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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, I have a travel project to manage and a question to arrange the registration of this page. Should I register in Webmaster Tools all domains which lead to the webpage of this travel company like,, and or only the main domain Thanks for your advice.

    | reisefm

  • Hi,
    I have a problem with a client's website. I searched many related questions here about the same problem but couldn't figure out a solution. Their website is in 2 languages and they submitted 2 sitemaps to Webmaster Tools. One got 100% indexed. From the second one, from over 800 URLs only 32 are indexed. I checked the following hypothesis why the second sitemap may not get indexed: sitemap is wrongly formatted - False sitemap contains URLs that don't return 200 status - False, there are no URLs that return 404, 301 or 302 status codes sitemap contains URLs that are blocked by robots.txt - False internal duplicate content problems - False issues with meta canonical tags - False For clarification, URLs from the sitemap that is not indexed completely also don't show up in Google index. Can someone tell me what can I also check to fix this issue?

    | SorinaDascalu

  • I have a jobs site that currently has the following structure for jobs: Categories used to be listed this way: But we changed it to: Does it matter?  Is one better than the other?  The page title, heading, and description also have the word "openings" or "opening" in them.

    | cmp101

  • Hi, I work for a company that runs 30+ membership based websites on separate domains and across multiple markets. The homepage for each site contains a section of content that highlights the site benefits and features. While each website serves a different market/niche, this section of content is essentially the same as each website offers the same benefits and features. What is the best way to avoid duplicate content issues while still being able to show the same section of content across 30+ sites? This particular section of content isn't valuable from an SEO perspective, but the rest of the content on that page is. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | CupidTeam

  • Can we use meta robots noindex and robots.txt together?

    | iskq

  • I have a drupal 7 site that has over 5000 crawl errors (!). The main problem - close to 3000 errors- is I have duplicate page content. When I create a page I can create a URL alias for the page that is SEO friendly, however every time I do this, it is registering there are 2 pages with the same content. Is there a module that you're aware of that I can have installed that would allow me to show what is the canonical page? My developers seemed stumped and have given up trying to find a solution, but I'm not convinced that it should be that hard. Any ideas from those familiar with drupal 7 would be greatly appreciated!

    | ClintonP

  • We have worked diligently to correct our SEO Moz crawl diagnostic errors to below 20. However, at least twice now, our coder updates the drupal security warnings and BINGO- every time - our errors go sky high again. Any thoughts?

    | Stevej24

  • I have a site where there are several duplicate titles, looks like mainly based on a parameterized vs. non-parameterized version of the page. I have what appears to be a proper canonical tag, but webmaster still complains of both duplicate titles & meta descriptions. A good example (taken out of webmaster report for is: /driving-tips/mirror-setup-and-use /driving-tips/mirror-setup-and-use?inline=true If I look at the page (in either case) there appears to be a correct canonical tag pointing to the base case. However, for some reason google is either ignoring the canonical or its not properly done. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    | uwaim2012

  • Hi My client has a clutch of kw rich domains that want to point to main domain, apart from being good for promotional reasons is there any seo benefit for doing so (i know there used to be years ago but under impression hasn't been any benefit for a long while) Most importantly though can any bad come from doing this ? Best Rgds Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • A new client of mine is using 1and1 hosting from back in the dark ages.  Turns out, her primary domain and her main website (different domain) are exactly the same.  She likes to have the domains names of her books, but her intention is to have it redirect to her main site.  Unfortunately, 1and1's control panel is light years behind cpanel, so when she set up her new domains it just pointed everything to the same directory. I just want to make sure I don't make this up, so please correct me if I'm wrong about something.  I'm assuming this is a major duplicate content deal, so I plan to create a new directory for each add-on domain.  Since her main site is an add-on itself, I'll have to move all the files into it's new home directory.  Then I'll create an htaccess file for each domain and redirect it to her main site.  Right so far? My major concern is with the duplicate content.  She's had two sites being exactly the same for years.  Will there be any issues leftover after I set everything up properly?  Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks for the help guys! I'm fairly new to this community and love the opportunity to learn from the best!

