What analytics tool are you using?
In Google Analytics you can use onclick function with pagetrackview to track all the link clicks (internal and external)
You can add this line to the GA code and track one URL as well i.e onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/URL.html');
Omniture onclick syntax is as follows using s.prop (property / traffic variables)
<li onclick="geturl('http: www.yourwebsite.com'');onclick="s=s_gi('nameofyouromniturereportsuite');s.prop1='Name" of="" hte="" file="" for="" reporting';s.tl(this,'o','name="" the="" reporting')"="">Anchor Text of the file</li onclick="geturl('http:>
Coremetrics has event conversion metrics that can be used to track downloads and link clicks
cmCreateConversionEventTag ("Event ID","Action Type","Event Category ID","Points");
Event id = Name of the file
Action type = 1 for event initiation and 2 for event completion
Event category id = Name of the group / page
Points = lead scoring points