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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • In the last couple weeks my impressiona and clicks have dropped off to about half what it used to be. I am wondering if Google is punishing me for something... I also added two new pages to my site in the first week of June and they still aren't indexed.  In the past it seemed like new pages would be indexed in a couple days. Is there any way to tell if Google is unhappy with my site?  WMT shows 3 server errors, 3 Access denied,  and 122 not found errors.  Could those not found pages be killing me? Thanks for any advise, Greg

    | Banknotes

  • My client has several articles and pages that have 2 different URLs For example: /bc-blazes-construction-trail is the same article as: /article.cfm?intDocID=22572 I was not sure if this was duplicate content or not ... Or if I should be putting "/article.cfm" into the robots.txt file or not.. if anyone could help me out, that would be awesome! Thanks 🙂

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • Good evening SEOMoz. A series events, in close succession are making it somewhat difficult for me to diagnose a cause of fluctuations in traffic. Please excuse some of the stupid moves I made, but desperation got the better of me. One of my most beloved websites was hit by Panda on January 18th. Pretty sure it was due to a CMS bug that is now fixed. The website site started to show great signs of recovery from April 19th - Panda 3.5. I'm going to be as explicit as possible with the traffic for the days that follow. Traffic was stable previously. April 20th +10%. April 21st +5%. April 22nd +5%. (half way recovered, also the first real fluctuation since the site was hit in Jan). Due to the looming over-optimisation penalty, on the 22nd I changed the titles to unoptimise them a little. (fear is a dangerous thing at times). April 23rd -10%. April 24th -10% April 25th onwards, pretty much levelled out. The websites I've seen hit by Penguin, lost around 40% of their traffic, very steeply on 24th and 25th April. So the drops aren't in keeping with my experience of Penguin. But they do coincide perfectly with the massive site-wide title change. I've haven't read anything definitive about a penalty for changing titles too often, but for obvious reasons, it makes sense. The drop seems terribly soon after changing titles, but the site is very heavily indexed. It's also worth mentioning that I did changed the titles BACK, incase it was purely the fact the titles had been slightly de-optimised, that caused the drop. I waited until May 5th. This had no positive nor negative effect. It's a lot to take in but I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm feeling a little bamboozled looking at all the figures. There was of course the above the fold update on the 19th Jan, but lets ignore that as we've only ever had a max 1 ad per page, most pages have none.

    | seo-wanna-bs

  • Hi Different people are telling me different things I think if I download "all links" using the button in WMT to excel, I am seeing all the links Google is 'counting' when evaluating my site. is that right?

    | usedcarexpert

  • We have submitted our sitemap.xml to search engines so now that they have that should we use a nofollow attribute on the sitemap.html? Do we even need a sitemap.html? For other links on the site such as: Contact us About Us Locations and other phrases that we are not trying to rank for should we set these to nofollow?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Ok, I accept this one is my fault but wondering on time scales to fix... I have a website and I put an affiliate store on it, using merchant datafeeds in a bid to get revenue from the site. This was all good, however, I forgot to put noindex on the datafeed/duplicate content pages and over a period of a couple of weeks the traffic to the site died. I have since nofollowed or removed the products but some 3 months later my site still will not rank for the keywords it was ranking for previously. It will not even rank if I type in the sites' name (bright tights). I have searched for the name using bright tights, "bright tights" and brighttights but none of them return the site anywhere. I am guessing that I have been hit with a drop x place penalty by Google for the duplicate content. What is the easiest way around this? I have no warning about bad links or the such. Is it worth battling on trying to get the domain back or should I write off the domain, buy a new one and start again but minus the duplicate content? The goal of having the duplicate content store on the site was to be able to rank the category pages in the store which had unique content on so there were no problems with that which I could foresee. Like Amazon et al, the categories would have lists of products (amongst other content) and you would click through to the individual product description - the duplicate page. Thanks for reading