    | Mattymar

  • Hi I have a new website going live which has a different page names etc i.e. the old site had pages that are ranking called aboutus.html and the new site is called about.php What is the best approach to maintain the rank and also on orphaned pages Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • when i did a search in google for , for a list of pages indexed. Surprisingly the following come up " Webmail - Login " Although this is associated with the domain , this is a completely different server , this the rackspace email server browser interface  I am sure that there is nothing on the website that links or points to this.
    So why is Google indexing it ? & how do I get it out of there. I tried in webmaster tool but I could not , as it seems like a sub-domain. Any ideas ? Thanks Naresh Sadasivan

    | UIPL

  • Has anyone does studies on using a different CDN domain name for images on a site? Here is an example: or ![](<a)> ranks highly and many images show up in Google/Bing image searches. Is there any actual data that says that using your real domain name for the CDN has benefits versus the default domain name provided by the CDN provider? On the surface, it feels like it would, but I haven't experimented with it.

    | findwell

  • Hey Guys, This has been on my mind ever since the big announcement, so today I did some searching around for some posts/talk about what the impact of their full site redirect has been for them and didn't find anything. Have they posted on this or are there any threads that I'm missing out on? I'd love to hear more about what the impact has been or any general thoughts/insights people may have. Thanks!

    | TakeLessons

  • I'm preparing for a site migration from a to a .com and I want to ensure all internal links are updated to point to the new primary domain. What tool can I use to check internal links as some are relative and others are absolute so I need to update them all to relative.

    | Lindsay_D

  • I have a client who when they built their site never had any of their old links 301'd - I've now managed to locate a few of these links and am going to redirect them. The site was rebuilt 2006/07 - and it ranked page one and #1 for lots of relevant keywords, if I redirect these to the current pages will the rankings still carry??

    | lauratagdigital

  • Hi,
    We have a client who has engaged us recently for some SEO work and most of their website looks pretty good seo-wise already. Many of their site pages rank at the top or middle of page two for their targeted keywords. In many cases they are not using the targeted keyword in the URL and most pages could use some additional on-page clean up. My question is, is it worth it to re-write the URLs to include the targeted keyword and then do 301 redirects to send the old pages to the new ones in order to improve the ranking? Or should we just do the minor on page work in hopes that this will be enough to improve the rankings and push them on to the first page. Thanks.

    | Whebb

  • Wondering if I could get a second opinion on this, please.  I have just taken on a new client, they own about 6 different niched car experience websites (hire an Aston Martin for the day, type thing). All the six sites they have seem to perform reasonably well for the brand of car they deal with, the average DA of the sites is about 24. The client wishes to move all of these different manufacturers into one site and have sections of the site, they can then also target more generic experience day type keywords. The obvious way of dealing with this move would be to 301 the old sites to the relevant places on the new site and wait for that to rank. However, looking at the backlinks profile of the niched sites, they seem to have very few backlinks and i feel the reason they are ranking so well for all the individual manufacturers is because they all feature the name in the domain. Not exact match, but the name is there. If I am thinking right, with the 301 we want to tell Google page x is now page y, index this one instead. Because the new site has a more generic name I don't think it will enjoy any of the domain keyword benefits which are helping the sub sites, and as a result I expect the rankings and traffic to drop (at least in the short term). Am I reading this correct. Would people use a 301 in this case? The easiest thing to do would be to leave the 6 sub sites up and running on their own domain and launch the new site to run alongside them, however the client doesn't want this. Thanks, Carl

    | GrumpyCarl

  • Found overly dynamic urls in the crawl report. Best way to deal with these? Cheers Guys

