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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have a soft 404 problem in webmaster tools for and I'm not sure why. I read on here that if it is a main content page it should be fixed but I don't know how. I've tried to 301 redirect the page to but the redirect doesn't appear to be working? how do I fix this?

    | SamCUK

  • I've been working on for a while, and we moved on to a SEO-friendly platform in November last year. Rankings have stabilised after dropping heavily on the old platform, but they haven't improved inline with the amount of link building we've done. Does anybody have any ideas for tricks that we could have missed? Any advice would be much apptreciated.

    | neooptic

  • Hi everyone, I have been building links to a site for a while now and we're struggling to get page 1 results for their desired keywords. We're wondering if a web development / URL structure issue could be to blame in what's holding it back. The way the site's been built means that there's a 'false' 1st-level in the URL structure. We're building deeplinks to the following page: However, if you chop off the 2nd-level, you're not given a category page, it's a 404: - [Brings up a 404] I'm assuming the web developer built the site and URL structure this way just for the purposes of getting additional keywords in the URL. What's worse is that there is very little consistency across other products/services. Other pages/URLs include: I'm wondering if Google is aware of these 'false' pages* and if so, if we should advise the client to change the URLs and therefore the URL structure of the website. This is bearing in mind that these pages haven't been linked to (because they don't exist) and therefore aren't being indexed by Google. I'm just wondering if Google can determine good/bad URL etiquette based on other parts of the URL, i.e. the fact that that middle bit doesn't exist. As a matter of fact, my colleague Steve asked this question on a blog post that Dr. Pete had written. Here's a link to Steve's comment - there are 2 replies below, one of which argues that this has no implication whatsoever. However, 5 months on, it's still an issue for us so it has me wondering... Many thanks!

    | Gmorgan

  • Hello folks, We have been using Press Releases to promote our clients business for a couple of years and we have seen great results in referral traffic and SEO wise. Recently one of our clients requested us to publish the PR on their website as well as blast it out using PRWeb and Marketwire. I think that this is not going to be a duplicate content issue for our client's website since I believe that Google can recognize which content has been published first, but I will be more than happy to get some of the Moz community opinions. Thank you

    | Aviatech

  • Ive searched the previous Q&A's & cant find an answer so I;ll ask it here 🙂 crawling my site shows isnt the 301 redirect that i have from my non www to my www domainIts only showing all the results for my www subdomain.As i'm new to SEO & SeoMoz I dont fully understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated because my site is like 2 & a half years old & i'm trying to learn seo so I can rank higher in the serp's. Thanks

    | PCTechGuy2012

  • Can someone explain how this works and how necessary is it? For example, I have a new client, who is ranking WITHOUT the www in their domain, but they have a good deal of backlinks already that have www in it. When I set up google webmaster tools I made 2, one for WWW and one for WITHOUT and there are diffenet numbers of backlinks for each. I have no idea what do about this or if I should even do anything. Thanks

    | TheGrid

  • Has anyone ever logged in to Google Webmaster tools and seen a message about them seeing unnatural links (as a warning) Our homepage lost all its rankings. I will submit a reconsideration request. We don't engage in link buying practices (some directories, thats all.) Any feedback, please? Thanks

    | PaulDylan

  • We have a client that we run campaign sites for. They have asked us to turn off our PPC and SEO in the short term so they can run some tests. PPC no problem straight forward action, but not as straight forward to just turn off SEO. Our campaign site is on Page 1, Position 4, 3 places below our clients site. They have asked us to effectively disappear from the landscape for a period of 1-2 months. Has anyone encountered this before, the ability to delist good SERP for a period of time? Details: Very small site with only 17 pages indexed within google, but home page has good SERP result. My issues are, How to approach this in the most effective manor? Once the delisting process is activated and the site/page disappears, then we reverse the process will we get back to where we were? Anyone encountered this before? I realise this is a ridiculous question and goes against SEO logic, get to page 1 results only to remove it, but hey, clients are always presenting new challenges for us to address..... Thanks

    | Jellyfish-Agency

  • Why do URL with .html or index.php at the end are annoying to the search engine? I heard it can create some duplicate content but I have no idea why? Could someone explain me why is that so? Thank you

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi all, I am aware that overly-dynamic URLs hurt a website's SEO potential and I want to fix mine. At present they look like this: What do I need to do to fix them please... do I add some code to the htaccess file? Many thanks, much apreciated. Paul.

