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  • Hi all, I would like to know the community's opinion on this. A website with more pages or less pages will rank better? Websites with more pages have an advantage of more landing pages for targeted keywords. Less pages will have advantage of holding up page rank with limited pages which might impact in better ranking of pages. I know this is highly dependent. I mean to get answers for an ideal website. Thanks,

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Here's the scenario... Client has two domain names: - targeting one country (Australia) - targeting all other countries Both have identical products, but different currencies (AU$ and US$). The problem (as most of you will know) is that without using a sub-domain or country-code top-level domains, Google has no idea which domain should be served for which domain. Furthermore, because the root domain is different, Google doesn't see any connection between the two - other than the fact they have identical products! My recommendation to the client is to change to: to to Arguably, we could leave the second one alone. But I think it's better for the brand to use the same root domain for each. Obviously this means both will need to be redirected. Since NONE of the pages within the sites will change, do we need to redirect every page, or just the root domain? Any other risks or concerns we should know about?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

  • We are starting to get ads disapproved. One yesterday, one today. The reason - banned supplement 'glutamine'. Neither of these ads were for glutamine so I assume it's because l-glutamine is sold on the site. The actual ad for l-glutamine landing on the l-glutamine page has not been disapproved? In 2012 Google informed us the glutamine was no longer on the banned list so I'm not sure what's going on here? Has anyone had a similar experience? Is there a solution apart from removing the product entirely?

    Paid Search Marketing | | jbk365

  • Hello, Please help me. Our one of website is under attack by hacker once again. They have injected spammy URL and google is indexing, but we could not find these pages on our website. These all are 404 Pages. Our website is not secured. No HTTPS Our website is using wordpress CMS Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ShahzadAhmed

  • My site currently ranks for over 2000 of which 92 are in the number 1 position. Im very active with this site. My Main  keyword is a two word keyword ,I have never been below the position #30. Has always been at best 3rd and fourth page. I rank primarily for mostly 3 part keywords and 4 part keywords. However , I noticed about a month ago,The main keyword no longer showing up on serp tools .Moz included. At first i was getting wierd results using keyword tool .Not moz serp tool. I would get different result every time i checked it. When i tried to verify these results ,Only to   find my site not at the projected page and rank. After more than a month now this particular keyword is no where in site. Im still getting traffic fom all the other keywords but im a bit confused over this. I thought my main keyword was about to be on the bottom of the 2nd page but instead seems to be completely gone.

    Technical SEO | | Yellow2000

  • Hello, guys, I have a question, that which tools are best for ranking because MOZ update ranking after a week and I want a live ranking of my website Kindly recommend me best tools for SEO.Many Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | fahaffff

  • Hi. I'm trying to figure out a solution to two questions one of my current clients has asked me in regards to Google Analytics tagging, and I'm unsure how to respond. Can anyone help? See below the questions, 1. In Google Acquisition > Overview, their paid media is reporting as "Other". They do not run any Google paid ads. They only run Facebook paid ads. Is there a way to update the source so that it says "Paid" versus "Other" within the default channel? The current solution was advised to create a channel group that the client has to then tick on overtime they want to see this data with the correct labeling. They would prefer to see it in the default. Is it just a matter of going into the *default channel, choosing the "Paid" option, and then specifying the source/medium that contains Facebook, CPC, or referral to be categorized under this channel? Or is it something else? *Aware that changes to the Default Channel are permanent changes and will change how new traffic is classified. 2. Audience segmentation > The client wants to be able to define it's audience by shopping intent and informational intent. Is there a clear way to do this, for example, by keywords used, e.g. buy, product name, entry (shopping intent), versus e.g. non-purchase intent, entry to the blog, length of time on site (info intent). Would be happy to have a conversation about the last question, since I'm conscious that there are probably multiple ways to define this - thanks. To the group, thank you for readying my questions and helping me with these solutions - your time is appreciated and valued. Sincerely, Amanda

