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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, We have a search engine on our website. Whenever a user searches on our site it goes to subdomain - This domain is not hosted by us, is this negatively affecting our SEO? Does google interpret this as a bounce since a user is technically leaving our site to search for something? Are there any other ramifications this would have on our site? Thanks!

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi I have a website which is mostly dynamic content from a database. In the header of the site I have a function which outputs the rel="canonical" link and in some cases the canonical is the page the user is visiting and not another page on the site but I still show it in the source. However we have just recently launched our mobile website which is stored on an M DOT domain (i.e. which has different URL's to my main website so following Google's recommendations we have created rel="alternate" links on my desktop site to point to the equivalent mobile pages and on the mobile pages I have created rel="canonical" links which point back to the relevant desktop site keeping everything tidy.
    My question is, is there an issue with having both a rel="canonical" and rel="alternate" in the source of of a single page on my desktop site?  Is it conflicting or detrimental in anyway? Thanks for reading

    | yousayjump

  • Hi, We have 70K posts in our site but Google has scanned 500K pages and these extra pages are category pages or User profile pages. Each category has a page and each user has a page. When we have 90K users so Google has indexed 90K pages of users alone. My question is. Should we leave it as they are or should we block them from being indexed? As we get unwanted landings to the pages and huge bounce rate. If we need to remove what needs to be done? Robots block or Noindex/Nofollow Regards

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, Would posting content into these sites be a good boost related to authority? Press releases PRWebPRLeapArticlesthetechscoop.netthecampussocialite.comtechi.combusiness2community.commediaite.comexaminer.commakezine.comhuffingtonpost.comAll these site charge to post is it worth?Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • I have changed the page title for to read as "Finans Caddesi | Paranın Pusulası" (as you can see from the source code) But Google still shows the old version. I have checked Google's guidelines regarding page titles. They say if we find a reference anchor text that is linking to the page (such as a DMOZ entry) we may use the anchor text as page title. I wonder whether there is a method I can follow to change the title tag to appear as "Finans Caddesi | Paranın Pusulası" in Google search results. Thanks in advance!

    | merkal2013

  • Hi All, I know that the all in one had errors in its rel canonical links on Wordpress but I wondered if this has been fixed. I get mixed info on the web. Anyone know for sure? Thanks!

    | xvpn902

  • Hi Newbee here! SEO ultimate seems to work ok for other url I have on this problem. and performing the on page grader for hair salon broadstairsI have canonicalizer on for the plug in and I have made it the rel=canonical targetIt tells me I haven't.Further down I don't get a tick also and am told : Remove all but a single canonical URL tag.Not aware I have more than one.I am also told : No More Than One Meta Description Element ( Cant see how I can do that either as I havent changed any code)Help please

    | Agentmorris

  • I was setting up a new campaign and received the following error from Roger Robot. "We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here." I know about redirecting a PAGE using 301 Redirects and how to specify the www. canonical in Google webmaster tools, but is there a "DOMAIN" redirect that I'm missing. What would you suggest doing given the error message above. Thanks, Bill Sqnch.jpg

    | Marvo

  • Sometime in the distant past there existed a for  This was before we started work for  During the process of optimizing we decided to 301 to Recently, we discovered that actually has a lot of bad links pointing towards it.  By a lot I mean, 5000+. I am curious to hear people's opinions on the following: 1. Are they passing bad link juice? 2. does Google consider links to a sub-domain being passed through a 301 to be bad links to our primary domain? 3. The best approach to having these links removed?

    | Shredward

  • Hi All, I'm having an ecommerce cart issue. Basically, each time a purchase is made, the cart pops up with a unique id (eg, This is being caught by MOZ scans as an individual page in some instances. Could I simply add Disallow: /cart.php to my robots.txt to nix this issue? In theory it should keep all subsequent query strings from being indexed, right? Thanks!

