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  • My company Click2Rank is building a new office we are opening around June. Since we will be hiring a bunch of SEOs and Programmers we want it to be basically the perfect geek hangout spot. Knowledge workers need a great place to hang their hat. So I thought I'd reach out to the community and ask.. if your office could look like anything... what would it include? You can pretty much ask for anything... xbox360? Unlimited supply of energy drinks and food? A nice big couch? Accent wall? plants? fountain? desks shaped like your favorite animal? a pinball machine? Lay it on me. Your dream work environment what does it look like (think office obviously we know for  a lot of people your dream office is netcommute from home but thats not helpful in this instance) Think about both your personal workspace as well as the total office/community space in the office. Thanks in advance! Feel free to attach pictures as well!

    Jobs and Opportunities | | KrisRoadruck

  • In the tile of my post, shoudl I used my blog's name in it at the end or emit the blog name. EX: title of post with keywords | name of blog OR EX: title of post with keywords The site's name is 3 words long, so I'm worrying that those extra words are diluting the keywords in the post's name that I'm trying to target.

    On-Page Optimization | | gregalam

  • I asked a question about this site ( some time ago and had some very helpful answers which were great.  However I'm still no further ahead.  I have added some more content, submitted a new XML sitemap, removed the 'lorem ipsum...' Now it seems that even Bing have ditched the site too.  The number 1 result in Australia for the search term 'cooking games' is now this one - which surely is not so much better to deserve a #1 spot whilst my site is deindexed? I have just had another reconsideration request 'denied' and am absolutely out of ideas/.  If anyone can help suggest what I need to do... or even suggest how I can get feedback from the search engines what's wring that would be fantastic. Thank you David

    Technical SEO | | OzDave

  • As I am going through and redeveloping a website, I am trying to add some external links to resourceful information regarding this page. Should I put a nofollow or follow attribute on these? I am only putting 1-5 links per page to associations and other organizations that would be beneficial to the visitor. I am worried about the number of outbound links causing me to get penalized. Ideas?

    Link Building | | TKIGWebTeam

  • Hi All, I ask the question as I was trying to GeoTarget tool which happened to not recognise a business address I place in the footer on one of my sites. The tool states that including the address on page helps the search engines identify your location, so I'm curious whether a specific format works best when optimizing for local search? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | davebrown1975

  • Have you conducted or know of any research/studies that examines when the inherited value of a backlink is actually attributed to the detination url?  Meaning if links to today with a unique long-tailed anchor tag, at what point would Google actually recognize the value of that link to (ie increasing in the SERPs for that anchor).  My first inclination would be at the point of indexation of the link but from my own casual analysis, I havent proved this to be true.  Obviously we dont know exactly how google does this, but have you drawn any conclusions based upon your own findings?  Perhaps there's a period of link evaluation post indexation before passing value in terms of ranking relevance? thanks!

    Link Building | | lexnex

  • How Social media can help rankings? what is popular networks to the curent date?

    Social Media | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • We are using some branded terms in URLs that we have been recently told we need to stop using.  If the pages in question get little traffic, so we're not concerned about losing traffic from broken URLs, should we still do 301 redirects for those pages after they are renamed? In other words, are there other serious considerations besides any loss in traffic from direct clicks on those broken URLs that need to be considered? This comes up because we don't have anyone in-house that can do the redirects, so we need to pay our outside web development company.  Is it worth it?

    Technical SEO | | PGRob

  • This question is for MichaelC who was helping me with a previous question that is now closed.  Please refer to my question with Subject "Double 301 Redirect" It was about redirecting /home.aspx to simply "/" because that was an old URL and we have some backlinks pointing to it. If the best I could do is redirect "/home.aspx" to something like "#hm", would that work, since everything after the hash symbol is ignored? Thanks Clint

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • I have been emailed asking if I sell links on one of my sites.  The person wants to link out to slotsofvegas[dot]com or similar. Should I be concerned about linking out to this and does it reduce the link value to any of the other sites that the site links out to? Thanks, Mark

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Markus111

  • The grunt work of linkbuildign can take a long time. Especially when doing it right. Can Mechanical Turk help me here?