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • One of my client's leading competitors is well stacked in terms of rank/authority.  PA: 61, DA: 53.  However, in OSE I estimate that +/- of all links on the first page are from sites such as "", "", "". Personally, I would consider this to be a little spammy.  However, I admit that I could be wrong. What's the best approach when trying to take on a competitor like this?  Wait it out and tell my client to keep blogging/selling as per the schedule until Google pics up on these links?

    | ShippingContainer

  • Okay - I am a supermodel.  I look pretty.  My legs are amazing.  My cheekbones are high.  But when it comes to 301 redirects I am the ugliest supermodel on the block. Crap, here is the truth:  I am not even a supermodel.  I am just a middle-aged, goofy looking dude who is a newbie to fixing websites. I have inherited several sites from a friend and I have been helping by creating solid contextual links internally and externally for a while.  But, when Roger the wondrous SEOMoz robot talks to me, he says, "oops, it looks like your foolish freak self has a site that has both a www. and a non-www, which can create competition for yourself." What do I do when he says that? I just whisper a "thank-you" but gently press the skip this step button and go on with my life because I do not know how to make my non-www.'s redirect into the www. sites... Now, I have sort of asked this question on the site before, but I was answered by someone who does not understand my level of ignorance. any use of the word canonical or just put this lfwjkshj.htp/php inside the left ear of your mom, does not tell me anything so, is there any willing and kind soul who can walk me through redirecting several of my sites to their proper home - kind of like Carl Chubbs Weathers did for Happy Gilmore in that Academy Award winning classic? Thanks for the help in advance best, dumbhead

    | creativeguy

  • I'm making some changes to my business that will cause me to move my blog to a new domain. The existing site will serve as a sales campaign for our full service programs and I want to keep visitors focused on that campaign. The old site will serve much like a mini site with a sales letter and video sales letter. In moving the blog content to another page - I found a post from Rand from a few years ago The way I wanted to approach this was to remove the content from the old site, and then resubmit the site map to Google for indexing. Of course they'll notice that the blog pages are gone. (probably a load of 404's) After perhaps a week, I'd repost the content (about 50 posts) on the new domain, which will be little more than a blog. I'd like some input on the way to approach this. Should I... a) Follow Rand's formula? b) Go with my idea (sort of the brute force model)? c) Consider an alternative method? It's probably worth mentioning that none of these posts have high search engine rankings. I appreciate your input Mozzers!

    | sdennison

  • On the 20th February a site I work on took a nose-dive for the main terms I target. Unfortunately I can't provide the url for this site. All links have been developed organically so I have ruled this out as something which could've had an impact. During the past 4 months I've cleaned up all WMT errors and applied appropriate redirects wherever applicable. During this process I noticed that contained identical content to the main site. Upon discovering this problem I 301 redirected all .net content to the main .com site. Nothing has changed in terms of rankings since doing this about 3 months ago. I also found paragraphs of duplicate content on other sites (competitors in different countries). Although entire pages haven't been copied there is still enough content to highlight similarities. As this content was written from scratch and Google would've seen this within it's crawl and index process I wanted to get peoples thoughts as to whether this is something I should be concerned about? Many thanks in advance.

    | bfrl

  • I have done everything the correct way and my site shouldnt break any guidelines can someone tell me where i can contact google and oppose this please? also can someone tell me if links play a part in this> of if this is something to do with the penguin update and my site has been wrongly effected? my url is below

    | tommyboy7

  • Dear SEO'mozzers, Soon i'll be launching my new project. A website with about 2000+ pages, with +- 150 words per page (simple instructions, can't make it longer). It is vital that every page is indexed and will get in the SERP's. Wich tactic can you recommend: Just set every page online at once ( with a good sitemap) or, Feed Google Sitemap with lets say 30 pages a day, so the crawler will come by every day. And hopefully get a better indexation and better rankings over time. Other tactic? of doesnt matter? Many thanks for your help. Gr Menno

