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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I want to move my existing online store to a new Multilanguage Shopping Cart. After reading Andrew Bleakley's review, I have to make a dissisions between the following shopping cart. New to SEO, I will like to have your impressions on there SEO Features and HELP me select the BEST SEO frendly shopping cart. corecommerce: Search Engine Friendly
        •    Entire store is search engine optimized
        •    Dynamically generates static html pages with clean URL's (no numbers and special characters inside the URL's) for products, categories and custom content pages (ie about us, etc.)
        •    Auto Generated Meta Tags for your store to create web site page rankings that matter!
        •    Built in Canonical URL's
        •    Header tags usage for your product names
        •    Auto-build of the Google XML Sitemap
        •    Meta tags for all products, categories and content pages
        •    Add your own custom meta tags from your store
        •    You determine the page titles
        •    You can add custom content for the category pages
        •    Use of alt and title tags for images
        •    Use of bread crumb trails
        •    Customer SEO page slugs (naming) for products and categories americommerce: Have a look at there page, the list is to long. ------------------------------ asho Web Optimisation - SEO
    Fully Search Engine Optimised (SEO) structure
    Optimised and updated by industry leading SEO experts
    Source code optimised for search engines
    Page based META management. Titles, descriptions and keywords
    Link popularity program between Ashop Commerce customers
    Always up to date with new search engine algorithms
    Spider friendly URLs
    301 Redirect and 302 Redirect support for any page
    Free SEO tips & tools
    Auto HTML and CSS page generation
    Google, Yahoo and Bing verification meta inclusion
    Inbuilt automatic XML site map generation (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
    Correct use of robots.txt file
    Correct use of NOFOLLOW attribute
    Auto set up with correct hierarchy for H tags
    Auto creation of alt text on menu text links and images
    Tableless design structure Pinnaclecart Cutting-edge search engine optimization
    Flat URL generation (
    Ability to create your own URL structure (
    Manage all URL's at the category, product and page level.
    If you're moving from a different application, you can change the URL's to match the old URL's.
    Meta keyword, title and description for each product page
    Meta keyword, title and description for each category page
    Meta keyword and description for home page and all pages created via the control panel
    Upload / create robot.txt file
    Ability to generate meta tags based on product descriptions
    Ability to modify HTML or CSS via browser
    Automatically generated site map
    Generates XML site map for Google Base
    Valid WC3 template design
    Image ALT tags
    Design generates very lightweight, 100% HTML page without CSS or PHP coding
    Creates "breadcrumb" navigation
    Search-engine-friendly architecture
    Ability to upload customized HTML pages to assist in How would you rate those carts structure in a SEO point of view? My existing store, (OsCommerce) need SEO improvement and moving it to a SEO Frendly Shopping Cart is the best thing I can do to increase sales and conversions. Thank you for your support, help and precious time. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, If we rename a URL (below)
    to (or something similar) Would search engines recognize that as a new page altogether? I know they would need to reindex it accordingly, so in theory it is kind of a "new" page. But the reason for doing this is to maintain the page's metrics (inbound links, authority, social activity, etc) instead of creating a new page from scratch. The page has been indexed highly in the past, so we want to keep it active but optimize it better and redirect other internal content (that's being phased out) to it to juice it up even more. Thanks in advance!

    | pstables

  • Hi I am new to SEOmoz but can see a lot of great information going back and forth. I am looking for a little help with the SEO on our site and looking for suggestions on what to do to improve it. We have some pages where we aggregate content from our database such as this: It would seem that "Temples in Nagpur" is not that competitive of a term but we dont show up until page 4. Any on page suggestions on what we could do to improve? Or any mistakes we are making. All the content on the site is fairly new as in 6 months even though the site has been established and online for a number of years. We have not done any specific linking building for the term "Temples in Nagpur" Any suggestions on the overall structure of the site would also be great. Thanks in advance.

