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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Our team is working on a refresh/redesign and am wondering if there's a quantifiable way of determining how high our meta data, H1 and paragraph should be in the source code. Or even whether I should be concerned with that. Our navigation will likely have dozens of links (we're going to keep it to under 100), and this doesn't even factor in the design elements. I am concerned about the content being buried. Are these the kind of concerns I should be having? Is there a measurable way to avoid it?

    | SSFCU

  • We have "duplicate content" warning in our moz report which mostly revolve around our product listing (eCommerce site) where various filters return 0 results (and hence show the same content on the page). Do you think those need to be addressed, and if so how would you prevent product listing filters that appearing as duplicate content pages? should we use rel=canonical or actually change the content on the page?

    | erangalp

  • Hi there - I've just come across this site that has ratings showing in the organic listings, yet - I can't see any ratings for it online - other than a text listing on the site's own home page? The site in question has a facebook page with no followers, and a twitter account with the same, no google plus account, no google local maps listing. I've only ever seen "actual" google reviews and other citations being combined, averaged - then shown in search as an aggregated number. Is it just me - or does Google accept these self rated reviews on face value??!! See images attached... The URL of the site is here: The search phrase they rank no.1 for is "Alarm System Melbourne" - which is pretty decent. Any ideas? Cheers, Dave oi86 oi8o

    | daveyboy

  • I've got several URL's that I need to disallow in my robots.txt file. For example, I've got several documents that I don't want indexed and filters that are getting flagged as duplicate content. Rather than typing in thousands of URL's I was hoping that wildcards were still valid.

    | mkhGT

  • Hi All
    I have been using Moz for about 3 months now and love the tools and support.   I have been working really hard on seo improvements, fixing lots of coding errors and adding content to my site.   My last 3 keyword reports have been very disappointing.   I have lost rankings in many of my keywords and some have been ranked very well for years. (talking google)  I see only 2 factors that have changed.  1. My 'improvements' and 2. the google update.    As everyone knows seo is very time consuming and I am so disappointed with my site going backwards after such a dedicated focus.   An example would be the keyword 'christmas return address labels'.   I am not even ranked in the top 100 and the last report put me down 50! Here is a link to my category page for funny christmas cards for another example: BTW I sell greeting cards and I am so frustrated that Zazzle seems to dominate every keyword and google shopping result.  It seems they are gaming the system. P.S. If you are an seo professional I would be interested in your services as well. Thank you

    | mker

  • We are having an issue with Googles cached image snapshops... Here is an example: I wondered if anyone knows or can see the cause of this problem? Thanks

    | pekler

  • Hi, i would like to know if this is normal as i have never come across it before. i have just checked my speed which needs a lot of improving. I use joomla 3.0 and recently had a developer upgrade it from 1.5, but now i am seeing under the speed test my website showing twice which looks like it is causing a time delay. the tool is!/dTjwDM/ can someone please look and let me know if this is normal. my site is coming up twice which seems to be slowing the site down and i have checked this tool with other sites and they are fine many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi Guys & Gals, I have a question I'd appreciate your input on. Quick History
    When I first started in web design it was just me and a couple of clients. I had a website based on my name on the domain The only 'SEO' work done on it was a bit of on-site work, various links based on forum and blog activity I was involved in (genuine involvement not crappy link building) and of course, building websites with a credit in the footer. When we got serious about the business we considered and finally put in place a new website, new branding and 301'd old URLs to their shiny new location on the new domain: _(put in place about 12 months ago) Ranks were pretty much maintained and until recently we ranked well locally (still figuring the fallout from the last week or so's changes). The Question I would like to build a personal website, well I'm going to anyway. But as it's a personal/showcase website I need a personal URL for it and my natural choice would be my old url However it is not that simple because is benefitting from redirected links and I don't want to harm our business' rankings just to reclaim a personal URL. So... is there benefit or would it be to my detriment to undo the 301 and build a website on or would it, in fact, just make more sense to buy a new domain and have a clean slate?

    | Nobody1560986989723

  • Currently we have marked category pages like as follow/noindex as they essentially do not include any original content. On the other hand, for someone searching for Kim Kardashian shoes, it's a highly relevant page as we provide links to all the Kim Kardashian shoe sightings that we have covered. Should we index the category pages or leave them unindexed?

