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  • I always try to strive for getting good anchortext in links that people link to my sites with, but sometimes they are not very web savvy, or just plain not willing to format the link the way i want it and we end up with links that use the URL as the anchortext. My question is, if i format a url such that it has keywords in it, and when someone makes a link like this: does google consider the words: storwell, self, storage, toronto, bursary, application & form as the anchor text?

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • There has been over 300 pages on our clients site with duplicate page content.  Before we embark on a programming solution to this with canonical tags, our developers are requesting the list of originating sites/links/sources for these odd URLs. How can we find a list of the originating URLs?  If you we can provide a list of originating sources, that would be helpful. For example, our the following pages are showing (as a sample) as duplicate content: "How did you get all those duplicate urls? I have tried to google the "contact us", "news", "video" pages. I didn't get all those duplicate pages. The page id=87  on the most of the duplicate pages are not supposed to be there.  I was wondering how the visitors got to all those duplicate pages. Please advise." Note, the CMS does not create this type of hybrid URLs. We are as curious as you as to where/why/how these are being created. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dlemieux

  • Hi all, My company sells a direct-to-consumer product nationwide. We have competitors that sell  through local distributors. Therefore, many customers think that this is a product that must be bought locally. Because so many people search for this product locally, we want to be able to rank for local searches. But, because we sell nationwide, we don't have localized content. We have a competitor that created a page for each state which lists every zip code and city name in the state, but that seems pretty labor intensive (and not all that effective). Any ideas on how to address this problem would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | responselink

  • Hey Mozzers, I am going to suggest to my customer that they pull some big stings in order to make a change to a partners website. I am thinking this change will affect my customers rank in a BIG way....but i am not sure...see image, it tells the short story. I appreciate it...from a newbie x8a98.jpg

    Link Building | | Giggy

  • Howdy everyone, I'm pretty new to the whole SEO thing, in fact I hadn't even heard the term until this past Fall when a company I was doing a little freelance writing for fired their SEO guy and asked if I thought I could help them with it. I have a (old) background in HTML coding and web design, but have been out of the business for over a decade. This may be a simple question, but it has come up in discussion several times... How do you make sure that users are directed to your site even if they enter keywords with spelling errors?  I know that Google offers "did you mean..." links for a lot of words.  Is that the best method and if so, how do you manipulate the data so the misspellings continue to result in your site being listed? Any help on this is greatly appreciated! Marty K.

    Web Design | | MartinKlausmeier

  • I noticed there is a limited in the number of pages crawled on  Will this number increase over time?

    On-Page Optimization | | nskislak24

  • I have a site and all links that go to homepage have the same ancor text and they are always before entire page (in my navigation menu). I would like to know if Google consider just the first link? If so, Should I put my navigation menu after entire page? Tks

    Link Building | | Ex2

  • I have a client who serves a local market and who has had trouble in the past with people out of her service area clicking on ads. She asked how accurate the geo-targeting option is.  I know it's not possible to be completely accurate resolving the location of IP addresses, but was wondering if there are any recent statistics out there regarding how accurate or inaccurate geo-targeting is.  I did some quick searches but did not see any current numbers. Many Thanks!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | JKuly

  • I've been using a wordpress blog and using google analytics and webmaster tools. I'd never done very much optimizing of my site, my strategy had always been to just keep writing relevant posts and let google do the rest. At some point I installed a SEO plugin to wordpress and did a tiny amount of tweaking, but I noticed that in my webmaster tools page, all my "links to this site" links are gone!  My site map says 42 pages submitted, 42 pages indexed, but all the links that I've built over the past few years are missing, and I also notice that I can't find my main landing page in the index anymore.  I know there are indexed sites out there that link to me, but they aren't being reflected anymore.  Did I anger google by using SEO plugins within wordpress?  I'm fairly certain I wasn't doing anything sketchy. Http:// RTOH6.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | HELPeR

  • We are working on a new design for a website, which is currently on a CMS that has non-seo-friendly URLs. There is no redirection of 'www' to non-www or vice versa, or handling of homepage redirection so there is only one instance of 'home'. To move the site in the future, all of these URLs will have to be redirected to their new, and I hope, seo-friendly counterparts. Is it prudent now to redirect the four home page links so there is only one? and to redirect all non-www to 'www' so there is only one instance of each page? Or should I leave it and redirect all of them when the time comes?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | haan_seo

  • Can you optimise websites using flash? is it exactly the same aspects to optimise or does it cause problems??