    | DavidUrmann

  • Our top 4 competitors for a single term we're targeting has the following metrics: PA 45, DA 89, 6 linking root domains to page, 40,000 linking root domains to domain PA 53, DA 100, 3 linking root domains to page, 1.6 million to domain PA 32 DA 37, 4 linking root domains to page, 200 to domain PA 55 DA 66, 6 linking root domains to page, 3300 to domain All other optimization is about the same, except in (2) they have half of the keyword phrase in the domain and the whole keyword phrase in the URL. Also everybody else has title and meta description with the plural form, and the singular is what I typed in. We have the whole keyword phrase in the domain. The above 4 sites were internal pages, ours is a home page rank. Our metrics: PA 33, DA 22, 30 linking root domains to page, 43 linking root domains to site How tough will it be for us to compete? How many strong linking root domains will it take?

    | BobGW

  • SEOMoz saw that my tags were duplicate pages. Are tags a serious issue in SEO? Should I remove it entirely to prevent the duplicate pages?

    | visualartistics

  • Our organization competes in the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Category… very competitively I must say. While we create content for long-tail keywords, we focus on linking (blogging + Press Release + Acquisition, etc…) as the main strategy to increase relevancy for 4 major keywords. (Alcohol Rehab, Drug Rehab, Alcohol Treatment, and Drug Treatment)… all these terms have their respective landing pages, and we try to provide a good flow of new links coming to these pages on a weekly basis… Lately we have been acquiring more links than we anticipated… not a bad thing since they are from reputable websites… however I am a bit concern regarding the Anchor Text distribution of these links. Example Let’s say I get 100 links to my ‘Alcohol Rehab’ page – what is an appropriate percentage for the anchor text distribution? For example: Branded Links 20 -  Keyword: St Jude Retreats
    Exact Match Links  70 - Keyword: Alcohol Rehab
    Broad Links 10 - Keyword: Rehab Is this an ok distribution, or should I change things around? Hope you guys can help! Thanks!!!!

    | dhidalgo1

  • Hi there, We have recently had one of our products reviewed on the BBC, however there is no actual link going to our domain, it just mentions but not linking, does this have any value in SEO? Thanks

    | Paul78

  • My seo strategy relies heavily on a lot of great relevant content on the domain. To achieve this, I have a section with 'information docs' on each product page. They are lists with links to informational pages relevant to the product. For instance; On this product page there are 30 links to articles; etc. The anchor texts of these links are the titles of these articles, so on the product page the list of links looks like this: How to store apples
    Recipes with apples etc. Question: Are those keywords in the links (apples) counted as onpage keyword usage an can it be seen as keyword stuffing by Google? Thanks a lot.

    | Koenseo

  • We run, a non-profit website which lets you test if a website or keyword is blocked or otherwise censored in China. There are a number of websites that nominally offer this service, and many of them rank better than us in Google. However, we believe this is unfortunate since their testing methods are inaccurate and/or not transparent. More about that further down*. We started GreatFire in February, 2011 as a reaction to ever more pervasive online censorship in China (where we are based). Due to the controversy of the project and the political situation here, we've had to remain anonymous. Still, we've been able to reach out to other websites and to users. We currently have around 3000 visits per month out of which about 1000 are from organic search. However, SEO has been a headache for us from the start. There are many challenges in running this project and our team is small (and not making any money from this). Those users that do find us on relevant keywords seem to be happy since they spend a long time on the website. Examples: websites blocked in china: 6 minutes+
    great firewall of china test: 8 minutes+ So, here are some SEO questions related to If you can give us advice it would be greatly appreciated and you would truly help us in our mission to bring transparency and spread awareness of online censorship in China: Each URL tested in our database has its own page. Our database contains 25000 URLs (and growing). We have previously been advised that one SEO problem is that we appear to have a lot of duplicate data, since the individual URL pages are very similar. Because of this, we've added automatic tags to most pages. We then exclude certain pages from this rule that are considered high-priority, such as domains ranked highly by Alexa and keywords that are blocked. Is this a good approach? Do you think the duplicate content factor is still holding us back? Can we improve? Some of our pages have meta descriptions, but most don't. Should we add them on URL pages? They would be set to a certain pattern which again might make them look very similar and could cause the duplicate content warning to go off. Suggestions? Many of the users that find us in Google search for keywords that aren't relevant to what we offer, such as "" and lots of variations of that. Obviously, they leave the website quickly. This means that the average time that people coming from Google are spending on our website is quite low (2 minutes) and the bounce rate quite high (68%). Can we or should we do something to discourage being found on non-relevant keywords? Are there any other technical problems you can see that are holding our SEO back? Thank you very much! *Competitors ranking higher searching for "test great firewall china": 1. They are only a frontend website for this service: ViewDNS only checks for DNS records which is one of three major methods to block websites. So many websites and keywords that are not DNS poisoned, but are blocked by IP or by keyword, will be specified as available, when in fact they are blocked. Our system uses actual test locations inside China to try to download the URL to be tested and checks for different types of censorship. 2. This is a better service in that they seem to do actual testing from inside China. However, they only display partial results, they do not explain test results and they do not offer historic data on whether the URL was blocked in the past. We do all of that.


