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  • Hello! I am getting ready to launch my freshly coded site in the next week or so. My product URLs are changing SLIGHTLY and want to confirm I am going about things the right way: A. My LIVE site store URLs look like . My DEV site store URLs look like . No /shop directory. B. The dev firm installed the rewrite rule below: ############################################ enable rewrites Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on #RedirectMatch 301 ^/shop?/$ RedirectMatch 301 ^/shop?/$ ########################################### C. When I manually enter a URL with /shop in the address the website redirects to the correct page which is good. QUESTIONS I HAVE 1. Is the above redirect correct? I need them to permanent. Don't think the above is right... 2. Will links in the Google index be redirected as well? I am assuming yes but just want to confirm. 3. For each page indexed in Google will its pagerank, etc. be passed to the new page using just the 301 above? 4. Do I need to create addtional 301s for each page? So mapping the old page to the new page? Please advise. The goal here is to of course preserve the rankings of the pages already in the Google index. THANK YOU!!! Lynn

    Technical SEO | | hiphound

  • I have read all the data regarding the number of links per page, but my question has to do with the number of  internal links to a particular page. After looking at some of the competition inside Open Site Explorer I can see that the competitor in question  has a much smaller number of links going to the desired page then the site I am comparing. The competitor is outranking a page  that should be ranking higher due to higher page authority and external root domain links. Internal Links to Page: 9,950 Competitor Page  Internal LInks: 208 Is this a situation where the sheer number of internal links is discounted because of page rank distribution throughout the site? Just want to get some clarity here. Thank you for your responses.

    Link Building | | jmsobe

  • Used to be a section on link building before the redesign. Where did it go?

    Link Building | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi Guys, I'm in the process of creating a very exciting startup aimed at the baby industry. It's essentially a social commerce question where parents can shop for products, create lists of products and ask questions. The challenge I'm facing is how best to structure my URLs from an SEO standpoint. For example a common baby topic such as "feeding", can sit in all three categories: Shopping category aggregates all products related to feeding List category aggregates all lists related to feeding Question category aggregates all question and answers on feeding So for that keyword "feeding" you have 3 potential landing pages. What I was wondering is what is the most effective way of doing it? I was thinking of something along these lines: /shopping/feeding /baby_list/feeding /ask/feeding Would love to hear your points of view on this. Thanks! Walid

    Technical SEO | | walidalsaqqaf

  • We just experience a drop in Google rankings, some pretty harsh, across all of the keywords we have been ranking greater than 50. I’m a noob at SEO, but a technical noob so I started doing my home work. I’ve seen references to the “google dance” and “Honeymoon”, but this hit seems to have effected competitors too.  Everyone seems re-ranked with several junk directories jumping up more than I think they should. Has anyone else seen this? Is this more Google algorithm adjustment or a natural settling based on our new SEO attempts? In either case, what should we do next? I know there is a holistic approach and everything is important however, we need bang for the buck at this point to before we start bleeding. One or two next steps? Our industry is residential cleaning and the site is Here is a little history:
    The site that’s been running for about 2 years.  We initially put up a very basic “throw something up” site without much thought of SEO except for some basics and a long tail approach with a blog, FaceBook and Twitter. We launched an updated site on Feb 23. with new theme and this time some, “on page” work to better hit the basics. The site structure was kept the same and we added on some more localized content in hopes to take advantage of local searches. Also, enter SEOMoz to get us tracking things (Yay MOZ). Until yesterday, we had been doing pretty well in some of our target cites even with the more basic site. When we launched the new site focusing on page titles, descriptions and page content, and a few directory attempts. We started to see some incremental  growth.  It seemed to me that this kind of growth meant that we were doing the right things and doing a better job than some of the other sites. Any way, yesterday we got smacked down. This seems too harsh for a for the slow increases we have seen over the last month. Any thoughts you have would be great appreciated. Thanks! -Shawn

