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  • Hi. I am new to this community, and new to SEO as well. A friend asked me to give them suggestions on onsite optimization for their Drupal website. I know page titles are very important, and usually they should be set to H1. (At least I think) This particular website has all their page titles set to H2 and they are using display:none in their stylesheet to hide them for graphic design reasons. What would be the most practical work around for this? We don't want this to appear sketchy in the eyes of the SE's, but putting page titles at the top of their pages really would take away from their graphical design. The second issue is that they use a module called Quicktabs for tabbed product specs on each page. Each tab is actually pulled from a post (called a node in Drupal), so each tab has it's own title that is an H2. So not only are they hiding the main page title, but they are hiding 5 others within the tabs, and their are 6 H2 elements showing up on each product page all set to display:none. Any creative suggestions? Hope that makes sense.... Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | aprilm-189040

  • Today I noticed that Google is not using my title tag for one of my pages. Search for "covered call search" Look at organic result 6: Search - Covered Calls Covered call screener filters 150000 options instantly to find the best high yield covered calls that meet your custom criteria. Free newsletter.<cite></cite> - CachedNow, if you click through to that page you see the meta title tag is:Covered Call ScreenerEven the cached version shows the title tag as Covered Call ScreenerI am not logged in, so I don't believe personalization has anything to do with it.Have others seen this before?It is possible that "search - covered calls" was the title tag 9 months ago (before I understood SEO); I honestly don't remember. I cleaned all my titles up at least 6 months ago.Can I force Google to re-index the page? Its content has changed a few times in the last few months, and Google crawls my site frequently according to webmaster tools.

    Technical SEO | | scanlin

  • When you are starting an SEO project for a new website (or an old one with few or worthless links) where to you start?  What are your basic "get the link building started" link sources?

    Link Building | | DGSEO

  • Hi I was at the linklove conference and I heard some worrying stories about the way content is formatted on a page being a factor in ehow has avoided being slapped. It was the first time I had heard the expression "below the fold..." I am producing some very sexy SERP's results and other sexier metrics are up too but I am concerened that has a ton of images on the home page and the nice content is below all of them.. firstly is this content..."below the fold"? secondly I know the site is old but do you think when this panda update hits the UK... were will be penalised for the look of the site.. I know there was talk yesterday at the conference of coming up woth a tool to check this out... my gut says that this will be a factor... sooner rather than later hence I am looking at magento and how we can skin it to look nice and present products better.. I would be really interested to know what exactly is "below the fold" on the and some thoughts on the whole ehow formatting issue..

    Algorithm Updates | | robertrRSwalters

  • My campaign hse24 ( is not being crawled any more ... Do you think this can be a problem of the robots.txt? I always thought that Google and friends are interpretating the file correct, seen that he site was crawled since last week. Thanks a lot Bernd NB: Here is the robots.txt: User-Agent: * Disallow: / User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: Googlebot-Image User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-agent: MSNBot User-agent: Slurp User-agent: yahoo-mmcrawler User-agent: psbot Disallow: /is-bin/ Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-DE-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/hse24_Storefront-Start Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-AT-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/hse24_Storefront-Start Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-CH-Site/de_DE/-/CHF/hse24_Storefront-Start Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-DE-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/hse24_DisplayProductInformation-Start Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-AT-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/hse24_DisplayProductInformation-Start Allow: /is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/HSE24-CH-Site/de_DE/-/CHF/hse24_DisplayProductInformation-Start Allow: /is-bin/intershop.static/WFS/HSE24-Site/-/Editions/ Allow: /is-bin/intershop.static/WFS/HSE24-Site/-/Editions/Root%20Edition/units/HSE24/Beratung/

    Technical SEO | | remino63

  • What are the pros and cons having exact match domain and how can you create a brand name and build backlinks? Say we have a domain We are quite stuck with what anchor text we need to use and how do we vary it? I've heard that we have to stay away from using commercial keywords as anchor text heavily. We have to also use our brand name. And here we get stuck as we don't have a brand name. In this case Our brand name should be personalized birthday gifts but this is also commercial keyword. I have seen before similar websites droped from ranking because they have commercial keywords in their domain and most of their backlink anchor texts are commercial. If I had a website called selling birthday gifts it would be a lot easier. But when you have a website and trying to rank for personalized birthday gifts and birthday gifts it's tough. OR isn't it? I hope I explained it well and didn't confuse anybody... Thanks

    Link Building | | Jvalops

  • It seems Google base and other Comparison Shopping Engines like to see the brand in the product name.   But, on my category page for that brand, website optimizer tells me including the brand name with each product  is cannabilizes links. For example; I have a page for jewelerABC with 20 pieces of jewelry listed as well as original content about jewelerABC.  I do not currently name these products as xyz by jewelerABC.  This page comes up nicely in the serps. But in Google base The top listings for jewelry by jewelerABC seem to have  every product named xyz by jewelerABC  or JewelerABC xyzs. What is the best way to optimize.for both? Stephen

    On-Page Optimization | | stephenfishman

  • Could you please explain the link values to be earned through Social Media Optimization?

