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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have 2 websites with same business name and same business address, and obvious 2 different domain names.  I am providing the same services from 2 websites. Is this is a problem?

    | AlexanderWhite

  • I have a question about the "container" that's created whenever microdata markup is applied. What is the purpose of this? I know Google says it helps them understand your content etc. but it creates a really bad eyesore wherever microdata markup is used. Basically a box with all the markup details right there in the body. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this why microdata markup has been so slow to be adopted by webmasters? I understand "hiding" the box in your CSS is not a good idea either. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | ThridHour

  • Last week I had over 1800 backlinks showing up in GWT.  4 days ago I had 20, and now I have 5.  I have a very diverse link profile ranging from social bookmarks to YouTube, to Business Listings (Yelp, etc), and they're all gone.  Clearly there is not a particular segment of my links that are being targeted here, they've all been completely wiped out.  My rankings have fallen, and where I was on page 1/2 for all my targeted KWs, I'm now on Page 3, 4, and 5.  There are no penalties showing up in GWT, so I'm completely at a loss as to what is going on.  Please help! Website is:

    | JBick

  • The ecommerce platform of the site that I am working on generates URLs that contain ID Codes for each different product category, color variations, styles, etc. An example of a URL for a specific product includes: Is it a problem for search engine crawlers if the URL address has so many backslashes in its address? Appreciate your feedback.

    | SEO_Promenade

  • We implemented rich snippets for products some time ago. When viewing our site through a on Google, they don't show for every product, despite the fact that they should. I've taken some of the URLs that don't show rich snippets in the SERPs, ran them through Google's testing tool, and they display fine. Not sure what's going wrong here. Any thoughts?

    | Kingof5

  • I have a client with a HUGE website who should be ranking for it's competitive keywords. No penalties, or bad links. Old domain. Not ranking for anything. Client has a huge AdWords spend and my theory is that it's not ranking organically because of the AdWords spend. I can't think of anything other reason. Anyone? Thanks. The keywords I'm trying to rank this client for aren't even competitive.

    | 0102345

  • Like it says above, Google is processing but not indexing our latest XML sitemap. I noticed this Monday afternoon - Indexed status was still Pending - and didn't think anything of it. But when it still said Pending on Tuesday, it seemed strange. I deleted and resubmitted our XML sitemap on Tuesday. It now shows that it was processed on Tuesday, but the Indexed status is still Pending. I've never seen this much of a lag, hence the concern. Our site IS indexed in Google - it shows up with a search with the same number of pages as it always has. The only thing I can see that triggered this is Sunday the site failed verification via Google, but we quickly fixed that and re-verified via WMT Monday morning. Anyone know what's going on?

    | Kingof5

  • Hello fellow Mozzers! We've recently rewritten the content for a cloud-based project management tool, they then asked about what they could do to rank higher. As well as suggesting the usual content creation methods to help build links (which it looks like they'll need a LOT of - the field is either made up of terms that have no searches, or are extremely competitive), I wondered if there was any way of harnessing the fact they provide a cloud-based SaaS - a 'Powered by...' notice or somesuch? The only thing is they provide a project budget management tool, so I'm guessing the site itself wouldn't actually be coming into contact with the tool? Does anyone have any experience / advice working on a similar scenario where you've managed to leverage the tool for links where it's cloud-based? Thanks in advance for any help! Nick.

    | themegroup

  • I have a wordpress blog hosted on a separate domain.  I have a new empty blog on a subdomain of my-commerce  main site. The new blog has a different wordpress theme & categories than the old blog. What is a good way to populate the new blog with content from the old? What do I do with the old blog once the move is done? Thank you for your thoughts on this Handcrafter

    | stephenfishman

  • We have a new feature that's been live for a couple days here: My concern is that the developer relied very heavily on css for content and image layout. Such that the meat of our pages looks pretty meager: Google does parse css, but I'm not sure if it does so for content, or just to verify the site isn't doing something nefarious. Will google see our deeper content in the css, or view the page as being very thin?

