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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello there SEOMOZ'ers, Just signed up for a Pro Account. Impressed with the trial. Just wondering is there any way to find out if you have fallen foul of a Google update, is there any way to know which you have fallen foul of or is the date it happens the only guide or pointer to what might have happened? My site was getting a reasonable amount of traffic for the last few years and was ranking well for my main search terms up till Feburary the 4th when the traffic fell by almost 50% ... and it has never really recovered. I thought it might be the Above the Fold Advertising penalty (or whatever it is called) because I had a lot of images linking elsewhere on my site, above the fold on my homepage, but I removed them about 4 weeks ago and the traffic still hasnt recovered. I've been using SEOMOZ to detect duplicate content and various other problems with my site since and fixing a good few of them each week. I have the main issues down from about 300 to about 20 which i think i have just fixed. I have also used Copyscape and found that some other websites had stolen some of my content, which i have since rewritten. I was ranking number 2 or 3 for my main keyword but dropped out of the top 100 in February, which is pretty frustrating at this stage. I don;t know if I have accidentally gone too far over optimising my site or what has happened. If anyone can give me some pointers I'd really appreciate it, if anyone can help me fix it I'll buy them a beer next time you are in Ireland! 🙂 Thanks, Shane

    | shaneod

  • Hi guys, Now I have always been against this, and opted to noindex internal search results pages to stop the waste of link juice, dupe content, and crawl loops... however, I'm in a discussion with somebody who feels there may be a solution, and that the pages could actually be optimized to rank (for different keywords to the landing pages of course). Anybody come across such a thing before? My only solution would be still to noindex and then build static pages with the most popular search results in but that won't suffice in this case. Any recommendations would be much appreciated 🙂 Thanks, Steve 🙂

    | SteveOllington

  • Is there any reason why a website would submit all their content (videos, photo galleries, articles) to this?

    | MargaritaS

  • Someone within our company's IT department just sent me some SEO advice that I believe is bogus. Can someone let me know if my initial gut-check is correct? We have two websites selling two identical catalogs of products but branded differently (color scheme, wording, etc.) like this: We want to shut down the second website. I think we should set up 301 redirects from all pages on the second site to corresponding (relevant) pages on the first. In theory, this would pass over 90% of the earned link juice from one to the other. Here is what my IT peer said: "We could keep set up indefinitely and just have it as the same web site as (so two URLs but one site). This would help alleviate any issues with search engine results, etc. (Although I believe Ryan would agree this does impact's rankings a bit, but shouldn't be a problem as long as we don't advertise both.) Google doesn't know they are on the same site, so you could technically get away with it. And it helps in indexing multiple pages on our sites." ... but wouldn't this be a big no-no because of the massive amounts of duplicate content it would create?

    | Ryan-Ricketts

  • How many years would someone need to have to be experienced enough to provide a thorough job of providing me with keyword research?  I am willing to pay for the best job but I don't want to be taken to the cleaners...especially by someone that may not be giving me the best effort or that is not qualified. ( I was just quoted $200 an hour from an 18 yr old today) We are getting ready to change our URL's and add keywords but I am not sure which terms to add and in what order.  I have heard  put the most important words first but I am not sure which are the most important. 🙂 By my research we only have about 5 keywords but I am not sure. (Excluding long tail)

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi All I started a blog with a few posts on it, and these have been shared using social media so links to these exist on Facebook and Twitter. I've decided that its going to be better and more effective to have the blog on my primary domain. How would I setup a redirect from the blog to my self hosted blog? Normally I'd write a .htaccess file but I'm unable to do that over at I can't even see an option to install plugins, otherwise I would have used the "Redirector" plugin.

