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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • On the mobile version not all the content of the normal site is available to the users. Since we didn't want googlebot mobile to index the non-mobile site, all the non-existent pages were returned with a 404 error.  But now we'd like to show the mobile users these pages and send them to the normal site. If we allow the users to see these pages, is it ok to block googlebot mobile so these non-mobile pages are not indexed by googlebot mobile or will that create some issues for google?

    | bgs

  • Hi All, I have recently noticed a LOT of websites appearing in some of the SERP (example that have an exact match domain (or as near as) and are either thin blogs that have a splash of content,  and then link back to Amazon, competitor A competitor B etc. or an online secondary shop. Getting tired of this I have purchased a couple of exact match domains of my own, but am unsure of the best way to tackle this with long term gains in mind. The exact match domains I have are the and com versions of these: The ideal scenario for me would be to create the satellite website as a functioning shop specialising in just a small group of specialist products (10 - 12) from a subcategory of the main site. My main store has 1200 + items and this will make the user experience better as I feel as it will make navigation easier, allow for more information to be present without confusing things. It would also allow the customer to feel safe knowing they are buying from a specialist. However I have the following in mind: My ecommerce software open cart supports multi store from the same database, this is great and makes management massively easy. It would allow me to brand the satellite store up as specialist store yet manage all orders through one admin portal. The sites would have separate IP addresses, but  I am worried about the site being on the same server as the main site, and sharing whois info etc. Would google think of this as spamming the results? There will be no shared content, and I do not intend to interlink the sites for fear of them looking like a link network. The other option is to take out some cheap hosting and start building content on a blog similar to this: I hate this however as it just seems spammy and as a consumer it annoys me when I find this. What are your thoughts on how to deal with this?

    | speedingorange

  • This is for an ecommerce site, and the company I'm working with has started selling a new line of products they want to promote.Should I make a new URL just so it can include a target keyword, then 301 redirect the old URL? One of my concerns is losing a little bit of link value from redirecting. Thank you for reading!

    | DA2013

  • Hi, just been going through my google webmaster tools and i have found a number of soft 404 errors and was shocked to see these redirects going to my home page. | URL | Response Code | Detected |
    | --- | --- | --- |<colgroup><col style="width: 45px;"><col style="width: 80px;"><col><col style="width: 120px;"><col style="width: 90px;"></colgroup>
    | | 1 | staging1/jupgrade2/component/k2/item/475-gastric-band-hypnotherapy-expert-says-government-are-not-doing-enough-to-fight-obesity |   | 7/25/13 |
    | | 2 | staging1/jupgrade2/category-menu/item/1068-coronation-street-nick-proposes-to-leanne |   | 7/28/13 |
    | | 3 | staging1/jupgrade2/category-menu/item/1086-coronation-street-fiz-nearly-gets-tyrone-in-trouble-with-kirsty |   | 7/28/13 |
    | | 4 | staging1/jupgrade2/category-menu/item/1155-coronation-street-kylie-considers-telling-david-about-her-affair |   | 7/28/13 |
    | | 5 | staging1/jupgrade2/category-menu/item/1157-coronation-street-fiz-is-worried-when-kirsty-pays-her-a-visit |   | 7/28/13 |
    | | 6 | staging1/jupgrade2/component/k2/item/750-actress-hilary-duff-is-sued-over-car-accident |   | 7/25/13 |
    | | 7 | staging1/jupgrade2/component/k2/item/843-what-your-dogs-bottom-scooting-behaviour%E2%80%99-really-meansI would have thought that the developer who upgraded my site would have either had these blocked or directed them to the correct page. i am now guessing that there are going to be hundreds of these appearing and would like some serious advice.normally with old pages i would have them going to the relevant articles or pages but it seems the developer has redirected hundreds of these to my home page, which i guess is going to confuse google. i would like to know if this will confuse google have all these pages going to my home page.i have tried to find out where the developer in my site has redirected the pages as they are not in my htaccess file, i use joomla.can anyone let me know what i should be doing with these to solve the problemmany thanks |