    | ir-seo-account

  • Hello i have this website and because i forgot to renew the domain it was 15 days unavailable ... it was ranking pretty well i had 4000 a month from google , but right now i have 0 ... the keywords that used to be on the first places are very far away or dont rank anymore... Is  there something i can do now.?.. I need this website back to ranking because i am about to launch new products on the website. Thanks a lot, David

    | conexion33

  • I have a new client who this year chose to eliminate using a "stronger", older domain (domain authority 50) for a newer, weaker domain (domain authority 38). The redirects actually started end of 2013 and happened over time by page/section. All were completed by Jan 12 2014. While 301 redirects are in place, and the robots.txt is disallowing all (187 pages blocked), it looks as though Google is still indexing pages (149 indexed) although not sure why. Perhaps they should be removed from the server? In spite of the redirects, they are not getting the (combined) traffic expected. Should they have had that expectation? Could it be because they are going from a "stronger", long established domain to a "weaker", newer domain, that it may take a long time to recover? They recently had another agency review the links on the weaker domain and they submitted a file to Google to disavow the links they found to be "toxic" however it doesn't seem to have made any difference, yet. Any idea how long it "should" take to make a difference, if it will indeed make a difference? They do have a blog in a sub-directory that doesn't get much traffic (approx 0.50% of the total traffic). Every post ends with a blatant self-promotion and due to Penguin, they have recently begun to mix up their link text and not include a link on every post. Last their target audience is both B-B and B-C, with B-B being priority. The big question I have is do you see changes take place with almost instant results in Google? Or am I right in telling him, this will take some time. He feels it's been almost 4 months now and their visibility/traffic should be more in par with what it was combined. Something to note is that they were sort of competing with themselves by using both domains however the number of searchers probably hasn't changed much... Thank you so much for giving me your 2 cents!

    | cindyt-17038

  • Hi I am working on a website that is ranking well in bing for the domain name / exact url search but appears no where in Google or Yahoo.  I have done the site search in Google and it is indexed so I am presuming it is in the sandbox.  The website was originally developed in India and I do not know whether it had some history of bad backlinks.  The website itself is well optimised and I have checked all pages in Moz - getting a grade A. Webmaster Tools is not showing any manual actions - I was wondering what I could do next?

    | AllieMc

  • To make 'jump to' navigation work, does the href or anchor need to contain descriptive text? For example, I know this is best: Install with Wubi But, would the below work just as well? Install with Wubi

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a page where I want to upload 20 pictures that are in a slideshow. Idea is that pictures will only load when users scroll down the page (otherwise too heavy loading). I see documentation on how to make this work and ensure search engines index all content. However, I do not see any documentation how to make this work for 20 pictures in a slideshow. It seems impossible to get a search engines to index all such pictures, when it shows only as users scroll down a page. This is documentation I am already familiar with, and which does not address my issue: thank you

    | khi5

  • I did a link analysis on this site And many of the pages shown to be linked to were pages like these There happens to be thousands of them and these pages actually no longer exist but the links to them obviously still do. I am planning to proceed by disavowing these links to the pages that don't exist. Does anyone see any reason to not do this, or that doing this would be unnecessary? Another issue is that Google is not really crawling this site, in WMT they are reporting to have not crawled a single URL on the site. Does anyone think the above issue would have something to do with this? And/or would you have any insight on how to remedy it?

    | ThridHour

  • Before submitting to Google, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for testing sitemaps out before submitting?

    | alrockn

  • Hi All, An eComm site has product pages where only 10 customer reviews are found in the source code on the product page, no matter how many reviews the product actually has. ALL reviews (including the 10 displayed on the product page) are located on a subdomain, split into many pages dependong on how many reviews a certain product has (some have well over 100 unique reviews). Reviews page: Corresponding product page: I'm fearing a Panda related problem here, especially since thousands of products have only 1 or two reviews, duplicated on the page and the corresponding product page. I also do not want to lose the unique content on the second and third reviews pages simply by noindexing/canonicaling them to the product page. My question is whether or not I can paginate the pages in a way that the product page is "page 1" and the first reviews page is "page 2," second page is "page 3" and so forth. Are there issues associated with domain-to-subdomain pagination? Can I utilize the pagination tab in this manner in the first place? There are currently more than 57,000 of these pages in the index that I would like to clean up so any/all suggestions are appreciated.

