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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Moz crawl diagnostic tool is giving me a heap of duplicate content for each event on my website... Should i use a 301 redirect on the second link? i was unaware that this was classed as duplicate content. I thought it was just the way the CMS system was set up? Can anyone shed any light on this please. Thanks

    | Alexogilvie

  • In our website we have sector list, in home page main category list is displayed click on main category user has to select sub category and reach the result page. EX: Agriculture->Agribusiness->Rice Agriculture page is indexed,but Agribusiness and Rice page is not getting cached,it is showing old indexed date as 23 July 2013,but i have submitted the sitemaps after this 4 times, and some url i have submitted manually in web master tool, but after this also my pages are not cached recently, Please suggest the solution and what might be the problem Thank you In Advance, Anne

    | Vidyavati

  • Hey Mozzers, I'm having a real problem getting some rich snippet data to go away! Normally i'm all for it, but in this case it's giving our department page a video rich snippet and also a really super old date (i'm not sure if this is connected with the video rich snippet, but it showed up at the same time). The SERP is here: We are 3rd for our page I can't find the date Google is using anywhere on the page, in the headers or file dates or anything. I've even removed the video markup and removed the page from the video sitemap, the rich snippet testing tool confirms this : Does anyone have any ideas why this might be showing up or if there is a way to speed up getting it off there and our old meta description back? I'm pretty sure it's killing our click-throughs. Thanks in advance, Stuart

    | stukerr

  • Hi guys, I'm looking at a new site that's completely under https - when I look at the http variant it redirects to the https site with "302 object moved" within the code. I got this by loading the http and https variants into webmaster tools as separate sites, and then doing a 'fetch as google' across both. There is some traffic coming through the http option, and as people start linking to the new site I'm worried they'll link to the http variant, and the 302 redirect to the https site losing me ranking juice from that link. Is this a correct scenario, and if so, should I prioritise moving the 302 to a 301? Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • I attach a screenshot after searching "Mashable".  Would appreciate a pointer in the right direction to add this for my site. 71VZEJX

    | Jonathan1979

  • While creating a site we forgot to password protect the staging site while it was being built.  Now that the site has been moved to the new domain, it has come to my attention that both the staging site ( and the "live" site ( are both being indexed.  What is the best way to solve this problem?  I was thinking about adding a 301 redirect from the staging site to the live site via HTACCESS. Any recommendations?

    | melen

  • Just for fun I ran our homepage through this tool: This spider seems to detect little to no content on our homepage. Interior pages seem to be just fine. I think this tool is pretty old. Does anyone here have a take on whether or not it is reliable? Should I just ignore the fact that it can't seem to spider our home page? Thanks!

    | danatanseo

  • Since January of 2013 my site's rankings have tanked, I don't know who, or old SEO firm that I left is doing this.  A lot of bad links are coming from Russia and are killing my rankings, I need help what do I do, do I just start a new domain? thanks Alec

    | akhlebo

  • Hello, I get a 'Title Missing or Empty' for the following page on our website: This error is seen while checking through other tools like Screaming Frog also. Any idea what the issue may be? The page is generated through a custom CMS, so the title and meta descriptions are created the same way as the other portfolio pages, none of which shows any errors. Thanks in advance!

    | RameshNair

  • Our MOZ crawl kept telling us we had duplicate page content even though our subdomains were redirected to our main site. (Pages from were 301 redirected to Now, to solve that problem, we have removed the subdomain. The error report is better, but now we have broken backlinks - thousands of them. Is this hurting us worse than the duplicate content problem?

    | KristyFord

  • Hi all, we have webcontent in 3 languages (official belgian yellow pages), we use a separate domain per language, these are also our brands.
    ex. for the restaurant Wagamama corresponds to nl-be corresponds to fr-be corresponds to en-be The trouble is that sometimes I see the incorrect urls appearing when doing a search in google, ex. when searching on (dutch=nederlands=nl-be) I see the version appearing (french) I was trying to find a fix for this within , but this only seems to apply to websites which use SUBdomains for language purposes. I'm not sure if can work for DOMAINS. Can anyone help me out? Kind regards

    | TruvoDirectories

  • I want host multiple websites in geo-specific locations, and also have them be unique from each other. Does anyone have suggestions of a software or another method to use for this? Any experience with

