redirecting that can help? Any advice welcome

    Technical SEO | | QuickLearnTraining

  • I have been suffering majorly from the Google algo change, as I lost more than 50% of my traffic of my largest site. Since then I have been focusing on rewriting pages, and adding new ones. New pages are all of high quality up to 2,000 words each, and the improved pages used to be thin content pages, rewritten to about 1,000 words. All content is 100% unique. I have noticed Google still has the old pages cached, dated to more than a month back, despite new pages (linking to some of the old) being indexed. Anyway, I am pretty much desperate by now, and coul really use some advice how to fight this. FYI, I got some budget available and a writer stand-by. Thanks, Giorgio

    Content Development | | VisualSense

  • Hi everyone. I realise this may appear to be a bit of an obtuse question, but that's only because it is an obtuse question. What I'm after is a cataloguing of opinion - what reasons have SEOs had to implement noindex or add pages to their robots.txt on the sites they manage?

    On-Page Optimization | | digitalstream

  • I recently have taken a new position responsible for three large national retail sites which are all owned by one parent organization.  Through a series of acquisitions, these three major brands have been brought under one umbrella and a brand consolidation is likely not to happen within the next 2-4 years.  I have a number of questions I’m hoping to get some feedback on, but first a little more background is necessary. A year ago (before my time) the three sites were over-hauled, but were designed to use one common custom CMS and all of the navigation and nearly all the content is the same (with some exceptions, such as tags, url, etc.).  All of the brands have identical products and services; however, each one services a different demographic in the US.  The design was intended for ease of management, but is terrible for seo.  Additionally, without the geographic reference, they all compete for the same keywords.  They have now begun a very large ecommerce project utilizing an ATG platform.  The initial direction is to use one platform for all three brands, but keep them on separate domains and with the use of basic switching, replace nominal content such as logos and references of the brands for each of the domains.    I’m concerned with this approach and would like to hear your feedback.. When optimizing a page for one keyword set, are they likely to be filtered due to dup content?  The argument that management has is that all three current sites rank very well for one keyword on all three sites.  They feel it won’t be an issue due to this. One option, that is currently still available, is to tri-band one ecommerce site, but it would have to be on an entirely new domain.  The other three domains are very well established and are PR6s.  Management, and even I, is afraid to abandon these other domains, but having a single domain would allow us to have unique content and really leverage all efforts to one domain. Thoughts? Any knowledge or thoughts what kind of impact having three domains on one ATG platform will be? Thanks much! John If you feel it will help, please message me and I can share the urls... Also, how would you handle a company blog in this case?

    Web Design | | kavaliauskas

  • Greeting, Currently I have noticed that Google is starting to index our internal search page results.  Should I block those pages in our robot txt file or have you ever heard of any websites that actually gained traffic or rank by letting Google index those pages? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Tonyd23

  • Hey folks, Do you all remember the developer's SEO cheat sheet? It's super awesome. But it's also a little old. What super awesome ideas do you have for the updated version? What should we include? What should we take out? Any developers around - what SEO knowledge would you most like to see in a cheat sheet? Thanks!

    SEO Learn Center | | TomCritchlow

  • Google considers some companies "brands" or stronger "brands" than other sites. What are the best ways to show Google you are an actual brand, not a fly by night eCom?

    Branding | |

  • I didn't know where to look, maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Are there any resources on for finding seo firms that will handle outsource work?

    Link Building | | yougotmymoney1

  • I own two domain names, and I set up my site at Initially I wanted to keep the full "business" in the domain name as I thought it would be good for SEO. I'm now thinking it would be a lot better to have a shorter domain and I do own the domain (which is currently forwarding to If I flip that around, forward with a 301 redirect to, what are the implications? How long will I lose link juice with the 301 redirects? Does shortening business to biz help for URL length or usability? Thanks for any input!

