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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • When I crawl my website I have urls with (#!162738372878) at the end of my urls. I used screaming frog to look check my website and I seen these. My normal urls are in there too, but each of them have a copy with this strange symbol and number at the end. I used a website builder called homestead to make the website and I seen a bunch of there urls in my crawl as well - is an example I recently created a new website with their new website builder  and transferred it to my old domain. However, I didnt know they didnt offer 301 redirects or canonical tags(learned about those afterwards) and I changed my page names. So they recommended I leave the old website published along with the new website. So if I search my website name on google, sometimes both will show in the results. I just want to sort this all out somehow. My website is Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt

    | Matt16

  • Considering Google's renewed emphasis on E-A-T, and since Google+ authorship is going away, what is the best practice for establishing authorship of content? Is it still rel="author" but with a link to one's bio on one's website? Should this be done on every page of a site? If so, can it be in the footer or would it be more effective immediately below the page content?

    | ahirai

  • Hi If there is a link on a page that goes to a URL that is blocked in robots txt - is the link juice lost in the same way as when you add nofollow to a link on a page. Any help would be most appreciated.

    | Andrew-SEO

  • As title suggests we are running into a serious issue of the home page disapearing from Google search results whilst the rest of the site still remains. We search for it naturally cannot find a trace, then use a "site:" command in Google and still the home page does not come up. We go into web masters and inspect the home page and even Google states that the page is indexable. We then run the "Request Indexing" and the site comes back on Google. This is having a damaging affect and we would like to understand why this issue is happening. Please note this is not happening on just one of our sites but has happened to three which are all located on the same server. One of our brand which has the issue is:

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Good morning. We have a vendor that has created a landing page with content  that we want to use.  Because of the way we built the site, the only way to use the content is to create an i-frame.  The i-frame is re-directingon the same Domain.  Would we benefit from the SEO Content?

    | jdenbo_edf

  • I am combining content from two similar articles into one. URL 1 has a featured snippet and better URL structure, but only 5,000 page views in the last 6 month, and has 39 keywords ranking in the top 10. URL 2 has worse structure, but over 100k page views in the last 6 months, and 236 keywords in the top 10. Basically, I'm wondering if I keep the one with the better URL structure or the one with more traffic. The deleted URL will be redirected to whichever I keep.

    | curtis-yakketyyak

  • Hi everyone, Our company sells products in various divisions. While we've been selling Product A and Product B under our original brand, we've recently created a new division with a new domain to focus on a Product B. The new domain has virtually no domain authority (3) while the original domain has some (37). We want customers to arrive on the new domain when they search for key search terms related to Product B instead of the pages that previously existed on our main website. If we create 301 redirects for the pages and content on the main site and add noindex, nofollow tags, will we lose the domain authority that we have from our original domain because the pages now have the noindex, nofollow tags? I read a few blog posts from Moz that said there isn't any domain authority lost with 301 redirects but I'm not sure if that is true if the pages are noindex, nonofollow.   Do you follow?  🙂 Apologies for the lengthy post. Love this community and the great Moz team. Thanks, Joe

    | jgoehring-troy

  • What's best practice regarding changing URLs for SEO? If the page contains great information around a particular term but the URL is not reflective of this and thus the page isn't ranking should the URL be changed? Or is it always a hard and fast no? It would seem to make sense to me if the page didn't have any backlinks already and Organic clicks were minimal. Sam

    | Samsam0000

  • Hey everyone! My company has recently migrated to a new domain ( which includes migrating many TLD separate domains to the new. We have structured the website to have multi-language and regions, including regional content, product offerings etc. Our structure is as follows just to give an example. Currently, specifically the homepage version of the USA website is indexing into Canadian Search Engines, and I can't figure out why. It has been roughly 6 weeks since launch. Any thoughts on this? Thank you Dustin