    Technical SEO | | BitABliss

  • Hello All, We have a local service based website that caters to all types of services. We have a blog with over 130 original articles published. I recently hired three writers that each write at least one article per day. The topics we blog about are based on and google webmaster keyword searches. Besides writing articles, what else can I do to leverage this blog? How are you all choosing topics to write about? Here's my blog: www[dot]yipees[dot]com[slash]blog

    Content Development | | zorricsia

  • Might sound like a bit of a daft question to you pro's but here it goes... I am been doing in house SEO for a company for a short while and since I have been managing it things have moved quickly in the right direction but I find myself limiting our SEO efforts to three key terms. Is this usual? The reason I am doing this is because I find that on page SEO is only really possible with those amount of terms (with regards to title, description, key word density, seo copy, on page links etc). I guess that what I trying to stay is: If I push on page opitimastion to more key terms will it be detrimantal to our current efforts? and Is SEO possible for additional key phrases which are not on page optimised?

    On-Page Optimization | | RikkiD22

  • Sometimes I want to redirect pages on my site. Like a search result: to a page designed for what they're searching for: There's no real worry about transferring page rank and this may not be a permanent redirect. Just a "I want this page to show this page for some time" kind of redirect. What's the best solution? Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Hi, How much of an SEO issue is it to have relative links vs. fully written out links, like ? If I have a site that uses relative links, should I change them all? Thanks...Mike

    On-Page Optimization | | 94501

  • How much value link from SEOMOZ will worth for jewelry company... ?

    Link Building | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Has anyone tested social media buttons, to see which types, styles, and placements get the most clicks?  Should they go at the top of an article, or are they OK at the bottom?  Should the icons definitely have labels?  Display # of tweets and Likes?  How big should they be? My preference is for discrete buttons with a smallish, plain icon and a label.  I don't display tweets or Likes, unless it's a healthy number.  And I still think a "share by email" icon is important.  I put them at the bottom of the article, to keep the home page uncluttered and lead the eye into reading the article.  I'm also concerned about leaking rank from the homepage, especially for a site that's still establishing itself.  But if moving buttons to the top gets more shares, that's probably better. Is there a Wordpress plugin that you really like?  (I haven't found one yet - I'm still hardcoding my social media buttons.) Opinions are great, but test results are better!  Can anyone share?

    On-Page Optimization | | mattotoole

  • Hi There, Let's say I am able to get a link from a very well trust worthy blog that writes abot things related to my business. Now my question is how much value does another link with the same anchor text, from the same blog has compared to the first link, or compared to a new link from a slightly less powerfull blog? Or in another words, if I got 1 link from this great website should I invest my time to find another website where I can get a link from or should I invest it in getting another link from the website I already got a link from ( which might be easier)?

    Link Building | | liors

  • Hi everyone, Thanks in advance for your help, I am doing some competitor analysis and noticed that one of our competitors had a massive spike in the number of baclkinks it received in the past month. Is there a tool or a method I can use to determine what links they have picked up in the last few weeks, by filtering by age of link? Many thanks Al

    Link Building | | -Al-

  • I don't see a Q & A feed subscribe button. Am I missing it? Seems to me that being able to receive updates when new questions are posted would be useful.

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • I've performed countless SEO tactics, post tons of unique content. social bookmark tons of it. Facebook, Twitter, etc. Implement new sections to my site all the time in the past month I've implemented a dating site and a discussion forum. Yet my traffic pretty much always stays the same. We are at a level where our site is now the best place on the web to find disability news, and I can't really think of how else to improve it without simply having it more active. Is my niche just too small?