    Link Building | | VistageSEO

  • Ok, So my site's urls works like this If you go to  (without the last / )  you get a 404. My site did no used to require the last / to load the page but it has over the last year and my rankings have dropped on those pages... But Yahoo and BING still indexes all my pages without the last / and it some how still loads the page if you go to it from yahoo or bing, but it looks like this in the address bar once you arrive from bing or yahoo.; How do I fix this? Should'nt all the engines see those pages the same way with the last / included? What is the best structure for SEO?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Though my company is based in Canada, we have a .com URL, we're hosted on servers in the U.S., and most of our customers are in the U.S. Our marketing efforts are focused on the U.S. Heck, we even drop the "u" in "colour" and "favour"! 🙂 Nonetheless we rank very well in, and rather poorly on One hypothesis is that we have more backlinks from .ca domains than .com, but I don't believe that to be true. For sure, the highest quality links we have come from .coms like Any suggestions on how we can improve the .com rankings, other than keeping on with the link building?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobM416

  • It seems that .html pages do better for the long tail...

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • My site never shows the www in the yahoo SERPS.  I don't do well with ranking in yahoo.  Could these two facts be related? How do I get one canonicalization - preferably the www in yahoo?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • I'm having a hard time doing image replacement in an absolute element. I know there is a replacement technique which is ideal for this but the text is larger then the window so when the image is shown over the text, a part would still be visible. Could anyone help me any further?

    Web Design | | ldestrooper

  • When looking at Traffic Sources in Google Analytics, Google is broken out into paid and organic visits. I want to do the same with Bing.  How do I do it?

    Reporting & Analytics | | cpantages

  • We have an issue on one of our sites we're monitoring a campaign for that seems to have TOO many links on each page. I think the biggest reason is that each product listing on each category page has two separate anchor links into that page. One for the thumb and one for the name.  So even though there should only be 60-70 links on each category page, that amount is being inflated because each product listing technically is being split into two separate links. Question is, should I place the thumbnail and name within the same anchor link?  We do this on a lot of other sites we operate, but I'm not sure what's a better strategy.  It would seem to me that it would be better to have a single anchor link that shares the thumb and product name.

    On-Page Optimization | | AarcMediaGroup

  • Lets face it, it's the corner stone of SEO, reverse engineering sites to guess at what big G does. It would just make sense they did the same to learn all our tactics.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | naffhampton

  • Hello SEOmoz, I have a question to you guys. How typically SEO should be done to fortune 500 comnpanies who are very much famous offline. The problem I see is any links built gets attention and media can make a big deal out of it. For eg: The recent JCPenney SEO issue. Though their paid links got them penalized, other traditional methods can also not fit their stratgy. Here are the traditional methods and how it can not be applied to them. Commenting on blogs - Well, it is reputation here. If some one sees a link on blog comments, it might be fishy and can be named as blog spammers. Forum marketing - Same here. The reputation of clients can go down. Paid post / Paid links - Again risky Please suggest how to build link for type of famous clients. Please do not give stratgic level of advice, but be more specific in your answer. For eg: Do this kind of link building and don't do y. etc., Looking forward for ur answers. Thanks

    Link Building | | SamuelDarwin

  • I have a 3rd party booking engine that is causing my own domain to show up as a top referreral in google analytics.  The vendor is on my very last nerve 🙂  So they're not helping. Would anyone be interested in helping a newbie out with a frustrating problem? Code: Reservations Page - function SubmitReservationForm() {. . . .
                ResLink = "" + Month + "&day=" + Day + "&year=" + Year + "&nights=" + Nights + "&rooms=" + Rooms + "&adults=" + Adults + "&children=" + Children + "&B1=Check+Availability&hotelid=xxxx"
                return true;
            } On Every page: Any thoughts would be appreciated!  I believe the problem  is             pageTracker._link(ResLink); but I'm clueless on fixing it.

