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  • I am looking for a way to share my content in multiple locations to build back links without having to upload one at a time per location. For example- if i write an article and i upload it to ezine articles and then post it over on my blog- it will then post over on my twitter and facebook and linked in. However- how i can also get this article with back links into shared sites, bookmark sites, and other locations online to help build my inbound marketing for back links. I'm trying to find a way to save time while building out the links.

    Link Building | | LauraThomas

  • What is a good keyword difficulty score to pursue when deciding which keywords to try and rank on? I'm in a very competitive field and I am currently in the process of doing keyword research to look for the low hanging fruit.

    Keyword Research | | 13375auc3

  • Does Google or other search engines index Wordpress pages that use frames?  Here is the site in question:

    Algorithm Updates | | BradBorst

  • I have a site that is successful on the SERPs for a certain geography, let's call it City A (I'm sure you can't tell what it is from my username). I'm moving to a new city in another state so I will be building my business in this area (City B). Should I create a new domain for City B with or should I create a sub-domain called and just redirect to the URL for offline marketing purposes only? My current website has some authority with Google. Will it be better to building something on the sub-domain and get any sort of cross-benefits or are there really no benefits to be had between sub-domains? The benefit of going with would be having a keyword rich URL but I would basically be starting from zero with building authority. Specific experience you've had with this or cited examples would be great for the discussion! Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JaredDetroit

  • Hi SEOs I have created a page on my website with a certain tutorial - let's say "How to change a tyre in your car". I have Grade  A from On-page report using SEOmoz tool. I have put a relevant alt description for each photo I have put in that tutorial and I have used relevant keyword as a name for each image. So for example this would look like that: changing-tyre-1.jpg changing-tyre-2.jpg My question is should I name these file differently according to their content ? For example if on my photo there is some tool I have to use to change the tyre should the file have the name relevant to the subject of the article/tutorial on the page or to the content of the image ? Is that a stupid question ? Or am I getting too fussy ? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | lolskizz

  • For some reason, our urls are set to change from “" to “” These register as different pages though?  We have rankings in SEOMoz Pro for terms where our homepage shows up 6th on google, but SEOMoz says it's not on the first page because it's checking against and not Also, it seems like for some reason pages with trailing slashes also register differently than those without. Should we be doing something for that? Something to make sure all pages get rewritten to having the trailing slash or not? For instance, this url: and this url” are really the same page.  Yet in our analytics, they register as different pages with their own stats, etc. What should we do in our particular case, and how can we get this fixed? I really appreciate the help, and thanks in advance! Jesse

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ApprendaPlatform

  • I recently found a new SEO tool It is fast, and has found some site tweaks I need to make. There is a free demo version that crawls up to 500 URIs. I recommend you check it out (I'm not affiliated). One of the conditions it checks for is if your page <title>is exactly equal to your <h1> tag. The fact that they flag it makes me wonder if that's something I should avoid (?).</p> <p>When I googled it I found a variety of opinions. When I looked at Rand's excellent piece on the perfectly optimized page I notice that the example Page Title and H1 are slightly different. By design, or a happy coincidence?</p> <p>Any opinions on whether I should make my Page Titles slightly different than my H1 tags to avoid the appearance of over optimization, or some other penalty?</p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • Is it possible that the google keyword tool is wrong? It's the first time I realize that for many keywords the google keyword tool reports a big volume of searchs for a keyword as if it were tiped two times. In some cases, as the attached image, it's the same volume, in other cases is even bigger the one with the duplicated string What should I think of that, that, "champagne champagne" has really 4 million searchs? if were an available domain name, should it be a good idea for a microsite? Thank you! t9Jwn.png

    Keyword Research | | gvnns

  • What are the best windows hosting companies for SEO? We would prefer to have the following environment:WINDOWS based server, using the IIS7 webserver, running Classic ASP  (not!!) They must allow 301 Redirects (sitewide non-www to www and specific urls) I usually use linux based hosting so I am a little new to Windows hosting. Looking for a little help. Thanks,

