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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello Does anyone have any input into what is the best way to have a mobile website URL structure for not responsive display sites. or neither have it just display on the same URL. Thanks

    | christaylorconsulting

  • Hi All, I know you are all know about Google keyword planner tool. As i know its shows most keywords searched totally wrong. One of the keyword searches less than (<10) but i got 20 exact keyword hits in only one business day and one of the keyword shows more then 10 K searches give us only 3-4 hits in one day.

    | dotlineseo

  • I have begun a daily process of analyzing a site's Web server log files and have noticed something that seems odd. There are several IP addresses from which Googlebot crawls that our server returns a 301 status code for every request, consistently, day after day. In nearly all cases, these are not URLs that should 301. When Googlebot visits from other IP addresses, the exact same pages are returned with a 200 status code. Is this normal? If so, why? If not, why not? I am concerned that our server returning an inaccurate status code is interfering with the site being effectively crawled as quickly and as often as it might be if this weren't happening. Thanks guys!

    | danatanseo

  • Hello, I'm in the process of re-doing the following two domains: and  because something absolutely plummeted my rankings. Any specific thoughts on why the sited could have gone from top 10 to being virtually deleted? Thank you in advance.

    | musillawfirm

  • I am using this plugin to enable Facebook comments on my blog: This shows the comment in an Facebook iFrame. The plugin author claims it's SEO friendly, because the comments are also integrated in the WordPress database. The are included in the post but hidden. Is that bad for SEO?

    | soralsokal

  • I have a landing page that was ranking before for web design philippines its Early this year, we dropped our rank and google displayed our homepage When i search for "web design company philippines", i rank. however, for "web design philippines" I am on page 2. When I try "web design philippines"  it shows the landing page as the 2nd result. Last week, we tried to change the content of the page to reflect content that is more related to the keyword and moved the old content to We also changed the title of the homepage from Web Design Philippines | SEO Company Philippines to Web Design & SEO Company Philippines Still nothing has changed. I just wanted it to show the landing page instead of the root domain. Any idea how this can be solved?

    | optimind

  • Hi Mozzers, How is it going? I run a website called Orange Octopus that offers videogame tips from the best pro gamers in the world. We get plenty of long tail traffic but the keyword that is most important to the business is "FIFA 14 tips". Using Moz as a template, I tried to model my site's category pages after Moz. ( and ( With the new FIFA 15 videogame a few months away from being released, I wanted to start preparing for the keyword "FIFA 15 tips" and "FIFA 15 guide". Being proactive and aggressive with rankings for when the game first comes out. Would you recommend starting a new category? Or changing FIFA 14 tips to FIFA 15 tips by just changing the url and title of the category page? Really need some expert help. Play hard! Joey


  • Normally for ecommerce clients that have 100's of products we advise for size guides, installation guides etc to be placed as downloadable PDF resources to avoid huge blocks of content on multiple product pages. If content was placed in a popup e.g. fancybox, across multiple product pages would this be read by Google as duplicate content? Examples for this could be: An affiliate site with mutiple prices for a product and pop-up store reviews A clothing site with care and size guides What would be the best practice or setup?

    | shloy23-294584

  • Above page is having 3 pages, See the bottom of the  content. How can I do so? Is this is a plugin or what? I see this is on many WordPress websites.

    | JordanBrown

  • Hello Moz Community! I'm hoping to get some advice around intra-linking practices and the benefits when a page that is being linked to has a different canonical tag than it's own URL. Confused? Allow me to elaborate. Scenario: Background: Ecommerce Company is trying to increase its organic ranking for key, broad terms in the cycling industry. Ecommerce company is trying to rank its category pages for a main term. To help this, the company focusing on increasing the quality of its intra-linking structure (the links and anchor texts that link to another page within the site). Example goal: to have it's Road Cassettes category page rank for 'Road Cassettes' Company's 'cassettes' main category page is here: /Components/Drivetrain/Cassettes/ And the company uses filtered navigation logic to drill down into 'road cassettes' specifically: /Components/Drivetrain/Cassettes/?page_no=1&fq=ATR_RoadBiking:True SEOs are instructed to include occasional links back to this page, with SEO friendly anchor text, to help strengthen it's authority for the main term. The Issue / Question: Main category URL: /Components/Drivetrain/Cassettes/ Road Cassettes category URL: /Components/Drivetrain/Cassettes/?page_no=1&fq=ATR_RoadBiking:True Road Cassettes Canonical URL: /Components/Drivetrain/Cassettes/ The canonical URL of the filtered Road Cassettes category is its main category URL. Will Company be able to effectively rank its Road Cassettes category URL for 'Road Cassettes' if the canonical URL is the main category? Should the canonical URL not be the main category? OR Will increasing the intra-linking to the Road Cassettes URL help the main category URL rank for 'Road Cassettes' - by passing all it's authority?