  • Hi people. I have a client which holds a escort agency website operating in Amsterdam the Netherlands. Please take note that Escort Agency is legal and holland is a liberal country with permit and all, so just trying to point out that it's a perfectly legal crafted business. To the point: we are seeing a 95% drop in traffic (basicly back to barely 10 clicks a day) after 18 to 19 feb. We've inspected the incoming links, and we did see some things going on that where not quite healthy. At first a banner was bought on a dutch advertising website. On their behalf, this sitewide banner got published with a follow on roughly 132k of pages. That was strike 1 (i think). After tossing this in disavow for temporarily basis and informed the advertisal website to put any sitewide link to nofollow in the first place, nothing changed. We found a 2nd site doing the same mistake. Frankly the banner got exposed on roughly 100k of pages on which some of 'm where barely 2 days old. Strike 2. Solved this by putting it in disavow for the time being and asking politely to put the banner again, nofollow. We cleaned out any incoming potential spammy links by using disavow. The data we obtained was a mix of google webmaster itself and moz profiling. However we're one month further now, and the graph is still a big phat flatline. What is going on? I've noted that, one other sites, which share the same brand, but completely different websites / subnets / content and all, has the same threatment going on showing a huge drop from 18th of feb 2019 and is unable to recover. We cannot see anything 'bad' actually going on @ webmasters and there is no manual action taken. So we're kind of stuck now on a site that was my project but now completely fell into oblivion and hurting someone's business. The url is - anyone has a reasonable advice to this issue? full.jpg full.jpg

    | Jvanderlinde

  • Hi guys, The tech department implemented rel="prev"  and rel="next" on this website a long time ago.
    We also added a canonical tag to the 'own' page. We're talking about the following situation: However we still see a situation where a lot of paginated pages are visible in the SERP.
    Is this just a case of rel="prev" and "next" being directives to Google?
    And in this specific case, Google deciding to not only show the 1st page in the SERP, but still show most of the paginated pages in the SERP? Please let me know, what you think. Regards,

    | AdenaSEO

  • hi...i have website...and i was in first place in page1  since 4 month ago. but somehow i take 5th place . its weird because whin compare my moz results there really better in number and better da and pa and lower spam score. why they get better result in my main kewords???!!! this is my website and this is main keyword "اجاره ماشین" + "اجاره خودرو"

    | avaye

  • Hi Guys, We are operating a Single Page Application at the moment and are having difficulty to make the website rank. We are using Server Side Rendering when the user is landing on one of our SEO relevant landing page. But if the user is clicking on any link, then after clicking, the content that he gets is only client side rendered. Our assumption is that the Google Bot is going to do the following : Land on a page AAA, that will be server side rendered (all good) Navigate through the link existing on the page AAA and be exposed to the content of page BBB Since content of page BBB is client side rendering only, then the Bot will not be able to properly understand what it is. => Hence still able to crawl it but it won't rank it well. Here our questions : Because SEO is critical to us, should we try to force SSR after a click ? How does the robot opens links ? Is it : open new tab behavior ? Because this would trigger SSR on our side. Looking forward for your feedback

    | ZozoMe

  • Dear Community, I have the following problem and would be super helpful if you guys would be able to help. Cheers Symptoms : On the search console, Google says that some of our old URLs are indexed but not submitted in sitemap However, those URLs are in the sitemap Also the sitemap as been successfully submitted. No error message Potential explanation : We have an automatic cache clearing process within the company once a day. In the sitemap, we use this as last modification date. Let's imagine url was modified last time in 2017. But because the cache is cleared daily, in the sitemap we will have last modified : yesterday, even if the content of the page did not changed since 2017. We have a Z after sitemap time, can it be that the bot does not understands the time format ? We have in the sitemap only http URL. And our HTTPS URLs are not in the sitemap What do you think?

    | ZozoMe

  • I'm removing a bunch of old & rubbish pages and was going to serve 410 to tell google they're gone (my understanding is it'll get them out of the index a bit quicker than a 404). I should still serve an error page though, right? Similar to a 404. That doesn't muddy the "gone" message that I'm giving Google? There's no need to 410 and die?