    SEO Learn Center | |

  • From an SEO and user perspective what structure do you recommend for page titles.  For example (given that they shouldn't ideally be more than 70 characters) :- Keywords (maybe two or three) | Company Name | more keywords I understood the best place for the company name was about second place.  Is this now the considered view taking into consideration 'branding' which has been flagged up as the way forward. Keywords are separated by the vertical bar    |     - any thoughts? For 'house keeping' pages such as Privacy Policy - should this be optmised or simply stated as 'privacy policy' Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | PH292

  • I have a specific question regarding keyword grouping. Whenever I've have compiled a (long) list of keywords, I create smaller groups of keywords that can be targeted by a category or page. However, I find this to be quite labour-intensive as I'm doing this work manually through filtering in Excel. To illustrate what I mean, here's an example of a keyword list: baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby
    pregnancy shirts
    pregnancy gifts Normally I would create a list of root words, like this: baby
    gift I would then manually filter the list on each root word and copy the filtered list to separate tabs, which would result in lists like this: baby
    baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby shirt
    baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby
    pregnancy shirts etc. As you can imagine, this is a lot of work. So my hope is that you can help me out with a smart tool / Excel formula / ??? to automate this process. Thanks for any suggestions!

    Keyword Research | | DeptAgency

  • Hi all, I'm about to begin the process of chopping up a 1,000 page website into separate sitemaps. I'm going for a three tiered approach so that I can check indexation on each level for: Category, Subcategory, Product What's the easiest way to create three separate XML sitemaps for this? Thanks, Nick

    Technical SEO | | NickPateman81

  • Hello, I was playing around with my Adwords and received a nice message from Google  saying "Keywood Quota exceed". Basically I have too many keywords. That made me wonder if I could organize my keywords better. I sell tractor parts online. The majority of traffic is from people putting the part number into Google i.e  0J51MP5ON . It therefore made sense to use the manufactures SKU as keywords. The problem is that we have 30,000 keywords and will be moving to 100,000 - which above the Google limit. Each keyword links to the appropriate page on the website i.e. 0J51MP5ON goes to the 0J51MP5ON page. To make things simpler I could cut down on keywords by redirecting all parts starting with 0J5 to  a 0J5 landing page for parts being with 0J5. The would be from the same Tractor manufacturer. However, I am worried this will reduce conversation rates.  It will make it easier to manage the keywords. Anyone got any better suggestions?

    Paid Search Marketing | | DavidLenehan

  • If I choose: Blue Wide Widgets vs. Wide Blue Widgets vs. Widgets Wide Blue Are these considered 3 different keywords that show up on 3 different SERPs?

    Keyword Research | | 13375auc3

  • Hello mozers, I am going crazy over this. I have designed a new site The company name / kw is unique (Smolikova Mikulas Hendrich), but it appears on page 5 on Google.
    Yahoo and Bing is fine (in top 3 positions). All the on-page factors are ok too.
    All the pages are indexed on Google. We have done a 301 redirect of two other domains ( and which were websites for the firms prior to forming a new one. I am scratching my head over what does Google dislike so much. Any thoughts? Can the domain - which previously had some dodgy insurance content - be the reason? Your help is much appreciated. Ondrej

    On-Page Optimization | | ilincev

  • I have a full text RSS feed of my blog available for users with RSS readers. A few sites have said they would like to republish the unedited feed on their site (so my blog postings show up on their sites with links back to my site embedded). I'm wondering if this is a good/bad idea (to let them republish my postings) and/or if I should do anything in the feed to protect myself from an SEO point of view? Am I at risk of some kind of duplicate content penalty from Google, or will Google figure out that I'm the original source (which would be good) since the blog postings have links back to my site? Thanks!

