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  • Hi, I don't know why the mozrank of my website turn to zero suddenly.After that night,the mozrank is 0 for months and never change. What happen?  I hope can find the answer here. My website is goodbuycn

    Moz Pro | | buycn

  • Bit of an unusual one for me - appreciate your thoughts... I did an SEO audit for a potential client last week and discovered that 3 of their top 10 strongest inbound links (reported from OSE) are blatantly paid links from those "Link Bid Directories". The links were created mid-last year, so reasonably recent. Strange thing is that they have been using a highly reputable SEO agency for several years who do NOT engage in link buying - so I'm pretty sure it is not their SEO agency buying these links. Also - the link anchor texts are the company name - not a target keyword - so I suspect they either: a) have someone internally in the company who thinks they are "helping" by buying links - or, b) in my most paranoid fantasies, a competitor is setting them up for a Google smack (very long bow, I know!) Anyway my questions are: If I decide to take on this client, should I DO anything about these links? These link are almost certainly currently "working" to pass link juice and I don't believe the site has been penalised (yet!) for them. I suspect when these links are switched off, the site will drop in rankings so my thoughts are to just ignore them and proceed with a normal link building campaign in the hope that if (when) the links are killed we will be OK. Is there a "safe" way to report them to Google? By which I mean, let Google know to ignore these links and NOT penalise US for them being there. Is there a way to get the links removed given that we don't control the accounts that created them? Oh - and feel free to comment on my paranoid fantasies 🙂 Have you ever seen paid links appear that you KNOW didn't come from you? Thanks! Steve

    Link Building | | steveovens

  • Hello, I am currently number 1 for a competitive keyword - so don't want to push the wrong button and self destruct! My site is highly focused on one relatively narrow niche with about 50-60 pages of content bang on topic. I was wondering if Google will discredit my site in any way if I start adding pages that are** 'loosely related' **to the overall theme of my niche. Some of them are what you might call sister concepts with maybe one mention of my target keyword in the body..... Does the algo value what percentage of the whole site's content is on/ off topic? If so how important is this as a factor? Thanks a lot

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | philipjterry

  • I'm looking to do some competitive research on the top ranking sites in my niche.  How can I get a list of the number of backlinks that come from distinct C-Class IP addresses?  I don't see this anywhere in the OSE data.  Thanks.

    Competitive Research | | stevenmusumeche

  • Hi - I run a hobby related niche new / article / resource site ( One of the most critical components of the site is our product database. We don't actually sell anything directly - instead we monetize them by displaying relevant affiliate product feeds and price comparisons. However since the Panda update was implemented in February my traffic (particularly my long tail, product related traffic) has dropped off considerably. I had about a 20% drop in overall traffic, but have made up some of the ground in the past week.  However I want to know once and for all how I should structure my product related information as I have a ton of great content that is ready to be published in this section but want to be sure I structure it the best possible way from a SEO standpoint. Here are a few different options I've come up with for displaying information about products on my site. For the purpose of these examples I am going to refer to all of the information that makes up my product pages collectively as "product profiles". Please let me know which is the best SEO wise (or if you have a better way of doing it let me know): - Option 1 - Current Method - Divide Content Sections into different pages / urls Example: This is how the majority of my product profiles are currently structured. I did this to improve load times and to keep the total number of links per page down. In addition to the core product profile subpages: "Product Details","Compare Prices", **"**Product Review", "Hot Auctions", and "Checklists", I have the Checklists area further segmented by subset, each of which is on its own page that is only accessible through the main Checklists tab of the profile. - Option 2 - Everything on one url / page the old fashioned way, with everything available by scrolling vertically. This would make the page go on forever though. - Option 3 - Everything on one url / page, but visually segmented using css / javascript tabs. Example: I looked at the source code and all the page text is there, so it looks like it would be spider-able but you tell me. Or would another method of tabbing be better? My site is wordpress based so the functionality comes from a plugin. - Option 4 - Use post tabs that are technically all on the same page, but make each individual tab be accessible through its own suburl, all of which share the same core canonical url. Example: Clicking on any of the individual tabs will result in something like ?postTabs=2 being appended to the core url.  Example: Any input would be greatly appreciated asap! Thanks Mike