    | HSDOnline

  • Despite our blog using rel=next and rel=”prev” we’re still finding paginated pages getting impressions in Google, suggesting they are taking up unnecessary crawl budget. An example is: What steps would you recommend I take to most benefit my sites SEO? Thanks, Sam

    | sjefferies

  • I'm working with on a website for an app called BetterRX. There's a prescription card called BetterRX Card. Our domain is Better and the card is "Better RX" as a brand search is dominated by prescription discount cards, with Good RX being the most dominant. Any suggestions on how to go about mixing optimization for brand as well as the app?

    | sickle311

  • Domain migration nightmare - what is wrong? Domain migration nightmare - what is wrong?

    | PSOM101

  • Hi There, I am working on the following website: I have become aware that there are different pages that are competing for the same keywords. For example, I just started to update a core, category page - Anaesthetics ( to focus mainly around the keywords ‘Anaesthetist Jobs’. But I have recognized that there are ongoing landing pages that contain pretty similar content: We want to direct organic traffic to our core pages e.g. ( This then leads me to have to deal with the duplicate pages with either a canonical link (content manageable) or maybe alternatively adding a no-follow tag or updating the robots.txt. Our resident developer also suggested that it might be good to use Google Index in the sitemap to tell Google that these are of less value? What is the best approach? Should I add a canonical link to the landing pages pointing it to the category page? Or alternatively, should I use the Google Index? Or even another approach? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | Wavelength_International

  • Hello Best Practice for rich snippets / structured data in ecommerce category pages? I put structured markup in the category pages and it seems to have negatively impacted SEO.  Webmaster tools is showing about 2.5:1 products to pages ratio. Should I be putting structured data in category Pages at all? Thanks for your time 🙂

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • I'm working on redesigning our website. One of the content types has a main archive page (/success-stories) containing all of the success stories (written by graduates of our program). Because we plan to have success stories for other people (non-graduates), I'm using category hierarchies (/success-stories/graduates and success-stories/nonprofits, for example). It will go one level deeper to organize graduates by graduation year (/success-stories/graduates/%year%). I think this will work out well. However, we won't have non-graduate success stories for a little while, probably at least a few weeks, which means that /success-stories and /.../graduates indices will contain the same content for a while. So my question is this: Will it hurt to use a canonical tag that points to /success-stories/graduates as the authority until the main archive page contains more than just graduates? Or would it be better to use a 302 redirect from /success-stories to /.../graduates until more diverse content is added?

    | bcaples

  • Hi there! In SERP analysis for my chosen keywords, DA level for a facebook page is 97, and the RDs linking to root domain is 42,117,874. So does this site have 42 million domains leading back to this page, making it impossible to beat with SEO? Any help is appreciated as I'm struggling to understand what this means! Thanks 🙂

    | Kati_nav

  • Hello! A client's IT security team has firewalls on the site with GEO blocking enabled. This is to prevent foreign connections to applications as part of a contractual agreements with their own clients. Does anyone have any experience with workarounds for this? Thank you!

    | SimpleSearch

  • Hey All! I'm wondering if there is any benefit (or if benefit could possibly outweigh the cost) to changing a domain from .com to a new .edu domain. The current .com domain has decent credibility already, and the .edu will have never been used before.

    | frankandmaven

  • Two months ago we launched a new website (same domain) and implemented 301 re-directs for all of the pages.  Two months later we are still seeing old pages in Google's cache index.  So how long should I tell the client this should take for them all to be removed in search?

    | Liamis

  • To what extent will posting quality blog posts 2 to 3 times per week have the following effects: 1. Improve ranking for specific keywords?
    2. Create backlinks to our website
    3. Increase MOZ domain authority
    4. Increase  organic search traffic Assume that the blog posts are geared towards answering user inquiries and are also posted on our social media accounts. Would such an approach be better than engaging in a link building campaign, in the sense that the links will be created organically by users that want to link to our site? Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • I just bought a SSL Key, do I need to redirect all my links? Example redirect 301 to Otherwise, I will lose all my ranking I guess?