    | Paul53

  • On SEOmoz I am getting duplicate errors for my onsite report. Unfortunately it does not specify what that content is... We are getting these errors for our photo gallery and i am assuming that the reason is some of the photos are listed in multiple categories. Can this be the problem? what else can it be? how can we resolve these issues?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hello, I wonder if anyone can point us in the right direction. Our main domain name has got a good SEO profile the domain is 12 years old and we have some good reputable links. On the 7th of Jan our website dropped in the rankings from 3rd to 10th for one of our main keywords and from then onwards some of our other keywords have dropped. We have a lot of landing pages that target specific keywords which look like a template page but just with the content changed. Can anyone pin point what could of caused this problem or has anyone experienced this before and knows how to fix it. I personally think we have been hit by the panda. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi, we updated corporate site to new design,but for migration test we do it on our canadian site. In few day we migrated In this time google indexed contents, and now looks like google recognising it as primary site, and show it higher in search results. for example: hard drive data recovery Can 301 redirect .ca-> .com to resolve problem?

    | markgray

  • Hi all, My client She sells baby and toddler clothing. Now a lot of the links on her site contain the same products. For instance: if you go to "What's new" you can find those same products in let's say her "Sale Items" link category. The real problem with this is let's say my client sells a green dress and someone accesses it through the "baby and toddler dresses" category. And let's say this URL has 10 links pointing to it. Now, let's say someone else accesses this same green dress through the "What's new" category. And let's say this particular URL has 10 links pointing to it. Instead of having 20 links pointing to one URL about the green dress, I now have 10 links pointing to one URL and 10 pointing to another URL even though both URLs feature the exact same green dress. In this particular example I would want to make the URL of the green dress in the "baby and toddler clothing" section be the canonical URL. So that means I would have to use this canonical tag on the green dress URL that's in the "what's new" category and let's say also the "sale items" category. This could get very tedious if my client has 200+ products. So I am wondering if I have to place a canonical tag on every URL that displays the green dress? More importantly, I would like to know other people's strategies for indexing e-commerce sites that have the same product featured in multiple categories throughout the site. I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your time.

    | jenga11

  • I have a reasonably high authority home page and have decided to optimise the home page to target a competitive keyword that previously had a specific page that was optimised on an internal page of my site that I have spent time building links to. The internal page has over 200 links to it so should I 301 redirect this internal page to the home page. Will that increase the auhority of the home page further? Or should I keep the internal page as a 'secondary' page for that keyword?. If I do have two pages don't I risk confusing google?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, there is a way to create a "bridge page" with automatic url redirect ( 302 ) without google penalization? In this moment, my bridge pages are indexed on google with title and description of the redirected page.. Thanks in advance. Mauro.

    | raulo79

  • I'm getting duplicate content warnings for my site because the same pages are getting crawled twice? Once with and once with I'm assuming this is a .htaccess problem so I'll post what mine looks like. I think installing WordPress in the root domain changed some of the settings I had before. My main site is primarily in HTML with a blog at BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress

    | thirdseo

  • I'm having a hard time redirecting to The crawl report shows both versions as duplicate content. Here is my htaccess: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    #Rewrite bare to www
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule ^(([^/]+/)*)index.php$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [NC,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^.localhost$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,L] I added the last 2 lines after seeing a Q&A here, but I don't think it has helped.

    | cgman

  • I have a few high pr blogs all setup on different ip addresses.  Should I optimize these blogs for my chosen keywords I want to use as backlinks to my "money site". In other words if my keyword is "ice cream" and im sending links back to my money site with the anchor text "ice cream" and ice cream type keywords...wouldnt it be logical to make that blog optimized for ice cream as well?  My thought is that google will find these links even more powerful if they come from a website that already appears to be ice cream related. i want some ice cream now

    | dcstover1

  • Is there any merit to the statement that Google will give some SEO value to sites that display Adsense? Or is there absolutely no SEO value for or against a site that displays Adsense Ads? Clearly, it would benefit Google's finance to give at least a small boost to sites that display Adsense, but do they do it? My guess is no, but I'm wondering ...