    Content Development | | scanlin

  • Hi all, Just a simple question. What's the disadvantages/advantages to using this URL structure for an ecommerce site: **Category structure: **/category **Subcategory structure: **/subcategory **Product structure: **/product Compared to the standard: /category/subcategory/product Thanks, Nick

    On-Page Optimization | | NickPateman81

  • I was listed in DMOZ for over 10 years. Then suddenly my listing dropped out (I suspect a competitor is an editor and bumped us) and my rankings have dropped a bit. I have resubmitted my site repeatedly, but with no luck. Do you have any idea how I can get relisted? Lisa Rioni

    Link Building | | lrioni

  • A couple of my sites have recently been hacked with the hacker managing to overwrite lots of my pages with their own spam products and also adding in lots of (hundreds) pages that they have created themselves. I have rectified this in so far as removing folders that the hacker used to over write my pages so my original pages are now back showing the correct content and also removed all the hundres of new pages that they had managed to instantly add. I appreciate that google will find and re-crawl all my genuine pages so the correct content is being displayed and indexed for them but what is the best method for dealing with the hundreds of extra spam ages that google had managed to crawl but have now been deleted so there are loads of 404 page not founds in google?

    Technical SEO | | Wardy

  • As title, is there a tool out there that will allow you to see all the keywords a website ranks for in the first few pages of a particlur search engine? I would be particularly interested for keywords in the first 10 pages of Google. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | blagger

  • I just watched this video in which Matt Cutts talks about the ancient 100 links per page limit. I often encounter websites which have massive navigation (elaborate main menu, side bar, footer, superfooter...etc) in addition to content area based links. My question is do you think Google passes votes (PageRank and anchor text) differently from template links such as navigation to the ones in the content area, if so have you done any testing to confirm?

    Technical SEO | | Dan-Petrovic

  • We're launching a new site and we're trying to crawl it to check for any problems.  It's millions of pages and Xenu seems to start encountering errors as the numbers mount past 500,000.  Does anyone know of an alternative, free or paid, that could handle the size better?

    Technical SEO | | eLocalusa

  • I would like to give away 10 tickets to a local event and if people want to participate they have to like us and share the post on their wall. Everything happens from my website but i don't know how to track the people who have shared the post. Anyone knows how to do this? Would be greatly appreciated!

    Social Media | | ldestrooper

  • Do you guys recommend I pursue this combination? I want a semi-automatic (spend a few minutes a day picking interesting blog articles) blog and to automate its promotion. Is there anything else I could be doing? Also this combination doesn't seem to post to facebook pages well. I'd like to also add buttons to like/tweet/ etc, right on the blog. What are some best practices for this?

    Social Media | | ilyaelbert

  • I whant to specify a link rel cannonical for each category page, how to do that without changing the code (just from admin section), because filters and sorting search are making the site dublicate content with their parameters; If there is a way please specify the method, i whant to avoid hours of working in a script like this. Thank's.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | oneticsoft

  • I'm using a forum plugin called Simple Press, and the rest of my site is looking good with only a few minor errors due to a long url. Anyway, the only 4 major errors I have are these; These 3 links have no titles, so is there somewhere I can give them titles, or do a rel=nofollow? /index.php?sf_ahah=acknowledge /index.php?sf_ahah=permissions /index.php?sf_ahah=tags And then the 3 above plus this one; http://www.societyforethicsand…..?xfeed=all Have no META DESCRIPTION associated with them. So, is there somewhere I can add the meta description for all 4? I have spoken to support, and it turns out the first 3 links with no titles are ajax content for pop ups, instead of waiting for them to work out how to resolve this issue, does anyone know how to stop them coming up as major errors?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CosmikCarrot

  • Hi mozzers, As dissussed last friday at the London Linkbuilding seminar, badges are still working like a charm. I am having some of my designers work on some now (have been in the pipeline for months, but conferences are so good at shifting priorities) and are looking for some examples on good badges. The badges will be an award for other websites. Thanks, Thomas

    Link Building | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Hi all, For a project I'm working on there will be an opportunity to have a number of websites link back to our main site. Rather than giving out a straight forward link text I'm more interested in building and handing out some kind of widget which is topical to both us and the websites giving us links. Although I do a fair bit of web development with various technologies I have never played around with building widgets as such which can pull in data feeds from our database etc... Does anyone have any good recommendations of tutorials covering this area or alternatively any companies offering this kind of widget building service. Thanks in advance, Darren

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DarrenAtkinson

  • This is our idea on how to create pages. Please give us your opinion on this way of targeting keywords. Meta Title Tickets [destination] | | Flights [destination] Meta description Book your ticket to [destination] online and find the cheapest tickets in just a few clicks… H1: Tickets [destination] H2: Cheap ticket to [destination] – city of … Image                             Tekst with focus on tickets +  destination and ticket + destination City guides general information,                              More information city guide
    introduction                                                             Short  snippets of content. More information city guide
                                Short  snippets of content. Additional tekst on flights +  destination.

