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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi, I've recently had the misfortune of my site's ip address being crawled and indexed by Google, which is causing some duplicate content issues. Due to the nature of the site we're not able to implement a canonical tag to fix this at present. Would a 301 redirect do the trick, and if so, could someone point me to what I'd need to add to our .htaccess file? Many thanks Chris

    | ChrisHillfd

  • I started receiving a warning warning in google webmaster tools about 2 weeks ago that said "big traffic change for top url". On reading the message i saw "Search results clicks for have decreased significantly".  When I search google using the keyword "sore breasts" for which that post used to rank at least number 2 on google, I dont see anything. The related post is still ranking well. Can anyone give me an idea of what might have happened? I am totally at sea. Thanks.

    | adaeze

  • This must be on the forum somewhere already but I cant find it. Google are updating there algo to penalise over SEO'd sites, is this a game changer? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • A. Is there a correlation between domain authority and crawl penetration? B. Is there a correlation between domain authority and juice distribution?

    | AWCthreads

  • We're about to launch a second site for a different, neighbouring city in which we are going to setup a marketing campaign to target sales in that city (which will also have a separate office there as well). We are going to have it under the same company name, but different domain name and we're going to do our best to re-write the text content as much as possible.  We want to avoid Google seeing this as a duplicate site in any way, but what about: the business name the toll free number (which we would like to have same on both sites) the graphics/image files (which we would like to have the same on both sites) site structure, coding styles, other "forensic" items anything I might not be thinking of... How are we best to proceed with this?  What about cross-linking the sites?

    | webdesignbarrie

  • I know many SEO's prefer a stylesheet and single URL, but if you use, do you canonicalize to your desktop URLS?

    | nicole.healthline

  • After searching this morning and finding unclear answers I decided to ask my SEOmoz friends a few questions. Should you have an HTML sitemap? If so, where should you link to the HTML sitemap from? Should you use a noindex, follow tag? Thank you

    | cprodigy29

  • I noticed on a lot of Google places pages i create for my clients Google seems to put related places links at the bottom of the page which links directly to their competitors. how can i  remove control  or avoid these links  been placed? Also any tips on improving the places page would be greatly appreciated thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • Today, I was watching video about Is cross-linking websites bad? on Google Webmaster YouTube channel. I've big confusion on this subject because, I have made big changes on this factor. I have removed my website link from two websites. Both websites are top to link my website. But, I have removed it due to certain issue. I have hyperlink following page with Patio Umbrellas keyword. I know that, I have to maintain my inbound link statistics and that's why I'm going to add my website link with Patio Umbrellas text link to my clients' websites. I have already added it to certain clients' websites and going to add in another clients' websites. You can review my link in footer. These websites have similar subject to my website. Now, websites' subject is totally different to my website where I will my text link in footer. After big explanation:: 🙂 I have one big question. Will it help me to out rank well with Patio Umbrellas keyword? Do you have any experience about positive performance or negative performance? Is it advisable or not? If no so why? 🙂 Thanks... watch?v=ufGw65-1je8 6987059809_b6bf3c7335_z.jpg watch?v=ufGw65-1je8 6987059809_b6bf3c7335_z.jpg watch?v=ufGw65-1je8

    | CommercePundit

  • My client's website is for an organization that is part of a larger organization - which has it's own website. We were given permission to use content from the larger organization's site on my client's redesigned site. The SEs will deem this as duplicate content, right?  I can "re-write" the content for the new site, but it will still be closely based on the original content from the larger organization's site, due to the scientific/medical nature of the subject material.  Is there a way around this dilemma so I do not get penalized? Thanks!