    | applesofgold

  • I added footer links to my site some months ago as I figured that any authority my home page had would be distributed to several of my other most important pages on my site helping them to rank. Would I be better to remove them and would that improve the authority of my home page as less 'link juice' is being distributed. I did originally set up a page per keyword on my site and start building links to each one but as my home page has a good authority I am going to target several keywords on my home page instead as I have some way to go to improve the authority of my other important pages and think this would be a better solution. It would reduce the number of links I have per page however I did see Matt Cutts say that the no more than 100 links per page rule doesn't apply any more. Do footer links add any SEo value?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi Apologies beforehand for any minor forum transgressions - this is my first post. I'm redesigning my blog and I have a question re static homepage content. It used to be common practice in the online gambling sector (and possibly others) to have a block of 'SEO copy' at the footer of the homepage. To 'trick Google' into thinking it was directly underneath the header, web devs would use javascript to instruct the html to load the div with the SEO copy first. The logic was that this allowed for the prime real estate of the page to be used for conversion and sales, while still having a block of relevant copy to tell the spiders what the page was about, and to provide deep links into the site. I attended a seminar just over a year ago at which some notable SEOs said that Google had probably worked this one out but it was impossible to tell. However, I've recently noticed that Everest Poker has what I think is the code commented out, and on PokerStars I can't find it at all (even in the includes). I would be happy to post the Everest code but, while I've read the etiquette, I'm not 100% whether this is allowed. So my question is... for the blog I'm redesigning, do I still need to follow this practice? I would prefer search engines saw some static intro text describing the site, rather than the blog posts, the excerpts of which will probably be canonicalized to the actual post pages to avoid duplication issues. But I would prefer this static content to appear below the fold. What is current best practice here? Alex

    | alextanner

  • My home page has a domain authority of 42 and page authority of 52. However I have set up other pages on the site to optimise for one keyword per page as I thought this was best practice. For example targets 'wedding band' but this has a page authority of 24 way below my competitors. Having used the keyword difficulty tool on here it appears that is why I am struggling to rank highly (number 9). This is the same problem for several of my main keywords. I am building links to this and other pages in order to increase their authority and eventually rank highly but am I not better off optimising my home page that already has a good page authority and would probably out rank my competitors? Or am I missing something?

    | SamCUK

  • Best to illustrate with an example: the term "do girls like chest hair?" has a volume of 210 for exact match, 390 for broad. The term "do girls like hairy guys?" on the other hand, has an exact match volume of 73, but a BROAD match of 8,100. Assuming either is a suitable title for a piece of content and all other things being equal, which page title should I use? As a sort of follow-on, when should one care for broad over exact match?

    | corp0803

  • Sorry if this has been discussed couldn't find a post about it. Was wondering the potential link value of a rotating banner link. Situation 1: A site that wants $50/CPM.  Those impressions are random throughout the month and can be on any page within the site. Situation 2: A sidebar banner ad that rotates with other banners. Will these links be recognized and is there link value? Thanks

    | Earthsaver

  • I'm channeling 1000's of links through another url with a 301 redirect.  I've thought this through and can't see any downside to doing this, but I want to get your opinion. Can you see any downside to doing this? With regards to passing anchor text, PR, PA, etc? Since this is done with sites all the time when they change urls, I can't see Google being able to penalize me for this....can you? What do you think?

    | Brian-M

  • Is Google webmaster Tools data completely inaccurate, or am I just missing something? I noticed a recent surge in 404 errors detected 3 days ago (3/6/11) from pages that have not existed since November 2011. They are links to tag and author archives from pages initially indexed in August 2011. We switched to a new site in December 2011 and created 301 redirects from categories that no longer exist, to new categories. I am a little perplexed since the Google sitemap test shows no 404 errors, neither does SEO MOZ Crawl test, yet under GWT site diagnostics, these errors, all 125 of them, just showed up. Any thought/insights? We've worked hard to ensure a smooth site migration and now we are concerned. -Jason

    | jimmyjohnson

  • Hi, Does anyone know of an API/scraper that would allow you to get the top N Google search results for a given query? Ideally the results would be "neutral" (no personalization, no localization, etc.) Thanks!

    | anthematic

  • Just reviewed a blog integrated with my website, and have noticed duplicate content - the blog homepage includes blogpost summaries (not a major issue as now set up so only put in opening paragraphy then anchor text to full blog post). Then that's a full blog blog post if you click for more - then that's carbon copied over in the archive. So one near exact duplicate. Is this something worth taking action on with nocrawl tags, etc., on archive duplicates of blog posts, or shouldn't I be to hung-up on this? I'm a scientist by training, so tend to go further and further once I get going...