    On-Page Optimization | | vliegticketsnl

  • When using and searching for "travel to france", is the 3rd organic result. (the 1st two are not travel businesses, they are non profit travel  guides) My client, who runs, an Australian site that organises tours of the UK, said "so we just need to add these sort of words to the site?" I said, yes, but it doesn't end there. The real task is to have a link to your site on other sites surrounded with the words "travel"  and "UK". He asked if he could see a list of the sites the french site was being referred by relevant to the search phrase. Is there an SEOmoz tool for this? Or is there another way I can generate that list? Thanks Simon

    Competitive Research | | electrik

  • I 'am using a seo component (sh404sef) for a joomla website, for the time being, any internal linking is organized. I've been said the sitelinkx is not advised (a component dedicated to build internal links) with sh404sef... How could i manage to set it up fastly ? Tks a lot..

    Link Building | | mozllo

  • Hi, Are several listing in google places allowed ? I've got 1 address but with 3 differents services with 1 website for each activity . Tks a lot..

    Image & Video Optimization | | mozllo

  • Hi, If you change a template (wordpress, joomla cms..) without changing information organization..(urls..) Does this can have an impact on your serp ? Tks a lot ...

    Technical SEO | | mozllo

  • I have a particular Page which shows primary contact details as well as "additional" contact details for the client. GIven I do not believe I want Google to misinterpret the focus of the page from the primary contact details which of the following three options would be best? Place the "additional" contact details (w/maps) in Javascript, Ajax or similar to suppress them from being crawled. Leave "additional" contact details alone but emphasize the Primary contact details by placing the Primary contact details in Rich Snippets/Microformats. Do nothing and allow Google to Crawl the pages with all contact details Thanks, Phil

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AU-SEO

  • Hi Folks, Here is our situation we have an old brand domain >> that was redirecting to>> By mistake, we let that domain expired and only noticed the drop a month later We lost all our pages and this for several weeks Not sure of the exact date but approximately around 24th of December, what a merry Xmas! 😞 Since then we have repurchased the domain, Put back all the pages as they were and re-instated all the 301 redirect as they were. Since that date we haven't seen any uplift in our visits or visibility score. Did we do something wrong with our 301 redirect? I know for sure we used ISAPI rewrite mod for the non www. domain although I am not entirely sure how the www. version has been handled. Is there something we should do at a DNS level to flag the site is back? Should we presetn a reconsideration request? Any help would be greatly welcomed. Thanks for your help. Cheers, Freddy More info I placed a bit more info and the visits graph on my blog: I am not sure if this is due to the fact that some information is cached but when i looked at the site on opensiteexplorer I found that the data is still showing as non redirected sites:!comparison effect-of-301-redirect-expired-on-SERP-visibility-300x204.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Gus_Martin

  • We have hundreds of domains which are either alternate spelling of our primary domain or close keyword names we didn't want our competitor to get before us. The primary domain is running on a dedicated Windows server running IIS6 and set to a static IP. Since it is a static IP and not using host headers any domain pointed to the static IP will immediately show the contents of the site, however the domain will be whatever was typed. Which could be the primary domain or an alias. Two concerns. First, is it possible that Google would penalize us for the alias domains or dilute our primary domain "juice"? Second, we need to properly track traffic from the alias domains. We could make unique content for those performing well and sell or let expire those that are sending no traffic. It's not my goal to use the alias domains to artificially pump up our primary domain. We have them for spelling errors and direct traffic. What is the best practice for handling one or both of these issues?