    | theLotter

  • A dentist I work with contracted with a company called Z O C D O C (ZD).  ZD ' S goal is to deliver patients to the dentist. To my surprise, ZD created a domain name called s t o n e b r i d g e d e n t a l t e x a that forwards to the doctors ZD doctor page. (You can see the Google results listing by Google search: dentist mckinney tx or click this link Apparently, ZD calls this their "kick start" program so basically ZD is redirecting traffic from what should have been the dentists 7 Pack listing (which would have gone to the dentist website)  to the ZD's doctor page.
    So now, the dentists 7 pack listing domain is owned by ZD but ZD has this hooked up to the doctors office address. Issues swimming inside my head: 1. Is there anything that can be done here? I can't really ask them to take their site down since they own it.
    2. Even if ZD takes this site down, there is no guarantee the dentists website will replace the one that's in the 7 pack currently
    3. I am pretty sure that the dentist site won't appear in the 7 pack because that would mean there would be two listings with the same address right?
    4. As a side-issue, looks like Google removed the links to the Google-Plus pages? Not it only shows reviews. Any words of wisdome here? It would be nice that if when somebody clicked on the link to Stonebridge Dental that it would go to the dentist website, not ZD.. like it should be

    | Czubmeister

  • Hi, i have been researching this since yesterday and have looked at this subject many times before but still cannot get my head around it. i done a report on my site which was very useful, i used for my site   and it brought me some useful information but part of that info was it was telling me that i should have on my home page a canonical tag which would improve my seo. Now i am using sh404sef for my friendly urls and i am using joomla 3.0 and when i approached the makers of the sh404sef to ask about the tag they said i would need to be careful of using it as it could damage my site and my rankings. i have read lots of information but still do not have a clear understanding behind it. can anyone please explain the best way to use this and should i be using where i may have some sort of duplicate page, any help to understand this would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I am trying to improve the internal linking structure on my site and ensure that the most important pages have the most internal links pointing to them (which I believe is the best strategy from Google's perspective!).  I have a number of internal links in the page footer going to pages such as  'Terms and Conditions', 'Testimonials', 'About Us' etc.  These pages, therefore, have a very large number of links going to them compared with the most important pages on my site. Should I add 'nofollow' to these links?

    | Pete4

  • I have a customer, a Psychologist, who put up +/-20 websites many years ago. He has 1 main site (with his name as the domain) with hundreds of pages of quality content. The other sites are all exact match domains - anxiety counseling, couples counseling, etc. Some are single page sites, others have a good amount of quality content. Many of the EMD sites were getting ranked on the first page, as was the main site. The money site was ranking on the first page for the best keywords All of the EMD pages linked back to the main site, many with site wide footer links. The main site did not link back. All of the sites are on the same IP address. These sites have been in place for years. I don't believe that he has a duplicate content problem. About 8 weeks ago, the rankings for the main site crashed, moving 10 or more SERP pages deep. The EMD sites are still ranking. He has not gotten any nasty-grams from Google in Webmaster Tools. The Psychologist relies exclusively on organic for his business, and it has taken a significant hit. 1. Has anyone else seen this happen? 2. Is it safe to assume that Google finally nailed him for using a linking scheme? 3. How can we unwind this? The other sites are still generating business, and if those go away, he is really screwed. 4. Will taking down all of the links from the other sites be enough? Would moving the money site to another hosting company on a different IP make a difference? Ideas? I think the white hat answer would be to take down the EMD sites, and 301 redirect to the main site. The problem is that the loss of business from this process could be catastrophic.

    | CsmBill

  • Was wondering if it is possible to position a clients listing in one of the top 7 local listings on Google. All of the listings in the top 7 spots have pr2,3, and even 4.The clients site is new and pr0. his listing is: Dallas Foundation Repair  2770 Live Oak St, Dallas, TX ‎(214) 770-8975 ‎ · dallasfoundation-repair.comand we are trying to rank for keywords: dallas foundation repair,foundation repair in dallasalso please give me your advice as far as what approach I should be taking, thanks guys

    | jesse1341

  • Hi I am working on a site that is to relaunch later on this year - is best practise for the old urls (of which there are thousands) to write a piece of code that will cover all of the urls and redirect them to the new home page or to individually redirect each url to its new counterpart on the new site.  I am naturally concerned about user experience on this plus losing our Google love we currently have but am aware of the time it would take to do this individually.  Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