    | G2W

  • We redesigned our site ( back in April. Ever since then, we can't view the cache. It loads as a blank, white page but the cache text is at the top saying: "This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Jul 22, 2013 15:50:40 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more. Tip: To quickly find your search term on this page, press Ctrl+F or ⌘-F (Mac) and use the find bar." Has anyone else ever seen this happen? Any ideas as to why it's happening? Could it be hurting us? Advice, tips, suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    | Motivators

  • My website ranking fell dawn on 12 may 2013 and Webmaster Tools say we have low-quality pages. After Webmaster Tools masage we update our page content and use Robots.txt file to which pages have low-quality content. Now Google Webmaster Tools, Alexa Audit and MOZ Crawl Diagnostics says we have no duplicate page content, no duplicate page title, no missing meta description tag so this tools say we have no problem. But Google still says we have low-quality problem. We could not find any problem. PLEASE HELP

    | iskq

  • Everyone knows that WordPress has some duplicate content issues with tags, archive pages, category pages etc... My question is, how do you handle these issues? Is the smart strategy to use robots meta and add no follow/ no index category pages, archive pages tag pages etc? By doing this are you missing out on the additional internal links to your important pages from you category pages and tag pages? I hope this makes sense. Regards, Bill

    | wparlaman

  • Hi there, Can altering title tags and meta descriptions too often have a negative impact on page ranking? Thank you!

    | ZAG

  • Our client wants all his sites to be re-designed and perhaps consolidated into one domain. What are the dangers of using 301s on all his already ranking and established domains to their new forward-slash location? If there are some good articles that describe this exact issue please post a link.

    | dsmdesign

  • Hello all, I checked a lot fo blog posts about 301 redirects but wanted to double check with you all. I got an email from a potential client who want to do a re-brand of his business and decided to buy a new domain name.
    His old domain name is PR 6 and his new domain obviously PR 0. I tried to check his old web site but it is too late as he has redirected everything to the new one. What it seems he has done though is redirect everything from his old domain (whether it is a sub category link, a blog link or a specific product) to the new domain index page. So for example if someone linked to his old product page or his blog post in both cases it will take em to the new domain index page as he has not created product pages, blogs or anything than just a 4 page web site. I know that ideally he should have created same folders/subfolders, get his blog posts up and set up proper re-directs to the new pages but as I was not in charge of this process nor know if he has kept the old web site yet I wanted to know how bad is this for SEO and if his old PR 6 will pass value to his new domain. Yiannis

    | artdivision

  • Hello mozerz, I have a question regarding my SERPS that I just can't figure out, maybe one of you had this problem before or has encounter a similar problem. So I have a website on Scotland, and I have a page for each major city so the structure is scotland/city/glasgow or scotland/city/edinburgh or scotland/city/aberdeen. Now every city page is w3 validated, page speed validated, has around 1000 words of text, all with h1, h2, image alt, nice title and nice description, all have grade A on moz campaign, original content, all with canonical links, no ads or spammy links. The title , description, h1, h2 and img alt are the same only replaced Aberdeen with Edinburgh or Glasgow. or so on ... so all pages are identically just replaced the city word. In terms of link building I have done none ! and in terms of promotion I have done none... so theres no scenario where by I have done something more for one city then the other Now my problem is that all cities are doing well in SERPS, only Glasgow has come up till 14 position and then has dropped suddenly to 74, and remained there for 2 weeks now. I know this sounds like a penalty, but it can't be because I haven't done anything, I've tried all the tools possible to analyze the Glasgow page, though that it was a code problem or a broken link or that google-bot doesn't get up to this page to crawl it and classify it, but all is fine. Can anyone suggest anything that I might do. I'm 100% sure that I have no penalty, I've checked even the webmaster tools, open site explorer to see if anyone tried to link to my site with spammy links ( has happened before, I had about 1000 links about viagra from a competitor pointing to my site ) .