    | Gab-SEO

  • I know most people who remove dates from their URL structure usually do so and then setup a 301 redirect. I believe that's the right way to go about this typically. My biggest fear with doing a global 301 redirect implementation like that across an entire site is that I've seen cases where this has sort of shocked Google and the site took a hit in organic traffic pretty bad. Heres what I'm thinking a safer approach would be and I'd like to hear others thoughts. What if... Changed permalink structure moving forward to remove the date in future posts. All current URLs stay as is with their dates Moving forward we would go back and optimize past posts in waves (including proper 301 redirects and better URL structure). This way we avoid potentially shocking Google with a global change across all URLs. Do you know of a way this is possible with a large Wordpress website? Do you see any conplications that could come about in this process? I'd like to hear any other thoughts about this please. Thanks!

    | HashtagJeff

  • Hi, A website is not fully secured with a SSL certificate.
    Approx 97% of the pages on the website are secured. A few pages are unfortunately not secured with a SSL certificate, because otherwise some functions on those pages do not work. It's a website where you can play online games. These games do not work with an SSL connection. Is there anything we have to consider or optimize?
    Because, for example when we click on the secure lock icon in the browser, the following notice.
    Your connection to this site is not fully secured Can this harm the Google ranking? Regards,

    | AdenaSEO

  • we are currently in the process of a massive project which involves us migrating our domain, we realised that Google crawlwer has not been crawling our pages Quiet often. i have observed some cases where google crawled these pages about 6 months back and then never visited the pages again
    and we had to manually submit these pages for reindexing in some geographies. can you please help us undertsand the things we need to improve so that google crawler visit us more often to reindex pages from our domain

    | bhaskaran

  • Hi there! Thanks for your time 😉 I have a new cutsomer that bought his domain name via WIX and your know... WIX sucks huge time for SEO. Basically, we want to do SEO outside of WIX. But I am not sure HOW I should proceed. I think I have 2 options: OPTION 1- We transfer the domain name from WIX to a new hoster. But we will lose 7 days during that, lose prospects while the website is in maintenance and we might lose the little bit of ranking we have on the way. BUT! ONCE Everything is done with the transfer, we will be able to operate our SEO campaing with a Domain Name that as 15 domain authority, links, little bit a ranking, etc. OPTION 2- I just buy a new domain name. I build the new Website on it and then use the SEO juice from the old domain name with redirect to push the new domain name. Like this, I won't lose any opportunities. BUT I will have to restart the SEO as new... Any tips or ideas for me? Maybe there is an OPTION 3 that I don't know about.

    | Gab-SEO

  • I'm working on some schema for a client and have a question regarding the use of schema for a high-level category page. This page is merely the main lander for Categories. For example: And all it does is list links to the three main categories (Men's, Women's, Kid's) - it's a clothing store. This is the code I have right now. In short, simply using type @Itemlist and an array that uses @ListItem. Structured Data Testing Tool returns no errors with it, but my main question is this: Is this the _correct _way to do a page like this, or are there better options? Thanks.

    | Alces

  • Hello, I have a US phone number on my website because all my clients are in the USA  but a Swiss address on my website because I am based in Switzerland. I also registered my website on google my business with a Swiss address. I noticed that I rank fairly well (on the 1 st page for many keywords in Switzerland when searching from my location (Switzerland) on but when I connect to adwords (choosing USA) or with a proxy in the USA to check my ranking I see myself nowhere on the 1 st page.Why is that ? is it because I have a Swiss address ?Is the fact that I have a Swiss address and I am based in Switzerland hurt my ranking in the USA ?Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, So I have read a lot of articles about duplicate content/ keyword canibalism/ competing with yourself, and so on. But none of these articles really fit to manufacturer website who produces one product. For example, lets say I make ceramic tiles, this means: Homepage: "Our tiles are the best tiles, we have numerous designs of tiles. We make them only from natural ceramic" Product list: "Here is a list of our tiles: Poesia tile, white tile, textured tile, etc" Page for each tile: Gallery: a bunch of images trying to prove that these tiles look best 🙂 Where to buy page: a map From what I understand this page is already doomed - it will not go well against larger retailers who don't focus only on tiles but they sell everything. This page is set to have a lot of duplicate content. But I hope I am wrong, can someone please make some suggestions how to do SEO on such a website where all pages are about the same thing? Any help would be much appreciated! Juris