    Algorithm Updates | | craven22

  • First off, Hi guys I'm a new user here, in fact only in my second week of my trial period. However, I can assure you that I'll be continuing my subscription as this website is 'one hell of a bit of kit!'. Now, to my predicament. I have a website: which I am trying to move on up the rankings in Google (just like everyone else...). Well, I have followed the instructions and guidance through the Campaign Manager and I have 'A' ratings now for a couple of my preferred keywords, namely 'Office Supplies' & 'Office Products'. I also have a number of textlinks with these exact terms, some quite powerful (I'm the only outbound link on a Homepage PR5 on one). Anyway, being a complete and utter control freak - I wake up in the morning and check my rankings using the Google Mobile App for Blackberry whilst throwing as much coffee as possible down my neck. Basically (if you're not familiar with this app, it is just the same as connecting to the mobile internet and carrying out a search - or at least it should be). Well I was really excited to find that I was ranking at No.41 for 'Office Supplies' and No.17 for 'Office Products'. When I fully woke up and ventured to the office, I checked on the Mac through the normal Google UK and I'm nowhere, for either? What makes it even more confusing is that the results on the mobile seem to be intermittent - so if I check at 11.00am I'm No.17, 11.05 I'm nowhere, 11.10 back to No.17 - but only on the Mobile App. I have the Mobile App set up to Google UK, so that can't be the problem. I'm just wondering if either the Mobile App is ahead of the 'Real' Google UK results, or behind.The main reason for asking, is so that I can establish whether what I am doing is having a positive, or negative effect on the rankings. And if this is an quicker way to find out - then great! I assume the advice to come back will be '..ignore the mobile app..' but as it's being kinder to me than the 'Real' Google I'd like to be a bit kinder to it, and give the little fella the benefit of the doubt. But having said that I just checked the search results (Top 1000) for Keywords 'Office Supplies' & 'Office Products' - For Office Products the site was No.614 and for 'Office Supplies it wasn't in the top 1000, ouch. I know these things take time, as I have worked on a couple of other sites of ours and it seems that as soon as you are about to throw the towel in, the results just kick in. I'm not expecting miracles overnight, far from it - but it has me really confused. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice?(except '...get a life coffee fiend') Regards Limegreen

    Moz Pro | | Limegreen

  • This is an excellent post. But I couldn't find out one thing: all examples show the whle URL and I wonder if it's a problem to show a relative path instead is a problem? An example: you are on and you would like to Recl Connical to you are on Now, would both of these get it done right? Thanks, Andre

    Technical SEO | | viventuraSEO

  • Hi Mozzers, I am a newbie, for sure. But I have been able to figure out how to help my customer very well; with the help of SEOMOZ of course. Here is the question: My customer (ZR) has a competitor and they use the phrase in the title of one of their high ranked pages. Please see the enclosed graphic for the complete story. I would love to know if it is even legal (a pro would know) please see enclosed JPG... Thanks a bunch! OJ0ZL.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Giggy

  • Hi, I am offered a paid link to the following site which has a Page Rank 6. I checked blekko/yahoo/bing but the number of backlinks do not match the page rank. Also the posts on the site itself are very short and seem spammy ? Then why does google grant it PR = 6 or is there some trick used ?

    Competitive Research | | krishrun

  • Hello, 1. Sitemap was successfully submitted via Google webmaster tools 2. Site has been up for two years. 3. Site shows up in Google results for "Teacher Resume Service" 4. According to Google and SEOMoz, home page not indexed by Google or Bing. I'm a novice, am I missing something obvious? Thank You, Eric

    Moz Pro | | monthelie1

  • Hi all, If you were to have links that were randomly generated on each refresh, how would they be treated? I would imagine that they are treated normally and isolated to each crawl. So Google would just see the link structure changing from crawl to crawl and therefore give no long term value to these links. Any ideas? Thanks for your responses! Nick

    On-Page Optimization | | NickPateman81

  • Does anyone have any experience submitting articles as a Link Building method, and if so, do you have any specific submission sites that you would recommend?

    Link Building | | OrganicDigital

  • Hello all, All our category pages are linked to from every product page via the sidebar navigation. Which results in every category page having over 1700 links with the same anchor text. I have noticed that the category pages dont appear to be ranked when they most definately should be. For example is not ranked for the term "moss control" instead another of our deeper pages is ranked on page 1. Reading a previous SEO MOZ article ·  Excessive Internal Anchor Text Linking / Manipulation Can Trip An Automated Penalty on Google
    I recently had my second run-in with a penalty at Google that appears to punish sites for excessive internal linking with "optimized" (or "keyword stuffed anchor text") links. When the links were removed (in both cases, they were found in the footer of the website sitewide), the rankings were restored immediately following Google's next crawl, indicating a fully automated filter (rather than a manual penalty requiring a re-consideration request). Do you think we may have triggered a penalty? If so what would be the best way to tackle this? Could we add no follows on the product pages? Cheers Todd