    Web Design | | MikeATL

  • Hi all, One of my sites lost it's rankings on December 15th last year. eg a search for "nieuwspion" shows the site at about #75 I can't figure out what could be wrong... no paid links, it's not the farmer/panda algo wich came up only this year... G.webmastertools is saying: i get 18.052 links from (anchor "nieuwsspion" to a sub-page) and 7.910 links from but i don't see those in Open Site Explorer, and they shouldn't harm me as far as i understand? Any input very much appreciated, Elgoog

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | elgoog

  • Hi guys, I hope somebody can help me figure this out. On one of my sites I set the charset to UTF-8 in the content-type meta-tag. The file itself is also UTF-8. If I type german special chars like ä, ö, ß and the like they get displayed as a tilted square with a questionmark inside. If I change the charset to iso-8859-1 they are getting displayed properly in the browser but services like twitter are still having the issues and stop "importing" content once they reach one of those specialchars. I would like to avoid having to htmlencode all on-page content, so my preference would be using UTF-8.. You can see it in action when you visit this URL for example:ßball-reichen-nicht_1045?charset=utf-8 Remove the ?charset parameter and the charset it set to iso-8859-1. Hope somebody has an answer or can push me into the right direction. Thanks in advance and have a great day all. Jan

    Technical SEO | | jmueller

  • I work for a number of clients on linkbuilding campaigns, and I follow and recommend to clients a white hat "quality" linkbuilding approach. This has achieved great results for my clients but I often get questions such as. Q. What is better for us - £100 for a mozrank 4 placement vs £200 for a mozrank 5 placement? I am trying to build a numeric way of showing cost of placing a link (via article mainly) vs the mozrank / authority of the site its placed on. The key to working this out though is knowing how much more value there is between the different quality of sites, and what are the key factors to build into the formula. Ideally the output we will get is a linkbuilding effect cost which shows the cost per impact of a placement. A highly simplified formula (that wouldn't work)  therefore would be Cost / mozrank If we look at mozrank being 8 times higher between levels, how does this correlate with the value of the link from sites at those different levels? We know that we will never have a correct formula for this but we are striving to get a formula which helps us to plan and evaluate different site opportunities at different costs. I would love to know anybody’s thoughts on this, Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • My site has a Google penalty. I seem to be stuck in the 64th position for a Google search for my sites name. All my keywords that I used to rank well for are now well above the 60th search place in Google. I have resolved the issue I recieved the penalty for and I have asked Google for reconsideration. That has been about 3 months ago.  The penalty is still firmly in place. I was wondering if anyone else has had a Google algorithmic penalty removed and if so how did they accomplish this?

    Industry News | | tadden

  • Hi everyone, I'm currently using the trial of seomoz and I absolutely love what I'm seeing.  However, I have 2 different websites (one has over 10,000 pages and one has about 40 pages).  I've noticed that the smaller website is crawled every few days.  However, the larger site hasn't been crawled in a few days.  Although both campaigns state that the sites won't be crawled until next Monday, is there any way to get the crawl to start sooner on the large site? The reason that I've asked is that I've implemented some changes that will likely decrease the amount of pages that are crawled simply based upon the recommendations on this site.  So, I'm excited to see the potential changes. Thanks, Brian

    Moz Pro | | beeneeb

  • (No, I am not posting this thread to help me create linkbait. grin) Great seminar! Just got back from the drinks and networking at Muriel's (was that a cool location or what!?) and thought I'd start a discussion thread on here, since I don't see one yet. What was the biggest thing you learned/got from this seminar? For me, it was all the tips and tactics to create and promote linkbait.

