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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi Is it ok or bad practice to domain forward shorter more memorable snappier domains used for promoting a website to a longer domain where the website actually lives, such as: Promoting in social media profiles, emails and offline literature a domain with forwarding set up like: To the main website: And if ok (not bad practice), since its the forwarded domains that are being promoted they are hence the links most likely to be shared on social media and other websites so will they be treated like 301's and 'link building' for those will pretty much equate to link building for the main domain (or not) ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Is there a way we can check if a list of domains is a parked domain?

    | WizardOfMoz

  • I've done some research but can't find a good answer to this question. Here's my situation: Site redirects from to just fine. However, it doesn't work so well for internal pages. My site incorrectly redirects (non-www) to when it should instead go to So I need a method to redirect non-www internal pages to www versions. Currently I have this in my .htaccess - do I need to modify the rules? RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Thanks

    | 3plains

  • I changed my hosting company coz better server hardware and results (google). My website was perfectly for every queries on google but after changing company and ip address some results dropped to second page. What can i do now? These drops caused by changing ip address?

    | umutege

  • I was working yesterday on making my WP site quicker ( and after updating the htaccess file to solve some "Leverage Browser Caching" issues I re-ran a scan on Pingdom Tools and am now getting a zero for "Parallelize downloads across hostnames" with a list of 34 items to fix. I did some web searches and when the articles started talking about cnames, subdomains, and hostname distribution it went beyond my capabilities. Are these Parallelize "issues" something a novice like myself can easily fix?  If so, how?

    | Anita_Clark

  • Our real estate website URL is listed on desktop search as well as the mobile URL. I've read several blogposts on this subject but I still don't understand the fix for this. I've read to use rel=canonical tags. But does that stop Google from listing it in the desktop SERP? Is there a way to stop this without blocking the mobile site which is what our programmer wants to do? Or is this something we have to live with until Google fixes this issue?

    | MassMedia

  • I added my site almost two weeks ago to the PRO DashBoard, and so far only 404 pages has been crawled, - but I know for a fact that there is 3500 pages that should be crawled. Other search engines has no problem in crawling and indexing these pages, so what can be wrong here ?

    | haybob27

  • I am running yoast SEO plugin in WP. I just noticed when I google the client, none of their meta data is showing. I see that I had facebook OG clicked, which looks like it made duplicates of all the titles etc. Would that be the problem? I have since turned it off. I am hoping that was the problem. Also, when the client searches it says in the meta desc - you've viewed this site many times". What is that?

    | netviper

  • Hi there I have lost a whole directory in Google rankings and this is where my traffic was coming from. Do you know why this would happen? It is the eCommerce part of the site. So if I do the site is there and then is not there any more. Thanks for your help.

    | vcasebourne

  • Does anyone know the impact of Parallax scrolling from a SEO prospective?

    | AlgoFreaks

  • Hi i've searched about this and read about this and i can't get my head around it and could really do with some help. I have a lot of contact buttons which all lead to the same enquiry form and dependant on where it has come from it fills in the enquiry field on the contact form. For example if you are on the airport transfer page it will carry the value so its prefilled in (.php?prt=Airport Transfers). The problem is it's coming up as a duplicate page however its just the 1. I have this problem with quite a few sites and really need to combat this issue. Any help would be very much appreciated. airport-transfers.php

    | i7Creative

  • A few months ago I moved all my Wordpress images into a sub domain. After I purchased CDN service, I again moved that images to my root domain. I added User-agent: * Disallow: / to my CDN domain. But now, when I perform site search on the Google, I found that my CDN sub domains are indexed by the Google. I think this will make duplicate content issue. I already hit by the Panguin. How do I remove these search results on Google? Should I add my cdn domain to webmaster tools to request URL removal request? Problem is, If I use it shows my My blog:- site search result:-

    | Godad

  • Client of mine utilizes pageflip for their product brochures and would love to have this content be crawl-able by search engines. Is there a way to make them SEO friendly so I may utilize this content?