    | andrewv

  • What happens if one remove the disavow file from a site that has not received a manual penalty from Google. Although the site did suffer from a drop in traffic and rankings.

    | Taiger

  • We have a potential new client seeking to rank organically for a company name and brand product who have left the market (still in business as they are a massive medical company, but just moved away from selling this one specific product) and my new client has since picked up their slack and slowly a couple others have entered the market over the past 5 years with different products. My client's product is a direct replacement/alternative to the other product, actually, it's the same, just had to be renamed/rebranded. They are wondering how to get their website ranked for that company and branded product name to show in Google SERPs organically without being slapped with a cease and desist order. We know they can do it for PPC, but how for organic results since we need the content within the site pages or tags. Any suggestions or real life experiences would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to reading your feedback. Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • I've been creating sitemaps with XML Sitemap Generator, and have been downloading them to edit on my pc.  The sitemaps work fine when viewing in a browser, but when I download and open in Dreamweaver, the urls don't work when I cut and paste them in the Firefox URL bar.  I notice the codes are different.  For example, an "&" is produced like this..."&".  Extra characters are inserted, producing the error. I was wondering if this is normal, because as I said, the map works fine when viewing online.

    | alrockn

  • Hello, I have worked thoroughly on my website tags including HTML titles, URLs, H1 headers and text on each section. The problem is that despite this effort, my website does not seem to improve in terms of ranking (the onsite optimization has been done 6 months ago already). We have a sitemap, we have done link building and everything but still no tangible progress. The anomaly I am experiencing is the following: If I search on for "aparment for sale in lebanon" I don't get the section on my website that is optimized for that particular query (which is the Buy section located here my site appears only on page 6 but the Homepage appears which is very counter intuitive because it is not optimized for the "apartment for sale in Lebanon" keyword. And this anomaly is present on almost all sections and their relevant queries. The relevant section for the particular query never appears, it is always another irrelevant section that appears but far in the listings (beyond page 6). It is as if Google hasn't indexed properly my website and is mixing up the sections... Has anyone experienced this type of problems? what can be done? Thanks in advance

    | ImadKaram

  • Hey guys, I need some advice on a link profile I'm currently working on. Our client sells a product in the hunting industry and has been around for over ten years. I just finished up classifying and looking at all of their links today and found that around half of them are sponsor links, links on "link pages," and a few directory links with almost all of them being followed. Because we are the first company to do SEO for them, I know that these aren't maliciously solicited links, but I'm worried that they may be having a negative impact on the site. Most of the links are coming from other non-competing websites in the outdoor industry which typically tends to have very antiquated sites with very antiquated practices. Essentially, I don't want to go out and try to nofollow or disavow all of these links that the website has had for a long time on other related websites if they're helping us, but I also don't want to be leaving anything up that could algorithmically be identified as spam. Below are some examples to show you what I'm referring to by the sponsor links and link resource pages. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks! Sponsored - or or Link Resource Pages - or

    | CaddisInteractive

  • Have a client (ecommerce site with 1,000+ pages) who recently switched to OpenCart from another cart. Their organic search traffic (from Google, Yahoo, and Bing) dropped roughly 40%. Unfortunately, we weren't involved with the site before, so we can only rely on the wayback machine to compare previous to present. I've checked all the common causes of traffic drops and so far I mostly know what's probably not causing the issue. Any suggestions? Some URLs are the same and the rest 301 redirect (note that many of the pages were 404 until a couple weeks after the switch when the client implemented more 301 redirects) They've got an XML sitemap and are well-indexed. The traffic drops hit pretty much across the site, they are not specific to a few pages. The traffic drops are not specific to any one country or language. Traffic drops hit mobile, tablet, and desktop I've done a full site crawl, only 1 404 page and no other significant issues. Site crawl didn't find any pages blocked by nofollow, no index, robots.txt Canonical URLs are good Site has about 20K pages indexed They have some bad backlinks, but I don't think it's backlink-related because Google, Yahoo, and Bing have all dropped. I'm comparing on-page optimization for select pages before and after, and not finding a lot of differences. It does appear that they implemented when they launched the new site. Page load speed is good I feel there must be a pretty basic issue here for Google, Yahoo, and Bing to all drop off, but so far I haven't found it. What am I missing?