    | Ray-pp

  • We have a microsite that was created on our domain but is not linked to from ANYwhere EXCEPT within some Javascript elements on pages on our site. The link is in one JQuery slide panel. The microsite is not being indexed at all - when i do site:(microsite name) on Google, it doesn't return anything. I think it's because the link's only in a Java element, but my client assures me that if I submit to Google for crawling the problem will be solved. Maybe so, but my point is that if you just create a simple HTML link from at least one of our site pages, it will get indexed no problem.  The microsite has been up for months and it's still not being indexed - another newer microsite that's been up for a few weeks and has simple links to it from our pages is indexing fine. I have submitted the URL for crawling but had to use the method as I don't have access to the top level domain WMT account. p.s. when we put the microsite URL into the SEOBook spider-test tool it returns lots of lovely information - but that just tells me the page is findable, does exist, right?  That doesn't mean Google's going to necessarily index it, as I am surmising...Moz hasn't found in the 5 months the microsite has been up and running.  What's going on here?

    | Jen_Floyd

  • Good Morning, After rebooting a server, a magento based website reset itself going back to December 2013.  All changes to the site and orders dating up until yesterday (6/19/14) have disappeared. There are several folders on the root of the server that have files with yesterday's date but we don't know how to bring everything back and restore. Any Magento or server experts out there ever face this issue or have any ideas or potential solutions? Thanks

    | Prime85

  • Hi, To avoid duplicated content and the possibility of thousands additional pages to an ecommerce website would it be a reasonable solution to have the page as a no-index, would this benefit the site? Thanks **Lantec **

    | Lantec

  • Hey moz fans,
    In the google getting started guide it says **"
    Note: **Pages may be indexed despite never having been crawled: the two processes are independent of each other. If enough information is available about a page, and the page is deemed relevant to users, search engine algorithms may decide to include it in the search results despite never having had access to the content directly. That said, there are simple mechanisms such as robots meta tags to make sure that pages are not indexed.
    " How can it happen, I dont really get the point.
    Thank you

    | atakala

  • Hi guys I have had a UK site that has been indexed in Google for some time. Recently we started targeting Ireland and so I created a folder to do this ( As well as adding an /irland/ folder I created a hreflang sitemap and in Webmaster Tools I specified that .com/ireland/ targets Ireland and .com targets UK. However this was all two weeks ago and Im still not seeing the Irish pages start ranking in and was hoping one of you guys would be able to help me out? How long should it take for these pages to start appearing in the relevant country specific search engine? Deepcrawl states that the Hreflang is correct as well so Im just a bit worried that Ive missed something glaringly obvious! Thanks

    | AndrewAkesson

  • My client has a WP site and a Duda mobile site that we inherited. For some reason their m-dot site is ranking on P1 of Google for their top KWs instead of the main site which is much more robust. The main site might rank beyond page 5 when the generic home page for their m-dot site appears on P1. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

    | Etna

  • How do you handle outbound links from your site?.. do you no follow them all to be on the safe side?

    | nick-name123

  • Hi Everyone, I'm very green to SEO. I have a Volusion-based storefront and recently decided to dedicate more time and effort into improving my online presence. Admittedly, I'm mostly a lurker in the Q&A forum but I couldn't find any pre-existing info regarding my situation. It could be out there. But again, I'm a noob... So, in my recent SEOmoz report I noticed that over 1,000 Duplicate Content Errors and Duplicate Page Title Errors have been found since my last crawl. I can see that every error is tied to a product in my inventory - specifically each product page has an option to write a review. It looks like the subsequent page where a visitor can fill out their review is the stem of the problem. All of my products are shown to have the same issue: Duplicate Page Title - Review:New Duplicate Page Content - the form is already partially filled out with the corresponding product My first question - It makes sense that a page containing a submission form would have the same title and content. But why is it being indexed, or crawled (or both for that matter) under every parameter in which it could be accessed (product A, B, C, etc)? My second question (an obvious one) - What can I do to begin to resolve this? As far as I know, I haven't touched this option included in Volusion other than to simply implement it. If I'm missing any key information, please point me in the right direction and I'll respond with any additional relevant information on my end. Many thanks in advance!

