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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hello everyone, I have over 480,000 internal rewrites in my Magento site. The reason I have so many is because I have over 1,500 products on my site and I update inventory every day via Bulk Import Extension. For the first few months I didn't realize that the URL was changing by a single digit every time I imported the .xml with new inventory counts. This of course created thousands and thousands of 404s. I figured out how to avoid the digit change and then I started redirecting the 404s via a Bulk Rewrite Extension. I managed to rewrite over over 50,000 404s but new ones still pop up every day and there is no end to them in sight. My traffic is terrible. Only about 40 organics daily. It's been like that for months. I can't get it off the ground and I think it's because of this excessive rewrite and 404 issue. My question is, does having so many internal rewrites and 404s hurt my SEO efforts? Would it be better just to start from scratch with a new site, new domain, new everything? Please help me. I'm going crazy with this. Thank you. Nico.

    | niconico101

  • So some agency did horrendous article submissions on mass in 08/09. Since I have been tidying this up by manually getting the domains removed in our back-link profile. Some however i just cannot get rid of. Recent penguin update obviously penalised me for this, so i disavowed the rest i could not remove and did a reconsideration request. The reply from Google was still that it violates guidelines and it used 3 blogspot domains (which no crawler i used had previously found) as examples. Now there is NOONE at Google to contact about this and the sites are abandoned, so they just sit there doing damage. I will ofcourse add these to the disavow but can i disavow the whole of ? What if all are in the disavow but they still use it against us in the reconsideration request and i cannot remove them as noone to contact at Google? Really appreciate the help, thanks,  2 years of hell tidying up bad agency work!

    | pauledwards

  • Hi everyone, i'd like to know if i rank my keywords , how to know that i do well? every day

    | engmtamous

  • Hello Moz Community, My developer has added this to my robots.txt file: Disallow: /404/ Is this considered good practice in the world of SEO? Would you do it with your clients? I feel he has great development knowledge but isn't too well versed in SEO. Thank you in advanced, Nico.

    | niconico101

  • Hi all, Is there a huge loss of SEO performance if a URL shows spaces with an actual space (i.e. %20) in the URL rather than a "-" (or indeed a "_")? I know the preferred option is to have a "-", but I am just wondering if it is worth our effort to manually change the "%20" to a "-" in all the instances? Thanks 🙂 Diana

    | Diana.varbanescu

  • Using CSS/HTML in Dreamweaver CC, I am trying to display a SEO friendly matrix of six images wide by three deep on the Home Page, but cannot get the first (top left) image to display consistently. The page appears correctly in Dreamweaver Design View, but not in the Live View. Equally it works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox nor I.E. I seem to have tried every CSS variation to resolve this issue, without success. Can someone stear me in the right direction, please? The relevant HTML Code ... Celotex PL4050 - 62.5mm insulated wallboard from £11.96 per m² / £34.45 per board SuperFoil SF19 40mm Multi-foil Roll from £5.23 per m² / £98.00 per 18.75 m² Roll Celotex GA4000 General application Rigid PIR from £8.56 per m² / £24.66 per board Rockwool Full-fill 75mm Cavity Wall Slabs from £3.51 per m² / £1.92 per slab Knauf Earthwool 270mm Loft Roll 44 Combi-Cut from £3.80 per m² / £22.51 per 9.93 m² Roll Kingspan Kooltherm K8 75mm Cavity Wall Boards from £16.26 per m² / £8.79 per board Knauf Earthwool 170mm Combi-cut Loft Roll 44 from £3.16 per m² / £25.34 per 8 m² Roll Kingspan Kooltherm K7 Rigid Phenolic Foam - 75mm £13.91 per m² / £40.05 per board ... The associated CSS code ... #popular {
    width: 1050px;
    height: 800px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    #product1 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/01-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 24px;
    float: left;
    overflow: auto;
    clear: left;
    #product2 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/02-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    opacity: 0.85;
    #product3 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/03-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    opacity: 0.85;
    #product4 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/04-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    #product5 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/05-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    opacity: 0.85;
    #product6 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/06-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    opacity: 0.85;
    #product7 {
    clear: both;
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/07-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 24px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    opacity: 0.85;
    #product8 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/08-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    #product9 {
    background-image: url(../007-graphics/popular/09-prod.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 150px;
    height: 265px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    float: left;
    max-height: 275px;
    opacity: 0.85;
    } ... The complete code is located at -

    | JustInsulation

  • My URL is: www.memovalley.comWe have submitted our sitemap last month and we are having issues seeing our URLs listed in the search results.  Even though our sitemaps contain over 200 URLs, we only currently only have 7 listed (excluding someone help us with this? |   |
    |   | | | It looks like Googlebot has timed out, at least once, for one of our URLs.  Why is Googlebot timing out?  My server is located at Amazon WS, in North Carolina and it is a small instance.  Could Google be querying multiple URLs at the same time and jamming my servers? Could it be becauseThanks for your help!

