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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Is the true? Claim by SiteGround Having a dedicated IP for each website is considered by some experts as an advantage for search engine optimization. There is a common believe that sites with dedicated IP addresses do better in the search engine results than those on shared IPs. Such sites do not share the risk of being banned for sharing the same IP in case another website hosted on the same server gets banned by a search engine.

    | JordanBrown

  • I am always listening about TLD. com. org .net but what about the .me domain. Can this will be effective in SEO. Can i able to beat down my competitors, if i choose .me . I also have a .com or other TLD option but if i am making my name than .me is for me but i need your suggestion for the seo purpose. Is there really domain affective in term of SEO.

    | pnb567

  • Hello, If I redirect a Panda penalized domain (DA 65, bad link profile) to another authority domain (DA 35, clean link profile), will it still carry a penalty? I've heard cases where a panda penalized domain moved to a brand new domain carried the penalty.

    | mashoid

  • For some reason, the search term "Tampa Personal Injury Attorney," shows this page of our's on the second page, but omits this page (the correct one). The correct one only shows up in omitted results. I have posted this question before. I made the changes suggested to me, and it actually worked for a couple weeks. But, it reverted back. I tried for the last two months to fix this on my own, but I just can't figure it out. Does anyone have any idea what to do here? Incredibly appreciative of any assistance, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We just released a very targeted page for a specific item about 18 hours ago. For the main keyword as well as multiple variations, we currently are ranking around # 40 to # 50 depending on what the exact query is. Is it normal to initially rank lower in the SERPs and then as the page ages, gain? Thank you for your insights!

    | DJ123

  • Hey Guys, I have developed a page and optimised it. I have got a dilemma, I have 2 variants of the optimised page I could use. The page is responsive and uses bootstrap from an external CDN. The 2 variants: External CDN - This is adding an an extra request and is delivering the entire framework (not ideal for mobile) I've looked in the node/grunt.js route (+unCSS) to remove redundant CSS, which led me to my next variant. Inline CSS. After doing some grunt.js work I shaved out the redundant code from the framework then added it inline. I will also point out that all assets are optimised, all CSS/JS/HTML is minifed. In terms for score the 1st variant is less than the second, but I believe that most users of the internet already have bootstrap cached due to it being so common. The ultimate question comes down to ranking, I'm not entirely sure where I draw the line between development and SEO (I will also ask in Stack Overflow). Which one would rank better? all other factors being equal.

    | AkashMakwana

  • My company (A) is about the merge with another company (B). The long-term plan is not to keep their brand or website. In terms of the merge process, I have been doing a bit of research and this is how I'm thinking about doing it so far., which is open minded about changing... On the homepage of company B, do a 302 redirect to an information page on the same website which details the merger. This will only be for a year. After a year has passed, do a 301 redirect to the homepage of company A Do 301 redirects from all other pages to similar pages on company A. For pages that don't correspond, either do a 302 to the 'merger detail page', or do a 301 to the homepage of company A. Bring across any content that is effective at driving traffic. Contact all high authority websites that have links to company B and request for them to be updated. Any tips/corrections appreciated. Stu

    | Stuart26

  • Which of these is the better taxonomy? solutions

    | CsmBill

  • Hello, I have a new website and updated fresh content regularly. My indexing status is very slow. When I search how to improve my indexing rate by Google, I found most of the members of Moz community replied there is no certain technique to improve your indexing. Apart from this you should keep posting fresh content more and more and wait for Google Indexing. Some of them asked for submitting sitemap and share posts on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. Well the above comments are from the year of 2012. I'm curious to know is there any new technique or methods are used to improve indexing rate? Need your suggestions! Thanks.

    | TopLeagueTechnologies

  • Hi Guys, Need help in understanding whether having duplicate pages on your site push you down in rankings. Our all product pages getting indexed by Google with different parameters i.e. filters, affiliate id, utm_source etc. and then we have 10-15 duplicate for one product page. I am observing dip in rankings whenever Google starts indexing these duplicate but when I asked this question to John Muller and other Google team they said if you set up canonical then you don't have to worry about having different urls for same page but we are not ranking on Google and if we do then we dropped from page 1 to page 2 or sometimes page 3. Example - Any suggestions.

    | Webmaster_SEO

  • I was wondering if I can use a canonical URL that points to a page residing on external site? So a page like: will have a canonical link in its header to Thanks.