    Web Design | | wazza1985

  • I asked this before, but did not really get an answer, so checking again. Really grateful for any help... My question is: Based on the PRO crawl Diagnostics – if we don’t make a  recommended change on say 1 rather obscure page, does that just affect the SEO on that one page only, or does it potentially affect the SEO on all (more important) pages of the site? e.g. home page etc E.g. If we get a “Too many on page links” for a certain page that we don’t really want to rank for – does not fixing that particlaur page really affect the SEO for the site as a whole?  Or just that 1 page (that I don't really care too much about) Hope someone is able to answer, thanks so much...

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • In Open Site Explorer links are being valued with Domain Authority and page Authority. My question is if you measure somehow the relevancy of the website with the business of the website to which the links are going? I have learned that an important part of the value of links is the relevancy of the website with my business. I am seeing for example a link from a children website to a car related website as very much valued. I dont see very much relevancy with both so I wonder you take this into account.

    Link Building | | ceesie

  • Hello, We have a bunch of pages that contain local JSON we use to display a slideshow. This JSON has a bunch of<a links="" in="" it. <="" p=""></a> <a links="" in="" it. <="" p="">For some reason, these</a><a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p=""></a> <a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p="">One example page this is happening on is: . Searching for the string '<a' yields="" 1100+="" results="" (all="" of="" which="" are="" recognized="" as="" links="" for="" that="" page="" in="" seomoz),="" however,="" ~980="" these="" json="" code="" and="" not="" actual="" on="" the="" page.="" this="" leads="" to="" a="" lot="" invalid="" our="" site,="" super="" inflated="" count="" on-page="" page. <="" span=""></a'></a> <a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p="">Is this a bug in the SEOMoz bot? and if not, does google work the same way?</a>

    Moz Pro | | trendhunter-159837

  • I have no idea how the above page was even found by google but it seems that it is being crawled and Im not sure where its being found from. Can anyone offer a solution?

    Technical SEO | | 13375auc3

  • Or should you just stick to 1 page, 1 keyword all the time? If you do 2, are there any things you should watch out for? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • I have some content which is still relevant and interesting but not really suitable for my current websites. I have been thinking of using this on an article site to generate some links back to my sites, but I am wary about this due to Google's targeting of content sites. I currently have good PR's on Squidoo and Hubpages which link back and work quite well. Can anyone suggest any others or any ideas how to use this content for SEO purposes? Is using it for article submissions to get links short sited?

    Link Building | | JohnW-UK

  • I would like to exclude in robots.txt SEOmoz and Open Site Explorer bots to don't let them index my sites… what's their names?

    Moz Pro | | cezarylech

  • How do others utilize keywords and preserve branding in the title tag for clients with a REALLY long name?  Two examples. Example 1:  Business name is 38 characters long in the following format: [Firstname] [initial] [Lastname] [Businesstype] Services 38 characters is workable, but  the keywords for what he offers and this industry in general are long too.  He abbreviates to his initials in the domain name  - I don't love doing that as the acronym has a meaning of its own. (We unintentionally acquired at least one very amusing if useless backlink thanks to that.)  Leaving off "Services" saves a few characters. Example 2:  Business name totals 58 characters and references their two related lines of business.  Similar to: Rogers Institute of Robotic Studies and RIRS Robot Repair
    or (saves a few characters)
    Rogers Institute of Robotic Studies and Robot Repair How would you handle that?  Use the appropriate half of the name on pages related to that particular LOB? Only use the brand on some pages?  Abbreviate more?  I've been using their full name on the more "general" pages of the site and omitting it in favor of keywords on the more specific pages . Suggestions?  Other ideas?

