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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi, Does splitting data apart using microformats & Microdata, help Google better understand your content and in turn could be used to increase relevancy? O and does anyone know if it's supported across major browsers.

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, I am currently with a very slow server. Our website takes quite a while to load, FTP is very slow and content changes with Wordpress are slow because even the database connection takes a lot of time. However, my website ranks very well. Traffic has doubled in the last year. Our domain has been registered with this company for over 10 years. I am wondering if changing to a different hosting provider would have an effect on my rankings due to the change in IP.

    | MangoMan16

  • Hi all, I am having some SEO done on my website and I have been asked to tidy up my URLs. They show the word 'brand' or 'item' and an ID number in every one. My developer says that we cannot remove these words as they 'form part of a routing table' for each url. How do I fix these URLs? Many thanks in advance. Paul.

    | Paul53

  • If I had two pages: PageA about Cats PageB about Dogs If PageA had a link rel=canonical to PageB, but the content is different, how would Google resolve this and what would users see if they searched "Cats" or "Dogs?" If PageA 301 redirected to PageB, (no content in PageA since it's 301 redirected), how would Google resolve this and what would users see if they searched "Cats" or "Dogs?"

    | visionnexus

  • Hey guys, I think I got some kind of penalty for my homepage. I was in top5 for my keywords. Then a few days ago, my homepage stopped ranking for anything except searching for my domain name in Google. previously ranked #3 for "widget reviews"
    but now.... is ranking #84 for widget reviews instead. Similarly across all my other keywords, irrelevant, wrong pages are ranking. Did I get some kind of penalty?

    | wearetribe

  • I am working in Magento to build out a large e-commerce site with several thousand products. It's a great platform, but I have run into the issue of what it does to URLs when you put a product into multiple categories. Basically, "a book" in two categories would make two URLs for one product: 1) /books/a-book 2) author-name/a-book So, I need to come up with a solution for this. It seems I have two options: Found this from a Magento SEO article: 'Magento gives you the ability to add the name of categories to path for product URL's. Because Magento doesn't support this functionality very well - it creates duplicate content issues - it is a very good idea to disable this. To do this, go to System => Configuration => Catalog => Search Engine Optimization and set "Use categories path for product URL's to "no".' This would solve the issues and be a quick fix, but I think it's a double edged sword, because then we lose the SEO value of our well named categories being in the URL. Use Canonical tags. To be fair, I'm not even sure this is possible. Even though it is creating different URLs and, thus, poses a risk of "duplicate content" being crawled, there really is only one page on the admin side. So, I can't go to all of the "duplicate" pages and put a canonical tag, because those duplicate pages don't really exist on the back-end. Does that make sense? After typing this out, it seems like the best thing to do probably will be to just turn off categories in the URL from the admin side. However, I'd still love any input from the community on this. Thanks!

    | Marketing.SCG

  • My site in the UK suddenly dropped from page 1 and out of top 50 for all KWs using 'recliner' or a derivative. We are a recliner manufacturer and have gained rank over 15 years, and of course using all white hat tactics. Did Google make an algo update in the Uk last week?

    | KnutDSvendsen

  • Hi Everyone, I have encountered a major issue in one of my clients website(kitchen appliance website). This client has 2 main websites (A & B) linked with each other representing 2 different categories of appliances. We are trying to create some brand pages that this store carries. One brand page has been created and when searching for it on SERP, the results found should be under URL A but it is under URL B. I don't know what is going on? Can someone explain me what happened? Thank you,