    | richn33

  • Hello there Our main site is We also run a number of partner sites (eg: We've relcanonical'd the  products on the partner site back to the main ( site. eg: rel canonicals back to: My question: Should we also relcanonical the homepage and other key pages on partner sites back to the main arenaflowers website too? The content is similar but not identical. We don't want our partner sites to be outranking the original (as is the case on kw flower delivery for example). (NB this situation may be complicated by the fact we appear to have an unnatural link penalty on (and when we did an upgrade a while back, the site fell out of the index altogether due to some issues with our move to AWS.) We're getting professional SEO advice on this but wondered what the Moz community's thoughts were.. Cheers, Will


  • Hi
    I have a problem with seomoz, it is saying my website has page errors on 19,680 pages. Most of the errors are for duplicate page titles. The website itself doesn't even have 100 pages. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thanks Luke

    | looktouchfeel

  • Has any one come across any recent cases of a 302 link passing more link juice than before?

    | CeeC-Blogger

  • I had a few hundred URLs that died on my site. Google Webmaster Tools notified me about the increase in 404 errors. I fixed all of them by 301 redirecting them to the most relevant page and did multiple header checks to ensure that the 301 has been implemented correctly. Now a few weeks later, Google is giving me the exact same message in Google Webmaster Tools but they are all still 301 redirected. WTF?


  • Someone (maybe my Competitors) open a subdomain  on Just like , and use following script to redirect to my website. var s=document.referrer; if(s.indexOf("google")>0 || s.indexOf("bing")>0 || s.indexOf("yahoo")>0 || s.indexOf ("aol")>0){ self.location='mywebsiteurl'; } so , If anyone seach in google ,and click on , this script will direct the user to my website.   I have found many cases like that, is that harmful ? how can i avoid that?

    | sunvary

  • We received the dreaded letter from google in reference to "unnatural or artificial links" Our site has affiliate programs through Commission Junction and Link Share and between the two programs we have over 8000 affiliates or advertisers. Our site has been very successful, but our organic search traffic is down as our rankings in the search engines have dropped. My question is do the affiliate links have an effect on our site with Panda or Penguin?

    | Statrak

  • ..... ..... ..... We have so many page like this page and we want to remove all this page from Google search results. How can I remove from Google Webmaster Tools Help!

    | iskq

  • I use the XML sitemap generator at and use the filter that forces the tool to respect robots.txt exclusions. This generator allows me to review the entire sitemap before downloading it. Depending on the site, I often see all kinds of non-content files still listed on the sitemap. My question is, should I be editing the sitemap to remove every file listed except ones I really want spidered, or just ignore them and let the Google spiderbot figure it all out after I upload-submit the XML?