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | toddyC

  • Hello, I am looking at my competitors back link analysis and comparing a range of link based metrics from the top 10 SERPS. I am then putting this data into excel and comparing our back link profiles. When looking at the anchor text distribution i am not sure whether to look at exact match anchor or phrase match anchor. For example, one of the companies I am looking at holds positions 3 and 4 in the SERPS. Looking at their linking profile I can see that only 1.7% of their links use the exact match anchor 'widget'. Looking at their phrase match anchor is an entirely different story, 93.5% of anchor links contain 'widget' somewhere. i.e. 'cheap widgets', 'widget sale', 'buy widgets at' etc. Obviously their exact match and phrase match anchor distribution tell a completely different story. THIS IS TRUE FOR MANY OF THE TOP 10 SERPS. Therefore, should I be looking at phrase match anchors instead of exact? Side note: would people recommend targeting anchors with 'brandname widget' based on predictions of Google giving weighted anchor more weight. Robert.

    Competitive Research | | 87ROB

  • Hi, I would like your input on the following dilemma I am wanting to target the keyword "download xml". at the moment Google indexes us on page 2 and indexes the page I would like to rewrite the url to be /download-xml-editor.aspx The current page is a pr5 and is our most trafficked and externally  inked to page. My thoughts are quite mixed on how to do this. approach 1: re-write url of "download.aspx" and setup permanent 301 redirect of download.aspx to download-xml-editor.aspx approach 2: create a new page called download-xml-editor and 301 redirect that to the current stronger page which is download.aspx approach 3: create new page called download-xml-editor with unique content and try and get that page to rank over time, allowing it to build up links and not compromise the current page, then later 301 redirect How would you deal with this and what are your recommendations

    Technical SEO | | LiquidTech

  • Hi Guys, I am in the process of developing some new areas of work and a good CMS is going to be required to make my SEO and everything included work to its best. What CMS systems are the best ones to use from an SEO prospective and generally all round? Thanks

    Web Design | | wazza1985

  • I’m just learning about HTML and I was wondering can a tag be put into a dynamic HTML page?

    Technical SEO | | EricVallee34

  • Edit I'll take the fall on this one, seems I could have asked my quesiton in a more clear manner. I was cruising other questions and finding a whole of answers that I suspect were not truly intended to help, but maybe help and earn Mozpoints. Wasn't fair of me to label those answering here with that. I will work better on the wording of my questions! 🙂 Edit Either I am asking my question poorly or I am learning there may be a rush to get points by throwing up any old very well may be the former which I am open to feedback on. Each page is to stand alone and hopefully rank well for the neighbourhood name and in conjunction with another relevant keyword phrase. There is no 'duplicate' version of any pages. * On a site there are numerous pages that provide real estate listings broken down by neighbourhood. Each containing similar content, a abbreviated version of the listings, often spanning 2 or 3 pages. These are 3rd level pages. Properties->Calgary Neighbourhoods->Evanston The title tags created are: Evanston Homes For Sale - NW Calgary Real Estate Panorama Hills Home For Sale - NW Calgary Real Estate Etc. for about 15 or so pages. Then they start again for another area of the city: Sagewood Homes For Sale - Airdrie Real Estate Woodside Homes For Sale - Airdrie Real Estate At this point there is no text on the actual page outside of the example of similar listings on another site - Do you think the SE's will see these as 'proper' use of the Title Tag or duplicate or other practices they tend to frown upon? It is a logical way of creating the title and obviously creating a unique version for each page would not only be tough to scale on some sites with 100's of these pages, they would become a little silly and not much use to the searcher in the SERPs Thanks for any help!

    On-Page Optimization | | kyegrace

  • I was just wondering if someone could point out to me any known differences between these three search engines.  I feel like i have been spending a lot of time optimizing for google, but don't have much of an idea of how to optimize for yahoo or bing.  Do you have any up-to date article links or tips/advice?