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • This is going to be kind of long, simply because there is a background to the domain name that is not typical to anybody in the world really and I'm not sure if its possible that it was penalized or ranked lower because of that or not. Because of that I'm going to include it with the hopes that giving the full picture some nice soul in the world who has more knowledge in this than me see's something or knows something and can point me in the right direction. Our site has been around for a few years, at one point the domain was seized by homeland security ICE, and then they had to give it back in Dec. which sparked a lot of the SOPA PIPA stuff and we became the poster child so to speak. The site had previously been up since 2008, but due to that whole mess the site was down for 13 months on the dreaded seized server with a scary warning graphic and site title which caused quite obviously a bunch of 404 errors and who knows what else damage to anything we'd had before that as far as page rank and incoming links. we had a lot of incoming links from high quality sites.  We were advised  upon getting the domain back to pretty much scrap all the old content that was on the site prior and just start fresh.. which we did. Googlebot started crawling slowly, but then as we started getting back into the swing of things people started linking to us,some with high page rank, we were getting indexed quite frequently and ranking high on search results in our niche.. Then something happened on March 4th, we had arguably our best day with google traffic, we'd been linked back by places like Huff Post etc for content in our niche.. and the next day literally it was a freefall. Darn near nothing. I've attached a screen shot from webmaster tools so you can see how drastic it was. I went crazy, trying to figure out what was wrong, searching obsessively through webmaster tools looking for any indication of a problem, searched the site on google and what comes up is page 2 page 3 page 45 page 46. It's also taken to indexing our category and tag pages and even our search pages. I've now set those all to noindex follow but when I look at where the googlebots are at on the site, they're on the categories, pages, author pages, and tags.  Some of our links are still getting indexed, but doing a search just of our site name and we're ranking below many of the media sites that have written about our legal issues, when a month ago we were at least top result for our own name. I've racked my brain trying to figure out the issue. I've disabled plugins, I'm on fetch as google bot all the time making sure our stuff is at least coming out as 200 (we had 2 days where we were getting 403 errors due to a super-cache issue, but once fixed googlebot returned like it never left)  I've literally watched 1000 videos, read 100 forums, added in SEO plugins, tried to optimize the site to the point I'm worried I'm over doing it.. and still they've barely begun to crawl. As you can see there is some activity in the last 2-3 days, but even submitting a new site map once I changed the theme out of desperation it's only indexed 16. I've looked for errors all through webmaster tools and I can't find anything to tell me why that happened, how to fix it, and how to get googlebot to like us again. I'm pulling my hair out here. The links we have incoming are high quality links like huffington post , spin, complex, etc. Those haven't slowed down at all, we do outgoing links to sites we trust and are high quality as well. I've got interns working on how they're writing titles and such, I've gone through and attempted to fix duplicate pages and titles.. I've been going through and re-writing meta description tags What am I missing? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the issue is. Eternally grateful for any help provided.  jnzb6.png

    | malady

  • Afternoon All,
    We are using Concrete5 as our CMS system, we are due to change but for the moment we have to play with what we have got. Part of the C5 system allows us to attribute our main page into other categories, via a page alaiser add-on. But what it also does is create several url paths and duplicate pages depending on how many times we take the original page and reference it in other categories. We have tried C5 canonical/SEO add-on's but they all seem to fall short. We have tried to address this issue in the most efficient way possible by using the rel=canonical tag. The only issue is the limitations of our cms system. We add the canonical tag to the original page header and this will automatically place this tag on all the duplicate pages and in turn fix the problem of duplicate content. The only problem is the canonical tag is on the original page as well, but it is referencing itself, effectively creating a tagging circle. Does anyone foresee a problem with the canonical tag being on the original page but in turn referencing itself? What we have done is try to simplify our duplicate content issues. We have over 2500 duplicate page issues because of this aliasing add-on and want to automate the canonical tag addition, rather than go to each individual page and manually add this tag, so the original reference page can remain the original. We have implemented this tag on one page at the moment with 9 duplicate pages/url's and are monitoring, but was curious if people had experienced this before or had any thoughts?

    | Jellyfish-Agency

  • Hi folks, I need someone to Skype with me today, on some seo questions, for a multi wordpress set up I`m in middle of developing for franchise local sites. Will pay you $95 for the hour. Thanks Brent Sky pe me:  cyberbrent  (Brent H, Richmond, BC)

    | MenInKilts

  • We have a list of crawled product search pages where pagination on Page 1 is indexed and crawled and page 2 and onward is noindex, noarchive follow as we want the links followed to the Product Pages themselves. (All product Pages have canonicals and unique URLs)  Orr search results will be increasing the sets, and thus Google will have more links to follow on our wesbite although they all will be noindex pages. will this impact our carwl budget and additionally have impact to our rankings? Page 1 - Crawled Indexed and Followed Page 2 onward - Crawled No-index No-Archive  Followed Thoughts? Thanks, Phil G

    | AU-SEO

  • Question is pretty much summed up in the title.  I realize that title text on a specific page can effect the ranking of that page.  But what I'm getting a feeling of lately is that google uses the title text of your homepage to effect the ranking of the site on a whole. Thoughts?

