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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi people. I'm wondering, what would be the effects of having a paid link on a credible site. The site would feature a brand page about my site and link to it. The site has a good domain authority and they are credible with quality content. Ultimately though the link would be paid. Would Google treat this negatively? Or would they pick up on it at all? Thanks, Paul

    | kevinliao

  • I was wondering if anyone can help me with some advice on agency work. We have just employed a new SEO agency to conduct work on one of our websites. I took a look on OSE and GWT to see if we had any new links since the agency started working (1 month ago) but there's was nothing new. When l asked for an update as to what link building efforts had been completed last month, l was told they don't give out a list of links as it could compromise the agencies techniques. They told me that they use software to hide links form link aggregators so that our competitors don't know what we are doing. Can anybody confirm that such software exists or is this agency just taking us for a ride? If there is such a software, could this not hinder what links the search engines could see? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    | RobSchofield

  • We recently watched a video where a Google News developer advocated displaying large images near the top of articles. As a matter of practice, we tend to follow the below formats instead. Are we shooting ourselves in the foot? Use a gallery at the top: Use a medium size square image on the right side: Use a large image with a caption at the top: Also, do elements like a 'Buy ticket' console in the middle of article pages hurt us?:

    | TheaterMania

  • I have reached a placed where I now have several clients and we're charged closer to the $2k/month mark for our SEO services.  We normally partner with the client's inhouse copywriter or content person so that's a piece we don't have to take on in house...however we do provide content strategy for their person to execute. I'm now at a place where I want to scale and offer link building but quality link building services.  I do it all myself and I really can't keep up with the time management and amount of labor that goes into quality link building.  We're not looking to outsource or pay $10/hr for link building as I know we won't get the quality and impact our client's want. Can anyone speak to hiring people for SEO/Link building purposes for a small SEO agency?  Right now it's myself and 2 interns, but even the interns don't fully know SEO.  Just trying to figure out how best to proceed with scaling and how much to pay a part timer we bring in house. on earth do you all manage link building projects for multiple clients.  I hope the $2K I'm charging is a fair rate...I feel like I should be charging more.

    | JQC

  • My URL is: www.geckonewmedia.comMy friend's site is being ranked in the top 10 in Google in countries such as Norway, Poland, Spain, Germany and France for the term "web design Edinburgh"The site is UK based and it's ranking on page 3 over here. I went into the webmaster tools and changed the location setting to UK on Monday this week as I thought that might be the issue. So far there's been no change.Can anyone help me out with the reason why it might be ranking so well abroad but not in the UK?Thanks

    | geckonm

  • Hi, I seeking some advice, I have an organic search issue, I would like to figure out if there is any reason why my site would not be doing well in the rankings? This domain is more powerful than a previous Domain we had, 51 versus 37 according to MOZ, but despite this it is not ranking nearly as well. There are a few things to consider. The domain was owned by us then got taken away about 3 years ago and then 301ed to a completely new site, then it was 404ed for about a year before we got it back, and now we have it back and have populated it with the same data as the less powerful Domain I believe that most of the AA Travel Authority comes from a stronger backlink profile. Why would this now 2 month after we reskinned and converted 301s back not be ranking as highly? Is there an issue with old site structure and google not passing through the 301 link juice from old pages that have links to the new ones(we have 301ed them)? Also I have 301ed the old site to this one as the new home of AA Travel, that organic traffic was at about 8 000 visits a month, and the new site is at about 2 300. Has Google sandboxed the Domain for a certain period of time, or is there something else that may be the matter?