    | MennoO

  • Hi, my hosting company has blocked one my web site seeing it has performance problem. Result of that, it is now reactivated but my pages had to be reindexed. I have added my web site to Google Webmaster tool and I have submitted my site map.  After few days it is saying: 103 number of URLs provided 39 URLs indexed I know Google doesn't promesse to index every page but do you know any way to increase my chance to get all my pages indexed? By the way, that site include pages and post (blog). Thanks for your help ! Nancy

    | EnigmaSolution

  • My domain name is free with my service with yahoo but it expires every year and gets extended automatically as I continue service, how does this impact my seo efforts? I've heard that the search engines prefer sites to expire in 3 years or more? Is this a fact?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi all I just read an article (print) about the importance of af having a fast website. The author claims that all pages that are taking longer than 1,5 second to load is getting penalized in the SERPS. Speed is of course a ranking factor. But I have never heard a statement like this before. Is 1,5 second a guideline from Google? Can anyone say, where this number is coming from? Is there maybe another guideline to be followed? Thanks in advance for your comments / answers 🙂 Best regards, Kenneth Karl Nielsen

    | KennethK

  • Hi All, We have an e-commerce website and the category pages are built so that there is a product image and below it there is the title. Both the image and the title are in a href (each on its own). I encountered the following unfinished discussion here at MOZ: The discussion states that its improper. The question is - if it is wrong then why? (maybe because Google will give its weight to the image anchor instead of the text anchor since it is higher in the page). The other question is how to resolve the matter?
    Should I add nofollow to the image href? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi We've spent a month putting together a really complete and awesome video guide, it really is a beautiful and useful thing and is hands down the best bit of content online on this subject. - Great... but Getting the eyeballs and getting the links? Related Bloggers and Influencers.... Egobait (anyone who is in the video) Customers (inform those who already use our site) But who am I missing, this is our first guide, and a months work deserves a really good push, how else can I push this content for a) links and b) views. Whats your checklist? All suggestions welcome, I will revert with success of this afterwards.

    | xoffie

  • Hi Guys, I am looking to buy some domain that have the keyword I want in - but my question is; Does using hypehns in a domain effect your SEO? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • When dealing with affiliate websites, whereby you send them a stock standard bio or info on your company for them to use on their sites, what is best practice? Is is OK to have multiple websites all linking to you with pages that contain the same content? Should I ask them to implement canonical or no-index tags for those particular pages? Should I ask them to rewrite the content (which may be impractical or they're unwilling to do)? Thanks

    | Martin_S

  • I was wondering if it's worth taking an SEO Training course. If so is it better to take a live class or Online class. Or is better to just read all the SEO Books out there? Or is there a good video series anyone can recommend? What is the best way to learn SEO? I have a good understanding of SEO but I'm not a Pro ( Yet ). Obviously SEO is always evolving so even the Pro's are constantly updating their skill set but I want to make sure my foundation is solid and complete. Advice Please. Thank you all.

    | bronxpad

  • How to create RSS feed of a entire site?

    | Alick300

  • Hi guys, I've got a site about discounts/specials etc. A few months ago we decided it might be useful to have shop specials in PDF documents "pulled" and put on the site individually so that people could find the specials easily. This resulted in over 2000 new pages being added to the site over a few weeks (there are lots of specials).
    However, 2 things have happened: 1 - we have decided to go in another direction with the site and are no longer doing this
    2 - the specials that were uploaded have now ended but the pages are still live Google has indexed these pages already. What would be the best way to "deal" with these pages? Do I just delete them, do I 301 them to the home page? PS the site is build on wordpress. Any ideas as I am at a complete loss. Thanks,

    | cashchampion

  • Just wanted to get a discussion going about the effectiveness of article marketing for building links. All of my content will be decent and unique. I will submit to the following 10 directories: Ezine Buzzle Goarticles Article Dashboard Sooperarticles Helium Articlebase Articlealley Isnare Article City Of course, varied anchor text and relevant content to my various niches. I just want to know if this is still an effective link building strategy. Please don't recommend i "try" something else because i am doing everything else as well. Thanks guys

