Given that you've said your ultimate aim is for users to purchase things from your affiliates shop, you are really measuring the wrong thing by measuring page impressions.
Imagine a scenario where all users arrive to your site at an article page. At the end of the article page there is a link to buy a product. This link takes the user to your affiliates shop where he/she then buys a product. The user has visited exactly one page on your site (1 page impression) and earned you £x in revenue.
The above example would be more valuable to your business then say if they landing at the same article page, read 5 other related articles and then purchased nothing.
If the website makes money through selling affiliate products, you probably want to be measuring the number of sale made vs. the total number of unique visitors (conversion rate) or the number of pages a visitor reads before purchasing from you.
Don't measure the wrong statistic. make sure you know what you are trying to achieve and measure that!