    Keyword Research | | gregalam

  • Hi guys, I am working on a recently rebuilt website, which has some duplicate content issues that are more nuanced than usual. I have a plan of action (which I will describe further), so please let me know if it's a valid plan or if I am missing something. Situation: The client is targeting two types of users: business leads (Type A) and potential employees (Type B), so for each of their 22 locations, they have 2 pages - one speaking to Type A and another to Type B. Type A location page contains a description of the location. In terms of importance, Type A location pages are secondary because to the Type A user, locations are not of primary importance. Type B location page contains the same description of the location plus additional lifestyle description. These pages carry more importance, since they are attempting to attract applicants to work in specific places. So I am planning to rank these pages eventually for a combination of Location Name + Keyword. Plan: New content is not an option at this point, so I am planning to set up canonical tags on both location Types and make Type B, the canonical URL, since it carries more importance and more SEO potential. The main nuance is that while Type A and Type B location pages contain some of the same content (about 75%-80%), they are not exactly the same. That is why I am not 100% sure that I should canonicalize them, but still most of the wording on the page is identical, so... Any professional opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Please help me decide the benefit (from an SEO perspective) of hosting a company blog externally (either on blogger or self-setup external domain) or hosting on company's website.

    Content Development | | bcmull

  • i'm trying to rank the site for the New York City area. I managed to have the site rank pretty good (the site is less than 6 months old) for keyphrases with NYC, New York and Manhattan but i don't understand how to get the site rank higher for the ones without those keywords. For example: Appliance repair NYC - rank 1 Appliance Repair New york - rank 4 Appliance repair (without location) not in results Anyone can help me please? 🙂 Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | atohad

  • I am using MODx as a CMS on a site and trying to eliminate duplicate page titles.[~897~] which is really {~897~} its a resource number. How can I resolve this issue when its all one page in the CMS? thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | tjsherrill

  • Is there a tool that can give me % of duplicate content when comparing two pieces of content that are not Live on the web? Like copyscape but for content that may not be indexed by copyscape or not live on the web? Does Word or any other program allow you do do this?

    Moz Pro | | bozzie311

  • Yes, that's what I'm working on now. As you might already know / have guessed, gambling is not a really well regarded source of enterntainment amongst... well, amongst 90% of the world popppulitaion, yet there is a huge market for both online casinos and affiliate sites. I believe it to be the second biggest internet market after porn, so, yes, we live in a weird world. Honest linkbuilding is almost impossible, there's really few people that would dare to post an entry on their reputated blog of the "check this out, my friend's new casino site" kind, neither placing on their site a nicely anchored back-link. We also do CMS web-development, but, of course, not a single client has accepted to keep a link to our casino site in their footer. We have tried some link-baiting technics with interesting content by sending it to news aggregators, but most of the feedback we get (after the users read our url) is of the: "gonna downvote the h*** out of you lousy spammer!" kind. Our site doesn't look dodgy at all, we intended to get rid of the sordid look that most affiliate sites sport, and I think that we succeded. (Here it is, if you guys wanna take a look ). So here we are, out in the cold, developing our own "satellite sites", working hard in the seo for all of our other sites, giving away free drupal templates that carry an uncloacked link to us in the footer... all the classics. So, any nice feedback on how to get sweet white-hat links in such a complicated market will be strongly appreciated. Hope you can pardon both my rather long question and pretty poor english 🙂

    Affiliate Marketing | | castano

  • Hey all. Here's the scenario.  I have this pretty trusted site with a relatively high PR.  The navigation menu has around 300 links.  But this is because it is a CSS menu that drills down into subcategories. Now, would restricting the amount of links in this menu be beneficial?  I am not worried about any subcategory pages not being crawled or indexed, but I am concerned that subcategory pages will not receive as high of PageRank if they are not linked to directly from the home page, thereby lowering the ranking potential.  Even with new pages that are created they receive a PR of 5 if linked to from the home page. But I'm also thinking that toning down the menu size would be beneficial by funneling more PageRank to category pages and increasing the likelihood of ranking for some core head/middle terms. I have seen sites that externalize the menu in JavaScript files and disallow it in Robots.txt to prevent too much PageRank from linking out, but SEO isn't really a one-solution-fits-all in my experience. I may try a test.  Externalizing the menu may also increase the relevance for pages because I won't have a bunch of other content on the page not relevant to that page's specific keywords. Anyone with experience in this arena?  I would love to hear your input. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JeremyNelson58