    | AdamThompson

  • We have been hit significantly with Panda and assume that our large index with some pages holding thin/duplicate content being the reason. We have reduced our index size by 95% and have done significant content development on the remaining 5% pages. For the old, removed pages, we have installed 410 responses (Page does not exist any longer) and made sure that they are removed from the sitempa submitted to Google; however after over a month we still see Google spider returning to the same pages and the webmaster tools shows no indicator that Google is shrinking our index size. Are there more effective and automated ways to make Google aware of a smaller index size in hope of Panda recovery? Potentially using the robots.txt file, GWT URL removal tool etc? Thanks /sp80

    | sp80

  • We have a primary donation page that we've tried to position well for the term 'Donate' and some of its longer-tailed derivatives. The page has plenty of high-quality backlinks and internal links, and hasn't had any manual actions taken against it. The backlink profile is fairly good from what I can tell, definitely not mainly spam. The issue is that it doesn't rank for 'Donate', at all really. For 'Donate Online' and 'Donate Canada', it ranks roughly #3-4 across major Canadian cities, but we're not even in the top 100 for 'Donate'. There are pages and domains that are way less optimized, with much weaker backlink profiles, that are ranking well ahead of us. It's not a noindex or robots problem, as the page ranks fine for many other terms. We also have a strong domain with around 660k backlinks according to MajesticSEO. Here's the URL in question: I'm hoping someone can help us diagnose what could be going wrong with this term specifically and how we can get this page into the SERPs where it belongs. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!

    | digitalcrc

  • Issue: I recently discovered that my site was accessible by both HTTP and HTTPS. The site has used a rel canonical tag to point to the HTTP version. Google+ was pointing to HTTPS though. The title, description, and URL shown in the results for the homepage is HTTPS, other pages are HTTP, etc... Steps taken to Resolve: This week I did the following... 301'd all non-checkout pages to the HTTP version Switched Google+ URL to HTTP version and added new post with an HTTP link to the homepage. Used webmaster tools to recrawl and reindex the site Resubmitted XML Sitemap No luck... the site is still not updating... any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all! Site is Here

    | AhlerManagement

  • Hi, our client has switched from a non-secure server to a secure (SSL) server.. but the non secure pages still exist, i.e. (non-secure) (secure) We assumed that we should 301 redirect the http pages to the new https pages using the following htaccess rule; RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L] HOWEVER! both of the above pages show the same Page Authority (PA) and Pagerank (PR).. does this mean that they are being seen as the same page, do we really need to employ 301 redirects? Many thanks in advance, much appreciated. 🙂 Lee

    | Webpresence

  • If I were optimizing for 'marketing success' and my URL structure was would that count? I'm not sure if the '/' affects the keyword term. My assumption is that it does, but I wasn't 100% sure. Thanks!

    | KristinaWitmer

  • Hi Guys, So we are close to launching our new site and just need to be sure that our canonical, duplicate issues are sorted before launch. So here is our current situation. The current site is on Then new site will be on The new launch is global and we will have the 3 stores within magento all in english. for the UK for US for all other countries On we have the following: On we have the following: On we have the following: This is how the magento company have set it up but am I right in saying the canonical tag for each store (/ROW and /US) should point to as the only difference is in the pricing £ $ and euros? Thanks for your help

    | Trespass

  • Hello, I am creating study guides for books with tabbed elements for each study guide. For example, for Othello, I'd have 3 tabs like so: 1. Overview page = 2. Context = 3. Characters = I noticed that YouTube channels have tabbed elements and use the canonical. For example, all of the tabbed sections on have this canonical"> In my case, would it be a correct use of the canonical tag to include rel="canonical" href = on each of the tabbed pages? Also, where exactly in the header should the canonical be placed? Before or after open graph / twitter cards?