    On-Page Optimization | | MaryAnneG

  • In the case of an e-commerce website, can you optimize multiple pages using the same keyword ‘root’ but including different long-tail variances of that ‘root’?  For example, say I’m optimizing for a site that sells wallpaper. I found search traffic for the keyword “buy wallpaper online,” but no traffic for “Blue Tinted Wallpaper” (or its variants) and no taffic for “Yellow Plaid Wallpaper” (or its variants). Could I effectively optimize both of these pages using the root “Buy wallpaper online”, yet distinguish the pages by using long-tail variants such as “Buy Blue Tinted Wallpaper Online” and “Buy Yellow plaid Wallpaper Online”?   Any examples of this you can point to?

    Keyword Research | | EricVallee34

  • Hello I would like to increase the value of my value proposition to users by adding complimentor affiliate links and embedded widgets like postcode search to my promote my affiliate's service. I already have a great ranking.... Am I jeopardizing my position by putting outbound links to affiliate sites? Also would a nofollow tag on an affiliate link work? I understand Google is fast changing - so what is the latest advice on this for Spring 2011? Thanks a lot

    Affiliate Marketing | | philipjterry

  • Is anybody else having problems adding or changing their profile on seomoz? I make the changes it comes up saving then logs me out?

    Technical SEO | | francesco27

  • Hello all, If I wanted to know if a domainname has a google ban on it would the following be a good idea to test it. Place an article on the domain page with unique content and then link to the page so its gets indexed and then link to the article from a well indexed page. If it doesn't get indexed there might be a ban on the page, if it does get indexed there is no ban on the page... Or are there other points I should keep in mind while doing this. All help is very welcome. Cheers, Arnout

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hellemans

  • Having a discussion on someone with whether or not PR0 backlinks can be harmful. Managed to find these blog posts that support my argument; My argument: Things like article spinning and distribution are pretty much pointless. I used UniqueArticleWizard for a while when I first started out with SEO. It gave me around 1000 PR0 backlinks. A few weeks later my site was penalised from PR5 to PR2. Thanks

    Link Building | | craven22

  • Here is a question,
    if i have a keyword that have over 150.000 searches/Month and the competitors are very low, but if i give the keyword on google search, the site that are listed at top 10 have a Page Rank from 2 to 5, or even 8.
    How can i know if the Page Rank from this sites, have to do with the keyword i wont to optimized? Does the Page Rank have effect to the top 10 Ranking, even if this sites are not specially optimized for this keyword.
    A example: has a PR 8, they sell Books. If i wont to Optimized for a specially book Category, do i can compare to the amazon? or because the Central Page has a PR8, it does have effect on all the under-sites by Amazon, and it will be to difficult to Optimized for this? even if the Searches for the special category are a lot and google keyword says the competitors are low? How can i see if the PR has to do with the keyword, or the site just have this kind of PR without being specialized for the keyword i look after? thanks for all

    Affiliate Marketing | | stakouman

  • What recommendations do you all have to make anchor text discoverable in flash?  More importantly is it even possible and does it contribute to link juice?

    Technical SEO | | sunfever

  • Hi there, That may be a bit of a silly question to ask, but we've setup a new domain for an existing site. While the site is in the making, the site owners wants to already start promoting the new URL on stationeries etc. Hence, we need to setup the new URL so that it forwards to the site, but so that Google doesn't give it the history of a secondary (less important) domain. What is the best way to do this? Currently we've put in a 301 redirect, but will that bear no future consequences on the SEO of the site, when the site is moved to this new domain, and the old domain is 301 redirected. Thanks, SEOeclipse

    On-Page Optimization | | Bozboz

  • Hi Mozzers, We have an inhouse PPC marketer who is experienced in AdWords and PPC, but want to go to some good training once or twice a year. Which seminar or conference would be the best to go to? Thanks! Thomas

    SEO Learn Center | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I was wondering if anyone has any experience using dropped/expired domains with old "clean" backlinks for new sites. Is there be a penalty for doing this (with good intent)? Worth a reconsideration request?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EdgySEO

  • Hi, How does the number of pages indexed from a single website affect that websites ability to compete in the SERPS? Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | Jurnii