    | DakotahW

  • I have a client who's site was hacked.  The hack added a fake directory to the site, and generated thousands of links to a page that no longer exists. We fixed the hack and the site is fully protected.  We disavowed all the malicious/fake links, but the rankings fell off a cliff (they lost top 50 Google rankings for most of their targeted terms). There is no manual penalty set, but it has been 6 weeks and their rankings have not returned.  In webmaster tools, their priority #1 "Not found" page is the fake page that no longer exists. Is there anything else we can do? We are out of answers and the rankings haven't even come back at all. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks!

    | digitalimpulse

  • Hi Moz community, I'm using Magento platform. I can generate a sitemap using their xml generator, but it will only pull up sometimes in web explorers, the rest of the time it will show a 404 page. GWT also tells me that I get a 404 error when testing the sitemap, but sometimes it will acknowledge that it's there. Anyone had this problem before or know how to help. sitemap= Let me know what other information I can provide to help. Thanks!

    | IceIcebaby

  • Hello, I am an SEO/PPC manager for a company that does a medical detox. You can see the site in question here: My question is, I've never heard of it specifically being a problem to have a different header on the home page of the site than on the subpages, but I rarely see it either. Most sites, if i'm not mistaken, use a consistent header across most of the site. However, a person i'm working for now said that she has had other SEO's look at the site (above) and they always say that it is a big SEO problem to have a different header on the homepage than on the subpages. Any thoughts on this subject? I've never heard of this before. Thanks, Jesse

    | Waismann

  • Hi, We're currently working with a brand name which happens to be the name of a small town in the US (126 population). When Googling the brand / town name, there's a map on the right-hand side of the SERP. (Google Maps, with the town highlighted) We're based in Sweden, and this is even showing up on a search on the Swedish Google. I'm wondering; Is it possible for the map to "be removed" as our brand becomes more known? Does anyone have any similar experiences? Is it a better idea to just switch brand name?


  • I am a partner in a real estate company that operates in 10 different markets across the country.  Each of these markets has it's own individual domain.  My question is should we consolidate each of these markets into one domain that services all markets?  What would we possibly gain or lose from an organic traffic standpoint? In some of our more established markets (Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Tampa, Orlando and Charlotte) our organic traffic accounts for 50-60% of our total traffic.  In some of our newer markets (Denver, Phoenix, San Diego) it accounts for less than 15%. We do operate under two different brand names.  EasyStreet Realty and Highgarden Real Estate. EasyStreet has been around since 2000 with most of our Highgarden sites only up for 6-24 months. Another question is we are considering converting all EasyStreet divisions to Highgarden.  I am a little reluctant to do so, since most of our organic traffic is coming from our EasyStreet sites.  Thoughts? You can find links to all our sites at or Thank you in advance for your insight.

    | EasyStreet

  • Moz Community, I have just noted a competitor using some meta information i have not seen before, Just wondering if anyone has any experience or feedback on using these tags and if they are worth implementing, Seems very similar to the meta description, i don't really see the point unless potentially this abstract could be more topic based if your meta description is designed for Click-Through optimization. Isn't this defined in the sitemap anyway? , and most of the time we will Tweet and Google Plus share any new updates to our site also Google seems to do a good job anyway of crawling anything new we publish or change, Any advice or feedback would be great please, Thanks James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Over this past weekend Google switched the page which usually showed in search results for keyword benchmarking. It went from from to Also on Google the Rankings for the keyword 'benchmarking' sank from 15 to 47 for Just looking for some theories or ideas or anyone that has had this happen to them.

    | inhouseninja

  • We have a page about buying property in the Megeve area of the Alps in France. We are No.2 on for the term "megeve property for sale" and No.1 for "megeve property". If you search for "megeve property for sale", Google serves our META description as the snippet: Ski chalets, homes and apartments for sale in this exclusive, prestigious Rhone Alpes village - 520000-16500000 EUR. However, we noticed that searching for just "megeve property" serves up a much better snippet taken from the text on the page: A crucial factor for potential property buyers is that there is a strong rental market in Megève and this remains high all year around with properties close to the ... Does anyone know why Google would serve this particular snippet instead of the META description. Is it the number of strong and descriptive words used, or some other reason?