    | adriandg

  • Hi all, Have a client that uses Google Custom Search tool which is crawling, indexing and returning millions of irrelevant results for keywords that are on every page of the site. IT/Web dev. team is considering adding a class attribute to prohibit Google Custom Search from indexing bolierplate content regions. Here's the link to Google's custom search help page: "...If your pages have regions containing boilerplate content that's not relevant to the main content of the page, you can identify it using the nocontent class attribute. When Google Custom Search sees this tag, we'll ignore any keywords it contains and won't take them into account when calculating ranking for your Custom Search engine. (We'll still follow and crawl any links contained in the text marked nocontent.) To use the nocontent class attribute, include the boilerplate content in a tag (for example, span or div) like this: Google Custom Search also notes:"Using nocontent won't impact your site's performance in Google Web Search, or our crawling of your site, in any way. We'll continue to follow any links in tagged content; we just won't use keywords to calculate ranking for your Custom Search engine."Just want to confirm if anyone can forsee any SEO implications the use of this div could create? Anyone have experience with this?Thank you!

    | MRM-McCANN

  • This would be really helpful. I need to do some SEO in Mexico and am looking to work with a good Spanish-speaking SEO but have found the pickings slim. Any recommendations and observations would go far. Thank you.

    | theghost10

  • Hi SEOmoz community, Today, I checked the google webmaster tool of one of my clients, and ithere are 18 403 errors, I was wondering on how to fix those since it is the first time I come across these errors? How can I avoid that in the future? Thank you,

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • SEOmoz Community! I have a relatively complicated SEO issue that has me pretty stumped... First and foremost, I'd appreciate any suggestions that you all may have. I'll be the first to admit that I am not an SEO expert (though I am trying to be). Most of my expertise is with PPC. But that's beside the point. Now, the issues I am having: I have two sites: and A lot of our SEO efforts thus-far have done good for Federal Auto Loan... and we are seeing positive impacts from them. However, we recently did a server transfer (may or may not be related)... and since that time a significant number of INTERNAL duplicate content pages have appeared through the SEOmoz crawler. The number is around 20+ for both Federal Auto Loan and Federal Mortgage Services (see attachments). I've tried to include as much as I can via the attachments. What you will see is all of the content pages (articles) with dupe. content issues along with a screen capture of the articles being listed as duplicate for the pages: Car Financing How It Works A Home Loan is Possible with Bad Credit (Please let me know if you could use more examples) At first I assumed it was simply an issue with SEOmoz... however, I am now worried it is impacting my sites (I wasn't originally because Federal Auto Loan has great quality scores and is climbing in organic presence daily). That being said, we recently launched Federal Mortgage Services for PPC... and my quality scores are relatively poor. In fact, we are not even ranking (scratch that, not even showing that we have content) for "mortgage refinance" even though we have content (unique, good, and original content) specifically around "mortgage refinance" keywords. All things considered, Federal Mortgage Services should be tighter in the SEO department than Federal Auto Loan... but it is clearly not! I could really use some significant help here... Both of our sites have a number of access points: and are both the designated home pages. And I have rel=canonical tags stating such. However, my sites can also be reached via the following: Should I incorporate code that "redirects" traffic as well? Or is it fine with just the relevancy tags? I apologize for such a long post, but I wanted to include as much as possible up-front. If you have any further questions... I'll be happy to include more details. Thank you all in advance for the help! I greatly appreciate it! F7dWJ.png dN9Xk.png dN9Xk.png G62JC.png ABL7x.png 7yG92.png

    | WPColt

  • Hi everybody, I need to modify the .htaccess in order to include a 301 redirect. But I am having some problems with this. I downloaded the file into my computer and then modified it with windows notepad, but when I upload it again to the server it is not working and turns down my website. Even if I do not change anything on it. So I guess there is a problem in the saving process. Any Idea or suggestion? Thanks, G.

    | SilbertAd

  • Do I need to submit a sitemap for a mobile site?  What are the benefits/disadvantages? Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Hi All, While trying to grow we used several freelancers and small companies for guest blogging, article submissions etc. We lost about 90% of traffic from our peek at December. We don't know if it is related but we got the following message last week:
    "Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links to" Is it related (getting this message after two months of losing traffic)? What to do???? (P.S
    We fired most of the companies we used months ago since we noticed they used bad methods. We didn't believe it can hurt us - just thought it would be useless...) Please Help...