    | ProsperoDigital

  • Hi, really struggling with product titles. Or should I say keeping staff writing out titles. If I sell a Coat. I would like the product titled like: Armani Jeans Coat Green but staff are doing it like Armani Jeans Fur Hooded Coat Green. Now I think this effects our SEO efforts as how likely are people to search for the Fur Hooded coat part? Yes we might hit the numbers of the small search but is it really worth it? Would it not be best put this Fur Hooded part in the short description and long description? I am trying to make my SEO titles and meta descriptions consistant for 1 product. But find it hard writing out Fur Hooded in the Meta Title when I know numbers will be minimal? The SEO titles or the product titles are effectively links on the website for each product. So hold more weight and the product titles act as the H1 titles on the product page itself. Surely we would be best using Armani Jeans Coat Green rather than such a long, obscure title that will gain very little search? Whats best way to approach this issue? As we can have products titled like: Creative Recreation Kaplan Patent Leather/Snake Trainers Charcoal. Which to me is too long, too obscure. Surely the extra detail should go in Short Description which is visible on the catelog page and keep the product titles shorted and more to the point, eg Creative Recreation Kaplan Trainers Snake Charcoal? All this Patent Leather/ business seems pointless to me? Any ideas?

    | YNWA

  • When creating a page, is it ever worthwhile to ensure that there's minimal duplication in the keywords in the page title vs. the slug? Or is it more like the title is more like a sentence description of the page and the slug is a scannable set of keywords that describes the page, and duplication doesn't really matter.

    | TheaterMania

  • If you have several clients, and they are all on the same server, and also under ONE Google Analytics account, will that negatively impact with Google? They all have different content and addresses, some have the same template, but with different images.

    | BBuck

  • Hello, We have a problem with our clients website .ee. This website was developed by another company and now we don't know what is wrong with it. If i do a Google search "" it only finds homepage and nothing else. Also homepage title tag and meta dec is in Finnish language not in Estonian language. If i look at .ee/robots.txt it looks like robots.txt don't block Google access. Any ideas what can be wrong here? BR, T

    | sfinance

  • Hi there, My client runs an e-commerce store selling shoes that features a section called "New Arrivals" with subcategories, such as "shoes," "wedges," "boots," "sandals," etc. There are already main subcategories on the site that target these terms. These are specifically pages for "New Arrivals - Boots," etc. The shoes listed on each new arrivals subcategory page are also listed in the main subcategory page. Given that there is not really any search volume for "Brand + new arrivals in boots," but lots of search volume for "Brand + boots," what is the proper way to handle these new arrivals subcategory pages? Should each subcategory have a rel=canonical tag pointing to the main subcategory? Should they be de-indexed? Should I keep them all indexed but try to make the content as unique as possible? Thank you!

    | FPD_NYC

  • I have an SEO setting on our Volusion e-commerce store enabled, it is titled "Enable full URL for Home Page Canonical Link (include /default.asp)" I am questioning whether or not this should be enabled for optimal SEO performance.  Can anyone provide any advice on this?

    | PartyStore

  • If I have a mold removal client who has, which is several years old, and he creates a new with the same info (reworded), but changes over the citations to domain2 will it 1. lower's rankings? 2. make ranking either site harder since there are now 2 sites for the same thing? 3. reduce the ability for either site to gain a higher domain authority since links can now go to either

    | Atomicx

  • Hi Moz community, I'm having an issue with URL parameters in GWT. The tracking taxonomy for my websites is used as either /?izid=... (internal) OR /?dzid=... (external) I put tracking parameters in GWT as izid & dzid, but it hasn't picked up any URLs or examples in regards to these parameters. It's been about 2 months since we've started using this so I want to make sure Google isn't indexing as duplicate content. Side note: any page that uses a tracking parameter automatically adds rel="canonical" to the original page. Could this be the reason that GWT doesn't pick up any URLs for tracking parameters and/or do I not need to worry about adding paramters if I already have the canonical attribute automatically in place. Thanks for your help,

    | IceIcebaby

  • Hi there, question about what constitutes an optimal slug. I work for a Theater news site. An article we recently wrote announced the opening of the musical "Holler if you hear me," which features the music of Tupac Shakur. We considered a few options, including holler-if-you-hear-me-opens-on-broadway and tupac-musical-opens-on broadway. Any suggestions? Also, if the full URL reads something like[slug], should we try to ensure that the term 'broadway' never appears in the slug to reduce redundancy? Keep in mind that the term 'broadway' is a pretty popular search term.