    Industry Events | | AdamThompson

  • Google has the results that appear at the top of the search results when searching for a product that shows stores. I was trying to figure out some good ways to get yourself noticed as a store to Google. I have attached an image of what I am talking about What do you guys think? Thanks! arPjm

    Technical SEO | | Gordian

  • A friend who is a software developer asked this question regarding the directory portion of the url: Is it better to use dashes or underscores? I know in the domain name Matt Cutts recommends dashes, but what about the directory extension?

    Web Design | | RobertFisher

  • I've done all of my keyword research, and now I'm selecting the KW's. In a previous question, seomoz had answered to pick a mix of easy, medium, and difficult words to rank for. How do I know which are easy, medium, difficult? The KW Difficulty Tool is not very specific. Is the level of difficulty related to where the phrase pops up for my company in search results? Are hard words ones that you do not already rank in the top 50 search results? When selecting KWs should I choose words that rank already in the top 50 that I'd like to try to move up? Or look for NEW phrases/words not in the top 50 results? Also, when entering KW phrases int the KW Difficulty Tool, Rank Tracker, and in Campaigns - do I need to use quotation marks if it is a phrase? I noticed that the KW difficulty tool has different results if you use quotation marks. Lastly, The person who did SEO before me has a list of KWs he optimized for, would it be valuable for me to include his words in my On-Page optimization efforts?

    Keyword Research | | aircyclemegan

  • I apologize for the lengthy post, but I need help! Here is my current structure for product reviews: My product pages displays a set number of user product reviews before displaying a link to "see all reviews". So: Has product details, specs (usually generic from manufacturer) and 5 user product reviews. If there are more than 5, there is a link to see all reviews: Where each page would display 10 user product reviews, and paginate until all user reviews are displayed. I am thinking about using the Rel Canonical tag on the paginated reviews pages to reference back to the main product page. So: Would have the canonical URL of: Does this structure make sense? I'm unclear what strategy I should use, but currently the product review pages account for less than 2% of overall organic traffic. Thanks ahead of time!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Corp

  • If someone formats a link like so: Would you still get a similar anchor text benefit to this link as if it was formated like so: somedomain keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 what i mean is, does google extract out keywords from links that use the url as the anchortext?

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • Beloved community: I'm about to optimize a reasonably large website that has been developed with ASP.NET. My crawl diagnostics do not paint a pretty picture: overly dynamic URLs, loads of duplicate content, and 302 temporary redirects. I found a helpful IIS extension on Scott Guthrie's blog that eliminates a lot of of the above issues. But looking ahead, I need a solution for creating a "category" organized, flat site architecture. What steps should I take with my development team in order to implement a site architecture that is highly-crawlable and user-friendly? Any ASP.NET gurus out there? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jsturgeon

  • Hello everyone, my first post - ahhh I'm investigating a niche and there is a site that should have no right being there in my view. It's no. 3 Google UK for 'company formation' with a small site with 65 weak links from only 7 domains and hosted in the US. But more importantly, the Open Site Explorer says there is not 1 link with that term in its anchor text.  This I find crazy and makes me suspicious. But before I go back to my client saying "oh they must be black hat" I would like your expert views.  I'm not sure whether to tut or congratulate them and for the first time I'm not sure what reasons to give for their amazing performance! What's your views?

    Competitive Research | | GOYMedia48

  • We have a site that has a ridiculous number of pages. Its a directory of service providers that is organized by city and sub-category of the vertical. Each provider is on the main city page, then when you click on a category, it will only show those folks who offer that subcategory of this service. example: colorado/denver - main city page colorado/denver/subcat1 - subcategory page There are 37 subcategories. So, 38 pages that essentially have the same content - minus a provider or two - for each city. There are approx 40K locations in our database. So rough math puts us at 1.5 million results pages, with 97% of those pages being duplicate content! This is clearly a problem. But many of these obscure pages do rank and get traffic. A fair amount when you aggregate all these pages together. We are about to go through a redesign and want to consolidate pages so we can reduce the dupe content, get crawl budget allocated to more meaningful pages, etc. Here's what I'm thinking we should do with this site, and I would love to have your input: Canonicalize Before the redesign use the canonical tag on all the sub-category pages and push all the value from those pages (colorado/denver/subcat1, /subcat2, /subcat3... etc) to the main city page (colorado/denver/subcat1) 301 Redirect On the new site (we're moving to a new CMS) we don't publish the duplicate sub-category pages and do 301 redirects from the sub-category URLs to the main city page urls. We'd still have the sub-categories (keywords) on-page and use some Javascript filtering to narrow results. We could cut to the chase and just do the redirects, but would like to use canonicalization as a proof of concept internally at my company that getting rid of these pages is a good thing, or at least wont have a negative impact on traffic. i.e. by the time we are ready to relaunch traffic and value has been transfered to the /state/city page Trying to create the right plan and build my argument. Any feedback you have will help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | trentc