  • We all know that exact match anchor text is sill a key factor in ranking well on the engines, but how do you build links for awkward phrases like. **ppc london ** **architects new york ** **accountants new york ** The Bio Solution I know one solution might be to include the anchor in your bio after the company name like: _Luke Skywalker works for DeathStar Accounts New York and often blogs about fishing, playing golf and kissing his sister. _ Are Some Key Phrases Too Spammy But say for example you want to link in the content, obviously you can phrase things differently and make it sound "ok" and probably "acceptable" but it still sounds a bit rough when it reads like this: "We performed a review of all the accountants london and found them to have worse Excel skills than my grandma." Obviously this would read better as: "We performed a review of all the accountants in london and found them to have worse Excel skills than my grandma." Possible Options: Just deal with it, the blog owner will let it slide more than likely if the rest of the content is useful / quality. Change the anchor slightly so its not exact match e.g "accountants in london" and optimise the page for "accountants london" Choose another phrase that reads better and has fewer monthly searches If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or feedback I would love to hear them.

    | SEOKeith

  • We implemented rel=canonical as we decided to paginate our pages. We then ran some testing and on the whole pagination did not work out so we removed all on-page pagination. Now, internally when I click for example a link for Widgets I get the /widgets.php but searching through Google I get to /widgets.php?page=all . There are not redirects in place at the moment. The '?page=all' page has been rated 'A' by the SEOmoz tool under On Page Optimization reports and performs much better than the exact same page without the '?page=all' (the score dips to a 'D' grade) so need to tread carefully so we don't lose the link value. Can anyone advise us on the best way forward? Thanks in advance.

    | jannkuzel

  • I had recently come across a meta tag that could cause a auto refresh on a users browser when implemented.  I have been using it for a redesign and was curious if there could be any negative effects for using it, here is the code: All input is appreciated. Ciao, Todd Richard

    | RichFinnSEO

  • I'm starting a new SEO project and am feeling a little overwhelmed due to the scale of it. I am not sure where to start and hope that someone has some ideas. Thousands of dealer websites reside as sub domains on (e.g. The particular sub domain mentioned above is not showing up at all for any searches and is not cached by Google: I realize that pretty much zero SEO best practices are followed on page and the location is not on the page, but why is this sub domain not even being indexed by Google? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    | BridgelineDigital88