    Search Behavior | | AmandaValle.Digital

  • | Hello guys,
    I hope you all doing well.I just signed up to this great forum to get some answers on my current SEO campaign, I hope I can find some help in here. I have very important question I hope some of SEO experts can help me please, it will mean the world to me. SO I'm trying to rank this clean,originally Spanish expired domain that I bought in Auction for big money. I added a lot of original content, some keywords start ranking already without any backlinks as the website has huge authority and a lot of quality backlinks, so now I want to start building backlinks to get my keywords on the first page. My question:
    I'm a bit worry about installing Google analytics on my site as I will be using gmail account thats based in Australia as I had to use Australian phone number to verify the account. What do you think? is it safe to do that ? (having google account based in Australia linked to website that I'm trying to rank in Spain) I would really appreciate an accurate answer, if you are not sure or if you have never done it before, please don't give me any expectations, as I'm investing a lot of money in this project. Any help would be extremely appreciated my friends. The other question is:
    I have bought couple of "new domains" and added some content, to add those domains to my PBN, just to mix up the link profile on my money site. How long do you wait on new domain name before you build any backlinks? I've already added content and social profiles to the new sites, I just need to know when can I start building backlinks to them to power them up as they are new. Thank you so much in advance, I'm looking forward to hear some opinions from experts. Thank you |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wajdisawaqed

  • Hi. I'm trying to figure out a solution to three questions one of my current clients has asked me in regards to Google Analytics tagging, and I'm unsure how to respond. Can anyone help? See below the questions, 1. In Google Acquisition > Overview, their paid media is reporting as "Other". They do not run any Google paid ads. They only run Facebook paid ads. Is there a way to update the source so that it says "Paid" versus "Other" within the default channel? The current solution was advised to create a channel group that the client has to then tick on overtime they want to see this data with the correct labeling. They would prefer to see it in the default. Is it just a matter of going into the *default channel, choosing the "Paid" option, and then specifying the source/medium that contains Facebook, CPC, or referral to be categorized under this channel? Or is it something else? *Aware that changes to the Default Channel are permanent changes and will change how new traffic is classified. 2. In Google Acquisition > Overview > Referral, the clients website is showing up as a referring domain, both the TLD and the subdomain. My understanding is that it should actually be reporting under the "Direct" channel. How do I correct this? Is it just a matter of updating the Direct channel to include those domains? Or do I need to update the settings? The domain's www. http: all 301 redirect to their and Within settings it has been specified as and URL is http:// - also noticed that Bot Filtering has not been checked, assuming this could mess up the analytic data if not define? Do you know? 3. Audience segmentation > The client wants to be able to define it's audience by shopping intent and informational intent. Is there a clear way to do this, for example, by keywords used, e.g. buy, product name, entry (shopping intent), versus e.g. non-purchase intent, entry to the blog, length of time on site (info intent). Would be happy to have a conversation about the last question, since I'm conscious that there are probably multiple ways to define this - thanks. To the group, thank you for readying my questions and helping me with these solutions - your time is appreciated and valued. Sincerely, Amanda

    Search Behavior | | AmandaValle.Digital

  • Hello, So we have a client that’s only interested in a handful of keywords. We would like track his rankings through a Moz Campaign but he currently uses Duck Duck Go to check them. Strictly from an accuracy perspective (and not necessarily added features like Mobile Rankings) is there any arguments we could use to convert them to Moz? If not we will let them know but any input would be appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you in advance for the help. Best,

    Moz Bar | | Ben-R

  • Hi Moz Community! I'm trying to work through a thorny internationalization issue with the 'default' and English versions of our site. We have an international set-up of: (in english) and so on... All the canonicals and HREFLANGs are set up, except the English language version is giving me pause. If you visit, all of the internal links on that page (due to the current way our cms works) point to versions of the pages. Content is identical between the two versions. The canonical on, say, points to  Feels like we're pulling in two different directions with our internationalization signals. Links go one way, canonical goes another. Three options I can see: Remove the /en/ version of the site. 301 all the /en versions of pages to /. Update the hreflangs to point the EN language users to the / version. **Redirect the / version of the site to /en. **The reverse of the above. **Keep both the /en and the / versions, update the links on / version. **Make it so that visitors to the / version of the site follow links that don't take them to the /en site. It feels like the /en version of the site is redundant and potentially sending confusing signals to search engines (it's currently a bit of a toss-up as to which version of a page ranks). I'm leaning toward removing the /en version and redirecting to the / version. It would be a big step as currently - due to the internal linking - about 40% of our traffic goes through the /en path. Anything to be aware of? Any recommendations or advice would be much appreciated.