    | llamb

  • Hi all! I am considering having several others write content for a new website and authorship link each to/from G+ profiles. Any idea of how that will Impact page/website ranking? I would think it would give more credibility to each page, and the website as a whole. No?

    | BBuck

  • I am planning redirect the search results to it's matching category page to avoid having two indexed pages of essentially the same content. Example
    wil be redirected to Is this a good idea? What are the possible negative effect if I go this route? Thanks.

    | WizardOfMoz

  • New site, new URL, lots of custom content. Load it all or "trickle" it over time? Would it make a difference in terms of ranking the site? Interested in your thoughts. Thanks! BBuck!

    | BBuck

  • Hi All, I have a number of web pages that yield little or no traffic. I have analysed the traffic data in both normal SERPs and Google Adwords over a year. All low traffic pages rank on the first page.
    Redirecting these poor performing pages to the main content page would provide the user with a richer experience. Why do I need to remove these pages?
    Cost, time and duplicate content issues is causing untold problems.
    Removing the existance of the low/no traffic pages will allow me to provide fresh content on the main content pages. Question
    Each main content page has about 20 low/no traffic pages associated with it.
    I have about 30 instances of the main page scenario. Would carrying htacces page redirects hurt my ranking or worse? Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Hi All, To keep this example simple.
    You have a home page. The home page links to 4 pages (P1, P2, P3, P4). **   Home page**
    P1   P2   P3   P4 You now use Google Webmaster removal tool to remove P4 webpage and cache instance. 24 hours later you check and see P4 has completely disappeared. You now remove the link from the home page pointing to P4. My Question
    Does Google now see only pages P1, P2 & P3 and therefore allocate link juice at a rate of 33.33% each. Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • I'm dealing with thousands of duplicate URL's caused by the CMS... So I am using some automation to get through them - What is the daily limit? weekly? monthly? Any ideas?? thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Greetings all! I've got a couple of questions about when and if it's alright to let accumulated Link Juice (LJ) slip into the depths of oblivion. I arrived 4 years late to the ticketing website that I work for (, and found the website in a certain state of disarray. For the past 6 months I've been trying to wrap my head around SEO and our 750k+ page site, and lately we've been making good progress cleaning things up and redesigning. I'm at a loss, though, as to what to do with some pages. Example: The blog director has been using hash tags for years now that created new pages for each different #, which created a lot of instances of 2 [bytag] pages for 2 different hash tags that had the same article on them. We've added 'noindex, follow' to this directory (which is the correct solutions, riiight??), but now I'm wondering if some of these pages should be 301'd to more relevant sections of the site, or back to the blog homepage. I know this could be bad for UI, but I don't believe that they're frequently used pages and don't want to let these PA 15 pages go to waste. Any thoughts on this? Example 2: A similar situation is that they used 302s to redirect to search results pages instead of using category pages. So now there are hundreds, if not thousands, of search results pages that have a PA of 15 or more. We're working on restructuring the site and removing the 302s, but I'm wondering if it's necessary to 301 all of the search results pages to the new category pages like so: >>> This would require the programmer to create new search/results pages in order to 301 the old ranking ones, correct? Should I put this in queue for him or just leave the search results pages with 'noindex, follow' and let the PA 15 go to waste? There are many other instances like this like a Login page with PA 20, and I just can't decide if everything should be redirected or what to leave as dust in the wind. Because all we are is dust in the wind ; ) Thanks for any help, Luke

    | keL.A.xT.o

  • I have an E-Commerce store and to make things easy, let's say I am selling shoes. There is: Category named 'Shoes' and 3 products 'Sport shoes', 'Hiking shoes' and 'Dancing shoes' My problem: For the keyword 'Shoes' Google is showing the product result 'Sport shoes'. This makes no sense from user perspective. (It's like searching for 'iPhone' and getting a result for 'iPhone 4s' instead of a general overview.) Now what are the specifics of my category page (Which I want Google to rank): It has more external links with higher quality It has more internal links It has much higher page authority It has useful text to guide the user for the keyword It is a category instead of a product All this given, I just don't know how I can signal Google that this page makes sense to show in SERPs? Hope you can help with this!