    | danielblinman

  • Hi, I am looking for someone with a lot of experience with building links to your money site using Squidoo. I have a ton of squidoo lenses set up, i recently created back linking reports for a number of squidoos to see if the squidoo was appearing as a link. They were not. Only one out of my 53 lenses is appearing. Tons of them are already featured lenses ( Not work in progress) What does it take to get a squidoo to become an active link in a link profile? Thanks guys

    | danielblinman

  • I've been looking around, but haven't had much luck finding info or case-studies on targeting long-tail keywords or broad match traffic.  So, for example, trying to target a site about used toyotas.  (Not my term, but provides a decent example)  Theres more motivated traffic searching "2002 Toyota Camry" than "Used Toyotas".  While Used Toyotas make more sense for a site theme from a visitor perspective, I would rather have an article on my site rank for the easier keyword of say Blue 2002 Toyota Camry.  I make more money from long tail keywords than Used Toyotas.  Any thoughts or references about increasing those rankings would be appreciated.  Thanks.

    | MeanGiant

  • Example: for pages on

    | SEOTGT

  • Hi, I was hoping to get some feedback on this site's SEO: I also have different URLs which can be accessed from the left side of the site under "Quick Search Links" that go to the different offices within this company. Thoughts on how to improve would be great. Thanks in advance.

    | gXe

  • Hi , We have an eCommerce Site and from looking at a competitor , they seem to be rank better than us even though our everything about our site is better . We hire the same products (are affiliated the same company) so the product list is the same. Both our category pages score A grade in Seomoz reports. So This is what I can deduce from the competitors category page I am trying to compete against. On the cement Mixer hire category page The competitor has put the Main Keyword "Cement mixer hire" in all the Title Attributes on their H2 and H3 tags as well as it being the main H1 tag. They have 5 product links in h3 tags all with the same title attribute (cement mixer hire) These links go through to product page. Am I missing a trick here ?..... I would have though using the title attribute so much for main keyword would be a bit spammy ?. I have copied them with the point 1 but I have not done mine h3 as yet. Just wondering that the SEO guru's thought ?. thanks Sarah

    | SarahCollins

  • Hi I mentioned yesterday how one of our sites was losing rank on product pages. What steps do you take to improve the SERPS of product pages, in this case home/category/product is the tree. There isn't really any internal linking, except one link from the category page to each product, would setting up a host of internal links perhaps "similar products" linking them together be a place to start? How can I improve my ranking of these more deeply internal pages? Not just internal links?

    | xoffie

  • Through SEO Moz link analysis tools, we looked at a competing websites external followed links and discovered a large number of links going to Blog pages with domain authorities in the 90's (their blog page authorities were between 40 and 60), however the single blog post written by this website was exactly the same in every instance and had been posted in August 2011. Some of these blog sites had 160 or so links linking back to this competing website whose domain authority is 49 while ours is 28, their Moz Trust is 5.43 while ours is 5.18. An example of some of the blogs that link to the competing website are:\ However many of these links are "no follow" and yet still show up on Open Site Explorer as some of this competing websites top linking pages. Admittedly, they have 584 linking root domains while we have only 35, but if most of them are the kind of websites posted above, we don't understand how Google is rewarding them with a higher domain authority. Our website is Are these tactics now the only way to get ahead?

    | Peter.Huxley59

  • We have close to 60 domains that we are considering pointing to our main site.  Is this type of a redirect a good idea?  We have a number of domains that are industry related but do not have our brand name in the domain.  Should we point these sites to our homepage as well? Pros/Cons? Examples: <colgroup><col width="201"></colgroup> XXXXX.BE XXXXX.BIZ XXXXX.BZ XXXXX.CC XXXXX.CO XXXXX.CO.UK XXXXX.COM XXXXX.INFO XXXXX.JOBS XXXXX.ME XXXXX.ME.UK XXXXX.MOBI XXXXX.MX XXXXX.NET.CN XXXXX.NL XXXXX.ORG.UK XXXXX.TW XXXXX.US XXXXX.WS XXXXXEXCHANGE.COM XXXXXONLINE.COM WIDGETSRUS.COM WIDGETBLOG.COM |