    International SEO | | MaxSydenham

  • Hi, This is my first post to the Moz community. I hope someone can help me, as I'm at my wits end 🙂 Since mid to late April, my client's home page keeps dropping from Google rankings on and off on the desktop in incognito and non-incognito browsing. It seems to always be visible on mobile phones though. One day it's on page 4, the next day it's not anywhere to be found (even though some of her other pages rank). The site is here: I have done some blog writing (just text) for this client over the last few months, and recently she asked for some SEO help. After looking at her website, I noticed that she had a plugin called WordPress SEO on her site. She wasn't using this for the blogs, however. I don't think she did much of anything with SEO, but she did say that for the last few years, she was always on page 3 or 4 of Google. In mid/late April, she saw that she wasn't ranking at all for the keyword "boudoir photography nyc" anymore, despite a few years of ranking for it. I told her Yoast would be good to use. However, after she installed it, the same issues keep happening. Right now, she has Yoast and WordPress SEO plugins installed (I'm not sure if this is causing an issue as well). But I really can't figure out why she keeps going on and off page 4. She also asked me to optimize older blogs that she wrote herself for SEO. When I look at them, they don't have meta descriptions, good titles or good keywords. I realize this is hurting her, but why would her site be fine for years and all of a sudden not now? Thank you in advance for any help you can give me! Jill

    Web Design | | lobeng77

  • We are currently sharing a featured snippet for the term 'Euro emissions standards' with Wikipedia (not sure how long this will be the case for) but I was wondering if anyone else has ever come across this? Thanks in advance

    Content Development | | RACSEO

  • Hello, Does implementing a lot of inline CSS have a negative impact on SEO rankings? I imagine it could affect page speed, but any other issues I might run in to?

    Web Design | | STP_SEO

  • Hi everyone, I have a client who just acquired 4 business. Basically, the 4 compagnies will stop existing and my client will integrate the production at his own adress under his compagny name. My issue here is that my client wants to know what is the best solution for his local results. The 4 compagnies still have a website that present the new business name will a CTA redirecting to the new website. Their GMB account are still active. I was about to delete the 4 GMB accounts so when a customer do a brand research, the organic result will show the old business website that will present the new business with a CTA on the website. My thinking is that since the old and the new compagny will compete on the same keyword since they are in the same industry, I don't want the old compagny to be in competition with the compagny of my clients. Is there a better solution that could benefit the local SEO ? Thanks y'all !

    Local SEO | | alexrbrg

  • If not what tools do you recommend to use to get an accurate cpc $ for estimating budget?

    Paid Search Marketing | | lina_digital

  • Has anyone received and responded to a notice of class action settlement from Google Adwords? The sender (and the website it directs to) is I see that there was such a thing, I am just not sure whether that domain is the official one to respond to?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Linda-Vassily

  • Howdy lovely Moz people. A webmaster redirected https protocol links to http a number of years ago in order to try and capture as many links as possible on a site we now manage. We have recently tried to implement https and realised that because of this existing redirect rule, they are now causing infinite loops when trying to test an http redirect. http redirecting to https redirecting back to http, etc. The https version works by itself weirdly enough. We believe that this is due to the permanent browser caching. So unless users clear their cache, they will get this infinite loop. Does anyone have any advice on how we can get round this? a) index both sites and specify in GSC that the https is the canonical version of the site and hope that Google sees that and removes the http version for the https version b) stick with http as infinite loops will kill the site c) ??????????? Thanks all.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HenryFrance

  • Hi there, what are your thoughts on word count for a content site vs. an ecommerce site. A lot of content sites have no problem pushing out 500+ words per page, which for me is a decent amount to help you get traction. However on ecommerce sites, a lot of the time the product description only needs to be sub-100 words and the total word count on the page comes in at under 300 words, a lot of that could be considered duplicate. So what are your views? Do ecommerce sites still need to have a high word count on the product description page to rank better?