  • I am trying to manage DSEO for a client. The question is: would blocking a page listing from my client's Google Sitelinks cause that blocked sitelink page to be independently listed in the rankings and therefore potentially stuff a negative listing further down the rankings? Or would the blocked sitelink not show up at all in the SERPs

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bcmull

  • Still a bit confused on best practice for /index.php showing up as duplicate for What do I need to do and How?

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • Hi guys - I have a client who are recently experiencing a great deal of more traffic to their site. As a result, their web development agency have given them a server upgrade to cope with the new demand. One thing they have also done is put all website scripts, CSS files, images, downloadable content (such as PDFs) - onto a 3rd party server (Amazon S3). Apparently this was done so that my clients server just handles the page requests now - and all other elements are then grabbed from the Amazon s3 server. So basically, this means any HTML content and web pages are still hosted through my clients domain - but all other content is accessible through an Amazon s3 server URL. I'm wondering what SEO implications this will have for my clients domain? While all pages and HTML content is still accessible thorugh their domain name, each page is of course now making many server calls to the Amazon s3 server through external URLs ( I imagine this will mean any elements sitting on the Amazon S3 server can no longer contribute value to the clients SEO profile - because that actual content is not physically part of their domain anymore. However what I am more concerned about is whether all of these external server calls are going to have a negative effect on the web pages value overall. Should I be advising my client to ensure all site elements are hosted on their own server, and therefore all elements are accessible through their domain? Hope this makes sense (I'm not the best at explaining things!)

    Technical SEO | | zealmedia

  • I recently checked rank-tracking of a client's search-phrases. In Google UK variations of 2 almost identical search phrases dropped 30 places for one of these and jumped 30 places for the other. The only difference between the 2 phrases being the site's location (city) was placed first in phrase A and last in Phrase B. There were no technical or content changes on-site- How can this be?

    Keyword Research | | vibelingo

  • Hello, A bit of an open question to start the week... What do you think are the key differences between Google's mobile search and web search algorithms? Obviously greater importance on site speed for mobile search!?

    Algorithm Updates | | A_Q

  • Hi, We have a customer with a website in EN, FR and ES. They used Joomfish, so each language is in a subdirectory : sitename/en sitename/fr sitename/es and they want their website to be well placed on the web for all that languages and countries: English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. It is a website for specific affiliation, that's why there is no barriers. What I need to do to use the best way SEOmoz. For the moment I created one campaign following Google US, google Germany and Google France. To go deeper, I would need to create different campaigns in my account? And also, your robot will be able to recognize the different subdirectories and languages? And to improve the SEO of this website, it wouldn't be better to have 3 domains name, one for each country? Thanks a lot in advance for your answer, Anne

    Moz Pro | | ahernoux

  • ...and what is the SEO benefit of this? This video from Matt Cutts suggests using file extentions, except for a directory.

    On-Page Optimization | | magicrob

  • Our site has the largest selection of dog clothes on the Internet. We're been (every so slowly) creeping up in the rankings for the "dog clothes" term, but for some reason only rank for our home page. Even though the home page (and every page on the domain) has links pointing to our specific Dog Clothes page, that page doesn't even rank anywhere when searching Google with "dog clothes".,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f4efcaa1b8c328f Pages 2+ of product results from that page rank, but not the base page. It's not excluded in robots.txt, All on site links to that page use the same URL. That page is loaded with more text that includes the keywords. I don't believe there's duplicated content. What am I missing? Has the page somehow been penalized?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BBPets

