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  • What would be the fastest way to boost domain authority.

    Web Design | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hi there! All our content is in two languages: English and Spanish, but they're basically the same (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter). We have the English content under a subdomain ( and the Spanish one under another subdomain ( First of all: is that correct? Is it better to have it under folders or under subdomains? But the most important question. When a user enters to is redirected through a 302 to the Spanish subdomain or to the English subdomain, depending on the language of his browser ( works this way). We have now a lot of links pointing to but... where is all this link flow going?? Are we losing it? Should we have a landing page under pointing to both subdomains? or maybe redirect it through a 301 to just one of the subdomains, then redirect the user to his language if necessary? Thank you very much!!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bodaclick

  • I have a client who runs a yacht delivery company. He gets business from the US and the UK but due to the nature of his business, he isn't really based anywhere except in the middle of the ocean somewhere! His site is hosted in the US, and it's a .com. I haven't set any geographical targeting in webmaster tools either. We're starting to get some rankings in google US, but very little in google UK. It's a small site anyway, and he'd prefer not to have too much content on the site saying he's UK based as he's not really based anywhere. Any ideas on how best to approach this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PerchDigital

  • Hey there.  We've run into a mystifying issue with Google's crawl index of one of our sites.  When we do a "" search in Google, we're seeing lots of 404 Errors on pages that don't exist on our site or seemingly on the remote server. In the search results, Google is showing nonsensical folders off the root domain and then the actual page is within that non-existent folder. An example: Google shows this in its index of the site (as a 404 Error page): The actual page on the site is: Google is showing the folder MQnjO that doesn't exist anywhere on the remote.  Other pages they are showing have different folder names that are just as wacky. We called our hosting company who said the problem isn't coming from them... Has anyone had something like this happen to them? Thanks so much for your insight!

    Technical SEO | | ILM_Marketing

  • Adios! (or something), I've noticed in my SEOMoz campaign that I am getting duplicate content warnings for URLs with extensions. For example: /login.php?action=lostpassword /login.php?action=register etc. What is the best way to deal with these type of URLs to avoid duplicate content penelties in search engines? Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | craigycraig

  • Hey All, I am trying to understand link juice as it relates to duplicate navigation Take for example a site that has a main navigation contained in dropdowns containing 50 links (fully crawl-able and indexable), then in the footer of said page that navigation is repeated so you have a total of 100 links with the same anchor text and url. For simplicity sake will the link juice be divided among those 100 and passed to the corresponding page or does the "1st link rule" still apply and thus only half of the link juice will be passed? What I am getting at is if there was only one navigation menu and the page was passing 50 link juice units then each of the subpages would get passed 1link juice unit right? but if the menu is duplicated than the possible link juice is divided by 100 so only .5 units are being passed through each link. However because there are two links pointing to the same page is there a net of 1 unit? We have several sites that do this for UX reasons but I am trying to figure out how badly this could be hurting us in page sculpting and passing juice to our subpages. Thanks for your help! Cheers.

    Web Design | | prima-253509

  • I need an image optimization expert to tell me whether or not we are hosting images properly for SEO. Currently, we upload all images to Picasa and then call them out with a webpart in our content management system. See example here - Here's an example of the url that is attached to each image - We have a lot of images, and we've hosted them on Picasa for speed purposes based on a recommendation from our developer (makes the pages load faster). I've read that Google can now factor page load time into its ranking parameters. We are not seeing the images from each photo gallery being indexed on We are torn. What should we do to rank for these images?

