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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Can me paying an SEO firm $250 for one hour of work benefit me more than buying a lifetime link on Best of the Web for $249? ( Firm said I had to buy a min of 8 hrs though) The firm strongly suggested that I not purchase a paid link. (All my major competitors have paid the $249) Boodreaux

    | Boodreaux

  • I recently set up a site (3 months ago). After a couple of months I was on page 1/2/3 for all my main keywords. However on friday all the keywords except for 3 dropped out of the SERPS. Today only 1 keyword remains in the SERPS! I'm an amatuer SEO and remember with my 1st site I worked on (this new one is only my second) that it occassionally dissapeared from the SERPS for a few days and came back. It's now been 4 days though and I'm beginning to think I may have been penaslised. This second site is more of an affiliate site but I do try to include lots of relevant unique content even so. Could it be because it's an affiliate site? All the affiliate links are no follow.

    | SamCUK

  • Hi all i have a new client, who has bought a shiny new domain name for his business, it has one keyword in it related to his business. He is a local plastering looking to get his site ranked, but my worry is the domain age, its very new less than 2 months, i know google sandboxes new domains, The term he is targeting is Mod Completive (26%) is getting his domain ranked page one within 6 months a possibility, or will it just seem utterly spammy in googles eyes. Any tips please thanks will

    | Will_Craig

  • I have a 60  page site that had some nofollow links sprinkled throughout, 50% of which are probably on its mailto: email links. Should I remove all nofollows all in one go, or just the mailto links first, and later the others? Or has anyone had any negative effects in 2012 from this?

    | emerald

  • Hi, I've just added a sitewide header image link (60 pages) from our general company site pointing to homepage of another brand site of a product that we also own (which focuses in depth on that one brand). I haven't put a nofollow on it as it's just info for those who'd like to reach our other site. Should I expect anything negative out of this for either site? Could it seem like it picked up 60 image links suddenly and raise a flag?

    | emerald

  • Many months ago, a fellow marketer at my company introduced me to Pintrest, claiming that it would be good for our business. Pintrest was very much unknown by many just a few short months ago. Since then, I have seen it take off like wildfire, with excessive media coverage, registrations, and people putting the button on their sites. It must have thousands more backlinks now than it did six months ago--high quality ones too, as it's had coverage in virtually every major new media outlet. I want your opinion as to why it has remained a PR6 site this entire time. It was a PR6 site then and it still is now. I know the increase in PR is algorithmic, but come on! Can people share their experiences they've had link building for those higher PR sites? How much harder does it get?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • In the following video with Cutts: he explains a bit more about 301 redirects but he only talks about cross sites. What about redirecting internally from a non-existing product in a store to a new similar existing product?

    | BeytzNet

  • Which is the best way to set up the 301 redirect on my main home page?  to Or does it make a difference? Boodreaux

    | Boodreaux

  • I am new to creating agile tools with google docs and I was wondering if I could get a little help.  I am trying to make a Google Doc that will scrape Pinterest.  The problem I run into is the importxml reports "oops, looks like we ran into a problem...." and goes on to tell me more about how it ran into a error.  I was wondering if someone might know why the importxml formula can't scrape Pinterest. Here is a link to my Google Doc if that helps:

    | Cyle

  • Ok guys where do I start... Lets go back 12months, so were in April 2011 and ranking 6th for our main keyword 'car warranty' things were going well, we didn't really move up or down the SERP and for our other keywords we were ranking well. We decided to use an SEO agency to try and boost our rankings as we were getting ready to launch a national TV advert. It started off really well, we were moving up the rankings nicely and within 9 months we were 3rd for 'car warranty' we were happy!! On the 7th of Jan 2012 we dropped to 10th in the SERP for our main keyword and we were gutted we contacted the agency straight away trying to find out what had happened - we got news back that a site that they were using for links (around 20) had crashed for the Christmas break and the links had been deindexed by Google, we were told give it 2 weeks and we should see them again... 2 months later we were still at 10th and they had changed there mind and decided it was a 60day filter. We waited again until the filter had been removed and we still didn't move anywhere, with this in mind we have now left the agency and moved back to in-house. So back to today - we are now shifting between 10th and 11th on the SERPS which Is causing us some pain. I'm trying to work out what the hell has happened to our site, have we been penalized? Have we over optimized or is it just purely down to our link profile... Here are some stats: Domain Authority: 49
    Homepage Authority: 59
    MozTrust: 4.43
    MozRank:  4.51 So looking at our campaign within SEOMoz our site does seem to be OK - we have a few little issues but nothing that is causing a problem to our SEO. Our hompage and landing pages all of a report card of A so I can't see it being an over optimization penalty. Looking at our external links our anchor text is spread quite nicely between some of our keywords and our brand name. I don't personally think we have been penalized and we don't have any messages within Google Webmaster tools, i wish we did that way I would know where to star!! haha I personally think its just our link profile - looking at our links through OSE they don't look too bad, yes there are some low quality link directories but there are only a few. I think if we improve this and get some strong links back we should see an improvement but Its driving me mad at the moment and I just can't seem to put my finger on it, if anyone has got any ideas or could shed any light on our issue it would be great. Sorry for the long message but I just had to explain our past and where we are up to... Thanks!