    | McTaggart

  • We subscribe to a product feed and have been very pleased with the results. However, one of the unanticipated results is a trending increase in our site bounce rate. Should we be concerned about this 3-10% increase in bounce rate trend. It may go higher. Of all the factors that can contribute to bounce rate, one of the factors is that we have a lot of products on the site that cannot be shipped out of state or shipped at all. These products can only be delivered in-state or picked up at our store. The Analytics data suggests that feed products typically have a higher bounce rate, lower ctr, lower time on page, lower time on site etc. than products found by other means. However, the product feed generates sales. Should I take these products off the feed that have a high bounce rate and are not "shipable"? Although they may land on feed product, they may click through to a shipable product. Our feed provider says of the bounce rate is typically not something a lot of other merchants worry about. I'm not certain, but I'm inclined to disagree. What are your thoughts and experiences with this? Thanks for the help.

    | AWCthreads

  • I've been digging my teeth into SEO for a solid 1.5 weeks or so now and I've learned a tremendous amount.  However, I realize I have only scratched the surface still. One of the hardest things I've struggled with is the sheer amount of information and feeling overwhelmed.  I finally think I've found a decent path.  Please critique and offer input, it would be much appreciated. Step One:  Site Architecture I run an online proofreading & editing service.  That being said, there are lots of different segment we would eventually like to rank for other than the catch-all phrases like 'proofreading service'.  For example, 'essay editing', 'resume editing', 'book editing', or even 'law school personal statement editing'. I feel that my first step is to understand how my site is built to handle this plan now, and into the future.  Right now we simply have the homepage and one segment:  Eventually, we will have a services page that serves almost like a site-map, showing all of our different services and linking to them. Step Two:  Page Anatomy I know it is important to have a well defined anatomy to these services pages.  For example, we've done a decent job with 'above the fold' content, but now understand the importance of putting the same type of care in below the fold. The plan here is to have a section for recent blog posts that pertain to that subject in a section titled "Essay Editing and Essay Writing Tips & Advice", or something to that effect.  Also including some social sharing options, other resources, and an 'about us' section to assist with keyword optimization is in the plan. Step Three:  Page Optimization Once we're done with Step Two, I feel that we'll finally be ready to truly optimize each of our pages.  We've down some of this already, but probably less than 50%.  You can see evidence of this on our essay editing page and proofreading rates page.  So, the goal here is to find the most relevant keywords for each page and optimize for those to the point we have A grades on our on-page optimization reports. Step Four:  Content/Passive Link Building The bones for our content strategy is in place.  We have sharing links on blog posts already in place and a slight social media presence already.  I admit, the blog needs some tightening up, and we can do a lot more on our social channels.  However, I feel we need to start by creating content that our audience is interested in and interacting with them on a consistent basis. I do not feel like I should be chasing link building strategies or guest blog posts at this time.  PLEASE correct me if I'm off base here, but only after reading step five: Step Five:  Active Link Building My bias is to get some solid months of creating content and building a good social media presence where people are obviously interacting with our posts and sharing our content. My reasoning is that it will make it much easier for me to reach out to bloggers for guest posts as we'll be much more reputable after spending time doing step 4.   Is this poor thinking?  Should I try to get some guest blog posts in during step 4 instead? Step Six:  Test, Measure, Refine I'll admit, I have yet to really dive into learning about the different ways to measure our SEO efforts.  Besides being set up with our first campaign as an SEOPro Member and having 100 or so keywords and phrases we're tracking... I'm really not sure what else to do at this point.  However, I feel we'll be able to measure the popularity of each blog post by number of comments, shares, new links, etc. once I reach step 6. Is there something vital I'm missing or have forgotten here?  I'm sorry for the long winded post, but I'm trying to get my thoughts straight before we start cranking on this plan. Thank you so much!

    | TBiz

  • I seen a site linking internally using Caps from the home page to sub pages, the rest of the site links in lower-case. Are there any disadvantages in terms of link juice or duplication for doing this? Example link from homepage: /blah/Doctors.aspx Example link from other internal page: /blah/doctors.aspx The site is on a Windows based server and not Linux. Thanks in advance

    | 3wh

  • I have a micro niche site that performs reasonably well (page 1 at least) for it's main keywords. It is an exact match domain. To save the ongoing maintenance of a site that gets less than 10 visitors a day, I was thinking of redirecting this micro niche site to a bigger site (a niche site that the micro niche fits into, if that makes sense!) Would I lose rankings because of the power that the EMD provided? Would it be better keeping it there for the backlink it provides to the bigger site (although on the same C Class IP)