    | Pday

  • Site Pages:  When I wrap a page title, or a string of several words in quotes, and GG search, my client's page shows up first.  My understanding is that this shows general health of site, and acknowledgement as the original source of the content. Blog Posts:  When I wrap a blog page, or post, title or string of words in quotes, and GG search, Feedblitz, Facebook, and other scraper sites appear before the blog home page, and also the actual blog post.  The blog is in a separate directory.  Does this suggest that the /blog/ is being penalized or demoted in any way? Does it indicate the /blog/ directory does not have authority? Both the static site pages, and the blog pages, are using rel=canonical tags. What causes this, what does it indicate, and how can I fix it? Thanks,

    | seagreen

  • I've setup authorship and aggregate rating information for our website. It all checks in the Structured Data Testing Tool, but the results in the SERPs have been on then off. At first my authorship image showed on all articles were the markup existed, then suddenly it went away. Then more recently, the aggregate rating information displayed on all pages were the markup existed, then again, it suddenly disappeared. I'm curious if anyone knows if the disappearance of these things are the result of manual action from Google or simply because the algorithm gathering more information that would cause the items to stop showing for one reason or another? In both cases the markup didn't change previous to the results disappearing. This leads me to believe the change in the SERPs wasn't a result of the markup, but rather something on Google's side.

    | Tim.Paulino

  • Hi Dupe content reports for a new client are sjhowing very high numbers (8000+) main of them seem to be for sign in, register, & login type pages, is this a scenario where best course of action to resolve is likely to be via the parameter handling tool in GWT ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi If you are embedding video from your YouTube channel on your webpages and publishing transcription copy underneath it & your YouTube channel also has transcriptions , is this duplicate content ? If so which instance of the transcription should you remove (i presume YT since your website page is what you want to rank) ? Also a side question re video seo & YT, ive heard peeps say that embedding a video from YT to your site is a great backlink, but surely its actually a link from your website to YT, not the other way round ? Cheers Dan ps - any other video seo tips or links to recent quality articles much appreciated 🙂

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I've read the FAQs and searched the help center. My URL is: http://www.webygeeks.comI have updated title tags of my client's website 10-15 days ago, still the title on google is coming as the company name 😞 Why so??Description is correct but title is incorrect, can you please recommend me something guys?Also, i am wondering why the google cache is showing date of september 5 and we have changed the titles around 10 - 15 days before that Really appreciate your suggestion.

    | lvp1138

  • Hey all, In the automotive industry... When uploading vehicle inventory to a website I'm concerned with duplicate content issues. For example, 1 vehicle is uploaded to the main manufacturers website, then again to the actual dealerships website & then again to Craigslist & even sometimes to a group site. The information is all the same, description, notes, car details & images. What would you all recommend for alleviating duplicate content issues? Should I be using the rel canonical back to the manufacturers website? Once the vehicle is sold all pages disappear. Thanks so much for any advice.

    | DCochrane

  • I am currently working on a website for a business that has multiple office locations. As I am trying to target all four locations I was wondering if it is okay to have more then one Local Rich Snippet on a single page. (For example they list all four locations and addresses within their footer and I was wondering if I could make these local rich snippets). What about having more then one on a single website. For example if a company has multiple offices located in several different cities and have set up individual contact pages for these cities, can each page have it's own Local Rich Snippet? Will Google look at these multiple "local rich snippets" as spaming or will they recognize the multiple locations and count it towards their local seo?

    | webdesignbarrie

  • Hello, We have a news portal, and like other newspapers we have our own content and content from other contributors. Both our content and our contributors content can be found in other websites (we sell our content and they give theirs to us). In this regard, everything seems to work fine from the business and users perspective. The problem is that this means duplicated content... so my question is: "Should we add the noindex,nofollow" tag to these articles? Notice that there might be hundreds of articles everyday, something like a 1/3 of the website. I checked one newspaper which uses news from agencies, but they seem not to use any noindex tag. Not sure what others do. I would appreciate any opinion on that.

    | forex-websites

  • Ok, I have a client who has their blog up and running on and they are planning to shift the blog to sub-directory The only problem is that the blog and website are hosted on two different servers so is there any way we can shift the blog to sub directory without shifting the blog to the similar server?

    | MoosaHemani

  • Hi, A client has mentioned that they are working with their design company to create three different hompage versions (one for Scotland, one for England and one for international visitors) which will be shown to the visitors dependent upon their locations. They are working in connection with MaxMind who I have not come across before. My question is would this have a negative impact on SEO?

    | J_Sinclair

  • I need to register a domain in Australia. Does anybody have a trusted domain registrar I can go to? The person in our Australian office gave me a list of registrars she found where she can purchase the domain, but I wanted to see if anyone here had recommendations.