    | Mills

  • My name is Matthew and I am a new PRO member and founder of my own Internet marketing company in KS. So far I love the interaction and tools and functionality of seomoz. I am a true student of seo and love the subject. My dilemma is I know a blog is an important piece of any good seo campaign but I know very little about HOW to blog well......this is my new site and blog page. I only have a couple articles so far but many more planned. When I read an article that would be particuarly beneficial for my visitors can i post or share that on MY blog (giving the author the credit of course) without google thinking its duplicate content? is there anything specific I need to do with my blog for google to "see" the new, fresh content that is being added to the site? I have seen "tagged" items at the bottom of some blogs. Is this important? Some blogs will have a word or string of 2-3 words that are a link to a specific website. Does this help me or just them or just people reading the blog? **All I know is articles I write need to be relevant to my site and interesting and ORIGINAL and of benefit to my site visitors. ** Any advice that would help insure my blog articles get me all the juice they can would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance! Matthew ps - my site only went live a couple days ago so I am still working on a few onpage items but ANY feedback about the site itself would be spectacular! Have a GREAT weekend!

    | Mrupp44

  • Hello, I think that us targeting 2 different geographic locations (San Francisco, CA and Salt Lake City, UT) is negatively effecting the rank of some of our main keywords. My evidence for this: Since December our main keyword (NLP) dropped in ranking for nlpca(dot)com from about 19th to about 40th. This is about when we started to really target 2 different locations. Other main keywords dropped a lot as well, like the important term "NLP Training" Also, our name, nlpca(dot)com indicates NLP California (CA stands for California in Google) The other day we bolded a sentence with the words "Salt Lake City, Utah" at the top of our content and in one of Google's Databases (the one I was looking at) we dropped in rankings for "NLP California" where we used to be completely sitelinked (where we took up a lot of space at the top of the search). Also, we shot up to 1st on my datacenter for both "NLP Utah" and "NLP Salt Lake City". At the same time, our rankings for the term "NLP" dropped off the map. It has come back up, but we've also targeted California again. A lot of our anchor text has the word "California" in it. We're thinking about building a separate site for Utah and just linking to it from the California website when we need to. Does it sound to you, in your experience, that targeting both locations in our case is what's causing a decrease in rankings? Thank you!

    | BobGW

  • I sat in on the Microformats & – Real life Use Cases webcast today. Thank you for providing that helpful information. This discussion question is related to microformat in relation to online reviews: I work for a local auto dealership group. Each of our dozen+ dealers have reviews on Google, dealerrater,, edmunds, etc. Is there a SEO benefit to compiling online reviews from multiple sources mentioned above into our site in a microformat (knowing the reviews existed elsewhere) or would we have to use a third party tool such as Bazaarvoice & capture our reviews through there? Have any of you pulled reviews from various sources onto your site & used the microformatting technique? If so, what was the outcome? Thanks

    | autoczar

  • Hey All, I just did a mobile version of my site and was seeking some guidance on where to put it in the sitemap. Do i need an entirely new sitemap, or do i just add to my existing .xml Thanks!

    | JordanGreve

  • A product in our website has testimonial, but does not have ratings? Would Google rich snippets include these? Is there an example out there?

    | tmg.seo

  • Okay, so based on common sense re: author name and generic comment... ...I'm pretty sure this blog comment awaiting approval is aimed at getting users to a phony site in hopes they will make a donation to a fraudster impersonating Johns Hopkins. But if you check out the URL, you'll see they are not idiots. It's an .edu address with a high DA. Two questions: Are my suspicions well founded? How would I go about proving this, in a less clear cut case? Author : how to grow weed (IP: ,
    E-mail :
    URL    :
    Whois  :
    After study a few of the blog posts on your website now, and I truly like your way of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back soon. Pls check out my web site as well and let me know what you think

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hello everyone, My website :, despite is a .ro with romanian content and is hosted in Romania appear for as a english targeted website.Google see internal pages as romanian ones but main page as english . In order to change this , I added : Also few days ago I uploaded a geositemap and I submitted this to google. Do you have suggestions ? Website ranks 2nd for "cosuri cadou" on and 3rd on bing, but on ranks 11 . Thanks!