  • Hello everyone, I was hoping to be able to get some advice if at all possible.  I'm know there's some really skilled people on these forums.   I'm not sure of the etiquette of posting links so if it's crossing the line to post the link of the site I'm working on please let me know. I was just hired as the Director of Digital Marketing for a decent sized company.  I have a lot of experience with PPC, media buys and digital integration but unfortunately I'm a noob with SEO. I'm trying to learn as quickly as possible, and I'm reading everything I can (including everything I can find from Rand) The issue is that I have to start somewhere but there's so much that needs to be done that I'm getting a bit lost.  We used to have 3 separate sites that ranked really well for our main keywords on Google, but with the growth of our company we consolidated the different market sites into one main one and 301'd the older ones.  In doing so we lost nearly all of our search rankings.  Our current site is: Http:// Does anyone have any advice on where to dive in here?  I'm currently paying a ton each month for traffic through search PPC and contextual display, along with a bunch of geographically targeted brand awareness display campaigns, and I really need to show some progress on our organic search. Thanks in advance for any help!

    | JFritton

  • Hi, I am trying to rank a health related website. This is the url: Domain age is 1 year 6 months. Done Directory submissions Blog Comments + Forum posts Done Social Bookmarks Article submissions (Not much) I have done competitor analysis. All of my competitors are just had links from directories and some link exchanges. They got links from quality sites like Yahoo dir. I know my site is far better than my competitors and has 100% unique content. I have submitted to yahoo directory inclusion, but still no luck i hadn't accepted into it. I am planning to go for a sponsered review but dont know, weather the link will be valuable for that much of money. I was left with Guest Blogging. I see this is the only option for me to build links. But i have a very tough competiton, i must compete with most reputed sites like etc, i need to get more good links. But i cant get what other ways to get authoritative links. If Guest blogging is the only option for me, how many posts do i need to do daily? And can someone suggest me good Guest blogging sites? Anyhelp would be appreciated.

    | Indexxess

  • One of my clients received a letter from another seo company touting for business. I would be interested in hearing what your opinion is on this fellow SEO providers. Letter attached - > letter.jpg

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I have a client with nearly 100 geo-specific domains (example: The content is mostly duplicate, however they weren't affected by Panda or Penguin, and most of the domains have a PR2-PR4. Doesn't mean they won't eventually (I know). My strategy is to centralize all the city domains and 301 them to their main website (example: However, their IBL profile shows at least 50% of their IBLs coming from the geo-specific domains, which makes centralizing quite a scary thing for short-term ranking. Having these domains is obviously not scalable from a social media or video SEO perspective, and we all know that in the long-term brand rules and domaining drools. Before I suggest they that they 301 these domains, I thought I'd get feedback from the community. Will all that 301 redirecting give more weight to the primary domain's visibility and sustain the ranking at a page-level, or will it send a flag to Google that the site might have been using it's own network of websites to game results? (which wasn't the case, the owner was just hyper with dominating in each city). Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    | stevewiideman

  • Hi there, We write articles for our blog on a regular basis, maybe two times per week. One of those articles I usually place on an external blog first getting some external links pointing into my product pages and using a rel canonical on that article on my blog pointing to the external post, so that the external post get's all the credit. The reason I put this on my blog is I use this to point to from my email marketing activities. The question is, do you think this makes best practice? trying to get more out of this blog post.

    | Paul78

  • Hi, I have a client who uses dynamic URLs thoughout his site. For SEO purposes, I've advised him to convert dynamic URLs to static URLs whenever possible. However, the client has a few dynamic URLs that are appearing on Google Page 1 for strategically valuable keywords.  For these URLs, is it still worth it to 301 them to static URLs? In this case, what are the potential benefits and/or pitfalls?

    | mindflash

  • What are the SEO Best Practices for video sites? Is there a guideline for this in SEOMOZ? Thanks in advance!

    | merkal2005

  • Will outbound links to a related topic on an authority site help, hurt or be irrelevanent for SEO purposes. And if beneficially, should it be Nofollow?