  • So I am working on a potential new client and they run several very well established and well ranking ecommerce sites. They have 1 site which is new and underperforming which they want me to "start" on as a trial. The idea being that if they like the progress I would take over SEO on the other sites. After a little research I am concerned that this site may be have a penalty. The site is The MOZrank and MOZtrust are actually pretty good considering the site is 6 months old, but if you look at the links they are ALL junk. They seems to be some reciprocal linking as well. I believe this is something they have done on their other sites and been ok with because they are 10+ years old and very trusted, however for a new site this link profile worries me. I do not have their analytics yet but looking at their traffic in shows a HUGE drop off shortly after the site went up (like from 2500 to under 100 visitors). I dont really trust's numbers outside of being and good indicator for trends, but it has me concerned. The client did tell me they are getting virtually no traffic. I am waiting on the crawl report to confirm its not a crawl or onsite problem but i dont think it is. I have 2 concerns: 1. I am taking this site on the cheap in order to establish a successful project, so I can work on their other sites, and I dont want to walk into a losing situation on the cheap! 2. I believe their webmaster is following some misguided SEO strategies but she has been with them for a long time. I dont think she wants to do theor SEO anyway, as she is very busy with maintenance and development, but if I could prove a penalty it would go a long way in helping me win the whole account from an SEO standpoint.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BlinkWeb

  • I'm working on an e-commerce site and I'm having trouble determining how to find keyword targets for similar product pages.  The company sells posters and they have three posters for Babe Ruth: Babe Ruth Winning, Babe Ruth Attitude and Babe Ruth Desire.  After doing keyword research, I found there is a good amount of traffic for "Babe Ruth Posters" but none for "Babe Ruth Winning Posters," "Babe Ruth Attitude Posters" and "Babe Ruth Desire Posters." How can I differentiate these three product pages?  Can I optimize them for a term that doesn't have traffic, hoping that one or more of these pages will come up when someone enters the search term "Babe Ruth Posters."

    Keyword Research | | EricVallee34

  • I don't know if i can post a link in the question so if you google 800 appliance and do a little reaserch on them you will see that it has many links with same content linking to the main domain and to each other. They hosted on the same ip which from what i read doesn't supposed  to help in ranking. I saw many nich websites like this with the same idea. What am i missing here...?

    Link Building | | atohad

  • This website has no backlinks reported on google, but loads of backlinks across the web. It also doesn't even rank top 50 on its topic keyword [Jewelry Tips]. I would be very wary of building a link on a site like this, but thats my opinion. How would you rate this websites link based on this data?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 13375auc3

  • I have one big question about the potential SEO value -- and possibly also dangers? -- of "followed" external sitewide links. Examples of these would be: a link to your site from another site's footer a blogroll link a link to your site from another site's global navigation Aside from the link's position in the HTML file (the higher the better, presumably), are these links essentially the same from an SEO point of view or different (and how)? There used to be an influential view out there that the link juice value of a sitewide link was the same as that of a single link (presumably from the linking site's home page), even though a sitewide link may in fact result a huge number individual links. Is this true or false? What is the math here? Should one worry about having "too many" sitewide links, in the sense that this may raise red flags by way of the algo? I talked to someone a few months ago (before the recent algo updates) who believed that he had got a minus 10 penalty or whatever it was for getting too many sitewide links We offer website design and development as well as SEO, and we put a keyworded link to ourselves in the footer. I think this is a fairly common practice. Is this a good or bad idea SEO-wise? One opinion is that for external sitewide footer links, you should best have a dofollow link on the home page, but nofollow it on all other pages. What is your opinion about that? Is there anything else that is distinct, interesting or important about sitewide links' SEO value and pitfalls? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | Philip-SEO

  • Hi, I have been asked to complete some SEO contracting work for an e-commerce store. The Navigation looked a bit unclean so I decided to investigate it first. a) Manual Observation Within the catalogue view, I loaded up the page source and hit Ctrl-F and searched "href", turns out there's 750 odd links on this page, and most of the other sub catalogue and product pages also have about 750 links. Ouch! My SEO knowledge is telling me this is non-optimal. b) Link Sleuth I crawled the site with Xenu Link Sleuth and found 10,000+ pages. I exported into Open Calc and ran a pivot table to 'count' the number of pages per 'site level'. The results looked like this - Level Pages 0 1 1 42 2 860 3 3268 Now this looks more like a pyramid. I think is is because Link Sleuth can only read 1 'layer' of the Nav bar at a time - it doesnt 'hover' and read the rest of the nav bar (like what can be found by searching for "href" on the page source). Question: How are search spiders going to read the site? Like in (1) or in (2). Thankyou!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DigitalLeaf