    | stageagent

  • Hi, I'm clueless at the moment and looking for some advice. I've got a site build on the Genesis framework for WordPress. So the basis of technical seo is fine, also robots.txt and sitemap are ok. The content is seo proof, the autority is better then a lot of the competitors. Still the site won't rank anywhere near where it 'should' be .. The strange thing is on one keyword the site ranks 1 in Bing and is not to be found on Google. There are no Google penalties, all the seo tools in the world say everything is OK ....., last week for one of the keywords there was a ranking on page 1, a few days later the site didn't show up at all. The only thing I can think of is that the domain hasn't always had a good reputation. According to some backlinks (all disavowed) there has been porn on it some 5-6 years ago. Before the domainname was acquired.

    | Heers

  • Hi Guys This week is launch week so I'm just finishing off a few things ready for launch. Quick question for e-commerce guys. When adding the new site to webmaster tools, should we be adding each store i.e, trespass,com/us and as seperate sites or one site but with 3 xml sitemaps? Thanks

    | Trespass

  • Hello Mozzers! I want to discuss the science behind the perfect META Title in terms of three factors: 1. Ranking 2. CTR 3. Search Volume Hypothetical scenario: A furniture company "Boogie Beds" wants to optimise their META Title tag for their "Cane Beds" ecommerce webpage. 1. The keywords "Cane Beds' has a search volume of 10,000 2. The keywords " Cane Beds For Sale" has a search volume of 250 3. The keywords "Buy Cane Beds" has a search volume of 25 One of Boogie Beds SEO's suggests a META Title "Buy Cane Beds For Sale Online | Boogie Beds" to target and rank for all three keywords and capture long tail searches. The other Boogie Bed SEO says no! The META Title should be "Cane Beds For Sale | Boogie Beds" to target the most important two competitive keywords and sacrifice the "Buy" keyword for the other two Which SEO would you agree more with, considering 1. Ranking ability 2.  Click through rates 3. Long tail search volume 4. Keyword dilution Much appreciated! MozAddict

    | MozAddict

  • One of our clients is in the insurance industry and over the last 12 months we have seen an increasing number of low quality, newly registered, spammy sites achieving top 5 rankings for major keywords, which in turn is having an adverse effect on the rankings for our client. Does anyone have any idea how the following sites have managed to do this: - 2nd for taxi insurance - 1st for motor trade insurance - 3rd for motor trade insurance - 1st for fleet insurance We have tried reporting the above sites, tried holding out to see if they get penalised and tried figuring out what they have done ourselves but cannot see how they have managed it. Any ideas at all?

    | instinctive

  • Hiya Mozzers - I have a blog separate from main website which is duplicating the blog on the main website. This separate blog is duplicating the main website blog, so it needs to be closed down and redirected. There are some 200 pages of separate blog (identified via Screaming Frog). So I am suggesting the blog pages should be 301 redirected from the separate blog to the equivalent blog pages on the main website. Q1) Should the root domain of the separate blog be 301 redirected to the main page, or to the root domain of the main website? Q2) Should the blog pages, which lack equivalent content on the main website, be 301 redirected to the main page, or to the root domain of the main website? Thanks for your help on this one, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Guys i need some urgent help here as we need to get this sorted out soon. We have a page similar to wayfair shop the look: What are the best practices for URL structure if we applies 2-3 filters? Is wayfair style good for SEO? FYI: We create our crawlable, link friendly AJAX website using pushstate() but unsure of the structure for this case. We followed advice.

    | WayneRooney

  • Here is the message: "Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site:" Should i try to do anything about this? We are not having any indexation issues so we think Google is still crawling our whole site. What could be some possible repercussions of ignoring this? Thanks Mozzers! -Zack

    | znotes

  • I have the bad habit of renaming a html page sitting on my server, before uploading a new version.  I usually do this after a major change.  So after the upload, on my server would be "product.html" as well as "product050714".html.  I just stumbled on the fact G has been indexing these backups.  Can I just delete them and produce a 404?