    | TheaterMania

  • I saw some urls of my site showing duplicate page content, duplicate page title issues on crawl reports. So I have set canonical url for every urls , that has dupicate content / page title. But still SeoMoz crawl test is showing issue. I am giving here one url with issue. The below given urls shown duplicate content and duplicate page title with some other urls all are given below. Checked URL dup page content dup page Title,12x18&click=sizes But I have set canonical url for all these urls already , that is :- This should actually solve the problem right ? Search engine should identify the canonical url as original url and only should consider that. Thanks

    | trixmediainc

  • HI Guys, Would it make a difference if I named a URL 2014-ford-fiesta.html or 2014+ford+fiesta.html Thanks!

    | oomdomarketing

  • Hi Moz, Is it better to have products and reviews on the same or different URLs? I suspect that combining these into one page will help with rankings overall even though some ranking for product review terms may suffer. This is for a hair products company with tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of reviews. Thanks for reading!

    | DA2013

  • Hi Everyone, Our client is requesting that we use Django for her project. I am really uneasy about this for several reasons. The client wants a multi-country site that is completely SEO friendly. I love Wordpress and if I had to do this project it would be a Wordpress site with WPML + Yoast plugins site. Questions Is Django SEO friendly and what "plugins" should I be using? Is there a multi-country plugin for Django that keeps or adds typical SEO features? Can you recommend any great articles? Any example sites would be GREATLY appreciated Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hello Mozzers, I was just wondering whether Google prefers www or non www URLs? Or doesn't it matter? Thanks in advance!

    | McTaggart

  • Hi there, I have recently updated this website, as in new design, new URL structure, the works. The old site before I introduced the new site was doing well, as in up and down around 2 000 visitors a day. The site sort of started to go a bit down the slightest bit just before we launched the new site on the same domain but nothing of any concern. We 301ed all the old URLs to their corresponding URL structure as to keep most of the link juice from the old site, however with the new site going live the begining of this month June 2014, till now the site has dropped off to just 200 per day. I have been searching high and low for an answer and have been comming up blank. Why could this have happened, what did I do incorrectly?

    | ProsperoDigital

  • Hello all, Could someone please advise on acceptable use of the availability attribute 'preorder' value in rich snippets schema markup for our websites and the Google Shopping feed? Currently all of our products are either 'in stock' or 'out of stock', also mentioned was 'available for order' but I found that in the 2014 Google Shopping update, this value will be merged with 'in stock' here 'We are simplifying the ‘availability’ attribute by merging ‘in stock’ with ‘available for order’ and removing ‘available for order’. The products which we would like to mark as 'preorder' have been in stock and then sold out, however we have a due date for when they will come back into stock, so therefore the customer can preorder the product on our website i.e. pay in advance to secure their purchase and then they are provided with a due date for the products. Is this the correct use of the 'preorder' value, or does the product literally have to never have been released before? The guidance we have is: 'You are taking orders for this product, but it’s not yet been released.' Is this set in stone? Many thanks in advance and kind regards.