    | Jantaro

  • Webmaster Tools is showing that I have 78 duplicate title tags.  Here is an example of tags they deem to be duplicate: I have done 301 redirects from any posts beginning with "/blog/" to "/" Any idea why this is happening?

    | rdreich49

  • My little startup Voyage has a tough relationship with Google. I have been reading SEOMOZ/MOZ for years. I am no pro but I understand the basics pretty well. I would like to know why all pages on my main domain look empty in google cache. Here is one example. Other advice is welcome too. I know a lot of my metas and my markup is bad but I am working on it!

    | vincentgagne

  • Hi. We had some URLs that were indexed in Google from a www1-subdomain. We have now disabled the URLs (returning a 404 - for other reasons we cannot do a redirect from www1 to www) and blocked via robots.txt. But the amount of indexed pages keeps increasing (for 2 weeks now). Unfortunately, I cannot install Webmaster Tools for this subdomain to tell Google to back off... Any ideas why this could be and whether it's normal? I can send you more domain infos by personal message if you want to have a look at it.

    | zeepartner

  • Hi there! Here we are again, we are having problems indexing one of our clients, which website has been developed with Ruby on Rails. It doesnt get the titles right from almost all our pages...Has anyone had the same problem? Any feedback would help a lot... Thanks!

    | Comunicare

  • Hello , I am working on a site, I am facing the duplicate title and content errors,
    there are following kind of errors : 1- A link with www and without www having same content. actually its a apartment management site, so it has different bedrooms apartments and booking pages , 2- my second issue is related to booking and details pages of bedrooms, because I am using 1 file for all booking and 1 file for all details page. these are the main errors which i am facing ,
    can anyone give me suggestions regarding these issues ? Thnaks,

    | KLLC

  • Hi, I need a bit of advice on marketing URL's. The destinations URL is Of Wight&development=developmentname. If we wanted to use on literature to send people to the ugly URL above, what would we do? Would we need to rewrite the ugly URL to the neat and then 301 the ugly to the neat? Currently, the team are using a new domain of and 301 redirecting it to ugly URL but there are lots of different developments they want to send people to so a new domain is bought for each development which seems a bit unnecessary. They point to different pages on the ugly URL website. Assuming canonical tag would not be needed then because the ugly URL page would be redirected. Also, as the website has ugly URL's anyway, would it not be best practice to use rewrites anyway so that the URL's read Would it confuse things to then have extra short marketing URL's missing out /region? Hope that makes sense....

    | Houses

  • Our domain is pretty mature, has several quality backlinks - ranks well for our key terms - but we need to change our IP address because we use a cloud provider and it's a shared IP that has had a security breach. How will this affect rankings?

    | Layer7Tech

  • hi, i have used screaming frog seo and it has brought up a link to another site we run but this is a strange link the link is i have gone through the site on the home page as this is where it is and i cannot find, so i was just wondering if there was a tool that i can use to pin point where it is. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi everyone at Moz, I am quite happy with the Moz tool but am surprised that search volumes do not seem available... What is the current status of the situation described in the Q&A below? When handling avg. of 1000 keywords and paying for a tool to calculate volume, competition & KEI I find it weird and annoying to find this information is not available. Does this mean that for each keyword one would have to enter it in the Google adwords keyword tool Thanks for your much needed help on this matter as this is difficult to sell to my clients and I need to make final Keyword choices soon and have no data availble. Greetings, Fries

    | Fries

  • hi, i have been using a great tool today called screaming frog which was shown to me by Thomas Zickell when i used the tool i found some worrying things for my site what i have found is, i have a large number of 403 forbidden status on my home page and i do not know why here is an example it loads fine but on the tool it shows it as an error and shows it as having no meta tags or anything but there is meta tags in there can anyone please let me know how to solve this and why it has happened many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • The e-commerance system we have has a geo tagged hompage system so you can set up different homepages based on the user country IP.  But I want to test what the default homepage is, if the system can not get the user IP, does anyone know of a way to do this? Also does googles bot, not give an IP for this, or is it always an American IP (even if your site is set to a different country)? Thanks