  • Wordpress website using Yoast. Website switched over from HTTP to HTTPS successfully about 6 months ago. Noticed after the fact that Google almost never displays the Page Title or Meta Description I've created in Yoast. Yoast is the only SEO plug-in enabled. Yoast is set to Force Rewrite the Page TItles. The Page titles & Meta Descriptions are always within the character limit. They also contain either an exact or partial match the queries in which Google shows a different Page Title & Meta Description. For some Queries, Google will display the URL as the Page Title for certain queries. Concrete example, search for: public administration jobs Screenshot of results attached. First time working with HTTPS. The redirects appear to be have done correctly. I'm not sure what the issue is. uOnFjNt

    | 2uinc

  • Hi, my client had a site built and hosted with Avvo but we now shut it down and are using a new server.  My concern is that Avvo's internal link structure is causing SEO issues.  For example, his site will list for "San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney", but is then removed for no reason.  Far worse, while he had the AVVO site, it would never rank at all on Google. He's got great content, and no spammy links.  This is the site: Any thoughts of what I could do to disavow the AVVO pages that Google still has indexed?  Does it matter?  Or, is it simply a function of time? Thank you for your help.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • We're a content publisher that writes news and reviews about the theater community, both in New York City (broadway mainly) and beyond. Presently, we display the term 'new-york-city' in news articles about Broadway / New York City theater (see Would it be better for us to replace that term with simply 'Broadway' to improve its searchability? I was doing some google trends keyword research and it looks like the search term "Broadway" in various permutations is substantially more popular than "New York City Theater."

    | TheaterMania

  • On one of our primary keywords Google is swapping out (about every other week) returning our home page, which is more transactional, with a deeper more information based page. So if you look at the Analysis in Moz you get an almost double helix like graph of those pages repeatedly swapping places. So there seems to be a bit of cannibalizing happening that I don't know how to correct. I think part of the problem is the deeper page would ideally be "longer" tail searches that contain the one word keyword that is having this bouncing problem as a part of the longer phrase. What can be done to try prevent this from happening? Can internal links help? I tried adding a link on that term to the deeper page to our homepage, and in a knee jerk reaction was asked to pull that link before I think there was really any evidence to suggest that that one new link made a positive or negative effect. There are some crazy theories floating around at the moment, but I am curious what others think both about if adding a link from a informational to a transactional page could in fact have a negative effect, and what else could be done/tried to help clarify the difference between the two pages for the search engines.

    | plumvoice

  • Hi, I'm aware that internal search result URL's ( should ideally be blocked using the robots.txt file. Unfortunately the damage has already been done and a large number of internal search result URL's have already been created and indexed by Google. I have double checked and these pages only account for approximately 1.5% of traffic per month. Is there a way I can remove the internal search URL's that have already been indexed and then stop this from happening in the future, I presume the last part would be to disallow /catalogsearch/ in the robots.txt file. Thanks

    | GrappleAgency

  • The Google+ Page that appears under local listings in Google for a company I work for, was setup by an advertiser, such as Yellow Pages.  I'm not sure how they got control of it, but apparently somebody at this agency set it up, and verified the url.  The G+ page is now outdated, and needs to be updated.  More importantly, I have to manage the page, and not this third party.   I sent a request to Google to transfer ownership. My question is, has anybody had any luck in getting control of a Google+ page which was setup by the wrong party, back?  As a backup, I've initiated a plan of creating a new Google+ page with the account info from the WMT's account of the url.  I figure, that might have more authority than a page erroneously setup by a third party.  My hope is it would eventually replace the Google+ page the currently shows in local returns.  Any thoughts or comment would be appreciated.

    | alrockn

  • I hope this makes sense. I am creating a site that will have normal drop down menu structure that will be about 3 levels deep: . I also want to add content that will be set up under a hidden menu, but with a sidebar module (placed on the relevant pages that are set up under the drop down) with links to other custom pages that will be relevant to the drop menu pages, but i'm hoping that the flat structure pages will show better for search: The reason I am asking is because I have seen a competitor do this for a personal injury law firm and they show everywhere (throughout California) for vanity search -"city car accident lawyer". When you go to the site, they have a personal injury drop down that is 3 layers deep, but when you click down the layers, and look at the URL, they are all "flat", not Is having a hidden menu a problem? Is this strategy problematic in any way? Hope that makes sense. Thank you for any direction. BB