    Reporting & Analytics | | jenny05

  • Is there any real difference in uploading an images directly to your google places page or linking an image from another site? I have heard that you get better results if you upload a photo to photo bucket then to insider pages then post that link to your google places page. To me it just seems a bit odd to do things this way. I get that it's suppose to give you more back links however I don't think it would necessarily be relevant or useful for the user. Any thoughts??

    Algorithm Updates | | christinarule

  • I've cut and paste webmaster reports showing the webmaster the "301" page perm moved, however they still believe the pages are running up and normal, as 200s. Its been tough to get them to acknowledge the problem, however I'm certain its negatively affecting results. Any help would be greatly appreciated, asap!

    Technical SEO | | ankurv

  • We are switching one of our sites to a magento site and dont want to loose current rankings what are the best practices for this?  Same Domain but the deep url pages will change urls

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • I'm building a site on a virtual host and now it's ready to go online, but i still have to choose a domain name. One of the main keywords i want to rank for is a 3-word keyword phrase with 9000+ exact match searches per month. Here's an example to better understand my question: 'Guitar training lessons' My main competitor's domain is only 5 months old but it does have the full keyword phrase in it with  '4u' added at the end: I wanted to go with (notice that 'lessons' is left out of the domain name) but i'm wondering if my main competitor would have a big advantage by having the full keyword phrase in his domain. How much weight does google give to sites that have the exact search query in their domain name? Does a domain still qualify as 'exact match' if a word (info) is added to it? How much harder would it be to outrank this domain as apposed to a site that doesn't have the keywords in its domain name? Thanks in advance Freek

    Competitive Research | | ZeroGrav

  • If you have a site that offers a same day service, e.g. plumbing, electrical, computer support: do you think it would always be a good idea to stick the phone # in the meta description?

    On-Page Optimization | | ilyaelbert

  • Is the age of a link a ranking signal?

    Link Building | | qlkasdjfw

  • Ok I see this happening all of the time. I get my hands on a new website and there are one of four header tag issues: 1. There are no H1 tags at all 2. There are multiple H1 tags on the same page 3. Every page has an identical H1 tag 4. Header tags are used all out of order Do any of these have a negative impact on rankings? I've always tried to get one H1 tag on each page, have it be the first header tag, and make it unique to each page. Is this a waste of itme? Could improper header tag use hurt a website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Or is this a given? I am new to SEO and SEOmoz. One of my campaigns is completley free of errors...the others are a work in progress. Now I realize that SEO is never done, but can a site actually be free of errors? If so... I just gave myself a pat on the back.

    Moz Pro | | AtoZion

  • I bought supplies recently at  While searching I noticed it is clearly the same site as  How do they not get hurt by duplicate content?

    Technical SEO | | jotham2

  • There are quite a few secuirty seals/site safety tools by some big antivirus/trust companies Mcaffe site secuirty, verisign etc. Does Google, or any other big search engines use these as a trust/ranking signal?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rhysmaster

  • Just curious what everyone likes best as the default font for text!

    Web Design | | jenny05

  • I put one site ( and register some keywords, but the keywords don't appear in the results On-Page like the other campaigns. How can I solve that?

    On-Page Optimization | | Ex2

  • I Have been using a link exchange website called linkmarket. I have been told that these kind of website dont really do you many favours but i have signed up for a year so i am currently still using it. What does everyone think? Also is there a proven way to get high quality links with out spending hours traling other websites and asking if they want to exchange links because the normall answer i get is NO!