    | Memovalley

  • Hi, I've had the same website for 6 months and fixed all original on-site issues a long time ago.Now this week I wake up and found 3 new errors: 3 of my pages have missing titles issues, missing meta description issues and also the Moz crawl says they all have duplicate content issues. All my rankings went down a lot as well. This site is static, doesn't even have a blog, everything is rel canonical and non-indexed. It's 100% original content as well. So how can those issues arise 6 months later? All my titles and descriptions are there and non-duplicate, and the content is original and not duplicate as well. Is this a wordpress bug or virus? Anyone had this happen to them and how to fix it? Thanks a lot for you help! -Marc

    | marcandre

  • Hi, I'm currently having issues with some of the user reviews on product pages. Can you spot any issues in the reviews? Thanks

    | pikka

  • Hello I have a question: If Pings & Trackbacks are disabled (and, for older posts, removed completely through a function in mySQL) would this also remove links earned through pings and trackbacks? Also, if those functions are disabled, would thus avoid a website gaining some (even if automatic, but maybe from very good websites for article feeds) useful backlinks? Thanks for a reply. If I was not clear, please let me know. Eugenio

    | socialengaged

  • Hello everyone, I have one question: there is a way to tell Google to take the meta description for the search results instead of the rich snippets? I already read some posts here in moz, but no answer was found. In the post was said that if you have keywords in the meta google may take this information instead, but it's not like this as i have keywords in the meta tags. The fact is that, in this way, the descriptions are not compelling at all, as they were intended to be. If it's not worth for ranking, so why google does not allow at least to have it's own website descriptions in their search results? I undestand that spam issues may be an answer, but in this way it penalizes also not spammy websites that may convert more if with a much more compelling description than the snippets. What do you think? and there is any way to fix this problem? Thanks!

    | socialengaged

  • Wordpress defaults all blog posts to no index/nofollow Is this how it should be handled? I understand the nofollow from the to the But why noindex? We have Yoast installed and this is the default.

    | cschwartzel

  • How do non-business websites think about exact match domain names and branding after EMD and Panda? What is an EMD and what is a "brand" when there's no business or commercial brand involved? And does it impact your SEO outcomes? I have a Thailand travel blog which is a personal crusade of mine. I like Thailand, I love travelling there and I like sharing my experiences and knowledge. I don't have a business name, so when I started the blog I just used the best phrase I could find that was available as a domain name - at the time it was "". Late in 2011 I thought this sounded a bit spammy, so I found a new domain name "" and 301'd across to that. All went well and traffic grew consistently thanks to good writing and some basic SEO, until in late September 2012 the site got 'whacked' by Google - possibly due to EMD, but I think more likely due to Panda and some accidental poor quality backlinks (I posted a reply on another travel site, pointing back to my site, but it ended up becoming 100s of low value backlinks because of the way that site managed it's "latest comments" widget). Since then I've been trying very hard to rebuild my traffic, but it's a tough gig. I am now averaging better than I was in Sept 2012, but nowhere near where I was on trend to be by now. I have a small social media profile (800 Twitter followers plus Google+, Facebook and Pinterest) and I am slowly building some supporting pages on prominent Web 2.0 sites and seeking out quality guest post opportunities. But I still worry about the domain name. Does Google see it as an EMD? I don't use the domain name words at all in my page titles (I use xxx | Thailand travel blog) and I try not to use it in anchors either (I tend to use "Thailand travel blog" or my own name. But I still have a few old backlinks that say "Travel Tips Thailand" and I use that phrase as my brand when talking about the website. So how should sites like mine think about "brand" and "EMD"? Is it an issue or not? Is my domain name holding my site back? I have others I can use like "" and "" but I'm just sitting on them, not sure where to go. I also have "" and a long term view of rolling this site up with other blogs I'm slowly developing about China, Cambodia and Vietnam. But again, not sure where to go any more. Anyone care to share their thoughts?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • We have changed our sitemap about 1 month ago and Google is yet to index it. We have run a site: search and we still have many pages indexed but we are wondering how long does it take for google to index our sitemap? The last sitemap we put up had thousands of pages indexed within a fortnight, but for some reason this version is taking way longer. We are also confident that there are no errors in this version. Help!