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • We have a directory that we're building and we're not sure if we should try to make each page an extension of the root domain or utilize sub-directories as users narrow down their selection. What is the best practice here for maximizing your SERP authority? Choice #1 - Hyphenated Architecture (no sub-folders): State Page /state/ City Page /city-state/ Business Page /business-city-state/
    4) Location Page  /locationname-city-state/ or.... Choice #2 - Using sub-folders on drill down: State Page /state/ City Page /state/city Business Page /state/city/business/
    4) Location Page  /locationname-city-state/ Again, just to clarify, I need help in determining what the best methodology is for achieving the greatest SEO benefits. Just by looking it would seem that choice #1 would work better because the URL's are very clear and SEF. But, at the same time it may be less intuitive for search. I'm not sure. What do you think?

    | knowyourbank

  • Hey Moz'ers! I have a quick question. Our company (Savvy Panda) is working on ranking for the keyword:  "Milwaukee SEO". On our website, we have a page for "Milwaukee SEO" in our services section that's optimized for the keyword and we've been doing link building to this. However, when you search for "Milwaukee SEO" a different page is being displayed in the SERP's. The page that's showing up in the SERP's is a category view of our blog of articles with the tag "Milwaukee SEO". **Is there a way to alert google that the page showing up in the SERP's is not the most relevant and request a new URL to be indexed for that spot? ** I saw a webinar awhile back that showed something like that using google webmaster sitelinks denote tool. I would hate to denote that URL and then loose any kind of indexing for the keyword.
    Ideas, suggestions?

    | SavvyPanda

  • Hi, I have a blog, and like most blogs I have various search options (subject matter, author, archive, etc) which produce the same content via different URLs. Should I implement the rel-canonical tag AND the meta robots tag (noindex, follow) on every page of duplicate blog content, or simply choose one or the other? What's best practice? Thanks Mozzers! Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I currently have a site that was recently restructured, causing much of its content to be reposted, creating new URL's for each page. To avoid duplicates, all of the existing pages were added to the robots file.  That said, it has now been over a week - I know Google has recrawled the site - and when I search for term X, it is stil the old page that is ranking, with the new one nowhere to be seen. I'm assuming it's a cached version, but why are so many of the old pages still appearing in the index? Furthermore, all "tags" pages (it's a Q&A site, like this one) were also added to the robots a few months ago, yet I think they are all still appearing in the index.  Anyone got any ideas about why this is happening, and how I can get my new pages indexed?

    | corp0803

  • I already rank on the first page for all 13 of my main keyword terms.  Is it possible for me to start ranking for additional key words on those page by adding additional content on the pages?   How much impact will this have and will the new keywords still juice from my already good keywords? Also if I am already ranking well for those key words...with really horrible URL's.  Would it be possible to add my new key words into the URL's?  Since the current URL's seem to have nothing to do with my current rankings maybe I can keep my current rankings but then also get a huge boost for my new keyword rankings? Thank you, Boodreaux the novice. PS.  I have already heard the great advice of keeping my old site map up for a while after I change the URL's in order to let google catch up and re-index the site.

    | Boodreaux

  • So here's my question/scenario.. When it comes to link-building, I'm noticing a trend that goes like this: If you have a website like and you want to rank highly for the target phrase 'insurance london ontario', you need to get links with that anchor-text pointing to the index page, which is the page you want to rank for that keyword. But what I'm noticing, is that a lot of link builders use a strategy where they create a good piece of content.. like "10 Ways to Decrease your Car Insurance Premiums" within the blog, and then build links to that article since it's easier as it's a good piece of content. My question is.. how much can this really help you to rank for 'insurance london ontario' if all your doing is building links to that blog article, and not the main page? I know it helps the overall domain authority, but is it enough to get you ranking for your goal phrase, or is it just a supporting method?

