Ah sorry, I misunderstood the Title for meaning ALT text.
It is important to try and be as unique as possible with the page title. It can lead you into duplication problems, but more than that, you can fall into Keyword Duplication (cannibalisation) issues. This is where Google doesn't know which page to rank for a particular phrase.
The best way around this, is to come up with a naming strategy, where you can substitute words for something unique to the page.
For example "Buy Mona Lisa prints online" could be made up of "Buy <title>prints online" and you substitute the <title> for that particular image name.</p> <p>Of course, this just an example of how it works, and you can create a number of different templates to use. It is a good way to avoid having everything look and sound the same.</p> <p>-Andy</p></title>