I would start by signing up to Bing webmaster central in there under Crawl Control you can set what rate and time of day your site is crawled, bearing in mind that if it is left on standard it will take a long time to crawl and index your site - if you have a large e-commerce site this will definitely cause an issue - I would look at turning this up "full volume" as it shouldn't have any negative effects. Though keep an eye on the impact this has on the load of your server - most reasonable setups will handle this fine. Another very good indicator of any issues your site might have with being indexed by Bing, in the Bing Webmaster Central, is the fetch as Bingbot tool which will allow you to drop a URL in from your site and it will show you what comes back from Bings point of view. If there was something that was hindering it such as a robots.txt it would inform you.
Join Bing Webmaster Central now and see what information it provides you with your site if you haven't already done this.
Also be aware of the Queries per second limit allowed on your server as this has been known to hinder/stop Bing indexing a site when they haven't been able to access the content sufficiently when preforming a crawl especially on larger sites which are constantly being refreshed and updated.