  • If I use Wistia for my videos, and somebody embeds my video on their site, can I get a backlink from this?

    Link Building | | gregalam

  • What do you think about a nofollow link from page rank 7? will I see any results? how much is it worth?

    Link Building | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hello, About two years ago, the company I work for hired an SEO firm to improve organic rankings on our site.  The SEO company's primary method for doing this was producing "articles" that are not really articles but keyword stuffed pages with lots of hidden, internal links to other legitimate pages on our site. Examples: Obviously, this strategy wasn't greatly successful and we cancelled our work with the firm.  However, we still have all of the "articles" on the site (about 50-60 pages total) and each page is navigable from the html and XML sitemaps.  Additionally, the SEO firm we used built a lot of useless links to these pages from BS directory sites which are all still active. The question I have is whether we should remove these "article" pages or should leave them alone?  Although I'm sure they aren't helping any of our SEO efforts, could deleting the pages after two years negatively impact our search rankings? Thanks in advance for any help on this, Doug M.

    Web Design | | Loganshark

  • I use commentluv and all the links to my site when I leave a comment go through feedburner so that my URL's look like I used HttpFox in Firefox to see what was happening and it looks like a 301. I wanted to make sure that this is indeed passing link juice. Thanks!

    Link Building | | gregalam

  • I currently have text articles about various topics on my site - for this example say I have written about "Negative Reinforcement". This article is live over a month now and getting listed on the first google page with an added keyword which the article is specifically related to. Now I want to create an infographic related to the same topic "Negative Reinforcement" - but I want to call the page this infographic will go on "Negative Reinforcement Infographic" while the article is currently called just "Negative Reinforcement". Neither page will have duplicate content from each other. The article is 2,000+ words so I don't want to throw more into it by adding on the infographic and I want to specifically create the infographic as linkbait and on a stand alone page. I am curious if adding another page with such a similar title and H1 have any negative effect ("dilute" the strength of the other article), for example will google take having two different pages with such a similar heading as potential keyword stuffing and penalise the site?

    Content Development | | GavinC

  • Hi there, I run a blog @ We produce our own editorial content for our print magazine. Which means I have a great bank of uniquely written content. I can usually afford to post 1-2 completely 100% unique articles a day. I've also been copy/pasting 2-3 articles from the BBC or The Guardian a day to keep up activity. Should I continue doing what I'm doing? Should I post exclusively unique articles? Thanks

    Content Development | | craven22

  • For one of my sites I'm in a situation where I have 6 main pages that are for lack of a better word "showcased," one of which being the homepage. The problem is that I am seeing pretty good traffic growth, but my conversions/sales are really weak, and I'm about 95% positive that this is because there is too much information on all of those pages --- each one has about 1500 words or so. The site architecture and link structure on the site is good as out of the couple of hundred pages on the site only 3 of them aren't indexed according to Google webmaster tools. What I want to do is rewrite the text on those six main pages with more of a sales type of feel and limit them to 500-700 words or so. This will have no impact on the link architecture whatsoever, but I'm a bit worried that it will have a negative impact on my continual traffic growth. Actually, I'm not as much concerned about the continual part as the steady new content stream should take care of it, but I would be very concerned if I lost the rankings that I have right now. Granted, those rankings aren't worth as much as they could be because conversions are down, so so it's kind of a catch-22. The question is, how dangerous is what I'm planning on doing? On a side note, my lack of conversions has nothing to do with my description or title tags that show up in the results as they are targeted properly and written for sales. The problem is that the pages, though rich in content, are a bit too rich in content and need to be fixed to work in unison with the descriptions and titles.