    On-Page Optimization | | tennisexpress

  • The rankings have been in a pending status for several day.  Is there a problem with the software?  We are in the middle of our test month and need to be able to evaluate the software to decide if we will continue.  Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | Barb123

  • Hi there! We are an ecommerce company based in the UK and are an online butcher. We are looking to further our contribution and authority in a social sphere, in particular develop relations with bloggers and social sites who are realised to have authority in our sphere (food / meat). At present we are active in the usual (Twitter, Facebook etc) and have over 1000 likes and followers. We also have a cool blog which can be found at <cite></cite> We are looking at our content and would like to share this with other bloggers in return for backlinks and visits from these blogs, and in turn improve our pagerank and SEO ratings. I have been offered the chance to work with EBuzzing, who claim to get your content published and referred to but you have to pay these "bloggers" for the privelage. Is this a good way of furthering our social strategy in the short term, or is this the wrong way to go and do search engines devalue these links? My preference is to organically grow our presence through becoming a valuable contributor and have alsways strongly advocated this, however Ebuzzing or other simillar services sound too good to be true! Are they? Hope you can help me, and look forward to your thoughts. Many thanks Gary

    Social Media | | DonaldRussell

  • We have noticed a gap as large as 30 places when using UK Google. Interested in whether other people are seeing this and if anyone can offer an explaination. Thanks Turkey

    Moz Pro | | Turkey

  • Hi all! I'm trying to decide the best way forward with regards to a large site I'm currently in the process of redesigning/rebuilding. Basically, the site already has a lot of well ranking seo landing pages targetted to different niches. With this in mind which is the best way forward in your experience? 1. Expand upon the existing niche landing pages adding more content etc and more niches? or 2. Keep the landing pages but set up microsites for each of the niches. (On different domain names or sub domains?) I do not want to polute the existing site as it performs very well and ranks very well for the keywords we target. Are there any benifits to micro sites seo wise? Personally I think it best to expand on the landing pages and keep everything onsite but any adivce you can give me would be greatfully received! Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | EclipseLegal

  • I am currently working on a huge website which ranks very well receiving 150,000 visitors every day. I have been offered the chance to buy some more domain names which would suit my keywords in the current site. These domains as a keyword also receive huge amounts of traffic. Would it be beneficial for me to do this....if so why? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wazza1985

  • So I have an employer who owns a retail site and his category URLs are horrible.  So, I am suggesting to him to create a new page with a pretty URL and 301 redirect the old page to the new page.  I am suggesting this to him, because this will help increase CTR for the targeted keyword & help him rank higher for the term.  He is apprehensive about this cause he thinks this will cause him to drop in ranking.  Does anybody know any resources or have any past experiences that will back up my suggestion or his for that matter?

    Algorithm Updates | | Cyle

  • Hi, I look this morning on the rank checker for my site and it said 127 KW's had improved with 11 Declining. Just refreshed it..... 105 improved with 60 declining???? Why is this - i havent changed anything with the past wk!!!! thanks

    Moz Pro | | wazza1985

  • Hi All, My website works as an sport betting affiliate website on the french language markets. With sport betting legalisation in Europe, only people from France can play on french sport betting website. The same for Belgium or swiss. We have traffic from everywhere. So we need to geolocalize all our affiliate links to provide the right affiliate link to the right person in function of his location? What is the best way and the more seo friendly way to do that? Thanks a lot, Renaud

    Affiliate Marketing | | jarnac

  • the site is we created the site 7-8 month ago, we started to push it by good and natural links (!links!!filter!all!!source!external!!target!page), links in sites with content rich and most of them related to gambling and sport topics. During the first 3-5 months, the rankings were better and better, after the 6 months, the site lose all its rankings. Aditional details no critical errors in google webmaster tools any idea how can I fix it? thanks

    Technical SEO | | Yaron53

  • If you are browsing a site, what is the best way or programs to use to see if the page has been indexed and cached? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | gregster1000

  • Thought I might ask you guys if you have ever seen anything similar, 'cause I sure haven't. 🙂 I have a client who stumbled across a problem with his website links. Google change them back and fourth. one day one of the links will be called "iPhone 4 accessories" and some weeks pass and then it changes to " 4 accessories". Weeks pass again and then the iphone is back. First I thought to myself that Google might have expanded the AdWords filter to include website-links.. But then I remembered that they were ordered by the EU courts to size that practice.. so that can't be it. Plus allot of his competition doesn't seem to have the same problem. I have checked everything, the links, title tags, page titles exc.. and I acn't realt find any reason why this should be happening to him and I must admit I have never seen anything similar. Any hints and pointers would be most welcome 🙂