    | NaHoku

  • So I've tried scouring the internet on the proper way to markup youtube videos. I know there's the VideoObject propery but that seems to be more made for the old school embed code that looks like this: <embed width="100%" id="video-player-flash" height="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" bgcolor="#000000" flashvars="el=embedded&fexp=904001%2C914057%2C918000%2C910206%2C907217%2C907335%2C921602%2C919306%2C922600%2C919316%2C920704%2C912804%2C913542%2C919324%2C912706&is_html5_mobile_device=false&tabsb=1&hl=en_US&"> Do I need to use that code or is it possible to mark it up using just the clean iframe src that youtube provides now?

    | SirSud

  • I have the opportunity to buy a domain in the same vertical as my own (real estate) which has a decent link profile and good SERPs. What are the pros and cons of keeping the existing domain and tweaking the content versus 301ing the domain to my existing domain or a page on my domain?

    | Geordieromer

  • We currently have 3 different versions of our State Business-for-Sale listings pages - the versions are: **Version 1 -- Preferred Version: ** Title = California Business for Sale Ads - California Businesses for Sale & Business Brokers - Sell a Business on Business Broker Version 2: Title = California Business for Sale | 3124 California Businesses for Sale | Version 3: Title = California Businesses for Sale at - California Business for Sale While the page titles and meta data are a bit different, the bulk of the page content (which is the listings rendered) are identical.    We were wondering if it would make good sense to either (A) 301 redirect Versions 2 and 3 to the preferred Version 1 page or (B) put Canonical Tags on Versions 2 and 3 labeling Version 1 as the preferred version.    We have this issue for all 50 U.S. States -- I've mentioned California here but the same applies for Alabama through Wyoming - same issue. Given that there are 3 different flavors and all are showing up in the Search Results -- some on the same 1st page of results -- which probably is a good thing for now -- should we do a 301 redirect or a Canonical Tag on Versions 2 and 3?     Seems like with Google cracking down on duplicate content, it might be wise to be proactive. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!    Thanks. Matt M

    | MWM3772

  • Hello, Can anyone tell me how big is the difference between a PR5 .com and a PR5 .edu Double, triple? How big? Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • Today, I have checked Bing webmaster tools and come to know about Ignore URL parameters. Bing webmaster tools shows me certain parameters for URLs where I have added META Robots with NOINDEX FOLLOW syntax. I can see canopy_search_fabric parameter in suggested section. It's due to following kind or URLs. But, I have added META Robots NOINDEX Follow to disallow crawling. So, why should it happen?

    | CommercePundit

  • Help! On Yahoo and Bing, if you search "Chant Real Estate" the full title that I've entered appears in the search listings: Chant PA Real Estate | Real Estate PA | Pennsylvania: Find PA Homes for Sale But in Google it only shows "Chant PA Real Estate". This title was what the original developer used for their site and it's been almost a year now that it's been under our control. Any suggestions? The URL is

    | gXe

  • Hi Scratching our heads here over SERP drop for some of our product pages, Although they are all uniquely titled with the product name, we have recently added 4 words at the end of our title, like a slogan which are repeated on every one of our product pages. However, we've also seen a drop, but not as far, on related category pages, these have unique titles. When we talk about "unique title" being important for SEO, does that mean 0 reptition between page titles? I see many companies use their site name in the title (even here see | SEOMOZ Q&A - would four words at the end of a title do this? Or am i barking up the wrong tree entirely? Ive seen so much movement over the past few weeks its hard to correlate anything we do with the result, so even after advise I think i'll wait a week

    | xoffie

  • Hello fellow mozzers. I have a question regarding structuring a site for optimal link juice flow. If you have an existing website that has for instance a contact page, we know its pointless for that page to have any juice at all. In a hypothetical scenario would it be ok to no index, no follow that page? What happens to existing pagerank on such a page? for instance if you have a contact page with pr 4 and you no index, no follow it, I understand the pagerank will disappear from that page but will it be distributed to other pages on your site? What would be the correct way of handling this scenario?