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have read through other postings about this issue, but since I have over 400 of these errors I am interested in seeing how to fix this issue quickly. Does anyone have a ideas or suggetions? Thanks, Lisa

    | lisarein

  • I am seeing duplicate title errors, but when I go to fix the problem, the titles are not actually identical. Any advice? Becky

    | Becky_Converge

  • My URL is: puremobile.comI have two websites: and : both same products, but different discription , but same title of productwhen i exact search a product for example :** "HTC 70H0029701M Smartphone Case Large"** , shows up , but not I have no issues with indexing, webmaster tools is indexing normallywhen i search for: "HTC 70H0029701M Smartphone Case Large"  , i get the product page.but when i search ANY product (no matter how unique its title or description is : google doesnt display puremobile.commy PR ( as i far as i can see was PR 5 last year, and today when i checked it was PR 0)  .. I havent been doing any fishy Link building, some basic blogger outreach ( non paid), and social bookmarking. and my blog is very active and I have original content on my pages.what is causing this? and how can i resolve this issue.any help is greatly appreciated

    | puremobile

  • So we are a brand new site looking to establish a link profile of earned links vs. manipulative link building practices and have received some conflicting information. Our goal is to provide users and webmasters of relevant websites with useful content about the areas and topics we cover and let them decide to link to us.  We have been advised by some parties that in order to develop a base set of links we should enter our website into directories.  Now I understand entering it into some of the main directories such as BOTW and Yahoo etc, but please offer your thoughts on smaller less official directories. Thanks in advance. Scott

    | jackaveli

  • Hello, I was wondering: If someone (like me) has same or very similar description for all social accounts (eg google plus, linkedin, etc also considering less famous or more specific accounts) profiles, will it be considered as duplicate content by search engines? And what if the content and description will be similar also to the one in the website? Will this be duplicate for the website? Thank you!

    | socialengaged

  • Hi, Forum website  rel="nofollow" is this Good? We have a Q & A site and have all links as Nofollow. Would this be a good way? Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, my site is and we have been having serious problems with our site since our upgrade. Before the upgrade, our site was on the first page of google for many years and most of them we were in the top three, now however since the upgrade of our site we have had serious problems. The main keyword for our site was lifestyle magazine, but now after checking this keyword we are now on page 12, this has gone down over the past couple of days. we had an introduction and information about our magazine on the home page, trying to rank for the keyword lifestyle magazine, we were jumping from page nine to six to ten, we took the intro off as a developer said that we had done enough to rank well for the keyword without putting any text with the keyword on our site, but since taking it off, we have dropped down more in the rankings. I would love to hear from people on their thoughts on this and if we should put back the intro at the top or where they feel we should put it and should we put about the magazine at the bottom. I was always taught, if you want to rank well for a keyword then as well as doing all the linking, you also need to make sure you optimize the page with the keyword looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • If I have a competitor that ranks higher than me, would it be helpful to use their name in my content, or in my meta information?

    | greaterstudio

  • What are the top 10 ways to reduce page loading times and speed up a website?

    | casper434

  • Hello, A question about Prestashop: I noticed that there are some Prestashop websites, with only one language, that work with a redirection from the main domain (for exemple, with a 301 redirection to the main language url (for example, ) Here is an example: Assuming that French is the only language on that website, and knowing that links are generally made to  (and not to I assume that some netlinking juice is lost for no reason, due to the 301 redirect ? In this case, and if the website exists for some years, what should be done ? Change all the urls because of that problem ? Or maybe change the stronger links to make them point to the real address ( ? Thank you in advance for yout help dans suggestions !