    | VertiStudio

  • The scenario We’ve been asked by a client, a Non-Government Organisation who are being absorbed by a larger government ministry, for help with the SEO of their site. They will be going from a reasonably large standalone site to a small sub-directory on a high authority government site and they want some input on how best to maintain their rankings. They will be going from the Number 1 ranked site in their niche (current site domainRank 59) to being a sub directory on a domainRank 100 site). The current site will remain, but as a members only resource, behind a paywall. I’ve been checking to see the impact that it had on a related site, but that one has put a catch all 302 redirect on it’s pages so is losing the benefit of a it’s historical authority. My thoughts Robust 301 redirect set up to pass as much benefit as possible to the new pages. Focus on rewriting content to promote most effective keywords – would suggest testing of titles, meta descriptions etc but not sure how often they will be able to edit the new site. ‘We have moved’ messaging going out to webmasters of existing linking sites to try to encourage as much revision of linking as possible. Development of link-bait to try and get the new pages seen. Am I going about this the right way? Thanks in advance. Phil

    | smrs-digital

  • Some of the pages on my client's website have too many on page links because they have lists of all their products.  Is there anything I should/could do about this?

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Though my company is based in Canada, we have a .com URL, we're hosted on servers in the U.S., and most of our customers are in the U.S. Our marketing efforts are focused on the U.S. Heck, we even drop the "u" in "colour" and "favour"! 🙂 Nonetheless we rank very well in, and rather poorly on One hypothesis is that we have more backlinks from .ca domains than .com, but I don't believe that to be true. For sure, the highest quality links we have come from .coms like Any suggestions on how we can improve the .com rankings, other than keeping on with the link building?

    | RobM416

  • Hi, I am having an agency optimize the content on my sites. I need to create XML Schema before I export the content into XML. What is best way to export content including meta tags for an entire site along with the steps on how to?

    | Melia

  • Does anyone know how to make WordPress "tag" pages automatically generate a description based on the posts included in the tag?  I have a lot of tags, and most of them rank well for long tail keywords.  However I have noticed that although they have a dynamically generated "title meta tag" they do not generate a "description meta tag".  I know WordPress lets you customize the description for each tag, but I have way to many for that.  I need the description meta to be auto generated from the posts that are being tagged, rather than not including one at all. Does anyone know how to do this?

    | MyNet

  • Our SEO agency is considering hiring a new SEO consultant, specifically for outreach, with a strong focus on (quality) blog outreach. I know how many successful posting I expect to get per month doing the work myself, but I wanted to make sure that I expected realistic amounts from a new (already experienced) staff member (just to be fair to them!), Soooooo... I thought I would throw a question at other folks, and try to come up with a rough average number, to make sure I don't expect too much (or too little) from the new guy! Now, obviously this varies depending on niche etc, but I am just asking for an approx. average, using search queries like:  _"blog posting guidelines" "[niche here]" _ (Plus using feedburner searches, etc... usual blog outreach tactics!) Also bear in mind that the outreacher will be based in the office, and content will be written for them by professional writers. The question is... As an experienced blog outreacher, based on the above info, how many successful posts would you expect to get per month, assuming a 35hr to 40hr work week (Mon-Fri). Cheers guys! I look forward to your opinions... I think it will be interesting to see how much the answers vary! UPDATE: - So far only Casey seems willing to share 🙂 Nobody else willing to chip in?

    | MikeGracia

  • Hi everyone, I wanted to ask you abour your opinon on mobile SEO. Do we already have two different Indices, one for mobile, one for desktop? Except a few mobile listings I don't see a difference yet. If yes, do I need to do special mobile SEO for my site or is it enough to have e.g. a responsive webdesign which detects the device and shows a different page? Are there any other extra Mobile SEO measures that should be considered? I know of the Mobile Sitemap and directories but is there anything else? Best regards

    | CrazySEO

  • My question is: If you have a keyword that is searched more when it's spelled wrong then when it's spelled right - what do you do? Do you do the misspelled word or keep true to the spelling and say oh well to SEO? Also - Along the same lines of that question: What if you have a keyword that has a - in the middle of it. For instance: website and web-site (this isn't the keyword just an example). and drupal website is searched more then drupal web-site but wordpress web-site is searched more then wordpress website. Technically website is the correct spelling and way to write it, but people put web-site (again not the case in reality - just an example).