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • I am able to do keyword research for any term that I want,. However, I want to see results for broad keywords in local areas.... For example.. Hair cut Miami may get 100 searches a month. How can I find the number (x) of search volume for "Hair Cut" searched within Miami, FL.? If I add the 100 and the other number (x) it may be worth the while to build.

    | SEODinosaur

  • On March 27th I noticed a huge rankings drop across the board on a client site in Bing and Yahoo! After some research, I found this article on SEOroundtable (it also links back to a Webmaster World discussion). For this particular site we're talking a few dozen of keywords dropping off the first page, or even from the first page dropping out of the top 50. The only thing not affected were brand keywords. The site was recently relaunched, and has a fairly weak backlink profile right now. It doesn't use keywords in the domain (which was one of the things identified in the SEOroundtable article). Has anyone else noticed changes? If so, what do you attribute them to and how are you combating them?

    | BedeFahey

  • Hi guys, Our website has this landing page: Is this considered keyword self-cannibalization if on the above page we link to local pages such as: Many thanks David

    | sssrpm

  • Hi All We are in the process of adding a franchise model to our exisitng stand alone business and as part of the package given to the franchisee will be a website with conent identical to our existing website apart from some minor details such as contact and address details. This creates a huge duplicate content issue and even if we implement a cannonical approach to this will still be unfair to the franchisee in terms of their markeitng and own SEO efforts. The url for each franchise will be unique but the content will be the same to a large extend. The nature of the service we offer (professional qualificaitons) is such that the "products" can only be described in a certain way and it will be near on in impossible to have a unique set of "product" pages for each franchisee. I hope that some of you have come across a similar problem or that some of you have suggestions or ideas for us to get round this. Kind regards Peter

    | masterpete

  • Some people see this kind of link building as spammy mainly because of automated systems I guess making it spammy. But what if you use your company name linking to your site to indicate who has posted it and then actually contribute some good discussion. A lot of these are no-follow (although I have got it into my head even though they are no follow not passing juice I still think Google counts the link and it does something). So I want to start doing some of this, for example squidoo. Lots of lens with great content that I could quite easily comment on with 50 words+

    | activitysuper

  • I want to improve or recover Google image search performance for my eCommerce website. My website was working well in Google image search but, I found negative performance since implementation of CDN for all images. Before CDN my image path was as follow. After CDN my image path is as follow. I can see that, Google image search performance is going down after set up CDN on my website. Because, all images are available on external server. So, How to recover Google image search performance after CDN or any idea to improve performance? 6871173584_a85e22ce1c_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • We had a call this week from a company who have been using a SEO company providing link building services. The back links they have been generating are seriously dodgy back links ! Here are some examples of the back links - Yes a seriously dodgy back link profile ! He received the following email from google via webmaster tools - Dear site owner or webmaster of, We've detected that some of your site's pages may be using techniques that are outside Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team I mentioned to the client I would speak to the community on SEO moz to the owner of the site and see what opinions other SEO's would have on solving this issue.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi Guys, My site is #1 ranked for the term "waiting till marriage," but Google only gives me partial site links. See "Forums - Articles - Questions - Videos" links in attached screenshot. How do I get the full, page-dominating, mini-description-having site links? Any suggestions? Note: I've got a ton of content and decent traffic, but I haven't put much time into developing back links yet. I'm a php developer, but I'm new to professional-level SEO. Any help would be hugely appreciated. Also, sorry about the inflammatory nature of the site. It's not a preachy site; it's just a support group. Hope it doesn't offend. partial-sitelinks.png

    | MikeAM27

  • Hello, We recently added new store views for our primary domain for different countries. Our primary url: Different Countries URLS: And so forth and so on. This resulted in an almost immediate rankings drop for several keywords which we feel is a result of duplicate content creation. We've thousands of pages on our primary site. We've assigned a "no follow" tags to all store views for now, and trying to roll back the changes we did. However, we've seen some stores launching in different countries with same content, but with a country specific extensions like,, At this point, it appears we have three choices: 1. Remove/Change duplicate content in country specific urls/store views. 2. Launch using, with duplicate content for now. 3. Launch using, etc with fresh content for all stores. Please keep in mind, option 1, and 3 can get very expensive keeping hundreds of products in untested territories. Ideally, we would like test first and then scale. However, we'd like to avoid any duplicate penalties on our main domain. Thanks for your help and answers on the same.