    | DonB

  • Good afternoon, I am in the middle of re branding my Computer Repair Business that has been established for the past 5 years now and does very well in GOOGLE for all things computer repair search related queries. I have a done tons of research on the Migration process and all elements involved for the past month now and I have been doing SEO for the past 5 years and am quite knowledgeable and very fluent with search engine optimization. I have a bit of a unique situation going on in my particular instance. Not only am I re branding the business and trying to maintain my GOOGLE rankings trying to pull this off  at the busiest time of the year (summer months) but I am also going to be physically relocating my business after the busy (Summer Season) from my current location of Wilmington, NC to Charlotte, NC. Yes, I do understand that Winter would have been the best (time) to do all of this massive changing around but, my hand is forced and this is being done out of necessity for monetary survival purposes and I really have no choice in the matter currently! With that said here is my dilemma. I am setting up a SILO Site Architecture using the "Thesis Framework" and WordPress which will be an improvement by 5 fold of what I have in my current well established JOOMLA site that has done very well in GOOGLE Search these past 5 years (all first page results) for anything (Computer Repair) related in Wilmington, NC. So, I am trying run damage control on this situation and I have a number of questions that need a strategic well thought out answer from a different perspective on this matter. 301 Redirect question: I want to include my geo targeted location in my URL String as it has served me well in the pass however, seeing how I am going to be Physically relocating myself and the business to Charlotte, NC from my current location of Wilmington, NC after the summer months what will I need to take into consideration with this situation in regards to the 301 redirect? _ "If I include my current location (Wilmington NC) in the destination (New Domain) URL string for any given 301 redirect from my existing website to the new website and then physically move to another city 3 months later is this setting myself up for a BIG Failure??"_ Seeing how I have no idea of how this technically works with GOOGLE as far as how long this (migration process) takes to Fully complete where the OLD domain completely drops off and everything is Fully passed over to the New Domain in terms leaving the 301 Re directs in place on the Old Domain Server. How long does this process usually take with GOOGLE? Information that you should know: This is my First Experience doing a Site Migration! The NEW DOMAIN is on a Different Server and IP I will be performing 301 Redirects on a Page to Page Basis! I DO plan on keeping the Old Domain Server Account online for  4 months after the migration process. Both OLD and NEW domains are on HOST GATOR (separate accounts) I am Migrating from JOOMLA to WordPress I am using the Thesis Framework for the new WordPress site (New Domain) I have created and established a well thought out SILO Site Architecture for the (NEW DOMAIN) using Parent and Child Pages in WordPress (not posts) supported by many hours of keyword research for my SILO Themes I am changing My Existing /computer-repair.hml URL Structure to  WordPress **/computer-repair/ ** remember.. (using WP - Pages) not posts! I am re branding my Company business from Community Computer Repair to PC Medics On Call I am  reducing my on page Content because it is too long in the Tooth for my customer base and although the search engines love it, in it's current state (long winded and well written) it is having a negative effect on the people that actually pay my bills (my customers) but my new Site Hierarchical Structure will rectify a lot of the negative fall out from this change that would otherwise kill me in the search rankings from doing this. In addition to being an proficient SEO I am also a developer and a coder. The New Domain is Currently ALLOWING only my IP Address while I sort this out and until I complete the new site structure and get the content and ON Page done. For the Destination Domain URL Structure, is including my current City (Wilmington NC) going to be an issue with the 301 Redirects seeing how I am moving to Charlotte NC around September? Having the Geo Targeted City in my URL Structure will help offset some of the damage caused by the changes that I need to make. Plus, the URL looks less spammy looking at the examples below when icluding location after the keyword phrase **Example -1   -  ** VIRUS REMOVAL SILO With GEO Targeted Location after Keyword Without - GEO Targeted Location after Keyword ** Example -2 -**   COMPUTER REPAIR SILO With GEO Targeted Location after Keyword Without - GEO Targeted Location after Keyword As far as the potential problems with icluding the Wilmington NC in the Targeted URL destination for the 301 Redirect and then changing my Actual City location for the business 2 1/2 - 3 months later is this going to be an issue? Pertaining to the 301 redirect question above, how exactly would I handle this if I used Wilmington, NC after the Keyword when I initiate the 301 Redirect to the site? Can I later change this in the  OLD Domain .htaccess 3 months later to reflect the Charlotte Location and also do the necessary 301 Redirect in the NEW DOMAIN to reflect the permanent move? I hope I have not confused this any by the way that I am asking? Here is a screen shot of the NEW DOMAIN layout for the Links below and above. NOTE: Currently, ALL Silo Menu Themes have -  wilmington-nc/ incorporated after the targeted Keyword SEOMOZ-PC-MEDICS-ON-CALL-1.jpg SEOMOZ-PC-MEDICS-ON-CALL1.jpg

    | MarshallThompson31

  • I have a site with about 12k pages on a topic... each of these pages could use another several pages to go into deeper detail about the topic. So, I am wondering, for SEO purposes would it be better to have something like 50,000 new pages for each sub topic or have one page that I would pass parameters to and the page would be built on the fly in code behind. The drawback to the one page with parameters is that the URL would be static but the effort to implement would be minimal.  I am also not sure how google would index a single page with parameters. The drawback to the 50k pages model is the dev effort and possibly committed some faux pas by unleashing so many links to my internal pages.  I might also have to mix aspx with html because my project can't be that large. Anyone here ever have this sort of choice to make?  Is there a third way I am not considering?