    | soralsokal

  • I understand that it's possible to target both domains/subdomains and subfolders to different geographical regions in GWT. However, I was wondering about the effect of targeting the domain to a single country, say the UK. Then targeting subfolders to other regions (say the US and France). e.g. -> UK -> US -> France etc Would it be better to leave the main domain without a geographical target but set geo-targeting for the subfolders? Or would it be best to set geo-targeting for both the domain and subfolders.

    | TranslateMediaLtd

  • what tags/coding are not good for SEO? and also what tags not to include while creating website. For example -  I read some where to avoid Span tag.

    | JordanBrown

  • When looking at links and how search engines look at "social signal," does it matter if a link is 301 vs 302? In addition to that, if I build out my own short URL system that gets used for link redirects that include referral attributes, would/could I get penalized if I use 301 instead of 302?

    | JDatSB

  • In my experience sitewide links can still be very powerful if used sensibly and in moderation. However, I'm finding that sitewide text blocks with 2 or 3 (deep)links to a single domain appear not to be working that well or not at all in raising the authority of those target pages. Anyone having the same experience? In your experience, is the link value diminished when there are multiple deeplinks to a single domain in a sitewide text area? Is anything more than 1 link per target domain bad? Or could it even be that it's not so much the number of deeplinks to a single domain that matter, but purely the fact that they are sitewide "deeplinks"? Are sitewide deeplinks treated differently than sitewide links linking to an external homepage? Very interested in hearing your personal experience on this matter. Factual experience would be best, but "gut feeling" experience is also appreciated 🙂 Best regards, Joost

    | JoostvanVught

  • Hi All, My eCommerce site got hit badly with the Panda 4.0 update so we have been doing some site auditing and analysis identifying issues which need addressing. We have thin/duplicate issues which I am quite sure was part of the reason we were affected by this even though we use rel=next and rel=prev along with having a separate view all page although we don't concanical tag to this page as I dont' think users would benefit from seeing to many items on one page. This led me to look at our Code to Content Ratio. We have now managed to increase it from 9% to approx  18-22% on popular pages by getting rid of unnecessary code etc. My question is , is there an ideal percentage the code to content ratio should be ?.. and what should I be aiming for ? Also any other Panda 4.0 advice would also be appreciated thanks Sarah

    | SarahCollins

  • Hey there
    I have a client who just moved from a self hosted CMS to Adobe Catalyst (don't ask!)
    The problem: Their url indexed with google is,  Adobe Catalyst does not support third party SSL certificates or https domains.  Now when people google them shows up in search, HOWEVER it does not have a trusted certificate and a pop up window blocks the site. They are a mortgage company so SSL is really not needed.  What can I do to get google to recognize the site at http: vs. https?  Would this be something in GWMT? Thanks!

    | Jay328

  • I'm tracking keyword results in Rank Tracker, but I can't confirm the positions when I do a Google search for the tracked keywords.  Does anybody know why RT says the site should be #23, but is not actually in Google? Is there a way to check Google results from different data centers?  If I recall, Google allowed the option to view results from different cities, though I don't know if they still allow this.

    | alrockn

  • I am listed at # 11 in for a same keyword but listed 4th when I use &gl=us in the same query or use a US ip address. Could this be because google's recent update and maybe they are taking time to push the update towards other countries or something else? In any case I see decent rankings when I use the query in or when I use gl=us, but lower quality results in so please guide what is going on. Thanks in advance for guidance (y)

    | hpk

  • Recently our company acquired one of our competitors (this was a business move, not SEO related). However, their website ranks in the top-10 for many of the keywords we target. Our website generally ranks higher in these SERPs, but I would still like to leverage the power of their domain to boost our main website up even further if I can. Their website is still up and running during the customer transition period but eventually (later this year) we plan to remove it and point all customers to our main website. Any suggestions on the best way to use their website going forward?

    | RyanD.