    | blackrino

  • So, I have about 100 different blogs that I am starting to organize into a list of potential guest blog opportunities.  I wanted to see how many subscribers each blog had to their site to better help identify the top influential blogs.  The only way I know how to do this is to search for the site inside of Google reader.  I was wondering if anybody knows of a tool or knows a way to scrape the blog subscriber count from Google docs, or something more scalable. Thanks, Jason

    | Jason_342

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a very popular property database on a subfolder of my main website. It accounts for about 2 thirds of my overall traffic. I'm moving the database to a new server, so my choices are now a sub domain or completely new domain. If I move my database to a new domain, will my main site lose SEO because of how popular the database is? Cheers Matt

    | Horizon

  • I have an ecommerce shop here: I've added a submenu for each major category and subcategory of items for sale. There are over 60 categories on that submenu. I've heard that loading this (and the number of links) before the content is very bad for SEO. Some will place the menu below the content and use absolute positioning to put the menu where it currently is now. It's a bit ridiculous in doing things backwards and wondering if search engines really don't understand. So the question is twofold: (1) Are the links better in a bottom loading sidemenu where they are now? (2) Given the number of links (about 80 in total with all categories and subcategories), is it bad to have the sidemenu show the subcategories which, in this instance, are somewhat important? Should I just go for the drilldown, e.g. show only categories and then show subcategories after? Truth is that users probably would prefer the dropdown with all the categories and second level subcategories, despite the link number and placement.

    | attorney

  • My site has some good google SERPS but yahoo and bing don't rank it well at all. I know of course they have different algorithms to google but I would expect there to be some correlation. Why does google appear to consider my site valuable and return it for search queries and yahoo/bing don't?

    | SamCUK

  • I'm doing well on yahoo and bing and the only reason I can think of for why I'm not showing on Google is because I changed the url structure a couple of months ago. I have solid on and off page done for this site.

    | deciph22

  • Hi all, Got a bit of a weird problem that I can't work out. I've got a page that contains a video. The SERP for one keyword has the video appearing directly in the search listing like a video rich snippet / schema. Do not want. This rich snippet style video result only appears when the page is found for this one keyword, and no other. How do I stop google displaying the page like this? Why is it only displayed like this for one keyword and no others? The video is a YouTube video and is embedded in the page. Nothing fancy is going on with the code. Any ideas? I'm stumped.

    | WillQ

  • I have heard it's best to have 400+ words of content for strong SEO per page. I believe this is true for the most. I have a project in mind, however, that I am considering doing 100-200 words of content per page. This is for a glossary of terms for my industry, where I have a unique page for each term that describes what that term means w/ 1 image and a few links to related products. Is having just 100-200 words going to be enough? Each page will still be unique, original content. Or is it best to really try for longer articles? In other words, is there a general rule for # of words per page for search engines to see the page as valuable and unique and to give it good ranking? Give me a BIG THUMBS UP if you found this question useful. It won't cost you anything! Thanks!

    | applesofgold

  • Question: Will duplicate informational content at the bottom of indexed pages violate the panda update? **Total Page Ratio:  **  1/50 of total pages will have duplicate content at the bottom off the page.  For example...on 20 pages in 50 different instances there would be common information on the bottom of a page. (On a total of 1000 pages).  Basically I just wanted to add informational data to help clients get a broader perspective on making a decision regarding "specific and unique" information that will be at the top of the page. Content ratio per page? : What percentage of duplicate content is allowed per page before you are dinged or penalized. Thank you, Utah Tiger

    | Boodreaux

  • Clearly, we see that high authority directories like Dmoz.Org are effective, even if this big monster is practically dead because of how unresponsive it is. What about other free directories? Is it worth obtaining as many listings as possible in the free directories? what about the paid ones? Is this still good SEO strategy if the directories have at least a PR3-4 or many cases higher? I'm asking this for an established site, so I understand that it won't help for deep-linking and anchor text, but will it help anyway to get links from these? If you like this post, help me out by giving me a Big Thumbs Up!