    | asmedia

  • Hello Everyone, I have an site suppose imaginary name to just explain my query) .Two weeksa back everything was fine but now if i search any query that site ranks in SERPs I got domain name as title and url (homepage) beneath of title and after that 'click here to proceed'. .Tata Docomo Click here to Proceed Why I am seeing this result in SERPs? I checked robots.txt , everything is fine there. Please help me out. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hi I was wondering if anyone willing to share your experience on implementing pagination and canonical when it comes to multiple sort options . Lets look at an example I have a site ( i share the ownership with the rest of the world on that one 😉 ) and I sell stuff on the site etc I allow users to sort it by date_added, price, a-z, z-a, umph-value, and so on . So now we have etc **has the same result as ** ( that is the default sort option ) similarly for stuff2, stuff3 and so on. I cant 301 these because these are relevant for users who come in to buy from the site. I can add a view all page and rel canonical to that but let us assume its not technically possible for the site and there are tens of thousands of items in each of the for-sale pages. So I split it up in to pages of x numbers and let us assume we have 50 pages to sort through. to to to to to etc This is where the shit hits the fan. So now if I want to avoid duplicate issue and when it comes to page 30 of stuff1 sorted by date do I add rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = or rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = or rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = or rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = or rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = None of this feels right to me . I am thinking of using GWT to ask G-bot not to crawl any of the sort parameters ( date_added, price, a-z, z-a, umph-value, and so on )  and use rel canonical = rel next = rel prev = My doubts about this is that , will the link value that goes in to the pages with parameters be consolidated when I choose to ignore them via URL Parameters in GWT ? what do you guys think ?

    | Saijo.George

  • Hi there. Are all internal links listed in GWMT actually indexed?

    | Jonnygeeuk

  • How do you fix the rel canonical issue on a wordpress site?  Is there a quick fix?   I have a few notices on my site and am a little confused. Thanks, Jared

    | SaborStyle

  • What i mean by the question is, so on our home page we change the article under lifestyle story of the day, if this changes every hour, will this encourage google to visit that page more often or will then just ignore that and just visit each day would love to hear your thoughts on this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, here are some questions about SEO Crawl Diagnostics. We've recently found out this 301 (permanent redirect) errors in our website and we concluded that the two factors below are the causes. 1. Some of our URLs that has no / at the end is automatically redirected to the same URL but with / at the end. 2. For SEO reasons we have designed our website in a way that when we type in a URL it will automatically redirect to a more SEO friendly URL. For example, if one of the URLs is, it will automatically redirect to juice/. The question is, are these so significant for our SEO and needs to be modified? One of the errors in our blog was having too many on-page links. Is this also a significant error and if so, how many on-page links are recommended from the SEO perspective? Thanks in advance.

    | Glassworks

  • I asked our development team to 301 Pop Up window URLs back to their complimentary product page as we've changed URLs for all of our Pop Ups. We have 100,000s of products on our site, so the number of rewrites are becoming unmanageable and slows server response times (their words). They want to kill these 301's after a prescribed amount of time. Should they just become 410s, leave them as 404s (current state), or insist that we keep them as 301's?