  • Hello everyone, I operate a website called Icy Veins (, which gives gaming advice for World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, two titles from Blizzard Entertainment. Up until recently, we had articles for both games on the main subdomain (, without a directory structure. The articles for World of Warcraft ended in -wow and those for Hearthstone ended in -hearthstone and that was it. We are planning to cover more games from Blizzard entertainment soon, so we hired a SEO consultant to figure out whether we should use directories (,, etc.) or subdomains (,, For a number of reason, the consultant was adamant that subdomains was the way to go. So, I implemented subdomains and I have 301-redirects from all the old URLs to the new ones, and after 2 weeks, the amount of search traffic we get has been slowly decreasing, as the new URLs were getting index. Now, we are getting about 20%-25% less search traffic. For example, the week before the subdomains went live we received 900,000 visits from search engines (11-17 May). This week, we only received 700,000 visits. All our new URLs are indexed, but they rank slightly lower than the old URLs used to, so I was wondering if this was something that was to be expected and that will improve in time or if I should just go for subdomains. Thank you in advance.

    | damienthivolle

  • Hi there. An SEO company recently told me that google does not favour php development? This seems rather sketchy, I have not read that google doesn't favour this anywhere, did I just miss that part of SEO or are these guys blowing a little smoke?

    | ProsperoDigital

  • I've been asked to look at a site that has lost 70/80% if their search traffic. This happened suddenly around the 17th April. Traffic dropped off over a couple of days and then flat-lined over the next couple of weeks. The screenshot attached, shows the impressions/clicks reported in GWT. When I investigated I found: There had been no changes/updates to the site in question There were no messages in GWT indicating a manual penalty The number of pages indexed shows no significant change There are no particular trends in keywords/queries affected (they all were.) I did discover that showed that a large number of links were reported lost on the 17th April. (17k links from 1 domain). These links reappeared around the 26th/27th April. But traffic shows no sign of any recovery. The links in question were from a single development server (that shouldn't have been indexed in the first place, but that's another matter.) Is it possible that these links were, maybe artificially, boosting the authority of the affected site? Has the sudden fluctuation in such a large number of links caused the site to trip an algorithmic penalty (penguin?) Without going into too much detail as I'm bound by client confidentiality - The affected site is really a large database and the links pointing to it are generated by a half dozen or so article based sister sites based on how the articles are tagged. The links point to dynamically generated content based on the url. The site does provide a useful/valuable service/purpose - it's not trying to "game the system" in order to rank. That doesn't mean to say that it hasn't been performing better in search than it should have been. This means that the affected site has ~900,000 links pointing to is that are the names of different "entities". Any thoughts/insights would be appreciated. I've expresses a pessimistic outlook to the client, but as you can imaging they are confused and concerned. LVSceCN.png

    | DougRoberts

  • I am using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. They have a site analysis, once you enter a keyword for optimize it for. Now I found that this plugin doesn't count in the text from bullet point (or numbered lists) as text. Now that made me curios...Does Google see bullet points text as text or not?

    | soralsokal

  • Ok the question doesn't fully explain the issue. I just want some opinions on this. Here is the backstory. I have a client with a domain that has been around for a while and was doing well but with no backlinks. (Fairly low competition). For some reason they created mirrors of their site on different urls. Then their web designer built them a test site that was a copy of their site on the web designer's url and didn't bother to noindex it. Client's site dived, the web designer's site started ranking for their keywords. So we helped clean that up, and they hired a brand new web designer and redesigned the site. For some reason the dotted quad version of the site started showing up as a referer in GA. So one image on the site comes from that and not the site's url. So I ran a copyscape and site search and discovered the dotted quad version like (not the actual address) was also being indexed by the search engine. To us this seems like a cut and dry duplicate content issue, but I'm having trouble finding much written on the subject. I raised the issue with the dev, and he reluctantly 301 the site to the official url. The second part of this is the web designer still has that one image on the site coming from the numerical version of the site and not the written url. Any thoughts if that has any negative SEO impact? My thought it isn't ideal, but it just looks like an external referral for pulling that one image. I'd love any thoughts or experience on a situation like this.

    | BCutrer

  • Hi I am in the process of launching a new version of my site and I know I need to get my current SEO Agency to check and test certain aspects of the site so that I don't lose any rankings. The problem is I am unsure of everything to ask them and I was wondering if someone could help me out. I don't want to have missed something basic and therefore want to give them a checklist to confirm they are happy before go live. Any help appreciated

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I wanted to make sure there will be no negative SEO implications if we change all ‘' references (printed and digital)?After some Googling, apparently some search engines regard and as two different websites and split SEO rankings (quote me if i’m wrong!).To date, a lot (if not all) of our online presence (e.g. adverts, banner links etc) use (both visually and in HTML markup) so these would also need updating to remove the 'www'.What are your thoughts? For the sake of SEO and canonical/duplicate content/ranking issues etc, would changing all references have a negative effect?