    | JurisBBB

  • Hi, We have lost the non-slash to slash URL redirection in our WP site. We are using Yoast SEO. All the settings are normal and we have enabled the related code in .htaccess too. Still we couldn't able to find why we lost. Please help. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Is this questions people have about something. For example : for the keyword Title tag would a related topic would be the length because people look for the length of a title tag ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi everyone, So i have one project where I'm planning to move current content on new domain, two reasons: 1. It seems current domain has some google penalty (backlink related, not manual) 2. Client wants rebranding and already has domain with new brand name. So as content is high quality and there is no content related penalty from google, what would be the best way to migrate existing content without passing any penalty AND without Google treating it as duplicate content. If i do 301 i suspect any penalty there is might follow, if i just copy existing content it won't be original content, what is the best solution here? Thanks

    | joelsemy

  • Hi, I am checking the SEO for a website that has a homepage consisting of the 5 most important categories. These are represented by different images with the category title in clickable text in the image. When I check the alt tags of the images they all have the following structure: brand - activities - locations - category. So for each image alt text the items 'brand - activities - locations' are used and only the category changes. Can this be seen by Google as spamming?

    | Mat_C

  • Hi, I have two questions regarding keyword cannibalization. 1. I am doing the SEO for a website that sells do-it-yourself packages for heating, bathrooms, ventilation and so on for new houses or for renovations. The most important pages are the product pages (e.g. but there is also a blog divided into categories per product (e.g. The difference is clear: the product page focuses on the product itself, and the blog category page contains all blog posts relating bathrooms (tips, new materials, new innovations,...). My question is if the product page and blog category page can compete with each other for the term bathrooms (although they have different content). Does it help or is it enough to direct internal links from separate blog posts to the most important page (being the product page) and back to avoid my category blog page to compete with my product page? Another possibility would be to use a canonical tag on the category page pointing to the product page, but this actually isn't good practice because it isn't really duplicate content. Third possibility would be to no index the category page. So what is the best solution of the three? 2. A second example of keyword cannibalization can be category archive pages for webshops. If you have a category page and a subcategory page, is it useful to optimize on both pages for different terms, being jeans for the first page and jeans for women for the second, or will Google not make this distinction because the keyword are too closely related? In other words, is it useful to write content specifically for jeans for women and make a landing page for this keyword, or will this page compete with the category page that has been optimized for just the keyword jeans? In large clothing webshops, you can see for example that there is an optimized page for Nike (content, headings,...) but not for Nike for women or Nike for men. Is this just laziness or is this done exactly to avoid keyword cannibalization? Looking forward to your comments!

    | Mat_C

  • Hi, I am checking a website for SEO and I've noticed that a lot of pages from the blog have the following meta robots: meta name="robots" content="follow" Normally these pages should be indexed, since search engines will index and follow by default. In this case however, a lot of pages from this blog are not indexed. Is this because the meta robots is specified, but only contains follow? So will search engines only index and follow by default if there is no meta robots specified at all? And secondly, if I would change the meta robots, should I just add index or remove the meta robots completely from the code? Thanks for checking!

    | Mat_C

  • I am looking for a tool that can track ranking position of a YouTube video on SERP and YouTube. An example would be, Suppose I have a video X. I want to know the position of the video for keywords A,B,C on SERP and YouTube. Do let me know your inputs.

    | SameerBhatia

  • Hi, all Wondering if someone could give me a pointer or two, please. I cannot seem to get Google or Bing to crawl my sitemap. If I submit the sitemap in WMT and test it I get a report saying 44,322urls found. However, if I then submit that same sitemap it either says Pending (in old WMT) or Couldn't fetch in the new version. This couldn't fetch is very puzzling as it had no issue fetching the map to test it. My other domains on the same server are fine, the problem is limited to this one site. I have tried several pages on the site using the Fetch as Google tool and they load without issue, however, try as I may, it will not fetch my sitemap. The sitemapindex.xml file won't even submit. I can confirm my sitemaps, although large, work fine, please see the following as an example (minus the spaces, of course, didn't want to submit and make it look like I was just trying to get a link) https:// digitalcatwalk https:// digitalcatwalk I would welcome any feedback anyone could offer on this, please. It's driving me mad trying to work out what is up. Many thanks, Jeff