  • Hey, really need some help deciding what to do... I have a site, its my oldest and best site of my network and accounts for maybe 30-40% of my income. Although its a site, it actually makes most of its from from USA traffic and targets many terms for the US market - but the problem is that due to it being a it doesnt rank as well in G .com and over the last few years Google has defiantly widened the gap as such for the ability for a to rank in G .com. Many terms that I used to be #1 for in G .com, I now rank position 5-10 only, but in G I'm #1 and often with a duo listing so I wouldnt put the loss of rankings in G .com down to just losing rankings naturally. Now many of my key pages are gradually losing rankings in G .com which is not good and really frustrating Feedback Needed So my dilemma is do I risk my best site and 301 it to a .com hosted in the US for potential at a guess 50% increase in revenues and more future potential (If the 301 worked well and got some US rankings back - Im sure longtail would increase lots too) ? If people with experience with 301ing sites to a new domain could let me know how they did or if you're an SEO and have done this many times, how many times on average has Serps remained stable / unchanged ? Trying to work out the reward to risk ratio, like on average if the transition is seamless 90% of the time it would seem worth the gamble, but if its 50% then I would say its not worth it.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | goody2shoes

  • Hi, In the Netherlands, the SEO competition for terms like loans is very competitive. I see a website in this industry that seems to be doing very well based on links with good anchor text from sites that seem quite worthless to me, such as: and My question is: is it worth pursuing this type of links? I assume these must be paid links, or am I wrong? I'd really rather not go down this route but I don't want to be outranked by someone who is using these types of links... Many thanks in advance for any type of insight! Annemieke

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AnnemiekevH

  • For in which we mostly only care about Greenvile and Spartanburg counties in SC.  Is <title>Patio designs - Water features - Brick patio by Blue Dot Landscaping</title>
    good... or  or do you prefer... <title>Patio designs - Water features - Brick patio  - Greenville, Spartanburg, Simpsonville</title> Thanks for your help, Rich

    Web Design | | SCyardman

  • I have a health insurance lead gen domain. One of the keywords I want to rank for are "student health insurance". If I have a related keyword like "aetna student health insurance", is it better to include that keyword and backlinks with that anchor text to my "student health insurance" page or do a separate page for that keyword?

    Link Building | | yougotmymoney1

  • Hi, looking for some advice on the structure for a relatively small site (around 200 pages). I'd like a structure where we can talk about our services as well as write blog articles on topics that relate to our services. We'll have loads more content in the blog area than in the services area. I was thinking of this: option 1: /services /services/copywriting
    /services/press-releases etc. and categories for articles where we'd give tips, talk about trends etc. /copywriting
    etc. would it be better to have a different structure, say: option 2: /copywriting
    /copywriting/articles OR option 3: /copywriting-services
    /copywriting-blog OR option 4: /services/copywriting
    /blog/copywriting OR is there another, better way perhaps? Of course the internal anchor text links to the services/blog articles pages will be tuned to try and make it clear what each section is about i.e. our services vs. industry trends/comments/tips for the blog.

    On-Page Optimization | | JaspalX

  • How many meta tags are appropriate? There is a page that ranks above me that has many more than I do. It has (I have removed the content of each to give a description of the type of content): I only use meta tags for keywords and description, robots. Should I have more? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • I noticed on a site that ranks above me for 'keyphrase" that they have two similar tags in their area: <title>keyphrase</title> I've used the first (<title>) on all my pages. I've not used the 2nd at all. Should I? I'm trying to optimize mostly for Google. I found this article but looking for opinions from the experts here...</p> <p>Also, does it matter if the <title> tag is the 1st thing after the <head> tag or is anywhere withing <head> okay?</p> <p>Thanks.</p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • I've just had a look at the crawl diagnostics and my site comes up with duplicate page content and duplicate titles. I noticed that the url all has %5C at the end which I've never seen before. Does anybody know what that means?

    Moz Pro | | Greg80

  • I've built a couple of small tools that I use personally, maybe 2 or 3 times per day. Both tools scrape the top 10 results from Google and provide more details about each domain (like the SEOMoz Keyword Difficulty Tool). Google seem to have banned my IP address for automated searches... can anyone tell me a safe way of scraping the google results? Is there a suitable API for this? How do SEO Moz do this on such a huge scale?

    Competitive Research | | cmaddison

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