    Content Development | | RussNauta

  • Im trying to find a good domain for my business, but a domain for my country "" with exact keyword is not available any more. I want to know if i buy a domain name with other extension like or .biz is take bad effect in my SEO. Or it doesn't matter? If so, wich extension domain is good for SEO? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Ex2

  • For the sake of simplicity, let's say Page X has 100 links on it, and it has 100 points of link juice. Each page being linked to would essentially get 1 point of link juice. Right? Now let's say Page X links to Page Y 3 times and Page Z 5 times, and every other link only once. Does this mean that Page Y would get 3 "link juice points" and Page Z would get 5? Note: I know that the situation is much more complex than this, such as the devaluation of footer links, etc, etc, etc. However, I am interested to hear peoples take on the above scenario, assuming all else is equal.

    Technical SEO | | bheard

  • I offer users the opportunity to email and embed images from my website.  (See this page and look under the large image for "Email to a Friend" and "Get Embed HTML" links.) But I'm seeing the ensuing pop-up pages (Ex: and showing up in Google. Even worse, I think they're seen as duplicate content. How should I deal with this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | andertoons

  • I have a website that sells images. When you search you're given a page like this: I also give users the option to resort results by date, views and rating like this: I've seen in SEOmoz that Google might see these as duplicate content, but it's a feature I think is useful. How should I address this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | andertoons

  • We had a question about your online tools for The Domain Authority for is 67:  Higher than most of our competitors such as <cite><cite> which has a rank of 54. </cite> </cite> We show up lower in the actual search results. An example phrase would be Visitors to Canada health Insurance. We get an A grade for onsite reports and we are working on the duplicate content and titles. We appear to be doing everything right but still rank lower than expected.  Any thoughts?

    Moz Pro | | northerncs

  • I've read some vague warnings of potential problems with having a long list of 301 redirects within an htaccess file.  If this is a problem, could you provide any guidance on how much is too much?  And if there is a problem associated with this, what is that problem exactly?

    Technical SEO | | roush

  • I would like to know whether it's ok to sell same products from 2-3 websites. Design and URL structure will be different but same e-commerce platform. Would google penalise or drop the rankings, etc. How google deall with this sort of thing? If problem arises how can we get around it? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | Jvalops

  • Quick and easy  most likely - Just need to clear a few point. I understand each page within the site should only have one H1 tag which should be the most important one. I also believe these only effect google ranking very slightly? right? Currently my CMS is system is pulling the H1 tag in from the page and automatically using the page heading that is on the page IE) the heading used for the content. Should this be a keyword /  key phrase instead? and will it be duplicate if i used the same one on various pages in my site? Cheers guys look forward to hearing your feedback

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wazza1985

  • Hello All. Our site has 17,000 links from over 300 route domains but none from directories. Using open site explorer i've found tons of paid and free directories but Its so time consuming manually submitting. Is it better to take the time to check each directory manually or should I look at some kind of automated service? Cheers Todd

    Link Building | | toddyC

  • Hi there. I'm just re-reading The Art of SEO to ensure we have everything in place for our own website relaunch, and there was something that left me slightly confused with regards to sitewide links. As a web design company, a lot of our links come from sitewides on client websites, currently in the pages' footer region. Would these count as sitewide links, and would varying the target page and/or anchor text make these links count for more and be less of a red flag? Alternatively, is there a way we can get credit from the sites we have designed without running the risk of having our links marked down or ignored altogether by the search engines? (As an aside, it doesn't seem to have affected us so far, although it is obvious that only a small percentage of the inbound links are passing any real value - again, is this something we can rectify somehow?)