    | Banknotes

  • Hey guys, I'm just wondering whether you can help me out here. We're considering moving our servers to a new country but are a little hesitant to what  - if any - SEO impact it would have on our clients' sites. For instance, if all of our clients are UK-based but their server isn't, would that affect their rank in Google UK? Or is it simply just a case of whether moving a server would affect the site speed or not?

    | Webrevolve

  • live site: stage site: We recently finished a redesign of our site to improve our navigation. Our developer insisted on hosting the stage site on her own server with a separate domain while she worked on it. However, somebody left the site turned on one day and Google crawled the entire thing. Now we have 4,320 pages of 100% identical duplicate content with this other site. We were upset but didn't think that it would have any serious repercussions until we got two orders from customers from the stage site one day. Turns out that the second site was ranking pretty decently for a duplicate site with 0 links, the worst was yet to come however. During the 3 months of the redesign our rankings on our live site dropped and we suffered a 60% drop in organic search traffic. On May 22, 2013 day of the Penguin 2.0 release we received an unnatural inbound links warning. Google webmaster tools shows 4,320 of our 8,000 links coming from the stage site domain to our live site, we figure that was the cause of the warning. We finished the redesign around May 14th and we took down the stage site, but it is still showing up in the search results and the 4,320 links are still showing up in our webmaster tools. 1. Are we correct to assume that it was the stage site that caused the unnatural links warning? 2. Do you think that it was the stage site that caused the drop in traffic? After doing a link audit I can't find any large amount of horrendously bad links coming to the site. 3. Now that the stage site has been taken down, how do we get it out of Google's indexes? Will it be taken out over time or do we need to do something on our end for it to be delisted? 4. Once it's delisted the links coming from it should go away, in the meantime however, should we disavow all of the links from the stage site? Do we need to file a reconsideration request or should we just be patient and let them go away naturally? 5. Do you think that our rankings will ever recover?

    | gallreddy

  • I have just started working on this website  and I am wanting to get some feedback on how to fix a problem I have encountered.  When I search for my business on Google maps there are 2 listings there.  One lists the wrong website and the other one I can make changes too.  Also when I search for the business in google local there is another page.  Here are the pages:   I can edit this one.  This one I can not edit but seems to use pictures in my Google places listing.   This listing is asking me to send verification code. How do I fix this ?  How is this happening? Would love some help on this one.

    | CKerr

  • When creating a 301 mapping file for product pages, what is best practice
    for which version of the URL to redirect to? Base directory or one
    subdirectory/category path. Example Old URL: Which of the following should be the new target URL: This is assuming the canonical tag will be Also, if cannot be reached via site
    navigation would it be detrimental to make that the target URL if Google
    cannot crawl that naturally? Thanks

    | Bucktown

  • Hello, we have a search site that offers tips to help with search/find. These tips are organized on the site in xml format with commas... of course the search parameters are duplicated in the xml so that we have a number of tips for each search parameter. For example if the parameter is "dining room" we might have 35 pieces of advice - all less than a tweet long. My question - will I be penalized for keyword stuffing - how can I avoid this?