    | wonkydogadmin

  • So I have a site that I want to shut down and redirect to a dedicated Vow Renewals page I am making on this site here: My main question is: I don't want to lose all the authority of the pages and if I just redirect the site using my domain registrar's 301 redirect it will only redirect the main URL not all of the supporting pages, to my knowledge. How do I not lose all the authority of the supporting pages and still shut down the site and close down my site builder? I know if I leave the site up I can redirect all of the individual pages to corresponding pages on the other site, but I want to be done with it. Just trying to figure out if there is a better way than I know of. The domain is hosted through GoDaddy.

    | photoseo1

  • Hello, In an informational query can the answer people are looking for have multiple intent or will it always have 1 intent ? For example New York, the intent is probably where ? On a longer query such as "Provence bike tour" what is the intent ? Where, what, Why, How to, when ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I would like to redirect a small website that contains info about a specific project temporarily to a specific url about this project on my main website. Reason for this is that the small website doesn't contain accurate info anymore. We will adapt the content in the next few weeks and then remove the redirect again. Should I set up a 301 or a 302? Thanks

    | Mat_C

  • Hi all, I read the article from 2014 on MOZ regarding ipv6. Our technical department is about to change our server from ipv4 to ipv6.
    Are there any things we have to consider regarding SEO / rankings / duplicate content etc.. with this transition? I hope you have a little spare time to answer this question. Regards,

    | AdenaSEO

  • Hi everyone, Here is my problem. This site: ranks for bunch of really good keywords. Such as lax car service, car service to lax etc. The keyword does not appear in Title tag, and only partially on meta description. The site's DA is 23 and PA is 22. Less than 29 links overall, and linking domains 8. Why in your opinion Google is ranking this page #1 and #2 for many competitive keywords. I know it's a hard question to ask but any input would be greatly appreciated. I am working really hard to rank for same keywords and  so far i am at #11 position. Thanks in advance, Davit

    | Davit1985

  • Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice if possible. In October 2018 we did a site redesign for a website that we had acquired ( but we have lost SO much organic traffic since Oct (-40/50% each month). I have amended any crawl errors including broken redirects ensuring all 301's that we put in place are working correctly, ensured 404 pages working OK, implemented canonical onto all pages along with other bits but we don't really seem to be seeing any improvements in our organic traffic. Can anyone offer any advice on the above? Thanks, Lea

    | GAP_Digital_Marketing

  • We have an ecommerce site, we'll say at We have created a series of brand new landing pages, mainly for PPC and Social at, but would also like for these to get indexed. These are built on Unbounce so there is an easy option to simply uncheck the box that says "block page from search engines", however I am trying to speed up this process but also do this the best/correct way. I've read a lot about how we should build landing pages as a sub-directory, but one of the main issues we are dealing with is long page load time on, so I wanted a kind of fresh start. I was thinking a potential solution to index these quickly/correctly was to make a redirect such as -> then submit to Search Console but I am not sure if that will even work. Another possible solution was to put some of the subdomain links accessed on the root domain say right on the pages or in the navigation. Also, will I definitely be hurt by 'starting over' with a new website? Even though my MozBar on my subdomain has the same domain authority (DA) as the root domain Recommendations and steps to be taken are welcome!

    | Markbwc

  • Hello, I have a question about meta robots ="index, follow" and rel=canonical on category page pagination. Should the sorted page be <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"></meta name="robots" content="index,follow"> since the  rel="canonical" is pointing to a separate page that is different from the URL? Any thoughts on this topic would be awesome. Thanks. Main Category Page
    <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"><link rel="canonical" href="https:"" category="" "=""></link rel="canonical" href="https:></meta name="robots" content="index,follow"> Sorted Page
    <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"=""><link rel="canonical" href="https:"" category="" ?p="2""></link rel="canonical" href="https:></meta name="robots" content="index,> As you can see, the meta robots is telling Google to index , yet saying the canonical page is .

    | Choice

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