    | spackle

  • I do my best to optimize the on-page parameters for my page for the kw "aadl" but i can't understand what Ii'm doing wrong (i desapear 2 mounths ago). The page is optimize (title, description, h1, h2 etc.) few links with different ancers, but google put a spamy site www[dot]aadl[dot]biz in top 3 ratheer my  page. Can you give me some advice to fix this issue? What I am doing wrong? Tanks in advance

    | lkeria

  • Hi All! I have a doubt about how to fix the duplication problem https @ http. What is the better way to fix it in your opionion/experience? Me, for instance, I have chosen to put "noindex, nofollow" into https version. Each page of my site has a https version so I put this metarobots into it....But I am not sure about what happens with all backlinks with "https" URLs I have, I've just checked I have some...What do you think about it? Thanks in advance for helping!

    | Red_educativa

  • Hi Guys, Moz is reporting lots of duplicate content on my site. I think this is partly from session id's and partly from category pages and on-site search generated pages.  I know I have to use the canonicalization rule but don't know exactly how to determine the correct URL and where to put the code.  Can anyone offer any advice on this?  I'm new to this so apologies for any etiquette breaching etc. Many thanks, Stewart.

    | oiljob

  • Hello there! I have a new RSS feed that I submitted to GWT.   The feed validates no problemo on and also when I test the feed in GWT it comes back aok, finds all the content with "No errors found". I recently got a issue with GWT not being able to read the rss feed, error on line 697 "We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting." I am assuming this is an intermittent issue, possibly we had a server issue on the site last night etc. I am checking with my developer this morning. Wanted to see if anyone else had this issue, if it resolved itself, etc. Thanks!

    | CleverPhD

  • We recently noticed that our website is being hot linked by a Dutch website with many malware issue. Any suggestions how to proceed? Thanks in advance Tony

    | OCFurniture

  • I am working on creating new SEO friendly URLs for my company website. The products are the items with the highest search volume and each is very geo-specific
    There is not a high search volume for the geo-location associated with the product, but the searches we do get convert well. Do you think it is preferable to leave the location out of the URL or include it?

    | theLotter

  • We have recently made a website I work on responsive. This involved taking their original desktop site and then making it work on mobiles/tablets. Due to the nature of their existing header we are serving a different version to mobiles/tablets. Do the schema tags which are on the desktop header need to be added to the mobile version or are they just needed on the desktop code?

    | edwardlewis

  • We have a motorcycle classifieds section that lets users search for motorcycles for sale using various drop down menus to pick year-make-type-model-trim, etc.. These search results create urls such as: Road&vehicle_model=Tiger&vehicle_trim=800 XC ABS We understand that all of these URL varieties are considered unique URLs by Google. The issue is that we are getting duplicate content errors on the pages that have no results as they have no content to distinguish themselves from each other. A URL like:
    and Will have a results page that says "0 results found". I'm wondering how we can distinguish these "unique" pages better? Some thoughts:
    -make sure <title>reflects what was search<br />-add a heading that may say "0 results found for Triumph On-Off Road Tiger 800 XC ABS"<br /><br />Can anyone please help out and lend some ideas in solving this? <br /><br />Thank you.</p></title>

    | seoninjaz

  • Dear All, Is it a good idea to noindex the search result pages of a classified site?
    Taking into account that category pages are also search result pages, I would say it is not a good idea, but the whole information is in the sitemap, google can index individual listings (which are index, follow) anyway. What would you do? What kind of effects has in the indexing of the site, marking the search result pages as "search results" with microdata? Many thanks for your help, Best Regards, Daniel

    | te_c

  • Hi guys, I am trying to upload the following popup code on my server: However, I cannot seem to upload the Javascript code on the right place, because the popup is not showing. Here is an example with what I am doing: _    Cookies?_ # of Votes:  123
    % Liked
    _        [See User reviews](product review link)_ Could somebody help me?