    On-Page Optimization | | Bee159

  • hi guys, I have had to reset my site from www to non-www. via htacces and this worked out just fine.However, the /blog WordPress section will not redirect to the non-www. I have changed the config.php to non-www. However, the /blog WordPress section will not redirect to the non-www. I have changed the config.php to non-www. Does anyone have an idea as to what I need to do to force the non-www in a folder installed blog Regards T

    Technical SEO | | Taiger

  • [Spammy content removed by moderator.] Abdullah-Al-Asif-1.jpg?fit=177%2C177&ssl=1 tEjk20Fs_400x400.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Abdullah-Al-Asif

  • I'm currently auditing my companies website, and we encountered thousands of 302 redirects. The 302 pages are products page, which is a question and answer module at the bottom of each products page.  What best practice should I do to get rid of the 302 redirects? add those pages to the .robots.txt? Or do individually and add a no index? This would help boost our rankings up correct?

    On-Page Optimization | | petmkt

  • Hi, How to check the competition value of a keyword in 2017 and how to get the low competitive keywords.

    Keyword Research | | green.h

  • hi, i have a website with some pages index in google on first page. i want to change the domain name but also want to keep the old domain.  How can i transfer the index pages SEO power to new domains pages? So the new domain page can appear instead of old domain.   301 redirect will permanently redirect the user to new domain but i want to keep the old domain running for users only, not for Search engines. any idea. please share. thanks.

    Technical SEO | | green.h

  • Hi Quick question on arrangement of keywords in titles. I know the order isn't so important anymore, but would there be a real issue if I want to rank for 'Henry Xtra' but my title reads 'Numatic Henry Xtra Vacuum Cleaner' Rather than 'Henry Xtra Vacuum Cleaner' ?? Will it really make much difference? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • **Here is the message from our technical team for the http to https migration; are there any other http to https migration steps recommended? ** Http to https migration steps (for this large ecommerce site): We implemented HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) protocol today (5/4/2017). Applied a patch to ensure that HTTPS pages did not have NoIndex, NoFollow and tested before and after . Added new IIS HTTPS Redirect to enforce HTTPS from HTTP and changed others, including the WWW redirect Changed HTTPS only for Cookies as required as per new PCI vulnerabilities Changed the Basepage HTML template to use Relative Paths or Absolute URLs with HTTPS only (to prevent mixed content) Created and ran a SQL Script to cleanup 16 tables from HTTP to HTTPS (about 20,000 of them, including internal URL links, site settings, etc) Ran Google Sitemap Generator to create new sitemaps with HTTPS Added new HTTPS instance of the site into Webmaster Tools, then added verification code to master page, verified and then submitted the sitemaps to Search Console (QUESTION: will historical data in Google Console/ WMT be preserved for https?) **Follow up steps for http to https migration for large ecommerce: ** From this point forward, to avoid “mixed content”, the Marketing team must use either Relative Paths or Absolute Paths with HTTPS only in any customization (i.e. Basepage) or any new link, such as created in Content Management (i.e. Long Description). Any mixed content will make the website look not secure to customers and search engine spiders – so it is very important to be disciplined and diligent about this. Contact Salesforce to change the protocol to HTTPS only.  Meanwhile, to prevent mixed content, we put in a temporary custom javascript change as workaround – but this should not be permanent especially as to the next upgrade will remove it – so we need Saleforce to make a change ASAP. We did not change Blog site (on sub domain), but we should even though it is only a Content site because it will not be signaled as Secure.  This means we need to have someone make the changes to WordPress to enforce HTTPS and then change any links. In terms of impact to page ranking due to Google’s treatment of HTTPS over HTTP and due to some impact to page speed – we will need to monitor closely to see how indexing, organic traffic and page ranking goes and take any additional actions as necessary.

    Technical SEO | | seo2017

  • Hi, My webpage url is indexed in Google but don't show when searching the Main Keyword. How can i index it with keyword. It should show on any SERP when the keyword is searched. Any suggestions.

