Im the owner of a mens underwear company start up...... but honestly on a start up who has time for that?
There are many underwear sellers out there. I can name at least a dozen and I can't even tell you what kind I am wearing right now.
If you hope to compete with these other companies you will challenge them by using your voice to clearly explain why their product is half ass and yours is not. If you don't have anything to say about that then why are you in this business?
If you can make your case and present your products clearly with enthusiasm, verve, humor and common sense then you have a chance to succeed on the web and I will bet my money on you. If you can't then I am willing to bet a month's pay that you will fail.
I have inserted text related to the category i try to keep my ratio below 7% and under 120 words. but is that enough?
People buying underwear don't give a damn about this. Google doesn't care either. Forget the numbers and do a fantastic job describing your product. If you don't care enough about it then let the underwear selling to somebody else. Why should anybody anywhere buy from you?
Show people that you know your stuff. Explain why your product is the one that they should buy.
I have seen sites ranking #1 under mens underwear with way less content or almost non existent.
Success on the web does not fall to the lazy man or to the sloppy. it goes to the person who does a fantastic job. Since these guys are doing such a crappy job that should motivate you to show them up. When I see crap like that above me it gets my blood pumping to outdo them.
You arrived at this battle about ten years too late. They have a huge head start on you and you must play catch-up if you want to unseat them. They grabbed the high ground when the time was right. Its just like getting the best location on Main Street or at the Mall. You must fight uphill to make up for being tardy. They are not going to step aside for you.
.. plus we are not shedding money to hire a full time employee to take care of that.
II think that this is a job that you should trust to nobody but yourself. Certainly you should know an awful lot more about underwear than they ever did or ever will. Why would you hire a cheap noob to explain your valuable product and try to sell your hard work on your most important marketing place?
Tomorrow get out of bed and decide to make your website the best place on this planet to purchase underwear. Write articles that help people learn to judge quality. Write articles to help them select the right style, the right fabric and the proper fit. Certainly you must know a lot about these things. You probably don't see that type of information on the cheap ass underwear sites. Yours can be different if you get it into your head that building a great website is one of your most important jobs. Make yours the best-on-the-web where people can learn and buy with confidence.
That's how you win on the web.