    | globaleyeglasses

  • A clients website which provide a number of trade services  which have a page for each service they provide for example: carpentry or electrician  or plumbing etc. currently these pages are found at bathrooms.html I am trying to optmise each page better as they are competing with other sites who for example  sell bathrooms rather than  bathroom installers or plumbers. As part of the on page optimisation I plan to change  the page names and directory structure. I had an idea to split the website down into subdomains  for various sections i.e for all their services Create a sub domain  such as 2.) upload the  relevant content (in this example the plumbing page)  to the sub domain location 3.) correct all the links to absolute URLs for each sub domain / Will this help target  better use of keywords in the URL  in terms of SEO efforts ? hope it makes sense thanks Darren

    | Bristolweb

  • This company claims to have a good tool. To me it looks like spam. They claim to automate link building and they claim to use Googles Panda to their advantage. This site does however use link diversity, not sure about how relevant the sources are for each keyword... Would this fall into black hat or gray area SEO?

    | SEODinosaur

  • For a large retail site we have plenty of "old" pages that are 2-3 years old and still have 301 redirects to a new page.  After a search engine has recognized a 301 redirect and dropped the "Old" URL from the index and started displaying the "New" URL, is it safe to delete that old page and thus remove the 301 redirect?

    | SEOmoxy

  • Here is Matt Cutts video, for those of you who have not seen it already.   (Very Short) In this Video Matt explains that Google does not look at backlinks. Many link spamming sites have detected, there have been many website receiving warning messages in their Google web tools to deindex these links, etc.. My theory is that Google will not punish sites for backlinks. However, they manually check for "link farming sites" and warn anyone affiliated with them, just in case these links were built from a competitor. This way they can eliminate all the "Bad Link Farm" sites and not hurt anyone who does not deserve to be hurt. Google is not going to give us all their information to rank, they dont want us to rank. They want us to PPC. However, they do want to have the best SERPs available. I call it Google juggling! Thoughts?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hi ! I m working with few brands who hardly make same designs again... which is good things for my buyers.. Buy i m worrying how i can handle this keeping seo in mind? should i delete pages after product is sold out? or there is some other better way to handle this? Thanks, Vinku

    | vinku

  • What does SEO Moz think of all this SEO abuse that is happening on tumblr lately?  I mean, it doesn't take much time to look around tumbler and realize pretty much every page looks like this: Below the post check out the "reblogged".  With the correct settings in your tumblr profile, all you gotta do is click reblog on a couple tumblr pages and you get instant backlinks to your website from tumblr pages. Some examples from this page: aticards reblogged this from staff mymuffincorner reblogged this from staff contextual-links reblogged this from staff It's actually a followed link if you reblog. if you just 'like' you end up with a nofollowed link. Questions: Why is tumblr so blind to allow this to happen Surely google must be aware of this and devaluing links that come from tumblr posts? Thoughts? edit: 50 views and no responses. maybe my question isnt clear enough?

    | adriandg

  • I have an ASP.NET website witch forces users to accept a disclaimer before accessing the website. I want to allow Google and other Searchbots to index/craw all the pages without accepting the disclaimer. What is to best way to do this? Thanks

    | Tug-Agency

  • This is just a post for fun really. Do you think the top 3 SEO's in the world could be in the top 3 results of any industry in 6 months? I would love to see this in action really, a couple of guys against industry giants in insurance or something.

    | activitysuper

  • I'm just getting started in guest blogging, and had an idea I wanted to run past the SEOmoz community. I've been told that when guest blogging, it's only worthwhile to post one guest post per domain (if your intention is purely backlinks, which mine is).  But I was wondering if it might be more effective to try and place a series of 4 or 5 related posts, and try to get the blog owner to link from one to the other (Click here for Part II of this series). Wouldn't all that internal linking give the pages with my bio links on them that much more authority?