    | blacey

  • Hi there. After looking at a few SEO videos relating to image SEO it seems important to ensure images are SEO'd just as well as pages.  I however have a question. If the page is Meta titles the following: Online for Equine | Riding Clothing | Just Togs Latina Ladies Breech And this particular page contains five images which are each variants of this product, how is it best to SEO them? Would you go with the: Online for Equine | Riding Clothing | Just Togs Latina Ladies Breech Front Online for Equine | Riding Clothing | Just Togs Latina Ladies Breech Back Online for Equine | Riding Clothing | Just Togs Latina Ladies Breech Side and so on... Or would this result in keyword stuffing with Google's new over-optimisation rules.  Would it be better to rename them so they are all individual? I am considering deleting the images, renaming them on the server as the SEO proof name and then re-uploading them so the Image caption = filename. Am I on the right track? If you need the page:

    | onlineforequine

  • So we have a client who is a plumbing franchise with about 150 franchisees across the country. Because its a plumbing franchise the businesses don't have street addresses (apart from the franchisee home addresses but we don't want to use those) We used to have bulk uploaded listings for the franchise locations and used the GPO address is the suburb/city as the address and got away with this fine for years. Google has copped onto this and asked for reverification of the listings by post now. So my question is what's the best way to optimise places for 150+ locations. As a quick fix, we're going to add a new places location as the master franchise HQ office (address exists). We can then add all the suburbs/areas serviced into this location which may or may not show up for local searches in those areas. We could potentially verify all listings by mail by using private mailboxes but mail verify on a mass scale like that is likely to be flaky not to mention an admin nightmare. Does anyone have an experience with this and how they got around it?

    | Brendo

  • I have an issue with a client's website where it has 3700+ pages, but roughly half of them are duplicates. Thankfully, the only difference between the original and the duplictes is the "?print" at the end of each URL (I suppose this is Magento's way of making a printable page version of the same page. I don't know, I didn't build it.) My questions is, how can I get all the pages like this to redirect to pages like this... Also, do they NEED to be Canonical, or will a 301 redirect be sufficient. Also, after having done this, if anybody knows, is there a way I can turn that feature off in Magento, because we're expanding our product line, and I don't want to have to keep chasing after these "?print" pages after the fact.

    | ClifThompson

  • Just curious if anyone noticed a drop in traffic last friday. I got hammered with about a 20% drop overall.  Didn't know if there was an update or what. Thanks in advance!

    | astahl11

  • Hi all we have being working with a small local client in the last few weeks getting good rankings using onsite op, and business listings we have been getting good ranking ie top 15 then today we drop right out the top 50, after completing manual checks i see the keywords as all related | glasgow catering | Not in Top 50 | down     > 42 |   |
    | catering glasgow | Not in Top 50 | down     > 41 |   |
    | glasgow caterers | Not in Top 50 | down     > 39 |   |
    | caterers in glasgow | Not in Top 50 | down     > 37 |   |
    | caterers glasgow | Not in Top 50 | down     > 32 | Also when completing manual checks on the above keywords, the home page is not ranking what so ever, infact its missing i went 300 results deep and cant find it, other inner pages rank but not the home. The only other recent change is that we now have a  listing under the Google maps section of the homepage on page 1 any advice

    | Will_Craig

  • Our company owns about 30 URLs that we aren't currently using. Is there any SEO value to be gained by forwarding these content-less URLs to our homepage if they aren't currently indexed by google? Some of these sites were previously in use at low traffic volumes by companies who licensed use of our brand and URL. After parting ways a year or longer in the past, no 301 redirection was done to save the link juice, so it's long gone at this point. However, there may be some sites on the net that are still linking to various pages on the URL. What would be the best course of action to salvage any value of these URLs until they are in use again as full websites? Insights would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Justin

    | grayline

  • I have a site that produces thousands of pages via file uploads. These pages are then linked to by users for others to download what they have uploaded. Naturally, the client has blocked the parameter which precedes these pages in an attempt to keep them from being indexed. What they did not consider, was they these pages are attracting hundreds of thousands of links that are not passing any authority to the main domain because they're being blocked in robots.txt Can I allow google to follow, but NOT index these pages via a robots.txt file --- or would this have to be done on a page by page basis?

    | PapaRelevance

  • Hi seomozzers, The design team is building a new website for one of our clients. My role is to make sure all the link juice is kept. My first question is, should I just make 301s or is there another technique to preserve all the link juice from the old to new site that I should be focusing on? Second Question is that ok to transfer link juice using dev urls like (new site) or 182.3456.2333? or should I wait the creation of real urls to do link juice transfer? Thank you 🙂