    On-Page Optimization | | adriandg

  • In 2008 we performed an experiment which showed some seemingly random behaviour by Google (indexation, caching, pagerank distributiuon). Today I put the results together and analysed the data we had and got some strange results which hint at a possibility that Google purposely throws in a normal behaviour deviation here and there. Do you think Google randomises its algorithm to prevent reverse engineering and enable chance discoveries or is it all a big load balancing act which produces quasi-random behaviour?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Dan-Petrovic

  • We've heard a lot about how user-generated content is doing good for SEO, and how it can add more value to users. While this would work in certain niches, how would one go about implementing UGC like Q&A and comments on a corporate website? I've thought about having a Q&A about our services, but that would limit the appeal of the content.

    Social Media | | IslandLogic70

  • Hello, Hope this hasn't been answered but no combination of searches could turn it up. What is the impact for those using a co working space such as in regards to Google Places and local searches? Assumedly there will be multiple 'businesses' using the same address including suite number. Does this cause issue with Google understanding that these are truly legit 'offices' and work address for honest to goodness businesses? Suppose part of the challenge may be those using this address for just mail and answering... Guess my point is, will 20-40 people using the same address for their places profile be a problem? What alternatives exist for these folks? Thanks y'all!

    Image & Video Optimization | | kyegrace

  • The video seems pretty cool. Thanks Randy

    Link Building | | SmallFry34

  • When linking internally in my site is it more beneficial to have links written like, Fast Blenders OR Fast Blenders

    Web Design | | tickettoss

  • It looks like google (regular organic) does not index individual posts from facebook pages often, more likely the wall of the page itself or separate pages. Can someone confirm this?

    Social Media | | qlkasdjfw

  • I was wondering if there is  a software / dashboard where I can track key metrics around page weight (primed & unprimed etc…) javascript etc…. and compare us to established benchmarks of competitors?

    On-Page Optimization | | Tradingpost

  • Hey Mozzerati, I'm curious if there's a way to expose and analyze historical data from each previous Linkscape/OpenSiteExplorer (OSE) update. Essentially, I'm looking for something similar to MajesticSEO's Backlink History tool that can show you both daily links over a short time as well as cumulative links over a long period.  I think the utility of such a tool is to see which competitors have gained many links over a short period, signalling that they're engaging in some form of link-building/-buying/-baiting activity. Is there any way to yield this data (other than to record it manually after each Linkscape/OSE update) from SEOmoz PRO tools?

    Moz Pro | | jcolman

  • Hello, Should absolute or relative urls to be used for the internal links? I heard mixed opinions on that: One source claims that web crawlers prefer absolute urls as they are more understandable Other source points that there is no difference for web crawlers what urls are used and relative urls are shorter which reduces the size of a page. Which option is recommended? Many thanks Darius

    On-Page Optimization | | LinenMe

  • SEO moz is showing me that the robot.txt is blocking content on my site

    On-Page Optimization | | CGR-Creative

  • I was just wondering how SEOMOZ manage to have same pagerank on all pages? Even on profile pages.

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I have a client that wants a Google local listing in a town he serves but does not have a physical location.  Is it an issue to share an address with an existing company?  Is is it better to use a P.O. Box? or is there a forwarding address company? Is this considered a black hat Local SEO tactic?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BonsaiMediaGroup

  • Obviously, SEOmoz is full of awesomeness. But I'm curious as to what sections, tools, etc. of SEOmoz are the users' favorites? For me, it's a close race between the blog, Linkscape/Open Site Explorer, and the search overlay tool on the Mozbar. What are your favorites?

    Moz Pro | | Gyi

  • I want to learn from one of the best how to do real link building. I currently outsource this and just aren't sure if they're that good or not. Can you please let me know if Rand is doing any training or presentations on this in L.A or California this year? And if not him maybe someone else you can recommend who's good. Thanks much.

    Link Building | | afranklin

  • I'll start with ours, it's a BBC article which listed our website in the resources box, keyword rich 🙂

    Link Building | | tomcraig86

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