    Technical SEO | | briankb

  • Has anyone used for link building. It is a service I've been reading a fair deal about and I was hoping to hear everyone's opinion on it.

    Link Building | | calin_daniel

  • Hi guys, the pro campaign thing you got going is wicked, love it. I'm recieving good results with my keywords and have noticed that categories that go beyond sub/sub/sub don't do to well. So I wanna move those that do one step up which makes it go from: to here The existing menu system that follow all these categories across the site will soon go so it won't be a user friendly problem, I will have other type of menus. But, and here is the question: Would I greatly benefit from taking the non existent menu away and just go for: while i'm at it? Or do I stick with my current structure? I guess my real question is; how much is there to flat URLs? Cheers -dan lundholm

    On-Page Optimization | | spytunes

  • Hi Guys, Have you ever come across government sites that are cluttering up SERP's that you're trying to rank for? For a new site that I'm working on one of the keyword terms is "driving test cancellations" and is in the UK. 3 of the top 4 results are government related sites which have verry little (if not nothing) to do with the keywords. Whilst these government sites are (very) loosley related to the keyword terms, and understandably have high pa/da, what would be the best way to try and rrank higher than these sites. I'm in the process of building links and social profiles - I'm really just wondering if there's something I'm missing that is an "easy fix" for jumping ahead of these sites - or getting them removed due to their lack of relevence. Gary...

    Competitive Research | | perfectweb

  • Hi. I installed the SEOmoz toolbar for Firefox, and analyzed my home page, then clicked on 'get a full site analysis at Site Explorer'. This is what came up:!links?src=mb I hope that link works. If not, the URL is Anyway, there are about 57 different URLS within my site all pointing to my homepage! I have no idea where they are coming from. Can someone with an experienced eye take a quick look and tell me what I might be up against? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | aprilm-189040

  • We carry a few brands that have special foreign characters, e.g., Kühl, Lolë, but do search engines recognize special unicode characters? Obviously we would want to spend more energy optimizing keywords that potential customers can type with a keyboard, but is it worthwhile to throw in some encoded keywords and anchor text for people that copy-paste these words into a search? Do search engines typically equate special characters to their closest English equivalent, or are "Kuhl", "Kühl" and "Kühl" three entirely different terms?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TahoeMountain40

  • Hello all, firstly let me apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this question. I have a site which gets a 200ok when checked for crawl issues, however pages such as /whiplash-injury-compensation-claims.php , /road-traffic-accident-compensation-claims.php and quite a few more return a 404. That's fine (usually) as I can quite happily fix that most of the time. However if you actually go to those pages in your browser, or click through to them on any part of the site you will see that they are in fact not redirecting to a 404 and everything is fine!? Any body got any ideas? Best H

    Technical SEO | | haydyn

  • By paying you guys each month will you be making my website more visible and accessible or will you only point out the mistakes I should fix?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vacksah

  • I'm keen to hear feedback from anyone who has installed a directory onto their e-commerce site. By directory, I mean that - subject to human review and possibly a small fee - a relevant site owner in my niche can create a listing that is effectively a page on my site where they control the main content, links & images.
    People using our site would enter the directory section from our resources / advice top level category and browse the index of the directory to reach a listed site's dedicated page. The idea for it came up when we were discussing ways to get more backlinks. Offering people a whole page directory listing seems like a good way of negotiating a link in return that isn't just from the other site's link page. I'm looking for everyone's stories on this: your reasons for doing it, how you went about it and the tools you used and what your results where, in particular: was it worth it? We aren't thinking about starting a new site for the directory, it would be added onto our main site (which is old and has good PR etc etc). However, it would still be good to hear from both sides of the fence on that issue. Over to you. J

    Affiliate Marketing | | jdeb

  • What is considered the normal response rate and success rate of acquiring a link through email link requests?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Had to redirect the nameservers to the hosting account in order for the domain email addresses to work.  Since then, search results have dropped from the first page to second and much lower with the same keywords.  Does that make sense? Another change was redirecting approx 10 parked domains to the main site, was that a mistake?

    Technical SEO | | reeljerc

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