    Technical SEO | | ReneReinholdt

  • With so many different social network sites these days which ones really make a difference when it comes to SEO, Facebook? LinkedIn? I only have limited time with my clients websites and a really want and need to expand their social network exposure

    Content Development | | francesco27

  • When using open site explorer to check out who is linking to us I was surprised that the top results are spam and porn sites.  These are completely irrelevant links.  Does this have a negative impact on our site?  What can we do to combat this?

    Link Building | | AudioBobby

  • Why is this the case?  If there is a filter or penalty on my site from yahoo, how do I ask yahoo to correct this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Can anyone provide insightful optimization tips for GOOGLE and BING product feeds? How important is it to use the respective SE' taxonomies? Any other effective tactics apart from data stufffing?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Hi all, Ive be going through the pages in my site getting rid of errors so i can the work of a clean slate and get the best for my site. However, i have a large amount of pages which is flagged up by seo moz pro tool as too many on page links. How bad is this in terms of seo rankings? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | wazza1985

  • I am trying to work out exactly how Google is crawling my site including entry points and its path from there. The site has millions of pages and hundreds of thousands indexed. I have simple log files with a  time stamp and URL that google bot was on. Unfortunately there are hundreds of thousands of entries even for one day and as it is a massive site I am finding it hard to work out the spiders paths. Is there any way using the log files and excel or other tools to work this out simply? Also I was expecting the bot to almost instantaneously go through each level eg. main page--> category page ---> subcategory page (expecting same time stamp) but this does not appear to be the case. Does the bot follow a path right through to the deepest level it can/allowed to for that crawl and then returns to the higher level category pages at a later time? Any help would be appreciated Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | soeren.hofmayer

  • Is there any plans for this! would be awesome!!

    Moz Pro | | wazza1985

  • Noticed some strange behavior over the last week or so regarding our SERPs and I haven't been able to find anything on the web about what might be happening. Over the past two weeks, I've been seeing our URLs slowly change from upper case to lower case in the SERPs. Our URLs are usually /Blue-Fuzzy-Widgets.htm but Google has slowly been switching them to /blue-fuzzy-widgets.htm. There has been no change in our actual rankings nor has it happened to anyone else in the space. We're quite dumbfounded as to why Google would choose to serve the lower case URL. To be clear, we do not build links to these lower case URLs, only the upper. Any ideas what might be happening here?

    Algorithm Updates | | Natitude

  • I'm just starting out in SEO and would like some pointers as to where to start with things. I have a few sites that I've been passed to do some SEO stuff on and was wondering where people find the right keywords to optimise for.

    Keyword Research | | Tinderbox

  • Say you have They use a dedicated domain name to advertise their main event. They use this domain on posters, flyers,etc and want to keep using it because it's easier to remember. has far, far more inbound links than (about 8 times more). Current problem: their current web developer has put the SAME content on both websites instead of setting up a redirect from (easy to remember) to which would have made more sense. My intention is to consolidate the 2 websites and make sure benefits from links to the Event. I plan to move and 301 redirect to I know this would keep links and PR intact but I have a couple of questions: 1. Is it enough to set up the 301 redirect or would they have to ask websites to ACTUALLY change the links to 2. They plan and need to keep using for its ease of use on posters, flyers, etc. The 301 redirect would be in place. Would this cause any problems with search engines, especially when/if some people STILL link to instead of Basically, my understanding of 301 redirects is that they're used when a website permanently moves. In this case, the OLD DOMAIN name would still be used for reasons mentioned above but would be 301 redirected to Any chance this might not maximise the potential of new/old links? Any other way to go about it? Anything I'm missing with this scenario? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | carmenmardiros

  • Hello, I'm wondering which is the best way to handle this kindle of page... You can have a look at my screen capture, or see directly my page here. I've in my case, for the same "ski resort", 3 differents anchor link type (title, image and more info…), all of them are going on the same page. I know it's not that good, my idea, it to keep only the more info like, but with a better anchor link, something like : more information about this ski resort... Thanks in advance 🙂 Best regards links.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Alexandre_

  • What's the exact string that Rogerbot send out as his UserAgent within the HTTP Request? Does it ever differ?