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I am currently trying to implement a Blog on a Ecommerce site that has its domain set up under Go Daddy, but it is hosted under a platform called Kalio Commerce. I am trying to implement a Wordpress blog because I am most familiar with it and believe it offers more strength SEO wise but the Ecommmerce platform by Kalio does not offer the ability to install Wordpress or any CMS platform other than its own. I am stuck wondering if I could find a way to either implement a blog through a sub-folder ( while using wordpress on hosting added to the go daddy server under their domain. If Kalio Commerce doesn't have any way of adding a blog to its own hosting is this hindering my clients ability to be fully optimized for fresh content? Now I am not too familiar with adding sub-domains with hosting under a different platform. I am more in tune with building a wordpress ecommerce site and implementing blogs under the wordpress structure. This is a leap for me and it is getting to be a little overwhelming so if any one has prior experience with this please let me know if I can find a way through this without putting my SEO consulting at risk. So far I have gotten to the conclusion that I can set up hosting for the companies site under Go Daddy even though they have their hosting under Kalio. If I am to set up hosting under Go Daddy would this cause the DNS routing to be compromised. If this is so must I set up hosting under a separate domain ( and have Kalio set up a Sub-Folder like so ( and just have the DNS of the blog installed on ( point to the folder in Kalio hosting for So now that I explained my situation, what is the best route SEO wise for implementing a Wordpress blog that has a domain under go daddy and hosting under a third party like Kalio Commerce?

    | cscoville

  • We have a website and when we started, we had no clue about SEO, nor did we really understand the full extent of CRO amongst other things. We have slowly learnt that there are many changes that need to happen to our site; we need to re SEO all the content that is already on the website or can we purely start a fresh with the new products we feed through? The website is: if you need to take a look at the kind of platform we are working with.

    | onlineforequine

  • HI Everybody, When I search Vallnord on Google one of the sitelinks takes you to a site that does not exists. In order to avoid this sitelink to appear I Demoted that URL using Google Webmaster. Any idea how much time will this take in order to see the results? Regards, G.

    | SilbertAd

  • Howdy Guys, I've just been listening to the latest edition of whiteboard Friday regarding the over-optimization penalty. I'm just wondering if we should remove alot of make specifc landing pages... For instance we have a landing pages for our top 20 cars... For instance "bmw keyword" or "audi keyword" What do you guys think? remove them and 301 the pages to the homepage? Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hey guys I'm looking for a freelance link builder to work with my agency. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks Jaime

    | flemingsteele

  • We normally rank between #1-3 for long-tail product related keywords in our industry. Then we saw our rankings drop when we added product videos to some of our product pages. My hypothesis was that for most ecommerce-related queries, Google has a certain aesthetic that they are going for in the SERP's. They like to show video listings somewhere in the middle of the first page.. not as one of the first 3 results. Product page Product page Google shopping results Product page Video Result on product page Video Result on product page Product page I did an experiment by removing the product videos from a selection of our product pages and as soon as they were reindexed w/o the video we saw an average of a 3 spot jump in rankings! Since the product videos have actually helped on-site conversion rate.. we'd like to keep them on the product pages but hide them from being indexed by Google. Is there a safe way to do this? Is it possible to use an i-frame, or will Google still see the video on the page and index it as such. Thanks for any advice!


  • Hi, I just want a confirmation about my indexing technique, if is good or can be improved. The technique is totally whitehat and can be done by one person. Any suggestions or improvements are welcome. I create the backlinks ofcource first 🙂 I make a list on public doc from Google. On the doc are only ten links. After I digg it , and add some more bookmarks 5-6. I tweet the digg and each doc.  (my 2 twitter accounts have page authority 98) I like them in Fb. I ping them thru ping serviecs. Thats it. Works ok for moment. Is anything what I can do to improve my technique? Thanks lot

    | nyanainc

  • Hi, I am working with a new e-commerce site.  The way they are setup is that once you add an item to the cart, you'll be put onto secure HTTPS versions of the page as you continue to browse. Well, somehow this translated to Google indexing the whole site as HTTPS, even the home page.  Couple questions: 1.  I assume that is bad or could hurt rankings, or at a minimum is not the best practice for SEO, right? 2.  Assuming it is something we don't want, how would we go about getting the http versions of pages indexed instead of https?  Do we need rel-canonical on each page to be to the http version?  Anything else that would help? Thanks!