    | PaddyDisplays

  • (Sorry for my english) I have lots of user reviews on my website and in some cases, there are more than a thousand reviews for a single product/service. I am looking for the best way to break down these reviews in several sub-pages. Here are the options I thought of: 1. Break down reviews into multiple pages / URL
    etc... In this case, each page would be indexed by search engines. Pros: all the reviews are getting indexed Cons: It will be harder to rank for "blue widget review" as their will be many similar pages 2. Break down reviews into multiple pages / URL with noindex + canonical tag
    etc... In this case, each page would be set to noindex and the canonical tag would point to the first review page. Pros: only one URL can potentially rank for "blue widget review" Cons: Subpages are not indexed 3. Load all the reviews into one page and handle pagination using Javascript reviews, reviews, reviews
    more reviews, more reviews, more reviews
    etc... Each page would be loaded in a different which would be shown or hidden using Javascript when browsing through the pages. Could that be considered as cloaking?!? Pros: all the reviews are getting indexed Cons: large page size (kb) - maybe too large for search engines? 4. Load only the first page and load sub-pages dynamically using AJAX Display only the first review page on initial load. I would use AJAX to load additional reviews into the . It would be similar to some blog commenting systems where you have to click on "Load more comments" to see all the comments. Pros: Fast initial loading time + faster loading time for subpages = better user experience Cons: Only the first review page is indexed by search engines ========================================================= My main competitor who's achieving great rankings (no black hat of course) is using technique #3. What's your opinion?

    | sbrault74

  • I am having a difficult time finding specific information about the effect, if any, having a ? within the URL structure.  We have the descriptive keyword phrase followed by the ? location id as in this example: Any feedback on effect and a corrective process to improve if necessary would be appreciated!

    | RBBonds

  • Hi, i work in joomla and my site is I have been looking at moz tools and it is showing i have over 600 pages of duplicate content. The problem is shown below and i am not sure how to solve this, any help would be great, | Benidorm News 50 1 0 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 9 23 3 In2town 28 23 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 45 23 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 31 22 3 In2town 4 18 1 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 10 18 1 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 21 2 In2town 50 21 2 In2town 50 18 1 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 21 1 0 In2town 4 1 0 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 1 1 0 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 50 1 0 In2town 50 16 0 In2town 50 19 1 In2town 24 1 0 In2town 50 20 1 In2town 50 23 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town 50 22 3 In2town |

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Is any code to prevent duplicate meta description on blog pages I use rell canonical on blog page and to prevent duplicate title y use on page category title de code %%page%% Is there any similar code so to description?

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hello Moz Community, We recently moved our blog from its own domain to a directory on our website.  We do not plan on moving over all the old blog posts because a majority most of them are based on events or time-sensitive information that has passed. We need advice on what to do with all of the old blog URL's?  Should we just 301 all of them to the new blog directory on our website  (  Should we take the time to move over all the old blog content and put the appropriate 301's in place?  Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    | All-Star-Vacation-Homes

  • Does any link juice get passed from a permanent redirect to a new 301 redirect? If so, are there any studies which indicate an estimated percentage?

    | RedCaffeine

  • I have always been under the impression that by connecting pages to their parent pages as described in a.) below is best practice and makes sense to me. a.) b.) But then i also understand the importance in terms of link juice being spread out across so many sub pages, and by using Example b.) you keep the link juice in tact. Your thoughts on this? Greg

    | AndreVanKets

  • Hi, We have created a moving cost calculator tools and other moving company can added this tools their website. This is the code:  [ <iframe src="http:"" fiyat-hesapla.aspx"="" height="554" width="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border:none;"> ] when the other moving company added this code their websites, tool also works on the site and the tool make the referrals traffic our site.** Is it right using this method?**</iframe src="http:> here is the tool

    | iskq

  • I'm basically working with an outsourced SEO company.  They fix 20 on-page links every month.  To broaden my point, I'd like to know how to check up on their progress by using MOZ. Do you have any advice? Also, would we be able to use more than one link per keyword? I don't see this option but maybe you can help me with any suggestions. Thanks! Nzo Tiano

    | ckroaster

  • We are currently in the process of creating a new website in place of our old site (same URL etc.) We've recently created another website which has the same design/ layout/ pictures and general site architecture as our new site will have. If I was to add alt test to images only on one site would we still be penalised by Google as the sites 'look' the same, event thought they will have completely different URL's and different focusses on a similar topic. Content will be different also, but both sites will focus on a similar subject. Thanks

    | onlinechester

  • Hello, is it important to place keyword more higher in html code Our situation: item page. H1 and all text about this item with keyword mentioned three times is in the end of html code? Competitors pages with info about item, but higher keyword place and description in html code make better in SERPS. Could it be reason? Could we change place of text about item in html code ? Giedrius, Lithuania

    | Patogupirkti

  • Recently took a site live for a client using WP/WooCommerce to replace their antiquated shopping cart site and have encountered thousands of "Missing Meta Description Tag" errors. Have researched and tried a couple different approaches, but nothing really seems to fix this problem. I'm happy to continue to research, but have never encountered this problem before.   Anyone else encountered similar?  If so, how did you fix?  Which resources to start with? 2VKDRVx