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, Some might see this as a very (VERY) basic question but wanted to drill down into it anyway. Onsite content: Lets say you have a service website and attached to it is a blog, the blog gets updated every other day with 500 words of relevant content, containing anchor text links back to a relevant page on the main website. Forget about social signals and natural links being built from the quality content, will adding the content with anchor text links be more beneficial then using that content to generate links through guest blogging? 10 relevant articles onsite with anchor links, or 10 guest posts on other websites? I guess some might say 5 onsite and 5 guest posts.

    | activitysuper

  • Hi I run an e-commerce site and we also sell via eBay. Our eBay feedback is currently around 4000 positive reviews. I know you you can (potentially) display star ratings in the search results using rich snippets - my question is do you think it is acceptable to display your eBay ratings on your website using rich snippets? Regards Tom

    | windowtint

  • Hi I have a Wordpress site using the Wordpress SEO plugin by Yoast. Everything appears to be fine except that on 1 Feb SEOMoz crawl suddenly picked up a bunch of errors. The errors are duplicate page titles, and these exist only for the pages. I can't find any setting in Yoast that looks wrong or tells me how to fix this. The pages are also dynamically canonicalizing to themselves - not sure if this makes any difference although I don't know how this is happening. Does anyone know how to fix this duplicate title error? Alex

    | alextanner

  • Hello, My site is hosted on VPS with dedicate IP. The problem I am facing is my site is indexed and cached by domain, IP address and name server. I am able to open all the pages via and and IP and the name sever like ns1. And if I USE site operator in google for and there are so many pages which is cache and in sites. Is it any server issue my hosting company give me a reply as given below "This is because that site is on the same ip as the nameserver. This is completely correct and normal. This is not an error." Is it true ? can you help me in this issue? Thanks

    | semshah143

  • Hello I run this website, (Norwegian website) I'm working all i can to make it rank, so i wanted to test adwords to see how good the page converted.
    Problem is my page got labeled bridge page. I have read the Google guideline for fixing bridge page and tried to fix what they suggest to make them accept the page, but its not working. I might think there's a underlying problem here, but im not sure how to fix it. I've even seen People from the same niche running adwords campaign with less content on the target page. Last time i tried to recheck if my site would get approved. I ran over the quality score tab. And when it was in pending it showed 10/10 in every aspect. was that just a sample ? I'm realy confused on this one. And im afraid it might be a problem witht the page that can destroy my seo efforts. Anyone have any suggestion or feedback on this one?

    | katal

  • With the lose of buildmyrank and many other services like this on the verge of extension I was looking at building a small blog network of my own for private use. Adsense and also 3 way linking. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this? I know this takes a ton of time to build but if anyone who's done something like this and wouldn't mind sharing some of their tips I would greatly appriciate it. Quick Question
    Is it safe to register say 30 domains under the same person? Or would it be wiser to use whois protection to guard the names? Anyone else want to contribute their 2c to this strategy please be my guest.

    | upick-162391

  • I have a new customer and he wants me to clear up the SERP for his branded keyword, the SERP currently has his site and two other sites related to him under his result... Under that is bad reviews and old reports. My client does own the top spot (#1) for his branded name. My client has a: linkedin facebook twitter myspace I was thinking to push all these to the first page, this will clear up some of those bad reviews. What are your thoughts? Have any of you ever had this type of case? I need to get 6 different sites to all rank for the same exact key term, however I have the top spot to link from...

    | SEODinosaur

  • My domain name contains my top two keywords.  Am I penalized if I create another page where I add my domain key words a 2nd time after the domain name along with a subcategory and the name of a state. I don't know what white hat and black hat is so I want to make sure I stay white hat. Also I didn't know it but is it true that your title shows up in your domain name?