    | petbiv

  • I am building a BigCommerce store for selling framed art.  Many of the pieces of art will fall in more than one product category. Let's say I have a framed print of a photograph of a western landscape.  This piece of art would fit into these categories;  "western", "landscape", and "photography".   I would have three pages with duplicate content for just this one framed print. Will google give me less page rank due to this?  Can all the link juice be given to just one of the three categories by use of rel=canonical?  If so, does anyone know how to do this for a bigcommerce site? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks, Kelly

    | Kelly_S

  • Hello, What should I do with the following situation: In e-commerce shop I have an option to "show all products" (list all products in one page) - do I need to put canonnical or 301 redirect to somewhere or should I leave as normal page  - I think google consider this is as duplicate since everything is the same (only number of products is different) ? Regards, Nenad

    | Uniline

  • Hello, When trying to access my site from a smart-phone, I'm getting a redirected to the mobile version (which is correct), however at the end of the URL there is a redirect string that shows every time.  I'm not sure why its its showing or how it automatically gets appended to the end of the URL each time.  How can I configure my mobile site to prevent the ?mobiRedirect=1" from showing? For example, if you search for "Columbus Regional Health" on Google with a smart-phone, the first result should be for  If you click that, you should get redirected to , however its displaying the URL as Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you,

    | Liamis

  • I have found an author that has an article about a particular product we sell online. I was thinking of speaking to them about getting a link to our site. But then I looked at the stats: <label>Page:</label><label id="Page Authority" class="key lsdata">PA:1</label><label id="mozrank" class="key lsdata" title="MozRank">mR:0.00</label>mT:0.00<label id="SEOmoz-data-uid">0</label> links from 
    <label id="SEOmoz-data-uipl">0</label> Root Domains<label>Root Domain:</label>**<label id="dom-pageauthority" class="key lsdata" title="Domain Authority">DA: 59</label>**24,797,212 links from 
    <label id="SEOmoz-data-pid">110,858</label> Domains<label>Subdomain:</label>Its on a subdomain of - and the page is relevant to a particular category and our e-commerce site.Is it worth pursuing the link?Thanks!

    | bjs2010

  • Hi there! I'm wondering if anyone could kindly help me with this question. I have a domain let's say: - and I also have a subdomain called has approx 2000 pages on it. There are site wide links in the top nav, side nav and footer pointing to (all with the same anchor text - not branded - it's a money term). My question is, do you think this would be causing some kind of algorithmic penalty (over optimisation / penguin)? Or, do you think Google realises these links are pointing to a subdomain and says, "hey, OK we understand these two domains could be related" or given subdomains are seen as essentially standalone websites, the algo is saying "hang on a minute, pal, this looks fishy, why are you linking to this subdomain 1000+ times with sitewide links on the same anchor text"? Should I nofollow these sitewide links? Do you think that will help? I would really appreciate any help on this one. Cheers!

    | WCR

  • I am trying to get a pr2 site to be on top 7 local spot for the keyword Van Nuys Bail bonds but have discovered a site which has barely any back links and is not even a year old on top results. Their backlinks are from lower authority domains than what we have. How could this site be beating a 7 year old pr2 website? The site I'm working on is The site that is ranking in 5th spot local with pr0 is is it maybe because it is a .org site? Also I notice that all websites in top spots have www, could that be a factor as well?

    | jesse1341

  • I have a site that is mostly just podcasts with transcripts, and it has both audio and video versions of the podcasts. I also have a blog that I contribute to that links back to the video/transcript page of these podcasts. So this blog I contribute to has the exact same content (the podcast; both audio and video but no transcript) and then an audio and video version of this podcast. Each post of the podcast has different content on it that is technically unique but I'm not sure it's unique enough. So my question is, should I canonicalize the posts on this blog back to the original video/transcript page of the podcast and then combine the video with the audio posts. Thanks!

    | ThridHour

  • I am working on a site that has responsive design. We use faceted search for the desktop version but implemented a style of breadcrumbs for the mobile version as sidebars take up too much screen real estate. On the desktop design we are putting a display:none in front of the breadcrumbs. If we mark up those breadcrumbs and they are behind a display none, can we still get the rich snippets? Will Google see this is cloaking? In follow up, is there a way to markup breadcrumbs in the or somewhere else that is constant?

    | MarloSchneider

  • Hi All, I named a page URL /plectrums/ within the back end framework. But then decided to change it to /personalised-plectrums/ I resubmitted a GWT sitemap and 301 redirected plectrums -> personalised-plectrums My ranking for personalised plectrums has disappeared and has not come back does anyone know why this is? Or is there something I have missed? Lewis

    | SO_UK

  • Hi there, is is bad practice in seo to have search results for products indexed? For example a search result of holidays to Ibiza, with lots of deals coming up? its a search query url that would be indexed, with just an image and price per product on the page, with about 10 per page? Any advice appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • Hi, I am working on two websites which share some of the same content and we can't use 301s to solve the problem; would you recommend using canonical tags? Thanks!

    | J_Sinclair

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