    | fdmgroup

  • Hello, Could you glance at this site and let me know if you see anything we could improve upon? A couple of notes: We're over-optimized for the term "NLP" on the home page. We're removing the footer links soon. We have 2 locations: San Francisco, CA and Salt Lake City, UT. Our main keyword is "NLP Training" but we would like to rank higher for the keyword "NLP". Also note that we're completely white hat, but we have international site-wide backlinks, and a couple of site-wide backlinks in site's footers - all friends and colleagues of ours.

    | BobGW

  • Hi Dr Moz'ers So our ex-contracted SEO "experts" have a enlisted our website to 40 odd directories with the same key word and copy. Is it best to just delete them all to avoid a possible negative SEO/Google outcome? Cheers

    | supps

  • Had an interesting situation today.. We write daily news articles on our site. In each article we link out to two sources that we are writing about (credible sources) and we do one or two internal links. For example.. 'Today McDonald's have announced that they are purchasing more blue widgets in order to increase their opportunity to appeal to a larger market.' So in that sentence you can see one outbound link and one inbound to blue widgets on our site. I got an email today from a large company who we have written an article about in the industry and they have asked me to remove the link to their site.. I actually asked them why and this was their response. 'We're concerned because of the number of keyword-rich internal links in the article, and are worried that being included alongside them might be misinterpreted by Google as an artificial link.' Fristly, do they really have anything to be worried about?.. but more importantly, with our internal linking, do we have anything to be worried about?.

    | nick-name123

  • Hi All, I understanding the way to protect content such as a feature rich article is to create authorship by linking to your Google+ account. My Question
    You have created a webpage that is informative but not worthy to be an article, hence no need create authorship in Google+
    If a competitor comes along and steals this content word for word, something similar, creates their own Google+ page, can you be penalised? Is there any way to protect yourself without authorship and Google+? Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • I manage a large website that hosts 1000's of business listings that comprise an area that covers 7 state counties. Currently a category page (such as lodging)  hosts a group of listings which then link to it's own page. From these pages links are present directly to the business it represents. The client is proposing that we change all listings to link to the representative county website and remove the individual pages. This essentially would create 1000's of external links to 7 different websites and remove 1000's of pages from our site.
    Does anyone have thoughts on how adding 1000's of links (potentially upwards of 3000) to only 7 websites (that I would deem relevant links) would affect SEO? I know if 1000's of links are added pointing to 1000's of websites the site can be considered a link farm, but I can't find any info online that speaks of a case like this.

    | Your_Workshop

  • I know that questions about this topic have been asked before, but I didn't really find an answer that I could apply to our situation. We have several websites that now exist on separate domains, even though their topics are closely related. We are moving each of these sites into a new CMS and are considering collapsing all of the domains into a sub-domain structure around the strongest domain. Important to note: All of the current domains have existed for many years and have strong site authority, and regardless of the domain decision, in this restructuring we will be bringing them all under a global header. I know that there are SEO risks to moving a site from an established domain to a new one, even with 301 redirects in place, but the team in charge of this move wants to know how much of a hit we would take and how quickly natural search traffic might recover. Maybe and mights aren't really satisfying their questions... Does anyone have experience with collapsing domains into a sub-domain structure and feel like sharing your results? Most importantly, was it worth it???? Thanks.

    | JuliaG

  • Does anyone know how to appear with snippet that says something like: Jobs 1-10 of 80 in the beginning of the description on Google? e.g. like on: Any markup that could be used to be listed like this. Why is some sites listed like this and some not. Why is the page listed with Results 1-10 while some other with Jobs 1-10 ?

    | classifiedtech

  • Hi 🙂 soon I am launching a new site. It will be focused on topics: Android, smartphones, reviews etc... First I will buy a good looking WP theme, it will be responsive theme. after that when I set up all in theme, after that I will start writing. I will try to write interesting and good content.... This content I will share on my pages: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Youtube. So only remains, how to get good backlinks ? good backlinks for Google ? Blog commenting is not good, right ? Writing on relative forums and posting links as source of that information ? Contacting other relative sites for sharing my content ? Am I missed something or not ? In your opinion, which is the best way of getting good backlinks ? And what is the best solution in the beginning, because no one will know my site because my site is new. Thank you 🙂

    | Ivek99

  • Sometime last year we were penalized for unnatural links by Google. We followed a couple of good posts on MOZ on how to go about correcting all of this (Excel Showing work, Google Docs,  Ahrefs, semrush, etc...) and submitted a reconsideration request as well as a list of urls using Disavow Tool. So today, about 20 days later, we get a reply from Google stating that we still have some links that are outside their quality guidelines with 3 examples. Problem is, none of the 3 examples they listed have our website on them. I even did a View Source and checked all our inbound link reports for these websites. All of the 3 examples are Lawyer / Legal Advise websites and ours has nothing to do with this. Any ideas on how to reply and ask them to double check? Maybe they mixed up with another account they were working on at the same time.