    | VictorVC

  • Hi, I have a domain that I am working on that has a past we did not know about. Doing a bit of research it appears that back in 2010 the domain had a link to a virus or had a virus on the domain – because of this certain anti virus sites are blocking the domain. Interestingly Google, Norton, Firefox say the domain is fine.... IE, Kaspersky and a few still block it. I am going through and manually searching and trying to get them to agree the site is safe BUT I am having a problem with They refuse to take down the “reviews” staying its a virus site. Anything I can do? Any suggestions? Any legal action we can take? Is there anything else I can do or should be doing to check else where? Thanks in advance Fresh Fire One

    | JohnW-UK

  • My client would like to redirect all non UK traffic from their UK site to their main group site. I am intending to use a .htaccess redirect, like this: RewriteCond %{ENV:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} !^GB$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L] I have tested the redirect at it works fine. My question is if I put this in place would it have any negative SEO impact on the UK site?

    | cottamg

  • Hello, I run a website called We rank well for keywords in our industry in the UK selling Garden Irrigation. This is very much a summer business. My directors are saying that they want to start selling winter products (that have no relevancy for the keywords we target). They also want to keep costs down by using to sell this new product line. If we do start targeting for new keywords that are out of our current industry, do you think that we would dilute the current content and therefore reduce our relevancy for the keywords? Or do you think that we would be fine to start targeting for new keywords in a different industry sector?

    | SeanLade

  • Is there away to get to the top of google places? Can it be manipulated?

    | dynamic08

  • A new client of mine sadly has a TON of terrible links (3800 links from 1500 domains) which are pointing to landing pages that have been created specifically for manipulating engines. Besides contacting these sites and asking to have the links removed the only solution I can think of it to delete these pages and let them 404. Obviously I am not thrilled about that but I'm not sure what else to do. Does anyone have any other ideas for how to clean up this backlink profile? Thanks

    | LukeMontgomery

  • Hey everyone, I have an ecommerce website which sells "Widgets" and is called "" (exact match singular domain name) I have architect-ed my pages to be like this: I loaded in the plural (or in some instances a keyword variant) as a subdirectory before my products, and some of my category pages. Does this approach make sense anymore, or am I devaluing my pages ultimately by removing them from the root? thanks a lot!

    | SwissNinja

  • Hello, We've got some articles floating around on our site nlpca(dot)com like this article: that's is not linked to from anywhere else. The article exists how it's supposed to be here: (our other website) Would it be safe in eyes of both google's algorithm (as much as you know) and with Panda to just 301 redirect from to or would no-indexing be better? Thank you!

    | BobGW

  • Can I get some opinions about the slide panel that you can view at (on the right-side wall, click on the 'sarasota real estate' tab to open)? I see it as a way to add quality copy to the homepage without cluttering the design. Any thoughts on its SEO value? From those with a web design background, any thoughts on how difficult it is to implement? Btw, viewing the page source, it is: <a class="slide_panel_toggle">Open</a>

    | MauiRealtor

  • Hi there, I have a website and a .ie website, which have the exact same content on both, should I put a canonical tag on both websites, on every page? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • I'm taking the following from "Splitting components allows you to maximize parallel downloads. Make sure you're using not more than 2-4 domains because of the DNS lookup penalty. For example, you can host your HTML and dynamic content on and split static components between and" What I want to do is load page images (it's an eCommerce site) from multiple sub domains to reduce load times. I'm assuming that this is perfectly OK to do - I cannot think of any reason that this wouldn't be a good tactic to go with. Does anyone know of (or can think of) a reason why taking this approach could be in any way detrimental. Cheers mozzers.

    | eventurerob

  • I use our city/state in the majority of our title tags and consequently we do very well locallly for the majority of terms on our ecommerce site. I'm wondering however, if this "localized" optimization will inadvertently affect our keyword rankings outside of our city/state? If a keyword query does not include our city or state, would Google interpret our titles as less relevent and therefore move other results ahead of ours? The city/state is last in the string on the title: Blue Widgets - Our Company in City, State Thanks for any insight.

