Yes, only a few but, here are some things to think about
1. those social media buttons were only added 6 months ago and by now that release is suffering on my site from Panda, so when I recover, and if I didn't believe I could, I wouldn't be here, then I will again have better stats to show than I have today.
2. That press release is on 100 other websites. That means it can be search results and it can be seen when visitors to those sites are looking at other things.
If you don't want a link and possible traffic from 100 different websites, then maybe a press release is a bad idea.
Every press release is different. If you write an uninteresting press release, you will still get some links and activity. If you write a great press release, lots of different things can happen. I'm not saying press releases are everything, but if you are writing them off, and you are a business person, you are doing yourself a disservice. If you are an SEO and you have written off press releases, then you are also doing your clients a disservice.
As with everything we do, if you do it right, you can create a fountain of traffic.
Elias thinks they are short terms.
OK, they are short term, its only been six years since we did these:
Have you ever heard of "The Dead Body Guy" ?
Using press releases and a couple of stories at NewsBlaze, he got national attention, got on the TV, got movie parts. His stories and press releases sent him 3 million human visitors one year. Those stories and press releases are still sending him visitors, six years later.
What else can I say that shows press releases work?
If you only did reciprocal links, those are now dead. If you only did profile links, most of those are dead. ... If you do a range of things, you can reach more targeted or untargeted people.
A press release is one of the ways to get targeted traffic.
Thats my view. Feel free to discount it, but I have stats to prove it. Will every single release work wonders? No, but can anyone tell me that every other thing they do hits a home run? Even heavy hitter SEOs have failures with things that usually work for them.