    | acraigi

  • Our site is built on Dot Net Nuke. SEOmoz shows a very large amount of duplicate content because at the beginning each page got an extension in the following format: The site additionally exists without the tabid... part. Our web developer says an easy fix with a canonical tag or 301 redirect is not possible. Does anyone have DNN experience and can point us in the right direction? Thanks, Ricarda

    | jsillay

  • Hi, I'm working on a site and I'm having some issues with its structure causing duplicate content. The first issue is that the search pages will show up as duplicates. 
    A search for new inventory may be new.aspx
    The duplicate may be something like new.aspx=page1, or something like that and so on. The second issue is with inventory. When new inventory gets put into the stock of the store, a new page for that item will be populated with duplicate content. There appears to be no canonical source for that page. How can I fix both of these? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi All Would love some help, fairly new at SEO and using SEOMoz, I've looked through the forums and have just managed to confuse myself. I have a customer with a lot of duplicate page title/content errors in SEOMoz.  It's an umbraco CMS and a lot of the errors appear to be blog archives and pagination.  i.e. and then also (empty page) (empty page) This continues for different years and months and blog entries and creates hundreds of errors. What's the best way to handle this for the SEOMoz report and the search engines.  Should I rel=canonical the /blog page?  I think this would probably affect the SEO of all the blog entries? Use robots.txt?  Sitemaps?  URL parameters in the search engines? Appreciate any assistance/recommendations Thanks in advance Ian

    | iragless

  • Hey guys, I've made a post or two before, but my story is that I've been learning SEO for a while now and have only recently (in the last four months) had the opportunity to actually apply what I've been reading about. What I've learned while trying to put these things into practice is that it can be pretty tough sledding, even when it comes to basic elements like keywords and search results. Anyway, to the good stuff. I've been helping my brother's startup company in my spare time because I want them to do well. They're on the last legs of their series A funding and have no money to put towards SEO, content marketing or social, so I'm helping when and where I can for free. The company is Maluuba, a siri-like personal assistant app for Android with a ton of different domains. They launched at TechCrunch Disrupt and actually have a lot of traction and a fair amount of publicity, so I'm not exactly working with scraps, but I don't work with them in their offices and only really communicate with my brother, who is having a really hard time getting buy-in for some of the stuff I want them to do. Their initial website was pretty terrible, so my brother got the okay to redesign the site and together, we worked with a designer to implement the site I linked to. Because they have so many domains (search, social, organization) I thought creating specific pages along with a one homepage would be a good way to optimize for different things and funnel a wider audience to convert to the one macro goal of the site: getting people to download the app. The results haven't been exactly what I expected and I fear I didn't really implement what I still think is a good plan correctly. I've only tried to optimize the pages for a few keywords to start. The main keyword for the homepage and indeed the brand is 'personal assistant app' which is a fairly competitive keyword that I know have them ranking second for on Google CA. I used 'siri-alternative' as a secondary keyword, since that's how they label themselves in the Play Store. For the three other main (pages search, social, organization) I used 'personal assistant app' as a secondary keyword and tried to optimize each page for 'search app', 'social app' and 'organizer app', respectively. While I'm really quite proud that I managed to get a page ranking in the top three for our main keyword, I'm just as disappointed that it's the  search page and not the homepage, mainly because I have no idea why it's happening. So, all of that to ask a few questions: Did I make a mistake by trying to add funnels to the site? Or did I just go about optimizing the pages incorrectly? Why does the search page rank really, really well for 'personal assistant app' while the other pages - including the one I intended to rank the highest for that term - lag behind? I'd guess that Google is indexing this page alone as the main representative of 'personal assistant app', but that wasn't my intention. I'm also not using any rel=canonical tags, if that matters. Also, this page has been flipping around in the 1-3 range in the SERPs for about a month, but I still haven't noticed any traffic from 'personal assistant app'. Alright, this is getting way to long. I'd very much appreciate any and all insights as to what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing. It could be really obvious and thus make this post silly, but I really have read and tried to learn a lot. I just can't see what's going on here because I don't have any experience to compare it to. Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers, JD

    | JDMcNamara

  • Hi, My site is [removed] When I first tried to set up a new campaign for the site, I received the error: Roger has detected a problem: We have detected that the root domain [removed] does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information. I then ran a Crawl Test per the FAQ. The SEOmoz crawl report only shows my home page URL and does not have any inner site pages. This is a Joomla site. What is the problem? Thanks! Dave

    | crave81

  • Hi all, I have more or less published two versions of our site. One on "www" and one without. And of course we uncovered it during our SEO crawl as "duplicate" content/titles. My guess (hope) is this is something that can be easily fixed on the server side, but I don't have a lot of knowledge around it. Does anyone know?