    | applesofgold

  • Our website is mainly created with TABLES, which I've heard is a practice from Neanderthal times. Nevertheless, it is my job as the new Dir. of Marketing to SEO the hell out of it. Would you recommend converting the ENTIRE website into Divs or changing the current Tables situation? Or is this not a big deal for SEO? The site APPEARS fine, but I want to get our keywords ranked as well as possible, putting my time in the most efficient places (like link building!). How much of a high priority might this Tables fix be? We are also running an AdWords campaign spending LOTS every month. Please Moz me! Derek

    | DerekM88

  • Hi I installed a wiki and a forum to subdomains of one of my sites. The crawl report shows me duplicate content on the forum and on wiki.  This will hurt the main site? Or the root domain?  the site by the way is clean absolutely from errors. Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • I have a website that lists events in Dublin, Ireland. I want to provide a comprehensive number of listings but there are not enough hours in the day to provide a detailed (or even short) unique description for every event. At the moment I have some pages with little detail other than the event title and venue. Should I try and prevent Google from crawling/indexing these pages for fear of reducing the overall ranking of the site? At the moment I only link to these pages via the RSS feed. I could remove the pages entirely from my feed, but then that mean I remove information that might be useful to people following the events feed. Here is an example page with very little content

    | andywozhere

  • We own a video search site like, now there is not much 'content' we can develop. I want to rank high for certain video names for Google. In terms of seo, i have told our assistant (seo guy now) to basically find all sites on the net related to videos and collect their about us and contact them, and see if we can build any sort of partnership and also to post a new interesting article a day for our blog... He has contacted 500 sites of which we were able to get good links from 5 of them (1 way). He has exhausted his search of quality 'video' sites, now what? what can I have him do so we can actually start ranking, we have 100k pages indexed of which we have around 1million. Only the top pages are allowed to be indexed, in terms of off page seo, what can I have our seo guy do all day now? should I fire him ($3k a month) and get a PR firm to try to get us into newspapers instead?

    | ketlad

  • Google webmaster tools just started showing some strange pages under "not found" crawl errors.  <--- with the three dots, INSTEAD of I have just 301'd them for now, but is this a sign of a technical issue?  The site is php/sql and I'm doing the URL rewrites/301s etc in .htaccess. Thanks! -Dan EDIT: Also, wanted to add, there is no 'linked to' page.

    | evolvingSEO

  • Hey guys, and gals, So our site is having the hardest time ranking in the big G. We've built links, optimized, and all the other basics. If you guys have a chance, could you take a glance, and tell us what you think, as to why this site is having such a hard time. Much appreciated!

    | leatherupseo

  • Hello, I am looking at the URL structure for a travel site that will want to optimise lots of locations to a wide variety of terms, so for example hotels in london
    hotels in kensington (which is in london)
    five star hotels in kensington
    etc I am keen to see if my thought process is correct as you see so many different URL techniques out there. Or am i overthinking it too much? Lets assume we make the page /london/ as our homepage. we would then logically link to /london/hotels  to optimise specifically for 'london hotels' We then have two options in my mind for optimising for 'kensington hotels': Link to a page that keeps /london/hotels/ in its URL to maintain consistency ie A.   /london/hotels/kensington or should we be linking to: B. /london/kensington/hotels/ (as it allows us to maintain a logical geo-landing page hierarchy) I feel A is good as the URL matches the search phrase 'hotels in kensington' matches the order of the search phrase, but it loses value if any links find these pages with 'kensington' in the anchor text, as they would not really strengthen the 'kensington' hub page. /london/kensington Ie: i land on the 'kensington hotels' page and want to see more about kensington, then i could go from /london/kensington/hotels
    /london/kensington quite easily and logically in the breadcrumb. I feel B. is the best option for now.. Happy to I am only musing as i see some good sites that use option A, which effectively pushes the location (/kensington/ to the end of the URL for each additional niche sub page, ie /london/hotels/five-star-hotels/kensington/) Some of the bigger travel sites dont even use folder, they just go: Comments welcome!!! Thanks