    | JamesDFA

  • Has anyone here used Newspaper Article Placement Services or NAPS as they are commonly called?  I was looking for a way to generate direct traffic to the site and our demographic still reads a fair amount of the printed word. My concern is that if these items get into the websites of these newspapers I could run into a duplicate issue.  We have some quality writers who can generate some great content that we already use on our site.  We are looking for a way to expand into the printed world. Thanks!

    | HeaHea

  • Hi! Our website has a very large no of pages. I am looking to create an XML Sitemap that contains only the most important pages (category pages etc). However, on crawling the website in a tool like Xenu (the others have a 500 page limit), I am unable to control which pages get added to the XML Sitemap, and which ones get excluded. Essentially, I only want pages that are upto 4 clicks away from my homepage to show up in the XML Sitemap. How should I create an XML sitemap, and at the same time control which pages of my site I add to it (category pages), and which ones I remove (product pages etc). Thanks in advance! Apurv

    | AB_Newbie

  • So, I'm trying to list the same exact address across all local listings for a client.  How "exact" do they all need to match in order for them to be optimized for the 7-pack listings? Here is an example of what I'm dealing with... 999 Cherry Ln #1 Dallas, TX 75238 - Address on Google Plus page 999 Cherry Ln Ste 1, Dallas, TX 75238 - Address on every other business listing Is this close enough or is this inconsistency really hurting this client?

    | wiredseo

  • A new client I am working with has a site with over 9,000 internal 301 redirects.  These are as a result of old links not being updated and the number of internal 301 redirects far outweighs the number of 'correct' links on the site. My personal opinion is that creates the risk of crawl errors/issues and whilst a 301 redirect is correct in this case, it does not negate the need to update internal links. The problem I have is that when I explain this to the client, they reply with an Matt Cutts video from 2008 that talks about 301 redirects being correct for site migrations.  Even though the video is not entirely relevant to the point, I can not get the client to move from his position. Ideally, what I am looking for help with is the following: Am I right in my position that having this many redirects is a potential issue and that internal links should be updated? Does anyone know of any articles from 'notable/reputable' sources that I can use in order to support my position? Thanks in advance for your help.

    | MattHopkins

  • From now on we want to store all our sitemap.xml over the next years. Its a nice archive to have that allows us to analyse how many pages we have on our website and which ones were removed/redirected. Any suggestions? Thanks

    | DeptAgency

  • Hi, I received a notification that somebody posted a trackback comment and I am not sure about the recommended course of action. What is the SEO impact of accepting trackbacks on my blog? Should I simply ignore them or should I accept them? What I understand is that it means somebody linked to my blog (which is good) but do I get something out of posting the trackback in the comment section or am I just giving somebody a free link? Is that the same as if I was to link to another blog or does it carry some sort of a social recognition helping my site authority? Cheers Guillaume

    | tbps

  • Hi, I wonder how I should handle pages with outdated products. Our market is changing rapidly unfortunately so products we offered in the past are no longer existent. So for example one of our product was called "PRODUCT 1" The URL for this product is still: with different subpages about the product like: Our new product is totally different from the first one. Is it still a good idea to set up 301 redirects or are there any other ideas? Thanks in advance

    | bastelele

  • Hello all, We got a new client recently who had a warning from Google Webmasters tools for manual soft penalty. I did a lot of search and I found out one particular site that sounds roughly 100k links to one page and has been potentialy a high risk site. I wish to block those links from coming in to my site but their webmaster is nowhere to be seen and I do not want to use the disavow tool. Is there a way I can use code to our htaccess file or any other method? Would appreciate anyone's immediate response. Kind Regards

    | artdivision

  • Hi, If you set up a brand new GWT account for a subdomain, where the dev area is located (separate from the main GWT account for the main live site) and remove all pages via the remove tool (by leaving the page field blank) will this definately not risk hurting/removing the main site (since the new subdomain specific gwt account doesn't apply to the main site in any way) ?? I have a new client who's dev area has been indexed, dev team has now prevented crawling of this subdomain but the 'the stable door was shut after the horse had already bolted' and the subdomains pages are on G's index so we need to remove the entire subdomain development area asap.  So we are going to do this via the remove tool in a subdomain specific new gwt account, but I just want to triple check this wont accidentally get main site removed too ?? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I see lots of competitors and crappy sites ranking well for highly competitive keywords in the web hosting niche. After analysing their backlinks, I noticed that most of them had only 1 or 2 backlinks to the page they wanted to rank. The anchor text is usually a slight variation of the targeted keyword. Now suppose you are able to rank well for a handful of highly lucrative keywords using very few spammy links. That would mean that even if you got a Penguin penalty, cleaning up your link profile would take an hour at most. I really have no intentions of using this strategy but it's frustrating to see spammy competitors outranking you with crappy sites and a handful of backlinks. Your thoughts?