    | Trespass

  • Hi all SEO folks We want to merge two different domains into one. The products are similar to each other but domain1 is the online product and domain2 is the offline version of the product (new launced product). Both the domains have the domain Authority 47 but domain1 is optimized to the online product and most keywords (branded keywords) are in top 3 , where as the domain2 has been used for another concept which has now been closed down (beginning of may), and replaced with the offline product. To boost the sale of the offline product, we want to move the content from domain1(online product) to domain2(offline product), and off course we want to keep the ranking in top 3. So this is what I know I have to do: Redirect 301 from old content url to new content url, contact external domains and ask them to link to the new domain. Furthermore I read that it is important to place everything from the old site exactly the same way on the new site (and keep the content the same), and that way keep the internal url structure/linkjuice. This is were my question comes in. If we move all the content to the exactly same location on the new site, there will be way to many links on the frontpage and the new offline product won't have the dominating position.
    Do any of you have experience with moving the content from one to and still be able to keep the ranking in SERP, or would you recommend always to move the content from root to root? Ps: Sorry about my English. English is not my  main language. Hope you understand my question anyway :).

    | Bulpen

  • My beta site ( has been inadvertently indexed.  Its cached pages are taking traffic away from our real website (  Should I just "NO INDEX" the entire beta site and if so, what's the best way to do this?  Are there any other precautions I should be taking?  Please advise.

    | BVREID

  • Can I get some direct advice for a domain I am trying to optimize? The domain is , it contains software submitted by users, 1500 different listings/pages with title/description, around 20 000 Google results for the domain, site is live since Dec 2008. Problem I am getting 20-40 hits from Google per day, it is pathetic. Best days were around June 2010, ~400 hits/day (if it matters). I am not sure what my problem is but with so much content and so little hits I must be doing something very wrong. Some possible problems and things I did: Google says I have 8 back links, that is not good but I know it's not all about links. SeoMoz says I have "too many on page links", can this be so important ? How should I redirect users landing on an url that moved? e.g software title can change, old location /12/photo-gallery/ is now /12/xml-photo-gallery/ , if user lands on old URL should I 301 redirect to new one? Because I can tell it's intention by the listing number. I used to 301 redirect, now I just display same content on any url string like /12/whatever/ I put rel="nofollow" on some internal pages like contact page, login, register, etc hoping to prevent diluting the page rank. If someone can have a look at the site and mention the most obvious seo problems it would be great.

    | adrianTNT

  • Hi Gents and Ladies Before I get started, here is the website in question. I apologize in advance if I miss any important or necessary details. This might actually seem like several disjointed thoughts. It is very late where I am and I am a very exhausted. No on to this monster of a post. **The background story: ** My programmer and I recently moved the website from a standalone CMS to Wordpress. The owners of the site/company were having major issues with their old SEO/designer at the time. They felt very abused and taken by this person (which I agree they were - financially, emotionally and more). They wanted to wash their hands of the old SEO/designer completely. They sought someone out to do a minor redesign (the old site did look very dated) and transfer all of their copy as affordably as possible. We took the job on. I have my own strengths with SEO but on this one I am a little out of my element. Read on to find out what that is. **Here are some of the issues, what we did and a little more history: ** The old site had a terribly unclean URL structure as most of it was machine written. The owners would make changes to one central location/page and the old CMS would then generate hundreds of service area pages that used long, parameter heavy url's (along with duplicate content). We could not duplicate this URL structure during the transfer and went with a simple, clean structure. Here is an example of how we modified the url's... Old: Toronto Area New: My programmer took to writing 301 redirects and URL rewrites (.htaccess) for all their service area pages (which tally in the hundreds). As I hinted to above, the site also suffers from a overwhelming amount of duplicate copy which we are very slowly modifying so that it becomes unique. It's also currently suffering from a tremendous amount of keyword cannibalization. This is also a result of the old SEO's work which we had to transfer without fixing first (hosting renewal deadline with the old SEO/designer forced us to get the site up and running in a very very short window). We are currently working on both of these issues now. SERPs have been swinging violently since the transfer and understandably so. Changes have cause and effect. I am bit perplexed though. Pages are indexed one day and ranking very well locally and then apparently de-indexed the next. It might be worth noting that they had some de-index problems in the months prior to meeting us. I suspect this was in large part to the duplicate copy. The ranking pages (on a url basis) are also changing up. We will see a clean url rank and then drop one week and then an unclean version rank and drop off the next (for the same city, same web search). Sometimes they rank along side each other. The terms they want to rank for are very easy to rank on because they are so geographically targeted. The competition is slim in many cases. This time last year, they were having one of the best years in the company's 20+ year history (prior to being de-indexed). **On to the questions: ** **What should we do to reduce the loss in these ranked pages? With the actions we took, can I expect the old unclean url's to drop off over time and the clean url's to pick up the ranks? Where would you start in helping this site? Is there anything obvious we have missed? I planned on starting with new keyword research to diversify what they rank on and then following that up with fresh copy across the board. ** If you are well versed with this type of problem/situation (url changes, index/de-index status, analyzing these things etc), I would love to pick your brain or even bring you on board to work with us (paid).