    | jeffwhitfield

  • Greeting MOZ Community: I operate, a New York City commercial real estate web site established in 2006. An SEO effort has been ongoing since September 2013 and traffic has dropped about 30% in the last month. The site has about 650 pages. 350 are listing pages, 150 are building pages. The listing and building pages have an average bounce rate of about 75%. The other 150 pages have a bounce rate of about 35%. The building and listing pages are dragging down click through rates for the entire site. My SEO firm believe there might be a benefit to "no-index, follow" these high bounce rate URLs. From an SEO perspective, would it be worthwhile to "no-index-follow" most of the building and listing pages in order to reduce the bounce rate? Would Google view the site as a higher quality site if I had these pages de-indexed and the average bounce rate for the site dropped significantly. If I no-indexed these pages would Google provide bette ranking to the pages that already perform well? As a real estate broker, I will constantly be adding many property listings that do not have much content so it seems that a "no-index, follow" would be good for the listings unless Google penalizes sites that have too many "no-index, follow" pages. Any thoughts??? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi all! I heard that Google comes down on guest blogging. I did a search here on Moz with the terms "Guest Blogging" and not much comes up, as it relates to my question. So I'm asking: I have a website with specific content where I can implement a "team blog" (stackideas - easyblog), and have industry professionals submit a blog article (once a month on their respective industry focus), and add Google Authorship (link to/from their Google+ profile contributors section), but not allow ANY follow links back to their site. There will be about 10 different blog categories, and there will potentially be several different authors in each category who will be writing specific focused content per category. Any potential Panda (or any other animal 😉 problems with that? Thanks all!  BB

    | BBuck

  • I am considering adding a Q&A section to my website and I have a few questions for you PROs!: is it a good thing for SEO? Or a potential pitfall for SEO? If it is used often and users post relevant topics related to the website content, will it help the overall DA and websites SERP performance? Are there inherent risks for website security when using a Q&A? Are there any other questions I should be asking? I am using Joomla! 3.0 with Stackideas Easy discuss/easy social. Thanks for any advice! BB

    | BBuck

  • I have a site that allows for multiple filter options and some of these URL's have these have been indexed. I am in the process of adding the noindex, nofollow meta tag to these pages but I want to have an idea of how many of these URL's have been indexed so I can monitor when these have been re crawled and dropped. The structure for these URL's is: The unique identifier for the multiple filtered URL's is --, however I've tried using inurl:-- but this doesn't seem to work. I have also tried using regex but still no success. I was wondering if there is a way around this so I can get a rough idea of how many of these URL's have been indexed? Thanks

    | GrappleAgency

  • Client is thinking of adding a directory to an eCommerce site which users would find useful.  It would help users find other services and vendors that are specific to the niche of products this site is selling.  My only concern is it would create a number of external links to other sites.  Even though they're related, would this diminish our standing with Google search?

    | alrockn

  • I just took over for a site and noticed they have no presence for any keywords...not even low ranks. Their backlink profile is not the best, but webmaster tools says they have no manual actions. Thoughts on the matter?

    | Atomicx

  • Hi all! I have a client who wants to branch out to another market (currently in Northern California and wants to open an office in Southern California), what would happen if we put up a second website that has similar content, but is exclusively for Southern California, with a different office address, and all the content geared towards Southern California market? There would be NO linking between the sites. Would that generate a penalty? Thanks! BB

    | BBuck

  • We noticed a few weeks ago that rankings for the phrase
    Charity Collection Buckets
    Were bouncing between this page
    Rank 16
    to this page
    Rank 85
    So we de-SEO'd the second page and added more content to the first page.
    This seemed to lock Google onto the first page at 16, but it then started to slowly slide downwards. We have made a few more on page text tweaks, tried to reduce keywords density all to no avail. Even though overall this site has a better DA and MOZ profile than those ranked 1 and 2 for the phrase, we just cannot seem to get it moving in the right direction. We are just about to apply some quality links to see if that helps. But we are wondering if we are missing something at a technical level, like category structure, Canonicalisation, 301 redirects or something else. Any thoughts?

    | Jayblue

  • Will someone who has experience chime in on these two issues below: Do sub-domain links which link back to the main site count as a new link from a new site; or would they be considered more of an internal link?  Basically, would a sub-domain link to the main site be like a link from a unique website, or treated like any other internal link on the main site?  I am speaking in terms of link juice. Should we 301 sub-domains to the main site internally? Thank you, we really appreciate any input you have!