    | brianspatterson

  • Hi, Guest posting/article Marketing is a major part of our link building strategy. Normally we get one or two links for our site and one or two links to other authority sites(relevant). Some time author bio is not published with article or even not mention that this is a guest post. ( I know that we get just link and missed the other advantages of guest if author bio isn't mention) Is this a good practice especially when some posts are published on low quality blogs? SEs can be considered these as paid posts? What will be the better way to do this? Thanks Alex

    | alexgray

  • Hi I have written 2 articles for 2 seperate businesses and markets. One article  is a Top 10 tips on choosing a conservatory How would I go about promoting and seeding this around related home improvement websites around the UK, use stumbleupon? 2. I also have recipes for a restaurant which I need to seed and promote online in order to gain links and promote the restaurant.  Again which methods are best in finding sources to list these recipes and to related blogs etc Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • Hi Mozzers- Just curious - what is everyone using for schema and microdata plugins for WordPress? I've tried a few different plugins but I'd love to hear what other Mozzers like. Thanks! LHC

    | lhc67

  • Hi All, Up till now I've been registered only to Google WMT. Do you recommend using at the same time Bing's WMT? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I asked our developers to implement a WordPress blog on our site and they feel that the technology stack that is required to support WP will interfere with a number of different .NET production applications on that server. I can't justify another server just because of a blog either. They want me to find a .NET blog solution. The only thing that looks decent out there is Has anyone had any experience with this tool or any others like it? Thanks, Alex

    | dbuckles

  • Hello fellow SEO'ers! I have a question regarding the overall SEO implications of using a single page to describe the services/products offered at two different locations. The locations are in two different states/cities. I have tried to explain to the client that I working with that this is essentially splitting the page in two from a search ranking perspective. I have a feeling that Google sees this page as partially dedicated to one city, and partly to another... meaning that it won't rank as well as it could for either city. Is my thinking correct? Seems logical. The client has done this site-wide for every service/product that they offer in their facilities. I'm offering some title/description recommendations for the entire site right now, and I'm going back and forth with myself whether to include the city names in the titles and descriptions at all. Let me know what you smart folks think. I appreciate it. Sam

    | theBREWROOM

  • We have a website hosted by SquareSpace. We are happy with SS, but have done some crawl diagnostics and noticed several errors. These are primarily: Duplicate Page Title Duplicate Page Content Client Error (4xx) We dont really understand why these errors are taking place, and wonder if someone in the Seomoz forum has a firm understanding of SS who is able to assist us with this? thanks.

    | RainforestCruises

  • Can anyone suggest me some seo hosting providers?But in better price like hostgator?

    | nyanainc

  • When using Site Explorer to find out my competiters links so I can do some link aquisition SEO do I look for the "inbound" links or or "linking domains"? Also, what filters should I choose? I want to make a spreadsheet as Rand suggested in his video and start to prioritize my link building.

    | musicforkids

  • Hi All I have been looking in the Google webmasters tools account for a client and from out of nowhere they suddenly have 42,000 links last time I checked it was just over 4,000. It looks to me like some of our affiliates have links showing, they are formatted so it goes via a php script that looks like accomtracking.php?estid=1234&ref=123 this link appears 3 times in the source code of the page that is linking to my client but Google webmaster tools thinks it is linking 12,000 times. I assume this is a problem with the database where the link points to, issuing a unique link for each visit or something similar but I am not sure how to explain it to my client and how to correct it / stop it happening again. There are around 37,000 links like this to the site from just 6 referring sites and the client have had an unnatural link warning so I am anxious to get this fixed. Any help gratefully received. Sean

    | SKE

  • We've got a dilemma at the moment with the content we supply to an affiliate. We currently supply the affiliate with our product database which includes everything about a product including the price, title, description and images. The affiliate then lists the products on their website and provides a Commission Junction link back to our ecommerce store which tracks any purchases with the affiliate getting a commission based on any sales via a cookie. This has been very successful for us in terms of sales but we've noticed a significant dip over the past year in ranking whilst the affiliate has achieved a peak...all eyes are pointing towards the Panda update. Whenever I type one of our 'uniquely written' product descriptions into Google, the affiliate website appears higher than ours suggesting Google has ranked them the authority. My question is, without writing unique content for the affiliate and changing the commission junction link. What would be the best option to be recognised as the authority of the content which we wrote in the first place? It always appears on our website first but Google seems to position the affiliate higher than us in the SERPS after a few weeks. The commission junction link is written like this:

    | gavinhoman

  • I am planning on setting up a blog in the next couple months.  We would like to have 10 different categories that professionals can write about and submit articles.  Any suggestions on which blogging software to put on the site.  So far I have heard of WordPress and Joomla. (Not sure which is the best version)  We want it to maybe have the bloggers logo or pictures, date, etc. None of us have had any experience with this so we needed some input. I have been reading everywhere that blogging is huge for SEO and so I just wanted to improve ours plus maybe drive more traffic with a high level blog for professionals. Any ideas or even books that I should go purchase to study up.  When we do this it would be great to get it set up properly from the get go. 🙂 Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi Thank you for taking the time to review my question. My client ranks at Position 1 for: maine moose tour They also rank at Position 6 for "moose tour" (Position 4 if you enclose in quotes) They rank Position 3 for: maine wildlife touring. My problem is, I created one page for both "moose tour" and "wildlife tour." Here it is: Here's what I think I should do.  Please feel free to critique my strategy and/or suggest another.  I would greatly appreciate it. 1. Create a new page: wildlife-tours.php (or, should it be wildlife-tours-maine.php??) 2. Rename and 301 redirect moose-wildlife-tours.php to moose-tours.php ( I put "maine" in the file/url?) 3. Modify the content for the new moose-tours.php page to include more instances of "moose tour" and 4. Change to all moose related images (no deer or whatever else)  Update "alt" tags accordingly. What about "title" tags?   Do they help?  I think so.  For usabiliy.
       They're like automatic captions that you'd normall see in a newspaper. 5. Link to the Wildlife Tour page 6. Create more content. If I do this, does it kill my "wildlife tour" ranking since I'm creating a new page? Also, I buy all the AdWords clicks for pretty much all the "moose" and "wildlife" tour traffic except between midnight and 6 am.  In regard to QS per keyword, I have 6 at a QS of 10, 3 at 7, 5 at 6 and 6 at 5. Thanks again. Eric

    | MattPolstein

  • Just want to check my thinking on something. So, Google says subdomains stand on their own right? They don't get juice from the root domain. If this is true, the subdomains on a site like HubPages or are essentially a PR0 domain, right? Something like, But if you posted an article on Squidoo, a site that doesn't use subdomains, you should get some juice from the root domain passed to your post, right? I usually go the guest blogging route, but I recently read a couple of posts on Web 2.0 link wheels swearing they are awesome, but most of the time the recommendation is to build it using what I perceive to be PR0 sites -, Tumblr, HubPages subdomains. You would have to develop those sites so they have PR in order to pass juice. Am I off base here or does building a link wheel in this way seem like a waste of time?

    | friendlymachine

  • We're going to be running our mobile site on the same domain and generating content for users on mobile devices with style sheets (will not have m.domain). The content on our URLs will be the exact same. My question is if we need to create a mobile XML Sitemap to submit to the search engines. Do we need to create the Sitemap, that will contain the exact same URLs as our non-mobile Sitemap, and just include <mobile><mobile>tags around the URLs? Or do we need to create a mobile Sitemap at all to alert the search engines that we have mobile content?</mobile></mobile> Thanks!

    | bonnierSEO

  • Hi guys I have a site which is dancing. I mean one day is on position 20 , if I put more backlinks is falling, after rising again,, I dont know what is going on. The site is 2 years old, pr 2, authority 35. Why this is happening? Usually when he appears again is ranking higher, but today he disappear totally from rankings. Maybe return tomorrow? But anyway why is dancing? Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • I want someone to review My Website as I'm tired of doing everything but its not getting ranked, one day its in top 50 and on the very next day it jut gets disappear, Website URL: I'm trying to get my inner pages rank in google, Can someone please review it and tell me if m doing something wrong or if m missing something! Please suggest Thanks

    | AnkitRawat

  • Does anyone have any recommendations for overseas SEO service providers or link builders?

    | alex1030

  • We have a client who is taking their web server down Saturday morning from 1am - 7am for planned maintenance. Initially, we thought to have all requests return a 503 (service unavailable) response but the web server itself will be down so we are not able to have it return any response codes. Updating the DNS on the registrar will have too much lag time while it propogates out so we aren't sure exactly how to handle this. I had thought possibly of using a second DNS, or a service like DynDNS but that seems like a large amount of effort to set up just for some planned downtime. I have to imagine that Google understands planned website/server downtime every once in a great while. This client has pretty good rankings for some incredibly competitive terms so we want to do all that we can to make sure those rankings are preserved. What are some other potential solutions? We could totally just be overthinking this but we'd rather be safe than sorry... Thanks in advance!