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi Is any order for google to track the dofollow blogs? Like intext: for example? Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • Hi, I'm working with a site that has multiple sub domains of entirely duplicate content. So, the production level site that visitors see is (for made-up illustrative example): Then, there are sub domains which are used by different developers to work on their own changes to the production site, before those changes are pushed to production: Google ends up indexing these duplicate sub domains, which is of course not good. If we add a canonical tag to the head section of the production page (and therefor all of the duplicate sub domains) will that cause some kind of problem... having a canonical tag on a page pointing to itself? Is it okay to have a canonical tag on a page pointing to that same page? To complete the example... In this example, where our production page is, our canonical tag on all pages (this page and therefor the duplicate subdomains) would be: Is that going to be okay and fix this without causing some new problem of a canonical tag pointing to the page it's on? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Hi all I am running my site on Wordpress using a slightly modified them from Studiopress on the Genisis frame work.  I am extremely over my head but alas until I get some revenue SEO and Design are all on me.  I do not know HTML or CSS but I do follow directions well (unless you ask my wife). Disclaimer out of the way I have some questions. I would like to change up my menu's to be more on the line of Products | Services | About Us | Contact Us | Blog Listing various direct mail pieces under Products, Sevices and so on and so forth. I wonder does this mean I will have to figure out how to write 301's and other complicated things or can I just make the changes.  I think but might be wrong that this will change the URL's. Any advice before I mess this up would be greatly helpful. My site is If you want a few laughs about the car business read the 2 most recent blog post, anything before that and my writing style is pretty boring. Thanks, Mark Hilger

    | mhilger

  • Hi, My site has several canonical issues that should be fixed. For my Home Page, more links are pointing at (887) than http:// (27). It is recommended that I implement a 301 redirect to recapture a significant amount of link value. The following lists show the most common canonicalization errors that can be produced when using default settings on my web server: Microsoft Internet Information Services 6 (IIS): (or .jsp depending on the version) or any combination with different capitalization. Each of these URLs spreads out the value of backlinks to our homepage. Should I just redirect them to: and add a canonical tag?

    | Melia

  • I have a question about server cache and seo. For example. , the server is in US, and uses China Cache to improve local Chinese users access speed, so what do you think this way will work for search engines spiders too? when a spider is crawlling the website, does the content it crawl on US server or China cache? what's best practice for those kind of SEO on server side? thanks Boson

    | topchinaseo

  • Hi, everybody! We're starting up a local services website in Brazil. Something like or, but obviously different. So we are developing our 2.0 version of the site, and I want do put microdata in every provider's pages, to rank people's evaluation about this particular provider, and geographic information about him. Ok, we want to use microdata in several pages, but those are more important: the providers. These data (geo and rank) will be dynamically generated from our database. In, I only found information about using static data to build microdata for my intentions. My doubt is: does google and bing and yahoo and etc index dynamic generated data? Is there something about sitemaps.xml or robots.txt that I can do to have my data indexed on search engines? Our front-end is the guy who deal with html and our codemaster uses pure php for coding. Thanks!

    | ivan.precisodisso

  • I've got a blog that has a good follower count, moz score, twitter fan base and PR offer to let me do a guest post, as long as the approve it. Is it better to do that vs. a Lens on Squidoo? I'm thinking the blog post would be best but Squidoo has huge domain authority. Would that get the content out there more and hopefully get others to link to it? And yes I know I should be writing something for both. I probably will but let's just pretend I'm not going to. I'm like everyone else, too little time and too much to do.

    | JAARON

  • Hey guys, My company acquired another company, and after a couple of months we decided to completely kill their website. I'm not finding any info about  SEO best practices for this type of situation. From the "switching domains" and "new sites" articles and blog posts I can extrapolate that I should: 301 redirect their home page to ours Look at specific pages with good authority that relate to our pages and 301 them. Look at the strongest backlinks to their site and try to change them to point to our site. Create a 404 page for the rest of their webpages that tells them that we acquired the company (hopefully with a main menu and search bar) Any other suggestions?

    | nrv

  • If you had 1 blog with good mozbar stats but hosted in the US and another with lets say 75% of the mozbar stats of the first but hosted in the UK, and your website is hosted in the UK which one would benefit SEO the most?

    | activitysuper

  • OK, bit of an odd one. The SEOmoz crawler has flagged the following pages up as duplicate content. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?$9zone-guide-to-winter-insulation$9-2nd-july-2011$9zone-guide-to-nordic-walking-poles

    | neooptic

  • Hi, My company sells a SAAS B-to-B product. The measure of success for most of our marketing channels is how many people sign up for a free 30-day trial of our product. We are about to launch new learning centers without about 20 new pieces of content. The primary goal of this new content is to attract more organic search volume, which in turn should give us more sign ups. My CEO would like me to put our sign up form directly on all these pages to encourage sign ups. If we put our sign up form directly on each of these pages, will search engines ding us? Does Google etc. see form fields and view that as bad? Our other option is, instead of including the form directly on the pages, to include an 'ad' space on the pages with a link that takes people to our actually sign up page that includes the form. The other part of my question is around the placement of the form or ad unit. Will any SEO issues be mitigated by ensuring we have real content displayed in the code before the form? Visually, in this case, it would be on the right side instead of the left. In general, can you comment on the importance placement for a form or ad unit compared to the meaty part of the content? Thanks!