    | DJ123

  • Hi, I have redesigned my website in html whereas it was in .asp earlier. I have resubmitted my google sitemap but it still showing me old site pages in search except home page. My question is how i can immediately change my web presence. How i can get the benefit of my .asp page ranks? In addition my website still alive with .asp. What should be the strategy, should i remove this websites or have to redirect all pages to new. If i make 301 redirection then will it cause any issue in SEO, ranking etc ? Thx

    | 1akal

  • Hi all, We have a lot of 'Duplicate Page Content' issues being reported on the Moz Crawl Report and I am trying to 'get to the bottom' of why they are deemed as errors... This page; has (admittedly) very little content and is duplicated with; This page is basically an image and has just a couple of lines of static content. Also duplicated with; This page relates to a single cruise ship and again has minimal content... Also duplicated with; This is an FAQ page again with only a few lines of content... Also duplicated with; Another page that just features an image and NO content... Also duplicated with; A cruise deals page that has a little bit of static content and a lot of dynamic content (which I suspect isn't crawled) So my question is, is the duplicate content issued caused by the fact that each page has 'thin' or no content? If that is the case then I assume the simple fix is to increase add \ increase the content? I realise that I may have answered my own question but my brain is 'pickled' at the moment and so I guess I am just seeking assurances! 🙂 Thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • I'm in the middle of redesigning title tags on a large ecommerce site - approximately 9000 product pages. The old structure was -(product name/description) | (Website/Brand) So an example would be - Big League Chew - 13 oz. | Target       - With 'Target' Being the site's brand and appearing on each. With Google's new Title Tag display, our title tags are too long now. Unfortunately, our Brand/Website is HUGE - over 18 characters. My question is two fold - 1. Is it OK to remove brand from the title tags of some particularly long names? Will this impact ranking? 2. Does Google look for brand in these title tags, and more specifically: brand consistency in title tags? I'd love to cut the brand out of some as the product name is the biggest click-through element by far - but I don't want to affect rankings. My 'gut' says that I should focus on clickthrough rate with title tags and cut brand where necessary. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

    | Blenny

  • Hi moz fans,
    I'm asking this question because I've faced this (
    Till now I know that when we link to a page we **don't **lose our PageRank, we just give a PageRank  but  not to lose it . 
    I mean let's say If we have a page PR 1, and  another page B which is pagerank 0,
    And If we give link a to page B from page A, At the end of the iteration, we have Page A PR 1 and Page B PR 0,85.
    **But **he said above the link If we give a link to a page, it would result like this.
    Page A PR 0,15 and Page B PR 0,85. Which one is true ? 
    Thank you!

    | atakala

  • I’m currently getting a lot of external links to my website from ‘xyz’. This a series of sites with near identical content and duplicate URLs (,, etc). There are 15 of these sites which are contributing 6236 external links. Would you agree that these URLs are candidates to be disavowed? I currently have no unnatural link warnings in GWT  but I’m concerned with watching out for negative SEO and keeping our link profile healthy. Would pruning spammy links like these be a good step? Any help would be appreciated! 🙂

    | RG_SEO

  • I've had a website with Volusion for years and rank in the top position for most relative keywords.  I'm planning to move to Big Commerce because of the limitations with Volusion but I'm worried that my rankings will suffer when I move... is this a valid concern and is there anything I should do to make the transition seamless?

    | CatrinaSpindler

  • I had a feeling that my keyword focused pages were causing my site not to rank well. I do not have that many keywords.  I have 2 main keyword phrases along with 6 city locations.  For example (fake) "tea house tampa" "tea house clearwater" "tea house sarasota" and "tea room tampa" "tea room cleawater" "tea house sarasota".  So, I don't feel that I need that many pages.  I feel like I can optimize my home page and maybe 1 or 2 topic pages.  Right now, I have a keyword for each of those phrases.  These are all internal pages on 1 domain.  Not multiple domains. Sooo... I tested it by 301ing a few of my "tea house" KW pages to the home page.  And low and behold... my home page rose BIG TIME!  Major improvement!  I'm talking like 13th to 2nd! Here is my question... how should I proceed?  My SEO has warned me against 301ing too many pages all pointing to the home page.  He says that will negatively impact my ratings.  Should I 404 some pages? Should I build a "tea room" topic page and 301 that set there?  What is worse?  301 or 404?  How many is too many? I'm really excited by these results, but I'm scare to move forward and hurt what has happened.  Thanks in advance!