    | onefinestay

  • I added a canonical tag to the home page last month, but I am still showing duplicate content for the home page. Here is the tag I added: What am I missing? Duplicate-Content.jpg

    | InnoInsulation

  • Our site was just crawled last night an we had a number of keywords fall 25% or so, from say # 30 to 38. What would cause such a drastic fall? We haven't taken down pages or changed changed page titles, url or content. One thing we are having trouble with is our meta description and meta keywords for each page. Drupal 7 seems to be giving us trouble and the meta information isn't showing up anymore. Would that cause the fall? Any other suggestions?

    | drudalton

  • I am looking to hire an SEO expert that can not only make suggestions/perform audit, but also execute changes. Of course lots of companies are available, but I am ideally looking for an individual with a nice track record. No offense to SEO firms, but I am not interested in paying for overhead, etc. Curious to know if others have gone this route and what the experience has been like. Thanks!

    | MNKid15

  • Hi all, I have a quick question about the proper use of permalinks. Let's say that I have a website about sports and I want to create an internal page dedicated to shoes. I know that the keyword "shoe" has 15.000 monthly visits, while the keyword "shoes" has 1.000 monthly visits. How do I have to name the internal page? or (with a final 's')? I would think that by naming the URL, the search engine would consider that page for the keywords "shoe" and "shoes", but I am not sure about it. Should I create a URL that only focuses on one specific keyword ("shoe", in this example) or a URL that may encompass more than one keyword ("shoe" and "shoes")? I hope this is clear. Thank you for your time and help. All best, Sal

    | salvyy

  • When optimising a regional same language micro site within a sub folder of a .com it dawned on me that our use of the hreflang and canonical meta elements will render individual elements such as H1 and title obsolete. As a canonical tag takes the canonical source title and meta right? It would still have value in optimising localised headings though? Appreciate any thoughts, suggestions (o:

    | 3wh

  • Hi everyone I know what you are thinking but I am being serious. Would you use images inside H1 tags? Personally I don't see the benefit having an image included within the H1 tags but when looking at the Apple website today they actually did this. On they have two H1 tags within the same page. One for an image on top and one for text midway on the page. **The image tag is ** Picking up where amazing left off. **The text tag is ** **Siri. The intelligent assistant that helps you get things done. All you have to do is ask.** Having two H1 tags in on the same page does not make sense at all and is against SEO best practices but including an image in the H1 tags ? Does anyone know any benefits of doing this? Thanks in advance for all your help.

    | DRTBA

  • Hi, I'm new to SeoMoz and to this forum. I've started a new campaign on my site and got back loads of error. Most of them are Duplicate page content and Duplicate page title errors. I know I have some duplicate titles but I don't have any duplicate content. I'm not a web developer and not so expert but I have the impression that the crawler is following all my internal links (Infact I have also plenty of warnings saying "Too many on-page links". Do you think this is the cause of my errors? Should I implement the nofollow on all internal links? I'm working with Joomla. Thanks a lot for your help Marco

    | marcodublin

  • Hi! This follows on from my last question. I'm trying to improve the page load speed for Currently, Google rate the page speed of the GZ site at 91/100 – with the javascript being the only place where points are being deducated. The only problem is, the JS relates to the trustpilot widget, and social links at the bottom of the page – neither of which work when they are deferred. Normally, we would add the defer attribute to the script tags, but by doing so it waits until the page is fully loaded before executing the scripts. As both the js I mentioned (reviews and buttons) use the document.Write command, adding this would write the code off the page and out of placement from where they should be. Anyone have any ideas?

    | neooptic

  • I've developed very simple HTML sitemap on Vista Stores. Today, I was checking Magento extensions and come to know about such a great extension. That will help me to create such a large HTML sitemap on my website similar to following one. Which is best structure for HTML sitemap & Which are benefits to develop big HTML sitemap with all pages?

    | CommercePundit

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