  • I'm trying to convince a large, multinational company that is very resistant to change, into making my on-page SEO changes. Compounding this resistance is the fact that the Analytics, SEO, PPC, and web dev departments are all under different people and they don't communicate very well. So, in order to get them to work together, I've decided to appeal to the places where they are sensitive; e.g., the PPC department where they surely have the desire to be more efficient with their budget. To appeal to this sensitivity, and with my goal of getting on-page changes done to help the SEO dept, I'm considering making the argument that my on-page changes will raise their quality score which will in turn lower the amount they are spending on PPC. Basically, is this a fair argument? Do you have an evidence to back this up? Best in the Midwest, Phil p.s. Hi, Joanna 😉

    Paid Search Marketing | | PapaRelevance

  • I have a site I would like to rank high for particular keywords in the searches and don't particularly care about the searches (it's a Canadian service). I have logged into Google Webmaster Tools and targeted Canada. Currently my site is ranking on the third page for my desired keywords on, but is on the 20th page for Previously this change happened quite quickly -- within 4 weeks -- but it doesn't seem to be taking here (12 weeks out and counting). My optimization seems to be fine since I'm ranking well on not sure why it's not translating to Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seorm

  • I just ran report for back links and showed me that I have one link at porn site ... not sure if it will be appropriate to post it here. The link was discovered on 03.05.11 and when I visited today link is not there... I dont know who put that link there. Can I get penalty for that from google? Can it be a mistake?

    Link Building | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hi, I need some help. I recently got some help with an seo project from a contractor. He did 50 directory submissions and 50 article submissions. I got good results, going up about 20 places (still a long way to the first page!) on on a tough key word Since this project I learned article marketing is not cool. So I am wondering about what I should do next. The contractor has proposed a new bigger project consisting of the elements listed below. I don’t know which of these elements are ok and which aren’t. If they are not ok are they: 1) a waste of time or 2) something I could get penalized for? Let me know what you think?? Thanks, Andrew 100 ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS [APPROVED ARTICLES] -> 1 article submitted to 100 article directories 50 PRESS RELEASE SUBMISSIONS [APPROVED & SCREENSHOTS]-> 1 PR writing & submissions to top 50 PR distribution sites each 150 PRIVATE BLOGS SUBMISSION [APPROVED ARTICLES] -> 1 article submitted to 150 private blogs submission 100 WEBSITE DIRECTORY SUBMISSION -> 1 url (home page) submitted to 100 top free web directories 50 SOCIAL BOOKMARKING [CONFIRMED LINKS] -> 1 url of site submitted to top 50 social bookmarking websites 40 PROFILE BACK-LINKS [CONFIRMED LINKS] -> 1-3 url's of site submitted and create 40 profile websites 50 SEARCH ENGINES -> submission to all the major search engines 20 NEWS WEBSITES -> Ping all links from reports to news websites

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | fleurya

  • For those familiar with this in Drupal - is this worth doing? It seems to be a setting that affects the priority of a URL compared to others on the site.  It's set to a default of 0.5 but you can increase up to 1.0 I think. Anyone know about this? thanks

    Technical SEO | | inhouseninja

  • Hi!! Another noob question: Should I be nofollowing my site's cart and checkout pages? Or as SEs can't get to the checkout pages without either logging in or completing the form is it something I shouldn't worry about? Have read things saying both. Not sure which is correct. Thank you! Appreciate the help. Lynn

    Technical SEO | | hiphound

  • Hi folks, This is my first posting, so please be nice with me 🙂 I have completed an all-new website ( , however the domain is bought and already exists since 2 years, but has no inbound links though. Now I start building links. I have some clients of my web design business, I could bring in links to my new site on their sites from different domains, some established and years old. However, they all are hosted at the same IP address. Is it a good idea for link diversity to post links on their site to my new one? I remember a thing, that only 1 link will be counted, originating from the same IP address. Is this worth the work of asking clients, posting links, etc.? Or is it even dangerous to my new site? Also, any other ideas about how to start link building are welcome. Is there a comprahensive list, something like a "startes guide with practical ideas" to link building? Thank you and kind regards

    Link Building | | ie4mac

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