    | mattylac

  • We moved from a .php site to a java site on April 10th.  It's almost 2 months later and Google continues to crawl old pages that no longer exist (225,430 Not Found Errors to be exact). These pages no longer exist on the site and there are no internal or external links pointing to these pages. Google has crawled the site since the go live, but continues to try and crawl these pages. What are my next steps?

    | rhoadesjohn

  • My wordpress blog/theme displays a Trackback URL link in the comments area of any page that has received a comment, eg My crawl diagnostics report shows these links (basically as Temporary Redirect warnings 302 with the stock advice "Using HTTP header refreshes, 302, 303 or 307 redirects will cause search engine crawlers to treat the redirect as temporary and not pass any link juice (ranking power). We highly recommend that you replace temporary redirects with 301 redirects." Before I take more action on this I want to make sure this is a real problem.  My initial effort to fix it was to turn off trackbacks in the wordpress settings-discussion area and also on specific posts, but the Trackback URL link still shows for any post with a comment. Any advice?

    | jeff_amm

  • We post our interactive catalog on our site.  Should i block this from the crawlers?  I notice this is creating a lot of pages with duplicate titles and i dont know if i should go through and rename all of these or just exclude them.

    | CHECOM

  • I noticed an interesting change today in how one of my clients appears in the SERPs.  Google seems to be appending a keyword to his listing title. Client website: Keyword: Calgary dentist Rank: #2 or #1 lately Title tag: Calgary Dentist | Ambiance Dental Google+ Local listing title: Ambiance Dental Link title in SERP: Ambiance Dental: Calgary Dentist That last point is what's interesting, and new.  As of a couple weeks ago (before I went on holidays) his link would simply show "Ambiance Dental", which makes sense because that's the title of his Google+ Local listing. Given the above information, I can't see why his link in Google's SERP is "Ambiance Dental: Calgary Dentist" when doing a search for that keyword.  When I do a search for "Calgary dentists" or other similar searches, he simply shows as "Ambiance Dental", not "Ambiance Dental: Calgary Dentists" To test yourself, use the Google AdWords Preview Tool (, change locality to "Calgary, AB, Canada" and search. I suspect this doesn't mean he's violating Google's guidelines for business listings (i.e. businesses aren't supposed to add keywords to their business title).  I'm certainly curious why this is happening though. Can anyone provide any insight?  Has anyone seen anything similar? calgary-dentist-search.png

    | Kenoshi

  • Hi folks, I have a quite awkward problem. Since a few weeks a get a huge amount of "duplicate content errors" in my MOZ crawl reports. After a while of looking for the error I thought of the domains I've bought additionally. So I went to Google and typed in The results was as I expected that my original website got indexed with my new domains aswell. That means: For example my original website was index with - Then I bought some additional domains which are pointing on my / folder. What happened is that I also get listed with: How can I fix that? I tried a normal domain redirect but it seems as this doesn't help as when I am visiting the domain doesnt change in my browser to but stays with it ... I was busy the whole day to find a solution but I am kinda desperate now. If somebody could give me advice it would be much appreciated. Mike