    | sbrault74

  • Hello everybody 🙂 I know, that some years ago it was important that you host your site in the same country where your target audience was in relation to SEO. Because Google used that to find out which country your target audience was. But is this still important and have it an influence today regarding to SEO? Hope there is someone who can help 🙂

    | JoLinda91

  • Hi Can the Hosting location of image files have a negative effect if on the developers own media server as opposed to on the actual websites server ? In the case i'm looking at the image files are hosted on a totally separate server (a media subdomain of the developers site server) from the subject sites dedicated server. Will engines still attribute the properties of files hosted in this manner to the main website (such as file name or should they really be on the subject sites server own media folder ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Over the past couple years I had 3 sites that sold basically the same products and content.  I later realized this had no value to my customers or Google so I 301 redirected Site 2 and Site 3 to my main site (Site 1).  Of course this pushed a lot of page rank over to Site 1 and the site has been ranking great. About a week ago I moved my main site to a new eCommerce platform which required me to 301 redirect all the url's to the new platform url's which I did for all the main site links (Site 1).  During this time I decided it was probably better off if I DID NOT 301 redirect all the links from the other 2 sites as well.  I just didn't see the need as I figured Google realized at this point those sites were gone and I started fearing Google would get me for Page Rank munipulation for 301 redirecting 2 whole sites to my main site. Now I am getting over 1,000 404 crawl errors in GWT as Google can no longer find the URL's for Site 2 and Site 3.  Plus my rankings have dropped substantially over the past week, part of which I know is from switching platforms. Question, did I make a mistake not 301 redirecting the url's from the old sites (Site 2 and Site 3) to my new ecommerce url's at Site 1?

    | SLINC

  • Somebody listed me on their site with this link code A Link Between Worlds Walkthrough   It does this weird redirect tracking thing to my site. Would that count as a link back to me?

    | Atomicx

  • I have just noticed that the mobile version of my site is sometimes ranking in the desktop serps either instead of as well as the desktop site. It is not something that I have noticed in the past as it doesn't happen with the keywords that I track, which are highly competitive. It is happening for results that include our brand name, e.g '[brand name][search term]'. The mobile site is served with mobile optimised content from another URL. e.g redirects to for mobile. Sometimes I am only seen the mobile URL in the desktop SERPS, other times I am seeing both the desktop and mobile URL for the same product. My understanding is that the mobile URL should not be ranking at all in desktop SERPS, could we be being penalised for either bad redirects or duplicate content? Any ideas as to how I could further diagnose and solve the problem if you do believe that it could be harming rankings?

    | pugh

  • I'm in a bind, I've been working on my SEO for a while now and have finally landed on the top page for [fishing kayak reviews] in Google US. The problem is it's not the page I want to be ranked! I've recently updated my reviews component to a more robust system but the url is slightly different. Looking currently [Reviews without Images] is ranking in Google but I would like [Reviews with Images] to rank instead. What would be the best solution for this problem? Adjust the url for [Reviews with Images] so it take the place of [Reviews without Images]? Do you think I will get any negative impacts from this?

    | mr_w

  • I am using EMD and have an only 1 page which is the main url. Now my question is how can i avoid the penalty of submitting the same URL to the different platform like Web2.0, Article Directory etc. Please help.

    | seodadoo567

  • Hi Whilst i appreciate its best practice to 301 redirect permanently moved pages, what if the page is say a login page or other page you not really interested in ranking or transferring juice to ? is it still important/best practice to do so simply because the page has permanently moved hence should still be a 301 even though you don't really want it to rank ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I take it if theres a staging or development area on a subdomain for a site, who's content is hence usually duplicate then this should not be indexable i.e. (no-indexed & nofollowed in metarobots) ? In order to prevent dupe content probs as well as non project related people seeing work in progress or finding accidentally in search engine listings ? Also if theres no such info in meta robots is there any other way it may have been made non-indexable, or at least dupe content prob removed by canonicalising the page to the equivalent page on the live site ? In the case in question i am finding it listed in serps when i search for the staging/dev area url, so i presume this needs urgent attention ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Greetings Mozzers. I have seen a couple of pages that use canonical tags in a peculiar way, and I wanted to know if this way of using the tags was correct, harmless or dangerous: What I've seen is that on some pages like: There's a canonical tag in the header that looks like this link href="" rel="canonical" It looks as though the tag is "redirecting to itself", this seems useless (at least to me). Is there a case where this is actually a recommended practice? Will using the canonical tag in this way "hurt" the page's ranking potential? Cheers Jorge