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • Hi All! I have a 9-11~ my website has been showing strong (top 2) for about 2 years now for many of the search terms we are targeting (scrap software; scrap medal software; recycling software; etc.), and I just noticed today that we are nowhere. What do you suggest for troubleshooting this to find the cause and fix? Thanks!

    | BBuck

  • Hi, I noticed we had a 161 structured data erros. Almost all of them said "Update missing." I included screenshorts. Are these hurting me? If so, what can I do to fix them? Thanks, Ruben UfzeAFi YjLhimj

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello, We used to reside on a longer domain name character wise but had an opportunity to purchase a three letter acronym before my time. We advertise heavily on TV and other traditional media channels so it was simpler for individuals to remember. After purchasing this domain we moved over from the old one to the new one. We followed all of your standard protocols (301s, change of address in Webmaster Tools, new sitemap, etc, etc.) Google and Bing both index the new site and there isn't a significant issue there but we're having incredible difficulty in ranking for any of our core terms. We're the largest company in our space but continue to rank for terms that have nothing to do with our vertical. This is due to the fact that the site used to be owned by a company that is completely separate from ours. The site that we have today contains none of the old content but it does have links pointing to it from similar sites from that vertical. Bing was incredibly helpful and had indicated it's these links that's potentially causing us the issue in that search engines are seeing two different verticals over time on a domain. It's been a year since this took place and it seems that the only recommendation is to contact the non related sites to remove links or disavow. Bing had indicated that disavowing was not as relevant as getting the links removed. Any other thoughts?

    | seo--team-jlck

  • Hey Moz People, I'm getting a 404 when I cache: this blog post and I'm not able to see what's causing it. Can someone take a look and let me know if they see anything standing out? Thanks,

    | jacobfy

  • Hey everyone, We've been talking about this issue a bit over the last week in our office, I wanted to extend the idea out to the Moz community and see if anyone has some additional perspective on the issue. Let me break-down the scenario: We're in the process of cleaning-up the link profile for a new client, which contains many low quality SEO-directory links placed by a previous vendor. Recently, we made a connection to a webmaster who controls a huge directory network. This person found 100+ links to our client's site on their network and wants $5/link to have them removed. Client was not hit with a manual penalty, this clean-up could be considered proactive, but an algorithmic 'penalty' is suspected based on historical keyword rankings. **The Issue: **We can pay this ninja $800+ to have him/her remove the links from his directory network, and hope it does the trick. When talking about scaling this tactic, we run into some ridiculously high numbers when you talk about providing this service to multiple clients. **The Silver Lining: **Disavow Links file. I'm curious what the effectiveness of creating this around the 100+ directory links could be, especially since the client hasn't been slapped with a manual penalty. The Debate: Is putting a disavow file together a better alternative to paying for crappy links to be removed? Are we actually solving the bad link problem by disavowing or just patching it? Would choosing not to pay ridiculous fees and submitting a disavow file for these links be considered a "good faith effort" in Google's eyes (especially considering there has been no manual penalty assessed)?

    | Etna

  • Recently, a client went through a split with a business partner, they both had websites on the same domain, but within their own sub directories. There is a main landing page, which links to both sites, the landing page sits on the root. Ie. is a landing page with links to, and Parter 2 will be my client for this example. After the split, partner 2 downloaded his website, and put it up on his own server, but no longer has any kind of access to the old servers ftp, and partner 1 is refusing to cooperate in any way to have the site removed from the old server. They did add a 301 redirect for the home page on the old server for partner 2, so, is 301'ing to the new site on the new server, HOWEVER, every other page is still live on that old server, and is outranking the new site in every instance. The home page is also being outranked, even with the 301 redirect in place. What are some steps I can take to rectify this? The clients main concern is that this old website, containing the old partners name, is outranking him for his own name, and the name of his practice. So far, here's what i've been thinking: Since the site has poor on-page optimization, i'll start be cleaning all of that up. I'll then optimize the home page to better depict the clients name and practice through proper usage of heading tags, titles, alt, etc, as well as the meta title and description. The only other thing I can think of would be to start building some backlinks? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    | RCDesign74