    | KillAccountPlease

  • One of our clients, an ecommerce shop, has seen a significant drop in their organic traffic and I'm trying to determine whether this was the result of a data refresh or algo update. The site has few inbound links and unfortunately still has a lot of duplicate content on it (manufacturer provided product descriptions). There are also some remaining issues of duplicate page titles that we've been working through. The client has also been writing blogs recently, however there are a number which are relatively short in length. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can start recovering from this?

    | bobbygsy

  • Hi, really having problems here with our site was always in the top ten for a large number of important keywords and since our upgrade from joomla 1.5 a month ago to joomla 3.0 we have vanished out of a lot of the search engines for important keywords I am concerned that we could be doing something wrong. two of our important keywords is lifestyle magazine and also gastric band hypnotherapy, but we are nowhere to be seen for these keywords. I must be doing something wrong. The site is an old site, we have been around for many years and have always ranked well up until now. We use K2 and i am just wondering if we have set up things wrong. for example under this article it comes under the category of trip advisor ... -term-stay now when you delete the article name and just keep the trip advisor you get a list of the articles and i am wondering if this is damaging my site. any help in helping me to understand why my site has dropped in rankings would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi We need to block some www1-pages from being indexed. Now IT has resolved this but pages like return a 405 status instead of a 404. The pages are currently still indexed in Google. Must the status be changed to 404 or should I just wait and see if Google de-indexes them anyhow?

    | zeepartner

  • I received a link removal request from a site who said that they were penalized. I confirmed that they were #1 for the competitive keyword phrase that is also their domain name and now they are #10. Here are some things I noticed about the site: Over 2,500 linking domains. Dozens of high quality linking domains like Huffington Post and Mashable. Some off topic guest post links, e.g. on a SEO site. Guest post anchor text was usually their site name which is an exact match domain. Lots of top 100 resource pages that received good organic links. Infographics with links using their domain name as the anchor text. Relatively few spammy links according to Open Site Explorer. Overall their site's links were engineered but using tactics that most would consider "white hat." I don't think they violated any Google Webmaster Guidelines. Why were they penalized? What do you think?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Does anyone know how to implement a rel canonical tag on a Blogspot blog? I am trying to pass link juice from an old Blogspot blog to a self-hosted website.

    | ProjectLabs

  • Is there any reason NOT to code in tables (other than it being outdated) for SEO reasons?

    | EileenCleary

  • Hello, I own a shop, and I want to add the most searched keywords to my products page , example : Nike Aero , add this keywords to the product page : Nike Aero buy Where to buy Nike aero ect , I with the most searched keywords Would it harm my SEO? Would it be good? Thank you!

    | coolninja

  • Suppose you write a guest post for an authoritative site, is it beneficial to claim authorship of the article by linking to your Google Plus profile and adding the site to your account as a site you contribute to? If yes, would you do this for dozens of sites? (since your contributor list could get really long).

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi guys i just wanted your expert opinion on keywords in urls. The example i'm giving you is in regards to a ecommerce website: Option 1: Option 2: We sell coffee so i'll keep the example relevant  🙂 Does it make a difference on how the keywords are stacked throughout? Would the search engine combine the two keywords  eg. .../coffee/beans/... or would i be better of having .../coffee/coffee-beans/...  and is there a penalty for having the same phrase more than once in the url? I hope my question makes sense... 😉 Looking forward to your opinions and ideas!

    | Immanuel

  • Apologies if this is already answered, I'm a newbie.  I'm looking to determine how to target long tail keywords.  I'm supporting a site that is new and with very small budgets in the very competitive life insurance market.  If we devise a list of long tail keywords, should we then add those to the page titles, meta descriptions etc rather than the short tail ones that the site will never rank for anyway?