    | Spleen

  • Hi, my home page has been a thorn in my side for as long as i remember. On normal sites i am ok with seo but when it comes to my magazine site it is a whole new ball game as everything is different. I have been working with a developer who has told me to remove the intro to the site on the home page and to move the bottom of the site which was about the magazine but i am not sure if this is right. I want the site to rank well for the following Lifestyle Magazine now before our upgrade, we ranked well for this and other words, we were number one for a very long time and then stayed on the first page but now since the upgrade, i am jumping from page 9, 10, to six and not sure why that is happening. I would like to know if the advice i have been given is correct, have i done enough on the page to rank well for lifestyle magazine, or should i be doing what i have been taught previously where i should be having an intro to the site so google can pick up the words lifestyle magazine and other words. the site is many thanks for your input

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi All Basically what we are wanting to do is insert an iframe with some text on onto a lot of different pages on one website. Does google crawl the content that is in an iFrame? Thanks

    | cttgroup

  • I know that e-commerce sites usually have SSL certificates on their payment pages. A site I have come across is using has the https: prefix to every page on their site. I'm just wondering if this will make any difference to the site in the eyes of Search Engines, and whether it could effect the rankings of the site?

    | Sayers

  • I have a site where dozens of page listings are showing in my report with a parameter showing the page number for the listings.  Is the best solution to canonical these page listings back a core page (all-products)?  Or, do I change my site configuration in Webmasters to ignore "page" parameters?  What's the solution? Example URL 1- Example URL 2- Example URL 3- Thanks in advance for your direction.

    | JoshKimber

  • Hi, When we have a page as 301 (Permanent Redirect) is a Rel=Canonical needed or should we make 1 Noindex? Example when clicked goes to Should i noindex the below pages and add Rel=Canonical Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • When using rel="canonical" and rel="alternate" annotations between mobile and desktop sites (rel="canonical" on mobile, pointing to desktop, and rel="alternate" on desktop pointing to mobile), what are everyone's thoughts on using meta data on the mobile site? Is it necessary? And also, what is the common consensus on using a separate mobile xml sitemap?

    | 4Ps

  • I have a client who's MOZ crawl is coming back with 62 "notices" about rel canonical. Is this bad? On the report, it lists the url, then "Tag Value" as the home page.....what does this mean exactly? Are they pointing all the pages to the home page? I think I have 301 and rel can confused....

    | cschwartzel

  • I have a page on that provides weights of cameras and lenses.   The user/buyer of my on-slip camera straps needs to know the weight his camera and lens to determine the proper pad size... large to small.  We have put together a long list of the most popular customer cameras.  The way it was done (by my daughter) was to also provide a via a link to which is an excellent site for camera information including specifications etc.   My personal feeling about this is mixed.  I can do it by having it open in a new tab but then the user/customer could still get distracted and go down the rabbit hole.  On the other hand dpreview is such a good site that if they are new to photography and don't know about it, they should.  I don't get a dime from dpreview.  If fact I doubt they would ever link back to me because they do not write about camera straps. I hear mixed things about outbound links.  In this file there are quite a few outbound links to dpreview to keep it consistent.   I could do a nofollow on all of them but I read that this is the easy way out.   Google is jump ball and I have no clue what Cutts and his merry men are going to decide is cool or not cool. I'd like some thoughts or options...   Thanks...  A small part of the file below. Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II USM Wideangle prime lens Canon EF 22.8 oz 645 g Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L USM

    | Asteg

  • Hi, Forum profile section or signature line as backlink VS Answering a question and giving a related post URl as the answer is better? I have the above question on which would be better Would a signature or website name in the profile is valuable then a link to your site where information is available? Does Google consider both as spam/blackhat? Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, Working on a website and the developer has asked some questions about the h1 tag placement... So the main page has a bold heading named 'Overview' which then has a left hand navigation to tab through the content which appears next to the nav. The main content then has a heading and content below it. The 'Overview' heading appears on all pages of the left nav so really shouldn't be the H1 tag as it would cause duplication. One option we have thought about is to have the right hand heading above the content be the h1, and it has been suggested to stylize the 'Overview' heading but it won't actually be an h1. My question is would this have any negative impact on SEO? Thanks!

    | J_Sinclair

  • Before the last crawl I went through and made sure all meta descriptions were not missing. However, from the last crawl on the 26th July, it still has the same pages on the list and showed they were crawled as well? Any ideas on why they may still be showing as missing?