    Link Building | | themegroup

  • Hi, my new site just dropped 33 places from place 7 to place 40 on , for the two word combo: ie mac Did I screw up? How? Background Info: 1 Two weeks ago I moved my whole site from my old domain to with the goal of obtaining a good ranking for the keyword combo: ie mac. Apparantly tis worked- The site showed up on place 7. 2. I changed the design of the site and put the video on the front page. Good so far, still place 7, but: The text that google was showing was half the ALT-Tag of the Video first-slide image and the other half was our trademark disclaimer. 3. I changed the ALT tag and the disclaimer to give users a more inviting text on google. THis worked, google now shows the text as intended, but: For the desired combo: ie mac the site dropped to palce 40!! My best guesses at this point: 1. I'm using wordpress as a CMS and the all-in-one-seo-pack plugin to set custom titles etc., and the google XML sitemap plugin to buid an XML sitemap and notify google. During the couple of days, I made a lot of chnages to the site. Could be that the plugin pinged google a lot of times. Could this be part of the problem? 2. The site is hosted at , because they give users dedicated IPs and a good price. However, the loadlevel on the server I'm on is always very high (10 - 20). I'm using a CDN for images and a caching plugin so the site loads in less than 2 seconds according to . Unless the cache is empty, then it's 9 seconds. This is not great, but it's also no new, so: What could have caused the sudden drop from 7 to 40?? Thank you and kind regards

    On-Page Optimization | | ie4mac

  • Hi, One of our clients has tons of PDFs (manuals, etc.) and frequently gets good rankings for the direct PDF link. While we're happy about the PDFs attracting users' attention, we'd like to redirect them to the site where the original PDF link is published and avoid that people open the pdf directly. In short, we'd like to index the PDFs, but show to users the pdf link within a site - how should we proceed to do that? Thanks, GM

    Content Development | | gmellak

  • On an x-cart ecommerce website we have, seomoz has picked up a lot of duplicate content, based on URLs that are different, but are essentially the same page. These come from Fitlers, that allow a page to show only certain colours and styles, reordering page by price etc, and also the page 2, page 3 etc of a category: All the below are '4ft-bedding.html' I've now changed all these internal links to rel="nofollow" on the a tag. Is that the correct and best way to sort? I might be mistaken on when I did this update and when the last report was ran, but on the SEOmoz crawling report, it still has the above as problem pages. thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | rowleysit-259892

  • We've noticed a 100% increase in our traffic over the last three days. However, the page views have not increased proportionately. The traffic sources seemed to be dispersed naturally. Could this be a Ddos in the making or some other type of attack as it seems unlikely that we suddenly started receiving thousands of extra visitors. Its a leading news website with a consistent heavy traffic daily which just doubled over the last three days. What should we be looking at?

    Reporting & Analytics | | RishadShaikh59

  • I manualy counted the links on my website which came to around 50, but SEO moz says I have over 100 and google isn't seeing them all.

    On-Page Optimization | | jawl4463

  • Hi, Is sponsoring a wordpress theme a good option to for link building ?

    Link Building | | krishrun

  • Hi! We have our content under two subdomains, one for the English language and one for Spanish. Depending on the language of the browser, there's a 302 redirecting to one of this subdomains. However, our main domain (which has no content) is receiving a lot of links - people rather link to than to Does the 302 passing any link juice? If so, to which subdomain? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bodaclick

  • Having tried Yoono and Tweetdeck I'm leaning towards Tweetdeck for ease of use.... Managing 5 facebook accounts, 9 facebook pages and 6 twitter accounts at the moment... Any other suggestions for tool or software I should consider?

    Social Media | | JohnW-UK

  • What are for you the 5 most important reports into Google Analytics? Thank you for yours answers guys, Jonathan Leplang

    Reporting & Analytics | | JonathanLeplang

  • I'm wondering if anybody has tried and had success in improving search rankings by creating links to Google Place pages. What say you?

    Link Building | | bdiddy

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