    | aoifep

  • For family reasons (child to look after) I can't keep a close eye on my SEO and SERPs. But from top 10 rankings in January for a dozen keywords I'm now not in top 80 results -- save one keyword for which I'm  ~18-20.
    Not a sitewide penalty: some of my internal pages are still ranking top 3 or so. In GWT, late March I received  warning of a rise in server errors:
    17 Server Errors/575 soft 404s/17 Not Founds/Access Denied 1/Others 4
    I've also got 2 very old sitemaps (from two different ex-SEO firms) & I'm guessing about 75% of the links on there no longer exist. Q: Could all this be behind my calamitous SERPS drop? Or should I be devoting my -- limited --  time to improving my links?

    | Jeepster

  • I can see them all the pages showing up in Google when i search for my site. But in webmaster tools under the sitemaps section in the indexed pages - the red bar is showing 0 indexed pages, even though they seem to be indexed. Any idea why is this showing like this? I don’t really think it’s that important as the pages are still indexed, but it just seems odd. Please see in the image.

    | Perfect007

  • Hey, I have an online store selling dj equipment, sound & light products such as speakers, lasers, decks, pa systems, karaoke systems etc. I just bought a new domain but I registered it under a different name and address (my personal details). And I plan on hosting the website on a seperate server so it has no connection with my eCommerce store. The main purpose of the website will be to review the products I sell, write detailed how to guides for DJ's, party planners, mobile DJ's etc. There will be links on the current ecommerce website (which currently gets around anything from 500 to 1000 unique hits a day) going to the new blog website. But would I be better off keeping it on the same C Block even though they are going to be two very different websites and the blog may not always necessarily be about the products on my ecommerce website and may be products on say eBay, Amazon, etc. (In otherwords, it's going to be it's own website with an unbiased opinion, but the ecommerce site will be linking to it on certain products that are reviewed on there). Any help is appreciated 🙂

    | tomhall90

  • Hello, For some reason Google shows sitemap results when i search for my blog url is Google ranking my sitemap but not a post, especially when i search for full URL? Thanks

    | KentR

  • According to SEOMoz platform, one of my wordpress websites deals with duplicate content because of the tags I use. How should I fix it? Is it loyal to remove tag links from the post pages?

    | giankar

  • Doing research for clients, I have came across seeing sites displaying hyperlinks underneath their own meta description. keywords that I have googled that result with hyperlinks displaying under meta descriptions: Google'd: iacquire (brand) bmw wheels (Beyern Wheels, position 1) aftermarket bmw wheels (MMR Wheels, position 2) These companys have hyperlinks underneath their descriptions. Anyone have any ideas why this happens or how it happens?

    | frnprz

  • Google has the results that appear at the top of the search results when searching for a product that shows stores. I was trying to figure out some good ways to get yourself noticed as a store to Google. I have attached an image of what I am talking about What do you guys think? Thanks! arPjm

    | Gordian

  • Hi, When can we expect the keyword difficulty tool to be operational again? Thanks

    | dt1807

  • Hello Everyone! This is a question about my site, which is running on WordPress. Currently, I have category page to have the noindex, follow attributes, as they have little unique content. I do have them currently in my sitemap.xml file, however. Should I remove them from the sitemap since Google technically shouldn't index them? Thanks for your help!

    | Zachary_Russell

  • There were no changes made and all my old errors dissapeard, i think something went wrong. Is it possible to start another crawl earlyer then scheduled?

    | KnowHowww

  • Hi, I am much aware with SEO. But still there is a confusion in my mind. I am in the process of making blog for my Business website. I am confused between whether my blog should be with sub-directory( blog) or with sub-domain(blog. There are many articles on this topic but they have created much confusions. Please suggest me the best option and also give me reason behind it if you can. Thanks

    | Perfect007

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