    | HamiltonIsland

  • Hi all, and thank you in advance for your assistance. We have an issue of paginated pages being seen as duplicates by pro.moz crawlers. The paginated pages do have duplicated by content, but are not duplicates of each other. Rather they pull through a summary of the product descriptions from other landing pages on the site. I was planing to use rel=canonical to deal with them, however I am concerned as the paginated pages are not identical to each other, but do feature their own set of duplicate content! We have a similar issue with pages that are not paginated but feature tabs that alter the URL parameters like so: ?st=BlueWidgets ?st=RedSocks ?st=Offers These are being seen as duplicates of the main URL, and again all feature duplicate content pulled from elsewhere in the site, but are not duplicates of each other. Would a canonical tag be suitable here? Many Thanks

    | .egg

  • Hi, I am working on a website which has capital urls and non capital urls which will be generating duplicate content, and I know it is better to use all lower case. The problem is that the page authority is better for the capital versions and I was wondering will it negatively impact the SEO of we 301 redirect the uppercase urls to the lowercase counterparts? Thanks.

    | J_Sinclair

  • I started working with a client about a year and a half ago. I had the computer guy who setup the website for my client grant me access to webmaster tools. When I added the site, I have "Restricted Access"  I kind of dropped the ball in following up with him and now, there is no response from his email and the hosting provider website is down. Is there any way to get his non working email off as owner and make me the owner?

    | Czubmeister

  • I am looking for a solution for using a new URL structure without using**/ch/de** in the URL to deliver the right languages in specific countries where more than one language are spoken commonly. I am looking forward to your ideas!

    | eviom

  • We have certain products that we've abbreviated since it's a bit too long.  For example, the word Fair Trade Organic is one of our categories and we abbreviate it to FTO. If I put FTO  on our meta tag titles and links instead of the actual word, would that provide a weaker result?

    | ckroaster

  • My frustration with Google currently has led me to try bing out more. I don't rank as good in bing as Google, so I was wondering if anyone had any great tips of what bing looks for to rank website well? So far I can see they seem to favour keyword domains, take 'cheap holidays' for example. Always reading about what Google want but what do bing want? Any advice much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • Hello guys, After fixing the rel tag on similar pages on the site I thought that duplicate content issue were resolved. I checked HTML Improvements on GWT and instead of going down as I expected, it went up. The duplicate issues affect identical product pages which differ from each other just for one detail, let's say length or colour. I could write different meta tags as the duplicate is the meta description, and I did it for some products but still didn't have any effects and they are still showing as duplicates. What would the problem be? Cheers

    | PremioOscar

  • Hi, Recently I started seeing more and more anchor text with design variations within them. A noticeable example can be seen in the Distilled top menu.
    As you can see there is a part which is in small letters and a part with different fonts. Meaning that there is either an internal span / div / font / italic / etc. or some other attribute within the link (splitting the anchor text). Is it a problem?
    Keep in mind that it will be used in the top menu on the most important links. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • My website is not a news or magazine site, but we do have a news section updated 2-3 times a week with industry related news. We are working on a new structure for the URLs.
    Should the date be included in the URL? From this article from Google I understand that as long as we submit a news sitemap it doesnt matter whether or not numbers are included in the URL, correct?

    | theLotter

  • Will my rankings be affected if I change domain from http to https and force redirect?