    | Masoko-T

  • Hi If you have 404 errors for pages that you dont have similar content pages to 301 them to, should you just leave them (the 404's are optimised/qood quality with related links & branding etc) and they will eventually be de-indexed since no longer exist or should you 'remove url' in GWT ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, I want to hear if there are any who believe that "Bad IP Neighborhood" Theory is still relevant? Find more information here: Best regards, Jonathan

    | JoLinda91

  • Hi Can the Hosting location of image files have a negative effect if 'off-site' such as if they are on the developers own media server ?  As opposed to on the actual websites server or file structure ? In the case i'm looking at the image files are hosted on a totally separate server (a media subdomain of the developers site server) from the subject sites dedicated server. Will engines still attribute the properties of files hosted in this manner to the main website (such as file name, alt attributes, etc etc) ? Or should they really be on the subject sites server own media folder ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Looking for any insights regarding experience with optimization and HTML5 websites that use parallax scrolling making the website only one page (single unique URL). If done right, I've seen a number of these sites with great UX, clean design and nice layouts, but it comes down to only being able to optimize a single page. Does Google view single page sites as less authoritative? I'll open the floor to any comments at all about this. Thanks in advance Mozzers.

    | PHDL

  • I used Dreamweaver for years but have recently been switching to Wordpress.  On the whole the results have been very positive.  However, I don't like the way that WP generates a page for images when the image is inserted into a blog post.  I was just reading this excellent article on Content Strength Audit and it referred to this problem as well. Often, when I insert an image into a blog, I delete the reference to the image page and link directly to the image.  Is this an effective way to deal with the is problem?  Is there a better approach? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • We've put together this process over the past year that has shown success when it comes to sites that appear to be hit by Panda. The idea was to put together a process that would allow us to give our clients an understanding of the problem at hand and metrics we can use to explain how recovery is going. Would love to hear your opinion or if you have a different/similar strategy.

    | eyeflow

  • Hi Im looking at a clients site canonicalisation usage and in regard to some comments the tags referential value is a node (not the same as the actual page url) does this make sense or sounds like incorrect usage ? For example: URL  **                                                     ** Canonical Tag                 Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I've installed Yoasts SEO plugin. I've just set it up as a campaign in SEOMOZ pro and i now see 14 notices about rel=canonical. I haven't added the rel=canonical myself and is in connection with the Yoast code on the site. Why does it do that and should i do something about it?

    | infocell

  • Which is the best practice for the link to claim authorship for a guest post? I have tried both the main domain URL in the "contributor to" section of my Google plus and the page URL where the post is and both show my picture when testing in the Structured Data Testing Tool. Which is best to use? Thanks in advance.  

    | WSIDW

  • Hi guys, I run an ecommere store and we are constantly receiving and uploading new products. Do we need to update the sitemap every time we upload a product? Google Webmasters tools shows that the number of URLs received is higher than the number of indexed URLs. They should match right? Thanks and regards

    | footd

  • One of my clients has a well established website, and a well established blog - each with its own domain. Is there any way to move the blog to his website domain without losing the SEO and links that he has built up over time?

    | EchelonSEO

  • We are building a job board website that will have a decent amount of "career resources" type content and want to make sure we set up our url structure correctly.  After researching on Google and here I have an idea how to structure it but would like some insight if we are on the right track.  We are using Wordpress for the content part of our website.  We will have about 5 content categories (like resume-tips, job-interviews, job-search etc.) The two options we are considering;  As content start page  category start page  article name is the /career-resources/ folder really needed or can we go something like;  As content start page  category start page  article name Are we on the right track... and is one way better for SEO that the other? Thanks! Shaun

    | aactive

  • Hello, I have a site that initially ranked in the first 30 google results for targeted keywords. However, after I contracted out further SEO work to a consultant, my site is nowhere to be found for any keywords. I'm afraid that they have done something to get me penalized, but I'm not sure how I would tell if 1) I have in fact been penalized and 2) what the issue(s) are so I can fix them. Thanks in advance and any help would be appreciated. -Alex

    | felt

  • Recently many large companies. (lowes, bed bath and beyond, walmart, target, ace hardware, etc.),  have taken over the rankings of keywords we used to rank high in. Is there any way to improve our rankings and compete with these large companies? Is this due to recent Google changes? Sample keywords are: electrolux vacuum bags, oreck vacuum bags, vacuum cleaner bag, vacuum cleaner filter

    | totalvac

  • Hello guys, I can't get my website to be loaded on Firefox, why's that?

    | PremioOscar

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