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi, Let's say my homepage is but I want to redirect users who land on the homepage who don't already have a cookie from the site, to a temporary landing page like as an example, how do I stop Google bot from following that redirect? I don't want Google to cache that as my homepage because I'll lose all rankings?? Thanks!

    | AdiRste

  • I had a meeting today with a prospective client who has been hit by Penguin. Their previous SEO company has obviously used some questionable techniques which is great for me, bad for the client. Their leads have dropped from 10 per day to 1 or 2. Their analytics shows a drop after the 25th, a back link check shows a lot of low quality links. Domain metrics are pretty good and they are still ranking ok for some keywords. I have 1 month to turn it around for them. How do you wise people think it can be done? First of all I will check the on-site optimisation. I will ensure that the site isn't over optimised. Secondly, do I try and remove the bad links? Or just hit the site with good content and good links to outweigh the bad ones. Also, do you think G is actually dropping rankings for the over optimisation / bad links or are the links are just being discredited rsulting in the drop in rankings. 2 very different things. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    | SimpsonGareth

  • We had previously implemented a strategy of paying for lots of links and focusing on 3 or 4 keywords as our anchors, which used to REALLY work (I know, I know, bad black hat strategy - I have since learned my lesson). These keywords and others have since plummeted up to 100 spots since Panda 3.3 and Penguin.  So I'm trying to go in and fix all our mistakes cuz our domain is too valuable to us just to start over from scratch. Yesterday I literally printed a 75 page document of all of our links according to Open Site Explorer. I have been going in and manually changing anchor text wherever I can, and taking down the very egregious links if possible.This has involved calling and emailing webmasters, digging up old accounts and passwords, and otherwise just trying to diversify our anchor text and remove bad links.  I've also gone into our site and edited some internal links (also too weighty on certain keywords) and removed other links entirely. My rankings have gone DOWN more today. A lot. WTF does Google want?  Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Should we be deleted links from all private networks entirely or just trying to vary the anchor text?  Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | LilyRay

  • Let's say that in looking in OSE that you find an overall low quality link profile. Let's say that some of those links were acquired by using article marketing systems like UAW or SEO Link Vine, which were hard hit in Penguin. Let's also say that some keywords were targeted within blog networks that passed a lot of page rank to targeted pages. Let's say that at one point in time an offshore link building team was used and they posted low quality blog comments on pages with hundreds of outbound links. Let's say as a result of the drop in SERPS that you've finally been convinced that there must be a better way and in the process join SEO Moz - and now you want to clean up the low quality link profile. How does one go about removing links on such a diverse number of sites? Are there best practices for how to remove links you longer want pointed to your site? Or is it simply best to go on about the work of building a lot of quality links and let the past be in the past? Thanks for your input Mozzers...

    | sdennison

  • I finally reached the #1 ranking for my websites main keyword phrase. There are two more equally good keyword phrases that have my main two keywords plus one additional page.  Can I shoot for both of those or should I limit it to just adding one more keyword phrase for a max of two? For Example. I rank #1 for Horse Buggies (our domain is the main two keywords) (Example) The other two equally good phrases with a little more traffic are Horse Large Buggies (I rank #29)and Horse Giant  Buggies. (#46) What is the best way to start ranking for those terms....without saturating or cannabolizing my current terms?  We are about to change the URL's on some of our maybe I could add Large and Giant to the URL. Any suggestions?  I sure would like to capture the other two keyword phrases. #1 URL additions? ( I think this would just rank me higher for the new pages) #2 Would getting new links with those two new keyword phrases in the alt text help or is that black hat? #3 Adding more of those keyword phrases to my home page? Thank you, Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hello, Could someone explain the easiest way to use Google Plus and rel="author" to claim our articles written by us and get our  picture beside them in the Google SERPS site: nlpca(dot)com

    | BobGW

  • Google Sitemap Submission Issues

    | bertholf

  • Wondering if anyone has had any experience using pushstate to update meta data on a AJAX page. What we are trying to is have one really long page that users can scroll through to see different portfolio pieces.   We want each portfolio piece to be represented in Google as a separate page when they are technically all on the same page. An example of how the page will work is here: If you notice you scroll down and the url will update for the next piece but you are still on the same page.  So if we do this for meta title, meta description - will Google be able to recognize it? Any help to achieve quality results would be helpful!  If I didn't explain anything clearly please let me know!