    | rhoadesjohn

  • hi, trying to work out why there are lots of sites that are ranking better than me. Our site has always been on the first page and for a long time we were number one in google for the term lifestyle magazine as well as being on the first page for other keywords. Our site is We had a site upgrade a few months ago and since then we have seen our rankings have dropped like a lead balloon. I do not understand why sites such as the following seem to rank better than me for the word lifestyle magazine if anyone can help me understand what i am doing wrong and why my rankings have gone out of the window then it would be a huge help.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • hi, my site is I am using an seo tool to check on my site and how to improve the seo. The tool is here. for some reason it has brought up errors, it claims i have not got a meta description even though i have and have doubled checked in my source code the errors it has brought up is as follows, and i would like to know if this is a fault of the seo tool or am i doing something wrong Does the description tag exist?0/1 <a id="sub_toggle_12" class="sub_toggle contract_sub"></a>Hide Info Description Tag: Explanation: The meta description tag does not help your rankings but it is your opportunity to encourage prospects to click. The meta description should describe the content of your web page, include a strong call to action, and include your keyword. Action: Make sure you are using the meta description tag. It is found in the section of your page. checkboxIs there only one description tag?0/2<a id="sub_toggle_13" class="sub_toggle expand_sub"></a>More InfocheckboxIs your description less than 156 characters?0/1<a id="sub_toggle_14" class="sub_toggle expand_sub"></a>More InfocheckboxIs your keyword in the description tag?0/3 <a id="sub_toggle_15" class="sub_toggle expand_sub"></a>More Info it also says about the canocial tag which it claims i have more than one Is the canonical tag optmized? Is there only one canonical tag?0/4 <a id="sub_toggle_10" class="sub_toggle contract_sub"></a>Hide Info Explanation: You only need one of these to direct a search engine. Don't muddy the waters. Action: Make sure you only have one canonical tag. This only applies if you use the canonical tag. any help and advice would be greatregards

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Normally, I don't have a problem with local SEO (more of a multi-channel sort of online marketing guy) but this one has got me scratching my head. Look at Theres two websites there (fennes and quendon park) that both have a much more powerful DA but don't appear in the Google Places (Google + Business or whatever it's labeled as). Why are websites such as Boreham house ranking top in the map listings? Quendon Park has a Google places listing, it's full of content, the NAP all matches up. Its a stronger website. Boreham House isn't any closer to the centroid than Quendon Park Just got me struggling this one

    | jasonwdexter

  • Hello everyone! I run an e-commerce site and I had some problems with duplicate meta descriptions for product pages. I implemented the rel=canonical in order to address this problem, but after more than a week the number of errors showing in google webmaster tools hasn't changed and the site has been crawled already three times since I put the rel canonical. I didn't change any description as each error regards a set of pages that are identical, same products, same descriptions just different length/colour. I am pretty sure the rel=canonical has been implemented correctly so I can't understand why I still have these errors coming up. Any suggestions? Cheers

    | PremioOscar

  • Hi All, Find all 404 links in my site that are indexed. We deleted a lot of URl's from site but now i dont have the track of all we deleted. Any site/Tool can scan the index and give me the exact URL's so I can use Regards Martin

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi guys, General question around general SEO best practices, such as url and title, and how they fit in with Google Web Toolkit built sites that use a!category=12345 format. The space we're getting into is heavily competitive, with many established players doing standard SEO well. I know there are some speed benefits to using GWT, however I'd like to better understand the SEO impact, if any, before the site development progresses too far. Cheers, Jez

    | jez000

  • Hi, Webmaster suddently today i could see 100's of posts showing title tags are missing Html Improvements Missing title tags Please see image Can anyone help on why this happened suddenly and what is this and whats the solution Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, Sitemap do they get cleared when its a 404. We have a drupal site and a sitemap that has 60K links and i want to know if in these 4 years we deleted 100's of links and do they have them automatically cleared from Sitemap or we need to build the sitemap again? Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • hi, i am trying to get my head around the rich snippets for review products and services. I already use it for articles but it seems you have to do it different when it comes to review products. i have been reading this page but i cannot understand it. i am trying to use the following page from my site as a test but i am totally confused if anyone has used this or knows how to do it then i would really appreciate some advice

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have been updating my site a lot and some of the updates are showing up in Google and some are not.  Is there a best practice in getting your site fully recrawled by Google?

    | ShootTokyo

  • Hi, Webmaster > HTML Improvements > Duplicate title tags shows as in screenshot. How can i set this right as its a single page which duplicates? Regards

    | mtthompsons

  • Ello friends which rich snippets wordpress pluggin would you advice for my site

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Two of my urls point to the same site.  For example: and  Because the pages have two separate url's and the same content, my Google Webmaster Tools account is showing this as Duplicate Meta Descriptions.  Is there a way around this?