    | BBuck

  • Hi, I am not sure wether I shall rank with a category page, or create a new post. Let me explain... If I google for 'Basic SEO' I see an article from Rand with Authorship markup. That's cool so I can go straight to this result because I know there might be some good insight. BUT: 'Basic SEO' is also an category at MOZ an it is not ranking. On the other hand, if I google for 'advanced SEO' then the MOZ category for 'advanced SEO' is ranking. But there is no authorship image, so users are much less likely to click on that result. Now, I want to rank for a very important keyword for me (content keyword, not transactional). Therefor, I have a category called 'yoga exercises'. But shall I rather create an post about them only to increase CTR due to Google Authorship? I read in Google guidelines that Authorship on homepage an category pages are not appreciated. Hope you have some insights that can help me out.

    | soralsokal

  • Hi, I look after two websites, one sells commercial mortgages the other sells residential mortgages. We recently redesigned both sites, and one was moved to a new domain name as we rebranded it from being a trading style of the other brand to being a brand in its own right. I have recently discovered that one of my most important pages on the residential mortgages site is not in Google's index. I did a bit of poking around with Copyscape and found another broker has copied our page almost word-for-word. I then used copyscape to find all the other instances of plagiarism on the other broker's site and there are a few! It now looks like they have copied pages from our commercial mortgages site as well. I think the reason our page has been removed from the index is that we relaunced both these sites with new navigation and consequently new urls. Can anyone back me up on this theory? I am 100% sure that our page is the original version because we write everything in-house and I check it with copyscape before it gets published, Also the fact that this other broker has copied from several different sites corroborates this view. Our legal team has written two letters (not sent yet) - one to the broker and the other to the broker's web designer. These letters ask the recipient to remove the copied content within 14 days. If they do remove our content from our site, how do I get Google to reindex our pages, given that Google thinks OUR pages are the copied ones and not the other way around? Does anyone have any experience with this? Or, will it just happen automatically? I have no experience of this scenario! In the past, where I've found duplicate content like this, I've just rewritten the page, and chalked it up to experience but I don't really want to in this case because, frankly, the copy on these pages is really good! And, I don't think it's fair that someone else could potentially be getting customers that were persuaded by OUR copy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • Hi, I have an ecommerce site that allows users to view numerous pages and sort by a number of options on categories. I've read numerous posts around my issue but am still a little confused on what is best practice with regards to the canonical tag and rel=next and prev. Below is an example of the various page/sort by URL's: Paginated URL: Sort by URL: Paginated & Sort by URL: It is not viable for us to use a canonical tag to the view all page as some of the categories contain a large number of products and therefore would not have the best load speeds. Is it best to use the below structure when it comes to the canonical tag and rel=next and prev? Paginated URL: Sort by URL: Paginated & Sort by URL:" /> Thanks

    | GrappleAgency

  • Hello, In our niche, nobody links to the content/information with rare exceptions. Do you guys have any good articles/ideas for cases like this? The content that is linked to is once removed in subject matter from the content of our site, like if we sold shoes and had to write on different types of clothing stores. Looking for advice on what to do and how to figure out what to write about. We've probably got a descent budget this time but we're not sure how to go about this. Any advice is appreciated.

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Someone attacked our website with negative SEO and our website fell drastically. If i use bing webmaster tools link explorer i see dozens and dozens spam links but if open a link i don't find this link in that website. Is it possible that someone added the links and then remove thouse links when we got hit? Or is it possible to hide the links that they don't show up on webpage but they are still there? How can i use Google disavow links tool if there is no links in thouse websites but Bing link explorer shows spam domains pointing to our website. BR, T

    | otsinguturundus

  • Hey guys, I realize similar topics have surfaced before, but mainly related to duplicate content penalties, which is not my concern in this case. My client is parsing blog snippets to the home page; actually 3 large snippets consisting of of approximately 200 words each. They create at least one fresh blog post per month pertaining to the specific industry. I realize this practice has widely embraced to satisfy the "freshness factor" but I am concerned it could be hindering the ability for the home page to rank for our two targeted phrases. It would seem that by continually rotating the blog snippets which contain content related to the industry, but not necessarily relevant to the home page's targeted key phrases - combined with the fact that the home page has very slim static content - the bots are attempting to assign new taxonomies of information on a monthly basis. My thoughts are to create a decent block of static content highly-relevant to the home page's target phrases, while reducing the amount of info. contained in the blog snippets, to perhaps only a headline and date. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

    | SCW

  • SO I am working on a site that had a subdomain that attracted a lot of spammy links. I researched the backlinks to this subdomain, and there were no beneficial links at all. I am thinking the best thing is to 404 this subdomain. What is the best way to do this? Should I just edit the DNS settings so that this subdomain does not point to the root domain? Or is there something that should be done in webmaster tools? Thanks in advance!