  • Our site is now 3 months old (although the domain is older) but rankings don't seem to be improving at all. We've got some good quality relevant links coming into the site, and the content is unique and often updated. Is there something holding the site back? Am I being impatient? the site is Thanks.

    | jj3434

  • Hi Guys, I have a business at "30 Auto Center Dr, Irivne, CA" when I search for "30 Auto Center Dr" Google search results will show a map result for 30 auto center dr, Tustin CA. It will show this map result for all surrounding cities and will only show Irivne, if I set my location to irvine. I'm not sure why this is happening. Cities that are closer to Irvine are also showing a map to the address located in Tustin. Since Google is choosing to display this map result, I feel that this is causing me to lose customers. I have already done business listings and local seo to my current address,and was wondering if it would be worth it to change my address (My building has more than one address). Would this even be a good idea? What do you guys think are my options here? attached is the screenshot of the map result I am talking about. 1ywIMVt.png

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Hi, Here is my sitemap: User-agent: * Sitemap: Directories Disallow: /sendfriend/
    Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/
    Disallow: /media/catalog/product/cache/
    Disallow: /checkout/
    Disallow: /categories/
    Disallow: /blog/index.php/
    Disallow: /catalogsearch/result/index/
    Disallow: /links.html I'm using Magento and want to make sure I have constructed my robots.txt file correctly with the sitemap autodiscovery? thanks,

    | Bedsite

  • Hello community, I recently was asked by a client to analyze a website of a competitor. I did was he asked me to do but when I  looked at the source code of the website I found this code: I changed the exact words into something for privacy reasons, but I never looked at a code like this.
    Using a div for an anchor I get but adding a title tag to the div? I never seen that before. Title tags on anchors, yes, using images in divs as background and then adding a title??? Does anyone have any experience with a code like this and if you do how does this impact rankings? Does it impact rankings at all and does anybody know of any correlation between the two? Looking forward for your responses. Regards Jarno

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Hi, I was wondering when and how often do you use  'Fetch as a Google'' on Google Webmaster and do you submit individual pages or main URL only? I've googled it but i got confused more. I appreciate if you could help. Thanks

    | Rubix

  • One of my website has been heavily hit by Google's entire zoo so I decided to phase it out while building a new one. Old website:
    New website: Now the thing is that both websites are obviously similar since I kept the branding. They also both have content about the same topics. No content has been copied or spinned or whatever though. Everything's original on both websites. There were only 3 parts of both websites that were too similar in terms of functionalities so I "noindexed" it on the old website. Now it seems that Google doesn't want you to have multiple websites for the same business just for the sake of occupying more space in the search results. This can especially be detected by the websites' C block. I am not sure if this is myth or fact though. So do you think I'm in a problematic situation with this scenario? It's getting ridiculous all you have to watch for when building a website, I'm afraid to touch my keyboard in fear my websites will get penalized! Sorry for my english btw.

    | sbrault74

  • Hi, in Webmaster Tools i receive the following warnings: hatom-feedhatom-entry:Warning: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.Warning: Missing required field "entry-title".Warning: Missing required field "updated".Warning: Missing required hCard "author".I googled a few strategies how to solve this problem but is it for SEO purpose really necessary to edit Theme core code to satisfy google's warnings?

    | reisefm

  • Hi there, we uploaded a page but unfortunately didn't realise it had noindex,nofollow in the meta tags. Google had cached it then decached it (i guess thats possible) it seems? now it will not cache even though the correct meta tags have been put in and we have sent links to it internally and externally. Anyone know why this page isn't being cached, the internal link to it is on the homepage and that gets cached almost every day. I even submitted it to webmaster tools to index.

    | pauledwards

  • This may be a stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. How does the number of circles that a person is in affect their rankings when authorship is installed. Does it make much of a difference? Knowing Google, I would imagine that it does.