    | BigMiniMan

  • I have a client that we recently (3 months ago) designed, developed, and launch a new site at a "new" domain.  We set up redirects from the old domain to the new domain and kept an eye on Google Webmaster Tools to make sure the redirects were working properly. Everything was going great, we maintained and improved the rankings for the first 2 months or so. In late January, I started noticing a great deal of 404 errors in Webmaster Tools for URLs from the new site.  None of these URLs were actually on the current site so I asked my client if he had previously used to domain.  It just so happens that he used the domain a while back and none of the URLs were ever redirected or removed from the index.  I've been setting up redirects for all of the 404s appearing in Webmaster tools but we took a pretty decent hit in rankings for February.  Could those errors (72 in total) been partially if not completely responsible for the hit in rankings?  All other factors have been constant so that lead me to believe these errors were the culprits.

    | TheOceanAgency

  • Hi Everyone I like to run this question by the community and get a second opinion on best practices for an issue that I ran into. I got two pages, Page A is the original page and Page B is the page with duplicate content. We already added** ="Page A**" />** to the duplicate content (Page B).** **Here is my question, since Page B is duplicate content and there is a link rel="canonical" added to it, would you put in the time to add meta tags and optimize the title of the page? Thanks in advance for all your help.**

    | DRTBA

  • When I test my web page (which has based content embedded within it) using the Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool, it displays the last image I have defined. I want it to show the first (primary) image. Is there a way I can specify which image to use, or should I only be specifying one image? Thanks.

    | Techboy

  • My site is showing a lot of duplicate content on SEOmoz.  I have discovered it is because the site has a lot of swatches (colors for laminate) within iframes.  Those iframes have all the same content except for the actual swatch image and the title of the swatch. For example, these are two of the links that are showing up with duplicate content: I do want each individual swatch to show up in search results and they currently are if you search for the exact swatch name.  Is the fact that they all have duplicate content affecting my individual rankings and my domain authority?  What can I do about it?  I can't really afford to put unique content on each swatch page so is there another way to get around it? Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Assume this situation for a second... Let's say you place a rel= canonical tag on a page and point to the original/authentic URL. Now, let's say that that original/authentic URL is also populated into your XML sitemap... So, here's my question... Since you can't actually navigate to that original/authentic URL (it still loads with a 200, it's just not actually linkded to from within the site itself), does that create an issue for search engines? Last consideration... The bots can still access those pages via the canonical tag and the XML sitemap, it's just that the user wouldn't be able to access those original/authentic pages in their natural site navigation. Thanks, Rodrigo

    | AlgoFreaks

  • Reverse Proxys - Lost On It's Purpose To Help Seo - read an article on seomoz check link below. When should we use this reverse proxy and is it really worth the trouble at all ? Why create subdomains vs subfolders when organizing different sections of the website ?

    | helpwanted

  • Hi there, Quick question: Does Google parse javascript? I have a html ad which contain the anchor text linking to one of our product pages, however the ad unit are javascript based and from this the code is not visible on page source through the browser. Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • Hi, I just have a quick question. Is it very negative to link to "bad" sites, such as online pharmacies, dating, adult sites, that sort of stuff? How much does linking to a "bad" site negatively affect a "good" site? Thank you.

    | salvyy

  • So... Have a client with a physical pharmacy in the UK, they are looking to branch out and start selling online... Primarily high value 'embarrassing medicines' etc... The have an existing domain that has acted as a brochure site for the past 4 years (thats the domain age) still with low domain authority etc but they've also purchased a keyword match domain which they thought would be better to use... They are fully prepared for a reasonable wait on the organic listings and will head up the project with PPC and Google shopping integration which is known to be successful for other similar online pharmacies... Anyone tackled building an online pharmacy site from the ground up with any advice, specifically on the domain front, there is a trade off between the newly registered keyword match domain and the 4 year old company name match - Its clear with a pharma industry site we need to build trust so need to tick every box on that front...

    | digitalarts

  • I've recently came across one of my competitors who's looking to sell their domain. Now they currently rank higher than my primary site for a few keywords we are targeting. Would it be wise to buy the domain and do a name server change over to my primary domain? Would it even help boost ranks for the keywords they rank higher for? Or will the link juice be minimal? Any thoughts would be great!