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hey everyone, has anyone had a good experience with a mobile website converter software?  I do web design, but I'm looking for something that would quickly convert a site to be mobile friendly.  I want it to be SEO friendly and be on the same domain.

    | JohnWeb12

  • There are many SEO sites out there that have an SEO Pricing page, IMO this is BS. A SEO company cannot give every person the same quote for diffirent keywords. However, this is something we are currently debating. I don't want a pricing page, because it's a page full of lies. My coworker thinks it is a good idea, and that users look for a pricing page. Suggestions? If I had to build one (which I am debating against) is it better to just explain why pricing can be tricky? or to BS them like most sites do?

    | SEODinosaur

  • As a novice I created my main site, ( and it was geo-targeted for my local City (Bristol). As I got better I created sub-domains( for the smaller towns. Now I am suffering because I need to create a sub-domain for BristoI, allowing the main site to be free from geo-targeting and thus rank more cleanly for specific topics e.g flea control, wasp control etc, etc. My question is simply this - How do I avoid or limit damaging my existing rankings when I swap the site content over to the sub-domain and remove the key word Bristol from the root domains pages. Not a short question, but any thoughts would be lovely to hear.

    | simonberenyi

  • We have recently moved our company's blog to Wordpress on a subdomain (we utilize the Yoast SEO plugin).  We are now experiencing an ever-growing volume of crawl errors (nearly 300 4xx now) for pages that do not exist to begin with.  I believe it may have something to do with having the blog on a subdomain and/or our yoast seo plugin's indexation archives (author, category, etc) --- we currently have Subpages of archives and taxonomies, and category archives in use. I'm not as familiar with Wordpress and the Yoast SEO plugin as I am with other CMS' so any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.  I can PM further info if necessary.  Thank you for the help in advance.

    | BethA

  • Google is not fond of duplication, I have been very kindly told. So how much would you suggest is too much?

    | simonberenyi

  • Hello, I recently took a position as a digital marketing manger with a advertising agency.  Its my job to grow the digital marketing department. One of the issues I am running into is 90% of our clients are local businesses.  When doing keyword research it is very difficult to find keywords with lots of search. For example, if I am optimizing for a Ford dealership in Hackensack,NJ there are not a lot of searches for this term. How can I justify a larger SEO budget when there is just not a lot of search volume for these keywords? This is nothing like Dog Training Videos or something similar. Am I missing something? Where can I pull traffic from for local businesses to justify larger SEO budgets? Thanks, Bill

    | wparlaman

  • I have seen the latest news about Google penalizing blog networks and as a newbie starting out am wondering if my multi-site plans would constitute as a blog network. My question is, is having a couple of external blogs on keyword rich domains pointing back at my primary domain name considered to be a blog network of the kind that Google is penalizing?

    | Wallander

  • Hi all, I recently watched this webinar and it was very good, but I'm not entirely certain if this is a worthwhile thing to be doing? I have a couple of websites I'm improving the SEO on, and things are slowly picking up but I'm not sure if I should be spending time working on improving my landing pages (once these have been identified) or working on the code side of improving my SEO position. When improving my landing pages I'm asking myself the following questions: What is this page about? (Is it clear through headings or introduction text / imagery Does the page sell the benefits of the product / service in a clear manor? Does the page explain what the product is all about? Is the information easy to read, well positioned on-screen and is the content optimised for 1, maybe 2 distinct keywords. Is there an easy method of communication to the site owner if the visitor is interested in the product or service and wants either a quote or wants to find out more. Are there a few links to other relevant areas of the site Granted at the moment I'm in the process of teasing the relevant information out of the client but that's like trying to get blood out of a stone, so I'm exploring other avenues, while they get more content. I am considering going down the route of guest blogging, to possibly get a one-way followed backlink, but again this seems like a lot of effort with no clear guarantee if my efforts in doing this will pay off in being able to generate more leads / enquiries from the websites. Would anyone like to share their thoughts on this?

    | blacey

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