    | atstickel12

  • I am doing a bit of SEO work for a friend, and the situation is the following: The site is a place to discuss articles on the web. When clicking on a link that has been posted, it sends the user to a URL on the main site that is This page has a large iframe that contains the article itself, and a small bar at the top containing the article with various links to get back to the original site. I'd like to make sure that the comment pages ( are indexed instead of all of the pages, which won't really do much for SEO. However, all of these pages are indexed. What would be the best approach to make sure the iframe pages aren't indexed? My intuition is to just have a "noindex" in the header of those pages, and just make sure that the conversation pages themselves are properly linked throughout the site, so that they get indexed properly. Does this seem right? Thanks for the help...

    | jim_shook

  • Hello guys, I'm using wordpress and the Yoast to help me improve my SEO. Everything went well except for today because "Moz" found 404 errors when scrolling the website saying showing the domain of my website at the end of 12 url. For example :** ** Do you have any idea where does that come from ? Thanks Alex

    | abonnisseau

  • Background -  Our mobile site is on the same domain as our main site. We use a folder approach for our mobile site We are re-directing traffic to our mobile site vie device detection and re-direction exists for a handful of pages of our site ie most of our pages do not redirect the user to a mobile equivalent page. Issue – Our mobile pages are being indexed in desktop Google searches Input Required – How should we modify our robots.txt so that the desktop google index does not index our mobile pages/urls User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile Disallow: /m User-agent: `YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2` Disallow: /m User-agent: `MSNBOT_Mobile` Disallow: /m Many thanks

    | CeeC-Blogger

  • A few months ago we did SEO for a website, just like any other website. However, we did not see crawl/indexing results that we have with all of our other SEO projects - the Google webmaster tool was indicating that only 1 page of the site (although only 20 pages) was indexed. The site was older & originally developed in Dreamweaver, so although that shouldn't have been an issue, we were desperate to solve the problem & ended up rebuilding the site in WordPress. While this actually helped increase the number of pages on the site that Google indexed (now all 20) - we are still seeing strange things in the search results. For example, when we check rankings manually for a particular term, the new description is showing, however, it is displaying the old title text. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Thank you so much!!

    | ZAG

  • We recently discovered in Google Webmaster Tools that a Chinese website with a page rank of 1 has 64,476 links to various pages of our website which is about 120,000 pages in size. Their site covers the same topic as our site - technical information about plastics. My question is, should I let things take its natural course or would it be better to 'block' their site using Google Disavow?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Here is a curious case of synonyms affecting search suggestions with our domain name terms as well as search results rankings with our domain in the query. I have posted all the details here:!msg/webmasters/ESDluD9Q0-A/4qU4pRPP6OgJ Not sure if this is the right forum to get some tips on how to handle this case. Happy to take it down if this is not the right place. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks

    | madhurk

  • I'm in the process of having a site built using WP as the cms, and keeping SEO in mind while it's being produced. Because I'm experimenting with title/meta desc I'm checking rankings each day on whatsmyserp dot com. During development I noticed one day the ranking for had disappeared and was ranking. I went into pages of the wp account and deleted the 2nd homepage that had been created for some reason, and that was over half a week ago now. /home-2 is still ranking even though it's non-existent and the actual homepage url isn't ranking at all. Any suggestions on what I should do/why this is happening? Thanks for any help

    | xcyte

  • I don't know this is a suitable place for post this question. Anyway I have done it. According to the Google webmaster tools, Links to your site page. My blog has considerable amount of links, from linked pages (from certain domain names). For an instance please refer following screenshot. When I am removing unnatural links, should I consider these, links from linked pages ratio? Almost all of these sites are social bookmarking sites. When I publish a new bookmark on those sites, they automatically add a homepage link. As a result of that, I got a huge number of home page links from linked pages. What is your recommendation? Thanks! webmaster.png web_master_tools.png

    | Godad

  • I've got a site with some serious content issues.  The builder of the template doesn't understand what I'm asking (they're confusing spidering with indexing).  If the page is run through a spider simulator (web confs won't work on this site for some reason) it shows the content is not being seen by Google.  The template is Momentum and on Joomla.  Most other sites I've found on the web have a similar issue.  Basically it's reading the text in the header and footer, but nothing in the body.  Any thoughts?

    | GregWalt

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