    Technical SEO | | green.h

  • I run two websites which operate in similar business sectors. Each has a calculator tool that offers the same functionality. The pages rank 2nd and 5th for the key search term. I'd like to improve the functionality of this and have thought about setting up a new domain for this calculator to move it away from the main sites. If I did this and 301 redirected both pages to the new domain do you think I'd maintain a strong ranking position for this search term on the new domain? Thanks for any advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | craigramsay

  • Hi I wondered if there had been any other insights since March about the Fred update or any other Google update? I don't think we were hit by Fred but in March we dropped out for a lot of keyword rankings, I just cannot pinpoint why. We are an ecommerce site, so some of our product/category pages don't have a huge amount of written content. We might have a couple of extra backlinks to disavow, but nothing major. Does anyone else have any insights? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Dear Experts! I need your help with pointing me in the right direction. So far I have found scattered tips around the Internet but it's hard to make a full picture with all these bits and pieces of information without a professional advice. My primary goal is to understand how I should build my online travel agency web-site’s ( structure, so that I target my keywords on correct pages and do not create a duplicate content. In my particular case I have very similar properties in similar locations in Tenerife. Many of them are located in the same villa or apartment complex, thus, it is very hard to come up with the unique description for each of them. Not speaking of amenities and pricing blocks, which are standard and almost identical (I don’t know if Google sees it as a duplicate content). From what I have read so far, it’s better to target archive pages rather than every single property. At the moment my archive pages are: all properties (includes all property types and locations), a page for each location (includes all property types). Does it make sense adding archive pages by property type in addition OR in stead of the location ones if I, for instance, target separate keywords like 'villas costa adeje' and 'apartments costa adeje'? At the moment, the title of the respective archive page "Properties to rent in costa adeje: villas, apartments" in principle targets both keywords... Does using the same keyword in a single property listing cannibalize archive page ranking it is linking back to? Or not, unless Google specifically identifies this as a duplicate content, which one can see in Google Search Console under HTML Improvements and/or archive page has more incoming links than a single property? If targeting only archive pages, how should I optimize them in such a way that they stay user-friendly. I have created (though, not yet fully optimized) descriptions for each archive page just below the main header. But I have them partially hidden (collapsible) using a JS in order to keep visitors’ focus on the properties. I know that Google does not rank hidden content high, at least at the moment, but since there is a new algorithm Mobile First coming up in the near future, they promise not to punish mobile sites for a collapsible content and will use mobile version to rate desktop one. Does this mean I should not worry about hidden content anymore or should I move the descirption to the bottom of the page and make it fully visible? Your feedback will be highly appreciated! Thank you! Dmitry

    Technical SEO | | qualistay

  • Hi, I was wondering how should I implement a sitemap for my multilingual site. Currently we have two languanges separated by subdirectories in our site /en (english) and /fr (french) however based on the the articles that I have read there are no clear explanation on the implementation of the sitemap with different languanges. Here are the cases I think is possible for the implementation: Case 1: One sitemap with all the en and fr pages together with hreflang attribution for each pages Case 2: One sitemap with only en pages with hreflang attribution for both languages (en and fr) Case 3: Separate sitemap for en and fr pages with hreflang attribution for both languanges and connect both through sitemapindex creation. If any of my proposed cases are not possible please let me know the best approach in creating a multilingual sitemap for my site. Appreciate your thoughts regarding this. Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | ReneAnton

  • I've wanted to know the answer to this for a couple of years now and haven't found anyone ever talking about it. So here goes ... For markup on articles, there's an itemprop for keywords: keywords
    Canonical URL:
    Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. What's that do? Like if I use that markup with an article I publish on my site, will that get those words given that property keyword value? Will that affect SEO value? Do those replace what metatag keywords used to be? Or are they just like what metatag keywords are these days, no real value?

    On-Page Optimization | | SteveRDM

  • I having issues fully understanding how to get the Video SERP packs.  I am owner of a wedding videography company and would love to start getting the video SERPS.  I am just not 100% sure how to go about this and everything I have read is not making sense.  Any thoughts would be great

    Local Website Optimization | | UVdesign

  • Hi Moz folks! I'm currently moving a site from being hosted on www. and m. separately to a responsive single URL. The problem is, the desktop version currently has links to important landing pages in the footer (about 60) and that's not something we want to replicate on mobile (mainly because it will look pretty awful.) There is no navigation menu because the key to the homepage is to convert users to subscription so any distraction reduces conversion rate. The footer links will continue to exist on the desktop view but, since Google's mobile-first index, presumably we lose these important homepage links to our most important pages. So, my questions: Do you think there is any SEO value in the desktop footer links? Do you have any suggestions about how best to include these 60-odd links in a way that works for mobile? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | d_foley