    | Becky_Converge

  • We have an event related website so i wanted to use data highlighter because most of our event pages are the same. But data highlighter doesn't show those pages, I will see only an empty page. For example Does someone of you understand what is going on. Data highlighter does show the homepage. I am thinking it is maybe because of tabbed browsing, or the chat function in that page. Hope someone can help. You can see a screenshot of Data Highlighter I hope someone can help because i am lost 🙂 Cheers Ruud

    | RuudHeijnen

  • Hi all, I have a client that I recently started working with whose site was built with the following structure: Essentially, there is a /default.asp version of every single page on the site. That said, I'm trying to figure out the easiest/most efficient way to fix all the /default.asp pages...whether that be 301 redirecting them to the .com version, adding a canonical tag to every .asp page, or simply NOINDEXing the .asp pages. I've seen a few other questions on here that are similar, but none that really say which would be the easiest way to accomplish this without going through every single page... Thanks in advance!

    | marisolmarketing

  • Hey mozzers, I'm in quite the pickle today and would really appreciate some help! i need a way to have my members set their default custom search engine on their iPhones and androids to our sites search engine. Google chrome does on desktops but not iPhones. Thanks for your time/help, Tyler Abernethy

    | TylerAbernethy

  • My page recently moved from first page to past the 15th. I was never penalized on the last update and have very few links pointing to this page. I can't figure out why i just moved so far back. Can anyone offer some advice?

    | Roots7

  • site:WHATEVER YOU PUT HERE 🙂 is currently always showing just 3 SERP pages and the well known ugly message: In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 30 already displayed.
    If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. Any idea what's going on?!!? Ongoing update?

    | j.royal

  • Hello, I have just updated content at some URL site links, and I also added new URL content. Should I submit URL or re-create a sitemap then submit it to search engines? And please advise me some tools for submit them?

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi all, so having followed lots of SeoMoz guidelines that we have read here and standard SEO ideas we seem to no longer be able to rank for our core keywords.. and certainly not rank in front of the big brands. We're a small eCommerce company and have historically ranked Google positions 1-4 for many of our keywords (a year or two ago)... but now no where near this any more. We always write unique content  for our products of usually around 300-400 words per product we include our keywords in Title, meta description and H1 tags. We include buyers guides and set up articles on the site and generally have a reasonable amount of good quality and always uniquely written content Recently we have concentrated to ensure that  page load speed is above average and Google Web Master Tools page speed gives us around 80-90 out of 100 We carry out linking and have always done... in the most recent past this has been weighted towards 'content for links' to gain purely incoming links (although in the early days from 2005 we did swap links with other web masters as well as write and publish on article sites etc). product category pages have an intro piece of text that includes the key phrases for that page and is placed as close to the body tag as possible. From what I understand if you are hit by Panda or Penguin the drop off is invariably over night, but we have not seen this... more of a gradual decline over the last year or two (although there was a bit of a downward blip on Panda update 20). Now we're lucky to be on page 2 for what were our main keywords / phrases such as "portable DVD players" or "portable DVD player"... in front of us in every position is a big national brand.. and certainly on page 1 it is purely only a big brand in every postion. They don't have great info from what we can see for these keywords and certainly don't give as much info as we do. For the phrase "portable DVD player" our portable DVD accessories page ranks better than our actual portable DVD player category page... which we also can't understand? This is our portable DVD category page: Currently we're starting to produce 2 minute product demo videos for as many of our product detail pages as we can and we plan to host these on something such as Vimeo so that content will be unique to our site (rather than YouTube) in order to give us a different format of unique content on many of our product detail pages to improve rankings (and conversion rates as the same time ideally). So ... I am hoping that some one out there can point us in the right direction and shed some light on our declining positions. Are we doing or have done something wrong... or is it in these post Panda / Penguin days extremely difficult for a small business to beat the big brands as Google believes these are what every one wants to see when shopping? Thanks for any comments and / or help.