    | upick-162391

  • I found something interesting in Google analytic 2 days ago i started getting visitors from a referral source called if I click on it , it say the referral path is /adserver/showinterstitial.php there have been 300+ visitors in last 2 days and before that nothing. the site is pushing my bounce rate up. 3 days ago bounce rate was at around 50%, because of this site the bounce rate went up to over 75% already in 2 days... is this some sort of attack , i don't understand? when i go to it says its yahoo directory? weird

    | raybiswa

  • I am frustrated by a lack of progress for a major keyword I want to rank for.  I have made several pages, optimized with Onpage and even a whole site but I can't seem to get my ratings up. I am hoping somone can take a look at my pages and efforts and offer me some advice... Keyword is "National Currency" One site is devoted to this keyword: NationalCurrencyValues This site is ranked 30th and is down 9... and this page on another site is devoted to the same keyword ranked 26th is:

    | Banknotes

  • Hello, I have an eCommerce website with hundreds of similar products. On some occasions, besides for their measurements they are completely identical. The titles are kept different by using the stock reference and the meta descriptions also use their measurements. However, I'm gettingDuplicate Page Content errors by the MOZ crawler. This is more than understandable since the products are very similar -
    WHAT SHOULD I DO??? I noticed a similar situation in BlueNile (the diamond ecommerce site) - They have numerous almost identical pages, see example: For some reason, they did on each page a canonical to it's self... I wanted to add... It is impossible to add different descriptive texts due to the amount of products and to the rapidness they are sold (each product is unique - similar to the diamonds in the BlueNile example).

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi I have just been informed that I should be using the rel=next / rel=prev markup on my category pages and search results pages that use pagination. How do i add these in?  Is it just the simple case of adding rel=next in the<a href="" for="" item="" in="" the="" pagination?<="" p=""></a> <a href="" for="" item="" in="" the="" pagination?<="" p="">Also does this work if your are using AJAX - on page load it displays the search / category pages then uses AJAX for additional pages so there is no page refresh</a> <a href="" for="" item="" in="" the="" pagination?<="" p="">Many Thanks</a>

    | ocelot

  • I've been asked by a client to optimise a a webpage for a location i.e. London. Turns out that the location is actually a franchise of the main company. When the company launch a new franchise, so far they have simply added a new page to the main site, for example: They have so far done this for 10 or so franchises and task someone with optimising that page for their main keyword + location. I think I know the answer to this, but would like to get a back up / additional info on it in terms of ranking / seo benefits. I am going to suggest the idea of using a subdomain for each location, example: Would this be the correct approach. If you think yes, why? Many thanks,

    | Webrevolve

  • I have domain let say and inside pages of this is ranking very well such as affiliate page, knowledgebase page and other pages, HOWEVER i would like to change my home page and product page to shorter url which and keep those inside page like or as it is - will this pose duplicate content? This is my plan to do it: the home page and product page will be and when people click it will redirect 301 to HOWEVER if someone type or it will redirect to or its product page itself (i want to use 302 instead 301 (ASSUMING if the homapage or product page have manual penalization or anything bad we want to leave it behind and start fresh JUST assume because i read some post that 301 will carry any bad thing to new site too) The reason i do not want to 301 from to is because those many pages is ranking top 3 in GOOGLE ( i worry will lose this ranking since this bringing traffic for us) Is this good idea or bad idea or any better idea or should i try to see the outcome 🙂 - the only concern is from to will pose as duplicate content if i do not use 301 - or can i use google webmaster tools to remove the home page and product page for can we tell google that? PS: (home page and product page will have new revise content and minor design change) but inside page will stay the same design Please give me some advise

    | owen2011

  • Hi everyone, I've read a lot about different techniques to fix duplicate content problems caused by eCommerce faceted navigation (e.g. redundant URL combinations of colors, sizes, etc.). From what I've seen suggested methods include using AJAX or JavaScript to make the links functional for users only and prevent bots from crawling through them. I was wondering if this technique would work instead? If we detect that the user is a robot, instead of displaying a link, we simply display its anchor text. So what would be for a human COLOR < li > < a href = red >red < /a > < /li >
    < li > < a href = blue>blue < /a > < /li > Would be for a robot COLOR < li > red < /li >
    < li > blue < /li > Any reason I shouldn't do this? Thanks! *** edit Another reason to fix this is crawl budget since robots can waste their time going through every possible combination of facet. This is also something I'm looking to fix.

    | anthematic

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