    Moz Pro | | rightmove

  • About 3 months ago I implemented a massive URL structure change by 'upgrading' some of the features of our CMS Prior to this URL's for catergorys and products looked something like this I made a few changes but din't implement it fully as I felt it would be better to do it instages as the site was getting indexed more thouroughly. HOWEVER... We have just hit the first page for some key SERP's and I am wary to rock the boat again by changing the URL structures again and all the sitemaps. How much pain do you think we could feel if i went ahead and optimised the URL's fully? and What would you do? 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hello, we have been working with this customer for a few years, doing their PPC, organic marketing, and we had established one google places listing for them as well. I guess the owner got sold on having someone else work with us to do google places for an additional office location they recently set up, and for whatever reason, they bypassed having us do it. This company never gained FTP access to the website. And despite heavy competition (apparantly), they have that new location listed in the #1 - A spot, without making any changes to the website. And, to top it off, when you review the Google places performance, there is a weird result I had never before seen labeled as "* loc:". You can see what I'm talking in both screen shots. Is there any guidance you can offer, first as to what that listing label means, and second, do you have any ideas how to 'reverse engineer' how they were able to get top listing so quickly for our customer like that? local_results.jpg local_analytics.jpg

    Competitive Research | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Hi, My website having canonical issue for home page, I have written the .htaccess file and upload the root directory. But still I didn't see any changes in the home page. I am copying syntax which one I have written in the .htaccess file. Please review the syntax and let me know the changes. Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on #RewriteBase / re-direct index.htm to root / ### RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^./index.htm\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^(.)index.htm$ /$1 [R=301,L] re-direct IP address to www ### re-direct non-www to www ### re-direct any parked domain to www of main domain RewriteCond %{http_host} !^$ [nc] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc,L] Is there any specific htaccess file format for apache server? Thanks, Karthik

    Technical SEO | | karthik-175544

  • This is a puzzle: If you had an online workforce of 50,000 workers that you could give any task.  You know their: ip addresses emails native languages An you have unlimited and quality content in any language What would you do to promote your website? Thanks!

    Link Building | | Katharine

  • Hey experts, how you doing? Hope everything is ok! I'm about to launch a new website, the code is almost done. Totally fresh new domain. The site will have like 500000 pages, fully internal optimized of course. I got my taticts to make G "travel" over my site to get things indexed. The problem is: to release it in "giant mode" or release it "thin" and increase the pages over the time? What do you recomend? Release the big G at once and let them find the 500k pages (do they think this can be a SPAM or something like that)? Or release like 1k/2k per day? Anybody know any good aproach to improve my chances of success here? Any word will be apreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | azaiats2

  • What solution do you use to keep track of links that you have acquired or purchased?

    Technical SEO | | qlkasdjfw

  • We recently setting up 301 redirects from one of our sites so that the site redirects from the www version to the non-www version for all pages.  We want to quantify what we expect to see as results.  From what the experts say, we'd expect that the Page Authority of the canonical versio (non-www) will be higher than either of the two separate ones were previously.  For instance, if this page - - had a PA of 57 and this one - - had a PA of 53, some time after the 301 redirects from www to non-www have been put into place, we should see the non-www version of that page move up to some PA about 57.  It our thinking correct?  How long does it normally take to see a PA update take place in a scenario like this? Thanks, Richard

    Technical SEO | | LDS-SEO

  • Hello , I am about to create a website with product reviews for a certain niche. What i want to know: Is it better for me to have a site with all reviews , like and then have and or buy multiple domains to have product name in the domain name, like and As far as I understand, first approach consolidates all pages on the same site , consolidating all the link juice to it. However, second approach lets me have the product name in the main domain URL. Which way is better for SEO and why?