    Social Media | | gmk1567

  • Please let me know the best practices of Video Optimization

    Image & Video Optimization | | gmk1567

  • If a client (e.g. a winery) wants to rank both nationally and locally, what are some best practices for doing this on one Website? So the goal is to: Rank nationally for their wines, wine varietals, they're found by restaurants, distributors, customers (could include national directories, content creation ,etc.) Rank locally for their tasting room and wines for people looking locally or looking at that specific region (this could also include include Google places, local directories, etc.). I'm wondering if the site would need to be subdivided (or "siloed") where one section is heavily focused on national and another is on regional? Also, for the home page, which focus would be most important (maybe national because it's harder)? Thanks a for any ideas! Tom

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DirectionSEO

  • My sitemap includes and, they are both the same page, will this have any negative effects, or can I remove the

    Technical SEO | | Aftermath_SEO

  • I have a client who has a lot of information in PDF form. They think they should move some of it over into HTML pages so it indexes better.  Is there a benefit to converting these PDF's into HTML pages?  It seems to me that HTML pages would be good, IF they are relevant pages that could be used online.

    On-Page Optimization | | lvstrickland

  • Based on the PRO crawl Diagnostics – if we don’t make a change on 1 page, does that just affect the SEO on that one page, or does it affect the SEO on all pages of the site? E.g. If we get a “Too many on page links” for a certain page that we don’t really want to rank for – does not fixing that particlaur page affect the site as a whole? Hope I explained this ok..

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • If I had two pages: PageA about Cats PageB about Dogs If PageA had a link rel=canonical to PageB, but the content is different, how would Google resolve this and what would users see if they searched "Cats" or "Dogs?" If PageA 301 redirected to PageB, (no content in PageA since it's 301 redirected), how would Google resolve this and what would users see if they searched "Cats" or "Dogs?"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | visionnexus

  • Is there a way to track Google & Bing Shopping referrals independent of standard Google/Bing tracking? It would be nice if we could see the difference between Google PPC, Google Organic & Google Shopping. I notice in analytics that we get some traffic from  google/ppc, some from google/organic, some from (not sure what this is), and some from googlebase/cse (I know this is Google shopping, but I don't think it's tracking all shopping referral visits as this).

    Reporting & Analytics | | JerDoggMckoy

  • Hi Mozzers I am working with a client who currently has 2 wordpress installations on their site - one is in the root domain and one is in a subdirectory /hub which is where the majority of their content is. They want to move all of their content over from the /hub directory into the root installation. Any ideas of the most SEO friendly way to do this? Thanks for any suggestions.

    Technical SEO | | beva

  • I'm interested in passing this info on to a client who experienced a period of time when an incorrect GA code was installed on their homepage. They were able to get Google stats on second level pages only. This is a site that gets 80 + % of visits from organic search engine referrals. They do minimal advertising. Thanks in advance.

    Reporting & Analytics | | alankoen123

  • Working on reducing page load time, since that is one of the ranking factors that Google uses. I've been using Page Speed FireFox plugin (requires FireBug), which is free. Pretty happy with it but wondering if others have pointers to good tools for this task. Thanks...

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • I have a client with a business that has locations in about 20 different states.  Can I get them local listings in DMOZ? If so, how?

    Link Building | | DGSEO

  • Hello, We recently launched a redesigned site in Drupal in December of last year. We are an eco-travel company. My current URL's look like this: /africa-and-middle-east/kenya-tanzania /central-south-america/galapagos-islands My pages have good term targeting grades, and the rankings for the terms we are targeting - "kenya and tanzania safaris" and "galapagos islands cruises" are decent, but not great - most are on page 2 or 3. The one URL where I targeted our most important term, "amazon river cruises," I am still on page 2. /central-south-america/amazon-river-cruises My questions are: Did I miss an opportunity with the rest of the URL's, and should I consider changing the rest to more targeted terms with 301s? Since the new site launched in January, perhaps I have not given enough time for my new URL's to index and mature. Would it be easier to set up landing pages with unique article content that targets terms such as "galapagos islands cruises" and "kenya and tanzania safaris"? If so, how can I do it in such a way as to not "compete" with the pages I want to drive them to? This also raises the question of redirecting the same URL twice i.e. I would have 2 redirects in place for the same url e.g. from the former site to the new site, and yet another redirect to the most-recent URL. Is that a problem? Sorry if I've asked too many questions in one post. 😉 Any advice appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | csmithal