  • I am currently developing a website which will have a multi-store function, i.e. one for US & ROW customers and one for UK & EU customers. The domain names will be along the lines of: Original domain: UK & EU domain: US & ROW domain: When a customer visits the website they will be redirected to one or the other depending on their location. Can anyone see any problems which this may cause in respect to SEO? I know there may be a duplicate content issue here also, how should I best deal with this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • We created a more keyword friendly url with dashes instead of underscores in December.  That new URL is in Google's Index and has a few links to it naturally.  The previous version of the URL (with underscores) continues to rear it's ugly head in the SERPs, though when you click on it you are 301'd to the new url.  The 301 is implemented correctly and checked out on sites such as Has anyone else experienced such a thing? I understand that Google can use it's discretion on pages, title tags, canonicals, etc.... But I've never witnessed them continue to show an old url that has been 301'd to a new for months after discovery or randomly.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoaustin

  • Hi support, I checked my search console. It said that 8344 pages from are indexed by google. however, if i search for it only returned me 79 results. See Could you please advise why there is discrepancy? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Printcious

  • I'm getting a lot of local host referral traffic  from an unknown source.I want to get rid of this from my google analytics reports. I've tried this filter  - but the traffic still appears. Filtername = local host Filtertype= custom Exclude = filter field referral Filter pattern  (.?localhost.?) Any ideas ? thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | ThomasErb

  • Our client has bought a domain with a history for a different type of venue in another location. Inbound links exist related to this prevous venue - should we disavow these?

    Link Building | | designlobby

  • After cancelling my Moz subscription, if I decide to subscribe again in the future, would I then regain access to historical data from when I was a paying subscriber?

    Product Support | | JoeMangum

  • Hi i have a SEO agency we work with who are building quality guest post links for us, however they are also building forum, profile, blog comments 
    and directory based links. 60% of their links they are building are high quality, relevant guest posts while the other 40% are the other link types. The 40% seem to be relevant directories, forums, blog comments, etc. They said they build other link types because it diversifies the link building and profile rather then just building high quality guest posts. As just building one link type can leave a footprint. What are your thoughts on this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | spyaccounts14

  • Hi there.  I've checked the forums and have seen similar questions, but couldn't find an answer in them.  I have a listing that I imported from my Google My Business account, but it comes up as unverified for both Facebook and Google.  Both pages exist, but have only been published for about 3 weeks.  Both sites contain the accurate business information and are the appropriate types of pages, so the best I can determine from what I've read in the other posts is that "newly" published Facebook and Google pages may not be able to be verified by Moz Local. So the question is, what is considered "newly published"? The Facebook business page is: The Google+ page is: The name registered for Google My Business is:  J T Benton Consulting - Mobile Notary Public Any ideas?

    Moz Local | | monicastuckey

  • We are changing our brand name & hence our URL should change as well What is the best way to do that keeping in view we donot want to take a hit on the existing traffic to our ecommerce site as we get a good revenue from the site. Can someone give me the best strategy to approach this or share there experience with a similar issue they have dealt earlier

    Technical SEO | | sharp_instincts

  • I currently don't use a landing page model. From either Adwords or Organic you reach our site, find the event product that appeals to you, and then fill out the form. I need a way to determine which of those form submissions came from Organic Vs Paid so I can calculate my cost of customer acquisition (COA). Via Google Analytics I can see that X amount of Organic were submitted and X of Paid. If I get 5 submissions in one day there isn't an efficient way to correlate the form submissions to the medium. Any suggestions on an attribute method that would help me sort out COA?

    Paid Search Marketing | | fireflyevents

  • This is something I've been wondering for a while but can't seem to find any advice on. My website features ~60 different companies, each having their own profile page. When optimizing for SEO, how unique should each page's meta description be? Put another way, can I be penalized if the descriptions are all identical except for the company name I include? Any thoughts, resources, or best practices are appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | ericstites

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