    | Clickatell2

  • Hi All, Backlinks that we have if they are 404? Open site explorer shows 1,000 of links and when I check many are 404 and those are spammy links which we had but now the sites are 404 I am doing a link profile check which is cleaning up all spammy links Should i take any action on them? As open site explorer or Google still shows these links on the searches. Should we mention these URL's in disallow in Google webmaster. Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • In June of this year, our company submitted a reconsideration request, which Google rejected and confirmed that they had a manual spam penalty placed on us. After cleaning up our extensive link portfolio, we submitted our 2nd reconsideration at the end of this month (July) and received this response: Dear site owner or webmaster of domain, We received a request from a site owner to reconsider domain for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. There's no need to file a reconsideration request for your site, because any ranking issues you may be experiencing are not related to a manual action taken by the webspam team. Of course, there may be other issues with your site that affect your site's ranking. Google's computers determine the order of our search results using a series of formulas known as algorithms. We make hundreds of changes to our search algorithms each year, and we employ more than 200 different signals when ranking pages. As our algorithms change and as the web (including your site) changes, some fluctuation in ranking can happen as we make updates to present the best results to our users. If you've experienced a change in ranking which you suspect may be more than a simple algorithm change, there are other things you may want to investigate as possible causes, such as a major change to your site's content, content management system, or server architecture. For example, a site may not rank well if your server stops serving pages to Googlebot, or if you've changed the URLs for a large portion of your site's pages. This article has a list of other potential reasons your site may not be doing well in search. If you're still unable to resolve your issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team Has anyone else or their clients experienced this recently? Can this be attributed to the "softer" Panda update? Any other additional information is greatly appreciated.

    | eugeneku

  • Hello, I was wondering why my website for some keywords goes from 2nd 3rd page in Google to 7th or even more sometimes? This happens since a while. Any suggestion? Thanks. Eugenio

    | socialengaged

  • As of May 21st 2013 (Penguin 2.0 update) we hit a triple-header and I think we can now officially dubbed the "KING OF GOOGLE PANALTIES"! 😞 -July 2012 - recieved 2 "Unatural Links" email -April 2012 - 20% traffic hit -May 21st 2013 - 35% traffic hit We have/had lots of very low quality links using the same anchor text as well as about 150 very low quality articles and almost 100 categories w/several hundred products that recieved little to no traffic. We have spent the last several weeks cleaning up our link profile and were highly successful in getting most of them removed and have kept detailed reports for our Reconsideration Request for the manual "Unatural Links" penalty. We have also went a step further and have completely redesigned the site that is now much faster/better on-page seo with new, high quality articles and are removing all the low quality articles, categories and products but we are unclear what to do with these. Which brings me to my question. Should we redirect these pages back to the home page or just let them go to 404 error? I have been doing lots of reading on this subject but there doesnt seem to be any good answers. From what I read, neither are good choices and I cannot decide between the lesser of the 2 evil's any help with this would be greatly apreciated! Note:
    -These category and product pages have absolutly no inbound links (link benefit) and in my opinion are only sucking off link juice and generating little to no revenue. There are also no similar categories or products that these could be redirected to. For example, redirecting dog toys to the dog bed category just sounds like it would increase our bounce rate. -Again, the articles also have no link benefit and only a small handful of the articles actually generate any traffic to speak of (several thousand visitors per year) and the rest generate less than 1000 visitors per year. All have high bounce rates and low conversions. It would be nice to keep them live as I think some are okay and could be rewritten/re-purpose over time but maybe in light of our Panda penalty it might be better to just to save them offline, let them go to 404 errors and rewritten/re-purpose them another time? -We did create a very nice 404 page with category navigation and huge search bar so I am leaning more toward this option.
    Thank in Advance!

    | k9byron

  • A client has 3 sites that he would like for me to look at.  Whenever I attempt to on my home internet I get this message: The connection has timed out
    The server is taking too long to respond. When I take my iphone off wifi and use AT&T, the site comes up fine.  What is going on here?

    | columbiaseo

  • Hello, Does anyone know how long it takes for the meta descriptions to show up in Google? This because I just updated my meta descriptions for the whole website, but while moz toolbar is showing it correctly, google is still showing the old ones, even if i used the see as googlebot tool from webmaster tools. Thanks for a reply
    Eugenio | Social Engagement

    | socialengaged

  • hi, i have noticed since my site was upgraded that google is taking a long time to publish my articles. before the upgrade google would publish the article straight away, but now it takes an average of around 4 days. the article i am talking about at the moment is here now i have a blog here on blogger and the article was picked up within six mins so i am just wondering what the problem is and what i need to solve this my problem is, my site is mostly a news site so it is no good to me if google is publishing new stories every four days, any help would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • On checking this website I get a 200 response. But an Oops! Google Chrome could not find . Same with Firefox (Server not found). Obviously there is a problem - I just don't know where to 'start' investigating to spot the error. Can someone help me? Thank you!