    | menachemp

  • I wondered if anyone had any opinions as to whether LSI plays any part in the ranking of a direct match domain? For example :- would be more likely to rank better for search terms such as 'SEO Services' or 'SEO Experts' than Does having 'Search Engine Optimisation' in the domain name mean that you would rank better for 'SEO'?

    | AdeLewis

  • Hello experts! I have a query about publishing a backlog of content. Run a quote requesting website for design. When we first built it, I was not well versed in SEO. However today I know a whole lot more, thanks to SEOmoz mostly. For two years customers have been requesting quotes which are then given to registered designers. The brief provided by the customers is locked away behind a private log in area for designers. There is a ton of unique content there that can't be indexed by Google. Here is my idea: 1. Register a new domain, something like, 2. Use Wordpress to publish the briefs submitted by clients. 3. Link each brief to our main website for SEO benefits. However we have over 1000 quote requests dating back over two years. If I published this all at once would Google treat is as suspicious? If so, should I alter the dates and have them published one at a time?

    | designquotes

  • Hey everyone, Lately I have been digging into Rich snippets, checking all the possibilities they offer and still try to figure out some things. Question #1: Do you experience difficulties with implementing Image into Product page? (Don't forget, we're talking about Rich snippets) I have done it "a la carte" just how Google pointed out, in the Rich Snippets testing tool I have seen that the image, still nowhere in the search engine ranking pages (and I have seen that more websites are fighting with the same issue) Question #2: Is there a possible way to implement a Category rich snippet or is there a ProductGroup? One of the favorite demonstrations about Rich Snippets was a MusicGroup implementation. The example would be: Is there a way to implement something similar? Like having "featured" product show up on category pages? we were thinking to implement an AggregateOffer then the offers. (Did anyone test it that way?) I hope this question will answer not just my curiosity 🙂 Istvan

    | Keszi

  • After getting some guidance from you guys here on this forum i have decided to go through my WMT backlinks and contact all the sites that I think are spammy and are linking back to me....and I will ask them to remove my links from their sites... Can you guys please provide some guidance as to what I should say in the letter (also, anything i should definitely not say).... Thanks for the help...

    | Prime85

  • Does PR still work? I have sites that have PR3 and get almost no traffic and sites that are PR1 and get thousands of uniques per month. My PR on my main sites haven't moved for about 7 years, even though we've grown significantly. I know lots of you are going to jump in with get the MOZ toolbar, which I already have done, and I agree, it's great ... But can anyone tell me about what's going on with Google PR? Is it still active? Or has Google abandoned? I noticed that the Google toolbar is not even available for Google Chrome. That should say something ... If you like this question, do me a favor, and give me a THUMBS UP!

    | applesofgold

  • Hi Guys, Were wondering what to do about our main domain name, we were ranking quite high for our main keyword and before Christmas our site dropped to 10th and we have been there for a while - last week our site dropped again onto the second page. The worrying thing is now our main domain name is now ranking 1 place above another domain name that we don't really use but its an exact match domain name for our target keyword. This exact match domain has hardly any links pointing to it and it currently has a 22 domain authority. We are wondering if we 301 our main site to this exact match domain would it rank higher than the top of the 2nd page where we are now for our main domain. Cheers.

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi All, SEOMOZ is telling me I have a lot of duplicate content on my site.  The pages are not duplicate, but very similar, because the site is a directory website with a page for cities in multiple states in the US. I do not want these pages being indexed and was wanting to know the best way to go about this. I was thinking I could do a rel ="nofollow" on all the links to those pages, but not sure if that is the correct way to do this. Since the folders are deep within the site and not under one main folder, it would mean I would have to do a disallow for many folders if I did this through Robots.txt. The other thing I am thinking of is doing a meta noindex, follow, but I would have to get my programmer to add a meta tag just for this section of the site. Any thoughts on the best way to achieve this so I can eliminate these dup pages from my SEO report and from the search engine index? Thanks!