    | mindflash

  • Any input on which Joomla plugins could help us to facilitate the SEO on a client's site? Wordpress has some simple all-in-ones but we're not as familiar with Joomla and it doesn't look like that's the case. Thanks!

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • I am trying to figure out the best way to garner the most amount of link value. We have an app that lives on a sub-domain ... For the purposes of this question, let's call it  We provide a service with this app that requires clients (with very high ranking websites) to link into app located on the sub-domain. Would I garner more authority if had the high ranking client website link into a url that wasn't a sub-domain and redirect it using a 302? For example:  What if I created a 302 that was and have it redirected to the sub-domain version of Additionally am I correct to assume that a 301 would merely pass that value to the sub domain and NOT provide much value to the root?

    | NextGenEDU

  • The title tag for this page is the following: "Best Mothers Day Gifts, Unique Mothers Day Gift Ideas | UncommonGoods" However, when you search Mothers Day Gifts UncommonGoods the title tags show up differently. What's up with this? Can I fix it? Is it a problem?

    | znotes

  • I am wondering about the efficiency of the rel=alternate tag and how well it works at specifically localizing content. Example: I have a website on a few ccTLD's but for some reason my .com shows up on before my version of my page.  Some people have mentioned using rel=alternate but in my research this only seems to be applicable for duplicate content in another language.  If I am wrong here can somebody please help me better understand this application of the rel=alternate tag.  All my research leads me to rel=alternate hreflang= and I am not sure that is what I want. Thanks,
    Chris Birkholm

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hello, we are having quite a big amount of content on internal pages which can only be accessed as a registered member. What are the different options the get this content indexed by Google? In certain cases we might be able to show a preview to visitors. In other cases this is not possible for legal reasons. Somebody told me that there is an option to send the content of pages directly to google for indexation. Unfortunately he couldn't give me more details. I only know that this possible for URLs (sitemap). Is there really a possibility to do this for the entire content of a page without giving google access to crawl this page? Thanks Ben

    | guitarslinger

  • I currently own the domain and I also own the variant some of the keywords I am targeting will have UK in them. My thoughts are that a may help improve rankings on and click through + have a keyword match in the home page URL. **Do you guys think it's worth swapping to the domain from .com? ** Thanks in advance 🙂 Keith

    | SEOKeith

  • Hi All, I have been working on a car  insurance site which targets US market. we have been doing all types of links to the site like - good related directory links, related blogpost and reviews. the site is updated daily with a fresh unique content. what more is needed to get it to the first page. we are currently ranking in the range of 40 - 50 on the page 4 or page 5. we have also recently done a redesign with a new cms, done a good press release but not seeing much of changes. please if anyone in the same industry or with some experience can suggest us. we are using all white hat seo & I can understand the amount of competition in this niche. Thanks

    | Markyseo

  • Hi, I'm not sure what the best thing to do here is. I've got quite a few duplicate page errors in my campaign. I must admit the pages were originally built just to rank a keyword variation. e.g. Main page keyword is [Widget in City] the "duplicate" page is [Black Widget in City] I guess the normal route to deal with duplicate pages is to add a canonical tag and do a 304 redirect yea? Well these pages have some page Authority and are ranking quite well for their exact keywords, what do I do?

    | SpecialCase

  • Are directory submissions and Classified Submissions still a good way to create backlinks? Or they are obsolete methods and should be discontinued?

    | KS__

  • I just helped a client redesign and launch a new website for their organic skin care company ( The site is built in Magento which by default creates MANY urls for each product. Which of these two do you think would be the best to use as the canonical version? 
    or ? I'm leaning on the latter, because it makes sense to me to have the breadcrumbs match the url string, and also it seems having more keywords in the url would help. However, it's obviously a very long url, and there might be some benefits to using the shorter version that I'm not aware of. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts. Best, Daniel

    | danielmoss

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