    | Apex-Lighting

  • If I've got a page that is being called in an iframe, on my homepage, and I don't want that called page to be indexed.... so I put a noindex tag on the called page (but not on the homepage) what might that mean for the homepage?  Nothing?  Will Google, Bing, Yahoo, or anyone else, potentially see that as a noindex tag on my homepage?

    | Philip-DiPatrizio

  • This will be a bit long, so please bare with me. I have a client in the auto parts industry who wants to rank their homepage for 13 different keywords. We are ranked first page for all keywords in Yahoo! Mexico and Bing Mexico, but not ranking first page at all in Google Mexico. My client's competitor, however, is clearly outranking my client in Google. When comparing both pages, my client's, while not 100% optimized, looks better optimized than their competitor's. Looking at all metrics using Moz, SEMRush, ahrefs, etc... my client's site looks MUCH better on all fronts. I know ranking a single homepage for more than 10 keywords is a difficult task. Our competitor is however, ranking for them, so it's not impossible. The keywords are not even that competitive according to Moz's analysis. I decided to create an optimized page for each keyword to try to rank these pages, but still my client wants the homepage to rank (again, if the competitor is ranking, then it's possible to do this) and I am afraid these pages I created could result in keyword cannibalization ultimately affecting the homepage's possibility to rank. My client had a previous SEO agency working for them and basically all they did was create fake blogs and have lots of keyword rich links directed to the site's homepage. I got the complete link profile from several tools and submitted a disavow requests for as many fishy links I could find, but that hasn't shown any results so far. Note: when looking at the competitor link profile, they have basically just a few links and no external links of real value whatsoever. My client is obviously very frustrated, and so am I. In my SEO experience, it shouldn't be such a difficult task to accomplish, however nothing seems to work even though everything seems to point that my client should rank higher. So now I'm running out of ideas regarding what to do with this site. Any insight you could provide would be SO helpful to me and my client. If needed I can provide my client's homepage URL and also their competitors homepage for you to review. i can also give you any extra information you need. Thanks a lot!

    | EduardoRuiz

  • Good afternoon,
       A quick question.  I am working on a website which has a large page with different sections.  Lets say: Page 1
    SECTION C Now, they are adding a new area where they want to show only certain sections, so it would look like this: Page 2
    SECTION A Page 3
    SECTION C Page 4
    SECTION D So my question is, would a rel='canonical' tag back to Page 1 be the correct way of preempting any duplicate content issues?  I do not need Page 2-4 to even be indexed, it is just a matter of usability and giving the users what they are looking for without all the rest of the extra stuff. Gracias. Tesekürler. Salamat Ko. Thanks. (bonus thumbs up for anybody who knows which languages each of those are) 🙂

    | rayvensoft

  • Hi, We are working with a client who has a Spanish site which is in English and Spanish, what is the best url structure to go for? and or and or none of the above?

    | J_Sinclair

  • Hi, Hoping to get advice about ranking sites (a vertical market search engine/portal like a car site for example) that gets its content from scraping car sites. For various reasons (mostly scale eg cant get car dealers to push their listings to us) content was scraped. The startup has received great press, TV interviews, incubator programs etc, and has also secured very significant investment. I feel if this site was launched pre-panda it would be ranking much better. We have invested significantly in our tech, our search tools and site innovation place us easily as market leader in this space. Anyone with experience in ranking sites with legitimate reasons for using scraped content?

    | edthomasnp

  • Hi mozzers, We used to have a proxy URL for our paid search campaigns and we just transferred all of that into the main domain(that ranks organically). Since we were using phone numbers swapping for paid search, I am afraid that it will harm our organic local results as I am seeing phone number swapping. Can the bots distinguish a swap number and a real phone number or will it impact our local SEO results( because of an inconsistent phone number)? Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

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