    | lsujoe

  • If for example they go to a page like /premium-content, they will be automatically redirected (302) to the login page. Because now I do a 302 redirect, in Google Webmaster Tools it sais I have duplicate title issues for each of the pages that are accessible only for the logged in users. If I would do a 301 redirect, I basically tell Google that those pages are moved, but it is not the case because logged in users will see those pages.


  • Mid April my site lost almost all its rankings. I'm still non the wiser as to why and it seems a little earlier that the penguin update. I wonder if any of you guys could take a look and offer any suggestions as to what might have happened? I'm relatively new to SEO and have worked on my own site myself? If I've made some mistakes how do I fix it?

    | SamCUK

  • My site provides widgets (online polls) which were developed so that each one would embed a do follow text link into the customers website. With Panda's unnatural link algorithm now in place should I modify these links to be nofollow and give up on this strategy or alternatively just set the text as my sites domain name? The only other option I could think of was to only embed links where the customers site had a certain page rank or above? Any thoughts?

    | Blendfish

  • Hi I currently have two sites within exactly the same market.  I've just purchased a third website from someone. Should I link these sites together? (i.e. in the page header should I cross link them or point two of them to the third?) If I do this will it harm them if they are on the same C-Class IP blocks?  Is using private domains and different hosting companies considered dodgey in any way? Basically I'm a big wimp and don't want to do anything potentially that might potentially hurt my rankings;)

    | Blendfish

  • Does anyone know which fields and code are necessary to embed a testimonial into a page using

    | rarbel

  • Just wondering if there has been any clarification of whether the Penguin algorithmic penalty is on a Page basis or a Site basis?  In other words, is it all or nothing?

    | darkgreenguy

  • I have just noticed this in my code name="robots" content="noindex"> And have noticed some of my keywords have dropped, could this be the reason?

    | Paul78

  • Hi, We've been pretty badly hit by this penguin Update. Site traffic is down 40-50%. We suspect it's for a couple of reasons 1)Google is saying we have duplicate content. e.g. for a given category we will have 4-5 pages of content (products). So it's saying pagenum=2 , pagenum=3 etc are duplicate pages. We've implemented rel=canonical so that pagenum=2 point to the original category e.g. http://mydomain/widgets.aspx We've even specified pagenum as a url parameter  that pagniates. Google still hasn't picked up these changes. How long does it take - it's been about a week 2)They've saying we have soft 404 errors. e.g. we remove a category or product we point users to a category or page not found. is it best to block googlebot  from crawling these page by specifying in robots.txt. because we really don't care about these categories or product pages. How best to handle? 3)There are some bad directory and crawlers that have crawled our website but have put incorrect links . So we've got like 1700 product not found. I'm sure that's taking up a lot of crawling time. So how do we tell Google not to bother with these link coming from specific sources e.g. ignore all links coming from Any help will be much appreciated as this is Killing our business. Jay

    | ConservationM

  • My site has dropped from the first page top spots to the bottom second page, about 2 month ago. From time to time it reappears in the first page, is this some kind of google filter? How do I solve this issue?

    | Ofer23

  • Hi, I have a question about the "4xx Staus Code" errors appearing in the Analysis Tool provided by SEOmoz. They are indicated as the worst errors for your site and must be fixed. I get this message from the good people at SEOmoz: "4xx status codes are shown when the client requests a page that cannot be accessed. This is usually the result of a bad or broken link." Ok, my question is the following. How do I fix them? Those pages are shown as "404" pages on my site...isn't that enough? How can fix the "4xx status code" errors indicated by SEOmoz? Thank you very much for your help. Sal

    | salvyy

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