I'm not the expert on this topic, so I'd love to hear some others jump in on this.
This is a very hot topic right. Wil Reynolds was talking about a new potential technique of putting up spam crap sites and building tons of anchor text links to them and letting them live for a few weeks until they get burned. Then put up a new one and repeat the process.
Ethan Lyon mentions in the comments something similar to what you're talking about
Ethan Lyon Apr 23, 2012
A strategy that is really big right now is 301 redirecting burned sites to new sites. So if you build 10,000 links to site A, then it gets burned, 301 redirect site A to site B. Build 10,000 links to site B, so now it has 20,000 links. When site B gets burned, 301 redirect site A and B to site C, so now you start with 20,000 links. Then build 10,000 links to site C so you have 30,000 links. Rinse and repeat and you have a strategy to rank consistently in the top spots in some of the most competitive spaces. Insane that it works, but it painfully does.
So I know that doesn't really answer your question, but sheds a little more information and validates the fact that a lot of people are doing this, or thinking about it right now.
So for people that have done this, do 301 redirects carry the original anchor text and thus can result in burning the new site as well?