    | cchhita

  • Hello moz fellas, I need expert advice for PakWheels about xml sitemap generation. There are hundreds of thousands of pages (mostly USG) and these are increasing day by day. What is the best practice of controlling all these pages in xml format. Where can we generate sitemap.xml to submit in Google and Bing webmaster tools. Your input may help us in managing these URLs in an xml format. Thanks

    | razasaeed

  • Hi All, I'm maintaining an e-commerce website and I've encountered some related keywords that I know will not convert to sales but are related to the subject and might help becoming an "authority". I'll give an example... If a car dealership wrote an amazing article about cleaning a car.
    Obviously it is related but the chances of someone looking to clean his car will go ahead and buy one now are quite low. Also, he will probably bounce out of this page after reading the piece. To conclude, Would such an article do GOOD (helping to become an authority and having more visitors) or BAD (low conversion rate and high bounce rate)? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi All, Lately you see more and more JQuery slides in pages.
    These banner slides can obviously contain html texts & links as well as photos. Does Google notice all of the texts in all of the slides of a page or does it notice only the first slide or alternatively somehow splits the weight it gives to the texts among the various slides. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Could i get a little domain advice please. Launching a new website project and want to put it on a domain we already own (both domains are in the same niche as the larger project).  The new project will be aimed at the UK market. The choice is: we own with a good name, however it's Domain Authority rank is 7 and it's only about 8 months old. .com domain which is 6 years old, has a Domain Authority rank of 33 but is not as good a domain name. The Competitive Link Analysis tells me that the rivals for the keywords we would be targeting are between 24 and 42. Which domain would people go with? All things equal it would be a fair guess that the older, higher Domain Authority ranked .com will require less work to rank in the engines, however it's not as good brand wise. Thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • this is to host about 80 different websites all in the same niche, all doing very well in ranking for their specific keywords, currently at hostgator seohosting plan, but hostgator has issues I do not want to continue dealing with

    | beehappy

  • If there were less pages with the "show all" attribute it would be a simple fix by adding the canonical URL tag. But seeing that there are about 1,000 of them I was wondering if their was a broader fix that I could apply.

    | cscoville

  • I am a NOVICE .........My website is about 4 months old.  My developer/programmer only has 4-6 hours of work a week so it is going to take 4 months to finish two weeks of work. So I have to prioritize the things that are best for SEO (Our architecture is PHP,Apache and Zend) .** If you are interested I would be curious to how you would prioritize some or all of these.  Or at least as many as you can until you get bored.** 1. Optimizing Cart/Conversion - 7 hrs - (Extremely low conversion rates)
    2. Optimizing Speed for usability -10+ hrs (Very slow on initial load time) 10-14 sec
    3. Filling in all Titles and Metadata - 2 hrs 
    4. Contact persistence with cookie...enter data only once. - 2 hrs
    5. Social panels for sharing content - 3 hrs
    6. Custom notifications for those who opt in. for updates - 5 hrs
    7. Shorten 12 key URL's and optimize with key words - 3 hrs (I rank this very high) 
    8. Install Wordpress Blog - 5-10 hrs 
    9. RSS Feed - 5 hrs ( Run a feed real time on side of page) 
    10. Create Content Management System for me - 20 hrs (So I can make changes) 
    11. Keywords for H-1 Tags - 1 hr
    12. At tag for images - 1 hr
    13. Use of bold /italics - 2 hrs 
    14. Canonical tag in head - 3 hrs Any expert advice will be greatly appreciated. Boodreaux PS  After studying SEO for 1 month I think the priorities should be #7,#3, #2, #1, #5 (on landing pages) #11, #12,#6, #4, #13, #14, #8, #9, #10

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi All, I need your help. This site is confounding me. The site is It's a few years old. Strong domain name and seo focused on the term 'turnstile'. In bound links are not abundant, but certainly not absent either. Considering the subject matter, content and competition in the space, I would expect this site by now to at least be in the top 10 pages for the search 'turnstile', but it's not. I've tried everything I can think of with this, but it just won't rank for anything other than it's domain name. Can anyone please take a look and let me know if they see something I'm missing? It would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | seomozpaul

  • Hi, My site was built with WordPress. Very recently I had it redesigned. The problem is that now it takes a long time to download. I have spoken with a web designer who checked my site and said that after it was rebuilt, the template that was created included a lot of hard coding. Can this be the reason why my site now takes a long time to load? The hard coding factor? Thank you for your help. Sal P.S.: FYI the site only has a few plug-ins and the server is a good one.

    | salvyy

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