    | patrihernandez

  • A blogger asked to repost one of my articles. I said they could if they used rel="canonical" However, they're on blogger and not too technically skilled. They couldn't figure it out, so I suggested just reposting part of the article. Here's their repost: Is this a good idea or a bad idea?

    | graemeblake

  • Hullo all, I run an e-commerce website and hence have a lot of product category/sub-category pages to handle. Despite giving each of these category pages meta descriptions, in the Google SERPs, a lot of these descriptions don't show up fully. Rather, only half the text that I'd inputed as my meta desc. shows up; the other half has generic stuff from that page given.  I've attached a screen shot to give you an example of what comes up in the SERPs. Could you please tell me what exactly is the problem? Is it a coding issue? Or has Google not crawled that page? Need help asap! Thank you in advance! aE9RKXJ

    | suchde

  • I've recently changed a bunch of duplicated pages from our site.  I did get a slightly minimized amount of duplicated pages, however, some of the pages that I've already fixed are still unfixed according to MOZ.  Whenever I check the back-end of each of these pages, I see that they've already been changed and non of them are the same in terms of Meta Tag Title is concern. Can anyone provide any suggestions on what I should do to get a more accurate result? Is there a process that I'm missing?

    | ckroaster

  • Hello, I've read conflicting opinions regarding the use of meta keywords. I know Matt Cutts stated a few years ago that Google does not use them as a ranking signal but many still use them. This raises a few questions: 1. Is there any reason to still use meta keywords? 2. Isn't it just a way to let your competitors know what you're optimizing for? 3. How do other search engines treat meta keywords? Thanks!

    | mirel

  • Dear all, starting with my .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^./index.html 
    RewriteRule ^(.)index.html$ [R=301,L] 1. I redirect all URL-requests with www. to the non www-version...
    2. all requests with "index.html" will be redirected to "" My questions are: A) When linking from a page to my frontpage (home) the best practice is?: "" the best and NOT: "" B) When linking to the index of a subfolder "" I should link also to: "" and not put also the index.php..., right? C) When I define the canonical ULR, should I also define it just: "" or in this case I should link to the definite file: "**/index.php**" Is A) B) the best practice? and C) ? Thanks for all replies! 🙂

    | inlinear

  • Hello Mozers ! I'm quite in doubt, so I thought why not ask for help ? Here's my problem : I need to better up a website's SEO that consists in a lot (1 million+ pages) of poor content. Basically it's like a catalog, where you select a brand, a product series and then the product, to then fill out a form for a request (sorry for the cryptic description, I can't be more precise). Beside the classic SEO work, a part of what (I think) I need to do is noindex some useless pages and rewrite important ones with great content, but for the noindexing part I'm quite hesitant on the how. There's like 200 000 pages with no visits since a year, so I guess they're pretty much useless junk that would be better off in noindex. But the webmaster is afraid that noindexing that much pages will hurt its long tail (in case of future visits), so he wants to check the SERP position of every one of them, to only eliminate those that are in the top 3 (for these there's no hope of amelioration he thinks). I think it would be wasting a lot of time and resources for nothing, and I'd advise to noindex them regardless of their position. The problem is I lack the experience to be sure of it and how to do it : Is it wise to noindex 200 000 pages bluntly in one time (isn't it a bad signal for google ?) or should we do this progressively in like a few months ? Thanks a lot for your help ! Johann.

    | JohannCR

  • Hi All, Deal with links that need login to view We have member names in the site in many places and when clicked it takes the user to the login page As just logged in members can view the details The redirection type is 302 and Moz Campaign says we have many and need to make them 301 What is the best way as we have a drupal website Thanks

    | mtthompsons

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