    | rightmove

  • Hi, How long can the text within an H1 tag area be? Should it ideally be 1-2 words or can it be a full sentence? Or more?

    | mindflash

  • What's the best strategy for internal links in a blog post? Example, if I write a blog should I always place a link to the main site at the bottom when I place my signature and contact info? Should I just put links in the content? Or should I do both?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi, I'm having some issues on the best way to handle site structure. The technical side of SEO isn't my strong point so I thought I'd ask the question before I make the decision. Two examples for you to look at. This is a new site By selecting another page to see more products you get this url string where/p/2. This page also has the canonical tag relating to this page and not the original page. Now if say for example I exclude this parameter (where) in webmaster tools will I be stopping Google indexing the products on the other pages where/p/2, 3, 4 etc. and the same if I make the canonical point to multimeters/digital/ instead of multimeters/digital/where/p/2 etc.? I have the same question applied to the older site which no longer has an canonical tags at all. The only real difference is Google is indexing but not Thanks for help in advance

    | PASSLtd

  • I have been tasked with improving traffic/leads to The problems we face are that I only work for one of the business units. There are many within the company and they all work independantly. The services my division offers range from ISO certification to food safety/testing to oil and gas services. They want to increase their quality content and traffic. What is the best strategy to approach working with a company this diverse and the limitation of managing 500 pages of a 15,000 page site? What are the first steps and what actions do you think would give the best results?

    | laura-intertek

  • If I move forward with the acquisition: 1. Should I, if there is a way, just acquire the domain and then attempt to unlink existing links? 2. Can I just buy the domain, completely kill the site, and then build again from scratch? Even if I do that, the links to the domain will still be out there. 3. Should I even move forward with the purchase if I know these tactics have been used? Thanks!

    | dbuckles

  • as paid links? Example: A PR 4 page updates the page a year later with new links. Does Google discredit these links as being fishy?

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hello, This is a short question Please look at this SERP screenshot: Who do they get the other links under their results. Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • Just curious what people think.  The SEOMOZ trust on my site has gone up, all while Google is dropping us in rankings for lots of keywords. Just curious if this can happen to anyone or once you are 100% 'trusted' you're good. We went from 120,000 page views down to about 50,000.   All while doubling content, improving the design(at least from a user perspective), and getting more natural links. Seems counter intuitive to Google's mantra of ranking quality. I would guess 'authority' sites never get hit by these updates right?  So when you make it you've made it.(at least from a dropping like a rock perspective, obviously you have to keep working). I'm guessing we just need a bunch more quality links but would hate to work on building links, quality content, trust etc for it to be something so finicky long term.

    | astahl11

  • Hi Mozzers, My site has 11,200 pages indexed in Google and I'm looking to remove some of the lesser content which should probably have been picked up by Panda. However these pages work out to about 1,100 in total and I'm not sure whether to remove these bit by bit or just do it in one fell swoop? Does Google not like a site's indexed pages fluctuating too quickly? Are there any other considerations I should be aware of? Thanks!

    | panini

  • Hi We've just finished a great bit of video content for a page we're trying to push up the serps. I've done some reading around but there are lots of conflicting views. We have created this content (its a city guide) for the purpose of becoming the resource on this topic but we are a new site and we need the links we hope to generate from this, we don't want the links to youtube. Where would you upload the video? Everywhere? One place? Vimeo? Thanks

    | xoffie

  • Hi, I am want to delete a folder and all the contents.  I then need to redirect anyone that is trying to reach a file in that folder to another page on my site. example:   (contains 50 pages) I want to delete the folder and all 50 pages. So if someone tries to reach the redirect would take them to a specific page on my site. Doing this to clean up old content. How would I do this on the .htaccess?  I have redirected a page but not a folder. Thanks in advance! Force7

    | Force7

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