  • As I mostly work with Belgian/Dutch customers, my keywords are often in Dutch. We have a lot of composite words such as "hooikoortsklachten" or "hooikoortverwachting". If i were to create a Page Title with content: Hooikoortsklachten | hooikoortsverwachting Is this parly duplicated (because of the word hooikoorts x2)? or does Google only consider the entire word? Insights would be much appreciated! Thanks

    Keyword Research | | Jacobe

  • I have believed for years that a high bounce rate (from search) could lower your rankings over time. Makes sense; if users bounce right back to search after looking at your page Google should think that page wasn't very useful and will push your down the SERPs. But, how do they determine this? If a user comes back after 30 seconds that's a bounce? Or is my premise incorrect and Google does not take bounce into account? Erin

    Algorithm Updates | | ErinTM

  • Hello I have a very important question to you. We are planning to a open 2 – 5 “whitelabel” web shops in each country that run on the same platform  and server (Demandware) as our current web sites. Each white label site will have own domain. The product selection will be identical and prices will be identical, but the sites will be branded differently with other logo and colors and name for the store. The question is about the consequences for SEO for such project. What are the risks for the rankings for us, if the whitelabel products have same product descriptions and names as our existing web shop has? Will it affect our rankings? How would google rank 3 whitelabel stores that have own domains but otherwise identical product content? What is the minimal that should be changed from SEO point of view in order to avoid Google penalties or ranking problems? Looking forward to hear from you Greetings,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EuropeanSEOguy

  • Hi mozzers, I'm busy writing an ebook that's going to be published around July time. The book focuses on SEO and Social Media with it culminating in a look at how they are becoming more and more overlapped. The book is going to be targeting traditional business people who have very little (or no) inbound marketing experience. Any thoughts for a title would be great! Be as whacky or as reserved as you like, it'd be great to hear any ideas you have 🙂 Nick

    SEO Learn Center | | NickPateman81

  • If I am currently ranking well for "Lawn Mowers" and I also want to target "Cheap Lawn Mowers" will it affect my ranking for "Lawn Mowers" if I change my on page optimization by adding "Cheap" to the title, H1, etc. or will it effectively target both.

    Keyword Research | | UK2Group

  • What are your top tips for optimizing video for search?

    Image & Video Optimization | | DGSEO

  • Hi My client has a large amount of back links. Does anyone have a simple way of analysing these and making sense of such a large dataset. Thanks

    Link Building | | Big_Partnership

  • I've been doing some site analysis for a new SEO client and it has been brought to my attention that their robots.txt file redirects to their homepage. I was wondering: Is there a benfit to setup your robots.txt file to do this? Will this effect how their site will get indexed? Thanks for your response! Kyle Site URL:

    Technical SEO | | kchandler

  • I recently added to seomoz, its a new site with a new domain. on the first overview its saying it has more than 24 million links and has a mozrank over 7, how is this possible?

    Moz Pro | | francesco-285016

  • Do Forum Profile Links provided by Paul and Angela hold any SEO merit ? Will it help in improving SER?

    Link Building | | krishrun

  • hi, Please i would need advices (links, tips, tool:generator ?) regarding url rewriting through .htaccess (newbee about it). It's a "refurbishing" website case  , the domain doesn't change. But the CMS does ! I've got a list of urls (800) with which i don't want to loose rankings on : Here the type of old url syntax : Here the new url type would be:
    or/and Tks a lot...

    Link Building | | mozllo

  • I may be missing the obvious here, but is there any way (a programme or site) of seeing what new links come into your site? Obviously as anyone who works in SEO, I like to see which links we have got with the work we put in contacting webmasters, etc. But is there a better way than just manually looking through ALL the links? Any help will appreciated.