    | BradBorst

  • Hello everyone, I should rel="canonical" my 2 languages website /en urls to the original version without /en. Can I do this from the header.php? Should I rel="canonical" each /en page (eg. en/contatti, en/pagina) separately or can I do all from the general before the website title? Thanks if someone can help.

    | socialengaged

  • Ciao from 24 degrees C wetherby UK, On this page this line was added to block indexing: But it has not worked, when you google "Palopaque PVC Wall Cladding" the page appears in the SERPS. I'm going to upload a robots txt file in a second attempt to block indexing but my question is please:
    Why is it being indexed? Grazie,

    | Nightwing

  • I'm working on a mobile site that has links embedded in JavaScript/Ajax in the homepage. This functionality is preventing the crawlers for accessing the links to mobile specific URLs. We're using an m. sub-domain. This is just an object in the homepage with an expandable list of links. I was wondering if using the following solution provided by Google will be a good way to help with this situation. Thanks!

    | burnseo

  • Hi, Can anyone assist a newbie please? My keyword 'Security Systems' is giving me position 1 on page 1, but the title it is using is not the page title. I am assuming for some reason it has made it up, please see below. The actual title tag says - <colgroup><col width="420"></colgroup>
    | Security systems | wireless | battery powered | Police Approved | CSS | Google is showing - Compound Security Systems: Wireless Security Systems | Battery ... <cite></cite>‎Manufacturers & suppliers of The Mosquito Device & Professional industry compliant and Police recommended battery powered wireless security systems.‎Contact us - ‎Mosquito Anti-Loitering Devices - ‎Security Equipment - ‎Installers<iframe class="SEOmoz-iframe" src="chrome-extension://eakacpaijcpapndcfffdgphdiccmpknp/html/serpbar.html#{" settings":{"dmr":false,"dmt":false,"mr":true,"mt":true,"serp-overlay":true,"toolbar-enabled":true,"subdomain-metrics":false,"serp-panel-open":true,"toolbar-position":"bottom"},"lsdata":{"feid":1245,"fipl":315,"fmrp":4.717881718426137,"fmrr":3.169235978744307e-9,"ftrp":5.245402699173709,"ftrr":8.283399271183101e-8,"fuid":15756,"pda":47.20670031521297,"peid":1266,"pid":315,"pmrp":4.634793943915049,"pmrr":1.137485303730264e-7,"ptrp":4.949510322693934,"ptrr":1.6938187788875737e-7,"puid":15777,"ueid":510,"uemrp":4.693787066897207,"uemrr":2.520503065617982e-10,"uid":1060,"uipl":191,"ujid":1038,"umrp":4.96103855611017,"umrr":5.477715129904515e-10,"upa":55.929113684261466,"utrp":6.066855084050327,"utrr":2.1655670926371268e-10},"user":{"level":"pro","options":{},"proenabled":true,"aclurl":"http:="""" users="" level?src="mozbar","loginURL":"","logoutURL":"","apiRequest":"url-metrics","cols":"133146078688","expired":false,"accessId":"pro-RGFkZHlTbXVyZg%3D%3D","expires":1374249469,"signature":"M%2Bh%2FXh4OS%2BAMtT2j6kuntWSTvNI%3D","displayName":"DaddySmurf"},"serp":1,"host":""}"" scrolling="no"></iframe> If anyone can tell me how to correct this, i would very much appreciate it. Regards, Si

    | DaddySmurf

  • Hi, Find all links in the site and anchor text and i need this done on my own website so i know if we dont have links that are anchored to numbers and punctuations that are not seen at all. Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi All, Does anyone know of optimization best practices for the now largely defunct Interspire Web Publisher? Specifically, I'm looking for a canonical plugin or workaround to try and get rid of a few duplicate content issues (most importantly root vs. index.php). I'd like to just redo the site with a cms that has better support...unfortunately client budget constraints are a little tight at the moment. Thanks!