    | alrockn

  • Howdy Mozzers! Our magento store URL's are accessible with or without a trailing slash at the end. Canonical's and 301 redirects are not set up for one of them at the moment. Will this cause duplicate issue? Do we need to set canonical or 301 up? Which one is recommended? MozAddict

    | MozAddict

  • I have an eCommerce site that dynamically creates category pages, which produce canonical tags in the header.  For multiple page categories, it adds the page number to the URL.  For example, this category has 3 pages.... Because most categories have too many products, I can't follow Googles suggestion of creating a "view all" page. Furthermore since all these pages use the same template, I'm unable to insert a NOINDEX tag in all the pages after the first page.  Also, in this scenario, I'm unable to insert the discreet code for Next/Previous, which is also suggested by Google. My only option for maintaining these dynamically generated category pages would be to hardcode the first conical tag in the template, which would then be produced on all subsequent paginated pages. Consequently, every paginated page in this category would have the same canonical tag pointing to the first page.  Would this incur the wrath of Google and would I'd be better off leaving the pagination they way it is?

    | alrockn

  • Hello, A new client of mine has an .com and an domain. Both the same content (and they don't have the capacity to make specific content on both domains). I am thinking building al domain authority to 1 domain. In this case the .com domain. 
    And forward the to this .com domain.
    In this way, the .com will rank in both UK as in other English speaking countries, right? Or not?
    Or should I use the  rel="alternate" hreflang="x" tag? I am not sure. But I do know big brands rank high in the Netherlands with .com domains (for example Looking forward on feedback on best practices here... Thanks!

    | Seeders

  • There's a lot of debate out there as far as too many internal links or too many levels of a website.  I've seen the videos from Rand and I've read a lot of the posts here on Moz, but I just want to know where everyone stands on this.  Anyone have experience with architecture while working on a large E-commerce site? We're talking Millions of pages and over 1,000 links off the homepage alone. Anyways, I don't want to get too specific.  I mostly just want to hear about experiences of the community. Thanks!

    | GalcoIndustrial

  • Is there a favorite SEO firm that you would recommend. Is there any site that ranks the top firms in the country?

    | movieguide

  • I wrote a blog post on one of my websites and it got picked up by reddit and I got a bunch of nice backlinks and now that website got a nice boost overall, and especially that blog post page. I now wish I would have posted the article on a different website of mine. I would prefer if this other site was getting the traffic and the good backlinks that I've acquired. What are the pros and cons if I move the content over to my other website, and 301 redirect just that one article to the article location on my other website? The blog post I wrote almost instantly began ranking for certain terms in Google.  Ideally I would like my other website to rank for those terms, but I realize there will be some differences as search engines look at the website as a whole and take many factors into consideration. I know there are tons of case studies and information about moving entire sites etc but I couldn't find much on this. Any advice, questions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

    | bradbowman

  • Hi, What if you have a blog and you want to add a shop to your site (like to profit from the domain autority, but... the shop uses a specific technique that needs to be hosted on an other server? I know a solution when I locate the shop at by changing the DNS settings, but in this case the shop will not profit from the domain autoriry. So,.. is there a technique (maybe also with DNS?) to host the shop on a different location, but for search engines and visitors it looks like it is on the same server? I hope somebody knows a solution...

    | Seeders

  • Hi All: Just writing in the hopes of a reality check. When I compare the first page or two of companies in any field it's usually clear why the top two are on top and why the bottom two are on the bottom, but for everything in between, it often looks pretty gray to me. It's very difficult to find a smoking gun as to why companies rank where they do. While looking at one you could say it ranks because of Yelp reviews and another because of links, but then there are other completely contradictory examples. So I guess I'm asking, is this just the nature of the business? Is a lot of this simply unknowable and you look at what you can do that is most expeditious and will have the most impact, as well as more expensive longer term steps, decide what is practical, move forward and see what happens? Grateful for anyone's thoughts so I can better understand just how lost i should feel. Cheers, Wes.

    | wrconard

  • I have a high level question and am open to all discussions. I work for a large ecommerce site and we are always making new landing pages, product assortments and promotions. We have a challenge on how to retire these pages after a promotion is outdated. What is this the MOZ community option on a way to retire, like 301 redirect to home page?

    | mm916157

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