    | evan89

  • I am looking for a company doing a SEO analysis on our website and write a optimization proposal incl. a budgetary quote for performing those optimizations.

    | interelectronix

  • Hello everyone, I just inherited a website and 2 different users created GWT accounts on the same site and have configured different settings. Do you know how Google behaves when this happens? Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • The NHTSA produces a list of all recalls for automobiles. In their "terms of use" it states that the information can be copied. I want to add that to our site, so there is an up-to-date list for our audience to see. However, I'm just copying and pasting. I'm allowed to according to NHTSA, but google will probably flag it right? Is there a way to do this without being penalized? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello! Our domain,, is having a strange issue with OSE in that it is telling us our internal pages aren't linking to one another. An example of this is that it is showing our About page ( ) only having three links, but this link appears twice on every single page on the website (~200 pages) in the header and footer. We've hung around for a little while to see if OSE would correct itself, but it hasn't and this now suggests that it may be an issue with our in-linking structure. Can anyone spot any issues with our build? The rest of the websites that we produce, that are all built in the same way, all have healthy internal linking structures according to OSE. Very confusing! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | unionroom

  • Hi, I'm migrating a single domain to a multiple domain for each language, using apache redirections: Redirect 301 /partners
    Redirect 301 /partner-si
    Redirect 301 /partner-institute
    Redirect 301 /fr/
    Redirect 301 /fr/support
    Redirect 301 /privacy?lang=fr Redirect 301 /de/plc-converter
    Redirect 301 /de/services
    Redirect 301 /de/plc-quality .... However it doesn't work properly: For example redirect to instead of Does the order of the redirect has an influence? Am I missing something? I've seen that the command [L] can be useful to avoid mismatch? Thanks, Best, Benoit.

    | 2MSens

  • For one e-commerce website, in place of the proper meta description, Google is showing a 318-character-long mix of snippets from the homepage content for the domain search (e.g. []). A brand search returns the correct meta description - as do the keywords the homepage ranks for. I know Google changes the meta description if it doesn't think it's relevant, but this one (there is only one) is and has (as far as we know) shown until now, and I've never seen such a mix of text in the SERP, and so many characters - it's picking up random text from bits of anchor text e.g. "privacy policy", title attributes from links, labels from radio buttons and more. The home page W3C validates apart from a couple of basic things like missing alt text. The only things that might be related that don't are some custom meta name tags added by the CMS - but I wouldn't think this would make any difference to whether a meta description is displayed properly or not? I've recommended we wait until tomorrow to see if Google fixes this on recrawl, but does anyone have any ideas if it doesn't? The homepage doesn't feature much standalone text, so I was thinking if we add a few extra words it might encourage Google to pick from that if it doesn't want to use the meta description. The text would have to be useful for users and fit in with the design of course, which could be awkward...

    | Alex-Harford

  • Is there any benefit whatsoever to having the www. in the URL?

    | JordanBrown

  • Hello everyone! My German users will have to get a disclaimer according to German laws, now my question is the following: Will a disclaimer affect crawling? What's the best practice to have regarding this? Should I have special care in this? What's the best disclaimer technique? A Plain HTML page? Something overlapping the site? Thank you all!

    | NelsonF

  • I recently started working on a site that has thousands of member pages that are currently robots.txt'd out. Most pages of the site have 1 to 6 links to these member pages, accumulating into what I regard as something of link juice cul-d-sac. The pages themselves have little to no unique content or other relevant search play and for other reasons still want them kept out of search. Wouldn't it be better to "noindex, follow" these pages and remove the robots.txt block from this url type? At least that way Google could crawl these pages and pass the link juice on to still other pages vs flushing it into a black hole. BTW, the site is currently dealing with a hit from Panda 4.0 last month. Thanks! Best... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hello, We are a fairly largish site designed for user generated content (forum). We have been around for over a decade and are looking to get a proper seo audit done so that we can use the inputs from the audit to build upon our seo strategy. I went through the seo recommended pages and found that the options are priced high. Are there any competent and reasonably priced firms that are known to do a great job of the audit?

    | alfadosa

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