    | G2W

  • My company is an e-commerce platform and within the last year have started working on app based websites. These are not apps that have to be downloaded but rather the site runs in the browser and is essentially one page of content. We have created an SEO layer that allows us to provide Google information as if there are individual pages.  I'm looking for SEO advice on transitioning from what we call our vstores to an app store because the code specified by Google to use has shown to have negative impact on SEO rankings. While we have worked out many bugs and it has gotten better, just want to be doing everything I can to help any of our merchants that will be transitioning. Here are some of the specific issues I'm running into Duplicate Content merchants can have up to 3 stores running simultaneously with the same content just displayed slightly different
    ex., app.sportsworldchicagocom, a) What is the best way to control having the content be associated with the main domain
    b) Should they be submitting all the sites to google for indexing, I only wanted sitemap submitted for the main domain
    c) our end goal will be for the app. to just be the main site Loading issues, our apps essentially have a loading message.  I think sometimes this is picked up as an ISE or timeout error for Google and other SERPS. I think it is also contributing to a higher site abandonment.  We have changed an used different loading page messages, but have yet to find one I feel is a KEEPER. ex. site - this one does not show the site in the background while loading. On other sites we have the site shown in the background while it loads. This is what is showing as indexed for the homepage, currently working with my tech team on it: The Grill Life <cite style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;"></cite>‎ issue: API request failure (likely an ISE). uri: _cmd: appReviewsList. domain: release: 201314|20130619133400. For e-commerce sites do you think the product content on category and sub-category pages is enough for Google or other search engines to determine relevancy for indexing.  In some of the transitions content is being removed due to an effort to transition to a cleaner and faster design and layout. Thanks for any advice or suggestions in advance. Christy


  • I have been having problems for a number of weeks now, where if i send a couple of emails out then all of a sudden i am blocked and have to ask my hosting company for a new ip address. my site is in joomla and my email address is through my site. the messages i am getting when sending emails is as follows, and this stays like this until i get a new ip address A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: 550-5.7.1 [       1] Our system has detected an unusual rate of
       550-5.7.1 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our
       550-5.7.1 users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been blocked.
       550-5.7.1 Please visit to review
       550 5.7.1 our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines. r2si12781844igh.70 - gsmtp any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, I just had my Moz Campaign scan 10K pages out of which 2K were duplicate content and URL's are And the title for all 2K is "Register" How can i deal with this as all my pages have the register link and login and when done it comes back to the same page where we left and that it actually not duplicate but we need to deal with it propely thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hey moz New client has a site that uses: subdomains ("third-level" stuff like and; "fourth-level" subdomains ( Are these fourth-level addresses at risk of being treated differently than the other subdomains? Screaming Frog, for example, doesn't return these fourth-level addresses when doing a crawl for except in the External tab. But maybe I'm just configuring the crawls incorrectly. These addresses rank, but I'm worried that we're losing some link juice along the way. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    | jamesm5i

  • Hello, I have a quick question: I use wordpress for my website. I have a plugin for translating the website in other languages. Thus, I have 2 versions of urls, one with /en, one without (original languale). This has been seen as duplicate content. I have been advised that the best to do is to use canonical redirect. Should I use it on the general header.php (the only header I can find in the CMS), or should I redirect each page singularly? I believe the second is the best way, but I can't find headers and txt documents for each page in my FTP. As well I have seen this post, in which is explained that canonical redirects can be done directly in the general header.php Is it true? You have any suggestion?
    Thanks! 🙂 Eugenio

    | socialengaged

  • Hi, i am after finding a list of uk hosting companies that can offer dedicated hosting. I have been looking for months now for a UK hosting company. I need the following or something similar Intel Xeon E3-1220 4x3.1GHz TB 8MB Cache 500GBStorage8GBRAM10TBBandwidthif anyone can help with this then that would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I found a little difficult for me to do a canonical tag in my PHP. On-Page Report Card We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply. I don't know how to tidy my PHP Any suggestion.

    | lnietob

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