    Link Building | | Weerdboil

  • Hi, there, does anyone can help to solve 'duplicate page title, duplicate page content' problem? it is a eCommerce site, each categories has hundreds of products, so there are more than 10 pages, but the report crawl the errors, i totally have no idea, can anyone help? Thanks a lot! Anna

    On-Page Optimization | | anna-294451

  • So I learnt that in link building you need to send an email to someone from where you want the inbound link coming in from. In this case, are there any tools withing SEO moz that allow you toactually search for links and also provide you the contact email? Thank you, Vijay

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • hi, I am trying to find the following guide that I available to pro members but there is no clear way to find it. the-professionals-guide-to-link-building can some one give me the url to find all the pro guides? thank you! Vijay

    Moz Pro | | vijayvasu

  • once I get a list of links from ontolo or the link acquisition assitant here on seomoz what is the next step? do i email that site? what do i actually do to get acquire the link? thank you for answering this! I am new to link building and so new that I dont actually know the steps and need help from someone. thank you VIjay

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • is there a simple chart or diagram that explains the linkbuilding process from start to finish? thank you, Vijay

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • I have a bastard of a problem... Google Analytics is incorrectly tracking PPC traffic as SEO which is screwing up all my reporting . I don't care for rankings, I care for actual SEO traffic and I can't be sure that what i am seeing is correct which is driving me nuts. Any ideas?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • Keyword Difficulty Tool. Why my rank is lower than competitors even though I have higher numbers? Can somebody help me understand this... take a look at screenshot. What should I do to get to number 1 position? Keyword: Hip Hop Jewelry My Website:

    Moz Pro | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Ross asks and answers this question on his blog.  He points to progress -- or perceived progress -- as being particularly important.  This made me think about my own motivations and what gets me excited to "do SEO" each day: I don't really "do SEO" all day long.  Part of my day is spent as an analyst, another part as a creative consultant and code reviewer, still another part as a business case developer, yet another part as a researcher and forecaster, and another part as a technical writer.  Wearing many different hats -- as most SEOs do -- helps to keep things moving.  Invariably I can find tasks within each of these disciplines that are fun or exciting. Results -- even when they're not what I want them to be.  I love that you can launch an SEO campaign or make some optimization and then start digging into the data almost immediately.  We're blessed in this industry with a sort of instant gratification for our efforts (as compared to, say, off-line publishing or -- god help us -- politics) that we probably take for granted. Emerging tools, tactics, and trends.  I can confidently say that search marketing evolves every day.  So there's always new ideas and strategies to explore. My colleagues -- they're the best and they rock. You: I learn from experts in the field all the time. But enough about me.  What gets you going when it comes to SEO?

    Industry News | | jcolman

  • Greetings everyone I have been tasked to do research on just how important it is to have product reviews syndicated with Google's (star rating found in Google Shopping). I am unable to find any research reports or studies on this nor any quantitative data on it's impact, beneficial or otherwise. If any of you folks have any first hand experiences, perhaps some before and after figures, that would be great. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | airnwater

  • Hello, We've noticed that when we do a specific search (print screen attached), that the business name and/or a completely different title is getting indexed into the search engine that we are not setting. Below is an example from the source code of how we're setting the title, this matches the 2nd listing circled in the attached image.  The indexed title tag reflects "Animal Business Card Holders - Kyle Design" Any ideas or feedback on how this is happening? <title>Animal Business Card Cases in Pet, Insect and Wildlife Designstitle> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Eye-catching business card holder cases personalized with custom animal designs for humane professionals and pet owners. Custom select a sleek metal finish, bold aluminum or iridescent accent color, size and unique design for the ultimate self-expressing animal gift!" /> <meta name="keywords" content="business card holder unique personalized custom holders silver gold wood metal cards cases sleek aluminum engraved contemporary case animal animals design designs black color accents iridescent pet insect wildlife cat dog dragonfly butterfly lions sea turtles sea otters elephants animal lover animal activist zoologist veterinarian breeder animal whisperer thin deep large credit Asian size engraving personalize gift gifts special monogram customized corporate logo name professional title meaningful sentiment" /> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright Kyle Design" /> <meta name="author" content="Kyle Design" />
    <meta name="generator" content="xyz Commerce System" />
    <link rel="canonical" href="xyz link"
    <script type="text/javaScript"> Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I was wondering.  When I build links should I build them using "index.php" OR ".php" at the end?  Does one have any more value than the other from an SEO standpoint Example:\hotdogs\index.php or\hotdogs.php

    Link Building | | openspan

  • Hi, Setting up a blog for a new website. What affects will hosting a blog on a sub-domain ( vs. have on SEO? Also, would having a separate blog domain be beneficial or detrimental ( Thanks, Shane

    Content Development | | notarynow

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