  • Hey Guys, I have a few question about XML Sitemaps. For a social site that is going to have presonal accounts created, what is the best way to get them indexed?  When it comes to profiles I found out that twitter ( and facebook ( have directory pages, but Google plus has xml index pages ( If we go the XML route, how would we automatically add new profiles to the sitemap? Or is the only option to keep updating your xml profiles using a third party software (sitemapwriter)? If a user chooses to not have their profile indexed (by default it will be index-able), how do we go about deindexing that profile?  Is their an automatic way of doing this? Lastly, has anyone dappled with google sitemap generator ( if so do you recommend it? Thank you!

    | keywordwizzard

  • Greetings!  I would love some recent experiences to support our experience which is +/- 1 year old on this question. Based on our experiences around a year ago, I believe that Google will only honor a 302 temporary redirect for a relatively short period - perhaps up to a month - and then it will begin treating the redirect as a 301 redirect and will remove the old page from the index.  Have others seen this?  Is there an update on what the max "safe" period to have a 302 in place could be? We have a domain that is soon to experience about 3 months of "downtime" with no content on it, but the content will be back after that time.  Ideally we would 302 redirect the pages elsewhere just for that downtime period.  However, I don't want to do a 302 redirect if there is a risk that the pages will lose all of their accumulated authority and indexing.  Basically, is there any safe way to just put the domain on ice for a few months? Please share recent experience only. Thanks for your insights!

    | g-s-m

  • I have a competitor who consistently rans #1 or close in SERPS for keyword phrase "uncontested divorce lawyerser.  in analyzing his site he doesn't seem to have anywhere near the links, domain authority or page authority that would justify this preeminence Is this a black hat situation or what? His site  is www.uncontesteddivorceny.comhx thx Paul

    | diogenes

  • hello everyone, imagine that I have a website with Pagerank 7, PA50 DA59... and there is another website who is my competitor... so I decide to buy them... Pagerank3 PA30, DA25.. So I redirect this website to my domain...Using google webmasters I say to Google that it was redirected... So does this improve my SEO or no? Do I get part of the link juice and so on? Can this really improve my rankings?

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • I'm redesigning on a subdomain of my own site, so at As part of the redesign, I am optimizing the site's images. I used Wordpress Importer to get the content to the development site, but I did not import the images. Instead, I added the images to the development site by copying and moving over the contents of's uploads folder. The posts at are showing the images, but they are pulling them from the original location. I tried adding the following code to wp-config.php under the (misunderstood?) impression that the image URLs would use the development site's domain: 1 define('WP_HOME', '');
    2 define('WP_SITEURL', ''); I am not seeing any change and the images are still pulling from the original site. How can I test the images on the current site without actually changing the URLs in the database. (If I understand correctly, I could search and replace, but that is not what I am trying to achieve.) The original domain is not changing with the redesign, so there is no need to actually change the URLs. I just need to test the images, as I will be removing those that are not being used as well as optimizing the remaining images before moving the redesigned site over to the original domain.

    | kimmiedawn

  • I'm really puzzled how for many keywords the company, a retailer of sofas is able to out rank very large companies such as and IKEA. They rank 1st for the phrase 'black leather sofas' and have done for a long time. They currently rank 4th for 'leather sofas' and don't seem to move. Having looked at their back links, I can't see anything special and their domain authority is only 25 compared to DFS which is 45. Can anyone help me with this?

    | GoMetrics

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