    Link Building | | WillFrank

  • The website for my London based plumbing company has thousands of specifically tailored pages for the various services we provide to all the areas in London. It equates to approximately 6000 pages in total. When google has all these pages indexed, we tend to get a fair bit of traffic - as they cater pretty well for long tail searches. However, every once in a while Google will drop the vast majority of our indexed pages from SERPs for a few days or weeks at a time - for example at the moment Google is only indexing 613 whereas last week it was back at the normal ~6000. Why does this happen? We of course lose a lot of organic traffic when these pages don't displayed - what are we doing wrong? Website:

    Technical SEO | | guy_andrews

  • Hello, We are in the process of redesigning and migrating 5 previously separate websites (all different niche topics, including dining, entertainment, retail, real estate, etc.) under one umbrella site for the property in which they exist. From the property homepage, you will now be able to access all of the individual category sites within. As each niche microsite will be focused on a different topic, I am wondering whether it is best for SEO that we use subdomains such as or subfolders I have seen it done both ways on large corporate sites (ie: Ikea uses subdomains for different country sites, and Apple uses subfolders), so I am wondering what makes the most sense for this particular umbrella site. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Melissa

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | grapevinemktg

  • How often do you submit them? What have you seen work? Are there any tricks aside from filling out all of the data fields?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hey all! So I am curious how you recommend using the "on page report card" (which is really helpful) along with the concept of local modifiers.  IE, here is a term I am going after: business forums but really I care about a specific location: business forums | Greensboro NC So the word I hear is typically to do your keyword research & page optimization FOR the primary term, but then tack on your local modifiers after.  So which do you run reports on? Probably both is the best answer, eh? Obviously my local sites won't have a shot at ranking nationally/internationally for such a broad term as "business forums", especially with some monster sites out there with some serious clout.  This is more of a best practices question. Thanks dudes.

    Moz Pro | | nsmcseo2

  • Hi there, I would like to compare the current volume of inbound links to our website with the past, to see the growth. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Heath

    Link Building | | Team

  • Look for tools that can visualise a sites architecture (idealy automated). Also looking for tools that can visualise internal linking sturures

    Technical SEO | | Motionlab

  • Hello, I realize (with GAnaltytics and command "link:") this morning that my domain host (share one)  : "" under which several websites are hosted has been banned from google. Here below the websites :  : : I don't kow why, i use since end of january 2011 IBP,  only for some submissions to directories and for managing some lists of urls. I submitted about 30/40 directories never at the same time , but raher day after day, smoothly. On and which are blogs, i have installed some external rss feeds to display as articles, i decided to stop that but i don't know if it's related to such "blacklistage" from google. I don't use any nasty "blackhat" programs or else.. I'am really upset about that, i claim this morning  with the same  words as now, a new indexation but i don't know how long it will take ?Any idea ? Which are the tools which could help me to scan for maybe any malicious maleware on my hosting provider ? Many tks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mozllo

  • RSS feeds, at least on paper, should be a great way to build backlinks and boost rankings.  They are also very seductive from a link-builder's point of view- free, easy to create, allows you to specifiy anchor text, etc.  There are even several SEO articles, anda few products, extolling the virtues of RSS for SEO puposes. However, I hear anecdotedly that they are extremely ineffective in getting their internal links indexed.  And my success rate has been abysmal- perhaps 15% have ever been indexed,and so far, I havenever seem Google show an RSS feed as a source for a backlink.  I have even thrown some token backlinks against RSS feeds to see if that helped in getting them indexed, but even that has a very low success rate. I recently read a blog post saying that Google "hates aRSS feeds" and "rarely spiders perhaps the first link or two."  Yet there are many SEO advocates who claim that RSS feeds are a great untapped resource for SEO.  I am rather befuddled. Has anyone "crackedthe code" onhow to get them,and the links that they contain, indexed and helping rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tclendaniel

  • Greetings, When running Google Analytics' keyword report, I see that the over 85% of the top 100 keywords used to find us include a word in our name (Eagle's Nest Foundation and Camp -- with "eagle" or "eagle's nest" being the most frequent) or the name of one of our programs.   Does this mean that most folks searching for summer camps in North Carolina already know about us and that we therefore need to optimize for broader keywords, to cast a wider net for folks who don't already know about us? Thanks, Dave

    Reporting & Analytics | | DMoff

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