I would suggest making indexable pages for courses, the rest of the parameters are rather user orientated and - I think - not usefull for SEO. This means separating the search script with browse pages.
This means making find-a-recipe.php, which looks like the search engine, forbidden to robots. Instead, you should have a category browser, using only the course (I suppose no recipe have multiple courses ?). You would have url like :
/recipes/ => all recipes, paginated
/recipes/start/ => all starter recipes, paginated
/recipes/starter/fry/ => fried starter recipes, but you should check the search volume of those expression, like "fried starter recipes". If you have a very small volume of recipes, wait until every subpages of /recipes/starter/ have at least 5 recipes.
The goal here is to make your recipe pages easy to index, with a strong focus on the course type. Although the course may not be the best root category for recipe, this should be a good way to may your site seo friendly.