    Algorithm Updates | | voitenkos

  • I have two niche e-commerce sites. One is a PR3 with 3K pages indexed, the other is PR0 with 5K pages indexed. Each site has a blog that has been updated regularly. They both rank well for some fairly competitive keywords and some good links pointing to them. I also have a main site that is PR3. I am thinking of closing down the sites because they are not generating enough revenue, here are my questions: What is the best way to get the most SEO value from these sites? Do I just do a redirect to the main site? Should I keep the sites and use canonical URLs to the main site? Should I keep the domain as a wordpress blog and point links to the main site? What should I do with the blogs? They are on sub-domains, neither has pagerank. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | inhouseseo

  • I'm planning on purchasing an old domain. I'd like to get an idea whether or not any "shadyness" was going on with the domain over the years. It's still indexed in google. I "whois'd" it, ran it through open site explorer, and did a "link:" search. Anything else you would recommend for researching this domain?

    Technical SEO | | Gyi

  • They have a new site, no links, no content, their page isn't optimized for this keyword (it's not even one on the page or their page title)... They only have 5 incoming links with the keyword in it, but its competitors have way more. Can someone solve this mystery?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | elcrazyhorse

  • I'm working with a company that has a high page rank on it's main domain and is looking to launch a new business / product offering.  They are evaluating either creating a subdomain or launching a brand new domain.  In either case, their current site will link contextually to the new site.  Is there one method that would be better for SEO than the other? The new business / product is related to the main offering, but may appeal to different / new customers.  The new business / product does need it's own homepage and will have a different conversion funnel than the existing business.

    Technical SEO | | gallantc

  • Hi, I am looking for an expert advise in terms of domain switching. I am in charge of a little colombian travel agency page "" and i am thinking about switching to a .travel domain we purchased month ago. - "" I would like to share some thoughts and would appreciate any comment, suggestions or recommendations. "" url is shorter and more travel related I also think it is easier to remember than "" we often use "brandname" in communications rather than "brandname travel" url within our site would be shorter i expect google to give more weight to .travel domains we also 301 redirect "" to "" Risks: we would loose positioning (for some important keywords we have top positions) less conversion less traffic customer not aware of .travel domains Question? how long does a recovery take? currently we 301 redirect "brandname".travel  to would this help repositioning our page? If we do this, when? Low search periods? -How strong do see a .travel domain compared to a non .travel domain? Any help is greatly appreciated

    Branding | | cuchuco

  • Ive been getting some really good links pointing to my domain as of lately, and they appear to be followed links. yet the number of external followed links shown in my seomoz tool bar does not want to budge! nor do these links show up in site explorer! Is there a delay in the toolbars response-time? or could it be something else? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | ambisuite

  • seomoz shows our site at #1 for a keyword that we're actuallly #2 we seem to rank #2 even when I disable personalization (setting URL token) or using incognito mode on chrome. Any insight on how seomoz verifies these ranks, and if I can place credibility in them?

    Moz Pro | | brianjolney

  • Hi Guys. I created a micro site (A design showcase gallery) away from the main website to attract a lot of links in my space from competitors. It works so well it has become a valuable resource in my industry and I believe I will keep it running and adding content to it. Is the best SEO strategy for the main site simply to link from each page to the main site? Or should I be looking at something else? Thanks, Alan

    Technical SEO | | spoiltchild

  • Whats the value difference in related and non related link? In % We always hear that links has to be related to the topic of the website, but whats the difference it makes? I wish to hear some responses from SEOMOZ staff

    Link Building | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

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