    | jasef

  • Hi, My 404 page did not have meta description. Is it an error? Because I run report and seomoz said that a problem. Thanks!

    | JohnHuynh

  • We have a client who has two well trusted web properties, their insurance site where they sell insurance offerings, and a state specific blog they own where they promote healthy living. They want to improve their traffic/rankings/etc to the main site but they want to keep their blog where its at for PR (it already has a great following). So my quesiton is, if we do set up a secondary blog on the main site and use canonical tags on the more trusted external blog to link to the main site. Will that pass on the link popularity their external blog gets along with all the benefits of the fresh content, etc? I've never actually seen anyone do this yet, keen to try it but not with a client.


  • I have an immigration attorney that wants a website in English and another in Spanish. We're going to have some of the website content from the English site translated via a translator to make it true, conversation spanish (automatic translators are good, but not perfect, and we want perfect). So my question is do you think we should use two different domains (,, a subdomain ( or maybe just a separate section of the regular site ( My thought would be either a subdomain or a separate section so that we're not splitting PR.

    | atstickel12

  • As you can see, there are 2 results for the same page. One is the correct page URL, the other has the Feedburner parameters at the end: Can this cause duplicate content issues? Can I prevent Google from indexing my Feedburner links? My Feedburner settings are already set to noindex, what else can I do?!? 22cfThX.png

    | sbrault74

  • I have looked everywhere. I thought it might have just showed up while making some changes, so while in webmaster tools i said it was fixed.....It's still there. Even moz pro found it. error is No idea how it even happened. thought it might be a plugin problem. Any ideas how to fix this?

    | NateStewart

  • I have used vBulletin with vBSEO for a number of years and have been happy with the SEO results that I have achieved. However, vBulletin's recent releases have become unstable, full of bugs and are not secure. I am intending on starting some new forums in the near future and would like to move away from vBulletin. I have heard good things about Xenforo and IP Boards. Does anybody have any experience with either platforms built in SEO functionality?

    | statman87

  • Hi all, Just wondering whether anybody has experience of CMSs that do a double redirect and what affect that has on rankings. here's the example /page.htm is 301 redirected to /page.html which is 301 redirected to /page As Google has stated that 301 redirects pass on benefits to the new page, would a double redirect do the same? Looking forward to hearing your views.

    | A_Q

  • Hi I've recently set up a load of 301 redirects for a clients new site design/structure  relaunch One of the things we have done is take the kw out of the sub-category landing page url's since they now feature in the top level category page urls and don't want to risk over-optimisation by having kw repeats across the full urls.  So the urls have changed and the original pages 301'd to the new current pages. However If rankings start to drop & i decide to change urls again to include kw in final part of url too for the sub category landing pages, whats best way to manage the new redirects ? Do i redirect the current urls (which have only been live for a week and have the original/old urls 301'd to them) to the new url's ? (worried this would create a chain of 301's which ive heard is not ideal) Or just redirect the original urls to the new ones, and can forget about the current pages/url's since only been live for a week ?
    (I presume best not since GWT sitemaps area says most new urls indexed now so I presume sees those as the original pages replacement now) Or should they all be 301'd (original urls and current urls to the new) ? Or best to just run with current set up and avoid making too many changes again, and setting up even more 301's after having just done so ? Many Thanks 🙂 Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I've been trying for months now to get our images indexed by Google  Would love to know if anyone can see a reason why they haven't here is the sitemap Also 54 pages were submitted but only 9 have been indexed? Any help would be great Thanks

    | tidybooks

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